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  • Proto Pemza pasirodo ten, kur susitinka tikri nusikaltimai, siaubą keliantys įvykiai ir ekscentriški kuriozai. Keturiese pasakojame apie smalsumą keliančius nutikimus, nepelnytai dūlančius saugyklose užrakintų laikraščių puslapiuose. /// Esame radikalūs mėgėjai, tačiau kiekvienai laidai ruošiamės atsakingiau nei savo senatvei. Todėl ką nors naujo išgirsite kiekvienas. Mažų mažiausiai garantuojame ledlaužį vėsiam pokalbiui praskaidrinti. /// Siekiame gerai praleisti laiką, pakeliui jums atskleisdami netikėčiausius gyvenimo atspalvius. Užsukite, čia jūsų laukia istorijos įdomybės, susidūrimai su antgamtiniu pasauliu bei pasakojimai apie reiškinius, geriau suprantamus tiktai šiek tiek pašveitus smegenis.

  • "Negyvas Eteris" - lietuviško kūrinio platforma, įkurta Manto Katlerio, Rolando Mackevičiaus ir Manto Stonkaus.

  • Svarbiausios šios savaitės technologijų naujienos

  • Kas vakarą po pasaką – mažiems ir dideliems. Gražiausios pasaulio tautų pasakos, klasikų kūriniai, šiuolaikinių užsienio ir lietuvių rašytojų knygos vaikams. Skaito žinomi šalies aktoriai – nuo pirmadienio iki sekmadienio 20.05 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.

  • Artur Lebedenko-Swan pasineria į gilius ir prasmingus pokalbius su savo srities profesionalais bei žinomais žmonėmis. Pokalbiai, kurie ugdo, reabilituoja pašnekovus, apie gyvenimo esmę, be skandalų, paskalų ir intrigų. Kiekvienas pašnekovas pasineria į tai, kas yra jo viduje ir jaukioje aplinkoje atsiskleidžia bei suteikia vertingų patarimų ir minčių. Laida yra gyvenimo pamokų, klaidų ir laimėjimų rinkinys kiekvienam žiūrovui.

    Prisidėkite prie kūrybos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC18wxTZHiS7W6lIDTU6A0tQ/join

  • Nors, regis, gyvename geriausiais žmonijos laikais – mums vis kas nors negerai. Skundai, kritika, erzulys, nusivylimas, keliami aukšti standartai ir negebėjimas patiems jų laikytis – apie tai laida „Viskas blogai“, kurioje maži ir dideli gyvenimo objektai ar reiškiniai aptariami per labiausiai trikdančią jų pusę. Kartu bandoma suprasti, ką tai sako apie mus ir visuomenę, kurioje gyvename. Ar tikrai viskas taip blogai? Laidos vedėjai Karolina Bieliauskaitė ir Mantas Velykis ne tik ieško mūsų nepasitenkinimo priežasčių, bet ir bando atpažinti „blogybių“ įtaką populiariajai kultūrai ir patogaus gyvenimo įvaizdžiui.

  • A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • Trumpai, bet įdomiai, netikėtu kampu papasakoti apie tą dieną prieš n metų nutikusį svarbų įvykį, reikšmingą atradimą, kurį verta paminėti, atsižvelgiant į šių dienų kontekstą.

  • Laisvės TV podcast'ai!

    2016 metais žurnalistas Andrius Tapinas įkūrė nepriklausomą, žiūrovų išlaikomą televiziją.

    Per šešerius gyvavimo metus jau ne kartą parodėme, kad esame ne tik televizija. Vienydami aktyvius, pilietiškus ir laisvus keisti žmones įgaliname vieni kitus kurti nepriklausomą ir kokybišką turinį, kelti visuomenei opias problemas ir aktyviai reaguojant į aktualijas inicijuoti visuomeninius projektus. Tokios mūsų iniciatyvos, kaip Laisvės kelias ar Bayraktaras, garsina Lietuvos vardą visame pasaulyje.

  • Pralaužk Vieną Šaltą - jau ketvirtus metus skaičiuojantis ir sustoti nesiruošiantis podkastas. Kalbėti vis dar neišmokom, bet jau ir nebežadam, kad išmoksim. Bet prižadėti, kad ir toliau išvysite daugybę įdomių, mažiau ar daugiau žinomų pašnekovų, mes galime. Neįpareigojantys pokalbiai, atskleistos paslaptys, daug nejuokingų ir juokingų bajerių visada lauks jūsų mūsų laidose! Vedėjai @AiridasJankus, @MantasGrimalis ir AnthonyKisliak

  • Follow along Alex Cooper and the Daddy Gang as they exploit the details of their lives, making you feel a hell of a lot better about yours. Relationships, sex, social scenes, embarrassing moments, and more are all addressed here on CALL HER DADDY. See you f****** Wednesday.

  • Redakcija – vieta, kurioje norime kurti kokybišką žurnalistiką taip, kaip mes, o tikimės, kad ir jūs, ją įsivaizduojate. Redakciją įkūrė Rita Miliūtė, Birutė Davidonytė, Ignas Kinčinas ir Gediminas Vaitiekūnas. Mūsų kuriamą turinį galite rasti Redakcijos Patreon ir Youtube kanaluose, o podcastas „Šiandien redakcijoje...“ jus pasiekia, kai du kartus per mėnesį į Redakciją pasikviečiame svečią, su kuriuo norime pasikalbėti.

  • Tinklalaidėje pateikiame pažintinę ir mokomąją, praktiškai pritaikomą medžiagą, skirtą ir specialistams, ir visuomenei. Daug dėmesio yra skiriama pagrindinėms šiuolaikinės psichologijos ir moksliniais tyrimais grįstos psichoterapijos sritims - Kognityvinė elgesio terapija, Įsisąmoninimu grįsta terapija, Schemų terapija, Dialektinė ir elgesio terapija, Priėmimo ir įsipareigojimo terapija ir kitos. Didelė dalis medžiagų skirta praktiniam įgūdžių lavinimui, t.y. mindfulness metodikos, įvairūs relaksacijos, psichologinio atsparumo didinimo ir kitų psichologinių kompetencijų stiprinimo pratimai.

  • Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

  • „Penktas kėlinys“ – krepšinio aktualijų laida, kurioje aptariami svarbiausi krepšinio įvykiai. Įdomios įžvalgos, negirdėti faktai ir aštrūs pasisakymai – viskas nevyniojant į vatą kiekvieną savaitę portale Krepsinis.net.

  • Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
    Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Правильный, комбинированный фид избранных передач, версия 3.0

  • MOKSLAS BE PAMOKSLŲ – tai nauja, originali Vilniaus universiteto tinklalaidė, kuria siekiama ne moralizuoti ar pamokslauti, bet sužadinti smalsumą mokslo temoms. Išsamūs pokalbiai su Vilniaus universiteto mokslininkais padės klausytojams plėsti akiratį, skatins mąstyti savo galva ir gal net privers pakeisti nuomonę ar suabejoti nusistovėjusiomis „tiesomis“.

    VU ir LRT Radijo tinklalaidė

  • I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.

    I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

  • Pabandei ir nepavyko? Susimovei? Nerandi ką nori veikti gyvenime? Nekenti savo darbo? Įstojai „ne ten“? Nepaėjo verslas? Kam nepasitaiko. 🤷‍♂️ Tiesiog susiimk ir... pradėk iš naujo. Antrą kartą pavyks geriau. Karjera, santykiai, verslas, finansai, sveikata — pasikalbėkim su žmonėmis, kurie suteikė sau antrą šansą.

  • «Что случилось» — новостной подкаст «Медузы». Он выходит каждый день, кроме субботы и воскресенья. Мы не пытаемся рассказывать обо всех событиях дня. Каждый выпуск посвящен одной теме, которая еще долго будет влиять на нашу жизнь. Ведущий — журналист Владислав Горин.

  • Įdomiausių, populiariausių romanų fragmentai, novelės ar esė kas vakarą 21.00 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ. Red. Vida Morkevičienė.

  • Sport, basketball, football, formula 1, talk show, live broadcast

  • „Potekstės“ - tinklalaidė apie medijas ir jų triukšme gyvenantį žmogų.

    Veda Adomas Šimkus.

