Basierend auf einer systematischen und umfangreichen Analyse von Praxisbeiträgen zum Thema Schatt... more Basierend auf einer systematischen und umfangreichen Analyse von Praxisbeiträgen zum Thema Schatten-IT, die zwischen September 2015 und August 2016 erschienen sind, beschreibt der vorliegende Artikel Governance-Aspekte zu diesem Phänomen.
In a comprehensive literature review, we identified 21 different terms used for Shadow IT related... more In a comprehensive literature review, we identified 21 different terms used for Shadow IT related concepts. This variety makes it difficult to identify related research and build upon it. To address this ambiguity, we reduce the different terms to six distinct concepts by developing a taxonomy and examining their relation¬ships. We do so by using a rigorous iterative methodology to identify common characteristics and to classify terms along them. By clustering the results, we derive and visualize the taxonomy. The identified concepts are Feral Practices, Workarounds, Shadow IT, Shadow Systems, Un-enacted Projects, and Shadow Sourcing. We elaborate on the concepts along their characteristics and clearly define and delimit them. As a result, we create a guide for their usage, increase search-and comparability, and unify existing knowledge. Abstract In a comprehensive literature review, we identified 21 different terms used for Shadow IT related concepts. This variety makes it difficult to identify related research and build upon it. To address this ambiguity, we reduce the different terms to six distinct concepts by developing a taxonomy and examining their relationships. We do so by using a rigorous iterative methodology to identify common characteristics and to classify terms along them. By clustering the results, we derive and visualize the taxonomy. The identified concepts are Feral Practices, Workarounds, Shadow IT, Shadow Systems, Un-enacted Projects, and Shadow Sourcing. We elaborate on the concepts along their characteristics and clearly define and delimit them. As a result, we create a guide for their usage, increase search-and comparability, and unify existing knowledge.
In der Produktion gilt „Lean Management“ als einer der de-facto Standardmanagementansätze. Lean M... more In der Produktion gilt „Lean Management“ als einer der de-facto Standardmanagementansätze. Lean Management in IT-Organisationen (Lean IT) ist dahingegen in der Praxis weniger verbreitet und in der Wissenschaft kaum erforscht. Dieser Beitrag aggregiert und erweitert die Ergebnisse mehrerer Forschungsarbeiten. Dabei werden vorrangig zwei Aspekte diskutiert: (1) Ein mögliches Einführungsmodell für Lean IT. Dieses verknüpft fünf Rollen (Sponsor, Programmleiter, Navigator, Linienführungskraft und Linienexperte) mit vier Phasen (Vorbereitung, Analyse, Gestaltung und Implementierung). (2) Besondere Herausforderungen für Linienführungskräfte, die aufgrund der „bottom up“-Ausrichtung bei Lean-IT-Einführungen stark gefordert werden. Neben einer klaren Vision für die Organisationseinheit und dem Verständnis, an welcher Stelle Lean IT die Organisationseinheit konkret unterstützen kann, benötigen sie Offenheit, Veränderungswillen und die Bereitschaft Verantwortung an Mitarbeiter zu delegieren. Außerdem sollten sie über ein ausreichendes Zeitbudget für die Einführung verfügen, um ihrer gestaltenden und qualitätssichernden Funktion nachkommen zu können.
The paper presents a research model and a measurement instrument for a research-in-progress study... more The paper presents a research model and a measurement instrument for a research-in-progress study on the antecedents of success in IS offshoring projects. In this empirical-confirmatory study, we intend to analyse the impact of the constructs “offshoring expertise”, “trust in offshore service provider”, “project suitability”, “knowledge transfer”, and “liaison quality” on offshore project success. Constructs and indicators are derived from an extensive literature review. We plan to formulate a structural equation model and to test it using partial least squares (PLS) as an analysis technique. Our research model addresses the paucity of research that quantitatively examines offshoring success.
