Papers by Dr. Arij Dagarah
مجلة المشكاة للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية, 2020
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies , 2022
The study aimed to analyze the old foundations that determined the emergence of neighborhoods in ... more The study aimed to analyze the old foundations that determined the emergence of neighborhoods in Ramallah and Amman cities, and the new factors that replaced them. The problem of the study lies in the variances in opinions and scientific trends that discussed the bases of neighborhoods evolution, and transformations that occurred in these neighborhoods. The study used a historical-evolutionary and descriptive methods, and comparative study method. The study concluded that the end of the seventies and the beginning of the eighties of the twentieth century is a turning point in the history Amman city, while the establishment of the Palestinian Authority after the Oslo Accords in 1993 is the turning point in Ramallah city, where new neighborhoods began to form in the two cities based on the distinction of their residents at a similar socio-economic level. Regardless of the ethnicity and common origins of the population or the country of origin of migration that determined the origin of neighborhoods in the past. The author indicated that the new foundations of the housing decision worked to abolish the old foundations.
مجلة جامعة النجاح للأبحاث - العلوم الإنسانية, 2020
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل التباين في الخصائص الاجتماعية والاقتصادية للسكان في مدينة عمان على مست... more هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل التباين في الخصائص الاجتماعية والاقتصادية للسكان في مدينة عمان على مستوى الأحياء، وفقاً لبيانات السكان والمساكن في التعداد السكاني لعام 2015، ومعرفة التحولات التي مرت بها المدينه خلال العقود الأخيرة من خلال المقارنة مع بيانات التعداد العام للسكان والمساكن لعام 1979. وقد استخدمت الدراسة (38) متغيراً تمثل الخصائص الديموغرافية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية لسكان مدينة عمان على مستوى الأحياء البالغ عددها (169) حياً، وفقاً لبيانات التعداد السكاني لعام 2015. واستخدمت الدراسة أسلوب التحليل العاملي لتحديد العوامل المفسرة للتباين المكاني لخصائص السكان داخل المدينة، بالاعتماد على برنامج (SPSS). وقد بينت النتائج وجود عاملين يفسران نحو (%85,62) من التباين. تمثل العامل الأول ببعد الحالة الاجتماعية والديموغرافية، وفسّر (56,8%)، أما العامل الثاني فكان العامل الاقتصادي وقد فسّر (28,7%) من التباين في مصفوفة المتغيرات.
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 2020
The study aimed at analyzing the variation in the economic and social characteristics of the popu... more The study aimed at analyzing the variation in the economic and social characteristics of the population in Amman city at the neighborhoods' level, according to the population and housing data based on the population census of 2015. The study also seeks to compare the characteristics of the economic and social ecology of Amman city based on the population census data of 1979 and 2015. To achieve this aim, (38) variables representing the demographic, social and economic characteristics of the population in Amman city were used at the neighborhood's level of the (169) neighborhoods of the city. The study used the Rotated Principal Component Analysis of Factor Analysis method using SPSS program, to define the main factors that explain the spatial variance in the characteristics of the economic and social ecology of Amman city. The results showed that there are two factors contribute to the variance between neighborhoods in Amman City. The first factor, the social factor, Explained (56, 8%), while the second factor called the economic factor Explained (28, 7%) of the variance in the data matrix. The study suggests a room for future research to study the Determinants of the establishment of the neighborhoods in Amman city and to develop a model that has been followed by neighborhoods in its development between past and present.
Journal of Management Research, 2016
This study aims at pointing out and the Geographical Spreading of Banks in Jordan and its Reflect... more This study aims at pointing out and the Geographical Spreading of Banks in Jordan and its Reflection on Economic Development An Analytical Study For The Period 2014-2016 , the study specify the target society, which represent all the existing banks in used the following approaches to analyze the data in this research, which are historical, descriptive analytical, and comparative methods. Technically, the studies used excel application to generate and extract graphs, and GIS technology to draw maps. The study found that banks spatially distributed unfairly between the provinces of Jordan, The study also showed that banks did not adopt clear criteria in branching and spreading of ATMs, except the Bank of Jordan.The study recommended directing the attention of researchers towards performing depth researches dealing with the consequences of banking concentration in specific provinces on the evolution and development of these provinces, and studying the concentration reflection in certa...
