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technische universität münchen computer science > net > pahl
> team
Internet of Things Smart Space Research Team (IoT-s2o)

Current and former staff of my group

Students I had the pleasure working with so far...

You can find a summarising statistic here.


Marc-Oliver Pahl Marc-Oliver Pahl
Distributed Smart Space Orchestration (S2O)
Autonomous Management of Things
Internet of Things (IoT)
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)

::> c o n t a c t <::

phd students

Ordered alphabetically.

Erkin Kirdan Erkin Kirdan
Secure and efficient M2M Communication (PhD-2019-07)

Christian L&uuml;bben Christian Lübben
Optimizing IoT Smart Spaces using Advanced Data Analytics (PhD-2018-10)

Jan Seeger Jan Seeger
Smart Bridging of Device Heterogeneity in the Internet of Things (PhD-2016-02)

Lars W&uuml;strich Lars Wüstrich
IoT Security (PhD-2019-06)

student researchers (diploma, master, bachelor thesis, SEP)

Ordered alphabetically.

Hande Akin (TUM) Hande Akin (TUM)
Self learning Firewall for the IoT (MA-2020)

Florian Bauer (TUM) Florian Bauer (TUM)
Machine-Learning Supported IoT Data Modeling (BA-2019)

Melvin Bender (TUM) Melvin Bender (TUM)
MQTT implementations (MA-2020)

Georges Beunardeau (IMT) Georges Beunardeau (IMT)
ML-based graybox modeling of service behavior using passive network traffic monitoring (S5-2020)

Jonas B&uuml;rger (TUM) Jonas Bürger (TUM)
Model houses

Nico Christely (TUM) Nico Christely (TUM)
Resilient Multi-Hop Data Routing (BA-2020)

Valentin Dimov (TUM) Valentin Dimov (TUM)
MQTT TLS (BA-2020)

Christian Fittler (TUM) Christian Fittler (TUM)
Course-comprehensive eLearning Data Analysis and Visualization (BA-2019)

Maximiliano Hill (IMT) Maximiliano Hill (IMT)
ML-based graybox modeling of service behavior using passive network traffic monitoring (S5-2020)

Bassam Jaber (TUM) Bassam Jaber (TUM)
Quantifying Middleware Interoperability via Emulation (MA-2019)

Benjamin L&ouml;hner (TUM) Benjamin Löhner (TUM)
eLEarning statistics (BA-2020)

Daniel Meint (TUM) Daniel Meint (TUM)
Collaborative Caching mechanisms for distributed IoT Middleware/ICN (BA-2020)

Nikolas M&uuml;hlbauer (TUM) Nikolas Mühlbauer (TUM)
OPC UA - Security (IDP-2020)

Alessandro Piccoli (TUM) Alessandro Piccoli (TUM)
Secure Group Key Exchange (MA-2020 with Siemens)

Sebastian Roith (TUM) Sebastian Roith (TUM)
Course-wide eLearning Data Analysis and Visualization (IDP-2020)

Simon Sch&auml;ffner (TUM) Simon Schäffner (TUM)
Adaptive Microservice Placement in the IoT (BA-2019)

Oliver Scheit (TUM) Oliver Scheit (TUM)
Exercise Management Platform (BA-2020)

Oliver Scheit (TUM) Oliver Scheit (TUM)
eLearning Interactivity Support (IDP-2018)

Alvaro Teruel (TUM) Alvaro Teruel (TUM)
COAP proxy (MA-2020)

Andreas Wehe (TUM) Andreas Wehe (TUM)
Bridging Middleware Silos (MA-2019)

student assistants

Ordered alphabetically.

Thomas Eidenm&uuml;ller (TUM) Thomas Eidenmüller (TUM)
ilab2, iLabX tutor

former members

Ordered by the time they left (most recent on top).


Robert Junge (TUM) Robert Junge (TUM)

Erkin Kirdan (TUM) Erkin Kirdan (TUM)

Cedric Mohler (TUM) Cedric Mohler (TUM)
MOOC for Masters

Christoph Schwarzenberg (TUM) Christoph Schwarzenberg (TUM)
ilab2 tutor

Sebastian Borchers Sebastian Borchers
Socket Connections in a P2P Overlay (BA-2018)

Alexander Castendyck Alexander Castendyck
Study on reliable performance analysis in microservice architectures (MA-2020)

Arthur Mathies Arthur Mathies
Data Replication Mechanisms for Smart Spaces (BA-2020)

Ralph Schaumann Ralph Schaumann
Emulationg and evaluating other Middleware with the VSL (MA-2018)


