Exergy losses during the combustion process, heat transfer, and fuel utilization play a vital rol... more Exergy losses during the combustion process, heat transfer, and fuel utilization play a vital role in the analysis of the exergetic efficiency of combustion process. Detonation is thermodynamically more efficient than deflagration mode of combustion. Detonation combustion technology inside the pulse detonation engine using hydrogen as a fuel is energetic propulsion system for next generation. In this study, the main objective of this work is to quantify the exergetic efficiency of hydrogen–air combustion for deflagration and detonation combustion process. Further detonation parameters are calculated using 0.25, 0.35, and 0.55 of H 2 mass concentrations in the combustion process. The simulations have been performed for converging the solution using commercial computational fluid dynamics package Ansys Fluent solver. The details of combustion physics in chemical reacting flows of hydrogen–air mixture in two control volumes were simulated using species transport model with eddy dissipation turbulence chemistry interaction. From these simulations it was observed that exergy loss in the deflagration combustion process is higher in comparison to the detonation combustion process. The major observation was that pilot fuel economy for the two combustion processes and augmentation of exergetic efficiencies are better in the detonation combustion process. The maximum exergetic efficiency of 55.12%, 53.19%, and 23.43% from deflagration combustion process and from detonation combustion process, 67.55%, 57.49%, and 24.89%, are obtained from aforesaid H 2 mass fraction. It was also found that for lesser fuel mass fraction higher exergetic efficiency was observed.
Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is an significant fruit of India. The information provided by Indian H... more Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is an significant fruit of India. The information provided by Indian Horticulture Database suggest that Pineapple is cultivated in an area of 85.4 thousand ha and total production is 1,353.1 thousand tons in India, up to year 2006 and also that it is the 6 th largest country in the production. In this paper, modern scenario for commercial products, obtained by extract of its fibre is being discussed. It is abundantly grown in almost entire North East region. Assam, Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya are the main contributing states in the production of Pineapple. Assam has 14.6 ha area and 241 thousand tons production up to year 2006. The North East region has remarkable advantages of fertile and organically rich soils, ample rainfall, water resources and great climatic diversity supporting diverse cropping possibilities. Pineapple leaf contains only 2.5-3.5% fibre, covered by a hydrophobic waxy layer. Extraction of thousands of tons of pineapple leaf fibre can be done after the harvesting of the fruit. The fibre extraction alone from the leaves is not economically viable, so the utilization of the residual sludge, remained after the process can be done in vermicomposting and other applications. The commercial products manufactured by using the PALF are of great importance in textile industry. The South Indian Textile Research Association (SITRA) has also commissioned a PALF extraction plant in Tripura. This review paper aims to indicate the developing trends in extraction methods and economic optimization of the products in the market obtained by the PALF in Assam, India. The North East region has vast potential of producing better crop quality and fulfilling the needs of the people in this field as the scope for emerging market is there.
This research report explores the cause variables which affect employee involvement. According to... more This research report explores the cause variables which affect employee involvement. According to the empirical research finding, high-intensity internal marketing generates positive impact upon employee involvement and low-intensity internal marketing results in negative impact upon employee involvement; the effect of sentimental relationship upon employee involvement is prominent and positive; employees with personality traits of internal control reveal higher level of involvement than those with external control. Mainly this paper briefly narrates what has been studied so far on lazy people.
In this work the analysis has been done on stress management of Avtar steel indudtries, Chennai.A... more In this work the analysis has been done on stress management of Avtar steel indudtries, Chennai.Asample size of 100 is taken for the purpose of analysis made from primary and secondary data. Out of the total sample most of the respondents are male and many are between 50 and above. Most of the respondents are under graduate and have professional qualification. Most of the respondents have 10-15 years of long association with the organization. Almost all the respondents are satisfied with the physical and psychological working condition of the organization, and only fewer respondents are dissatisfied with the psychological working condition of the organization. The opinion about the training programs conducted by the organization is almost better, according to majority of the respondents.