  • Psichologinės žinios, emocinis raštingumas žmonėms reikalingas kiekviename žingsnyje.
    Kaip bendrauti? Visų pirma - su savimi, su artimaisiais, kolegomis ir nepažįstamaisiais? Kokias klaidas čia darome, kodėl nesusikalbame? Kaip sau pagelbėti ir išmokti reguliuoti emocijas, užklupus nerimui ar stresui? Kodėl mūsų visuomenėje tiek daug į kitus ar į save pačius nukreiptos agresijos? Kodėl svarbu pažinti save ir ką daryti, jei atradimai nedžiugina? Viso to mūsų mokykloje ar universitete niekas nemoko. Psichologinis raštingumas paliekamas savieigai. Todėl apie viską būtina kalbėti, ir to niekada nebus per daug.
    Laidoje „Čia ir dabar“ – pokalbiai su psichologijos profesionalais apie tai, kaip gyventi prasmingiau, neatidedant gyvenimo rytdienai ar neužstrigus praeities prisiminimuose, bet čia ir dabar – kaip psichologijai skirta radijo laida ir pavadinta.

  • «Дневники Лоры Палны» — один из лучших тру-крайм подкастов на русском языке.

    Журналисты Маша Погребняк и Митя Лебедев рассказывают друг другу истории самых кровавых, резонансных и интересных серийных убийц России и всего мира. Они пытаются понять мотивы каждого преступника — и для этого опираются на психологические портреты, мнения криминалистов, воспоминания правоохранителей и свидетелей.

    Подкаст выходит каждую неделю. Все выпуски доступны по подписке:

    Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс» — [email protected]

  • Unexplainable takes listeners right up to the edge of what we know … and then keeps on going. Host Noam Hassenfeld and an all-star team of reporters — Byrd Pinkerton, Meradith Hoddinott, and Mandy Nguyen — tackle scientific mysteries, unanswered questions, and everything we learn by diving into the unknown. New episodes drop every Wednesday.

  • Whether you are building a business, running a team or just starting out in your career we are here to bring you scrappy and actionable insights to help you become more productive.

  • Andrew Santino and Bobby Lee present BAD FRIENDS. New episodes every Monday!


    Bad Friends:

    Andrew Santino:

    Bobby Lee:

    Official Website: http://www.badfriendspod.com

  • Žaidimų naujienos iš viso pasaulio. Tikrų "Geimerių" kanalas.

  • Ни первую, ни вторую чеченскую кампанию российские власти не называли войной. «Операция по восстановлению конституционного порядка» и «контртеррористическая операция» — так они назывались официально. Подкаст основан на свидетельствах людей, которые находились в Чечне, когда туда вошли российские войска: местных жителей, правозащитников и журналистов.

    В подкасте использованы архивные материалы «Мемориала» (https://memorialcenter.org/) и проекта Натальи Ростовой «Расцвет российских СМИ. Эпоха Ельцина. 1992-1999»: http://www.yeltsinmedia.com/

    Вы можете поддержать работу «Холода» здесь: https://holod.media/donate/

  • 15min podkastas „Skrieja kamuolys“ apie futbolą Lietuvoje ir užsienyje: naujienos, analizė, humoras

  • Аудиоверсии главных текстов «Медузы». Расследования, репортажи, разборы и другие материалы — теперь и в звуке.

  • The year 1972 saw the beginning of a five-year span in which Stevie Wonder released five groundbreaking, critically acclaimed albums, garnering him over half a dozen Grammys and over 10 million albums sold, securing his place as one of the most important American musicians and songwriters in history.

    For the first time, uncover the untold story of an extraordinary artistic journey that shaped the greatest creative era in popular music history. Featuring in-depth musical and cultural analysis from legendary artists, critics, and thought leaders, including Barack and Michelle Obama, Questlove, Smokey Robinson, Janelle Monae, George Clinton, and many more, Audible's new, authorized Original invites audiences on an intimate and sweeping journey deeply infused with star-studded contributors’ unique experiences and impassioned fandom. Hosted by New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning culture critic Wesley Morris, The Wonder of Stevie revisits Wonder's iconic creative evolution, his transformative spiritual path, and the profound inspiration he drew from both the beauty and pain of the Black American experience—driving his eventual emergence as his generation’s most unflinching and uplifting artistic voice. With each episode dedicated to a particular album, listeners can follow Stevie Wonder’s classic period chronologically or jump to a favorite record or time period of interest.

    Set to over 40 of Wonder’s legendary tunes, the series culminates in a final moving episode exclusive to Audible that finds Stevie Wonder in a profound and enlightening conversation with former president Barack Obama. The Wonder of Stevie is the definitive celebration and examination of a towering icon at the absolute height of his creative powers. Sit back and "luxuriate" in his genius, as Morris puts it. It's time to discover the wonder of Stevie—once and for all.

  • Public Key is the cryptocurrency and compliance podcast, brought to you by Chainalysis.

    Every week Chainalysis Chief Marketing Officer, Ian Andrews sits down with thought leaders in the space to discuss
    ▪Emerging risks and opportunities in blockchain technology
    ▪How policymakers around the world are approaching crypto regulations
    ▪Data-driven insights into the latest trends in crypto economics and crime.
    ▪Breaking news in the crypto market

    Subscribe to be first to hear the Public Key podcast

    You can also stay up to date with crypto news by reading the industry leading Chainalysis blog and subscribing to the Chainalysis newsletter: https://blog.chainalysis.com/

    Follow Chainalysis on:
    ▪Twitter: https://twitter.com/chainalysis
    ▪LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/10607336

    To learn more about criminal activity in crypto including scams, money laundering, ransomware and more, download the 2023 Crypto Crime Report: https://go.chainalysis.com/2023-crypto-crime-report.html

    To Keep Up With Ian Andrews, follow him on:
    ▪Twitter: https://twitter.com/IanAndrewsDC
    ▪LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ianhandrews

    ⚠Our podcasts are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide legal, tax, financial, or investment advice. Listeners should consult their own advisors before making these types of decisions. Chainalysis has no responsibility or liability for any decision made or any other acts or omissions in connection with your use of this material.

    Chainalysis does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of the information in any particular podcast and will not be responsible for any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies of any part of such material.

    Unless stated otherwise, reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Chainalysis. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by Chainalysis employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the views of the company.

  • It’s good, bad, ugly - and very very funny. Changing the way we see heroes and villains in history.

  • Are you a "Drive to Survive" fan? Are you new to F1? Are you an established F1 fan who is looking to spice up your stale relationship with the sport? Do you look at what F1 for what it really is... a reality show at 200mph?! Then we're the podcast for you!! Listen to two childhood enemies, turned best friends, turned F1 husbands discuss all the topics you really wanna hear about... like who's the hottest driver, which team principal has the most daddy energy, and so much more. We're the Red Flags! A podcast about Formula 1 for little sluts who live for the drama! Come Listen!

  • Philosophy for our Times is a free philosophy podcast bringing you the latest talks and debates from the world’s leading thinkers. We host weekly episodes on today’s biggest ideas in news, society, culture, politics, science and arts. Subscribe today to never miss an episode.

  • Professor Suzannah Lipscomb talks about everything from the Aztecs to witches, Velázquez to Shakespeare, Mughal India to the Mayflower. Not, in other words, just the Tudors, but most definitely also the Tudors.

    Each episode Suzannah is joined by historians and experts to reveal incredible stories about one of the most fascinating periods in history.

  • “Health has become overcomplicated. I aim to simplify it” In this podcast, we hear stories from leading health experts and exciting personalities who offer easy health life-hacks, expert advice and debunk common health myths giving you the tools to revolutionise how you eat, sleep, move and relax. Hosted by Dr Chatterjee - one of the most influential GPs in the country with nearly 20 years experience, star of BBC 1’s Doctor In the House, and author of 5 internationally best-selling books, including ‘The 4 Pillar Plan’ – Feel Better, Live More aims to inspire, empower and transform the way we feel. When we are healthier we are happier because when we feel better we live more.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.


  • The day’s top stories from BBC News, including the latest on the Middle East conflict – bringing you developments from Lebanon, Israel, Gaza and Iran. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.

  • Daiktai mums gali papasakoti viską. Mūsų praeitį, dabartį ir ateitį. Žinoma, ne tik vien daiktai. Galbūt ir dalykai. Bet kokiu atveju, nėra tokio visai šalimais mūsų tūnančio ir nepastebimo namų apyvokos padargo, maisto produkto, aprangos detalės, su kuria nesisietu liepsnojanti aktualija arba įdomi istorija. Pabaigoje – knygų rekomendacijos pagal laidos temą.
    Ved. Aidas Puklevičius. LRT Radijo tinklalaidė

  • Guy Raz interviews the world’s best-known entrepreneurs to learn how they built their iconic brands. In each episode, founders reveal deep, intimate moments of doubt and failure, and share insights on their eventual success. How I Built This is a master-class on innovation, creativity, leadership and how to navigate challenges of all kinds.

    New episodes release on Mondays and Thursdays. Listen to How I Built This on the Wondery App or wherever you listen to your podcasts. You can listen early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/how-i-built-this now.

    Get your How I Built This merch at WonderyShop.com/HowIBuiltThis.

