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Submission Guidelines

In this section, we present manuscript style and formatting guidelines and provide the template for Polar Data Journal.
If you need a template, please click : 

  • Microsoft Word Document version :  PolarDataJournal_template_2023.doc

  • (Insert continuous line numbers on the left side of the manuscript.)

    *Papers on continuous observation data

    Describe in the abstract about an annual recurring observation, and whether the paper is the first of a series or not. If there are any other related papers published prior to this submission, specify all in the section of Background and Summary so they could be referred. The content of the submitted paper should be focused on the points that have changed from the prior papers and avoid duplication for the content of the main text. 

    256 characters maximum, including spaces

    First name Last name1, First name Last name2

    Authorship is based on the following two criteria:

    ・Substantial contribution to the research or writing of the paper.

    ・Final approval and responsible to the accepted manuscript.

    However, if a deceased person is to be listed as an author considering his/her contribution, the word (Deceased) should be written after his/her name. If the author becomes deceased after the submission and before the publication of the paper, please contact the editorial office for further information.

    1. Institution
    2. Institution
    Corresponding author(s): Given name FAMILY name (e-mail@address)
    Note "Currently retired" if the author has resigned from the listed affiliation.

    500 words maximum (4000 character maximum)
    The abstract should contain a concise summary and note the acquired and prepared datasets as well as possibilities for reusing those datasets. However, no new scientific findings should be presented here. (Do not include literature citations in the abstract.)

    Background and Summary
    1000 words maximum
    In this section, explain the research background that served as the basis for the prepared data and explains the composition of that research with citations, where necessary. In addition, discuss the motivation and purpose for preparing the data as well as the data’s value.

    Location (or Observation)
    Using maps, describe the locations where data were acquired or observations were made. For data or observations extending over a broad area, note the geographical limits of the target area and the spatial resolution.

    In this section, describe the processing technique used when preparing data, such as the methods used to acquire data and/or conduct observations, with citations as necessary. In the case of observations, provide details of the equipment used and describe the hardware, software, and other tools used. Include photos or illustrations of the equipment and of observation systems. If a specific type of software was used to prepare the data, describe how that software was obtained (e.g., provide a Web address where it can be downloaded).

    Describe methods in a manner that will make reproduction possible by a third party who acquires similar data and makes similar observations. Authors may cite other literature with regard to methods of data acquisition and observation; however, they must describe these methods and how to reproduce the processing techniques. Authors may omit the methods and processing technique if they have cited other literature.

    Data Records
    In this section, explain data records that pertain to this report. Describe the data files and their formats so that other researchers can reuse them by reading this section. Tables showing the data structure should be used to explain the presented datasets.
    Even if prepared data formats use software that is generally applicable to all fields, authors must provide a method that is reusable by a third party by noting the manner in which the software was obtained, the version that was used, a method for reading the data using the software, and other relevant details.

    Technical Validation

    In this section, provide the information on the reliability and quality of the data, e.g. statistical errors in calculation or derivation processes, with accompanying figures and tables when necessary. These contents can be included in the Methods section.

    Usage Notes (optional)
    In this section, authors may describe any points that should be kept in mind when using the data.

    This section must be concise. It should include contributions from people who are not listed among the authors, as well as projects that gathered data and sources of funding. There is no need to acknowledge the contributions of referees and editors.

    Author Contributions
    Concisely describe the contributions made by each author in the following manner:
    AA did this and that.BB did this, that, and the other.

    Competing Interests
    Data management plans designated by funding sources may be provided here. Because there are cases in which overseas funding organizations require the publication of datasets within one year or the publication of those sets in this repository as conditions for funding, those conditions can be described here.

    Figures (optional)
    Include a minimum of necessary figures that present the main points of the published data. Submit all figures at their final size (to fit within 1 or 2 columns of text in the printed journal) and print a copy so you can ensure that the text is easily readable at that size. Large figures should be submitted as supplemental figures, numbered with an S prefix (e.g., Fig. S1).
    Provide appropriate legends for the figures.

    Tables may include the main data points of the published data. However, this is acceptable only for tables arranged in a summarized format. Large tables should be submitted as supplemental tables, numbered with an S prefix (e.g., Table S1).

    Provide bibliographic information for any works cited in the above sections, using the standard SIST referencing style.
    References are each numbered, ordered sequentially as they appear in the text.
    When cited in the text, reference numbers are superscript, not in brackets unless they are likely to be confused with a superscript number.
    All authors should be included in reference lists unless there are more than five, in which case only the first author should be given, followed by et al.


    1. Author(s). Title of paper. Journal title. Year, volume number (issue number), first page–last page. DOI.


    2. Author(s). Book Title. Edition. Place of publication, publisher, year, total number of pages, (series title if applicable), DOI.

    3. Author(s). “Title of chapter or section”. Book title. Editor. Edition, Place of publication, publisher, year, first page–last page, (series title if applicable), DOI.

    (Website or webpage)

    4. Author(s). “webpage title”. Name of website. Date updated. access address, (access date).

    Data Citations
    This section is for notation of bibliographic information that was provided in the data report. For this section, data repositories involving polar science will provide digital object identifiers (DOIs).
    Bibliographic style for the data records described in the manuscript:
    1. Last name1, Initial1., Last name2, Initial2., … and Last name N. Initial N. Repository name. Dataset accession number or DOI (year).