Stefan Liebald Stefan Liebald
Reliability of Distributed Systems (PhD-2016-06)

Benedikt Müller Benedikt Müller
Data Obfuscation in the IoT (BA-2019-10)

Jonas Andre Jonas Andre
MOOC4Master Exercise Testing and Quality Control

Armin Baur Armin Baur

Kostiantyn Redko Kostiantyn Redko
Dynamically Reconfigurable Galileo IoT Testbed (BA-2019-10)

Marco Eggersmann Marco Eggersmann
Automated IoT Service Updates (MA-2019-09)

Sebastian Vogl Sebastian Vogl
Efficient IoT Service Management (MA-2019-09)

Julian Ulrich Julian Ulrich
Self-Adapting IoT User Interfaces (BA-2019)

Lars W&uuml;strich Lars Wüstrich
MOOC for Masters

Paulius Sukys Paulius Sukys
IoT Service Modeling (MA-2019-04)

Christoph Putz Christoph Putz
Efficient Data Replication in Distributed IoT Environments (MA-2019-04)

Maximilian Tschirschnitz Maximilian Tschirschnitz
Autonomous Swarm-based Indoor Mapping (BA-2019-04)

Malith Withanage Malith Withanage
Optimized Service Placement in distributed IoT Systems (MA-2019-02)

Lars W&uuml;strich Lars Wüstrich
Predictive Caching using Machine Learning in IoT Scenarios (MA-2019-04)


Johannes Abel Johannes Abel
Efficient Node Synchronization in the VSL Peer-to-Peer Overlay (BA-2018-11)

Valentin Antoni Valentin Antoni
eLearning Course Exchange Platform (BA-2018-11)

Yaroslav Dushko Yaroslav Dushko
Improving Resilience and User-Support for the vLab virtual Laboratory (MA-2018-09)

Alexander G&uuml;ssow Alexander Güssow
A Fully Automated Smart Space Testbed (BA-2018-09)

Sarah Jost Sarah Jost
Smart eLearning Analytics (BA-2018-11)

Ellen Maeckelburg Ellen Maeckelburg
Policiy-Conform Exchange of Management Data (cooperation with Giesecke und Devrient) (MA-2018-10)

Sarah Jost Sarah Jost

Marc Müller Marc Müller

Deepak Desai Deepak Desai
IoT and Massive Open Online Courses (Internship 4/2018-6/2018)

Sri Hari Raju Penmatsa Sri Hari Raju Penmatsa
IoT Middleware Customization (MA-2018--)

Ivan Raychev Ivan Raychev
eLearning Correction Support (BA-2018--)

Vasil Sarafov Vasil Sarafov
Smart Node Failure Detection in the IoT (BA-2018-09)

Lars W&uuml;strich Lars Wüstrich
vLab (IDP 2018-09)

Francois Aubet Francois Aubet
Machine-Learning for the IoT

Donika Mirdita Donika Mirdita

Fabian Buske Fabian Buske
Providing a Remotely Manageable RunTime Environment for IoT Services (MA-2018-08)

Deniz Celik Deniz Celik
Semi-Autonomous IoT Service Management on Unattended Nodes (MA-2018-08)

Lorenzo Donini Lorenzo Donini
Authenticating and Authorizing IoT Services on Unattended Nodes (MA-2018-08)

Florian Gratzer Florian Gratzer

Alexander G&uuml;ssow Alexander Güssow
Experimental S2O spaces

Kirill Kldiashvili Kirill Kldiashvili

Taimoor Alam Taimoor Alam
SDN-based Optimization of IoT Links for distributed Service Execution (MA-2018)

Eralp Bayraktar Eralp Bayraktar
Blockchain-Based Local Energy Sharing (MA-2018-05)

Florian Kreitmair Florian Kreitmair
Efficient Storing of IoT Data (MA-2018-05)

Matthias M&ouml;gerle Matthias Mögerle
An Approach for User-Assisted Creation of Semantic Indoor Models for Smarter Applications (cooperation with Uni Stuttgart) (MA-2018-05)

Francois Aubet Francois Aubet
Machine-Learning Based Anomalie Detection in IoT Smart Spaces (BA-2018-04)

Maximilian Pudelko Maximilian Pudelko

Christian L&uuml;bben Christian Lübben
Multi Modal Self-Adapting Smart Rooms (MA-2018-04)

Felix Kuperjans Felix Kuperjans
VSL Smart Space Middleware

Karthik Mathiazhagan Karthik Mathiazhagan
IoT security (cooperation with Philips) (MA-2018-04)

