The research elaborated in the final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department... more The research elaborated in the final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dICAR in the Polytechnic in Bari, deals with study of specialized and basic buildings typically developed in the city of Liege. Particularly interesting is the confrontation with the building types constructed at first in the Italian peninsula of which we have a sufficient knowledge thanks to the studies made by the School of typologies. The reconstruction of the case of housing types in the Francophone city shows the presence of row house, in the north of Europe called house Mitoyenne, which seems developed in this cultural area since the XII century. The housing complex that appears in the primeval medieval buildings of the city shows two different, principal dimensions which can change essentially in the width of the façade on street. They are recognizable row house with front, tread mt. 3-3, 50 and row house with front mt. 5-5, 50; both with a variable depth around mt. 12-15 and ove...
The research elaborated in final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dIC... more The research elaborated in final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dICAR in the Polytechnic in Bari, re-build the formation different phases of Wallonia’s main town. The analysis carried out at a regional scale has allowed us to reconstruct the dynamics formation of Gaul North cities; during the Roman dominion we find a modular structure of settlements , which are located on the Meuse and in the foothills and hilly interior, showing a more advanced civil level inherited by Merovingian and Carolingian. The original settlement of Liege is located at the intersection of territorial routes related to the axis of the river Meuse. A Roman villa dating back to the 1st century is the core for a new settlement during the Merovingian era. From a first settlement system consisting of scattered houses, especially in the Place Saint Lambert, we notice to a planned structure on the route towards the Publémont, with very large batches due, in all probability, to the typical size of the Roman home courtyard. The 10th century in the whole area of Wallonia and Liege there is a different organization of the settlements undertaken by the bishops, that install great cathedrals and starting an extensive subdivisions of the land extended up to the settled area introducing the type of the row house. The phases of the urban organism were reconstructed correlating together the historical data with the specialized buildings and the reality, detectable through the 19th century cadastral; the urban organism seems to find a progressive and controlled development until the 19th century. After that, there is a substantial transformations of closed canals that change the structure of the place and the organic nature of the urban system.
The research elaborated in the final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department... more The research elaborated in the final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dICAR in the Polytechnic in Bari, deals with study of specialized and basic buildings typically developed in the city of Liege. Particularly interesting is the confrontation with the building types constructed at first in the Italian peninsula of which we have a sufficient knowledge thanks to the studies made by the School of typologies. The reconstruction of the case of housing types in the Francophone city shows the presence of row house, in the north of Europe called house Mitoyenne, which seems developed in this cultural area since the XII century. The housing complex that appears in the primeval medieval buildings of the city shows two different, principal dimensions which can change essentially in the width of the façade on street. They are recognizable row house with front, tread mt. 3-3, 50 and row house with front mt. 5-5, 50; both with a variable depth around mt. 12-15 and over. They function as a clear social divide, typical of Liege’s society. Other character particularly far from the building type existing in the Italian area is, together with very inclined pitched roof that above all in the first construction show the watershed line perpendicular to the front road, the very permeable façade declaring its membership to the elastic-wood cultural area recognisable in the north European boundary. The diachronic transformation processes of the type are more similar to the Italian cities: vertical increase, coinciding with the progressive substitution of trellis with brickwork, multifamily houses, as well as recast in units of higher grade to form the in-line house. In the matter of specialized buildings, is important to note the huge realization of Romanic churches which being classified in the ecclesiastic order as “collegiate”, are not organized related to urban space; they never have the entry axis in the main aisle but mediately the crossing of a narthex that permit the lateral access. The serial types show sometimes an excessive repetition of the bodies organized without never developing important nodal points.
The study aims to analyze the constitutive/formative essence of urban systems and European tissue... more The study aims to analyze the constitutive/formative essence of urban systems and European tissues reviewed with a critical, dialectic vision- that tries to find the different character of the built in his being concrete testimony of a "positive eugenics" produced by different cultures. At the same time, it try to prove the relation link enclosed in the binomial urban aesthetics/architectural identity, as significant character of the individuality of urban bodies, distinguished for geographic-areal fields expressing that complex process of ethnical/cultural/linguistic/social/building osmosis, whose characters set out, in line with the expectations of the civil area, what has been cultural and identity-making brought of the culture that has generated them. Using some samples of the study identifying the variables and indicative contexts of European realities, as interpretation of linguistic forms meaning different urban aisthesis, research will focus on the contradictory outcome which appears highlighted in this first glimpse of centuries. In fact, the undoubted architectural distinctions of the pre-modern age, inherent in Mediterranean and North European realities, testifying a concrete form of cultural Objectivism, find in time, especially with modernity, a gradual homogenization which reduces the differences homologating the characters. With this showing an intentional-critical process that push to the side the collective making towards an increasing and unexpected marginality and elects the result "ego" as a paradigm of the being contemporary; tangible evidence of a systemic thinking that interprets reality not through the mediation of heideggerian being o that relates to the world, but rather as a form of individuality that makes use of dialectical mechanisms typical of so-called "age of the technique", proposing the future of reality with a more subjective vision.
