Copy from VRT [[ticket:2024112610011561]]
What happens?:
A person cannot edit Wikipedia, he gets a message "Вы исчерпали установленное для борьбы со злоупотреблениями ограничение на количество выполнений запрошенного действия за короткий промежуток времени. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку через несколько минут." (I'm not sure how it should be in original, something like 'You have reached the anti-abuse limit on the number of times the requested action can be performed in a short period of time. Please try again in a few minutes.')
He tried edit from IP, from an account, in different ways, but since 1 ноября 2021 (since his registrarion) he has been able to do just two edits (Демин_М.)
Something similar was discussed onВикипедия:Форум/Архив/Технический/2023/06#Фильтр_правок , but there wasn't any conclusion (and the person is sure that he is editing once at a time and not anonymously).
What should have happened instead?:
Wikipedia should be an encyclopedia that anyone can edit.