Friederike Groschupp Friederike Groschupp
Crowdsourced IoT Data Modeling (BA-2018-04)


Kirill Kldiashvili Kirill Kldiashvili
Testing and Reproducing Network Setups in a Virtual Laboratory (IDP-2017-11)

David Gogrichiani David Gogrichiani
Evaluation of Databases for the IoT (BA-2017-12)

Lucas Wolf Lucas Wolf
MOOC for Masters

Desislava Dimova Desislava Dimova
Socially Interactive Learning Materials (BA-2017-10)

Julius Polar Julius Polar
iLab eXchange platform (MA-2017-10)

Moritz Sichert Moritz Sichert
Virtualization of the iLab Experimentation Isles (IDP-2017-10)

Aidan Howie Aidan Howie
Multi Modal Smart Room Control (BA-2017-10)

Andreas Hubel Andreas Hubel
A Dynamically Extending Map-Based Interface for Smart Spaces (MA-2017-09)

Markus Loipfinger Markus Loipfinger
Deep Learning in Smart Environments (MA-2017-09)

Alexander Hoffman Alexander Hoffman
Vision and Thermal Image Based Person and Gesture Recognition (IDP-2017-08)

Jeslin John Jeslin John

Beatris Burdeva Beatris Burdeva
eLearning Supporting Statistic Elements (BA-2017-05)

Felix Kuperjans Felix Kuperjans
Generating Interfaces for the VSL Smart Space Middleware (BA-2017-04)

Alexander G&uuml;ssow Alexander Güssow
iLab2/ experimental S2O spaces

Victor Savu Victor Savu
The labsystem eLearningsystem (IDP-2017-04)


Florian Gratzer Florian Gratzer
Voice-Controlled Smart Spaces (BA-2016-12)

Sergiu Soima Sergiu Soima
Site-Local Smart Space Service Management (BA-2016-12)

Clemens Elflein Clemens Elflein

Simon Stempfhuber Simon Stempfhuber
Measurement and Visualization of Temperatures in Smart Environments (with Paul Emmerich) (MA-2016-09)

Elias Hazboun Elias Hazboun

Johannes Abel Johannes Abel
Synchronisation Mechanisms for Peer to Peer Systems (BA-2017)

Daniel Castillo Daniel Castillo
Enhancing Consumers' Acceptance of E-Mobility: The EV Smart Assistant App (with Prof. Peter Thiemann (University of Freiburg) and Roberto Guevara (Invensity)) (MA-2017)

Sina Schafaei Sina Schafaei
Video Cube

Johannes Stra&szlig;er Johannes Straßer
Secure Smart Space Orchestration (MA-2016-05)

Anna Kropp Anna Kropp
Evaluating the Usability of the VSL by Implementing Selecting Representative Smart Space Scenarios (BA-2016-04)

Stefan Liebald Stefan Liebald
Caching in Context Centric Networks (MA-2016-02)


Jay Shah Jay Shah
VSL programming

David Ga&szlig;mann David Gaßmann
A Global Context-Model Repository (BA-2015-09)

Peter Gawronski Peter Gawronski

Philipp H&auml;rtinger Philipp Härtinger
Smart Device Making

Johannes Stra&szlig;er Johannes Straßer

Lukas Grillmayer Lukas Grillmayer
Context-Adapting Smart Space User Interfaces for Mobile Devices (MA)

Bj&ouml;rn Korth Björn Korth
Detecting Anomalies in Smart Space Networks
(External student from Uni-Bremen) (DA-2015-06)

Max Geissler Max Geissler
Assisted Creation of Smart Device Gateways (BA-2015-05)

Felix Wei&szlig;l Felix Weißl
Securing Smart Spaces (BA-2015-03)

Felix Kuperjans Felix Kuperjans
new iLab-OS

Benjamin Beier Benjamin Beier


Bibek Shrestha Bibek Shrestha
Convergence Mechanisms for a Smart Space App Store (MA-2014-11)

Timm B&ouml;ttger Timm Böttger

Markus Ongyerth Markus Ongyerth
Smart Space Scenario Implementation

Keyvan Kardel Keyvan Kardel
DS2OS services

Philipp H&auml;rtinger Philipp Härtinger
Implementation and Evaluation of Diverse Pervasive Computing Scenarios (BA-2014-09)

Milad Khanibeik Milad Khanibeik
Managing Smart Space Services (MA-2014-07)

Heeren Sharma Heeren Sharma
Security for the S2Store

Johann Dichtl Johann Dichtl
An Open Layers based User Interface

André Freitag André Freitag
Frontend for Video processing and publishing platform