In this paper the analysis has been done in the aspect of studies on job satisfaction: a case stu... more In this paper the analysis has been done in the aspect of studies on job satisfaction: a case study of engineers India limited, A excel public Sector Company of India. Many qualitative aspects have been asked in the survey and there is one thing that now a day employees do not give importance to mere fiscal requirement but also to working environment which include many work related and non-work related aspects those have been asked in the survey. With the generation of more and more money in the market and work pressure on individual has been tantamount due to which employees seek for comfort in work and many things which may help alleviate work pressure and so their personal / social tension. During recession, when other organizations were issuing pink slips, Engineers India Limited recruited most due its demand in the market. Except some differences in few question asked in survey, in general majority seems to have similar opinion and agrees to the importance of good working culture inclusive of aspects which treats them more than a machine. Abstract-In this paper the analysis has been done in the aspect of studies on job satisfaction: a case study of engineers India limited, A excel public Sector Company of India. Many qualitative aspects have been asked in the survey and there is one thing that now a day employees do not give importance to mere fiscal requirement but also to working environment which include many work related and non-work related aspects those have been asked in the survey. With the generation of more and more money in the market and work pressure on individual has been tantamount due to which employees seek for comfort in work and many things which may help alleviate work pressure and so their personal / social tension. During recession, when other organizations were issuing pink slips, Engineers India Limited recruited most due its demand in the market. Except some differences in few question asked in survey, in general majority seems to have similar opinion and agrees to the importance of good working culture inclusive of aspects which treats them more than a machine.
In the present paper, the various health problems of the employees working in SAP LAB Gurgaon has... more In the present paper, the various health problems of the employees working in SAP LAB Gurgaon has been studied on the basis of answers received from the employees for the given questionnaire . All employees frequently use laptop at home. Also some of employees use desktop / workstation as alternative to laptop. Almost all employees use laptop at their workplace, as all the responses indicate the use of laptop. It can be concluded seeing the responses that still today there is a need for wide advertisement in media about various problems generated from working on computers and the companies must do something for the better health of their employees.
Numerical analysis of cooling assessment in hot vertical fuel rod is carryout using ANSYS 14.0 -C... more Numerical analysis of cooling assessment in hot vertical fuel rod is carryout using ANSYS 14.0 -CFX Solver. Rewetting is the process of re-establishment of coolants with hot surfaces.
In this research paper, study has been made about recruitment and selection process of Hindustan ... more In this research paper, study has been made about recruitment and selection process of Hindustan Coca-cola Beverage Private limited , Gangyal in Jammu in India. The study indicates that although the company follows a well defined recruitment policy. In most of the cases the company does compensate the employees for the expenses incurred by them. It is also observed that the company has got all the databases fully computerized. All employees said that the company hires consultancy firms or recruitment agency for hiring candidates. It can be said that in spite of some odd factors, the company is doing well since establishment.
Magnesium matrix composites are potential materials for various applications of aerospace
and de... more Magnesium matrix composites are potential materials for various applications of aerospace
and defence organisations due to their low density, good mechanical and physical properties.
The improvement of specific strength, stiffness, damping behaviour, wear behaviour,
creep and fatigue properties are significantly influenced by the addition of reinforcing elements
into the metallic matrix compared with the conventional engineering materials. This paper presents
the overview on the effects of different reinforcements in magnesium and its alloy, highlighting
their merits and demerits. The major phenomenon like interfacial transition, agglomerating
effect, fibber-matrix bonding and the problems associated with the particle distribution are
discussed in this paper. Effect of reinforcement on the microstructure and mechanical properties
like tensile strength, yield strength, ductility, strain, hardness, wear and fatigue are also discussed
in detail. Major applications of different magnesium MMCs are also analysed critically in
this work.
This paper was aimed to investigate the post buckling
behaviour of moderately thick-walled filam... more This paper was aimed to investigate the post buckling
behaviour of moderately thick-walled filament-wound carbon–
epoxy composite cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure
through finite element analysis for under water vehicle
applications.The winding angles were [±30/90] FW, [±45/90] FW
and [±60/90] FW. Finite element software ANSYS 14.0 were used
to predicted the buckling pressure of filament-wound composite
cylinders.For the finite element modeling of the composite
cylinder, an eight-node shell element is used.To verify the finite
element results for comparison, three finite element software,
MSC/NASTRAN , MSC/MARC and an in-house program ACOS
were used.Among these software’s, the finite element software
ANSYS predicts the buckling loads within 1.5% deviation.
In this paper the experimental studies on controlling piston slap noise of standard engine of Her... more In this paper the experimental studies on controlling piston slap noise of standard engine of Hero Honda Splendour has been conducted. It is
observed that the noise reduction achieved by reducing the clearance in an engine, between piston and cylinder, does not permit reduction
in piston clearances, as because danger of seizure may occur without using positive oil cooling of the piston. It is advisable and better to
consider noise control measures at the design stage itself rather than after the product is manufactured. The present paper describes one
example of noise‐reducing design. An experiment was conducted to investigate piston slap noise in Hero Honda Splendor plus and low noise
was obtained by reducing the clearance between piston and cylinder.
