Dr. Hossein Sadri is a critic and activist. He studied architecture and received his Master of Science degree from Tabriz Azad University in Iran and completed his Ph.D. studies at Gazi University in Turkey. During his PhD studies he conducted research on ethics and philosophy of Human Rights and wrote his thesis on “Architecture and Human Rights”. As an activist he worked in different positions in the Amnesty International. He was the national coordinatior of Human Rights Education and the EU Representative of Amnesty International in Turkey. He currently holds an Associate Professor position at the Department of Architecture in Girne American University, where he teaches courses on ethics and philosophy of architecture, urbanization and social ecology and architectural/urban design. He is also the co-leader of the "De-Urban Design Studio" a design studio which applies urban acupuncture, permaculture design and transition design approached. He is the member of the borad of the GAU Centre for Habitat Studies. He is a permaculture designer (PDC 2017 Permaculture Research Institute TURKEY) and studies Agriculture at Anadolu University. He worked as the head of the department of architecture and the dean of the faculty of architecture, design and fine arts from 2012 and he left the position after his appointment as the vice rector for research and international relations in 2016. He wrote and edited several books, journals and articles. Recently he edited a book, entitled "Neoliberalisma and Architecture of the Post-Professional Era" which is expected to be published in 2018 by Springer-Nature. During 2018 academic year, he conducts research on Current Urbanization Problems as a visiting scholar in the Graduate Program in Urban Design, in Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture at the City College of New York - CUNY. Phone: 0090 392 650 2000
Tarih boyunca bir iktidar aracı olarak şekillenen mimarlık, mekan üzerinde kendi erkini geliştire... more Tarih boyunca bir iktidar aracı olarak şekillenen mimarlık, mekan üzerinde kendi erkini geliştirerek, çeşitli dışlanmışlıkları beraberinde getirmiştir. Doğanın ve diğer canlıların, azınlıkların ve diğer tüm incinebilir grupların, öteki yaşam tarzların ve kültürlerin üzerinde uygulanan bu mekanı tanımlama gücü, temsil ettiği iktidardan bağımsız olarak da, mimarlığı bir zulüm aracına dönüştürmüştür. Bu zulüm öteki insanların, diğer canlıların, ekosistemin ve hatta toprağın, yağmurun, nehrin ve havanın yaşamlarını tehdit edercesine gelişmiştir ve çoğu varlığın ortadan yok olmasına, kirlenmesine, ezilmesine sebep olmuştur. Toplumsal iktidar biçimlerinden bağımsız olarak, mimarlığın bir mekan tanımlama pratiği olarak geliştirdiği bu iktidar biçiminin ortaya çıkardığı çeşitli zulümleri tartışmaya açmak amacıyla bu konu farklı perspektiflerden değerlendirmeye alınacaktır.
Taking plants from their original habitat and keeping them in pots is an illustrative example of ... more Taking plants from their original habitat and keeping them in pots is an illustrative example of manmade, power-oriented and unnatural habitation. Naturally, a plant cannot survive in a segregated environment of a pot. For this reason, diverse supportive activities such as watering, feeding or protecting must be planned. These supplying infrastructures create a great power for the caretaker over the life of the potted plant. Using the example of potted plants, this article tries to shed light on social and ecological problems of urbanization.
A B S T R A C T This article studies the process of professionalization in general and particular... more A B S T R A C T This article studies the process of professionalization in general and particularly in architecture and reviews the concept of professional ethics and the codes and documents related to it. The article investigates on the motivations of the conflicts between the documents of professional ethics with the ethical values by criticizing several codes of professional conducts produces by the main professional organizations in the field of architecture. The article proposes an ethical approach which can go beyond and above professions and their limited professional interests to be able to prevent the unethical professional conducts.
A B S T R A C T In this article, the study assessed the domestication process of humankind within... more A B S T R A C T In this article, the study assessed the domestication process of humankind within the frame of urbanization and power accumulation. Within this framework, by giving various examples from chicken farms. The study express the author's opinions on the analogy of the " liberated human beings " in cities and the " free range " chickens in farms. It has also been tried to explain how a city acts as a human farm. Cities are governed by the ones holding power similar to the farms are ruled by farmers and humans during their history of civilization have lost their right of deciding on their lives and fates against this power as the domesticated animals in farms. It is necessary to give up these cities which are models of life organizations from the Old and the Middle Ages. Models of settlements which became even more inhumane as results of modernization and neoliberalization strategies. The study revealed that With the scientific and technologic improvements and the developments of in science and humanities, it is possible to easily replace the city model of communal life with a better one-The one in which people can be more free and happy and will give more life to the earth and contribute to the aliveness within it.
