When searching Wikidata, the search results when the interface language is set to English versus when it is set to British English differ far more than expected.
Example: "wh" using English vs "wh" using British English.
Top ten results on Special:Search, for en and en-gb:
There are no results in common.
The top result for en is the 28th result for en-gb.
The second result for en is the 128th result for en-gb, after many other results which have no obvious connection to the search term.
Top ten results when doing an entity search, for en and en-gb:
There is only one result in common.
5 of the 7 results for en show a "wh" label or alias.
Only 1 of the 7 results for en-gb shows a "wh" label or alias.
Q12874593 (watt hour) as displayed on Special:Search, in en and en-gb:
en shows the label with the matched alias after the link.
en-gb replaces the label with the matched alias.