In this paper the analysis of the two dimensional subsonic flow over a National
Advisory Committ... more In this paper the analysis of the two dimensional subsonic flow over a National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 8h12
airfoil at various inlet
velocities (100,200,300,400,500 km/h) and operating at atmospheric conditions
is presented. The standard kepsilon
model and steady state conditions have been considered for the 2D CFD analysis. The aim of the work was to show the behavior of the airfoil at these conditions and to establish a verified solution method. The computational domain was composed of 12150 cells emerged in a
structured way, taking care of the refinement of the grid near the airfoil in order
to enclose the boundary layer approach. Meshing of the geometry and
specification of the boundary types have been accomplished using GAMBIT 2.3.16 and the analysis has been carried out using ANSYS FLUENT 6.2.16. An analytical study is done on the behavior of the airfoil subjected to various inlet velocities.
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering
In this paper the main objective of this simulation is to analyze the flow around an isolated mai... more In this paper the main objective of this simulation is to analyze the flow around an isolated main helicopter rotor at a particular main rotor speed of 400 rpm, and angle of attack of 8 degrees and blades of the helicopter Eurocopter AS350B3 which uses the blade profile of standard ONERA OA209 airfoil during hovering flight conditions. For CFD analysis, the Motion Reference Frame (MRF) method with standard viscous k-ε turbulent flow model was used on modeling the rotating rotor operating in hovering flight. The Ansys fluent was used for the purpose of analysis.
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering
In this paper the analysis of wall static pressure variation has been done with fuzzy logic appro... more In this paper the analysis of wall static pressure variation has been done with fuzzy logic approach to have smooth flow in the duct. Here there are three area ratio choosen for the enlarged duct, 2.89, 6.00 and 10.00. The primary pressure ratio is taken as 2.65 and cavity aspect ratio is taken as 1 and 2. The study is analysed for length to diameter ratio of 1,2,4 and 6. The nozzles used are De Laval type and with a Mach number of 1.74 and 2.23. The analysis based on fuzzy logic theory indicates that the length to diameter ratio of 1 is sufficient for smooth flow development if only the basis of wall static pressure variations is considered. Although these results are not consistent with the earlier findings but this opens another method through which one can analyse this flow. This result can be attributed to the fact that the flow coming out from these nozzles are parallel one.
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
In this paper the analysis of flow at Mach number
2.4 has been done with fuzzy logic approach to... more In this paper the analysis of flow at Mach number
2.4 has been done with fuzzy logic approach to have smooth
flow in the duct. Here there are three primary pressure ratio
chosen for the enlarged duct, 2.10, 2.65 and 3.48. The area ratio
is taken as 2.89. The study is analyzed for length to diameter
ratio of 1.24 and 6. The nozzle used is a conical one with Mach
number 2.4 at exit. The analysis based on fuzzy logic theory
indicates that the length to diameter ratio of 4 is sufficient for
smooth flow development keeping in view all the three
parameters like base pressure, wall static pressure and total
pressure loss.
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
In the present paper, the various health problems
of the employees working in SAP LAB Gurgaon ha... more In the present paper, the various health problems
of the employees working in SAP LAB Gurgaon has been
studied on the basis of answers received from the employees for
the given questionnaire . All employees frequently use laptop at
home. Also some of employees use desktop / workstation as
alternative to laptop. Almost all employees use laptop at their
workplace, as all the responses indicate the use of laptop. It can
be concluded seeing the responses that still today there is a need
for wide advertisement in media about various problems
generated from working on computers and the companies must
do something for the better health of their employees.
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
In the present research work, study has been done
on performance management system applied in En... more In the present research work, study has been done
on performance management system applied in Endurance
private limited, Maharashtra in India. In this 60% of the
respondents are agree that environment & relationship during
review meetings are open & cordial. Besides these 20% are
strongly agree with these. 60% of the respondents strongly
agree that analysis & review of Performance are significant.
Most of the employees are of the opinion that performance
management system is stongly needed and it carries a very
high impact on performance of the employees. This system
should also be continuously reviewed and if there is a need, it
should be changed as per the need.