The identification of suitable applications or projects is a main initial step in any software de... more The identification of suitable applications or projects is a main initial step in any software development or maintenance related IS offshoring arrangement. This paper examines evaluation criteria and their importance for selecting application or project candidates for offshoring. Based on a literature analysis and interviews with 47 experts from 36 different German companies describing 64 case examples, we find that in contrast to the literature, “size”, “codification”, and “language” are perceived as important selection criteria by experts. Case examples additionally show that “business specificity” seems to be a main reason for application or project failures, that “business criticality” appears to be less important than suggested by the literature, and that adequate “size” might be a necessary prerequisite, but seems not to be a sufficient criterion for an application’s or project’s suitability for offshoring. These differences in comparison to findings from the literature may b...
This paper empirically examines the current state of the IS offshoring phenomenon in Germany rega... more This paper empirically examines the current state of the IS offshoring phenomenon in Germany regarding project characteristics and success patterns. Relying on a sample of 304 projects conducted at various industry sectors and companies, results show that IS offshoring primarily occurs in sectors Telecommunications and IT at large corporations. Cost reduction is the main reason for going offshore and offshore projects are executed as part of a larger program at companies. Noticeably, most projects are delivered from India. Additionally, neither captive offshoring nor offshore outsourcing dominates as a delivery option. Comparing different project subgroups regarding project success, the results reveal that projects delivered by an internal or partially owned service provider are more successful. Other project characteristics such as a project’s embeddedness in a larger offshoring program, a project’s size, or a project’s offshoring degree in terms of relatively offshored labor hours...
... Applying the lens of transaction cost theory and operations management models, Stratman [27] ... more ... Applying the lens of transaction cost theory and operations management models, Stratman [27] found that well understood, standardized service processes that are non-core are best candidates for successful offshoring. Stringfellow et al. ...
Lean Management has been successfully implemented in production organizations since several decad... more Lean Management has been successfully implemented in production organizations since several decades. The study at hand investigates the implementation of Lean Management to IT organizations (Lean IT). The study offers three contributions: First, it explains on a conceptual level how Lean Management can be transferred from production to IT organizations (philosophy, principles, tools). Second, it provides a theoretical perspective on why Lean IT can be beneficial for IT organizations (IT Slack theory). Third, it provides insights to the stated research questions (three benefits and three propositions) from an initial case study of an internal IT service provider for a large international insurance company (> US$25 Billion revenue; >20,000 employees; active in >120 countries) and lays out the research methodology and potential focus areas for further studies.
Lean Management has been successfully applied by companies around the world, mainly in production... more Lean Management has been successfully applied by companies around the world, mainly in production/manufacturing functions. Recently, the interest to investigate a wider application of Lean Management especially in service functions increased. However, it is not clear how Lean Management can be applied to IT organizations. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview on common characteristics and future research directions. A literature review on existing scholarly research from January 2004 to June 2014 is conducted. Using a database-driven search approach, a total of 1,206 research contributions are found of which 49 were identified as relevant. Results indicate a low theory grounding of mostly formulative and interpretative research items. This implies that research on Lean Management of IT organizations is still at its nascent state. Content-wise, five research themes emerge. The majority of research investigates IT organizations in a role to support Lean Management in production/manufacturing functions (determining “what to work on”), therefore more research on how Lean Management can be applied to IT organizations themselves (determining “how to work”) could be beneficial. Future research could also try to build on Change Management theories, as the implementation of Lean Management is of transformational character.
Lean Management has been successfully applied in production/manufacturing functions since more th... more Lean Management has been successfully applied in production/manufacturing functions since more than four decades. Recently, the interest to investigate Lean Management also in service functions increased. Therefore, this study aims to (1) Consolidate critical success factors (CSFs) for the implementation of Lean Management of IT organizations; and (2) Describe a theoretical foundation for these CSFs. With respect to (1) a database-driven search was conducted. CSFs then were extracted and categorized. In total 13 CSF groups were assigned to three dimensions: Mindset and behavior; Organization and skills; and Process facilitation and performance management. To understand underlying mechanisms better, and with respect to (2) we related existing (IS) theory to identified groups of CSFs. Especially, five theoretical concepts are discussed: Absorptive capacity, Agency theory, Cognitive dissonance, Dynamic capabilities, and System dynamics. Future research needs to validate the results of (1) and (2) empirically in IT functions.
