This paper presents a formalized ontological framework for the analysis of classifications of geo... more This paper presents a formalized ontological framework for the analysis of classifications of geographic objects. We present a set of logical principles that guide geographic classifications and then demonstrate their application on a practical example of the classification of ecosystems of Southeast Alaska. The framework has a potential to be used to facilitate interoperability between geographic classifications.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2015
This paper describes an original approach to generating scenarios for the purpose of testing the ... more This paper describes an original approach to generating scenarios for the purpose of testing the algorithms used to detect special nuclear materials (SNM) that incorporates the use of ontologies. Separating the signal of SNM from the background requires sophisticated algorithms. To assist in developing such algorithms, there is a need for scenarios that capture a very wide range of variables affecting the detection process, depending on the type of detector being used. To provide such a capability, we developed an ontology-driven information system (ODIS) for generating scenarios that can be used for testing of algorithms for SNM detection. The ontology-driven scenario generator (ODSG) is an ODIS based on information supplied by subject matter experts and other documentation. The details of the creation of the ontology, the development of the ontology-driven information system, and the design of the web user interface (UI) are presented along with specific examples of scenarios generated using the ODSG. We demonstrate that the paradigm behind the ODSG is capable of addressing the problem of semantic complexity at both the user and developer levels. Compared to traditional approaches, an ODIS provides benefits such as faithful representation of the users' domain conceptualization, simplified management of very large and semantically diverse datasets, and the ability to handle frequent changes to the application and the UI. The approach makes possible the generation of a much larger number of specific scenarios based on limited user-supplied information.
Background The United States Department of Defense (US DOD) requires an understanding of Arctic s... more Background The United States Department of Defense (US DOD) requires an understanding of Arctic sea ice extent and thickness, as well as permafrost in the Northern hemisphere, for an exercise focused on preparedness levels and threat assessments in light of anticipated climate change in the 2030s. The deliverables include visual products, based on supporting data analysis and interpretation, which will allow military planners to utilize one plausible scenario. The analysis and visuals presented in this report are based on outputs from the ...
The increasing demand for bioenergy crops presents our society with the opportunity to design mor... more The increasing demand for bioenergy crops presents our society with the opportunity to design more sustainable landscapes. We have created a Biomass Location for Optimal Sustainability Model (BLOSM) to test the hypothesis that landscape design of cellulosic bioenergy crop plantings may simultaneously improve water quality (i.e. decrease concentrations of sediment, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen) and increase profi ts for farmer-producers while achieving a feedstock-production goal. BLOSM was run using six scenarios to identify switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) planting locations that might supply a commercial-scale biorefi nery planned for the Lower Little Tennessee (LLT) watershed. Each scenario sought to achieve different sustainability goals: improving water quality through reduced nitrogen, phosphorus, or sediment concentrations; maximizing profi t; a balance of these conditions; or a balance of these conditions with the additional constraint of converting no more than 25% of agricultural land. Scenario results were compared to a baseline case of no land-use conversion. BLOSM results indicate that a combined economic and environmental optimization approach can achieve multiple objectives simultaneously when a small proportion (1.3%) of the LLT watershed is planted with perennial switchgrass. The multimetric optimization approach described here can be used as a research tool to consider bioenergy plantings for other feedstocks, sustainability criteria, and regions.
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems - GIS '09, 2009
We have developed demonstrable capabilities in the area of geographic analysis and visualization ... more We have developed demonstrable capabilities in the area of geographic analysis and visualization for climate extremes, uncertainty and impacts. The capabilities were used for to provide climate science support to an international climate change war game, where real-world policy makers, as well as business, political and science leaders from around the world, engaged in a mock policy negotiations. We have since further developed the capabilities for supporting the development of the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) by the Office of the Secretary of Defense within the United States Department of Defense (DOD).
Proceedings of the eighth ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems - GIS '00, 2000
Scripting languages have long been utilized by GIS application developers to achieve higher level... more Scripting languages have long been utilized by GIS application developers to achieve higher levels of programming and shorter development times. Modern generalpurpose scripting languages -like Tcl/Tk, Perl or Python -allow the smooth integration of various software components, while at the same time providing rich programming capabilities. Increases in processor speed and the development of industry-wide standards are removing obstacles to the proliferation of universal scripting languages in GIS applications.
Proceedings of the ninth ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems - GIS '01, 2001
Abstract Component-based approach has been identified as an efficient way to integrate GIS and hy... more Abstract Component-based approach has been identified as an efficient way to integrate GIS and hydrologic models. Current existing specifications such as OpenGIS or IOS/TC 211 provide a vessel to achieve this goal. However, there is a gap between what is provided in these specifications and what is needed for GIS-hydrologic model integration. Existing specifications provide general semantics for spatial domain, while integration of GIS and hydrologic models requires encoding more specialized spatial domain used in hydrologic ...
