Purpose - Services are evolving from generic to personalized, and the reverse use of customer dat... more Purpose - Services are evolving from generic to personalized, and the reverse use of customer data has been discussed in both academia and industry for the past few years. The aim of this study is to understand how personal data is working as a resource for business model transformation in emerging service ecosystems. Design/methodology/approach - The primary data was gathered over the time in the recorded and transcripted workshops, in which future personal data-based services were conceptualized by analyzing future scenarios from a business perspective. Findings - The results have implications to theory and practice, indicating that adopting personal data management principles requires transformation of the business model, which, if successfully managed, may provide access to more resources, potential to offer better value, and additional customer channels. Research limitations/implications – Being a single case study imposes restrictions to the generalizability of the results. Ex...
Valtion tutkimus- ja innovaatiopolitiikan linjaamat muutokset ovat pakottaneet julkiset tutkimuso... more Valtion tutkimus- ja innovaatiopolitiikan linjaamat muutokset ovat pakottaneet julkiset tutkimusorganisaatiot kilpailemaan julkisesta rahoituksesta ja etsimään lisäksi ulkoista rahoitusta vuodesta 2013 alkaen. Tämä vaikuttaa myös tutkimusorganisaatioiden sisällä muodostettujen tutkimusryhmien rahoitukseen ja toimintaan. Rahoituksen saamiseksi julkisen tutkimusorganisaation on kyettävä luomaan suhteita yrityksiin ja muihin rahoitusta myöntäviin tahoihin. Oman osaamisen ja akateemisen prestiisin viestiminen noille tahoille on muodostunut entistä tärkeämmäksi rahoituksen varmistamisessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on sekä tutkia tutkimusryhmän markkinointiviestinnän mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita, että muodostaa tutkimusryhmälle sopiva markkinointiviestinnän malli. Malli perustuu havaintojen, haastattelun sekä organisaatio- ja markkinointiviestinnän teorioiden perusteella hankitulle ymmärrykselle tutkimusryhmän rakenteesta, tarkoituksesta, erityispiirteistä ja sille sopivista markkinointiviestinnän keinoista. Tutkimuksen metodina on käytetty laadullista menetelmää ja se on toteutettu yhden tapauksen toimintatutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osio toteutettiin haastattelemalla, havainnoimalla ja toimimalla osana Oulun yliopiston Kauppakorkeakoulun markkinoinnin yksikön tutkimusryhmää, jolla on tahtotila kehittää markkinointiviestintäänsä. Tutkimusryhmän markkinointiviestintää saatiin kehitettyä markkinointiviestinnän mallilla. Vaikka kaikkia markkinointiviestinnän tavoitteita ei saavutettu tämän tutkimuksen aikana, markkinointiviestintää on tarkoitus jatkaa mallin mukaisesti myös tutkimuksen jälkeen. Tämän tutkimuksen aikana luotiin myös tutkimusryhmän markkinointiviestinnän opasvihko, jonka tarkoituksena on ohjata tutkimusryhmän jäseniä viikoittaisissa markkinointiviestinnän toimenpiteissä. Tässä tutkimuksessa ilmeni selkeästi markkinointiviestinnän tarpeellisuus, mutta myös sen haasteet yliopistokontekstissa. Julkisen tutkimuksen rahoitusmallien muutoksien vaikutus tutkimusryhmien toimintaan ja jatkumiseen tiedostetaan, mutta vanhoista toimintamalleista pidetään kiinni: markkinointia ei nähdä osana tutkijan työarkea. Markkinointiviestintä saadaan vaatimattomalla vaivannäöllä aloitettua, mutta sen jatkuminen on kiinni toimintatapojen muutoksen onnistumisessa
Purpose - Services are evolving from generic to personalized, and the reverse use of customer dat... more Purpose - Services are evolving from generic to personalized, and the reverse use of customer data has been discussed in both academia and industry for the past few years. The aim of this study is to understand how personal data is working as a resource for business model transformation in emerging service ecosystems. Design/methodology/approach - The primary data was gathered over the time in the recorded and transcripted workshops, in which future personal data-based services were conceptualized by analyzing future scenarios from a business perspective. Findings - The results have implications to theory and practice, indicating that adopting personal data management principles requires transformation of the business model, which, if successfully managed, may provide access to more resources, potential to offer better value, and additional customer channels. Research limitations/implications – Being a single case study imposes restrictions to the generalizability of the results. Ex...