Das vorliegende Paper untersucht anhand einer Fallstudie die Implementierung einer produktorienti... more Das vorliegende Paper untersucht anhand einer Fallstudie die Implementierung einer produktorientierten Leistungsverrechnung für IT-Services im Kontext eines international führenden Industriegüterunternehmens. Zunächst werden die ökonomischen und regulatorischen Anforderungen, die zur Einführung des Systems geführt haben, skizziert. Danach wird der Aufbau und Ablauf des Verrechnungsverfahrens geschildert: auf IT-Leistungserstellungsseite werden die angefallenen Kosten über die Bildung sogenannter modularer „Service-Bausteine“ den organisatorisch verantwortlichen Stellen als auch IT-Services zugeordnet. Auf Basis der geplanten Nachfragemenge werden diese IT-Services bepreist und in einem IT-Servicekatalog verzeichnet. Dort können sie von den Fachbereichen nachgefragt werden. Im Sinne von Vorteilen werden u.a. eine verursachungsgerechte Kostenverteilung ermöglicht, Kostentransparenz und –vergleichbarkeit geschaffen sowie das Kostenbewusstsein bei Leistungsempfängern und –erstellern gef...
An appreciation of globalisation issues by information systems (IS) graduates is a growing requir... more An appreciation of globalisation issues by information systems (IS) graduates is a growing requirement of organisations with global reach. This paper discusses the planning of a joint course to be delivered online and face to face by two lecturers representing two tertiary institutes in Germany and New Zealand respectively. The IS offshoring content of the course is relatively unique and aspects of globalisation will be demonstrated through the dual country delivery of the course. The two lecturers involved have spent time lecturing and studying in their global partner's country and tertiary institutes and so this joint delivery method is likely to also strengthen cultural ties between the two participating institutions including the students involved. Further research goals and issues are discussed for post-delivery of this dual country blended course. This paper provides a basis for this concept to be evaluated in further research.
Ranking-type Delphi is a frequently used method in IS research. However, besides several studies ... more Ranking-type Delphi is a frequently used method in IS research. However, besides several studies investigating a rigorous application of ranking-type Delphi as a research method, a comprehensive and precise step-by-step guide on how to conduct a rigorous ranking-type Delphi study in IS research is currently missing. In addition, a common critic of Delphi studies in general is that it is unclear if there is indeed authentic consensus of the panelists, or if panelists only agree because of other reasons (e.g. acquiescence bias or tiredness to disagreement after several rounds). This also applies to ranking-type Delphi studies. Therefore, this study aims to (1) Provide a rigorous step-by-step guide to conduct ranking-type Delphi studies through synthesizing results of existing research and (2) Offer an analytical extension to the ranking-type Delphi method by introducing Best/Worst Scaling, which originated in Marketing and Consumer Behavior research. A guiding example is introduced to increase comprehensibility of the proposals. Future research needs to validate the step-by-step guide in an empirical setting as well as test the suitability of Best/Worst Scaling within described research contexts.
Basierend auf einer systematischen und umfangreichen Analyse von Praxisbeiträgen zum Thema Schatt... more Basierend auf einer systematischen und umfangreichen Analyse von Praxisbeiträgen zum Thema Schatten-IT, die zwischen September 2015 und August 2016 erschienen sind, beschreibt der vorliegende Artikel Governance-Aspekte zu diesem Phänomen.
In a comprehensive literature review, we identified 21 different terms used for Shadow IT related... more In a comprehensive literature review, we identified 21 different terms used for Shadow IT related concepts. This variety makes it difficult to identify related research and build upon it. To address this ambiguity, we reduce the different terms to six distinct concepts by developing a taxonomy and examining their relation¬ships. We do so by using a rigorous iterative methodology to identify common characteristics and to classify terms along them. By clustering the results, we derive and visualize the taxonomy. The identified concepts are Feral Practices, Workarounds, Shadow IT, Shadow Systems, Un-enacted Projects, and Shadow Sourcing. We elaborate on the concepts along their characteristics and clearly define and delimit them. As a result, we create a guide for their usage, increase search-and comparability, and unify existing knowledge. Abstract In a comprehensive literature review, we identified 21 different terms used for Shadow IT related concepts. This variety makes it difficult to identify related research and build upon it. To address this ambiguity, we reduce the different terms to six distinct concepts by developing a taxonomy and examining their relationships. We do so by using a rigorous iterative methodology to identify common characteristics and to classify terms along them. By clustering the results, we derive and visualize the taxonomy. The identified concepts are Feral Practices, Workarounds, Shadow IT, Shadow Systems, Un-enacted Projects, and Shadow Sourcing. We elaborate on the concepts along their characteristics and clearly define and delimit them. As a result, we create a guide for their usage, increase search-and comparability, and unify existing knowledge.