Suyu felaket olarak algılayan kentleşme zihniyeti en büyük felakettir Kentleri inşaat olarak göre... more Suyu felaket olarak algılayan kentleşme zihniyeti en büyük felakettir Kentleri inşaat olarak gören ve inşaatı da rant olarak algılayan kentleşme zihniyeti, geliştirmekte olduğu kentlerle doğayı mahvediyor. Buna en güzel örnek, nimet olarak değerlendirilmesi gereken yağmurun felakete dönüşüdür. Yağan yağmurlar en verimli topraklarımızı da alarak sokaklarımızın ortasından geçerek, evlerimize, iş yerlerimize girerek, arabalarımızı sürükleyerek denize akıyor. Durum böyleyken bizim uzmanlar, siyasiler, yetkililer ve hemen hemen herkes su kanalları gibi başka türlü inşaat projeleri ve betonlaşmalarla çözüm arıyorlar. Yağmur sularının evlerimize girmeden denize doğrudan akıtılması konusunda fikir geliştiriyorlar. Aslında suyu felaket olarak algılayan ve veya bu felaketi önleme yollarını inşaatta arayan kentleşme zihniyeti kendisi bugün karşı karşıya kaldığımız en büyük felakettir. Kuzey Kıbrıstaki Evlerde Kullanılan Suyun Dört Katı Yağmur Geldi Meteoroji'den gelen bilgiye göre Girne Bölgesine haftasonu metre kareye 139 milimetre yağmur düştü. Girne'nin 69 kilometre kare yüz ölçümüne bu ortalama miktarı çarparsak, toplam Girne Bölgesine düşen suyun 95 milyon metre küp olduğunu tespit etmiş oluruz. Bu miktar su, Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta evlerde kullanılan yıllık suyun yaklaşık 4 katı ve tarımda kullanılan suya yaklaşık eşit bir miktardır. Türkiye'den gelmekte olan suyun yıllık miktarı ise 75 milyon metre küp, yani sadece 1 günde Girne'ye yağmış olan yağmurun dörtte üçü. Yağmurun Kentlere Verdiği Zarar Değil, Esas Sorun Suyun Denize Akıp Gitmesidir. Bu verileri gözden geçirdiğimizde yağan yağmurun evlere ve iş yerlerine verdiği hasar değil denize akmış olmasının büyük bir hüsran olduğunu algılayabiliriz. Daha da vahim olan bu boşuna akıp gitmekte olan su ve yanında götürdüğü verimli toprağın ve buna çare olarak üretilen inşaatçı ve projeci çözümlerin uzun vadede Kuzey Kıbrıs'ı tam bir çöle dönüştürüyor olmasıdır. Çözüm, Kentleşmeye Karşı Sosyal ve Ekolojik Yerleşme Modelidir Kentleşme politikaları, arazilerin ekolojik ve hatta sosyal yapılarını " yapılı çevre " ve içindeki insanların ekonomik, politik ve sosyal ilişkileriyle sınırlı tutuyor. Kentleşme politikaları, emirnameler, master planlar ve stratejik planlar hep insanı, ekonomik büyümeyi, emsalı ve rantı düşünüyor. Kısa vadeli çıkarlar için çocuklarımızın geleceğini satıyor. Buna karşın
Kent hakkı 1968 yılında Henri Lefebvre tarafından ortaya konulan radikal bir paradigmadır. Bu par... more Kent hakkı 1968 yılında Henri Lefebvre tarafından ortaya konulan radikal bir paradigmadır. Bu paradigmanın amacı sosyo-mekânsal ilişkileri yeniden düzenleyerek, kent ölçeğinde bir vatandaşlık tanımı 2 oluşturmak ve bu tanıma göre kenttaşların hakkını tanımlamaktır. Lefebvre'e göre kenttaşların kent hakkı, kent mekânını kullanmak ve kenti oluşturmak ya da değiştirmek hakkını içerir. Yani tüm kent sakinlerinin çeşitli farklılıklarıyla kentte barınma ve ihtiyaçlarına göre yaşam alanları olarak kentlerini şekillendirme hakkıdır. Ancak mekân üretim ve kullanım süreçleri dikkate alındığında, toplumun diğer alanlarında da olduğu gibi, iktidar ilişkileri dışlanmaları beraberinde getirmektedir. Ötekiler ve incinebilir gruplar kent mekânını kullanmaktan ve ihtiyaçlarına göre onu değiştirip, yeniden şekillendirmekten mahrum edilmektedirler. Kenti etkileyen iktidar ilişkilerinin en önemlilerinden ve kent hakkı konusunda yapılan çalışmalarda en çok ihmal edilenlerinden biri erkek egemenliğidir. Bu yazıda erkek egemenliğine karşı kadınların kent hakkı tartışılmaktadır. 11 H. Lefebvre, 1968, a.g.e., s. 155.
Mimarlığın Dönüşümü: Rönesans sonrasında bir disipline dönüşen mimarlık zanaatı, usta-çırak ilişk... more Mimarlığın Dönüşümü: Rönesans sonrasında bir disipline dönüşen mimarlık zanaatı, usta-çırak ilişkisine dayalı olan geleneksel yetişme yöntemlerinden uzaklaşarak, 17. yüzyıldan itibaren " Ecole Nationale et Speciale des Beaux-Arts " başta olmak üzere Avrupa'da güzel sanatlar akademilerinde verilen formel eğitim aracılığıyla yaygınlaştırıldı. 18. yüzyılın sonlarında İngiltere'de kurulan Royal Academy of Art ve Beaux-Arts okulunun etkisi altında 19. yüzyılda Amerika'da Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Urbana ve Illinois gibi mimarlık okulları kuruldu (Wilton-Ely, 2000; Draper, 2000; Roth, 2007). Böylelikle mimarlık disiplinin yayılmasıyla, formel eğitim almış diplomalı mimarlar geleneksel mimarların yerlerini almak için harekete geçtiler. 1834 yılında Britanyalı Mimarlar Kraliyet Enstitüsü'nün (RIBA) ve 1857 yılında Amerikan Mimarlar Enstitüsü'nün (AIA) kuruluşuyla mimarlık bir meslek olarak modern toplumsal yapı içerisine yerleşti (Sadri,...
Mimarlık alanının tarihsel gelişimine baktığımız zaman, mimarlığın bir zanaat olarak ortaya çıkış... more Mimarlık alanının tarihsel gelişimine baktığımız zaman, mimarlığın bir zanaat olarak ortaya çıkışını ve zanaatkar ustalar olarak mimarların bu alandaki kontrolü ele geçirmelerini, daha sonra mimarlığın bir disiplin haline gelmesini ve böylelikle formel eğitim almış mimarların bu alanda güç sahibi olmalarını, bunların birleşerek ve örgütlenerek, toplumsal yapı ve devlet nezdinde tanımlanarak ve kamu onayı alarak mimarlığı bir meslek alanına dönüştürmelerini ve son olarak da mimarlığın bir iş (business) ve uğraş (occupation) olarak kapitalist düzen içerisinde yerleşmesini çeşitli aşamalar olarak tanımlayabiliriz. Bu yazıda özellikle son yıllarda kapitalist düzen içerisinde yerini daha da pekiştiren mimarlığın durumu, İngilizce uğraş ve ayrıca işgal anlamına gelen occupation kelimesinden esinlenilerek ve mimarlığın ticarileşmesine vurgu yaparak türetilen " iş-gal " terimi bağlamında ve etik bir değerlendirme çerçevesinde eleştirilmektedir. Mimarlık Alanı: Mimarlık tarihiyle i...
Uluslararası Af Örgütü'nün 2009 yılı raporu " Sadece Ekonomik Kriz Yok, Bir de İnsan Hak... more Uluslararası Af Örgütü'nün 2009 yılı raporu " Sadece Ekonomik Kriz Yok, Bir de İnsan Hakları Krizi Var " başlıklı bir giriş yazısıyla başlamaktadır. Dönemin Uluslararası Af Örgütü Genel Sekreteri, Irene Khan tarafından kaleme alınan bu yazıda, günümüzde milyarlarca insanın güvensizlik, adaletsizlik ve onur kırıcı muamelelere maruz kaldığına dikkat çekilmektedir. Khan'a göre, gıda, iş, temiz su, arazi ve barınma yokluğu ve aynı zamanda eşitsizlik, güvensizlik, yabancı düşmanlığı, ırkçılık, şiddet ve baskıların artması global bir insan hakları krizine sebep olmaktadır 3. Khan'ın yazısında ayrıca, bu insan hakları krizi mağdurlarının çoğunun kentlerde yaşadıkları, bunların da en az bir milyarının varoşlarda ve yetersiz barınma koşullarında hayatlarını sürdürdükleri ve temel hizmetlerden yoksun, güvensizliğin, şiddetin ve zorla tahliyelerin günlük tehdidi ile karşı karşıya bulundukları dikkate alınmaktadır 4. Bu açıklama, kentlerin durumunun dünya çapında ne kadar ...