Fabian Oehlmann Fabian Oehlmann

Deniz Ugurlu Deniz Ugurlu
Distributed Smart Space Operating System


Sibi Antony Sibi Antony
Privacy Preserving Distributed Encrypted Cloud Storage (MA-2013-04)

Nakul Chaudhari Nakul Chaudhari
Large Shared Haptic Virtual Environments (in cooperation with the electrical engineering department) (MA-2013-03)

Johann Dichtl Johann Dichtl
Development of an User Interface Prototype for Autonomous Home Networks (SEP-2013-02)


Thomas Szyrkowiec Thomas Szyrkowiec
Applicability of Secure Function Evaluation on Smart Space Problems (MA-2012-10)

Cuneyt Caliskan Cuneyt Caliskan
Autonomously Migrating Services (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) (MA-2012-09)

Daniel Baumann Daniel Baumann
Assisted Integration of Heterogeneous Devices Into Smart Spaces (BA-2012-09)

Anatol Dammer Anatol Dammer
Improvements & tutor iLab2

Bibek Shrestha Bibek Shrestha
ePub export for the labsystem

Pavel Podkopajev Pavel Podkopajev
An App Store for the Home (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) (MA-2012-09)

Sibi Antony Sibi Antony
Privacy, Improvements & tutor iLab2

Yannick Scherer Yannick Scherer
Model-Based Analysis of Reactive Systems (BA-2012-05)


Martin Riedl Martin Riedl
Self-Optimizing User-Interfaces for Autonomous Environments
(Cooperation with Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf) (DA-2011-10)

Philip Lorenz Philip Lorenz

Ferdinand Mayet Ferdinand Mayet

Philip Daubmeier Philip Daubmeier

Andreas Hubel Andreas Hubel
Video processing and publishing platform

Manuel Scharf Manuel Scharf

Meyyar Palaniappan Meyyar Palaniappan
Labsystem, ACMP

Ismael Gonzalez Ismael Gonzalez
Development on the agent-based knowledge plane.

Dipak Sriram Dipak Sriram
Model Store, Verification, Creation

Deniz Ugurlu Deniz Ugurlu
Understanding User-Input in Home-Networks (BA-2011-02)


Carl Denis Carl Denis
Strategies for Hierarchical Knowledge Management (BA-2010-12)

Enrique Garcia Enrique Garcia
Autonomous Distributed Control and Management via MAPE
(Cooperation with Universidad de las Americas Puebla, Mexiko) (BA-2010-03)

Robert Franz Robert Franz
Advanced Model Enhancement and Knowledge Store Concepts (MA-2010-10)

Rene Brogatzki Rene Brogatzki
A Knowledge-Proxy towards SNMP (BA-2010-08)

Jonas H&ouml;lzler Jonas Hölzler
Intelligent Energy Management in Future Smart Homes (BA)

Mislav Boras Mislav Boras
Localisation in Homes (2010-07)

Ermei Cai Ermei Cai
Support Mechanisms for Model Creation (DA)

Malte Buck Malte Buck
A Reliable Scalable Secure Knowledge-Distribution Overlay (DA-2010-03)

Adam Wlodarcievic Adam Wlodarcievic
Infoscreen - A Touch-Based Digital Information System

Rene Brogatzki Rene Brogatzki

Stephan G&uuml;nther Stephan Günther

Blaz Primc Blaz Primc
Authentisierende Adressierung in Netzwerken
(Cooperation with University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) (DA-2010-06)

Martin Veith Martin Veith


Jose Valerio Jose Valerio
Knowledge-Plane Mechanisms for Home Automation by the Example of Location Based Services
(Cooperation with Telecom SudParis, France) (FP-2009-10)

Alejandro Rodriguez Alejandro Rodriguez
User Interface Concepts for Home Networks
(Cooperation with Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain) (FP-2009-09)

Frederik Fischer Frederik Fischer
Konzeption eines Wissensoverlays zum autonomen Netzknotenmanagement (DA-2009-08)

Enrique Garcia Enrique Garcia
AutoInformation- and Configuration Service (BA-2009-03)

  • Overall amount of supervised students: 165
  • Doctoral Theses: 6
  • Master Theses: 42
  • Diploma Theses: 6
  • Bachelor Theses: 43
  • Interdisciplinary Projects: 8
  • Final Year Project: 2
  • Others: 58

PhD: PhD Thesis
MA: Master Thesis
BA: Bachelor Thesis
DA: Diploma Thesis
FP: Final Year Project
IDP: Inter Disciplinary Project
SEP: Software Development Project

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