Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- Go toДе_Санти
- See no <references /> tag produced anywhere in the markup
- Go toДе_Санти?useparsoid=1
- See <div class="mw-references-wrap" typeof="mw:Extension/references" about="#mwt7" id="mwDg" data-mw="{"name":"references","attrs":{"responsive":""}}"><ol class="mw-references references" id="mwDw"></ol></div> in the code
What should have happened instead?:
In Russian Wikipedia we want to simplify the maintenance of disambiguation pages by providing an automatic <references /> section anywhere there are <ref> tags on a page or through transclusions. See discussion and context atВикипедия:Форум/Предложения#Автоматизация_раздела_примечаний_на_страницах_значений
I’ve recently made this happen for all pages with disambiguation template but it was reported me in the link above that Parsoid / mobile apps generate a different code markup. This markup prevents the template from being rendered correctly. I do not see why it is generated the way it is generated, empty elements like that are entirely unneeded and because of this, there is no way to do what we want to do in Parsoid page views correctly.
In other instances it produces double lists:
It would be great if an empty <references /> tag didn’t display any code or displayed as minimal code as possible.