  • Volcanoes. Trees. Drunk butterflies. Mars missions. Slug sex. Death. Beauty standards. Anxiety busters. Beer science. Bee drama. Take away a pocket full of science knowledge and charming, bizarre stories about what fuels these professional -ologists' obsessions. Humorist and science correspondent Alie Ward asks smart people stupid questions and the answers might change your life.

  • Laida skirta papasakoti įdomiems, bet dažnai primirštiems ar tiesiog nepastebėtiems istoriniams reiškiniams ar įvykiams, kurie visuomenėje ilgainiui virto tarsi savaime suprantami ir todėl pranyko kasdienybės aktualijose.
    Ved. Rimas Bružas

  • «Сперва роди» — подкаст о родительстве, где трое отцов не дают советов, а делятся тревогами, переживаниями и смешными историями о своей жизни с детьми. Александр Борзенко, Владимир Цыбульский и Юрий Сапрыкин рассказывают, как дети изменили их семьи и их самих. И внимательно изучают рассказы и отзывы своих слушателей.
    Присылайте ваши письма с историями на почту: [email protected]
    И подписывайтесь на наш инстаграмм: @spervarodi
    Раньше это был подкаст «Медузы», а теперь это подкаст студии «Либо/Либо».
    Instagram студии : @libolibostudio
    YouTube канал: ЛибоЛибо

  • В этом подкасте публикуются курсы сайта Arzamas — лекции лучших российских ученых по истории, литературе, искусству, антропологии и философии. Материалы к курсам, а также другие статьи, видео и игры вы найдете на сайте https://arzamas.academy.

  • Биолог Илья Колмановский отвечает на вопросы детей о том, как устроен мир вокруг нас.

  • Dvylika. Šis skaičius siejamas su erdvės ir laiko idėja, apskritimu bei ratu: dvylika Zodiako ženklų, mėnesių, valandų. Tai kosminės tvarkos, tobulumo ir sėkmės simbolis. Dvylika Graikijos panteono dievų, dvylika Biblijos mokinių ir apaštalų, dvylika Jokūbo sūnų, dvylika žvaigždžių Apokalipsės karūnoje, dvylikos pentagramų ratas Europos Sąjungos vėliavoje.

    Į kokius 12 miestų būtina nuvažiuoti prieš numirštant, kokias 12 knygų į negyvenamą salą rekomenduotų pasiimti įdomus svečias, kokius 12 mitų paneigs gydytojas, 12 priežasčių neišvažiuoti iš Lietuvos?

    (Michael Skok / Unsplash nuotr.)

  • What makes a strong person to you? Bestselling author and personal trainer Alice Liveing interviews extraordinary people about the importance of building mental and physical resilience and how this can empower us to live happier, stronger lives. You can find more about Alice on Instagram @aliceliveing, on Twitter @aliceliveing_
    We would love to hear from YOU! To get in touch, please email [email protected]
    Give Me Strength, this has been an Insanity Studios production.

  • Bloomberg Daybreak delivers today's top stories, with context, in just 15 minutes. Get informed from Bloomberg's 2,700 journalists and analysts in 120 countries.

  • Beginner friendly if listened to in order! For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. In chronological order, the thinkers and ideas that forged the world we live in are broken down and explained.

  • Sakoma, jog lietuvių galima sutikti visur. Tad ir ieškosime jų įvairiausiuose pasaulio kampeliuose. Kuo jie gyvena? Kokiomis gatvelėmis vaikšto? Ką veikia laisvalaikiu? Kokius klubus ar parodas lanko? Ir kokios muzikos klauso? Įsijunkime radiją, užsimerkime ir bastykimės drauge.
    Ved. Richardas Jonaitis.

  • Делают для вас команды курсов программирования LearnPython и сообщества MoscowPython

  • Dr hab. Małgorzata Zachara-Szymańska z Instytutu Amerykanistyki i Studiów Polonijnych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego prowadzi podcast „Wolna Amerykanka” o kobietach i władzy. Punktem wyjścia są amerykańskie wybory, w których Kamala Harris walczy o miejsce w historii oraz w Białym Domu. Prowadząca odsłania kulisy gier o władzę, prezentując dylematy liderek w tworzeniu spójnej układanki z nieprzystających elementów – ambicji, dzieci, mężczyzn, opinii publicznej, rywali, społecznych oczekiwań.

  • Mus domina socialiniai klausimai, visuomenės lūžiai ir žmogus juose. Geriausias lietuviškas podkastas, LOGIN 2019. Anksčiau veikė NYLA vardu.

  • If you're trying to think your way into learning Danish, you're doing it wrong.

    Learn Danish like you did English: by hearing a huge amount of it. (With at least a vague idea of what it means!)

    Thousands of Danish Phrases, along with the English translations, presented directly to your brain: from practical to philosophical to flirting.

    Just phrases, no filler!

    Go way beyond the Danish language basics to not just communicate, but actually become an interesting person in Danish.

    As an audio-only tool to learn Danish, it's a great companion for driving, walking, or house chores.

    This podcast is the perfect supplement for your current language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo or are enrolled in a Danish class.

    If you’re a beginner, we recommend you use this tool in addition to a good Danish intro course.

    The Danish Learning Accelerator is created by language lovers and world travelers, for the love of language!

    Every episode has subtitles available. (If your podcast player supports it.)

  • Retired Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink and Director, Echo Charles discuss discipline and leadership in business, war, relationships and everyday life.

  • Документальный подкаст о громких исторических трагедиях, которые никто не смог предугадать.

    Авария в Чернобыле, развал СССР, теракт 11 сентября — всё это «Черные лебеди», которые изначально кажутся аномальными и неожиданными, но постфактум оказываются вполне логичными. В этом подкасте мы разбираемся, что привело человечество к подобным катастрофам, как это переживали люди и какие уроки можно из этого вынести.

    Один сезон — один «Черный лебедь». Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс» — [email protected]

  • О чём хотят знать мужчины, но никогда не спросят?

    Мы найдём ответы на все вопросы, которыми задается современный мужчина.

    Подкаст студии «Трёшка»

    Telegram канал: https://t.me/I_Bulatov

    Реклама и сотрудничество: https://t.me/tttreshka

  • There are a lot of fads, blogs and strong opinions, but then there’s SCIENCE. Science Vs is the show from Gimlet that finds out what’s fact, what’s not, and what’s somewhere in between. We do the hard work of sifting through all the science so you don't have to and cover everything from 5G and Pandemics, to Vaping and Fasting Diets.

  • Brian Windhorst and a team of ESPN's Insiders sort out life in and around the NBA world.

  • Сколько современных российских ученых-звезд вы знаете?

    Пора менять авторитеты и кумиров, и дать место на сцене под сияющими софитами нашим ученым. Это проект «Научный стендап», где восходящие звезды российской науки простым и понятным языком рассказывают об открытиях, которые изменят нашу жизнь!

    Медиагруппа «Комсомольская правда» при поддержке Института развития интернета запускает новый научно-популярный проект «Живая наука или Научный стендап», в котором лучшие ученые и исследователи России в легкой и увлекательной форме рассказывают нам о своих разработках, технических достижениях и научных открытиях современности.

  • Подкаст Соколовского - еженедельные встречи Александра с интересными гостями. Разговоры о бизнесе, жизни, образе мышления и будущем, в котором мы все окажемся. Крутые истории и мысли, заставляющие задуматься.


  • The mission of the Dr. Gundry Podcast is to help you live your best life — mind, body and soul — by empowering you with the tools and knowledge you need. Dr. Gundry interviews some of the world's leading health experts to glean life-changing insights and offers cutting-edge wellness advice during his topical lectures.

  • "Aging Powerfully with Melissa Grelo" is the podcast for every woman who wants to get the latest and best information from respected experts to build a life that is healthier, stronger and longer, no matter what age you are.

  • On Masters of Scale, iconic business leaders share lessons and strategies that have helped them grow the world's most fascinating companies. Founders, CEOs, and dynamic innovators join candid conversations about their triumphs and challenges with a set of luminary hosts, including founding host Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn co-founder and Greylock partner). From navigating early prototypes to expanding brands globally, Masters of Scale provides priceless insights to help anyone grow their dream enterprise.

  • Learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs. Every week I read a biography of an entrepreneur and find ideas you can use in your work. This quote explains why: "There are thousands of years of history in which lots and lots of very smart people worked very hard and ran all types of experiments on how to create new businesses, invent new technology, new ways to manage etc. They ran these experiments throughout their entire lives. At some point, somebody put these lessons down in a book. For very little money and a few hours of time, you can learn from someone’s accumulated experience. There is so much more to learn from the past than we often realize. You could productively spend your time reading experiences of great people who have come before and you learn every time." —Marc Andreessen

  • A podcast about the inflection points that shaped some of the most significant companies of our time. Crucible moments are pivotal decisions that determine your trajectory. In Season 2, hear from founders and leaders like Steve Chen of YouTube, Drew Houston of Dropbox, Frank Slootman of ServiceNow and Tony Xu of DoorDash, Steve Huffman of Reddit and more about how they navigated the challenges and opportunities that defined their stories. Hosted by Roelof Botha of Sequoia Capital.