Il problema dell’individualismo soggettivo nell’infuturarsi della città europea del XXI secolo. Sintesi dialettica tra aisthesis urbana e identità linguistico-architettonica Lo studio si propone di analizzare l’essenza costitutiva/formativa dei sistemi urbani e dei tessuti europei riguardati con una visione critico-dialettica che prova a ricercare il diverso carattere del costruito nel suo essere testimonianza concreta di una “eugenetica positiva” prodotta dalle differenti culture. Allo stesso tempo, proverà a dimostrare il nesso di relazione racchiuso nel binomio estetica urbana/identità architettonica, come connotato identificativo dell’individualità degli organismi urbani, distinti per ambiti geografico-areali esprimenti quel complesso processo di osmosi etnica / culturale / linguistica / sociale / edilizia, i cui caratteri enunciano, coerentemente alle aspettative d’area civile, il portato distintivo e identitario della cultura che li ha generati. Ricorrendo ad alcuni campioni di studio che identificano contesti variabili e indicativi delle realtà europee, come interpretazione di forme linguistiche significanti aisthesis urbane differenti, la ricerca si soffermerà sull’esito contraddittorio che appare esaltato in questo primo scorcio di secolo. E infatti, le indubbie distinzioni architettoniche dell’età premoderna, insite nelle realtà mediterranee e in quelle nordeuropee, testimonianti una concreta forma di oggettivismo culturale, trovano nel tempo, specialmente con la modernità, una graduale omogeneizzazione che riduce le differenze omologandone i caratteri. Così mostrando un processo intenzionale-critico che confina il fare collettivo verso una crescente e inaspettata marginalità ed elegge il portato “egoico” come paradigma della contemporaneità; evidenza tangibile di un pensiero sistemico che interpreta la realtà non attraverso la mediazione dell’essere heideggeriano che si rapporta al mondo, ma piuttosto come ricerca di una forma di individualità che si avvale dei meccanismi dialettici propri della cosiddetta “età della tecnica”, proponendo l’infuturarsi della realtà con una visione più che altro soggettiva.
In: AA.VV. (a cura di): D'AMATO C, Research contributions/Contributi di ricerca. vol. C1, p. 377-381, Roma: Gangemi, ISBN: 978-88-492-2966-0, 2014
Tema della riflessione è la città contemporanea esaminata nella sua essenza di ente in costante t... more Tema della riflessione è la città contemporanea esaminata nella sua essenza di ente in costante trasformazione, risultato della multiforme interazione di componenti -materiali ed immateriali- che generano esiti diversi dell’essere urbano. Lo studio proposto intende ricostruire criticamente le cause che hanno originato gli attuali fenomeni urbani rivelati, come noto, dall’inverarsi di spazi e tessuti spesso denotanti una strutturale conflittualità. L’enunciazione delle meccaniche di trasformazione dei sistemi urbani nel loro naturale infuturarsi contribuirà a descrivere, pur sinteticamente, i molteplici e differenziati esiti che, ad una iniziale osservazione, sembrano ricondursi a una diade di principi, coesistenti e non complementari, variabili tra: recupero del valore della storia operante, in cui l’architettura si esprime prevalentemente come portato della coscienza collettiva propria di un luogo (progetto vs proairesis/continuità); azioni selettive, di natura individuale–soggettiva, riconducibili a un’ipotesi di superamento degli orizzonti linguistico-culturali e di relazione verso un’idea di atopia o di eterotopia (progetto vs Entwurf/distacco-discontinuità).
The suggested reproduction that we intend to explicate shows, in short, the results of a project ... more The suggested reproduction that we intend to explicate shows, in short, the results of a project research carried out within the framework of the Architectural Design courses in the Department of the Polytechnic of Bari dICAR, assigned to the writer, based on a theoretical view that is based on the method of “operating history” as a instrument for interpretation of a built and pre-vision of transformation of reality in relation to the cogito projection idea. It is based on the fundamental concepts of the architectural organism and the building type. Such methodological conception refers to a current of thought that studies the architectural and urban events in their essence of organisms made up of interdependent parts and in continuous transformation, processual examined with reference to phenomenal husserlian array that allows you to understand their concrete nature of variable structures not “a priori “existing beyond the experience of the becoming. Only for illustrative purposes and as proof of the usefulness and indivisibility of the concepts in question, some didactic examples are proposed that explain the method used. Each sample shown is intended as a result of a process of "re-design" that considers the present city and, therefore the one which modification is proposed, as provisional terms of ongoing "transformation" processes where, as always in the history of cities, urban trails, housing, specialized construction are linked.
