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2018 for the individual papers
by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
Towards Conscious AI Systems
Papers of the 2019 Towards Conscious AI Systems Symposium
co-located with the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 2019 Spring Symposium Series (AAAI SSS-19)
Stanford, CA, March 25-27, 2019.
Edited by
University of Palermo, Department of Engineering, Palermo, Italy,
ICAR-CNR, Palermo, Italy
Middlesex University,
Computer Science Department, London, UK
SRI International,
Computer Science Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA, USA
IULM University,
Department of Business, Law, Economics and Consumer Behaviour, Milan, Italy
Table of Contents
Short and Position Papers
Disorders of Artificial Awareness
Thomas Parr,
Danijar Hafner,
Karl J. Friston
Testing for Synthetic Consciousness: The ACT, The Chip Test, The Unintegrated Chip Test, and the Extended Chip Test
Edwin Turner,
Susan Schneider
Homeostatically Motivated Intelligence for Feeling Machines
Kingson Man,
Antonio Damasio
Artificial Agency Requires Attention: The Case of Intentional Action
Paul Bello,
Kevin O'Neill,
Will Bridewell
Introspective Learning, Reasoning, and Decision Making in NARS
Pei Wang,
Xiang Li,
Patrick Hammer
To Play with Feeling? The Opportunity of Aesthetics in Computational Musical Creativity
Geraint A. Wiggins
Dissociating Intelligence from Consciousness in Artificial Systems – Implications of Integrated Information Theory
Graham Findlay,
William Marshall,
Larissa Albantakis,
William Mayner,
Christof Koch,
Giulio Tononi
Towards Information-Theoretic Limits of the Global Neuronal Workspace Architecture
Lav R. Varshney
Towards Artificial Phronesis: Some Potential First Steps Along the Road to Moral Agency Using Case Studies
John Murray
Regular Papers
Evolution of Conscious AI in the Hive: Outline of a Rationale and Framework for Study
David Sahner
Dynamical Emergence of Phenomenal Consciousness: an Outline of a Theory
Roy Moyal,
Shimon Edelman
AI Consciousness
Piotr Bołtuć
Consciousness as Observed Capability - A Triggered Perception Detectable in Behavior
Jean E. Tardy
Consciousness and Conscious Machines: What’s At Stake?
Damien Patrick Williams
Four Preconditions for Solving MC4 Machine Consciousness
David Gamez
Self-Awareness Implied in Human and Robot Intentional Action
Cristiano Castelfranchi,
Rino Falcone
A Neurobiologically Inspired Plan Towards Cognitive Machines
Jeffrey L. Krichmar
No Brainer: Why Consciousness is Neither a Necessary nor Sufficient Condition for AI Ethics
David J. Gunkel
To Build Conscious Machines, Focus on General Intelligence: A Framework for the Assessment of Consciousness in Biological and Artificial Systems
Henry Shevlin
The Role of Consciousness and Artificial Phronēsis in AI Ethical Reasoning
John P. Sullins
Accounting for the Minimal Self and the Narrative Self: Robotics Experiments Using Predictive Coding
Jun Tani
Why Artificial Consciousness Matters
Matthew Crosby
Inner Speech for a Self-Conscious Robot
Arianna Pipitone,
Francesco Lanza,
Valeria Seidita,
Antonio Chella
Grounding Concepts as Emerging Clusters in Multiple Conceptual Spaces
Roberto Pirrone,
Antonio Chella
A Physicalist Causally Oriented Foundation For a Conscious Machine Based on the Spread Mind
Riccardo Manzotti
A Conscious AI System Based on Recurrent Neural Networks Applying Dynamic Information Equilibrium
Yasuo Kinouchi,
Kenneth James Mackin,
Pitoyo Hartono
Conscious Enactive Computation
Daniel Estrada
Artificial Pain: Empathy, Morality, and Ethics as a Developmental Process of Consciousness
Minoru Asada
Using Tononi Phi to Measure Consciousness of a Cognitive System While Reading and Conversing
Matthew Iklé,
Ben Goertzel,
Misgana Bayetta,
George Sellman,
Comfort Cover,
Jennifer Allgeier,
Robert Smith,
Morris Sowards,
Dylan Schuldberg,
Man Hin Leung,
Amen Belayneh,
Gina Smith,
David Hanson
Grounded Metacognitive Architectures For Machine Consciousness
Ron Chrisley
Operationalizing Consciousness
Don Perlis,
Justin Brody
Consciousness and Understanding in Autonomous Systems
Ricardo Sanz,
Julita Bermejo-Alonso
Artificial Phenomenology for Human-Level Artificial Intelligence
Lorijn Zaadnoordijk,
Tarek R. Besold
Arousal and Awareness in a Humanoid Robot
Christian Balkenius,
Trond A. Tjøstheim,
Birger Johansson
Introducing Λ for Measuring Cognitive Consciousness
Selmer Bringsjord,
Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu
Towards a Computable & Harnessable Model of Consciousness
Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu,
Selmer Bringsjord
Can a Virtual Entity Support Real Consciousness, and How Might This Lead to Conscious Robots?
Owen Holland
Phenomenal Experience and the Perceptual Binding State
Joscha Bach
Inferring and Conveying Intentionality: Beyond Numerical Rewards to Logical Intentions
Susmit Jha,
John Rushby
Reconsidering the “Artificial,” the “Intelligent,” and the “Conscious” in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Consciousness through American Pragmatism
Johnathan Charles Flowers
Time and (Un)conscious Processes - Predictive Anticipatory Activity and Potential Applications
Julia Mossbridge
Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) Theory of Consciousness as Implemented in the ICOM Cognitive Architecture and the Associated Consciousness Measures
David J. Kelley,
Mathew A. Twymon
Strong and Weak AI: Deweyan Considerations
Johnathan Charles Flowers
A Collective Intelligence Research Platform for Cultivating Benevolent “Seed” Artificial Intelligences
Mark R. Waser
2018-12-20: submitted by Antonio Chella,
metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2018-12-22: published on CEUR-WS.org
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