In der Produktion gilt „Lean Management“ als einer der de-facto Standardmanagementansätze. Lean M... more In der Produktion gilt „Lean Management“ als einer der de-facto Standardmanagementansätze. Lean Management in IT-Organisationen (Lean IT) ist dahingegen in der Praxis weniger verbreitet und in der Wissenschaft kaum erforscht. Dieser Beitrag aggregiert und erweitert die Ergebnisse mehrerer Forschungsarbeiten. Dabei werden vorrangig zwei Aspekte diskutiert: (1) Ein mögliches Einführungsmodell für Lean IT. Dieses verknüpft fünf Rollen (Sponsor, Programmleiter, Navigator, Linienführungskraft und Linienexperte) mit vier Phasen (Vorbereitung, Analyse, Gestaltung und Implementierung). (2) Besondere Herausforderungen für Linienführungskräfte, die aufgrund der „bottom up“-Ausrichtung bei Lean-IT-Einführungen stark gefordert werden. Neben einer klaren Vision für die Organisationseinheit und dem Verständnis, an welcher Stelle Lean IT die Organisationseinheit konkret unterstützen kann, benötigen sie Offenheit, Veränderungswillen und die Bereitschaft Verantwortung an Mitarbeiter zu delegieren. Außerdem sollten sie über ein ausreichendes Zeitbudget für die Einführung verfügen, um ihrer gestaltenden und qualitätssichernden Funktion nachkommen zu können.
The paper presents a research model and a measurement instrument for a research-in-progress study... more The paper presents a research model and a measurement instrument for a research-in-progress study on the antecedents of success in IS offshoring projects. In this empirical-confirmatory study, we intend to analyse the impact of the constructs “offshoring expertise”, “trust in offshore service provider”, “project suitability”, “knowledge transfer”, and “liaison quality” on offshore project success. Constructs and indicators are derived from an extensive literature review. We plan to formulate a structural equation model and to test it using partial least squares (PLS) as an analysis technique. Our research model addresses the paucity of research that quantitatively examines offshoring success.
The identification of suitable applications or projects is a main initial step in any software de... more The identification of suitable applications or projects is a main initial step in any software development or maintenance related IS offshoring arrangement. This paper examines evaluation criteria and their importance for selecting application or project candidates for offshoring. Based on a literature analysis and interviews with 47 experts from 36 different German companies describing 64 case examples, we find that in contrast to the literature, “size”, “codification”, and “language” are perceived as important selection criteria by experts. Case examples additionally show that “business specificity” seems to be a main reason for application or project failures, that “business criticality” appears to be less important than suggested by the literature, and that adequate “size” might be a necessary prerequisite, but seems not to be a sufficient criterion for an application’s or project’s suitability for offshoring. These differences in comparison to findings from the literature may b...
This paper empirically examines the current state of the IS offshoring phenomenon in Germany rega... more This paper empirically examines the current state of the IS offshoring phenomenon in Germany regarding project characteristics and success patterns. Relying on a sample of 304 projects conducted at various industry sectors and companies, results show that IS offshoring primarily occurs in sectors Telecommunications and IT at large corporations. Cost reduction is the main reason for going offshore and offshore projects are executed as part of a larger program at companies. Noticeably, most projects are delivered from India. Additionally, neither captive offshoring nor offshore outsourcing dominates as a delivery option. Comparing different project subgroups regarding project success, the results reveal that projects delivered by an internal or partially owned service provider are more successful. Other project characteristics such as a project’s embeddedness in a larger offshoring program, a project’s size, or a project’s offshoring degree in terms of relatively offshored labor hours...