    The content of this podcast does not constitute investment advice, an offer to provide investment advisory services or an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy an interest in any investment fund.

  • Un podcast del Post con un’intervista a settimana sulle cose del mondo. Tutti i mercoledì con Eugenio Cau.

  • Insight and analysis from the Test Match Special team, including interviews with top players.

  • HBO and The Ringer's Bill Simmons hosts the most downloaded sports podcast of all time, with a rotating crew of celebrities, athletes, and media staples, as well as mainstays like Cousin Sal, Joe House, and a slew of other friends and family members who always happen to be suspiciously available.

  • This is Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. 
    I'm Dr. Andy Galpin, a professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton.
    With this podcast, my goal is to help you better understand and maximize your own physical performance, leveraging my two decades of experience with top-tier performers, including Olympians and world champions across numerous sports. We'll discuss a range of advanced tools, technologies, and strategies, striking a balance between the forefront of scientific research and simple solutions.
    The way we'll do that is by covering what I call the "3 I's". For every topic, we'll explore how to 1) Investigate (i.e., measure), 2) Interpret (i.e., what's good, bad), and 3) Intervene (i.e., change). We'll do this from the lens of high performance, letting you enhance your abilities from good to great.                                  
    In the upcoming episodes of Season 1, we'll explore topics like the science of muscle development, how to build endurance, the role of sleep and recovery in high performance, and how to create training programs for strength, improving VO2 Max and cardiovascular health, growing muscle and much more.  
    I'll share actionable insights ("do's and don'ts") and I'll discuss the effectiveness of various supplements, training equipment, and technology in elevating mental and physical performance.
    While not all of us are elite athletes, myself included, there are many lessons and tools that we can glean from those performing at the highest levels. And remember, as legendary coach Bill Bowerman stated, "If you have a body, you are an athlete." If you're not already, I hope you'll consider starting to train and recover like an athlete. 

  • «Холод» — независимое издание, запущенное в августе 2019 года. Мы ищем захватывающие истории по всей России, а потом рассказываем вам — на сайте holod.media. Теперь самые важные из этих историй будут регулярно выходить и в аудиоверсии.

  • I’ve spent over 20 years studying the emotions and experiences that bring meaning and purpose to our lives, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s this: we are hardwired for connection, and connecting requires courage, vulnerability, and conversation. I want this to be a podcast that’s real, unpolished, honest, and reflects both the magic and the messiness of what it means to be human. Episodes will include conversations with the people who are teaching me, challenging me, confusing me, or maybe even ticking me off a little. I'll also have direct conversations with you about what I’m learning from new research, and we'll do some episodes dedicated to answering your questions. We don’t have to do life alone. We were never meant to.
    Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • The European Central Bank Podcast – bringing you insights into the world of economics and central banking.

    Our hosts Paul Gordon and Stefania Secola talk to experts about the topics and trends that matter to the eurozone economy today.

    The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the European Central Bank.

  • The intersection of technology, startups, and venture capital touches everything now. That’s why Equity, TechCrunch's flagship podcast, digs into the business of startups for entrepreneurs and enthusiasts alike. Every Wednesday and Friday, TechCrunch reporters keep you up-to-date on the world of business, technology, and venture capital.

    Equity is ranked the No.2 podcast in the Top 100 Venture Capital All time leaderboard on Goodpods—As well as No.17 for the Top 100 Finance All time chart and No.32 for the Top 100 Business News All time chart.

  • Join Stephan as he interviews the sharpest economic and technical minds in Bitcoin & Austrian Economics to help you understand how money is changing and evolving. Leading names in the world of Bitcoin join the show to share their insights, whether they are developers, CEOs, economists, authors, analysts and more.

  • Each week, Ryen Russillo will break down the biggest topics in sports.

  • Личный канал писателя, журналиста, телеведущего, сценариста и — помимо вот этого всего — главного редактора журнала Esquire Сергея Минаева.

  • Tired mama? I’m here to help - I’m Erin Junker, pediatric sleep consultant and owner of The Happy Sleep Company. With a Masters Degree in Health Communications, experience helping more than 1000 families gain healthy rest for their children and eight years raising my own happy little sleeper I’m in this with you!I am passionate about children's sleep, I firmly believe that a well rested family is a happier healthier family. In each episode of this podcast, we'll guide you through some of the biggest challenges we see parents facing when it comes to their babies and older children's sleep. And share effective tools, tips, advice and strategies for getting sleep on track. Let’s get your family some great sleep!

  • Ukraine's not the first one. Russia's colonial grip has choked nations for centuries. Gaslighting, invading, erasing. But this time, the world is watching.
    Dive into "Matryoshka of Lies" with Maksym Eristavi, a Ukrainian author, and Ukrainska Pravda. Unpack the myths, expose the truth. The empire will fall.

  • ESPN's Zach Lowe talks to various basketball people about various basketball things.

  • Подкаст о материнстве, который мы назвали в честь самой популярной фразы наших детей.

    Две близкие подруги обсуждают материнские чувства, сложности и радости, а так же приглашают гостей, чтобы разобраться в различных темах, которые волнуют многих мам.

    Осторожно! Подкаст пропитан любовью к детям и может раздражать счастьем материнства.

    Подписывайтесь на наши соц.сети: https://instagram.com/mam_mama_maam *https://t.me/mammamamaam

    https://instagram.com/ahh_carina *https://instagram.com/antoninasalimova *

    *продукт компании Meta, признанной экстремистской на территории РФ.

    Пишите письма и предлагайте темы на почту [email protected]

    Вы можете поддержать наш подкаст:

    Если оставите чаевые ➡️ https://pay.cloudtips.ru/p/0491b7dd

    подпишетесь на нас на бусти ➡️ https://boosty.to/mamapodcast

    или подпишетесь на нас на patreon➡️ https://patreon.com/mammamamaam

    Благодарим вас за поддержку!Приятного прослушивания🎧❤️

  • İnsanlık tarihini değiştiren bazı keşifler sanki bir rastlantıymış gibi anlatılır. Halbuki hiçbir şey tesadüf değil. İşte biz de bu yüzden buradayız. Cengiz Çalışkan, nam-ı diğer Bebar Bilim ve Podbee Media'nın beraber hazırladığı ve bu podcast serisinde bizi bugüne getiren tüm bilimsel, kültürel, toplumsal dönüm noktalarından geçeceğimiz büyük bir yolculuğa çıkıyoruz.

  • Risky Business is a weekly information security podcast featuring news and in-depth interviews with industry luminaries. Launched in February 2007, Risky Business is a must-listen digest for information security pros. With a running time of approximately 50-60 minutes, Risky Business is pacy; a security podcast without the waffle.

  • Мари Новосад говорит о сексе, отношениях и жизненных историях, которые делают их веселее.18+
    Для вопросов недели: [email protected]
    Инстаграм: @marienovosad

  • Hosts Tom Kerridge, Samuel Goldsmith, Mallika Basu and Orlando Murrin chat to cooks, chefs and characters about their favourite dish - how they’ve made it their own, where it’s led them on their cooking journey in the food and drink world with life lessons and laughs along the way.
    Plus discover inspiring new recipes and cook-a-long with us in our easy-to-follow bonus episodes on Thursdays.

    Help us understand how the Good Food podcast fits into your life by taking part in our latest research.


    The Good Food podcast has featured guests such as: Jamie Oliver, Nadiya Hussain, Michel Roux, Ainsley Harriot, Gennaro Contaldo, Claire Richards, Fred Sirieix, Big Zuu, Tess Daly, Liz Bonnin, Becky Excell, Professor Tim Spector, Rukmini Iyer, Riyadh Khalaf, John Whaite, Crystelle Pereira, Paul Ainsworth, The Hairy Bikers, Marcus Wareing, Sabrina Ghayour, Jane Dunn and Atul Kochhar. 
    Discussing topics such as BBQ, fermenting, brunch, spices, Eurovision, Caribbean flavours, sustainability, chocolate, Spanish cuisine, vegan cooking, Bake Off, airfryers, health, wellbeing, nutrition, slow cookers, cocktails, pancakes, pressure cookers, seasonal food and cocktails.