The main trouble for a big city - as a megalopolis - is the disintegration of the traditional For... more The main trouble for a big city - as a megalopolis - is the disintegration of the traditional Forma Urbis idea and of the urban identity. Even if in the US metropolis is characterized by exasperated serial iteration, made in this way in just 3 centuries, is still possible to recognize the necessary relationship between different territory parts and it’s still clear the dialectic between buildings and countryside, between downtown and periphery, between housing and production area. While in new realities everything is uncontrolled and often reduced to shapeless heap of built up. The concentration of millions of inhabitants, as a result of an extreme process of urbanization producing an amplified confusion of urban spaces, is causing a new and unexpected level of use the area and the downfall of every social equilibrium. This kind of places are ruled by the indifference of the whole hierarchy built and lack an order well-balanced between housing, Tertiary’s sector areas, commercial areas, production areas in all urban space scales possible, as is made in the best tradition of the city (in metropolis too). This space is assuming the paradoxical “a priori shape” aspect and seems in lot of its parts equivalent and homogeneous. New icons of representation, the so-called “containers”, are accidentally put into the city, as effort to ri-polarize it. These are complex urban situations and architectures that seem to evocate today the fast dynamism condition, typical in the new millennium, showing ephemeral dimension and communicate the idea of transparency, lightly and movement.
The courses “Typological and Morphological Characters of Architecture ” and “Architectural Design”, in the Department dICAR, Polytechnic in Bari, left to the writer, are focused on the research on the evolutionary process that recalls, generally, the urban complexity and also to spread the necessary knowledge to understanding urban development. Moreover the ways that urban organism shows itself, with its contradictions, considered in a conceptual "shape", are the beginning of the planning thinking. This attitude, especially reported to the complex urban situations, express our capacity of being able to be active in our epoch, through a critical and not parasitic exercise breaking with the past but in continuity with what has been historically transmitted and inherited.
The city, concrete representation of the civilizations that have been stratified, is an 'organism... more The city, concrete representation of the civilizations that have been stratified, is an 'organism' in its more authentic meaning. It is 'set of parts that are closely connected and collaborating jointly for the same purpose' which show, in their succession, the distinctive characteristics proper of the cultures that have manifested them. Thus interpreted, the city presents itself as an entity in which the transformations are interrelated and dependent on the civil mutations which are concretized and which have tangibly defined the evolution of it. To try to analyze the “evident sign” of the process of progressive change which the city used over time, implies for the interpreters to have the ability to search for (and to employ) appropriate tools for the analysis, making possible to understand the causes that govern the transformation processes on the urban organism; at the same time, this tools have to be applicable in a flexible way to several and different cases of study. These tools of “reading” devices can be diversified in relation both to the diachronic character of the “type of town” examined and the “geographic-cultural area”, that shows these identifying characteristics. The teaching of Typological and Morphological Characters of Architecture and Architectural Design 1D, instituted at the Faculty of Architecture at the Polytechnic of Bari, concern the study of the evolutionary processes of man-made structures at different scales, by postulating the application of an analytical process applicable, evidently, also to the deepening of urban transformation. It is based on the fundamental hypothesis (partial and then integrated with other disciplines) developed with the processual-typological method (projectual) incardinated on the basic notions of organism and building type. So, is based on a theoretical view that "thinks" the city in its essence as a living organism made up of interdependent parts in continuous transformation. The city is a place where the social and typological distinctions, as revealed by the buildings over time, are put in correlation with the human need to have spaces for individual and collective functions; in this sense, its processual study according to the theory of the Husserl's phenomenology, allows to understand the social and typological characteristics in their concrete essence of variable structures and not as an “a priori” structure. Consequently, the transformation processes that reveals each type of examined city (ancient, medieval, renaissance, baroque, eight-ninth century, modern, contemporary / European, Asian, American, etc. ..), observed and subjected to comparative analysis, are critically evaluated to try to reconstruct the "logical rule" that govern them, to extract possible “mechanical control” of the project on the urban scale. In fact, the principal ways in which the urban organism manifest itself (with its many complex contradictions), become the original source of the projectual reasoning. This reflection highlights the dominant characteristic of our age: the ability to be active and proactive in changing the past. Attitude that can be adequately represented by the German word Machenschaft.