Open Journal of Geology, 2016
Jordan Journal of Social Sciences, 2020
هدفت الدراسة لتحليل أسس نشأة الأحياء في مدينة عمان، بدراسة الأسس التاريخية المتعلقة بالخلفية العر... more هدفت الدراسة لتحليل أسس نشأة الأحياء في مدينة عمان، بدراسة الأسس التاريخية المتعلقة بالخلفية العرقية ووحدة الأصل والمنبت، والأماكن التي هاجر منها السكان، والعوامل الجديدة التي حلت محلها، وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج التاريخي التطوري والمنهج الوصفي لاستعراض العوامل المساهمة في نشأة المدينة ومراحل تطورها، وركزت على أسلوب دراسة الحالة وأسلوب المسح، وأسلوب تحليل المحتوى، واستخدمت المنهج السردي أو الروائي لفهم محددات نشأة الأحياء، ومفاصل التحول فيها من خلال رواية السكان وتجاربهم الخاصة، وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن نهاية السبعينيات وبداية الثمانينيات من القرن العشرين تعد نقطة تحول في تاريخ مدينة عمان، إذ أدت إلى تشكل أحياء جديدة في المدينة بناء على تميز سكانها بمستوى اقتصادي واجتماعي متشابه، بغض النظر عن عوامل العرق والأصول المشتركة للسكان أو البلد الأصلي للهجرة التي حددت نشأة الأحياء قبل سبعينيات القرن العشرين، وبذلك يتبين أن الأسس الجديدة لقرار السكن عملت على إلغاء الأسس القديمة التي كانت الأحياء تنشأ بالاستناد إليها، وبينت الدراسة عدم وجود نظرية خاصة ومحددة تفسر نشأة الأحياء في مدينة عمان، ...
مجلة جامعة النجاح للابحاث / العلوم الانسانية, 2018
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل التباين في الخصائص الاجتماعية والاقتصادية للسكان في مدينة عمان على مست... more هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل التباين في الخصائص الاجتماعية والاقتصادية للسكان في مدينة عمان على مستوى الأحياء، وفقاً لبيانات السكان والمساكن في التعداد السكاني لعام 2015، ومعرفة التحولات التي مرت بها المدينه خلال العقود الأخيرة من خلال المقارنة مع بيانات التعداد العام للسكان والمساكن لعام 1979. وقد استخدمت الدراسة (38) متغيراً تمثل الخصائص الديموغرافية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية لسكان مدينة عمان على مستوى الأحياء البالغ عددها (169) حياً، وفقاً لبيانات التعداد السكاني لعام 2015. واستخدمت الدراسة أسلوب التحليل العاملي لتحديد العوامل المفسرة للتباين المكاني لخصائص السكان داخل المدينة، بالاعتماد على برنامج (SPSS). وقد بينت النتائج وجود عاملين يفسران نحو (%85,62) من التباين. تمثل العامل الأول ببعد الحالة الاجتماعية والديموغرافية، وفسّر (56,8%)، أما العامل الثاني فكان العامل الاقتصادي وقد فسّر (28,7%) من التباين في مصفوفة المتغيرات.
Jordan journal of social science, 2019
هدفت الدراسة لتحليل أسس نشأة الأحياء في مدينة عمّان، بدراسة الأسس التاريخية المتعلقة بالخلفية الع... more هدفت الدراسة لتحليل أسس نشأة الأحياء في مدينة عمّان، بدراسة الأسس التاريخية المتعلقة بالخلفية العرقية ووحدة الأصل والمنبت، والأماكن التي هاجر منها السكان، والعوامل الجديدة التي حلت محلها. وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج التاريخي التطوري والمنهج الوصفي لاستعراض العوامل المساهمة في نشأة المدينة ومراحل تطورها، وركزت على أسلوب دراسة الحالة وأسلوب المسح وأسلوب تحليل المحتوى، كما استخدمت المنهج السردي أو الروائي لفهم محددات نشأة الأحياء ومفاصل التحوّل فيها من خلال رواية السكان وتجاربهم الخاصة.
وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن نهاية السبعينيات وبداية ثمانينيات القرن العشرين تُعَدُّ نقطة تحوّل في تاريخ مدينة عمّان، حيث أدت إلى تشكّل أحياء جديدة في المدينة بناءً على تميز سكانها بمستوى اقتصادي واجتماعي متشابه، بغض النظر عن عوامل العرق والأصول المشتركة للسكان أو البلد الأصلي للهجرة التي حدّدت نشأة الأحياء قبل سبعينيات القرن العشرين. وبذلك يتبين أن الأسس الجديدة لقرار السكن عملت على إلغاء الأسس القديمة التي كانت الأحياء تنشأ بالاستناد إليها، كما بينت الدراسة عدم وجود نظرية خاصة ومحدّدة تفسر نشأة الأحياء في مدينة عمّان. وأوصت الدراسة بتوجيه الباحثين نحو دراسة الحراك السكاني بين أحياء مدينة عمّان والعوامل التي تساهم في حدوثه، وبحث دور الإسكان الوظيفي والإسكان الخاص في نشأة الأحياء وتطور مناطق جديدة في مدينة عمّان والمدن الأردنية الأخرى.
(مجلة جامعة النجاح للأبحاث (العلوم الإنسانية, 2020
The study aimed at analyzing the variation in the economic and social characteristics of the popu... more The study aimed at analyzing the variation in the economic and social characteristics of the population in Amman city at the neighborhoods' level, according to the population and housing data based on the population census of 2015. The study also seeks to compare the characteristics of the economic and social ecology of Amman city based on the population census data of 1979 and 2015. To achieve this aim, (38) variables representing the demographic, social and economic characteristics of the population in Amman city were used at the neighborhood's level of the (169) neighborhoods of the city. The study used the Rotated Principal Component Analysis of Factor Analysis method using SPSS program, to define the main factors that explain the spatial variance in the characteristics of the economic and social ecology of Amman city. The results showed that there are two factors contribute to the variance between neighborhoods in Amman City. The first factor, the social factor, Explained (56, 8%), while the second factor called the economic factor Explained (28, 7%) of the variance in the data matrix. The study suggests a room for future research to study the Determinants of the establishment of the neighborhoods in Amman city and to develop a model that has been followed by neighborhoods in its development between past and present.
International Journal of Planning Urban and Sustainable Development, 2020
This study aimed to analyze the bases of neighborhoods evolution in Amman city, and what transfor... more This study aimed to analyze the bases of neighborhoods evolution in Amman city, and what transformation took place in them, by studying the historical bases related to ethnic, religious, and unity of origins and birthplace backgrounds, and the places where people have migrated from, and what other new factors replaced those former ones. The study used both the Descriptive analytical approach and the Deductive approach to review the factors contributing to neighborhood evolution in cities. Furthermore, the study focused on using case studies, surveying, and content analysis to obtain data, and it also used a narrative approach to gain understating of determinants of neighborhood evolution and key milestones in their transformations, through analyzing people's stories and narration of their private experiences. The study concluded that the end of 1970's and the beginning of 1980's could be considered as a transformation point in the history of Amman city, as the economic and social changes that took place in that period had led to the formation of new neighborhoods in the city according to the distinction of its inhabitants economically or socially, regardless the factors of ethnicity, similar origins, or country of where immigrants came from, which have determined the evolution of neighborhoods before the 1970's. Hence, it is clear that the new bases for residing in a certain neighborhood have neutralized the old essentials contributing to neighborhood formations. The study also showed that there is no one specific or precise theory that could explain the evolution of all the neighborhoods in Amman. The study recommended that researchers should be directed to study population movements within Amman's neighborhoods, and what factors contribute to these movements, besides to investigating the role of Job-related-housing projects and Special-housing projects in forming neighborhoods and new districts in Amman city and other Jordanian cities.