Information technology has long been used as an enabler of exchange for goods and services. Servi... more Information technology has long been used as an enabler of exchange for goods and services. Services are evolving from generic to personalized, and the reverse use of customer data has been discussed in both academia and industry for the past few years. This article presents the results of an empirical case study in the area of preventive health care services. The primary data were gathered in workshops, in which future personal data-based services were conceptualized by analyzing future scenarios from a business perspective. The aim of this study is to understand business model transformation in emerging personal data ecosystems. The work was done as a case study in the context of occupational healthcare. The results have implications to theory and practice, indicating that adopting personal data management principles requires transformation of the business model, which, if successfully managed, may provide access to more resources, potential to offer better value, and additional c...
Data is becoming a more and more important resource for future innovations. Companies are current... more Data is becoming a more and more important resource for future innovations. Companies are currently considering how to leverage personal data in preventive healthcare and in other sectors. However, there are many challenges hindering the development of data-driven businesses in extant business networks. The purpose of this paper is to explore the success factors of data-driven service delivery networks in the context of preventive healthcare. The results are examples of the benefits and challenges of data availability and usage, based on a qualitative case study, in which a network of actors is integrating resources to solve the needs of their end customers. The results underline the success factors for service delivery networks, creating a baseline for human-centric, personalized and preventive healthcare solutions. The study enriches the theoretical perspective of data, services and service delivery networks by continuing discussion on how big data resources become cooperative ass...
Though data is largely recognized as a new form of capital in the digital era, little research ha... more Though data is largely recognized as a new form of capital in the digital era, little research has been done on how innovations related to finding health professionals and using health services are evolving in smart-city-based, preventive healthcare service delivery networks. How does digital data affect preventive healthcare practices in service delivery networks? Evidence is provided from a smart city service delivery network on how data and ICT usage impact preventive healthcare innovations. The research is based on a case study highlighting the transformations continuously occurring in such a network. The results suggest that using data from different sectors will enable individuals and health professionals to communicate via intelligent personalized services, which will act as agents, guiding and coaching individuals to change their lifestyles to avoid chronic diseases. This study provides new knowledge on how continuously using health data can produce novel routines and innova...
Purpose - Services are evolving from generic to personalized, and the reverse use of customer dat... more Purpose - Services are evolving from generic to personalized, and the reverse use of customer data has been discussed in both academia and industry for the past few years. The aim of this study is to understand how personal data is working as a resource for business model transformation in emerging service ecosystems. Design/methodology/approach - The primary data was gathered over the time in the recorded and transcripted workshops, in which future personal data-based services were conceptualized by analyzing future scenarios from a business perspective. Findings - The results have implications to theory and practice, indicating that adopting personal data management principles requires transformation of the business model, which, if successfully managed, may provide access to more resources, potential to offer better value, and additional customer channels. Research limitations/implications – Being a single case study imposes restrictions to the generalizability of the results. Ex...
Valtion tutkimus- ja innovaatiopolitiikan linjaamat muutokset ovat pakottaneet julkiset tutkimuso... more Valtion tutkimus- ja innovaatiopolitiikan linjaamat muutokset ovat pakottaneet julkiset tutkimusorganisaatiot kilpailemaan julkisesta rahoituksesta ja etsimään lisäksi ulkoista rahoitusta vuodesta 2013 alkaen. Tämä vaikuttaa myös tutkimusorganisaatioiden sisällä muodostettujen tutkimusryhmien rahoitukseen ja toimintaan. Rahoituksen saamiseksi julkisen tutkimusorganisaation on kyettävä luomaan suhteita yrityksiin ja muihin rahoitusta myöntäviin tahoihin. Oman osaamisen ja akateemisen prestiisin viestiminen noille tahoille on muodostunut entistä tärkeämmäksi rahoituksen varmistamisessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on sekä tutkia tutkimusryhmän markkinointiviestinnän mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita, että muodostaa tutkimusryhmälle sopiva markkinointiviestinnän malli. Malli perustuu havaintojen, haastattelun sekä organisaatio- ja markkinointiviestinnän teorioiden perusteella hankitulle ymmärrykselle tutkimusryhmän rakenteesta, tarkoituksesta, erityispiirteistä ja sille sopivista markkinointiviestinnän keinoista. Tutkimuksen metodina on käytetty laadullista menetelmää ja se on