Books by Anibal Perez-Linan
Page 1. POSTData 14, 243 JUICIO POLÍTICO AL PRESIDENTE Y NUEVA INESTABILIDAD POLÍTICA EN AMÉRICA ... more Page 1. POSTData 14, 243 JUICIO POLÍTICO AL PRESIDENTE Y NUEVA INESTABILIDAD POLÍTICA EN AMÉRICA LATINA Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Buenos Aires, 2009, 383 páginas. La estabilización ...
Papers by Anibal Perez-Linan
Cambridge University Press eBooks, Jan 17, 2011
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
We identify and evaluate a legal instrument hitherto ignored in analyses of the Inter-American Hu... more We identify and evaluate a legal instrument hitherto ignored in analyses of the Inter-American Human Rights System: compliance agreements. These agreements emerged as a tool to negotiate the implementation of recommendations made by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights once the Commission has found states responsible for human rights violations. In the first part of the paper, we document the emergence of this legal instrument and its novel role in the system. In the second part, we provide statistical evidence from event-history and difference-in-differences models showing that agreements increase the probability of compliance and cut the expected time to compliance by half. Agreements thus contribute to a potential solution for the perceived crisis of compliance in the Inter-American Human Rights System.
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2020
Why do legislators introduce impeachment resolutions against the president, even though most of t... more Why do legislators introduce impeachment resolutions against the president, even though most of these resolutions never succeed? We explore two possible answers to this puzzle, which are linked to the legislative functions of oversight and representation. First, legislators initiate impeachment procedures to expose (real or alleged) presidential misdeeds, an action that may weaken the president’s approval rates, even if an impeachment process remains unlikely. Second, legislators introduce impeachment resolutions to express their constituents’ outrage in the context of corruption scandals or poor economic performance—that is, in response to an exogenous decline in presidential approval. To test these hypotheses, we analyze 274 impeachment resolutions introduced against the presidents of Argentina and Brazil since the transition to democracy. We estimate models predicting presidential approval and impeachment resolutions using time‐series and simultaneous equations estimators. Our re...
Perspectivas Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2017
Los institucionalistas han identificado un patrón de "reemplazo en serie", distintivo p... more Los institucionalistas han identificado un patrón de "reemplazo en serie", distintivo para los países de América Latina, en los cuales el cambio institucional se ha vuelto frecuente y radical. Los patrones de reemplazo en serie son la base de las conocidas “trampas" de la des-institucionalización: los golpes militares generan más golpes, los quiebres democráticos hacen que los colapsos de la democracia sean más probables, los reemplazos constitucionales fomentan la adopción de nuevas constituciones, los conflictos entre los distintos poderes de gobierno fomentan mayores conflictos, etc. En este trabajo desarrollamos una “teoría del reemplazo en serie” y la aplicamos para explicar los ciclos de recambio de los jueces en las cortes para 18 países latinoamericanos. Usando una nueva base de datos que incluye más de 3,000 jueces de las Cortes Supremas y Tribunales Constitucionales entre 1900 y 2010,mostramos que los intentos políticos de reorganizar las Cortes Supremas y T...
espanol?Bajo que condiciones la opinion publica respalda un juicio politico contra el presidente ... more espanol?Bajo que condiciones la opinion publica respalda un juicio politico contra el presidente (presidenta) y bajo que condiciones le ofrece un escudo popular? La probabilidad de que los ciudadanos respalden al Ejecutivo no depende solamente de la popularidad del gobierno, sino tambien de la cultura legal prevalente en un contexto historico dado. La creencia de que el Poder Ejecutivo puede operar por encima de la ley si lo hace en beneficio de los ciudadanos promueve el surgimiento de actitudes publicas en defensa del presidente. Una encuesta realizada en Ecuador en 2012 permite verificar esta hipotesis utilizando analisis de regresion logistica y de pareamiento por puntajes de propension. EnglishUnder what conditions does public opinion support the president’s impeachment and under what conditions does it create a popular shield to protect the executive? The probability that citizens will support the executive depends not only on presidential approval, but also on the legal cultu...
espanolEste articulo evalua la situacion de la democracia en America Latina a mediados de la prim... more espanolEste articulo evalua la situacion de la democracia en America Latina a mediados de la primera decada del siglo XXI. Si bien no es posible hablar de una erosion generalizada de la democracia en la region, existen algunas tendencias que constituyen fuentes de preocupacion para las fuerzas democraticas. Nuestro analisis identifica cuatro trayectorias: casos de erosion democratica (Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras y Nicaragua), situaciones de estancamiento (Colombia, Guatemala, Haiti y Paraguay), democracias estables pero defectuosas (Brasil, Mexico, Argentina y Peru) y regimenes que, a pesar de sus indudables problemas, pueden sin embargo considerarse como de alta calidad (Chile, Costa Rica y Uruguay). El ensayo concluye identificando cuatro factores que permitirian explicar estas trayectorias divergentes: el nivel de desarrollo, la capacidad estatal, la institucionalizacion de los partidos, y la naturaleza del liderazgo politico EnglishThis essay assesses the situation of ...
La democracia liberal es el unico sistema de gobierno que ha emergido del convulsionado siglo XX ... more La democracia liberal es el unico sistema de gobierno que ha emergido del convulsionado siglo XX con legitimidad global. Sin embargo, sus principios fundacionales se encuentran hoy bajo ataque en las democracias industrializadas. ?Como explicar este fenomeno? Un nuevo contexto global, caracterizado por la relocalizacion de la produccion industrial, impulsa a los votantes a respaldar liderazgos crecientemente radicalizados. La experiencia latinoamericana sugiere que estos gobiernos intransigentes erosionan los derechos politicos y las libertades civiles de sus adversarios. Los intentos por renovar la democracia a menudo conducen, inesperadamente, a veladas formas de poder autocratico.
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 2018
The age of military coups has ended, but democracy still confronts major challenges in the early ... more The age of military coups has ended, but democracy still confronts major challenges in the early twenty-first century. What are the new threats for democratic survival? Is impeachment a functional equivalent to old-fashioned military coups? Using comparative data for Latin America, this paper shows that the institution of impeachment has been “stretched” for political purposes and that the social conditions that triggered military coups in the pasttrigger impeachments in the contemporary era. However, the paper argues that impeachments should not be confused with coups and presents a surprising result: even though legislators often manipulate the impeachment process to undermine elected presidents, the most common threat to democratic survival does not originate in legislatures, but in the executive branch. Concentration of power by the executive has undermined democracy in Latin Americaand elsewhere.
Perspectives on Politics, 2018
Among the many scholarly attempts to reckon with the causes and consequences of Donald Trump’s ri... more Among the many scholarly attempts to reckon with the causes and consequences of Donald Trump’s rise, few have attracted popular attention on the scale of Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt’s How Democracies Die. Seldom do books by political scientists make it onto the New York Times best sellers list, but this one has, a testament to its broad influence. Levitsky and Ziblatt situate Trumpism within a broader comparative and historical context in order to assess its similarities to and differences from democratic breakdowns elsewhere, particularly in Europe and Latin America. Their broad argument is that modern slides into authoritarianism are not the result of revolutions or military coups, but rather the consequence of a steady erosion of political norms and the assault on such fundamental democratic institutions as an independent judiciary and a free press. In short, contemporary democracies die not as a result of men with guns attacking from outside the system, but rather because...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2017
Books by Anibal Perez-Linan
Papers by Anibal Perez-Linan