ARK ŞEHRİNİN UYANIŞI: NAKŞ-İ-CİHAN MEYDANININ İNŞASI VE ŞEHİRCİLİKTE İSFAHAN EKOLU Hossein SADRI ... more ARK ŞEHRİNİN UYANIŞI: NAKŞ-İ-CİHAN MEYDANININ İNŞASI VE ŞEHİRCİLİKTE İSFAHAN EKOLU Hossein SADRI 1 Özet Nakş-i-Cihan Meydanının Safevi döneminde (1598-1629) inşasıyla, İran'da şehircilik yeni bir teoriyle karşılaşmıştır. Safeviler dönemine kadar kendi hiyerarşik yapısını koruyan ve erk-kent modeli üzerinden gelişen şehircilik modeli, bu meydanın yapımından sonra mekânsal dizge modeline dönüşmüştür. Bu yeni model şehri bir bütün olarak ele alıp, kentsel mekânları toplumsal, kültürel, politik ve ekonomik hayatın gerçekleşmesi için yeniden düzenlemiştir. Şehir bütünlüğü ve binalar arasındaki ağı temel alan bu düşünce, şehircilikte İsfahan ekolu olarak adlandırılmıştır. İsfahan ekolunun felsefi uzantıları İran'da Şii düşüncenin tasavvufi yorumlarının yaygınlaştırılmasında etkin olmuştur. İsfahan ekolu, ressamlık ve diğer sanat dallarında, politik ve ideolojik düşünce biçimlerinde ve diğer alanlarda insan kavramının daha önem kazanması ve merkeziyete konulmasına sebep olmuştur. B...
On the horizon of 2016, a positive end of the re-unification talks in Cyprus is expected. However... more On the horizon of 2016, a positive end of the re-unification talks in Cyprus is expected. However two of the most complicated subjects of the negotiations in Cyprus remain. These two topics are related to mechanisms of exclusive ownership and control over the Earth of the Island: Territory and Property. While territory defines the sovereignty of state, property delimits the legal supremacy of people, in a defined piece of land. Both of these terms function to assign a human centric, hegemonic, oppressive, violative, discriminative, and unnatural way of sharing the earth between living beings.
Architecture, as it is reflected in its name which originates from the
ancient Greek word of Arkh... more Architecture, as it is reflected in its name which originates from the ancient Greek word of Arkhitekton (ἀρχιτέκτων), and in the meaning of construction skill and the mastery of building, has a long history. However what is called architecture as a profession today has aroused during the 19th Century by its re-classification within the limits of design, its isolation from building and construction, the reality and one to one scale and its institutionalization as one of the arms of the capitalist system and modern state. The profession of architecture is implemented by of professionals who have been awarded with the title of architect and authorised in the field of architecture by state and other legal authorities. Architects obtain the capabilities of spatial design and organization. Accumulation of this capability increases the effects of architecture on socio-cultural and economic-political transformations and consequently the risk of using this power for non-humanitarian goals. To allay the anxiety of the possible misuse of this power and to keep it down, professional ethics has been delineated in architecture, as it has been in all other professions. However focusing on the client-serving professional interests, professional ethics inspire the guild-related activities in the profession.
‘Post-professional’ architecture and urbanity have emerged in recent decades as a by-product of t... more ‘Post-professional’ architecture and urbanity have emerged in recent decades as a by-product of the globalized world with neo-liberal states, multi-national corporations, and worldwide social and environmental predicaments. The structure of the state is being transformed and consequently the associated paradigm of ‘professionalism’ that prevailed throughout the period of the modern (nation) state, much of the twentieth century, is no longer persuasive.
Globalization and Neo-liberalization of the political economy in different nations has transforme... more Globalization and Neo-liberalization of the political economy in different nations has transformed the organization of labour power, instruments of production and their relations in recent decades. The industrial period’s institutionalization of the state as modern, centralised, socialized and with a national identity is being replaced by the post-modern, glocal (global+local), multi-national and privatized state. The professions of architecture and urban planning have been faced with big transformations parallel to these changes and have passed from the era of professionalism and entered to the ‘post professional’ era. Post Professional Architecture and Planning is losing its public, national and social role through being restructured via business-led motivations. The main motivation of architectural and urban practices in the post professional era have shifted from designers’ personal attempts at creating spaces with high ‘use value’, in the public interest, towards the image-oriented, high ‘exchange value’ productions of specialists for private interests. Both in architecture and urban planning, their practice and education has been re-organized in the era of “post-professionalism”. The intended technical and professional mono-type curricula of architecture and planning education changed to more diverse, theoretical and experimental educational programmes worldwide. The professional organizations changed their shells and became more independent institutes with more activities and visions beyond their traditional professional parameters. While mainstream architecture and urban planning has transformed to the business model, alternative movements in architecture and planning have created architectural and urban activism and re-made the political agenda for architecture and urbanism by establishing diverse initiatives against war, natural disasters, environmental degradation, inequalities, and violations of human rights. Post-Professional Architecture and Urban Planning appears in these two forms of architectural-urban business and activism. While the first one derives from neoliberalization of professionalism in architecture and urbanism, the second one is the reaction against neoliberalization from architectural and urban point of view. The aim is to create a book to discuss various transformations of architectural and urban practice and education in the changeover from the era of “professionalism” to that of “post-professionalism”.
The oldest and the most valuable part of the last divided capital city of Europe with thousands o... more The oldest and the most valuable part of the last divided capital city of Europe with thousands of monuments is now under three different legal and administrative authorities. With Nicosia the first divided settlement on the island, yet also the subject of Cyprus’ first bi-communal project as developed by the municipalities of this city, could it now play a special role in the re-unification of the island by hosting the first re-unified initiative?
Architecture, as it is reflected in its name which originates from the ancient Greek word of Arkh... more Architecture, as it is reflected in its name which originates from the ancient Greek word of Arkhitekton (ἀρχιτέκτων), and in the meaning of construction skill and the mastery of building, has a long history. However what is called architecture as a profession today has aroused during the 19th Century by its re-classification within the limits of design, its isolation from building and construction, the reality and one to one scale and its institutionalization as one of the arms of the capitalist system and modern state. The profession of architecture is implemented by of professionals who have been awarded with the title of architect and authorised in the field of architecture by state and other legal authorities.
Architects obtain the capabilities of spatial design and organization. Accumulation of this capability increases the effects of architecture on socio-cultural and economic-political transformations and consequently the risk of using this power for non-humanitarian goals. To allay the anxiety of the possible misuse of this power and to keep it down, professional ethics has been delineated in architecture, as it has been in all other professions.
However focusing on the client-serving professional interests, professional ethics inspire the guild-related activities in the profession.
Today when almost all the professions act under the influences of liberal and neo-liberal order, professional ethics, which are supposed to be subjects of human values, are restricted to the image of professions and their market shares. Codes of professional conducts as the documents of professional ethics, which should manifest inter-professional and ultra-professional as well as intra-professional moral rules, have been issued according to the rules of capitalism and limited only to the intraprofessional regulations and personal responsibilities of individuals. Similarly in architecture, codes of professional ethics exclude the moral accountability of the profession, collective responsibilities of architects and take no notice of the ultra-professional role of architecture and the roles of other actors in the field rather than individual architects.
This article investigates the foundation of professions, discussing the ethical validity of professional ethics according to the processes of legitimization of professions and examines the profession of architecture and architectural ethics in this context. The codes of professional ethics prepared by the most operative worldwide professional organizations in architecture such as Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE), International Union of Architects (UIA) and The American Institute of Architects (AIA), are scrutinized in order to grasp the lack of humanitarian concerns and interrogate the capitalist interests of codes of professional ethics in architecture. The article recommends the term of architectural ethics opposing professional ethics
and extends a proposal related to its contents.
Tarih boyunca bir iktidar aracı olarak şekillenen mimarlık, mekan üzerinde kendi erkini geliştire... more Tarih boyunca bir iktidar aracı olarak şekillenen mimarlık, mekan üzerinde kendi erkini geliştirerek, çeşitli dışlanmışlıkları beraberinde getirmiştir. Doğanın ve diğer canlıların, azınlıkların ve diğer tüm incinebilir grupların, öteki yaşam tarzların ve kültürlerin üzerinde uygulanan bu mekanı tanımlama gücü, temsil ettiği iktidardan bağımsız olarak da, mimarlığı bir zulüm aracına dönüştürmüştür. Bu zulüm öteki insanların, diğer canlıların, ekosistemin ve hatta toprağın, yağmurun, nehrin ve havanın yaşamlarını tehdit edercesine gelişmiştir ve çoğu varlığın ortadan yok olmasına, kirlenmesine, ezilmesine sebep olmuştur. Toplumsal iktidar biçimlerinden bağımsız olarak, mimarlığın bir mekan tanımlama pratiği olarak geliştirdiği bu iktidar biçiminin ortaya çıkardığı çeşitli zulümleri tartışmaya açmak amacıyla bu konu farklı perspektiflerden değerlendirmeye alınacaktır.
Taking plants from their original habitat and keeping them in pots is an illustrative example of ... more Taking plants from their original habitat and keeping them in pots is an illustrative example of manmade, power-oriented and unnatural habitation. Naturally, a plant cannot survive in a segregated environment of a pot. For this reason, diverse supportive activities such as watering, feeding or protecting must be planned. These supplying infrastructures create a great power for the caretaker over the life of the potted plant. Using the example of potted plants, this article tries to shed light on social and ecological problems of urbanization.
A B S T R A C T This article studies the process of professionalization in general and particular... more A B S T R A C T This article studies the process of professionalization in general and particularly in architecture and reviews the concept of professional ethics and the codes and documents related to it. The article investigates on the motivations of the conflicts between the documents of professional ethics with the ethical values by criticizing several codes of professional conducts produces by the main professional organizations in the field of architecture. The article proposes an ethical approach which can go beyond and above professions and their limited professional interests to be able to prevent the unethical professional conducts.
A B S T R A C T In this article, the study assessed the domestication process of humankind within... more A B S T R A C T In this article, the study assessed the domestication process of humankind within the frame of urbanization and power accumulation. Within this framework, by giving various examples from chicken farms. The study express the author's opinions on the analogy of the " liberated human beings " in cities and the " free range " chickens in farms. It has also been tried to explain how a city acts as a human farm. Cities are governed by the ones holding power similar to the farms are ruled by farmers and humans during their history of civilization have lost their right of deciding on their lives and fates against this power as the domesticated animals in farms. It is necessary to give up these cities which are models of life organizations from the Old and the Middle Ages. Models of settlements which became even more inhumane as results of modernization and neoliberalization strategies. The study revealed that With the scientific and technologic improvements and the developments of in science and humanities, it is possible to easily replace the city model of communal life with a better one-The one in which people can be more free and happy and will give more life to the earth and contribute to the aliveness within it.
Suyu felaket olarak algılayan kentleşme zihniyeti en büyük felakettir Kentleri inşaat olarak göre... more Suyu felaket olarak algılayan kentleşme zihniyeti en büyük felakettir Kentleri inşaat olarak gören ve inşaatı da rant olarak algılayan kentleşme zihniyeti, geliştirmekte olduğu kentlerle doğayı mahvediyor. Buna en güzel örnek, nimet olarak değerlendirilmesi gereken yağmurun felakete dönüşüdür. Yağan yağmurlar en verimli topraklarımızı da alarak sokaklarımızın ortasından geçerek, evlerimize, iş yerlerimize girerek, arabalarımızı sürükleyerek denize akıyor. Durum böyleyken bizim uzmanlar, siyasiler, yetkililer ve hemen hemen herkes su kanalları gibi başka türlü inşaat projeleri ve betonlaşmalarla çözüm arıyorlar. Yağmur sularının evlerimize girmeden denize doğrudan akıtılması konusunda fikir geliştiriyorlar. Aslında suyu felaket olarak algılayan ve veya bu felaketi önleme yollarını inşaatta arayan kentleşme zihniyeti kendisi bugün karşı karşıya kaldığımız en büyük felakettir. Kuzey Kıbrıstaki Evlerde Kullanılan Suyun Dört Katı Yağmur Geldi Meteoroji'den gelen bilgiye göre Girne Bölgesine haftasonu metre kareye 139 milimetre yağmur düştü. Girne'nin 69 kilometre kare yüz ölçümüne bu ortalama miktarı çarparsak, toplam Girne Bölgesine düşen suyun 95 milyon metre küp olduğunu tespit etmiş oluruz. Bu miktar su, Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta evlerde kullanılan yıllık suyun yaklaşık 4 katı ve tarımda kullanılan suya yaklaşık eşit bir miktardır. Türkiye'den gelmekte olan suyun yıllık miktarı ise 75 milyon metre küp, yani sadece 1 günde Girne'ye yağmış olan yağmurun dörtte üçü. Yağmurun Kentlere Verdiği Zarar Değil, Esas Sorun Suyun Denize Akıp Gitmesidir. Bu verileri gözden geçirdiğimizde yağan yağmurun evlere ve iş yerlerine verdiği hasar değil denize akmış olmasının büyük bir hüsran olduğunu algılayabiliriz. Daha da vahim olan bu boşuna akıp gitmekte olan su ve yanında götürdüğü verimli toprağın ve buna çare olarak üretilen inşaatçı ve projeci çözümlerin uzun vadede Kuzey Kıbrıs'ı tam bir çöle dönüştürüyor olmasıdır. Çözüm, Kentleşmeye Karşı Sosyal ve Ekolojik Yerleşme Modelidir Kentleşme politikaları, arazilerin ekolojik ve hatta sosyal yapılarını " yapılı çevre " ve içindeki insanların ekonomik, politik ve sosyal ilişkileriyle sınırlı tutuyor. Kentleşme politikaları, emirnameler, master planlar ve stratejik planlar hep insanı, ekonomik büyümeyi, emsalı ve rantı düşünüyor. Kısa vadeli çıkarlar için çocuklarımızın geleceğini satıyor. Buna karşın
Kent hakkı 1968 yılında Henri Lefebvre tarafından ortaya konulan radikal bir paradigmadır. Bu par... more Kent hakkı 1968 yılında Henri Lefebvre tarafından ortaya konulan radikal bir paradigmadır. Bu paradigmanın amacı sosyo-mekânsal ilişkileri yeniden düzenleyerek, kent ölçeğinde bir vatandaşlık tanımı 2 oluşturmak ve bu tanıma göre kenttaşların hakkını tanımlamaktır. Lefebvre'e göre kenttaşların kent hakkı, kent mekânını kullanmak ve kenti oluşturmak ya da değiştirmek hakkını içerir. Yani tüm kent sakinlerinin çeşitli farklılıklarıyla kentte barınma ve ihtiyaçlarına göre yaşam alanları olarak kentlerini şekillendirme hakkıdır. Ancak mekân üretim ve kullanım süreçleri dikkate alındığında, toplumun diğer alanlarında da olduğu gibi, iktidar ilişkileri dışlanmaları beraberinde getirmektedir. Ötekiler ve incinebilir gruplar kent mekânını kullanmaktan ve ihtiyaçlarına göre onu değiştirip, yeniden şekillendirmekten mahrum edilmektedirler. Kenti etkileyen iktidar ilişkilerinin en önemlilerinden ve kent hakkı konusunda yapılan çalışmalarda en çok ihmal edilenlerinden biri erkek egemenliğidir. Bu yazıda erkek egemenliğine karşı kadınların kent hakkı tartışılmaktadır. 11 H. Lefebvre, 1968, a.g.e., s. 155.
Mimarlığın Dönüşümü: Rönesans sonrasında bir disipline dönüşen mimarlık zanaatı, usta-çırak ilişk... more Mimarlığın Dönüşümü: Rönesans sonrasında bir disipline dönüşen mimarlık zanaatı, usta-çırak ilişkisine dayalı olan geleneksel yetişme yöntemlerinden uzaklaşarak, 17. yüzyıldan itibaren " Ecole Nationale et Speciale des Beaux-Arts " başta olmak üzere Avrupa'da güzel sanatlar akademilerinde verilen formel eğitim aracılığıyla yaygınlaştırıldı. 18. yüzyılın sonlarında İngiltere'de kurulan Royal Academy of Art ve Beaux-Arts okulunun etkisi altında 19. yüzyılda Amerika'da Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Urbana ve Illinois gibi mimarlık okulları kuruldu (Wilton-Ely, 2000; Draper, 2000; Roth, 2007). Böylelikle mimarlık disiplinin yayılmasıyla, formel eğitim almış diplomalı mimarlar geleneksel mimarların yerlerini almak için harekete geçtiler. 1834 yılında Britanyalı Mimarlar Kraliyet Enstitüsü'nün (RIBA) ve 1857 yılında Amerikan Mimarlar Enstitüsü'nün (AIA) kuruluşuyla mimarlık bir meslek olarak modern toplumsal yapı içerisine yerleşti (Sadri,...
Mimarlık alanının tarihsel gelişimine baktığımız zaman, mimarlığın bir zanaat olarak ortaya çıkış... more Mimarlık alanının tarihsel gelişimine baktığımız zaman, mimarlığın bir zanaat olarak ortaya çıkışını ve zanaatkar ustalar olarak mimarların bu alandaki kontrolü ele geçirmelerini, daha sonra mimarlığın bir disiplin haline gelmesini ve böylelikle formel eğitim almış mimarların bu alanda güç sahibi olmalarını, bunların birleşerek ve örgütlenerek, toplumsal yapı ve devlet nezdinde tanımlanarak ve kamu onayı alarak mimarlığı bir meslek alanına dönüştürmelerini ve son olarak da mimarlığın bir iş (business) ve uğraş (occupation) olarak kapitalist düzen içerisinde yerleşmesini çeşitli aşamalar olarak tanımlayabiliriz. Bu yazıda özellikle son yıllarda kapitalist düzen içerisinde yerini daha da pekiştiren mimarlığın durumu, İngilizce uğraş ve ayrıca işgal anlamına gelen occupation kelimesinden esinlenilerek ve mimarlığın ticarileşmesine vurgu yaparak türetilen " iş-gal " terimi bağlamında ve etik bir değerlendirme çerçevesinde eleştirilmektedir. Mimarlık Alanı: Mimarlık tarihiyle i...
Uluslararası Af Örgütü'nün 2009 yılı raporu " Sadece Ekonomik Kriz Yok, Bir de İnsan Hak... more Uluslararası Af Örgütü'nün 2009 yılı raporu " Sadece Ekonomik Kriz Yok, Bir de İnsan Hakları Krizi Var " başlıklı bir giriş yazısıyla başlamaktadır. Dönemin Uluslararası Af Örgütü Genel Sekreteri, Irene Khan tarafından kaleme alınan bu yazıda, günümüzde milyarlarca insanın güvensizlik, adaletsizlik ve onur kırıcı muamelelere maruz kaldığına dikkat çekilmektedir. Khan'a göre, gıda, iş, temiz su, arazi ve barınma yokluğu ve aynı zamanda eşitsizlik, güvensizlik, yabancı düşmanlığı, ırkçılık, şiddet ve baskıların artması global bir insan hakları krizine sebep olmaktadır 3. Khan'ın yazısında ayrıca, bu insan hakları krizi mağdurlarının çoğunun kentlerde yaşadıkları, bunların da en az bir milyarının varoşlarda ve yetersiz barınma koşullarında hayatlarını sürdürdükleri ve temel hizmetlerden yoksun, güvensizliğin, şiddetin ve zorla tahliyelerin günlük tehdidi ile karşı karşıya bulundukları dikkate alınmaktadır 4. Bu açıklama, kentlerin durumunun dünya çapında ne kadar ...
ARK ŞEHRİNİN UYANIŞI: NAKŞ-İ-CİHAN MEYDANININ İNŞASI VE ŞEHİRCİLİKTE İSFAHAN EKOLU Hossein SADRI ... more ARK ŞEHRİNİN UYANIŞI: NAKŞ-İ-CİHAN MEYDANININ İNŞASI VE ŞEHİRCİLİKTE İSFAHAN EKOLU Hossein SADRI 1 Özet Nakş-i-Cihan Meydanının Safevi döneminde (1598-1629) inşasıyla, İran'da şehircilik yeni bir teoriyle karşılaşmıştır. Safeviler dönemine kadar kendi hiyerarşik yapısını koruyan ve erk-kent modeli üzerinden gelişen şehircilik modeli, bu meydanın yapımından sonra mekânsal dizge modeline dönüşmüştür. Bu yeni model şehri bir bütün olarak ele alıp, kentsel mekânları toplumsal, kültürel, politik ve ekonomik hayatın gerçekleşmesi için yeniden düzenlemiştir. Şehir bütünlüğü ve binalar arasındaki ağı temel alan bu düşünce, şehircilikte İsfahan ekolu olarak adlandırılmıştır. İsfahan ekolunun felsefi uzantıları İran'da Şii düşüncenin tasavvufi yorumlarının yaygınlaştırılmasında etkin olmuştur. İsfahan ekolu, ressamlık ve diğer sanat dallarında, politik ve ideolojik düşünce biçimlerinde ve diğer alanlarda insan kavramının daha önem kazanması ve merkeziyete konulmasına sebep olmuştur. B...
On the horizon of 2016, a positive end of the re-unification talks in Cyprus is expected. However... more On the horizon of 2016, a positive end of the re-unification talks in Cyprus is expected. However two of the most complicated subjects of the negotiations in Cyprus remain. These two topics are related to mechanisms of exclusive ownership and control over the Earth of the Island: Territory and Property. While territory defines the sovereignty of state, property delimits the legal supremacy of people, in a defined piece of land. Both of these terms function to assign a human centric, hegemonic, oppressive, violative, discriminative, and unnatural way of sharing the earth between living beings.
Architecture, as it is reflected in its name which originates from the
ancient Greek word of Arkh... more Architecture, as it is reflected in its name which originates from the ancient Greek word of Arkhitekton (ἀρχιτέκτων), and in the meaning of construction skill and the mastery of building, has a long history. However what is called architecture as a profession today has aroused during the 19th Century by its re-classification within the limits of design, its isolation from building and construction, the reality and one to one scale and its institutionalization as one of the arms of the capitalist system and modern state. The profession of architecture is implemented by of professionals who have been awarded with the title of architect and authorised in the field of architecture by state and other legal authorities. Architects obtain the capabilities of spatial design and organization. Accumulation of this capability increases the effects of architecture on socio-cultural and economic-political transformations and consequently the risk of using this power for non-humanitarian goals. To allay the anxiety of the possible misuse of this power and to keep it down, professional ethics has been delineated in architecture, as it has been in all other professions. However focusing on the client-serving professional interests, professional ethics inspire the guild-related activities in the profession.
‘Post-professional’ architecture and urbanity have emerged in recent decades as a by-product of t... more ‘Post-professional’ architecture and urbanity have emerged in recent decades as a by-product of the globalized world with neo-liberal states, multi-national corporations, and worldwide social and environmental predicaments. The structure of the state is being transformed and consequently the associated paradigm of ‘professionalism’ that prevailed throughout the period of the modern (nation) state, much of the twentieth century, is no longer persuasive.
Globalization and Neo-liberalization of the political economy in different nations has transforme... more Globalization and Neo-liberalization of the political economy in different nations has transformed the organization of labour power, instruments of production and their relations in recent decades. The industrial period’s institutionalization of the state as modern, centralised, socialized and with a national identity is being replaced by the post-modern, glocal (global+local), multi-national and privatized state. The professions of architecture and urban planning have been faced with big transformations parallel to these changes and have passed from the era of professionalism and entered to the ‘post professional’ era. Post Professional Architecture and Planning is losing its public, national and social role through being restructured via business-led motivations. The main motivation of architectural and urban practices in the post professional era have shifted from designers’ personal attempts at creating spaces with high ‘use value’, in the public interest, towards the image-oriented, high ‘exchange value’ productions of specialists for private interests. Both in architecture and urban planning, their practice and education has been re-organized in the era of “post-professionalism”. The intended technical and professional mono-type curricula of architecture and planning education changed to more diverse, theoretical and experimental educational programmes worldwide. The professional organizations changed their shells and became more independent institutes with more activities and visions beyond their traditional professional parameters. While mainstream architecture and urban planning has transformed to the business model, alternative movements in architecture and planning have created architectural and urban activism and re-made the political agenda for architecture and urbanism by establishing diverse initiatives against war, natural disasters, environmental degradation, inequalities, and violations of human rights. Post-Professional Architecture and Urban Planning appears in these two forms of architectural-urban business and activism. While the first one derives from neoliberalization of professionalism in architecture and urbanism, the second one is the reaction against neoliberalization from architectural and urban point of view. The aim is to create a book to discuss various transformations of architectural and urban practice and education in the changeover from the era of “professionalism” to that of “post-professionalism”.
The oldest and the most valuable part of the last divided capital city of Europe with thousands o... more The oldest and the most valuable part of the last divided capital city of Europe with thousands of monuments is now under three different legal and administrative authorities. With Nicosia the first divided settlement on the island, yet also the subject of Cyprus’ first bi-communal project as developed by the municipalities of this city, could it now play a special role in the re-unification of the island by hosting the first re-unified initiative?
Architecture, as it is reflected in its name which originates from the ancient Greek word of Arkh... more Architecture, as it is reflected in its name which originates from the ancient Greek word of Arkhitekton (ἀρχιτέκτων), and in the meaning of construction skill and the mastery of building, has a long history. However what is called architecture as a profession today has aroused during the 19th Century by its re-classification within the limits of design, its isolation from building and construction, the reality and one to one scale and its institutionalization as one of the arms of the capitalist system and modern state. The profession of architecture is implemented by of professionals who have been awarded with the title of architect and authorised in the field of architecture by state and other legal authorities.
Architects obtain the capabilities of spatial design and organization. Accumulation of this capability increases the effects of architecture on socio-cultural and economic-political transformations and consequently the risk of using this power for non-humanitarian goals. To allay the anxiety of the possible misuse of this power and to keep it down, professional ethics has been delineated in architecture, as it has been in all other professions.
However focusing on the client-serving professional interests, professional ethics inspire the guild-related activities in the profession.
Today when almost all the professions act under the influences of liberal and neo-liberal order, professional ethics, which are supposed to be subjects of human values, are restricted to the image of professions and their market shares. Codes of professional conducts as the documents of professional ethics, which should manifest inter-professional and ultra-professional as well as intra-professional moral rules, have been issued according to the rules of capitalism and limited only to the intraprofessional regulations and personal responsibilities of individuals. Similarly in architecture, codes of professional ethics exclude the moral accountability of the profession, collective responsibilities of architects and take no notice of the ultra-professional role of architecture and the roles of other actors in the field rather than individual architects.
This article investigates the foundation of professions, discussing the ethical validity of professional ethics according to the processes of legitimization of professions and examines the profession of architecture and architectural ethics in this context. The codes of professional ethics prepared by the most operative worldwide professional organizations in architecture such as Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE), International Union of Architects (UIA) and The American Institute of Architects (AIA), are scrutinized in order to grasp the lack of humanitarian concerns and interrogate the capitalist interests of codes of professional ethics in architecture. The article recommends the term of architectural ethics opposing professional ethics
and extends a proposal related to its contents.
"Nazi döneminde nasıl Yahudilerin evleri işaretlenmişse, Sulukule'de de evlerin işaretlendiğini g... more "Nazi döneminde nasıl Yahudilerin evleri işaretlenmişse, Sulukule'de de evlerin işaretlendiğini gördük. Bu halkı görmemezlikten gelmek demek. Sırf daha farklı bir yaşam tarzı, sınırlı geliri ve kendini savunabilmeleri daha zor olduğu için onlara daha çok yükleniyorlar"
The works in this book have been developed at the intersection of the concepts of human rights an... more The works in this book have been developed at the intersection of the concepts of human rights and right to the city. The authors try to contribute to both concepts, with the belief that the existing system is not a resilient one and it should change, and this book tries to provide a guideline for the betterment of the world and human life on it during this transformation process.
(Ph.D. Thesis)
Hossein SADRI
(Ph.D. Thesis)
Hossein SADRI
September 2010
Today, one can observe that the capital oriented power relations have transformed the process of formation of space into a sphere of production; therefore space has also been transformed into consumption good and a means for obtaining surplus value. Space that is formed as a result of this understanding of production-consumption does not contain diversity and exclude vulnerable groups.
To prevent these exclusions and to guarantee free and equal life for all people in dignity, principles which include everybody during production and utilization of space should be determined and these principles should manifest human rights and minimum standards concerning those rights.
Based on Henri Lefebvre’s idea of the right to the city, this dissertation attempts to explain in detail the right to appropriation and the right to oeuvre through rights of human beings regarding their living spaces in order to determine above mentioned minimum standards. A comparative analysis looks at different documents of human rights in the city in order to achieve norms of human rights regarding space.
All actors taking part in the process of production and utilization of space are responsible for protection of these rights. Among these actors, the architects’ role is vital, since they can affect the process of production and utilization of space both directly by their personal practices and indirectly by their collective activities. Therefore, an ethical code illustrating the ethics of the profession of architecture as well as the responsibilities of architects could guarantee the protection of norms of human rights regarding space.
It is possible to classify the documents of ethics of architectural profession into two categories in terms of their binding force. One category consists of codes of ethics that are binding, and the other includes declarations that are not binding.
The dissertation examines four different ethic codes and 12 different declarations that were published by the American Institute of Architects, the Royal Institute of British Architects, Architect’s Council of Europe and the Union of International Architects as case studies and evaluates these documents in terms of human rights related with space.
This evaluation illustrates that declarations in contrast with codes of ethics are sensitive to norms of human rights. However, it is observed that, human rights norms which are related to public space are not covered within these declarations due to apolitization of architecture in recent years.
The conclusion discusses the results of those evaluations on codes of ethics and declarations in terms of human rights norms related to space. It also suggests recommendations for developing codes of ethics sensitive to human rights related with space.
Science Code : 802.1.100
Key Words : Architecture, Ethics, Human Rights
Page Number : 227
Advisers : Prof. Dr. Nur ÇAĞLAR
Co-Adviser : Prof. Dr. İoanna KUÇURADİ
This book discusses the effects of Neo-Liberal policies on the transformations of architectural a... more This book discusses the effects of Neo-Liberal policies on the transformations of architectural and urban practices and education in the transition from the era of “professionalism” to “post-professionalism.” Building on previous literature in the field of contemporary theory of architecture, it provides the necessary resources for the study of contemporary architecture and urban politics, urban sociology, local administration and urban geography. Further, it develops a political and critical perspective on contemporary practices of architecture and urbanism, their implementation, legal background, political effects and social results.
The book will interest readers from a wide range of academic disciplines, from political science to architecture, and from urban studies to sociology.
This book includes 25 miniatecture works of De-Urban Design Studio. Miniatecture is an architectu... more This book includes 25 miniatecture works of De-Urban Design Studio. Miniatecture is an architectural adaptation of ancient miniature technique. This technique which enables the demonstration of time as the fourth dimension, is used for the presentation of transition town design projects. Here transition refers to the transformation process of human settlements from existing urbanized conditions into ideal habitats. In other words, this is a transition from the polluted environments and human souls towards cities which can act as “ethical unions of people” and “eco-communities”.
Papers by Hossein Sadri
varlığın ortadan yok olmasına, kirlenmesine, ezilmesine sebep olmuştur. Toplumsal iktidar biçimlerinden bağımsız olarak, mimarlığın bir mekan tanımlama pratiği olarak geliştirdiği bu iktidar biçiminin ortaya çıkardığı çeşitli zulümleri tartışmaya açmak amacıyla bu konu farklı perspektiflerden değerlendirmeye alınacaktır.
ancient Greek word of Arkhitekton (ἀρχιτέκτων), and in the meaning
of construction skill and the mastery of building, has a long history.
However what is called architecture as a profession today has aroused
during the 19th Century by its re-classification within the limits of design,
its isolation from building and construction, the reality and one to one
scale and its institutionalization as one of the arms of the capitalist system
and modern state. The profession of architecture is implemented by
of professionals who have been awarded with the title of architect and
authorised in the field of architecture by state and other legal authorities.
Architects obtain the capabilities of spatial design and organization.
Accumulation of this capability increases the effects of architecture on
socio-cultural and economic-political transformations and consequently the
risk of using this power for non-humanitarian goals. To allay the anxiety of
the possible misuse of this power and to keep it down, professional ethics
has been delineated in architecture, as it has been in all other professions.
However focusing on the client-serving professional interests, professional
ethics inspire the guild-related activities in the profession.
paradigm of ‘professionalism’ that prevailed throughout the period of the modern (nation) state, much of the twentieth century, is no longer persuasive.
The professions of architecture and urban planning have been faced with big transformations parallel to these changes and have passed from the era of professionalism and entered to the ‘post professional’ era. Post Professional Architecture and Planning is losing its public, national and social role through being restructured via business-led motivations. The main motivation of architectural and urban practices in the post professional era have shifted from designers’ personal attempts at creating spaces with high ‘use value’, in the public
interest, towards the image-oriented, high ‘exchange value’ productions of specialists for private interests.
Both in architecture and urban planning, their practice and education has been re-organized in the era of “post-professionalism”. The intended technical and professional mono-type curricula of architecture and planning education changed to more diverse, theoretical and experimental educational programmes worldwide. The professional organizations changed their shells and became more independent institutes with more activities and visions beyond their traditional professional parameters. While mainstream architecture and urban planning has transformed to the business model, alternative movements in architecture and
planning have created architectural and urban activism and re-made the political agenda for architecture and urbanism by establishing diverse initiatives against war, natural disasters, environmental degradation, inequalities, and violations of human rights. Post-Professional Architecture and Urban Planning appears in these two forms of architectural-urban business and activism. While the first one derives from neoliberalization of professionalism in architecture and urbanism, the second one is the reaction against neoliberalization from architectural and urban point of view. The aim is to create a book to discuss various
transformations of architectural and urban practice and education in the changeover from the era of
“professionalism” to that of “post-professionalism”.
Architects obtain the capabilities of spatial design and organization. Accumulation of this capability increases the effects of architecture on socio-cultural and economic-political transformations and consequently the risk of using this power for non-humanitarian goals. To allay the anxiety of the possible misuse of this power and to keep it down, professional ethics has been delineated in architecture, as it has been in all other professions.
However focusing on the client-serving professional interests, professional ethics inspire the guild-related activities in the profession.
Today when almost all the professions act under the influences of liberal and neo-liberal order, professional ethics, which are supposed to be subjects of human values, are restricted to the image of professions and their market shares. Codes of professional conducts as the documents of professional ethics, which should manifest inter-professional and ultra-professional as well as intra-professional moral rules, have been issued according to the rules of capitalism and limited only to the intraprofessional regulations and personal responsibilities of individuals. Similarly in architecture, codes of professional ethics exclude the moral accountability of the profession, collective responsibilities of architects and take no notice of the ultra-professional role of architecture and the roles of other actors in the field rather than individual architects.
This article investigates the foundation of professions, discussing the ethical validity of professional ethics according to the processes of legitimization of professions and examines the profession of architecture and architectural ethics in this context. The codes of professional ethics prepared by the most operative worldwide professional organizations in architecture such as Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE), International Union of Architects (UIA) and The American Institute of Architects (AIA), are scrutinized in order to grasp the lack of humanitarian concerns and interrogate the capitalist interests of codes of professional ethics in architecture. The article recommends the term of architectural ethics opposing professional ethics
and extends a proposal related to its contents.
varlığın ortadan yok olmasına, kirlenmesine, ezilmesine sebep olmuştur. Toplumsal iktidar biçimlerinden bağımsız olarak, mimarlığın bir mekan tanımlama pratiği olarak geliştirdiği bu iktidar biçiminin ortaya çıkardığı çeşitli zulümleri tartışmaya açmak amacıyla bu konu farklı perspektiflerden değerlendirmeye alınacaktır.
ancient Greek word of Arkhitekton (ἀρχιτέκτων), and in the meaning
of construction skill and the mastery of building, has a long history.
However what is called architecture as a profession today has aroused
during the 19th Century by its re-classification within the limits of design,
its isolation from building and construction, the reality and one to one
scale and its institutionalization as one of the arms of the capitalist system
and modern state. The profession of architecture is implemented by
of professionals who have been awarded with the title of architect and
authorised in the field of architecture by state and other legal authorities.
Architects obtain the capabilities of spatial design and organization.
Accumulation of this capability increases the effects of architecture on
socio-cultural and economic-political transformations and consequently the
risk of using this power for non-humanitarian goals. To allay the anxiety of
the possible misuse of this power and to keep it down, professional ethics
has been delineated in architecture, as it has been in all other professions.
However focusing on the client-serving professional interests, professional
ethics inspire the guild-related activities in the profession.
paradigm of ‘professionalism’ that prevailed throughout the period of the modern (nation) state, much of the twentieth century, is no longer persuasive.
The professions of architecture and urban planning have been faced with big transformations parallel to these changes and have passed from the era of professionalism and entered to the ‘post professional’ era. Post Professional Architecture and Planning is losing its public, national and social role through being restructured via business-led motivations. The main motivation of architectural and urban practices in the post professional era have shifted from designers’ personal attempts at creating spaces with high ‘use value’, in the public
interest, towards the image-oriented, high ‘exchange value’ productions of specialists for private interests.
Both in architecture and urban planning, their practice and education has been re-organized in the era of “post-professionalism”. The intended technical and professional mono-type curricula of architecture and planning education changed to more diverse, theoretical and experimental educational programmes worldwide. The professional organizations changed their shells and became more independent institutes with more activities and visions beyond their traditional professional parameters. While mainstream architecture and urban planning has transformed to the business model, alternative movements in architecture and
planning have created architectural and urban activism and re-made the political agenda for architecture and urbanism by establishing diverse initiatives against war, natural disasters, environmental degradation, inequalities, and violations of human rights. Post-Professional Architecture and Urban Planning appears in these two forms of architectural-urban business and activism. While the first one derives from neoliberalization of professionalism in architecture and urbanism, the second one is the reaction against neoliberalization from architectural and urban point of view. The aim is to create a book to discuss various
transformations of architectural and urban practice and education in the changeover from the era of
“professionalism” to that of “post-professionalism”.
Architects obtain the capabilities of spatial design and organization. Accumulation of this capability increases the effects of architecture on socio-cultural and economic-political transformations and consequently the risk of using this power for non-humanitarian goals. To allay the anxiety of the possible misuse of this power and to keep it down, professional ethics has been delineated in architecture, as it has been in all other professions.
However focusing on the client-serving professional interests, professional ethics inspire the guild-related activities in the profession.
Today when almost all the professions act under the influences of liberal and neo-liberal order, professional ethics, which are supposed to be subjects of human values, are restricted to the image of professions and their market shares. Codes of professional conducts as the documents of professional ethics, which should manifest inter-professional and ultra-professional as well as intra-professional moral rules, have been issued according to the rules of capitalism and limited only to the intraprofessional regulations and personal responsibilities of individuals. Similarly in architecture, codes of professional ethics exclude the moral accountability of the profession, collective responsibilities of architects and take no notice of the ultra-professional role of architecture and the roles of other actors in the field rather than individual architects.
This article investigates the foundation of professions, discussing the ethical validity of professional ethics according to the processes of legitimization of professions and examines the profession of architecture and architectural ethics in this context. The codes of professional ethics prepared by the most operative worldwide professional organizations in architecture such as Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE), International Union of Architects (UIA) and The American Institute of Architects (AIA), are scrutinized in order to grasp the lack of humanitarian concerns and interrogate the capitalist interests of codes of professional ethics in architecture. The article recommends the term of architectural ethics opposing professional ethics
and extends a proposal related to its contents.
(Ph.D. Thesis)
Hossein SADRI
September 2010
Today, one can observe that the capital oriented power relations have transformed the process of formation of space into a sphere of production; therefore space has also been transformed into consumption good and a means for obtaining surplus value. Space that is formed as a result of this understanding of production-consumption does not contain diversity and exclude vulnerable groups.
To prevent these exclusions and to guarantee free and equal life for all people in dignity, principles which include everybody during production and utilization of space should be determined and these principles should manifest human rights and minimum standards concerning those rights.
Based on Henri Lefebvre’s idea of the right to the city, this dissertation attempts to explain in detail the right to appropriation and the right to oeuvre through rights of human beings regarding their living spaces in order to determine above mentioned minimum standards. A comparative analysis looks at different documents of human rights in the city in order to achieve norms of human rights regarding space.
All actors taking part in the process of production and utilization of space are responsible for protection of these rights. Among these actors, the architects’ role is vital, since they can affect the process of production and utilization of space both directly by their personal practices and indirectly by their collective activities. Therefore, an ethical code illustrating the ethics of the profession of architecture as well as the responsibilities of architects could guarantee the protection of norms of human rights regarding space.
It is possible to classify the documents of ethics of architectural profession into two categories in terms of their binding force. One category consists of codes of ethics that are binding, and the other includes declarations that are not binding.
The dissertation examines four different ethic codes and 12 different declarations that were published by the American Institute of Architects, the Royal Institute of British Architects, Architect’s Council of Europe and the Union of International Architects as case studies and evaluates these documents in terms of human rights related with space.
This evaluation illustrates that declarations in contrast with codes of ethics are sensitive to norms of human rights. However, it is observed that, human rights norms which are related to public space are not covered within these declarations due to apolitization of architecture in recent years.
The conclusion discusses the results of those evaluations on codes of ethics and declarations in terms of human rights norms related to space. It also suggests recommendations for developing codes of ethics sensitive to human rights related with space.
Science Code : 802.1.100
Key Words : Architecture, Ethics, Human Rights
Page Number : 227
Advisers : Prof. Dr. Nur ÇAĞLAR
Co-Adviser : Prof. Dr. İoanna KUÇURADİ
The book will interest readers from a wide range of academic disciplines, from political science to architecture, and from urban studies to sociology.