Proceedings of the sixth ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems - GIS '98, 1998
1. ABSTRACT A number of Java applets and related GIS software applications have recently begun to... more 1. ABSTRACT A number of Java applets and related GIS software applications have recently begun to emerge on the world wide web, with varying utility to potential users. The authors discuss their investigations and experience with GIS software currentIy avaiIabIe on the web and propose a methodology and inexpensive software approach to putting thematic maps on the WiVW. The Interactive Map Apple~ currently in itsprepublication phase, allows users to easily get out interactive maps on the web from their existing databases, without a need ...
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, 2009
Traditional visualization of Earth surface features has been addressed through visual exploration... more Traditional visualization of Earth surface features has been addressed through visual exploration, analysis, synthesis, and presentation of observable geospatial data. However, characterizing the changes in their observable and unobservable properties of geospatial features is critical for planning and policy formulation. Recent approaches are addressing modelling and visualization of the temporal dynamics that describe observed and/or predicted physical and socioeconomic processes using vast volumes of Earth Observation ...
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2013
ABSTRACT The paper compares hydrographic and terrain categories in the geospatial data standards ... more ABSTRACT The paper compares hydrographic and terrain categories in the geospatial data standards of the United States, Taiwan, and Russian Federation where the dominant languages used are from different language families. It aims to identify structural and semantic differences between similar categories across three geospatial data standards. By formalizing the data standard structures and identifying the properties that differentiate sibling categories in each geospatial data standard using well-known formal relations and quality universals, we develop a common basis on which hydrographic and terrain categories in the three data standards can be compared. The result suggests that all the three data standards structure categories with a mixture of relations even though most of them are well-known relations in top-level ontologies. Similar categories can be found across all the three standards. Cases of categories from different standards carrying identical meaning are rare. Partial overlaps in the meaning of the similar categories can be a direct result of different quality universals at work in defining and distinguishing these categories, or in the case of these categories being ordered by size, the threshold values for distinguishing the categories are ambiguous and language-dependent. Understanding these differences avoids incorrect mappings of categories in multilingual applications. More importantly, it provides a starting point for more effective mapping between hydrographic and terrain categories between English, Mandarin, and Russian.
Abstract This paper presents a formalized ontological framework for the analysis of multiscale cl... more Abstract This paper presents a formalized ontological framework for the analysis of multiscale classifications of geographic objects. We propose a set of logical principles that guide such geographic classifications. These principles are represented as definitions and axioms of the first-order predicate logic. Then we demonstrate an application of these principles with a practical example of the “National Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units.” The study presents a minimal set of entities and relation need for such ...
This paper describes an extension for GRASS geographic information systems (GIS) that enables use... more This paper describes an extension for GRASS geographic information systems (GIS) that enables users to perform geographic visualization tasks on tiled high-resolution displays powered by the clusters of commodity personal computers. Parallel visualization systems are becoming more common in scientific computing due to the decreasing hardware costs and availability of the open source software to support such architecture. High-resolution displays allow scientists to visualize very large data sets with minimal loss of details. Such systems have a big promise especially in the field of GIS because users can naturally combine several geographic scales on a single display. This paper discusses architecture, implementation, and operation of PD-GRASS-a GRASS GIS extension for highperformance parallel visualization on tiled displays. PD-GRASS is specifically well suited for very large geographic data sets, such as light detecting and ranging data or high-resolution nation-wide geographic databases. This paper also briefly touches on computational efficiency, performance, and potential applications for such systems. r
The goal of the research conducted was to build a forest succession simulation model and to study... more The goal of the research conducted was to build a forest succession simulation model and to study the particularities of the succession process in the region of research. The research pro-cess included investigation into existing models, data collection, preliminary data ...
The IPCC suite of global Earth system models produced terabytes of data for the CMIP3/AR4 archive... more The IPCC suite of global Earth system models produced terabytes of data for the CMIP3/AR4 archive and is expected to reach the petabyte scale by CMIP5/AR5. Dynamic downscaling of global models based on regional climate models can potentially lead to even larger data volumes. The model simulations for global or regional climate models like CCSM3 or WRF are typically run on supercomputers like the ORNL/DOE Jaguar and the results are stored on high performance storage systems. Access to these results from a ...
We have developed demonstrable capabilities in the area of geographic analysis and visualization ... more We have developed demonstrable capabilities in the area of geographic analysis and visualization for climate extremes, uncertainty and impacts. The capabilities were used for to provide climate science support to an international climate change war game, where real-world policy makers, as well as business, political and science leaders from around the world, engaged in a mock policy negotiations. We have since further developed the capabilities for supporting the development of the Quadrennial Defense ...