Exergy losses during the combustion process, heat transfer, and fuel utilization play a vital rol... more Exergy losses during the combustion process, heat transfer, and fuel utilization play a vital role in the analysis of the exergetic efficiency of combustion process. Detonation is thermodynamically more efficient than deflagration mode of combustion. Detonation combustion technology inside the pulse detonation engine using hydrogen as a fuel is energetic propulsion system for next generation. In this study, the main objective of this work is to quantify the exergetic efficiency of hydrogen–air combustion for deflagration and detonation combustion process. Further detonation parameters are calculated using 0.25, 0.35, and 0.55 of H 2 mass concentrations in the combustion process. The simulations have been performed for converging the solution using commercial computational fluid dynamics package Ansys Fluent solver. The details of combustion physics in chemical reacting flows of hydrogen–air mixture in two control volumes were simulated using species transport model with eddy dissipation turbulence chemistry interaction. From these simulations it was observed that exergy loss in the deflagration combustion process is higher in comparison to the detonation combustion process. The major observation was that pilot fuel economy for the two combustion processes and augmentation of exergetic efficiencies are better in the detonation combustion process. The maximum exergetic efficiency of 55.12%, 53.19%, and 23.43% from deflagration combustion process and from detonation combustion process, 67.55%, 57.49%, and 24.89%, are obtained from aforesaid H 2 mass fraction. It was also found that for lesser fuel mass fraction higher exergetic efficiency was observed.
Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is an significant fruit of India. The information provided by Indian H... more Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is an significant fruit of India. The information provided by Indian Horticulture Database suggest that Pineapple is cultivated in an area of 85.4 thousand ha and total production is 1,353.1 thousand tons in India, up to year 2006 and also that it is the 6 th largest country in the production. In this paper, modern scenario for commercial products, obtained by extract of its fibre is being discussed. It is abundantly grown in almost entire North East region. Assam, Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya are the main contributing states in the production of Pineapple. Assam has 14.6 ha area and 241 thousand tons production up to year 2006. The North East region has remarkable advantages of fertile and organically rich soils, ample rainfall, water resources and great climatic diversity supporting diverse cropping possibilities. Pineapple leaf contains only 2.5-3.5% fibre, covered by a hydrophobic waxy layer. Extraction of thousands of tons of pineapple leaf fibre can be done after the harvesting of the fruit. The fibre extraction alone from the leaves is not economically viable, so the utilization of the residual sludge, remained after the process can be done in vermicomposting and other applications. The commercial products manufactured by using the PALF are of great importance in textile industry. The South Indian Textile Research Association (SITRA) has also commissioned a PALF extraction plant in Tripura. This review paper aims to indicate the developing trends in extraction methods and economic optimization of the products in the market obtained by the PALF in Assam, India. The North East region has vast potential of producing better crop quality and fulfilling the needs of the people in this field as the scope for emerging market is there.
This research report explores the cause variables which affect employee involvement. According to... more This research report explores the cause variables which affect employee involvement. According to the empirical research finding, high-intensity internal marketing generates positive impact upon employee involvement and low-intensity internal marketing results in negative impact upon employee involvement; the effect of sentimental relationship upon employee involvement is prominent and positive; employees with personality traits of internal control reveal higher level of involvement than those with external control. Mainly this paper briefly narrates what has been studied so far on lazy people.
In this work the analysis has been done on stress management of Avtar steel indudtries, Chennai.A... more In this work the analysis has been done on stress management of Avtar steel indudtries, Chennai.Asample size of 100 is taken for the purpose of analysis made from primary and secondary data. Out of the total sample most of the respondents are male and many are between 50 and above. Most of the respondents are under graduate and have professional qualification. Most of the respondents have 10-15 years of long association with the organization. Almost all the respondents are satisfied with the physical and psychological working condition of the organization, and only fewer respondents are dissatisfied with the psychological working condition of the organization. The opinion about the training programs conducted by the organization is almost better, according to majority of the respondents.
In this paper the analysis has been done in the aspect of studies on job satisfaction: a case stu... more In this paper the analysis has been done in the aspect of studies on job satisfaction: a case study of engineers India limited, A excel public Sector Company of India. Many qualitative aspects have been asked in the survey and there is one thing that now a day employees do not give importance to mere fiscal requirement but also to working environment which include many work related and non-work related aspects those have been asked in the survey. With the generation of more and more money in the market and work pressure on individual has been tantamount due to which employees seek for comfort in work and many things which may help alleviate work pressure and so their personal / social tension. During recession, when other organizations were issuing pink slips, Engineers India Limited recruited most due its demand in the market. Except some differences in few question asked in survey, in general majority seems to have similar opinion and agrees to the importance of good working culture inclusive of aspects which treats them more than a machine. Abstract-In this paper the analysis has been done in the aspect of studies on job satisfaction: a case study of engineers India limited, A excel public Sector Company of India. Many qualitative aspects have been asked in the survey and there is one thing that now a day employees do not give importance to mere fiscal requirement but also to working environment which include many work related and non-work related aspects those have been asked in the survey. With the generation of more and more money in the market and work pressure on individual has been tantamount due to which employees seek for comfort in work and many things which may help alleviate work pressure and so their personal / social tension. During recession, when other organizations were issuing pink slips, Engineers India Limited recruited most due its demand in the market. Except some differences in few question asked in survey, in general majority seems to have similar opinion and agrees to the importance of good working culture inclusive of aspects which treats them more than a machine.