  • Dina, Matas ir Justas – trys automobilistai su skirtingomis pažiūromis, skirtingomis žiniomis bei skirtingomis patirtimis kalbės apie viską, kas susiję su automobiliais pačia plačiausia prasme. Nuo techninių detalių iki sklandančių stereotipų. Nuo vairavimo patarimų iki psichologo komentarų. Apie automobilius, tik daug plačiau, nei įsivaizdavote.

  • Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Follow the podcast for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • News, views and features on today's stories in Parliament

  • Welcome to "Micro-Frontends in the Trenches," a podcast where Luca Mezzalira interviews practitioners from all over the world sharing their experiences. Learn how to scale your organisation and teams, optimising for fast flow and independence in the trenches.

    From fixing problems to organisation structure, we cover it all. Whether you're new to web development or a pro, this podcast has something for you.

  • As one of the largest investor syndicates in the Baltics, fff.club brings together over 400+ top tech professionals from leading companies like Bolt, Wise, Pipedrive, Vinted, Skype, Klarna, and more, all with a shared mission to collectivly co-invest in unique opportunities typically out of reach for smaller investors.

    Hosted by co-founder Tim Vaino, this podcast offers a mix of insightful conversations, expert learnings, and casual chit-chat, giving listeners a front-row seat to the ideas and experiences shaping the world of investing.

    Whether you’re a seasoned investor, founder or just exploring the space, this podcast is your go-to resource for staying ahead in the tech and investment landscape at large.

  • Господа начинаем снимать подкасты просто потому что в кайф, собрались значит как то Hanson, Пекарь и Женя повспоминать поразгонять и вот что из этого вышло.

  • This is a podcast all about mom life, primarily focused on infant and toddler sleep. In this podcast, you will learn how to improve your child's sleep quickly so that you can start feeling like yourself again! Hosted by Marli Klaus, a certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and mom of three, we'll be addressing popular sleep topics so that you can walk away with clarity on why your child may not be sleeping as well as you know they should, and what you can do differently to improve sleep fast. Sleep training.

    Learn more at www.yourworldincolor.site or on Instagram @your.world.in.color

  • WARNING: this podcast will change your life.

    YAWN the podcast is for the tired, desperate and out of ideas. Sleep training a baby is hard work and we all have to do it at some point. In this podcast we discuss the ins and outs of sleep training. With insights from Sleep Therapists, Nutritionists & you !

    Join the conversation via the Facebook group Baby Sleep Training Tips & Help. https://www.facebook.com/groups/babysleeptrainingtips

  • The Holistic Baby and Toddler Sleep Podcast will provide you with tips and tricks to solve your current sleep issues. It will also give you plenty of education and knowledge so you feel equipped, empowered and confident to handle any baby and toddler sleep challenge that comes your way in the future. Naturopathy and Holistic Sleep is the ideal mix to provide your family with a Holistic approach to your child's sleep challenges, insights into your parenting and nutritional obstacles. I am your host Georgina Windebank, a Holistic Sleep Consultant, qualified Naturopath & Nutritionist and Mumma. Join me as we discuss child sleep in a unique way that will make your think about the status quo and provide a new and holistic way of approaching parenting, child sleep and health. Find out more about my unique Holistic approach at http://www.theholisticsleepproject.com and Follow me on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/theholisticsleepproject 

  • From healthcare and biotechnology to forests and fisheries, the evolving study of genomics is leading to some of the most exciting and world-changing discoveries in science and medicine. Like – did you know that your individual genomic signature can help determine the healthcare treatment you receive? Or that mapping the genomes of trees can inform forest management?

    But while the study of genomics holds great promise for the health of people, animals, and the environment, it also confronts us with big questions: How do we study genetic patterns in a way that respects sensitive genetic information, history, and equity? How do we use the power of genomic research to fight climate change? Save the salmon?

    Join Dr. Kaylee Byers – a self-described “rat detective” and science communicator as she guides you through fascinating conversations about the what, the why, and the how of genomics.

  • We investigate what it takes to grow a developer tool. Topics include developer marketing, DevRel, developer advocacy and developer experience.

  • Baby Sleep Consultant Claire, and 'average dad' Josh are here to talk you through the ins and outs of biologically normal baby & toddler sleep! This podcast is for all of those who feel overwhelmed by all the conflicting information around baby sleep. Its for parents who want to feel empowered to follow their intuition and everyone who has LONGED for a sleep solution that wasn’t cry it out! Claire and Josh will debunk the sleep myths you may have heard, help you to tune into your intuition as well as interviewing other infant experts along the way! For more information about Claire and to access all of her free sleep tips and tricks, head to instagram @thegentlesleepcoach

  • Learn from Leaders Podcast series focus on Tech & Game industry leaders. Challenges from real-world experiences and how some of the best teams have overcome them.

  • Baby + toddler sleep consultant, mum and founder of Little Nest Sleep, Hannah is on a mission to debunk the myths and mistruths that are fed to exhausted parents who just want to get some decent rest.

    Using a gentle, holistic approach to night-time parenting, the Sleep Like A Baby? podcast helps mums and dads navigate the nonsense of baby sleep without cry-it-out, or strict rules and routines.

    Speaking to experts from the worlds of psychology, paediatric healthcare, midwifery, mental health and neuroscience, as well as normal parents, this podcast is all about empowering families with evidence for what works and why.

    For more information about Hannah she is on Instagram @LittleNestSleep or go to LittleNest.uk.

  • Did you know that in the first year of your child’s life, you’ll put them down to sleep for more than 1,500 times between naps and bedtime?! And yet, as a culture we don’t have a good mechanism for talking about this super important part of the parenting journey. Welcome to the Baby Sleep Podcast, where parents share their stories, challenges, and tips.

    Listen for tips and tricks, hilarious moments of sleep deprivation, strategies for conquering the emotional hurdles of baby sleep, and to find a community of parents who are ready to talk about the often taboo topic of baby sleep.

  • Paediatric Nurse, qualified infant and toddler Sleep Consultant and Mother, Tara Mitchell is the owner of The Gentle Sleep Specialist. Working with thousands of clients around the globe for over 6 years. Resolving sleep issues, restoring hope and bringing peace back to families. Tara has seen first hand too may times the detriment sleep deprivation has on the entire families well being. This podcast will help you resolve sleep issues, restore your confidence and give you a good laugh and cry along the way.

  • This podcast will help you to teach your baby and toddler to sleep better at night and have better naps so you can enjoy parenting while keeping your sanity.

  • Have you ever wondered what the House of Lords does, how it works and who makes up its membership?

    The House of Lords is the second chamber of UK Parliament. It plays a crucial role in examining bills, questioning government action and investigating public policy. 

    Hear from members of the House of Lords as the Lord Speaker finds out what influences their work in and beyond the Lords.

    Each episode sees Lord McFall of Alcluith discover what drives members and what they hope to achieve in their time in Parliament.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This is a podcast all about baby and child sleep. Learn how to get your little ones consistently sleeping 11-12 hours at night so you can be a functioning human again!Hosted by Eva Klein, your resident sleep expert and mom of 3, we'll be diving into all the various sleep challenges parents regularly face, as well as how they can fix them! Every week, Eva will addressing a popular sleep topic, answering a listener's question, or chatting with a guest expert. If you're looking for some solutions to your sleep little one's sleep woes, or you're simply looking to learn more, this podcast is for you! Check out Eva's FREE training here- https://mysleepingbaby.ac-page.com/registration-page-v-2?test=true

  • Marni Wasserman's journey into motherhood began after going through a natural pregnancy and home birth. She's here to share her experiences and what she is learning along the way as a mom committed to health. Through solo shows and guest interviews you are going to get the best information on mom and baby wellness.

    Marni will be covering a wide variety of topics including natural fertility, clean diet and necessary supplements, having a positive pregnancy experience, discovering alternative interventions, breastfeeding benefits, building a birth team, postpartum healing, starting solids foods, raising healthy eaters, and so much more.

    She will empower and educate other moms and moms to-be to approach motherhood in the most natural way possible and of course, learn what it takes to raise the ultimate baby!

  • In the startup world, Give First means simply trying to help anyone—especially entrepreneurs—with no expectation of getting anything back. It's the pay-it-forward principle that builds strong startup networks. Hosts David Cohen and Brad Feld—Techstars cofounders, lifelong entrepreneurs, and startup investors—talk with mentors and founders about what giving first looks like in action, and how it makes great entrepreneurship possible.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hello and Welcome to The Kinetik Fitness Show, where we inspire you to live a longer, healthier, happier and more joyful life. We cover everything you need to know to be optimally healthy in your mind, body and spirit.Are you ready to become the ultimate version of yourself? Well let's dive in with your host and guide by your side, Ali West. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thekinetikfitnessshow/support

  • The Witch Wave is a podcast for bewitching conversation about magic, creativity, and culture. On each episode, host Pam Grossman speaks with a leading visionary about art and Craft.

