What are we doing?
We would like to define all of the colors used in the app (on all reading themes) as well as identify where we might need new colors. We will also complete an accessibility audit of current designs with recommendations for improvements. Finally we will create guidelines for when colors should be used.
Figma file
Proposed designs
Color name changes
Hex | Color name | Old name |
#000 | black | base0 |
#101418 | gray800 | darkBase05 |
#202122 | gray700 | base10 |
#27292D | gray675 | darkBase10 |
#2E3136 | gray650 | darkBase20 |
#54595D | gray600 | base20 |
#72777D | gray500 | base30 |
#A2A9B1 | gray400 | base50 |
#C8CCD1 | gray300 | base70 |
#EAECF0 | gray200 | base80 |
#F8F9FA | gray100 | base90 |
#fff | white | white |
#2A4B8D | blue700 | accent30 or blue30 |
#3366CC | blue600 | accent50 or blue50 |
#6699FF | blue300 | accent70 or blue70 |
#EAF3FF | blue100 | accent90 or blue90 |
#B32424 | red700 | red30 |
#DD3333 | red600 | red50 |
#FEE7E6 | red100 | red90 |
#00AF89 | green600 | green50 |
#D5FDF4 | green100 | green90 |
#FFCC33 | yellow600 | yellow50 |
#E1DAD1 | beige400 | sepiaBase85 |
#F0E6D6 | beige300 | sepiaBase90 |
#F8F1E3 | beige100 | sepiaBase100 |
#646059 | taupe600 | sepiaGray40 |
#CBC8C1 | taupe200 | sepiaGray80 |
#6b4ba1 | purple | purple50 |
#FF9500 | orange | orange50 |
#EEF2FB | gray150 | paleNavy |
#8E8E93 | gray450 | darkSearchFieldBackground |
Color changes by theme
- DiffStrikeThrough changed to #202122 / color-gray700
- Disabled link changed to #54595d / color-gray600
- Tertiary text and disabled text changed to #72777d / color-gray500
- Diff context item background changed to #eaecf0
- Card border, Card button background, Diff context item background, Diff move paragraph background changed to #f8f9fa / color-gray100
- Disabled link text changed to #72777d / color-gray500
- diffCompareChangeHeading changed to #f8f1e3 / color-beige100
- Border, Diff context item border changed to #cbc8c1 / color-taupe200
- Base, Popover background abd Shadows change to #101418 / color-gray800
- Mid-background and Chrome change to #202122 / color-gray700
- Paper changes to #27292d / color-gray675
- Border, card button background, diff move paragraph background change to #2e3136 / color-grey650
- Disabled link text changes to #a2a9b1 / color-gray400
- Secondary action changes to #eaf3ff / color-blue-100
- Destructive, error, diff text delete, diff text strike through change to #dd3333 / color-red600
- Border and card button background change to #27292d / color-gray675
- Disabled link text changes to #a2a9b1 / color-gray400
- Secondary action changes to #eaf3ff / color-blue-100
- Destructive, error, diff text delete, diff text strike through change to #dd3333 / color-red600