... Applying the lens of transaction cost theory and operations management models, Stratman [27] ... more ... Applying the lens of transaction cost theory and operations management models, Stratman [27] found that well understood, standardized service processes that are non-core are best candidates for successful offshoring. Stringfellow et al. ...
Lean Management has been successfully implemented in production organizations since several decad... more Lean Management has been successfully implemented in production organizations since several decades. The study at hand investigates the implementation of Lean Management to IT organizations (Lean IT). The study offers three contributions: First, it explains on a conceptual level how Lean Management can be transferred from production to IT organizations (philosophy, principles, tools). Second, it provides a theoretical perspective on why Lean IT can be beneficial for IT organizations (IT Slack theory). Third, it provides insights to the stated research questions (three benefits and three propositions) from an initial case study of an internal IT service provider for a large international insurance company (> US$25 Billion revenue; >20,000 employees; active in >120 countries) and lays out the research methodology and potential focus areas for further studies.
Lean Management has been successfully applied by companies around the world, mainly in production... more Lean Management has been successfully applied by companies around the world, mainly in production/manufacturing functions. Recently, the interest to investigate a wider application of Lean Management especially in service functions increased. However, it is not clear how Lean Management can be applied to IT organizations. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview on common characteristics and future research directions. A literature review on existing scholarly research from January 2004 to June 2014 is conducted. Using a database-driven search approach, a total of 1,206 research contributions are found of which 49 were identified as relevant. Results indicate a low theory grounding of mostly formulative and interpretative research items. This implies that research on Lean Management of IT organizations is still at its nascent state. Content-wise, five research themes emerge. The majority of research investigates IT organizations in a role to support Lean Management in production/manufacturing functions (determining “what to work on”), therefore more research on how Lean Management can be applied to IT organizations themselves (determining “how to work”) could be beneficial. Future research could also try to build on Change Management theories, as the implementation of Lean Management is of transformational character.
Lean Management has been successfully applied in production/manufacturing functions since more th... more Lean Management has been successfully applied in production/manufacturing functions since more than four decades. Recently, the interest to investigate Lean Management also in service functions increased. Therefore, this study aims to (1) Consolidate critical success factors (CSFs) for the implementation of Lean Management of IT organizations; and (2) Describe a theoretical foundation for these CSFs. With respect to (1) a database-driven search was conducted. CSFs then were extracted and categorized. In total 13 CSF groups were assigned to three dimensions: Mindset and behavior; Organization and skills; and Process facilitation and performance management. To understand underlying mechanisms better, and with respect to (2) we related existing (IS) theory to identified groups of CSFs. Especially, five theoretical concepts are discussed: Absorptive capacity, Agency theory, Cognitive dissonance, Dynamic capabilities, and System dynamics. Future research needs to validate the results of (1) and (2) empirically in IT functions.
Das vorliegende Paper untersucht anhand einer Fallstudie die Implementierung einer produktorienti... more Das vorliegende Paper untersucht anhand einer Fallstudie die Implementierung einer produktorientierten Leistungsverrechnung für IT-Services im Kontext eines international führenden Industriegüterunternehmens. Zunächst werden die ökonomischen und regulatorischen Anforderungen, die zur Einführung des Systems geführt haben, skizziert. Danach wird der Aufbau und Ablauf des Verrechnungsverfahrens geschildert: auf IT-Leistungserstellungsseite werden die angefallenen Kosten über die Bildung sogenannter modularer „Service-Bausteine“ den organisatorisch verantwortlichen Stellen als auch IT-Services zugeordnet. Auf Basis der geplanten Nachfragemenge werden diese IT-Services bepreist und in einem IT-Servicekatalog verzeichnet. Dort können sie von den Fachbereichen nachgefragt werden. Im Sinne von Vorteilen werden u.a. eine verursachungsgerechte Kostenverteilung ermöglicht, Kostentransparenz und –vergleichbarkeit geschaffen sowie das Kostenbewusstsein bei Leistungsempfängern und –erstellern gef...
An appreciation of globalisation issues by information systems (IS) graduates is a growing requir... more An appreciation of globalisation issues by information systems (IS) graduates is a growing requirement of organisations with global reach. This paper discusses the planning of a joint course to be delivered online and face to face by two lecturers representing two tertiary institutes in Germany and New Zealand respectively. The IS offshoring content of the course is relatively unique and aspects of globalisation will be demonstrated through the dual country delivery of the course. The two lecturers involved have spent time lecturing and studying in their global partner's country and tertiary institutes and so this joint delivery method is likely to also strengthen cultural ties between the two participating institutions including the students involved. Further research goals and issues are discussed for post-delivery of this dual country blended course. This paper provides a basis for this concept to be evaluated in further research.
Ranking-type Delphi is a frequently used method in IS research. However, besides several studies ... more Ranking-type Delphi is a frequently used method in IS research. However, besides several studies investigating a rigorous application of ranking-type Delphi as a research method, a comprehensive and precise step-by-step guide on how to conduct a rigorous ranking-type Delphi study in IS research is currently missing. In addition, a common critic of Delphi studies in general is that it is unclear if there is indeed authentic consensus of the panelists, or if panelists only agree because of other reasons (e.g. acquiescence bias or tiredness to disagreement after several rounds). This also applies to ranking-type Delphi studies. Therefore, this study aims to (1) Provide a rigorous step-by-step guide to conduct ranking-type Delphi studies through synthesizing results of existing research and (2) Offer an analytical extension to the ranking-type Delphi method by introducing Best/Worst Scaling, which originated in Marketing and Consumer Behavior research. A guiding example is introduced to increase comprehensibility of the proposals. Future research needs to validate the step-by-step guide in an empirical setting as well as test the suitability of Best/Worst Scaling within described research contexts.
Papers by Markus Westner
Conference Presentations by Markus Westner
be applied to IT organizations. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview on common characteristics and future research directions. A literature review on existing scholarly research from January 2004 to June 2014 is conducted. Using a database-driven search approach, a total of 1,206 research
contributions are found of which 49 were identified as relevant. Results indicate a low theory grounding of mostly formulative and interpretative research items. This implies that research on Lean Management of IT organizations is still at its nascent state. Content-wise, five research themes emerge. The majority of research investigates IT organizations in a role to support Lean Management in production/manufacturing functions (determining “what to work on”), therefore more research on
how Lean Management can be applied to IT organizations themselves (determining “how to work”) could be beneficial. Future research could also try to build on Change Management theories, as the implementation of Lean Management is of transformational character.
respect to (1) a database-driven search was conducted. CSFs then were extracted and categorized. In total 13 CSF groups were assigned to three dimensions: Mindset and behavior; Organization and skills; and Process facilitation and performance management. To understand underlying mechanisms better, and with respect to (2) we related existing (IS) theory to identified groups of CSFs. Especially, five theoretical concepts are discussed: Absorptive capacity, Agency theory, Cognitive dissonance, Dynamic capabilities, and System dynamics. Future research needs to validate the results of (1) and (2) empirically in IT functions.
be applied to IT organizations. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview on common characteristics and future research directions. A literature review on existing scholarly research from January 2004 to June 2014 is conducted. Using a database-driven search approach, a total of 1,206 research
contributions are found of which 49 were identified as relevant. Results indicate a low theory grounding of mostly formulative and interpretative research items. This implies that research on Lean Management of IT organizations is still at its nascent state. Content-wise, five research themes emerge. The majority of research investigates IT organizations in a role to support Lean Management in production/manufacturing functions (determining “what to work on”), therefore more research on
how Lean Management can be applied to IT organizations themselves (determining “how to work”) could be beneficial. Future research could also try to build on Change Management theories, as the implementation of Lean Management is of transformational character.
respect to (1) a database-driven search was conducted. CSFs then were extracted and categorized. In total 13 CSF groups were assigned to three dimensions: Mindset and behavior; Organization and skills; and Process facilitation and performance management. To understand underlying mechanisms better, and with respect to (2) we related existing (IS) theory to identified groups of CSFs. Especially, five theoretical concepts are discussed: Absorptive capacity, Agency theory, Cognitive dissonance, Dynamic capabilities, and System dynamics. Future research needs to validate the results of (1) and (2) empirically in IT functions.