In the present paper, the various health problems of the employees working in SAP LAB Gurgaon has... more In the present paper, the various health problems of the employees working in SAP LAB Gurgaon has been studied on the basis of answers received from the employees for the given questionnaire . All employees frequently use laptop at home. Also some of employees use desktop / workstation as alternative to laptop. Almost all employees use laptop at their workplace, as all the responses indicate the use of laptop. It can be concluded seeing the responses that still today there is a need for wide advertisement in media about various problems generated from working on computers and the companies must do something for the better health of their employees.
Numerical analysis of cooling assessment in hot vertical fuel rod is carryout using ANSYS 14.0 -C... more Numerical analysis of cooling assessment in hot vertical fuel rod is carryout using ANSYS 14.0 -CFX Solver. Rewetting is the process of re-establishment of coolants with hot surfaces.
In this research paper, study has been made about recruitment and selection process of Hindustan ... more In this research paper, study has been made about recruitment and selection process of Hindustan Coca-cola Beverage Private limited , Gangyal in Jammu in India. The study indicates that although the company follows a well defined recruitment policy. In most of the cases the company does compensate the employees for the expenses incurred by them. It is also observed that the company has got all the databases fully computerized. All employees said that the company hires consultancy firms or recruitment agency for hiring candidates. It can be said that in spite of some odd factors, the company is doing well since establishment.
Magnesium matrix composites are potential materials for various applications of aerospace
and de... more Magnesium matrix composites are potential materials for various applications of aerospace
and defence organisations due to their low density, good mechanical and physical properties.
The improvement of specific strength, stiffness, damping behaviour, wear behaviour,
creep and fatigue properties are significantly influenced by the addition of reinforcing elements
into the metallic matrix compared with the conventional engineering materials. This paper presents
the overview on the effects of different reinforcements in magnesium and its alloy, highlighting
their merits and demerits. The major phenomenon like interfacial transition, agglomerating
effect, fibber-matrix bonding and the problems associated with the particle distribution are
discussed in this paper. Effect of reinforcement on the microstructure and mechanical properties
like tensile strength, yield strength, ductility, strain, hardness, wear and fatigue are also discussed
in detail. Major applications of different magnesium MMCs are also analysed critically in
this work.
This paper was aimed to investigate the post buckling
behaviour of moderately thick-walled filam... more This paper was aimed to investigate the post buckling
behaviour of moderately thick-walled filament-wound carbon–
epoxy composite cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure
through finite element analysis for under water vehicle
applications.The winding angles were [±30/90] FW, [±45/90] FW
and [±60/90] FW. Finite element software ANSYS 14.0 were used
to predicted the buckling pressure of filament-wound composite
cylinders.For the finite element modeling of the composite
cylinder, an eight-node shell element is used.To verify the finite
element results for comparison, three finite element software,
MSC/NASTRAN , MSC/MARC and an in-house program ACOS
were used.Among these software’s, the finite element software
ANSYS predicts the buckling loads within 1.5% deviation.
In this paper the experimental studies on controlling piston slap noise of standard engine of Her... more In this paper the experimental studies on controlling piston slap noise of standard engine of Hero Honda Splendour has been conducted. It is
observed that the noise reduction achieved by reducing the clearance in an engine, between piston and cylinder, does not permit reduction
in piston clearances, as because danger of seizure may occur without using positive oil cooling of the piston. It is advisable and better to
consider noise control measures at the design stage itself rather than after the product is manufactured. The present paper describes one
example of noise‐reducing design. An experiment was conducted to investigate piston slap noise in Hero Honda Splendor plus and low noise
was obtained by reducing the clearance between piston and cylinder.
In this paper the analysis of the two dimensional subsonic flow over a National
Advisory Committ... more In this paper the analysis of the two dimensional subsonic flow over a National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 8h12
airfoil at various inlet
velocities (100,200,300,400,500 km/h) and operating at atmospheric conditions
is presented. The standard kepsilon
model and steady state conditions have been considered for the 2D CFD analysis. The aim of the work was to show the behavior of the airfoil at these conditions and to establish a verified solution method. The computational domain was composed of 12150 cells emerged in a
structured way, taking care of the refinement of the grid near the airfoil in order
to enclose the boundary layer approach. Meshing of the geometry and
specification of the boundary types have been accomplished using GAMBIT 2.3.16 and the analysis has been carried out using ANSYS FLUENT 6.2.16. An analytical study is done on the behavior of the airfoil subjected to various inlet velocities.