  • Join comedians, basic huns and horror stans Hannah Byczkowski and Suzie Preece as they bring you the world's creepiest ghost stories. They get haunted so you don't have to!

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GhostHuns
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ghosthunspod/
    Email stories: [email protected]
    Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ghosthunspod

  • A history podcast looking at the collapse of a different civilization each episode. What did they have in common? Why did they fall? And what did it feel like to watch it happen?

  • Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Balaji Srinivasan, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, James Smith, Dr David Sinclair, Mark Manson and more. Understanding the world is hard. This podcast will help.

  • Short podcasts to improve your English at work.

    Find more at bbclearningenglish.com

    Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus

  • Design is everywhere in our lives, perhaps most importantly in the places where we've just stopped noticing. 99% Invisible is a weekly exploration of the process and power of design and architecture. From award winning producer Roman Mars. Learn more at 99percentinvisible.org.

  • PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Broski Nation’s fearless & tyrannical leader has officially established a nationwide broadcast network—meaning you can now get national news blasts in the comfort of your own living room! Stay up to date with what Supreme Leader Brittany Broski is currently obsessing over, learning about, crying about, etc. Also expect important updates on Broski Nation law changes & people of interest. If you’re a loyal subject or follower of @brittany_broski or her top secret second account @lostmymarblesagain, this podcast is for you. Yes, you! Stay tuned for weekly Broski Report news blasts, and be sure to leave a comment if you feel something (or someone) should be brought to Broski’s attention. Thank you for your loyalty & service!

  • Илья Красильщик и Александр Поливанов обсуждают, как мы (неправильно) тратим деньги. Брать кредиты или занимать у друзей? Жить в съемной квартире или в ипотечной? Планировать путешествия или отдыхать по вдохновению? Покупать машину или пользоваться такси?

  • Išskyrus išimtį, jei esate skaitantis šuo, turbūt jūs žmogus. Kaip sekasi juo būti? Su visomis žmogiškomis emocijomis, iššūkiais ir ydomis. Vedėjos Elžbieta ir Tautė kalbina pašnekovus įvairiomis painiomis temomis: emocinis gyvenimas, susikalbėjimas, lgbtqia+, intymumas, gėdos. Gilius pokalbius lydi vedėjų juokeliai, improvizacijos ir žaismingos rubrikos. Nes rimti dalykai yra komiškiausi, ir atvirkščiai. „Žaidžiam žmogų“ veda draugės nuo paauglystės – žurnalistė Tautė Bernotaitė ir aktorė Elžbieta Latėnaitė. Klausykite antradieniais, 14.00 val.

  • VU istorijos fakulteto Naujosios istorijos katedros tinklalaidė

  • Bailey Sarian, a professional makeup artist and true crime aficionado, is now bringing episodes of her YouTube series “Murder, Mystery & Makeup” to podcast! Covering anything from cannibals to cover-ups. Join us on this journey. It’ll be fun, we promise. Idk. lol.

  • Радио Свободная Европа/Радио Свобода - это частная некоммерческая информационная служба, финансируемая Конгрессом США, осуществляющая вещание на страны Восточной и Юго-Восточной Европы, Кавказа, Центральной Азии и Ближнего Востока и на Россию.

  • Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has dominated world news since tanks, jets and troops first crossed Ukraine's borders in February 2022. Every weekday, the Telegraph's top journalists analyse the conflict from all angles.

    The team brings you updates on the war and is the most listened to, and award-winning, podcast on the conflict. The team considers military strategy, history, economics, the refugee crisis, Ukrainian culture, and daily life in Vladimir Putin's autocratic Russia and Volodymyr Zelensky's democratic Ukraine.

    On Ukraine: The Latest, the pre-eminent podcast for Ukraine updates, our correspondents on the ground talk to experts and civilians to cover every aspect of Russia's brutal invasion.

    Telegraph subscribers get early access to bonus episodes on Ukraine: The Latest and Battle Lines. You can subscribe within The Telegraph app, or tap on ‘Already a subscriber’ at the top of this page to log in to link your existing subscription. For more information, head to https://www.telegraph.co.uk/contact-us/telegraph-subscription-bonus-content-apple-podcasts/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Nuo tada, kai 1907 m. Vileišių rūmuose buvo surengta pirmoji lietuvių „dailos“ paroda, pasikeitė ir kūrybos sąlygos, ir pats menas, ir jį nusakantis žodynas. Galbūt kalbėjimas apie meną, diskusijos apie kūrybą ir kuravimą padėtų į parodas pažiūrėti kaip į originalius pasakojimus, esančius kur kas arčiau nei mums atrodo? LRT Klasikos laida „Parodų rūmai“ po svarbias, kontroversiškas, tendencijas diktuojančias ar pražiūrėtas parodas kviečia pasivaikščioti su menotyrininkais ir menotyrininkėmis, meno istorikais ir istorikėmis, kritikais ir kritikėmis, kurių įžvalgos, vertinimai ir keliami klausimai išryškina parodų svarbą, kontekstą, problematiką, o gal veikia kaip parodos skaitymo instrukcija. Laidos klausykite kas antrą šeštadienį 10.05 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ. Laidos vedėja Jogintė Bučinskaitė.

  • Dive into the minds of the world’s greatest athletes, leaders, thinkers, and doers with Dr. Michael Gervais—a high performance psychologist and world-renowned expert on the relationship between high performance and the mind. Dr. Gervais’s client roster includes Super Bowl winning NFL teams, Fortune 50 CEOs, Olympic medalists, internationally acclaimed artists, and more.

    On Finding Mastery, Dr. Gervais sits down with the best at what they do, like David Goggins, Brene Brown, Toto Wolff, soccer legend Abby Wambach, neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman, and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella — translating their life stories, mental skills, and personal practices into applicable tools you can use to unlock your potential.

    Walk with us to the edge of human possibility and learn what you are capable of. New episodes every Wednesday.

  • Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.

  • Pėsčiomis per šalia esančias, bet neatrastas Lietuvos vietas. Eidami vidutiniu 5 km/h greičiu vedėjai aptaria keliavimo pėsčiomis privalumus, ieško netikėtų maršrutų ir pasikvietę pakeleivį kalba apie kelionių psichologiją, istoriją bei kitomis temomis.

  • Nuoširdus pokalbis su iškiliomis bei įkvepiančiomis Lietuvos ir ne tik asmenybės, jų atsinešti mėgstami muzikos kūriniai, bei pasakojimas apie patirtis, lydinčias šiame gyvenime. Kiekvieną trečiadienį 14.00 val. per LRT OPUS.

  • Welcome to "Not Alone," a podcast where we dive deep into the stories that shape us. Hosted by Valeria Lipovetsky, this space is dedicated to revealing the raw, often unspoken challenges faced by women from all walks of life. Each episode invites you to listen to heartfelt conversations with inspiring guests who open up about their personal battles, breakthroughs, and the lessons learned along the way.

    Follow Valeria on Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok.

  • Gilesnis žvilgsnis į žmones, gyvenimą, istoriją bei šiandieną Lietuvoje ir pasaulyje. Iš lėto, neskubant, tarsi renkant dėlionę iš garsų, idėjų, patirčių ir emocijų piešiamas gyvas ir tikroviškas visuomenės paveikslas. LRT RADIJO autorių pasakojimai įvertinti ne vienu apdovanojimu Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos laidų konkurse „Pragiedruliai“ ir nominuoti tarptautiniame festivalyje PRIX EUROPA.

  • Join Matt Abrahams, a lecturer of Strategic Communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business, every Tuesday as he sits down with experts in the field to discuss real-world challenges.
    How do I send my message clearly when put on the spot? How do I write emails to get my point across? How can I easily convey complex information? How do I manage my reputation? Whether you’re giving a toast or presenting in a meeting, communication is critical to success in business and in life.
    Think Fast, Talk Smart provides the tools, techniques, and best practices to help you communicate more effectively.
    Learn more & sign up for our eNewsletter: https://fastersmarter.io

  • Nepaprastos istorijos apie nepaprastus žmones. Jie vaikšto tarp mūsų, svajoja, dirba, myli, kartais verkia. Žmonės, kurie gyvena kitaip, kurie nebijo eiti autentišku savo keliu, kurių vidinė koordinačių sistema ypatinga, o žingsniai drąsūs.
    Laidos vedėja Viktorija Urbonaitė.

  • Čia Gyvena Pyktis

    Nebūkit dūchai ir remkit Armėno Radiją!


    Visas Armėnas čia:

  • Laida apie ilgą, o kartais labai trumpą laiką šioje Žemėje. Kada sulaukti 100 metų bus taip pat įprasta kaip pilnametystės. Kam už tai dėkosime: vaistams ar harmoningam gyvenimo būdui? Laida skirta pokalbiams apie ilgaamžiškumą, mitybą ir santykį su sveiku kūnu. Laidos autoriai gyvensenos medicinos pradininkas Lietuvoje Tomas Vaičiūnas ir šeimos medicinos gydytojas Ignas Klėjus.

