Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Law of the European Union
This paper deals with the current state of human rights in Ukraine in the context of European integration. Some historical aspects that influenced the formation of a common system of human and citizen rights are considered mostly through... more
The European Union (EU) is implementing the concept of the circular economy (hereafter-CE) system, the main idea of which is to maintain the added value in products for as long as possible both to improve the quality of the environment... more
The paper deals with the experience of reforms of local self-government and administrative and territorial structure in Latvia after its independence was restored. The following components and directions of reform are systematically and... more
The article is aimed at studying the process of local self-government development in the Republic of Lithuania: its catalysts, both positive and negative; external and internal factors; key events and periods; fundamental concepts. In... more
The article investigates the problem of providing state administrative supervision over the activity of local self-government bodies and officials in Ukraine in the context of the ongoing decentralization reform. The fundamental concepts... more
The article focuses on current problems of human rights constitutional provision, protection and implementation in Ukraine in the context of the reforms aimed at Eurointegration. The aim is to brief in the historical aspects of the... more
The study investigates the main approaches to understanding such legal categories as “legal regimes” and “special legal regime”, and provides their classification. Special legal regimes serve as the legal basis for restricting human and... more
The article focuses on current problems of human rights constitutional provision, protection and implementation in Ukraine in the context of the reforms aimed at Eurointegration. The aim is to brief in the historical aspects of the... more
Стаття присвячена дослідженню процесу розвитку місцевого самоврядування в Литовській Республіці: його каталізаторам, позитивним та негативним; зовнішнім та внутрішнім факторам; ключовим подіям та періодам; фундаментальним концепціям. Для... more
У тезах висвітлено важливість міжнародного права та значущість його як ролі соціального регулятора в умовах постглобального світу. Проаналізовано термін "постглобальний" та характеристики постглобального світу та ймовірних у такому... more
The article deals with the coverage of events related to the wave of anti-Jewish pogroms that took place in Germany on November 9-10, 1938 in the leading American newspaper "The New York Times". Pogroms were motivated by the murder of... more
Посібник присвячено висвітленню змісту концепції верховенства права та специфіки сучасних відносин в контексті толерантності у суспільстві. Розглядається історія розвитку ідей верховенства права, причини їх виникнення, засоби їх... more