Papers by Hasan Ali GUNES
Dil Araştırmaları, 2024
The sky, planets and stars have attracted the curiosity of humanity
throughout history and have f... more The sky, planets and stars have attracted the curiosity of humanity
throughout history and have found a place in the works of art of
many different nations and civilizations. Celestial bodies,
sometimes accepted as gods, have been watched by people with admiration, fear and curiosity. Observations made on this curiosity
gave birth to astronomy and astrology over time.
Detailed observations and information about the sky, planets, stars
and constellations are included in Kutadgu Bilig and Divanu
Lugati't-Türk, two ancient works of the Turkish language. It is
observed that researchers who have conducted comprehensive
studies on these works for many years have given different
meanings to sky terms, and therefore there is confusion in the
meanings of these terms.
In this study, the confusion in naming these celestial bodies will
be tried to be resolved by determining the names by which planets,
stars and constellations such as Karakuş, Terazi, Bakırsukun,
Yıldrık, Adgır in these works are called today
Classical poets added many subjects to their poems as a seasoning. Besides other sciences, poets ... more Classical poets added many subjects to their poems as a seasoning. Besides other sciences, poets have also blended many facts about astrology and astronomy, known as astronomy, astrology with literature and included them in their works with various arts. Gemini, also known as Jawza, is one of these phenomena. Gemini, which is a constellation on the zodiac in the north of celestial equator. The Orion is located in the middle of the constellations Taurus and Gemini. In the scans made, it was seen that some poets used the word Jawza for both Gemini and the Orion constellation, and many researchers interpreted this word as Gemini only. In this study, by giving astronomical, mythological and astrological information about Gemini and Orion constellations, it will be tried to explain how these constellations are handled in poems, the causes and solution of the conceptual confusion about Jawza.
Klasik edebiyat metinlerini anlama noktasında gerçekleştirilen şerh, tahlil ve sözlük çalışmaları... more Klasik edebiyat metinlerini anlama noktasında gerçekleştirilen şerh, tahlil ve sözlük çalışmalarının yanı sıra bazı kelime, deyim ve tabirlerin anlamına yönelik makale ve bildiri düzeyinde hazırlanan çalışmalar, klasik şiirin mana alanına yönelik önemli veriler sunmaktadır. Klasik şiir metinlerini çözümleme esnasında başvurulan bu kaynaklar, sözlüklerde manası verilmeyen ve çok fazla bir metin tanığına sahip olmayan kelime ve kelime gruplarının anlaşılmasında yetersiz kalabilmektedir. “Sâye sultânı” da bu çerçevede değerlendirilebilecek bir tabirdir. Zira tabirin Osmanlıca, Farsça ve Arapça muhtelif sözlüklerde karşılığının bulunmadığı, çok az bir metin tanığına sahip olduğu ve 16. yüzyıldan sonra ise kullanımdan düştüğü tespit edilmektedir. “Sâye sultânının” geçtiği beyitlerde bağlamdan hareketle yapılacak mana belirlemeleri ile hem manası bilinmeyen bir tabirin ortaya çıkarılması hem de bu alanda hazırlanan çalışmalara katkıda bulunulması amaçlanmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada ilk olarak bine yakın dîvân ve şiir mecmuası taranmış ve “sâye sultânı” tabirinin tanıkları derlenmiştir. Devamında “sâye” kelimesinin sözlük manaları ile bazı araştırmacıların, tabirin anlamına yönelik değerlendirme ve çıkarımları tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak bağlamdan hareketle “sâye sultânı” tabirine dair bazı anlam tekliflerinde bulunulmuştur.
