The church building can be described as neo baroque with a historicizing facade formally referrin... more The church building can be described as neo baroque with a historicizing facade formally referring to the early Roman Baroque, for example the Diocletian "therma" windows. On the other hand, the cross-gable dates to the 18th century like St. Anthony's Church in Lviv (Lember) from the 19th century. All in all, the building shows the stylistic features of Kováts' unique work as outlined in his theoretical manifestos as "the basic principles of modern architecture". Even now, surveys have revealed that after more than 100 years this building is in good condition, which stands as a testament to the villagers who built it.
W wielu obszarach miejskich widoczna jest skrajna segregacja przestrzeni publicznej oraz fakt, że... more W wielu obszarach miejskich widoczna jest skrajna segregacja przestrzeni publicznej oraz fakt, że wiele dzielnic mieszkaniowych jest przestrzennie odizolowanych od miasta jako całości. Ponieważ tradycyjne metody analiz urbanistycznych dają słabe wytyczne w tym kontekście, podjęta zostanie próba ujęcia problemu i odmiennego podejścia do segregacji w projektowaniu urbanistycznym. Niniejszy artykuł bada, w jaki sposób teorie i metody analizy Space Syntax mogą przyczynić się do stworzenia bardziej dopracowanych opisów relacji przestrzennych w różnych dzielnicach i całym mieście. Przyjęto metodę badawczą: analizę literatury fachowej (krajowej i zagranicznej) oraz dostępnych publikacji. Analiza urbanistyczna oparta na teorii Space Syntax umożliwia wykazanie zasadniczych różnic strukturalnych między dzielnicami i określenie wpływu form urbanistycznych na zalety przestrzenne różnych obszarów miasta. Otwiera to nowe możliwości rozwiązania problemu segregacji w zakresie projektowania urbanistycznego oraz sformułowanie bardziej skutecznych interwencji antysegregacyjnych.
This paper presents the development of the public space of Nowy Sącz, taking into account the spa... more This paper presents the development of the public space of Nowy Sącz, taking into account the space syntax analysis of the historical maps of the city and the structure of its development. Nowy Sącz is a city located in southern Poland, with over 80,000 residents. A space syntax analysis of historical maps helps to explain the urban space’s growth and development structure. The scientific goal of this paper was to build model solutions and urban typologies of Nowy Sącz; to present the logic of the model; and to compare simulation results with reality and historical knowledge. The application goal was to explain the processes and popularize the insight using clear space syntax visualizations. Axial maps of street networks were developed using current and historical city plans (publicly available plans from the late 18th century to the present day). The space syntax methodology was employed to measure Integration and Choice variables for each stage of the city’s spatial development. T...
This paper presents the development of the public space of Nowy Sącz, taking into account the spa... more This paper presents the development of the public space of Nowy Sącz, taking into account the space syntax analysis of the historical maps of the city and the structure of its development. Nowy Sącz is a city located in southern Poland, with over 80,000 residents. A space syntax analysis of historical maps helps to explain the urban space’s growth and development structure. The scientific goal of this paper was to build model solutions and urban typologies of Nowy Sącz; to present the logic of the model; and to compare simulation results with reality and historical knowledge. The application goal was to explain the processes and popularize the insight using clear space syntax visualizations. Axial maps of street networks were developed using current and historical city plans (publicly available plans from the late 18th century to the present day). The space syntax methodology was employed to measure Integration and Choice variables for each stage of the city’s spatial development. T...
The church building can be described as neo baroque with a historicizing facade formally referrin... more The church building can be described as neo baroque with a historicizing facade formally referring to the early Roman Baroque, for example the Diocletian "therma" windows. On the other hand, the cross-gable dates to the 18th century like St. Anthony's Church in Lviv (Lember) from the 19th century. All in all, the building shows the stylistic features of Kováts' unique work as outlined in his theoretical manifestos as "the basic principles of modern architecture". Even now, surveys have revealed that after more than 100 years this building is in good condition, which stands as a testament to the villagers who built it.
W wielu obszarach miejskich widoczna jest skrajna segregacja przestrzeni publicznej oraz fakt, że... more W wielu obszarach miejskich widoczna jest skrajna segregacja przestrzeni publicznej oraz fakt, że wiele dzielnic mieszkaniowych jest przestrzennie odizolowanych od miasta jako całości. Ponieważ tradycyjne metody analiz urbanistycznych dają słabe wytyczne w tym kontekście, podjęta zostanie próba ujęcia problemu i odmiennego podejścia do segregacji w projektowaniu urbanistycznym. Niniejszy artykuł bada, w jaki sposób teorie i metody analizy Space Syntax mogą przyczynić się do stworzenia bardziej dopracowanych opisów relacji przestrzennych w różnych dzielnicach i całym mieście. Przyjęto metodę badawczą: analizę literatury fachowej (krajowej i zagranicznej) oraz dostępnych publikacji. Analiza urbanistyczna oparta na teorii Space Syntax umożliwia wykazanie zasadniczych różnic strukturalnych między dzielnicami i określenie wpływu form urbanistycznych na zalety przestrzenne różnych obszarów miasta. Otwiera to nowe możliwości rozwiązania problemu segregacji w zakresie projektowania urbanistycznego oraz sformułowanie bardziej skutecznych interwencji antysegregacyjnych.
This paper presents the development of the public space of Nowy Sącz, taking into account the spa... more This paper presents the development of the public space of Nowy Sącz, taking into account the space syntax analysis of the historical maps of the city and the structure of its development. Nowy Sącz is a city located in southern Poland, with over 80,000 residents. A space syntax analysis of historical maps helps to explain the urban space’s growth and development structure. The scientific goal of this paper was to build model solutions and urban typologies of Nowy Sącz; to present the logic of the model; and to compare simulation results with reality and historical knowledge. The application goal was to explain the processes and popularize the insight using clear space syntax visualizations. Axial maps of street networks were developed using current and historical city plans (publicly available plans from the late 18th century to the present day). The space syntax methodology was employed to measure Integration and Choice variables for each stage of the city’s spatial development. T...
This paper presents the development of the public space of Nowy Sącz, taking into account the spa... more This paper presents the development of the public space of Nowy Sącz, taking into account the space syntax analysis of the historical maps of the city and the structure of its development. Nowy Sącz is a city located in southern Poland, with over 80,000 residents. A space syntax analysis of historical maps helps to explain the urban space’s growth and development structure. The scientific goal of this paper was to build model solutions and urban typologies of Nowy Sącz; to present the logic of the model; and to compare simulation results with reality and historical knowledge. The application goal was to explain the processes and popularize the insight using clear space syntax visualizations. Axial maps of street networks were developed using current and historical city plans (publicly available plans from the late 18th century to the present day). The space syntax methodology was employed to measure Integration and Choice variables for each stage of the city’s spatial development. T...
Papers by Justyna Olesiak