Dirasat Human and Social Sciences, 2019
هدفت الدراسة للتعرف إلى أثر الربيع العربي في دول الشرق الأوسط على القطاع السياحي الاردني، ومدى تأ... more هدفت الدراسة للتعرف إلى أثر الربيع العربي في دول الشرق الأوسط على القطاع السياحي الاردني، ومدى تأثر دولة آمنة كالأردن، بعدم استقرار دول الجوار. وانطلقت الدراسة من افتراضين: الأول، وجود علاقة بين ثورات الربيع العربي وتراجع قطاع السياحة في الأردن، أما الثاني، فينطلق من انتعاش قطاع السياحة في الاردن نتيجة لثورات الربيع العربي، بسبب استقرار البلد وأمنها. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى اثبات الفرضية الأولى وهي وجود علاقة بين ثورات الربيع العربي وانعكاس حالة عدم الاستقرار في الدول المجاورة للأردن على تراجع القطاع السياحي الأردني، ثم عاود القطاع للتعافي بالتدريج، بسبب السياسات الحكومية التي سعت إلى الترويج عن استقرار البلد وأمنها، وهذا ما يثبت صحة الفرضية الثانية مع الزمن. وبينت الدراسة وجود عوامل أخرى أثرت في مراحل معينة على تراجع السياحة مثل الأزمات الاقتصادية، التحديات الداخلية مثل (عدم وجود المرافق والخدمات السياحية في بعض المواقع، سلوك الزوار غير اللائق،عدم ادراج الاردن ضمن كتالوجات السياحة العالمية). وأوصت الدراسة بتوجيه الباحثين لدراسة التوجهات السياحية الجديدة وآليات التسويق التي تنتهجها الدولة ومخططاتها نحو انعاش السياحة في المملكة.
This study aims at pointing out and the Geographical Spreading of Banks in Jordan and its Reflect... more This study aims at pointing out and the Geographical Spreading of Banks in Jordan and its Reflection on Economic Development An Analytical Study For The Period 2014-2016 , the study specify the target society, which represent all the existing banks i used the following approaches to analyze the data in this research, which are historical, descriptive analytical, and comparative methods. Technically, the studies used excel application to generate and extract graphs, and GIS technology to draw maps.
This research is intended to assess the regional pattern of hypsometric curves (HCs) and hypsomet... more This research is intended to assess the regional pattern of hypsometric curves (HCs) and hypsometric integrals (HIs) for the watersheds draining into the Jordan Rift (River Jordan, the Dead Sea, and Wadi Araba watersheds). Hypsometric analysis was performed on 22 drainage basins using ASTER DEM (30 m resolution) and GIS. The area-elevation ratio method was utilized to extract the hypsometric integral values within a GIS environment. A prominent variation exists in the HC shapes and HI values. The highest hypsometric values are found for the Dead Sea (x = 0.87) and River Jordan (x = 0.77) watersheds. Whereas the lowest values (x = 0.51) characterized Wadi Araba catchments, except Wadi Nukhaileh (lower Wadi Araba) which yields an HI value of 0.26. Seventeen HCs pertained to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea watersheds evince remarkably upward convex shapes indicating that such drainage basins are less eroded, and at the youth-stage of the geomorphic cycle of erosion. Catchments draining to Wadi Araba are of intermediate HI values (0.41-0.58) which are associated with a balance, or dynamic equilibrium between erosion and tectonic processes. Accordingly, they correspond to a late mature stage of geomor-phic development. Additionally, Wadi Nukhaileh yields the lowest HI value (0.26) and is associated with highly eroded terrain of late mature geomorphic evolution, approaching an old stage therefore, with distorted concave upward curves. High HI values indicate that these watersheds have been subjected to tectonic uplift, down faulting of the Rift and intense rejuvenation. Differences in HI values can be attributed to disparity in tectonic uplift rate, base level heights, and mean heights of the River Jordan watersheds, the Dead Sea and Wadi Araba watersheds, and variation in lithology, which caused noticeable differences in rejuvenation processes, and channel incision. Regression analysis reveals that R 2 values which represent the degree of control of driving parameters on HI, are positive and generally low (ranging from 0.026 to 0.224) except for the height of base level (m) parameter which contributes Y. Farhan et al. 1313 0.42 (significant at 0.1% level). Such results mean that the height of base level has a significant at 0.1% level. It is obvious that the most crucial driving morphometric factor influencing HI values of the Jordan Rift drainage basins, is the height of base level (m).