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering
In this paper the main objective of this simulation is to analyze the flow around an isolated mai... more In this paper the main objective of this simulation is to analyze the flow around an isolated main helicopter rotor at a particular main rotor speed of 400 rpm, and angle of attack of 8 degrees and blades of the helicopter Eurocopter AS350B3 which uses the blade profile of standard ONERA OA209 airfoil during hovering flight conditions. For CFD analysis, the Motion Reference Frame (MRF) method with standard viscous k-ε turbulent flow model was used on modeling the rotating rotor operating in hovering flight. The Ansys fluent was used for the purpose of analysis.
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering
In this paper the analysis of wall static pressure variation has been done with fuzzy logic appro... more In this paper the analysis of wall static pressure variation has been done with fuzzy logic approach to have smooth flow in the duct. Here there are three area ratio choosen for the enlarged duct, 2.89, 6.00 and 10.00. The primary pressure ratio is taken as 2.65 and cavity aspect ratio is taken as 1 and 2. The study is analysed for length to diameter ratio of 1,2,4 and 6. The nozzles used are De Laval type and with a Mach number of 1.74 and 2.23. The analysis based on fuzzy logic theory indicates that the length to diameter ratio of 1 is sufficient for smooth flow development if only the basis of wall static pressure variations is considered. Although these results are not consistent with the earlier findings but this opens another method through which one can analyse this flow. This result can be attributed to the fact that the flow coming out from these nozzles are parallel one.
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
In this paper the analysis of flow at Mach number
2.4 has been done with fuzzy logic approach to... more In this paper the analysis of flow at Mach number
2.4 has been done with fuzzy logic approach to have smooth
flow in the duct. Here there are three primary pressure ratio
chosen for the enlarged duct, 2.10, 2.65 and 3.48. The area ratio
is taken as 2.89. The study is analyzed for length to diameter
ratio of 1.24 and 6. The nozzle used is a conical one with Mach
number 2.4 at exit. The analysis based on fuzzy logic theory
indicates that the length to diameter ratio of 4 is sufficient for
smooth flow development keeping in view all the three
parameters like base pressure, wall static pressure and total
pressure loss.
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
In the present paper, the various health problems
of the employees working in SAP LAB Gurgaon ha... more In the present paper, the various health problems
of the employees working in SAP LAB Gurgaon has been
studied on the basis of answers received from the employees for
the given questionnaire . All employees frequently use laptop at
home. Also some of employees use desktop / workstation as
alternative to laptop. Almost all employees use laptop at their
workplace, as all the responses indicate the use of laptop. It can
be concluded seeing the responses that still today there is a need
for wide advertisement in media about various problems
generated from working on computers and the companies must
do something for the better health of their employees.
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
In the present research work, study has been done
on performance management system applied in En... more In the present research work, study has been done
on performance management system applied in Endurance
private limited, Maharashtra in India. In this 60% of the
respondents are agree that environment & relationship during
review meetings are open & cordial. Besides these 20% are
strongly agree with these. 60% of the respondents strongly
agree that analysis & review of Performance are significant.
Most of the employees are of the opinion that performance
management system is stongly needed and it carries a very
high impact on performance of the employees. This system
should also be continuously reviewed and if there is a need, it
should be changed as per the need.
In this work, experiments have been performed on different geometries and shapes of Savonius roto... more In this work, experiments have been performed on different geometries and shapes of Savonius rotor and the most suited parameters have been found. The blade shape factor (p/q) for Bach type blades has been taken 0.4 and 0.2 by fixing the blade arc angle 124°. Experiments have been performed on them with different overlap ratios, from 10%, 15% and 25% and also use of concentrating arrangements has been made. Conventional Savonius rotors (single-stage and double-stage) have also been tested with end plates and without overlap variation. The comparison has been made among these rotors for coefficient of power and coefficient of torque. The effect of concentrator is also being studied to improve the performance parameters. Experimentation on the rotors reported that Bach type rotor having p/q=0.4 shows a maximum value of Cp and of Ct at 15%overlap with concentrator. The single-stage Bach type rotors of p/q=0.2 also showed values of the performance parameters at zero and 25% overlap variation. The double-stage Bach rotors having p/q =0.2 also showed the performance level at zero and 15% overlap variation.