International Journal of Language Academy, 2017
The Kayikci Kul Mustafa is an important figure in the 17th century minstrel poetry. Kul Mustafa, ... more The Kayikci Kul Mustafa is an important figure in the 17th century minstrel poetry. Kul Mustafa, who is of military origin and participated in many battles, has successfully reflected the wars and important events of his era in his poems. In a poetry collection registred at Harvard University Houghton Library Ms. Turk 59 which is writen in century we found some new poems those are written by Mustafa. In this work, we will study about Mustafa, including new poems and new information about him, guiding by the poetry collection. Kayıkçı Kul Mustafa, 17. asır saz şiirinin önemli isimlerindendir. Doğum ve ölüm tarihi kesin olarak bilinmeyen, gençliğinde Cezayir dolaylarında denizci bir asker olan ve Sultan IV. Murad'ın Bağdat seferi gibi pek çok gazaya katılan Kul Mustafa, bizzat bulunduğu savaşları ve Abaza Hasan Paşa İsyanı gibi döneminin önemli olaylarını şiirlerine başarıyla yansıtmıştır. Harvard Universitesi Houghton Kütüphanesi MS Turk 59 numarada kayıtlı, 17. asırda kaleme alındığını düşündüğümüz şiir mecmuasında Mustafa mahlasıyla kayıtlı 7 şiire ulaştık. Bu çalışmamızda, Bağdat ve Girit savaşlarının da anlatıldığı bu şiirlerin, meşhur saz şairi Kayıkçı Kul Mustafa'ya mı yoksa başka bir şaire mi ait olduğunu tespit etmeye çalışacağız ve bu şiirlerden hareketle şair hakkında elde ettiğimiz yeni bilgilere yer vereceğiz.
Osmanlı şairleri, şiirlerini divan veya cönk denen defterlerde toplamıştır fakat pek çok şair, şi... more Osmanlı şairleri, şiirlerini divan veya cönk denen defterlerde toplamıştır fakat pek çok şair, şiirlerini bir kitapta toplayamadan ölmüş veya bazı şiirleri çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı kitaplarında yer bulmamıştır. Bu şekilde şairlerin divanlarında bulunmayan eserlerine onların kayıp hazinesi diyebiliriz.
Pek çok türü olan mecmûalardan şiir mecmûaları, şiirin kayıp hazine sandıklarıdır. Şiir mecmûaları, yazıldıkları dönemin şiir zevkini, şairlerin popülaritesini yansıtan bir çeşit antolojidir. Divanı olmayan şairlerin eserlerini veya meşhur şairlerin divanlarına girmeyen şiirlerini kayıt altına almaları sebebiyle edebiyat tarihi açısından son derece önemlidirler.
Üzerinde çalıştığımız el yazması eser Harvard Üniversitesi, Houghton Kütüphanesi Türkçe Yazmalar 59 numarada kayıtlıdır. Bu mecmûa 17. asırda kaleme alınmış, içinde hem âşık edebiyatı hem divan edebiyatı örnekleri bulunduran 93 yapraklı bir eserdir. Bu eserde 154 şairin 595 şiiri bulunmaktadır.
Thesis Chapters by Hasan Ali GUNES
Classical Turkish Literature which is also named Divan poetry, Divan literature, palace
literatur... more Classical Turkish Literature which is also named Divan poetry, Divan literature, palace
literature and based upon ancient Turkish culture is one of the considerable department
of Turkish literature got richer by the virtue of Arabian and Persian literatures.
Turkish poets collect their poems into a book called "divan" or "conk". However lots
of them died before doing this or some of their poems are not placed in the books for
some reason. This kind of poems may be called lost treasures of poets.
Poetry collections are some kind of anthologies represent population of poets and
poetic intellection of period they had been written in. They are enormously significant
in terms of registering poems written by poets who do not have divan or poems of
famous poets which are not included in their divans.
Poetry collections which have many sorts are lost treasure chests of poetry. Poetry
collection we studied in this thesis, containing samples from mintrel literature and
Divan literature is a 93 page work which was written in 17th century.
In this work, we attempt to give information about poetry collection which is
registered at Harvard University, Houghton Library, Turkish Manuscripts with
number 59.
There are 147 poets' 595 poems in this collection which was constituted by different
We prepared latinization of the collection and put it into service of readers and
researchers. We hope that all poems and poets we discovered while studying is going
to be beneficial for history of literature and science world.
Desire to know the future is a kind of power that every human being wishes to possess. As a resul... more Desire to know the future is a kind of power that every human being wishes to possess. As a result of this desire, people tried to make predictions about the future from the objects and events around them, and as a result of this effort, concepts such as fortune telling were born. Astrology is one of the results of this desire to know the future, the unseen.
This study consists of four main parts: skies, planets, stars and signs. According to the conception of the world, which is based on Aristotle and Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy), information about mythology, astronomy and astrology was given about each of these sections, and then the poems containing these elements were examined in the light of this information.