toteutettu yhden tapauksen toimintatutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osio toteutettiin haastattelemalla, havainnoimalla ja toimimalla osana Oulun yliopiston Kauppakorkeakoulun markkinoinnin yksikön tutkimusryhmää, jolla on tahtotila kehittää markkinointiviestintäänsä. Tutkimusryhmän markkinointiviestintää saatiin kehitettyä markkinointiviestinnän mallilla. Vaikka kaikkia markkinointiviestinnän tavoitteita ei saavutettu tämän tutkimuksen aikana, markkinointiviestintää on tarkoitus jatkaa mallin mukaisesti myös tutkimuksen jälkeen. Tämän tutkimuksen aikana luotiin myös tutkimusryhmän markkinointiviestinnän opasvihko, jonka tarkoituksena on ohjata tutkimusryhmän jäseniä viikoittaisissa markkinointiviestinnän toimenpiteissä. Tässä tutkimuksessa ilmeni selkeästi markkinointiviestinnän tarpeellisuus, mutta myös sen haasteet yliopistokontekstissa. Julkisen tutkimuksen rahoitusmallien muutoksien vaikutus tutkimusryhmien toimintaan ja jatkumiseen tiedostetaan, mutta vanhoista toimintamalleista pidetään kiinni: markkinointia ei nähdä osana tutkijan työarkea. Markkinointiviestintä saadaan vaatimattomalla vaivannäöllä aloitettua, mutta sen jatkuminen on kiinni toimintatapojen muutoksen onnistumisessa
Purpose - Services are evolving from generic to personalized, and the reverse use of customer dat... more Purpose - Services are evolving from generic to personalized, and the reverse use of customer data has been discussed in both academia and industry for the past few years. The aim of this study is to understand how personal data is working as a resource for business model transformation in emerging service ecosystems. Design/methodology/approach - The primary data was gathered over the time in the recorded and transcripted workshops, in which future personal data-based services were conceptualized by analyzing future scenarios from a business perspective. Findings - The results have implications to theory and practice, indicating that adopting personal data management principles requires transformation of the business model, which, if successfully managed, may provide access to more resources, potential to offer better value, and additional customer channels. Research limitations/implications – Being a single case study imposes restrictions to the generalizability of the results. Ex...
Information technology has long been used as an enabler of exchange for goods and services. Servi... more Information technology has long been used as an enabler of exchange for goods and services. Services are evolving from generic to personalized, and the reverse use of customer data has been discussed in both academia and industry for the past few years. This article presents the results of an empirical case study in the area of preventive health care services. The primary data were gathered in workshops, in which future personal data-based services were conceptualized by analyzing future scenarios from a business perspective. The aim of this study is to understand business model transformation in emerging personal data ecosystems. The work was done as a case study in the context of occupational healthcare. The results have implications to theory and practice, indicating that adopting personal data management principles requires transformation of the business model, which, if successfully managed, may provide access to more resources, potential to offer better value, and additional c...
Data is becoming a more and more important resource for future innovations. Companies are current... more Data is becoming a more and more important resource for future innovations. Companies are currently considering how to leverage personal data in preventive healthcare and in other sectors. However, there are many challenges hindering the development of data-driven businesses in extant business networks. The purpose of this paper is to explore the success factors of data-driven service delivery networks in the context of preventive healthcare. The results are examples of the benefits and challenges of data availability and usage, based on a qualitative case study, in which a network of actors is integrating resources to solve the needs of their end customers. The results underline the success factors for service delivery networks, creating a baseline for human-centric, personalized and preventive healthcare solutions. The study enriches the theoretical perspective of data, services and service delivery networks by continuing discussion on how big data resources become cooperative ass...
Though data is largely recognized as a new form of capital in the digital era, little research ha... more Though data is largely recognized as a new form of capital in the digital era, little research has been done on how innovations related to finding health professionals and using health services are evolving in smart-city-based, preventive healthcare service delivery networks. How does digital data affect preventive healthcare practices in service delivery networks? Evidence is provided from a smart city service delivery network on how data and ICT usage impact preventive healthcare innovations. The research is based on a case study highlighting the transformations continuously occurring in such a network. The results suggest that using data from different sectors will enable individuals and health professionals to communicate via intelligent personalized services, which will act as agents, guiding and coaching individuals to change their lifestyles to avoid chronic diseases. This study provides new knowledge on how continuously using health data can produce novel routines and innova...
Papers by Tero Huhtala