Information For Authors
Are you interested in submitting an article to Surveillance & Society?
If you're already certain, please follow this link to read more and start your submission:
If you still want to know why you should, read on...
Surveillance & Society publishes a range of material, not only double-blind, peer-reviewed academic articles, but also reviews, debate, opinion, interviews and art.
Articles in Surveillance & Society are read and cited more than the average social science journal. Our calculated Impact Factor varies between 1.3 and 2.2 in any given year, we have a Google Scholar h-5 index of 20, and a SciImago rating that varies between 0.7 and 1.0 year on year. You may have read various frightening figures about the number of academic articles that never get cited at all - on average for the social sciences, it seems to be more than 60% - i.e. only 40% of published articles ever get cited. Well, in nid-2023, only around 15% of the articles, dialogue and art forum pieces, and editorials remained uncited. In other words, 85% of what we published in Surveillance & Society were cited soon after publication. See more on Readership and Citations here:
So, not only does it cost nothing to publish with us, you are more likely to reach more people and contribute to academic and policy debates!
On average we publish 4 issues a year, usually in March, June, September and December, although being an online-only journal we are flexible and can publish more or fewer issues as needed. Many of our issues are themed and you will see current calls for specific themed issues in the Announcements. However, we publish at least one open issue every year, and often more than one. These issues cover all surveillance-related topics and you can submit an article at any time.
We try to be quick about reviewing and typically get initial reviews back in less than 4 months, however please bear in mind that even with the good will that Surveillance & Society in its research community and beyond, it is increasingly difficult for all journals to find reviewers. This means that if you publish in S&S you will also be expected to review for us in the future.
There is much more about all of this in the About the Journal section.
If you are now convinced that Surveillance & Society is a great place to publish, please follow this link to start your submission: