Alberto T. Estévez (Barcelona, 1960), Architect (UPC, 1983), Architecture Ph.D. of Sciences (UPC, 1990), Art Historian (UB, 1994), Art History Ph.D. of Arts (UB, 2008). With professional office of architecture and design (Barcelona, 1983-today). Chairman-Professor (Catedrático) in Architecture, teaching in different universities (architectural design, architectural theory and art history). Founding as first Director the ESARQ School of Architecture (UIC Barcelona, 1996), as an avant-garde international school in its first 10 years: first in the world with mandatory subjects of sustainability, international cooperation, and laboratories for biological architecture (genetics) and digital architecture (manufacturing). He founded two officially accredited research groups with two masters’ and Ph.D. programs: “History, Architecture and Design” (1998- today) and “Genetic Architectures / Biodigital Architecture” (2000-today), as well as the Master of International Cooperation with A. Levi and A. Schachter (2004-today). Founder and first Director of UIC Barcelona PhD Program of Architecture (2008-today). He has written more than 300 publications, and participated in a large number of exhibitions, congresses and committees. Invited to give more than one hundred lectures around the world, presenting his ideas and works of architecture and design. He was Vice-Chancellor/General-Manager of UIC Barcelona (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya), and is currently Director of iBAG-UIC Barcelona (Institute for Biodigital Architecture and Genetics).
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Videos by A. Estévez
Director of the iBAG-UIC Barcelona
Director of the Genetic Architectures Research Group & Office
Director of the Biodigital Architecture Master's Degree
Founder & 1st Director of the Doctoral Architecture Programs (UIC Barcelona)
Founder & 1st Director of the ESARQ, the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Papers by A. Estévez
Director of the iBAG-UIC Barcelona
Director of the Genetic Architectures Research Group & Office
Director of the Biodigital Architecture Master's Degree
Founder & 1st Director of the Doctoral Architecture Programs (UIC Barcelona)
Founder & 1st Director of the ESARQ, the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
El iNSTITUTE FOR BiODiGITAL ARCHITECTURE & GENETICS (iBAG), en el seno de la UIC Barcelona (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya), tiene tres campos de acción: investigación, docencia y práctica profesional. Todo comenzó el año 2000, con la fundación del Genetic Architectures Research Group & Office (investigación y práctica profesional), que a su vez lleva el programa de Master in Biodigital Architecture (docencia), iniciado igual-mente el año 2000, en la ESARQ - UIC Barcelona, la Escuela de Arquitectura fundada el año 1996 por Alberto T. Estévez, su primer Director.
Básicamente se trata con todo ello de aplicar las nuevas técnicas biológicas y digitales a la arquitectura y al diseño. Esto llevó a crear el año 2000 el primer laboratorio de arquitectura genética del mundo, donde empezó a aplicarse la genética a la arquitectura (árboles bioluminiscentes, biolamps, bioprin-ting, microscopía electrónica, etc.), y el primer laboratorio de arquitectura digital sito en una escuela española (diseño y fabricación digital de arquitec-tura). Y todo organizando un grupo interdisciplinar de arquitectos, diseñado-res, artistas, ingenieros, genetistas y filósofos.