  • The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.

    Join The Rest Is History Club (www.therestishistory.com) for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.

    Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:

    WATERGATE/NIXON apple.co/3JrVl5h

    ALEXANDER THE GREAT apple.co/3Q4FaNk


    PUTIN & RUSSIA apple.co/3zMtLfX

  • Prof G Markets breaks down the news that’s moving the capital markets, helping you build financial literacy and security. Tune in every Monday and Thursday for no mercy, no malice insight from Scott Galloway and Ed Elson on high flying stocks, booming sectors, and master of the universe CEOs. Like it or not, we live in a capitalist society. The key to navigating it? Talk about money. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • Improve your English with these short dramas and stories.

    Find more at bbclearningenglish.com

    Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus

  • DJ Phalanx – Supported by Armin van Buuren I Host of Uplifting Trance Sessions – a leading and awarded Trance podcast only with the best trance, vocal trance and tech trance promotions I Head of State Control Records

    State Control Records Label Group is an electronic dance music label. We are releasing trance and progressive trance music only with the best quality, the label music will consist of Trance mainly, sub genres of Tech, Dark and Uplifting Trance, our goal is to provide music as its finest, in our own way.
    Visit us: https://statecontrolrecords.com

  • The Twenty Minute VC (20VC) interviews the world's greatest venture capitalists with prior guests including Sequoia's Doug Leone and Benchmark's Bill Gurley. Once per week, 20VC Host, Harry Stebbings is also joined by one of the great founders of our time with prior founder episodes from Spotify's Daniel Ek, Linkedin's Reid Hoffman, and Snowflake's Frank Slootman.

    If you would like to see more of The Twenty Minute VC (20VC), head to www.20vc.com for more information on the podcast, show notes, resources and more.

  • Психолог и креативщик субъективно отвечают на вопросы слушателей о жизни.

    Задать вопрос в выпуск, площадки для прослушивания - https://taplink.cc/tripunkta
    Телеграм канал - https://t.me/tripunkta
    Поддержать наш подкаст донатом - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/tripunkta⠀

    По вопросам сотрудничества и рекламы: [email protected]

  • Welcome to 𝘈 𝘉𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶 podcast by lifestyle, wellness, & self help youtuber - Fernanda Ramirez. Listen along as she covers all topics on how to become the best version of yourself, learn to romanticize your life, and tap into your confident, independent self in each episode. You can expect to hear personal stories, girl talk advice, her thoughts on navigating her 20's, and tips on becoming 𝘈 𝘉𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶 ♡ new episodes every wednesday's. instagram @abetteryou.byfernanda & @fernandaraamirez

  • Improve your English with these short podcasts for learners with basic English

    Visit our website https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish

    Follow us https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus

  • Build your English vocabulary with these short programmes. Each episode explores a new topic to improve your English.

    Find more at bbclearningenglish.com

    Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus

  • Pamenate garsųjį posakį - kai gyvenimas pameta jums citriną, spauskite iš jos limonadą. Taip ir LRT RADIJO laidos „Gyvenimo citrinos“ pašnekovai pasakos, atviraus, ką jie darė su savosiomis „gyvenimo citrinomis”. Kaip užklupus sunkumams ieškojo ir rado būdų pakilti, atsitiesti, pradėti rašyti naują skyrių savo gyvenimo istorijoje. Nauja laida kiekvieną penktadienį, 12 val. per LRT RADIJĄ. Ved. Lavija Šurnaitė

  • The Office co-stars and best friends, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, are doing the ultimate The Office re-watch podcast for you. Each week Jenna and Angela will break down an episode of The Office and give exclusive behind the scene stories that only two people who were there, can tell you.

  • Bloomberg's Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway explore the most interesting topics in finance, markets and economics. Join the conversation every Monday and Thursday.

  • The Proof Podcast is a space for science-based conversation. Together with his guests, Simon Hill, a qualified physiotherapist and nutritionist, explores the health and longevity benefits that come with mastering physical exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, recovery, sleep, and alignment. Facts, nuance and trustworthy recommendations minus the hyperbole. All the proof you need to live better for longer.

  • No gimmicks; just Great Company.

    Join Jamie every Wednesday as he's joined by great guests for great conversation: it's GREAT COMPANY

    A JamPot Original Podcast

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Who decides which snacks are in your office’s vending machine? How much is a suburban elm tree worth, and to whom? How did Girl Scout Cookies become a billion-dollar business? In bite-sized episodes, journalist Zachary Crockett looks at quotidian things and finds amazing stories.

    To get every show in our network without ads and a monthly bonus episode of Freakonomics Radio, sign up for SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts at http://apple.co/SiriusXM.

  • Normal Gossip delivers juicy, strange, funny, and utterly banal gossip about people you’ll never know and never meet. Host Kelsey McKinney discusses reader-submitted comedic gossip with guests, diving into the lives and decisions of complete strangers. The second-hand truth really is stranger than fiction. Produced by Alex Sujong Laughlin. Show art by Tara Jacoby. https://normalgossip.komi.io/

  • Hosted by licensed trauma therapist John Clarke, LPCC, Going Inside is a podcast on a mission to help you heal from trauma and reconnect with your authentic Self. This show explores trauma healing through the lens of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy with detours into EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, and more. Tune in for enlightening guest expert interviews, immersive solo deep dives, real-life therapy sessions, and soothing guided meditations. Learn more about and apply to work 1-1 with John at https://www.johnclarketherapy.com.

  • The official podcast of American entrepreneur Bedros Keuilian. A show that’s unapologetically unfiltered that will make you think, make you laugh and inspire you to become an even better human.

  • CEOs and business leaders, management consulting senior partners, ground-breaking professors, thought-provoking writers and journalists, record-setting athletes and coaches, and award-winning actors and celebrities discuss the key issues facing the business world and broader society.

    Get free access to our newsletter, Monday Morning at 8 am, along with sample episodes from our training programs on www.strategytraining.com. Go to https://www.firmsconsulting.com/promo.

  • Привет.

    Меня зовут Иван. Я работал в крупнейших СМИ страны, вел подкаст о кино и телеграм-канал, писал статьи в модные и не очень журналы.

    «Один дома» — это подкаст обо всем на свете и ни о чем конкретно. Иногда он про кино, книги, музыку и видеоигры. Иногда он про политику и технологии. Иногда он про то, как ужасно себя ведут люди в кинотеатрах или про то, какую чушь иногда несут из телевизора.

    Он одновременно смешной и грустный, наивный и циничный, инфантильный и брюзгливый. Но другого подкаста у меня для вас нет.

  • Troubled Waters is a 10-part ground-breaking podcast exploring the untold story of Louisa Ioannidis' tragic and mysterious death in 2011. Louisa Ioannidis was only 24. Beautiful, courageous, and vulnerable, yet her untimely death barely received a two-line report in a small local newspaper. Her body was discovered by passers-by in a local creek, clad in a pink dressing gown. Despite being a strong swimmer, police quickly determined there were no suspicious circumstances. Yet no one has been able to explain how or why she came to enter the creek.

    Louisa’s brother Tass has always doubted the findings and is desperate for answers.

    Over a decade after Louisa’s death, Private Investigator Julia Robson embarks on a fresh investigation and explores the full story of Louisa’s short life and the events leading up to her tragic passing. Together with Producer Clare McGrath, they uncover a gripping narrative full of intrigue. From an international kidnapping, a daring escape and a family’s desperate bid to stay together, it all unravels into a downward spiral exacerbated by a toxic relationship, all the while revealing flaws in a family violence support system that desperately needs fixing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Galbūt pradėjai savo verslą, ar esi žinomos įmonės marketingo skyriaus vadovas, čia patarimus, kaip auginti verslą ras visi.

    Jau Tie Marketingistai tinklalaidėje patyrę marketingo specialistai Simonas Naudžius ir Paulius Šetkus dalinasi žiniomis ir patarimais apie skaitmeninį marketingą ir ne tik.

    Kokie skaitmeninės reklamos kanalai efektyviausi? Koks turinys socialiniuose tinkluose labiausiai įtraukiantis, ar SEO taktikos padėsiančios sugeneruoti kokybiškas atgalines nuorodas?

    JTM epizoduose nagrinėsime karščiausius skaitmeninės reklamos, SEO, socialinių tinklų, konversijų optimizavimo, naujienlaiškio marketingo ir daugelio kitų temų klausimus bei dalinsimės patarimais, kaip auginti verslą skaitmeninėje erdvėje.

    Prisijunk ir tu prie JTM bendruomenės!

    Didelis ačiū:

    Modestyno už tinklalaidės įrašymą

    Gabija Staugaitytė už vizualinį identitetą ir administravimą


    Rocket Science Baltics


  • Подкаст о медицинских открытиях, которые изменили мир.

    Педиатр Фёдор Катасонов рассказывает, как врачи учились лечить болезни, которые раньше считались приговором, решались на новые операции и открывали — иногда случайно — лекарства, без которых мы не представляем себе современную жизнь.

    Новые эпизоды — по средам раз в две недели.

    Это подкаст студии «Либо/Либо».

    Instagram студии: @libolibostudio

    YouTube канал студии: ЛибоЛибо

  • The Tucker Carlson Show is your beacon of free speech and honest reporting in a media landscape dominated by misinformation. The only solution to ending the propaganda spiral is by telling the truth. That's our job. Every day. No matter what.

  • The Betrayal community is growing. From the producers that brought you the critically acclaimed Betrayal limited run series, a new always on docuseries will hit the feed every week. Our lives are all built on an invisible force: trust. But sometimes, the people we trust the most can turn out to be complete strangers. Every week, Betrayal: Weekly will share first-hand accounts of broken trust, shocking deceptions, and the trail of destruction they leave behind. Hosted by Andrea Gunning, this weekly ongoing series digs into real-life stories of betrayal and the aftermath. From stories of double lives to dark discoveries, these are cautionary tales and accounts of resilience against all odds.

    Go back and listen to Betrayal Seasons 1, 2, and 3!

    In Season 1 we follow Jenifer Faison's journey after discovering her husband Spencer Herron's hidden life. A reality TV producer, Jen moved across the country to be with Spencer, a beloved soccer coach and award-winning teacher in Acworth, Georgia. Their seemingly idyllic seven-year marriage abruptly ended when Spencer was arrested under shocking circumstances. Jenifer's quest for closure leads her to confront the truth about her husband through candid interviews with his victims and other affected women. Through these conversations, Jen begins to heal and reclaim her life from the shadow of betrayal. And make sure to check out Betrayal: The Perfect Husband, which follows Jen's story streaming on Hulu.

    In Season 2, Ashley Lytton, a suburban mom of three in Utah, faces a life-altering revelation about her husband. His shocking crime not only jeopardizes their safety but thrusts Ashley into a relentless quest for justice and protection for her daughter. Through Ashley's harrowing journey, the season exposes a pervasive issue affecting families nationwide, shedding light on a betrayal that undermines our core values and communities. And make sure to check out Betrayal: A Father's Secret, which follows Ashley's story streaming on Hulu.

    In “Betrayal” Season 3, Stacey Rutherford thought she met her soulmate when she laid eyes on Dr. Justin Rutherford. They fell in love, and it was better than she ever imagined. But this family doctor, beloved father, and cherished husband had dark secrets. He had sworn to do no harm but would resort to any means necessary to save himself.

  • The Economics Show with Soumaya Keynes is a new weekly podcast from the Financial Times packed full of smart, digestible analysis and incisive conversation. Soumaya Keynes digs deep into the hottest topics in economics along with a cast of FT colleagues and special guests. Come for the big ideas, stay for the nerdery.

    Soumaya Keynes is an economics columnist for the Financial Times. Prior to joining the FT she worked at The Economist for eight years as a staff writer, where as well as covering trade, the US economy and the UK economy she co-hosted the Money Talks podcast. She also co-founded the Trade Talks podcast.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Vanishing Postcards is a documentary travelogue that invites listeners on a road trip exploring the hidden dives, traditions, and frequently threatened histories discovered by exiting the interstates. Named one of the Best Podcasts of 2022 by Digital Trends.

  • https://www.solgood.org - Check out our ad free collection of audiobooks, short stories, & sounds for sleep at our website

  • Better Offline is a weekly show exploring the tech industry’s influence and manipulation of society - and interrogating the growth-at-all-costs future that tech’s elite wants to build.

    Combining narrative-form storytelling, one-on-one interviews and panel-based discussions, Better Offline cuts through the buzzwords and obfuscation of the tech industry, investigating and evaluating the schemes and scams of everyone from cryptocurrency scumbags to the greediest of the venture capital elite. Tech industry veteran Ed Zitron and a dynamic coterie of guests will help listeners understand the who, how and why of how tech’s most powerful players are changing the world - for better or for worse.

  • Brilliant solutions to the world’s problems. We meet people with ideas to make the world a better place and investigate whether they work.

  • The most comprehensive podcast on acne. Board certified dermatologist, Dr. Teo Wan Lin, spills the beans on the who, what, where, when and how of acne in this series. Have a question? Post it on our “Ask a Dermatologist” community and we’ll cover it in the next podcast. Whether you are a teen struggling with acne, an adult acne sufferer or a parent of a teen, let us be your trusted confidante! Delve right into the science of acne with Dr.TWL.

    This podcast is not meant to serve as a substitute for professional medical advice.

  • ✨ Sleep Magic ✨ is a podcast that harnesses the power of Sleep Hypnosis, Meditation and Stories to help you fall asleep easily every night, hosted by hypnotherapist Jessica Porter. Alongside helping you drift off into a deep sleep, we’re also going to spend time talking about all the different things that go into being, well, human! From releasing worries to building self-love, we’ll dive deep into how we can improve our relationship with ourselves, as well as our sleep, one night at a time.🌙 Free episodes every Wednesday and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or via https://sleepmagic.supercast.com/ for Jessica's entire Sleep Wave back catalogue and an ad-free, Super Sleepy experience.

  • C.R.E.A.M. is the official podcast of the Top Dead Center YouTube channel. Join us as we take you behind the scenes of our videos, hear about our car projects, and car news, and find out if cars RULE everything around us or RUIN everything around us.

  • Welcome to the Lorehounds! David, John, & Marilyn take you through the world of Middle-earth. Join us for weekly recaps of Season 2! Check out our linktree for more.


  • Guest based podcast centered around the lives, experiences, and difficult traumas of real life individuals.

    If you have a unique story you'd like to share on We're All Insane, send a message to [email protected]

    Please contact [email protected] for any business inquiries!

  • DR's podcast om aktuelle kriminalsager.
    DR's krimiredaktion kaster lys over samfundets mørke sider og giver perspektiv på politiets efterforskninger, kriminelles hemmeligheder og indsigt i vores retssystem.

  • Welcome to Other Men Need Help - an award-winning podcast about the emblems, habits, and struts in the male performance. Hosted by Mark Pagán.

  • Conversations with the world’s most fascinating people. Each week, hosts David Marchese and Lulu Garcia-Navarro talk to compelling, influential figures in culture, politics, business, sports and beyond — illuminating who they are, why they do what they do and how they impact the rest of us. New episodes every Saturday.

  • Learn the language you need to understand news stories in English.

    Find more at bbclearningenglish.com

    Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus

  • Sarah is a journalist obsessed with the past. Every week she reconsiders a person or event that's been miscast in the public imagination.

  • Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions. Invisibilia—Latin for invisible things—fuses narrative storytelling with science that will make you see your own life differently.

  • Welcome to Confessions by Anastazia, a captivating and insightful podcast hosted by content creator, influencer, and self-care enthusiast, Anastazia.
    With over 1.5 million followers across her socials, Anastazia brings her signature charm, authenticity and passion for personal growth to her podcast. In each episode she delves deep into a wide range of topics, offering her unique perspective and practical advice on wellness, relationships, health, pop culture and much more.

  • Литературный критик Галина Юзефович и главный редактор книжного сервиса Storytel Анастасия Завозова говорят о литературе (разной!) — и, конечно, советуют, что почитать. А летом в подкаст приходит Антон Долин — поговорить о книгах и кино. Хотите стать партнером «Техники речи» и купить рекламу — напишите в телеграм @m_novikov

  • From Q&A’s and break up tips to simply navigating every stage of life, influencer-turned-entrepreneur Payton Sartain brings you the sisterly advice you didn’t know you needed and honest conversations you’ve always wanted. Whether it’s Payton alone or a conversation with a friend, Note to Self is a space to get grounded, explore new perspectives, and ultimately, empower yourself and others. Grab some wine or a mocktail and enjoy the conversation!

  • «Популярная политика» — подкаст, в котором говорят правду о событиях в России и войне с Украиной. Присоединяйтесь. Не подчиняйтесь.

  • Slo Mo is a series of conversations hosted by bestselling author and former Chief Business Officer of Google X, Mo Gawdat. With stunning honesty, Mo and some of his wisest friends explore the profound questions we all face in the pursuit of purpose in our lives. Achieving happiness and fulfillment is a lifelong journey, but step one is simple: slow down, and listen.