Books by Dr. Arij Dagarah
book, 2020
This study aimed to investigate the transformations in factors that determine the emergence of ne... more This study aimed to investigate the transformations in factors that determine the emergence of neighborhoods in and around Amman, through studying historical dimensions related to ethnical backgrounds, unity of origin, places where immigration to Amman has originated, and what new factors that go with them or have replaced them. The researcher tried to shed light specifically on the impact of the socio-economic factor on the current state of Amman's Neighborhoods, and their future.
The study used several approaches to achieve its goals: the historical evolution approach which aimed to review factors contributing to emergence and development of cities; the descriptive approach which aims to focus on the case study, surveying and content analysis through coding and analyzing answers of interviewees; and the narrative approach where people residing in the chosen neighborhoods were encouraged to tell their stories and experiences to help in understanding the reality of these neighborhoods, and factors and transformation points that affected their formation.
The study used factor analysis to uncover variances among the chosen neighborhoods Amman by analyzing thirty-eight economic, social, and demographic factors that have been presented in population and housing census for the year 2015. Nvivo program was used to statistically analyze data retrieved from interviews in the field study part of the study.
The study has concluded that the end of seventies and the beginning of the eighties of the twentieth century is considered a transformation point in the history of Amman city, as neighborhoods started to form according to the likeness in social and economic levels of its people, while disregarding the factors of shared ethnic origins or the shared place of where they have immigrated from, which established the origin of those neighborhoods before the seventies of the twentieth century, As the socio-economic factor has dominated the reality of life in Amman's neighborhoods, it became the main factor that impacted their emergence and formation. People started to head towards creating new neighborhoods according to resemblances in social and economic levels. Hence, it became obvious that this new factor has canceled older factors that have earlier affected the emergence of these neighborhoods. This factor has also dominated the current status and will affect the future status, as it led to decrease in social relationships among people residing the neighborhoods understudy, and turned them into shallow relationships based on advantage and personal interests, and have led to lack of feelings of belonging to the place of residence, and have led to decrease in decisions related to choosing residence near relatives or tribe or similar ethnical groups. The study concluded that there is no one unified theory for explaining the emergence of Amman neighborhoods that could be put forward.
The study recommended that future research should investigate peoples’ movements among Amman’s neighborhoods, and factors leading to these movements, and studying the role of functional housing and private housing in the emergence and development of new neighborhoods in Amman and other cities.
Papers by Dr. Arij Dagarah
وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن نهاية السبعينيات وبداية ثمانينيات القرن العشرين تُعَدُّ نقطة تحوّل في تاريخ مدينة عمّان، حيث أدت إلى تشكّل أحياء جديدة في المدينة بناءً على تميز سكانها بمستوى اقتصادي واجتماعي متشابه، بغض النظر عن عوامل العرق والأصول المشتركة للسكان أو البلد الأصلي للهجرة التي حدّدت نشأة الأحياء قبل سبعينيات القرن العشرين. وبذلك يتبين أن الأسس الجديدة لقرار السكن عملت على إلغاء الأسس القديمة التي كانت الأحياء تنشأ بالاستناد إليها، كما بينت الدراسة عدم وجود نظرية خاصة ومحدّدة تفسر نشأة الأحياء في مدينة عمّان. وأوصت الدراسة بتوجيه الباحثين نحو دراسة الحراك السكاني بين أحياء مدينة عمّان والعوامل التي تساهم في حدوثه، وبحث دور الإسكان الوظيفي والإسكان الخاص في نشأة الأحياء وتطور مناطق جديدة في مدينة عمّان والمدن الأردنية الأخرى.
Books by Dr. Arij Dagarah
The study used several approaches to achieve its goals: the historical evolution approach which aimed to review factors contributing to emergence and development of cities; the descriptive approach which aims to focus on the case study, surveying and content analysis through coding and analyzing answers of interviewees; and the narrative approach where people residing in the chosen neighborhoods were encouraged to tell their stories and experiences to help in understanding the reality of these neighborhoods, and factors and transformation points that affected their formation.
The study used factor analysis to uncover variances among the chosen neighborhoods Amman by analyzing thirty-eight economic, social, and demographic factors that have been presented in population and housing census for the year 2015. Nvivo program was used to statistically analyze data retrieved from interviews in the field study part of the study.