This paper presents a formalized ontological framework for the analysis of classifications of geo... more This paper presents a formalized ontological framework for the analysis of classifications of geographic objects. We present a set of logical principles that guide geographic classifications and then demonstrate their application on a practical example of the classification of ecosystems of Southeast Alaska. The framework has a potential to be used to facilitate interoperability between geographic classifications.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2015
This paper describes an original approach to generating scenarios for the purpose of testing the ... more This paper describes an original approach to generating scenarios for the purpose of testing the algorithms used to detect special nuclear materials (SNM) that incorporates the use of ontologies. Separating the signal of SNM from the background requires sophisticated algorithms. To assist in developing such algorithms, there is a need for scenarios that capture a very wide range of variables affecting the detection process, depending on the type of detector being used. To provide such a capability, we developed an ontology-driven information system (ODIS) for generating scenarios that can be used for testing of algorithms for SNM detection. The ontology-driven scenario generator (ODSG) is an ODIS based on information supplied by subject matter experts and other documentation. The details of the creation of the ontology, the development of the ontology-driven information system, and the design of the web user interface (UI) are presented along with specific examples of scenarios generated using the ODSG. We demonstrate that the paradigm behind the ODSG is capable of addressing the problem of semantic complexity at both the user and developer levels. Compared to traditional approaches, an ODIS provides benefits such as faithful representation of the users' domain conceptualization, simplified management of very large and semantically diverse datasets, and the ability to handle frequent changes to the application and the UI. The approach makes possible the generation of a much larger number of specific scenarios based on limited user-supplied information.
Background The United States Department of Defense (US DOD) requires an understanding of Arctic s... more Background The United States Department of Defense (US DOD) requires an understanding of Arctic sea ice extent and thickness, as well as permafrost in the Northern hemisphere, for an exercise focused on preparedness levels and threat assessments in light of anticipated climate change in the 2030s. The deliverables include visual products, based on supporting data analysis and interpretation, which will allow military planners to utilize one plausible scenario. The analysis and visuals presented in this report are based on outputs from the ...
The increasing demand for bioenergy crops presents our society with the opportunity to design mor... more The increasing demand for bioenergy crops presents our society with the opportunity to design more sustainable landscapes. We have created a Biomass Location for Optimal Sustainability Model (BLOSM) to test the hypothesis that landscape design of cellulosic bioenergy crop plantings may simultaneously improve water quality (i.e. decrease concentrations of sediment, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen) and increase profi ts for farmer-producers while achieving a feedstock-production goal. BLOSM was run using six scenarios to identify switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) planting locations that might supply a commercial-scale biorefi nery planned for the Lower Little Tennessee (LLT) watershed. Each scenario sought to achieve different sustainability goals: improving water quality through reduced nitrogen, phosphorus, or sediment concentrations; maximizing profi t; a balance of these conditions; or a balance of these conditions with the additional constraint of converting no more than 25% of agricultural land. Scenario results were compared to a baseline case of no land-use conversion. BLOSM results indicate that a combined economic and environmental optimization approach can achieve multiple objectives simultaneously when a small proportion (1.3%) of the LLT watershed is planted with perennial switchgrass. The multimetric optimization approach described here can be used as a research tool to consider bioenergy plantings for other feedstocks, sustainability criteria, and regions.
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems - GIS '09, 2009
We have developed demonstrable capabilities in the area of geographic analysis and visualization ... more We have developed demonstrable capabilities in the area of geographic analysis and visualization for climate extremes, uncertainty and impacts. The capabilities were used for to provide climate science support to an international climate change war game, where real-world policy makers, as well as business, political and science leaders from around the world, engaged in a mock policy negotiations. We have since further developed the capabilities for supporting the development of the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) by the Office of the Secretary of Defense within the United States Department of Defense (DOD).
Proceedings of the eighth ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems - GIS '00, 2000
Scripting languages have long been utilized by GIS application developers to achieve higher level... more Scripting languages have long been utilized by GIS application developers to achieve higher levels of programming and shorter development times. Modern generalpurpose scripting languages -like Tcl/Tk, Perl or Python -allow the smooth integration of various software components, while at the same time providing rich programming capabilities. Increases in processor speed and the development of industry-wide standards are removing obstacles to the proliferation of universal scripting languages in GIS applications.
Proceedings of the ninth ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems - GIS '01, 2001
Abstract Component-based approach has been identified as an efficient way to integrate GIS and hy... more Abstract Component-based approach has been identified as an efficient way to integrate GIS and hydrologic models. Current existing specifications such as OpenGIS or IOS/TC 211 provide a vessel to achieve this goal. However, there is a gap between what is provided in these specifications and what is needed for GIS-hydrologic model integration. Existing specifications provide general semantics for spatial domain, while integration of GIS and hydrologic models requires encoding more specialized spatial domain used in hydrologic ...