In the research, 5 divans and 10 masnavis were scanned, hundreds of couplets related to astrology were classified according to their subjects and analogy aspects, and they were annotated in the context of literature and astrology under the relevant titles.
Unlike previous studies, this study also includes mythological stories of planets and stars. Again, the belief of what, who and how planets and stars express in astrology and how they affect human destiny is also explained in detail, and thus, it is aimed to better understand the astrological elements in the couplets.
This study is not concerned with whether astrology is a science or whether astrological predictions and interpretations are consistent and does not enter into this discussion. In this thesis, only the reflection of astrology on poetry has been researched and revealed.
Papers by Hasan Ali GUNES
throughout history and have found a place in the works of art of
many different nations and civilizations. Celestial bodies,
sometimes accepted as gods, have been watched by people with admiration, fear and curiosity. Observations made on this curiosity
gave birth to astronomy and astrology over time.
Detailed observations and information about the sky, planets, stars
and constellations are included in Kutadgu Bilig and Divanu
Lugati't-Türk, two ancient works of the Turkish language. It is
observed that researchers who have conducted comprehensive
studies on these works for many years have given different
meanings to sky terms, and therefore there is confusion in the
meanings of these terms.
In this study, the confusion in naming these celestial bodies will
be tried to be resolved by determining the names by which planets,
stars and constellations such as Karakuş, Terazi, Bakırsukun,
Yıldrık, Adgır in these works are called today
Bu çalışmada ilk olarak bine yakın dîvân ve şiir mecmuası taranmış ve “sâye sultânı” tabirinin tanıkları derlenmiştir. Devamında “sâye” kelimesinin sözlük manaları ile bazı araştırmacıların, tabirin anlamına yönelik değerlendirme ve çıkarımları tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak bağlamdan hareketle “sâye sultânı” tabirine dair bazı anlam tekliflerinde bulunulmuştur.
Pek çok türü olan mecmûalardan şiir mecmûaları, şiirin kayıp hazine sandıklarıdır. Şiir mecmûaları, yazıldıkları dönemin şiir zevkini, şairlerin popülaritesini yansıtan bir çeşit antolojidir. Divanı olmayan şairlerin eserlerini veya meşhur şairlerin divanlarına girmeyen şiirlerini kayıt altına almaları sebebiyle edebiyat tarihi açısından son derece önemlidirler.
Üzerinde çalıştığımız el yazması eser Harvard Üniversitesi, Houghton Kütüphanesi Türkçe Yazmalar 59 numarada kayıtlıdır. Bu mecmûa 17. asırda kaleme alınmış, içinde hem âşık edebiyatı hem divan edebiyatı örnekleri bulunduran 93 yapraklı bir eserdir. Bu eserde 154 şairin 595 şiiri bulunmaktadır.
Thesis Chapters by Hasan Ali GUNES
literature and based upon ancient Turkish culture is one of the considerable department
of Turkish literature got richer by the virtue of Arabian and Persian literatures.
Turkish poets collect their poems into a book called "divan" or "conk". However lots
of them died before doing this or some of their poems are not placed in the books for
some reason. This kind of poems may be called lost treasures of poets.
Poetry collections are some kind of anthologies represent population of poets and
poetic intellection of period they had been written in. They are enormously significant
in terms of registering poems written by poets who do not have divan or poems of
famous poets which are not included in their divans.
Poetry collections which have many sorts are lost treasure chests of poetry. Poetry
collection we studied in this thesis, containing samples from mintrel literature and
Divan literature is a 93 page work which was written in 17th century.
In this work, we attempt to give information about poetry collection which is
registered at Harvard University, Houghton Library, Turkish Manuscripts with
number 59.
There are 147 poets' 595 poems in this collection which was constituted by different
We prepared latinization of the collection and put it into service of readers and
researchers. We hope that all poems and poets we discovered while studying is going
to be beneficial for history of literature and science world.
This study consists of four main parts: skies, planets, stars and signs. According to the conception of the world, which is based on Aristotle and Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy), information about mythology, astronomy and astrology was given about each of these sections, and then the poems containing these elements were examined in the light of this information.
In the research, 5 divans and 10 masnavis were scanned, hundreds of couplets related to astrology were classified according to their subjects and analogy aspects, and they were annotated in the context of literature and astrology under the relevant titles.
Unlike previous studies, this study also includes mythological stories of planets and stars. Again, the belief of what, who and how planets and stars express in astrology and how they affect human destiny is also explained in detail, and thus, it is aimed to better understand the astrological elements in the couplets.
This study is not concerned with whether astrology is a science or whether astrological predictions and interpretations are consistent and does not enter into this discussion. In this thesis, only the reflection of astrology on poetry has been researched and revealed.
throughout history and have found a place in the works of art of
many different nations and civilizations. Celestial bodies,
sometimes accepted as gods, have been watched by people with admiration, fear and curiosity. Observations made on this curiosity
gave birth to astronomy and astrology over time.
Detailed observations and information about the sky, planets, stars
and constellations are included in Kutadgu Bilig and Divanu
Lugati't-Türk, two ancient works of the Turkish language. It is
observed that researchers who have conducted comprehensive
studies on these works for many years have given different
meanings to sky terms, and therefore there is confusion in the
meanings of these terms.
In this study, the confusion in naming these celestial bodies will
be tried to be resolved by determining the names by which planets,
stars and constellations such as Karakuş, Terazi, Bakırsukun,
Yıldrık, Adgır in these works are called today
Bu çalışmada ilk olarak bine yakın dîvân ve şiir mecmuası taranmış ve “sâye sultânı” tabirinin tanıkları derlenmiştir. Devamında “sâye” kelimesinin sözlük manaları ile bazı araştırmacıların, tabirin anlamına yönelik değerlendirme ve çıkarımları tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak bağlamdan hareketle “sâye sultânı” tabirine dair bazı anlam tekliflerinde bulunulmuştur.
Pek çok türü olan mecmûalardan şiir mecmûaları, şiirin kayıp hazine sandıklarıdır. Şiir mecmûaları, yazıldıkları dönemin şiir zevkini, şairlerin popülaritesini yansıtan bir çeşit antolojidir. Divanı olmayan şairlerin eserlerini veya meşhur şairlerin divanlarına girmeyen şiirlerini kayıt altına almaları sebebiyle edebiyat tarihi açısından son derece önemlidirler.
Üzerinde çalıştığımız el yazması eser Harvard Üniversitesi, Houghton Kütüphanesi Türkçe Yazmalar 59 numarada kayıtlıdır. Bu mecmûa 17. asırda kaleme alınmış, içinde hem âşık edebiyatı hem divan edebiyatı örnekleri bulunduran 93 yapraklı bir eserdir. Bu eserde 154 şairin 595 şiiri bulunmaktadır.
literature and based upon ancient Turkish culture is one of the considerable department
of Turkish literature got richer by the virtue of Arabian and Persian literatures.
Turkish poets collect their poems into a book called "divan" or "conk". However lots
of them died before doing this or some of their poems are not placed in the books for
some reason. This kind of poems may be called lost treasures of poets.
Poetry collections are some kind of anthologies represent population of poets and
poetic intellection of period they had been written in. They are enormously significant
in terms of registering poems written by poets who do not have divan or poems of
famous poets which are not included in their divans.
Poetry collections which have many sorts are lost treasure chests of poetry. Poetry
collection we studied in this thesis, containing samples from mintrel literature and
Divan literature is a 93 page work which was written in 17th century.
In this work, we attempt to give information about poetry collection which is
registered at Harvard University, Houghton Library, Turkish Manuscripts with
number 59.
There are 147 poets' 595 poems in this collection which was constituted by different
We prepared latinization of the collection and put it into service of readers and
researchers. We hope that all poems and poets we discovered while studying is going
to be beneficial for history of literature and science world.
This study consists of four main parts: skies, planets, stars and signs. According to the conception of the world, which is based on Aristotle and Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy), information about mythology, astronomy and astrology was given about each of these sections, and then the poems containing these elements were examined in the light of this information.
In the research, 5 divans and 10 masnavis were scanned, hundreds of couplets related to astrology were classified according to their subjects and analogy aspects, and they were annotated in the context of literature and astrology under the relevant titles.
Unlike previous studies, this study also includes mythological stories of planets and stars. Again, the belief of what, who and how planets and stars express in astrology and how they affect human destiny is also explained in detail, and thus, it is aimed to better understand the astrological elements in the couplets.
This study is not concerned with whether astrology is a science or whether astrological predictions and interpretations are consistent and does not enter into this discussion. In this thesis, only the reflection of astrology on poetry has been researched and revealed.