The study has concluded that the end of seventies and the beginning of the eighties of the twentieth century is considered a transformation point in the history of Amman city, as neighborhoods started to form according to the likeness in social and economic levels of its people, while disregarding the factors of shared ethnic origins or the shared place of where they have immigrated from, which established the origin of those neighborhoods before the seventies of the twentieth century, As the socio-economic factor has dominated the reality of life in Amman's neighborhoods, it became the main factor that impacted their emergence and formation. People started to head towards creating new neighborhoods according to resemblances in social and economic levels. Hence, it became obvious that this new factor has canceled older factors that have earlier affected the emergence of these neighborhoods. This factor has also dominated the current status and will affect the future status, as it led to decrease in social relationships among people residing the neighborhoods understudy, and turned them into shallow relationships based on advantage and personal interests, and have led to lack of feelings of belonging to the place of residence, and have led to decrease in decisions related to choosing residence near relatives or tribe or similar ethnical groups. The study concluded that there is no one unified theory for explaining the emergence of Amman neighborhoods that could be put forward.
The study recommended that future research should investigate peoples’ movements among Amman’s neighborhoods, and factors leading to these movements, and studying the role of functional housing and private housing in the emergence and development of new neighborhoods in Amman and other cities.
وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن نهاية السبعينيات وبداية ثمانينيات القرن العشرين تُعَدُّ نقطة تحوّل في تاريخ مدينة عمّان، حيث أدت إلى تشكّل أحياء جديدة في المدينة بناءً على تميز سكانها بمستوى اقتصادي واجتماعي متشابه، بغض النظر عن عوامل العرق والأصول المشتركة للسكان أو البلد الأصلي للهجرة التي حدّدت نشأة الأحياء قبل سبعينيات القرن العشرين. وبذلك يتبين أن الأسس الجديدة لقرار السكن عملت على إلغاء الأسس القديمة التي كانت الأحياء تنشأ بالاستناد إليها، كما بينت الدراسة عدم وجود نظرية خاصة ومحدّدة تفسر نشأة الأحياء في مدينة عمّان. وأوصت الدراسة بتوجيه الباحثين نحو دراسة الحراك السكاني بين أحياء مدينة عمّان والعوامل التي تساهم في حدوثه، وبحث دور الإسكان الوظيفي والإسكان الخاص في نشأة الأحياء وتطور مناطق جديدة في مدينة عمّان والمدن الأردنية الأخرى.
The study used several approaches to achieve its goals: the historical evolution approach which aimed to review factors contributing to emergence and development of cities; the descriptive approach which aims to focus on the case study, surveying and content analysis through coding and analyzing answers of interviewees; and the narrative approach where people residing in the chosen neighborhoods were encouraged to tell their stories and experiences to help in understanding the reality of these neighborhoods, and factors and transformation points that affected their formation.
The study used factor analysis to uncover variances among the chosen neighborhoods Amman by analyzing thirty-eight economic, social, and demographic factors that have been presented in population and housing census for the year 2015. Nvivo program was used to statistically analyze data retrieved from interviews in the field study part of the study.
The study has concluded that the end of seventies and the beginning of the eighties of the twentieth century is considered a transformation point in the history of Amman city, as neighborhoods started to form according to the likeness in social and economic levels of its people, while disregarding the factors of shared ethnic origins or the shared place of where they have immigrated from, which established the origin of those neighborhoods before the seventies of the twentieth century, As the socio-economic factor has dominated the reality of life in Amman's neighborhoods, it became the main factor that impacted their emergence and formation. People started to head towards creating new neighborhoods according to resemblances in social and economic levels. Hence, it became obvious that this new factor has canceled older factors that have earlier affected the emergence of these neighborhoods. This factor has also dominated the current status and will affect the future status, as it led to decrease in social relationships among people residing the neighborhoods understudy, and turned them into shallow relationships based on advantage and personal interests, and have led to lack of feelings of belonging to the place of residence, and have led to decrease in decisions related to choosing residence near relatives or tribe or similar ethnical groups. The study concluded that there is no one unified theory for explaining the emergence of Amman neighborhoods that could be put forward.
The study recommended that future research should investigate peoples’ movements among Amman’s neighborhoods, and factors leading to these movements, and studying the role of functional housing and private housing in the emergence and development of new neighborhoods in Amman and other cities.