Proceedings of the sixth ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems - GIS '98, 1998
1. ABSTRACT A number of Java applets and related GIS software applications have recently begun to... more 1. ABSTRACT A number of Java applets and related GIS software applications have recently begun to emerge on the world wide web, with varying utility to potential users. The authors discuss their investigations and experience with GIS software currentIy avaiIabIe on the web and propose a methodology and inexpensive software approach to putting thematic maps on the WiVW. The Interactive Map Apple~ currently in itsprepublication phase, allows users to easily get out interactive maps on the web from their existing databases, without a need ...
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, 2009
Traditional visualization of Earth surface features has been addressed through visual exploration... more Traditional visualization of Earth surface features has been addressed through visual exploration, analysis, synthesis, and presentation of observable geospatial data. However, characterizing the changes in their observable and unobservable properties of geospatial features is critical for planning and policy formulation. Recent approaches are addressing modelling and visualization of the temporal dynamics that describe observed and/or predicted physical and socioeconomic processes using vast volumes of Earth Observation ...
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2013
ABSTRACT The paper compares hydrographic and terrain categories in the geospatial data standards ... more ABSTRACT The paper compares hydrographic and terrain categories in the geospatial data standards of the United States, Taiwan, and Russian Federation where the dominant languages used are from different language families. It aims to identify structural and semantic differences between similar categories across three geospatial data standards. By formalizing the data standard structures and identifying the properties that differentiate sibling categories in each geospatial data standard using well-known formal relations and quality universals, we develop a common basis on which hydrographic and terrain categories in the three data standards can be compared. The result suggests that all the three data standards structure categories with a mixture of relations even though most of them are well-known relations in top-level ontologies. Similar categories can be found across all the three standards. Cases of categories from different standards carrying identical meaning are rare. Partial overlaps in the meaning of the similar categories can be a direct result of different quality universals at work in defining and distinguishing these categories, or in the case of these categories being ordered by size, the threshold values for distinguishing the categories are ambiguous and language-dependent. Understanding these differences avoids incorrect mappings of categories in multilingual applications. More importantly, it provides a starting point for more effective mapping between hydrographic and terrain categories between English, Mandarin, and Russian.
Abstract This paper presents a formalized ontological framework for the analysis of multiscale cl... more Abstract This paper presents a formalized ontological framework for the analysis of multiscale classifications of geographic objects. We propose a set of logical principles that guide such geographic classifications. These principles are represented as definitions and axioms of the first-order predicate logic. Then we demonstrate an application of these principles with a practical example of the “National Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units.” The study presents a minimal set of entities and relation need for such ...
This paper describes an extension for GRASS geographic information systems (GIS) that enables use... more This paper describes an extension for GRASS geographic information systems (GIS) that enables users to perform geographic visualization tasks on tiled high-resolution displays powered by the clusters of commodity personal computers. Parallel visualization systems are becoming more common in scientific computing due to the decreasing hardware costs and availability of the open source software to support such architecture. High-resolution displays allow scientists to visualize very large data sets with minimal loss of details. Such systems have a big promise especially in the field of GIS because users can naturally combine several geographic scales on a single display. This paper discusses architecture, implementation, and operation of PD-GRASS-a GRASS GIS extension for highperformance parallel visualization on tiled displays. PD-GRASS is specifically well suited for very large geographic data sets, such as light detecting and ranging data or high-resolution nation-wide geographic databases. This paper also briefly touches on computational efficiency, performance, and potential applications for such systems. r
The goal of the research conducted was to build a forest succession simulation model and to study... more The goal of the research conducted was to build a forest succession simulation model and to study the particularities of the succession process in the region of research. The research pro-cess included investigation into existing models, data collection, preliminary data ...
The IPCC suite of global Earth system models produced terabytes of data for the CMIP3/AR4 archive... more The IPCC suite of global Earth system models produced terabytes of data for the CMIP3/AR4 archive and is expected to reach the petabyte scale by CMIP5/AR5. Dynamic downscaling of global models based on regional climate models can potentially lead to even larger data volumes. The model simulations for global or regional climate models like CCSM3 or WRF are typically run on supercomputers like the ORNL/DOE Jaguar and the results are stored on high performance storage systems. Access to these results from a ...
We have developed demonstrable capabilities in the area of geographic analysis and visualization ... more We have developed demonstrable capabilities in the area of geographic analysis and visualization for climate extremes, uncertainty and impacts. The capabilities were used for to provide climate science support to an international climate change war game, where real-world policy makers, as well as business, political and science leaders from around the world, engaged in a mock policy negotiations. We have since further developed the capabilities for supporting the development of the Quadrennial Defense ...
Papers by Alexandre Sorokine