As a Wikidata Bridge tester I want to see the information extracted from the edit link in order to verify it. It should be shown in the first version of the modal.
For full specs see figma file (layout of the modal content [buttons, ...] is out of scope!)
GIVEN a Wikidata Bridge enabled infobox
WHEN clicking on an edit link
THEN a modal opens
AND it shows information about edit flow, Item ID and Property ID
Acceptance criteria:
- clicking an edit link that qualifies for data bridge T224832: Connect template parameter to corresponding Wikidata property opens a modal showing Item ID, Property ID, and edit flow
- modal (highlights - follow figma for details)
- has 50% white, blocking background
- click on blocking background does not close the modal, there is no escape behavior, ...
- content box is horizontally and vertically centered
- padding (turquoise) is 20px
- fixed dimensions (width & height = 500px * 488px)
- on view ports ≤ 499px width
- width and height are 100%
- prevents scrolling (of the article "under" the modal)
- has a drop shadow same as the termbox modal
- has 50% white, blocking background