In this research project a method has been analysed through CFD technique to obtain steady state ... more In this research project a method has been analysed through CFD technique to obtain steady state heat transfer in nuclear fuel rod assembly and the local heat transfer coefficients of carbon dioxide at supercritical pressures in triangular channel under cooling conditions is presented through the numerical simulation. The CFD code Ansys CFX has been used to simulate the convective heat transfer coefficient of the triangular channel. Supercritical CO2 heat-transfer data were obtained at reactor-equivalent conditions at three pressures above the critical point (7.6, 8.4 and 8.8 MPa), mass fluxes from 840 to 3000 kg/m2s,heat fluxes up to 600 kW/m2 and inlet temperatures from 20 to 40ºC. The effects of pressure, mass flux of supercritical CO2, rod diameter, and heat flux on heat transfer are investigated. The computational results showed that the sharply varying thermo physical properties of carbon dioxide have a significant role on the local heat transfer coefficient which varies significantly along the triangular channel and small tube when the CO2 bulk temperatures were within the near-critical region.
High Performance Light Water Reactor is a reactor concept of the 4th generation which is cooled a... more High Performance Light Water Reactor is a reactor concept of the 4th generation which is cooled and moderated with water at supercritical pressure. Water as the working fluid is guided three times upward and downward through the core and finally heats up to 500°C.The fluid temperature at the outlet of the first upwards flow, the so-called “evaporator‟. The presence of the wire inside the fuel assembly results in a strong flow mixing and sweeping effects among sub-channels. The values of the “wire factor” indicate that the wire spacer can improve the heat transfer at DHT conditions.
Papers by Krishna Pandey
and defence organisations due to their low density, good mechanical and physical properties.
The improvement of specific strength, stiffness, damping behaviour, wear behaviour,
creep and fatigue properties are significantly influenced by the addition of reinforcing elements
into the metallic matrix compared with the conventional engineering materials. This paper presents
the overview on the effects of different reinforcements in magnesium and its alloy, highlighting
their merits and demerits. The major phenomenon like interfacial transition, agglomerating
effect, fibber-matrix bonding and the problems associated with the particle distribution are
discussed in this paper. Effect of reinforcement on the microstructure and mechanical properties
like tensile strength, yield strength, ductility, strain, hardness, wear and fatigue are also discussed
in detail. Major applications of different magnesium MMCs are also analysed critically in
this work.
behaviour of moderately thick-walled filament-wound carbon–
epoxy composite cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure
through finite element analysis for under water vehicle
applications.The winding angles were [±30/90] FW, [±45/90] FW
and [±60/90] FW. Finite element software ANSYS 14.0 were used
to predicted the buckling pressure of filament-wound composite
cylinders.For the finite element modeling of the composite
cylinder, an eight-node shell element is used.To verify the finite
element results for comparison, three finite element software,
MSC/NASTRAN , MSC/MARC and an in-house program ACOS
were used.Among these software’s, the finite element software
ANSYS predicts the buckling loads within 1.5% deviation.
observed that the noise reduction achieved by reducing the clearance in an engine, between piston and cylinder, does not permit reduction
in piston clearances, as because danger of seizure may occur without using positive oil cooling of the piston. It is advisable and better to
consider noise control measures at the design stage itself rather than after the product is manufactured. The present paper describes one
example of noise‐reducing design. An experiment was conducted to investigate piston slap noise in Hero Honda Splendor plus and low noise
was obtained by reducing the clearance between piston and cylinder.
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 8h12
airfoil at various inlet
velocities (100,200,300,400,500 km/h) and operating at atmospheric conditions
is presented. The standard kepsilon
model and steady state conditions have been considered for the 2D CFD analysis. The aim of the work was to show the behavior of the airfoil at these conditions and to establish a verified solution method. The computational domain was composed of 12150 cells emerged in a
structured way, taking care of the refinement of the grid near the airfoil in order
to enclose the boundary layer approach. Meshing of the geometry and
specification of the boundary types have been accomplished using GAMBIT 2.3.16 and the analysis has been carried out using ANSYS FLUENT 6.2.16. An analytical study is done on the behavior of the airfoil subjected to various inlet velocities.
2.4 has been done with fuzzy logic approach to have smooth
flow in the duct. Here there are three primary pressure ratio
chosen for the enlarged duct, 2.10, 2.65 and 3.48. The area ratio
is taken as 2.89. The study is analyzed for length to diameter
ratio of 1.24 and 6. The nozzle used is a conical one with Mach
number 2.4 at exit. The analysis based on fuzzy logic theory
indicates that the length to diameter ratio of 4 is sufficient for
smooth flow development keeping in view all the three
parameters like base pressure, wall static pressure and total
pressure loss.
of the employees working in SAP LAB Gurgaon has been
studied on the basis of answers received from the employees for
the given questionnaire . All employees frequently use laptop at
home. Also some of employees use desktop / workstation as
alternative to laptop. Almost all employees use laptop at their
workplace, as all the responses indicate the use of laptop. It can
be concluded seeing the responses that still today there is a need
for wide advertisement in media about various problems
generated from working on computers and the companies must
do something for the better health of their employees.
on performance management system applied in Endurance
private limited, Maharashtra in India. In this 60% of the
respondents are agree that environment & relationship during
review meetings are open & cordial. Besides these 20% are
strongly agree with these. 60% of the respondents strongly
agree that analysis & review of Performance are significant.
Most of the employees are of the opinion that performance
management system is stongly needed and it carries a very
high impact on performance of the employees. This system
should also be continuously reviewed and if there is a need, it
should be changed as per the need.
and defence organisations due to their low density, good mechanical and physical properties.
The improvement of specific strength, stiffness, damping behaviour, wear behaviour,
creep and fatigue properties are significantly influenced by the addition of reinforcing elements
into the metallic matrix compared with the conventional engineering materials. This paper presents
the overview on the effects of different reinforcements in magnesium and its alloy, highlighting
their merits and demerits. The major phenomenon like interfacial transition, agglomerating
effect, fibber-matrix bonding and the problems associated with the particle distribution are
discussed in this paper. Effect of reinforcement on the microstructure and mechanical properties
like tensile strength, yield strength, ductility, strain, hardness, wear and fatigue are also discussed
in detail. Major applications of different magnesium MMCs are also analysed critically in
this work.
behaviour of moderately thick-walled filament-wound carbon–
epoxy composite cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure
through finite element analysis for under water vehicle
applications.The winding angles were [±30/90] FW, [±45/90] FW
and [±60/90] FW. Finite element software ANSYS 14.0 were used
to predicted the buckling pressure of filament-wound composite
cylinders.For the finite element modeling of the composite
cylinder, an eight-node shell element is used.To verify the finite
element results for comparison, three finite element software,
MSC/NASTRAN , MSC/MARC and an in-house program ACOS
were used.Among these software’s, the finite element software
ANSYS predicts the buckling loads within 1.5% deviation.
observed that the noise reduction achieved by reducing the clearance in an engine, between piston and cylinder, does not permit reduction
in piston clearances, as because danger of seizure may occur without using positive oil cooling of the piston. It is advisable and better to
consider noise control measures at the design stage itself rather than after the product is manufactured. The present paper describes one
example of noise‐reducing design. An experiment was conducted to investigate piston slap noise in Hero Honda Splendor plus and low noise
was obtained by reducing the clearance between piston and cylinder.
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 8h12
airfoil at various inlet
velocities (100,200,300,400,500 km/h) and operating at atmospheric conditions
is presented. The standard kepsilon
model and steady state conditions have been considered for the 2D CFD analysis. The aim of the work was to show the behavior of the airfoil at these conditions and to establish a verified solution method. The computational domain was composed of 12150 cells emerged in a
structured way, taking care of the refinement of the grid near the airfoil in order
to enclose the boundary layer approach. Meshing of the geometry and
specification of the boundary types have been accomplished using GAMBIT 2.3.16 and the analysis has been carried out using ANSYS FLUENT 6.2.16. An analytical study is done on the behavior of the airfoil subjected to various inlet velocities.
2.4 has been done with fuzzy logic approach to have smooth
flow in the duct. Here there are three primary pressure ratio
chosen for the enlarged duct, 2.10, 2.65 and 3.48. The area ratio
is taken as 2.89. The study is analyzed for length to diameter
ratio of 1.24 and 6. The nozzle used is a conical one with Mach
number 2.4 at exit. The analysis based on fuzzy logic theory
indicates that the length to diameter ratio of 4 is sufficient for
smooth flow development keeping in view all the three
parameters like base pressure, wall static pressure and total
pressure loss.
of the employees working in SAP LAB Gurgaon has been
studied on the basis of answers received from the employees for
the given questionnaire . All employees frequently use laptop at
home. Also some of employees use desktop / workstation as
alternative to laptop. Almost all employees use laptop at their
workplace, as all the responses indicate the use of laptop. It can
be concluded seeing the responses that still today there is a need
for wide advertisement in media about various problems
generated from working on computers and the companies must
do something for the better health of their employees.
on performance management system applied in Endurance
private limited, Maharashtra in India. In this 60% of the
respondents are agree that environment & relationship during
review meetings are open & cordial. Besides these 20% are
strongly agree with these. 60% of the respondents strongly
agree that analysis & review of Performance are significant.
Most of the employees are of the opinion that performance
management system is stongly needed and it carries a very
high impact on performance of the employees. This system
should also be continuously reviewed and if there is a need, it
should be changed as per the need.