One of the main objectives of this study is to search for the verification of a hypothesis. It is... more One of the main objectives of this study is to search for the verification of a hypothesis. It is an attempt to understand if it is possible to apply the method developed by the Italian School of Typology to read the planned city of Western Europe to other parts of the world and to investigate if this way of planning can also be extended to other zones that have different geographical and cultural properties. Urfa, in fact, is believed to provide a fertile ground with its multi-cultural structure for such a research. It is a city situated in the southeast Turkey, which displays both the characteristics of Turkish and Syrian cultures. The analysis was conducted in various scales; that is, the territorial organism, the urban organism, the aggregative organism and the building organism. The graphic instruments were preferred to be the historic maps above all, the plan that regulates the city and the cadastral maps showing the actual situation that also indicate the recent developments and the distruction of the urban tissue. These reading instruments have been too limited and heterogeneous with respect to what we usually use. Therefore the releif of the most ancient part of the city has been made by the students.1
The research elaborated in final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dIC... more The research elaborated in final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dICAR in the Polytechnic in Bari, re-build the formation different phases of Wallonia’s main town. The analysis carried out at a regional scale has allowed us to reconstruct the dynamics formation of Gaul North cities; during the Roman dominion we find a modular structure of settlements , which are located on the Meuse and in the foothills and hilly interior, showing a more advanced civil level inherited by Merovingian and Carolingian. The original settlement of Liege is located at the intersection of territorial routes related to the axis of the river Meuse. A Roman villa dating back to the 1st century is the core for a new settlement during the Merovingian era. From a first settlement system consisting of scattered houses, especially in the Place Saint Lambert, we notice to a planned structure on the route towards the Publémont, with very large batches due, in all probability, to the typical size of the Roman home courtyard. The 10th century in the whole area of Wallonia and Liege there is a different organization of the settlements undertaken by the bishops, that install great cathedrals and starting an extensive subdivisions of the land extended up to the settled area introducing the type of the row house. The phases of the urban organism were reconstructed correlating together the historical data with the specialized buildings and the reality, detectable through the 19th century cadastral; the urban organism seems to find a progressive and controlled development until the 19th century. After that, there is a substantial transformations of closed canals that change the structure of the place and the organic nature of the urban system.
How to consider the project intervention in an urban context which is conditioned by the existenc... more How to consider the project intervention in an urban context which is conditioned by the existence of special buildings that express a significant historical character? Against a widespread tendency that considers his own critic operate of living the contemporaneity as an expression of the ‘being’ as a revelation of his own time, a school of thought is outlined, proposing the designer’s critical action through a proactive research field that subordinates authorship in favour of an intentionality conditioned by the constitutive phase of the ‘being’ within which to intervene. It is to this second research line that the project of the in-line building for commerce, offices and apartments in Canosa di Puglia refers to. It reads reality not as a temporal instant, but as a process that has in itself the law of its unfolding. It pursues a perspective of transformation with a critical horizon based on the concept of historical continuity and of an organism made up of parts, congruently connected to each other. The building is on a plot located on the north corner of a small street-block. It attempts to establish a complementary relationship with the surrounding area, especially with the historical ‘emergencies’. The renunciation to an aesthetic readability of exaggerated and useless intentionality is based on a programmatic desire to consider the new intervention as a ‘temporary lacuna’ of the existing urban fabric. Therefore, the recovery of the autochthonous character and the adherence to the models of behaviour of the local constructive tradition have suggested a set of design choices aiming at privileging the ‘environmental value’ and denying an attitude of solipsistic alienation from the context.
Il Laboratorio Trasformazione e riuso dell\u2019edilizia esistente \ue8 stato, come in ogni edizi... more Il Laboratorio Trasformazione e riuso dell\u2019edilizia esistente \ue8 stato, come in ogni edizione del Seminario, luogo per interessanti riflessioni e dibattiti sulle proposte progettuali presentate dai partecipanti, sulle ricerche condotte e sugli argomenti di analisi e d\u2019indagine trattati, sia in relazione al tema specifico del Laboratorio e sia a quello presentato dai relatori invitati al XXIII Seminario di Architettura e Cultura Urbana Nuovi Scenari Urbani. Opere Progetti Utopie. Dalla lettura dei progetti con lo scritto l'autore si \ue8 soffermato sull\u2019esperienza del prof. Matteo Ieva del Politecnico di Bari, avviata all\u2019interno della didattica del \u2018Laboratorio di Progettazione Architettonica\u2019 da lui tenuto, sulla progettazione per un Centro parrocchiale a Bisceglie ed ha tratteggiato un breve commento sull\u2019opera realizzata da Michele Cornieti, Lorenzo Bianchini e Bruno Ruggieri, per il Cantiere dell\u2019antica mulattiera di Corzano nel Comune di Bagno di Romagna (FC), realizzato dall\u2019associazione di promozione sociale \u2018Il Faro di Corzano\u2019, il cui contesto, la morfologia del suolo, i raccordi e le connessioni funzionali fra le parti sono stati alcuni degli elementi che hanno caratterizzano la realizzazione vincitrice del Primo Premio di questa edizione del Seminario Internazionale di Camerino
The research elaborated in the final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department... more The research elaborated in the final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dICAR in the Polytechnic in Bari, deals with study of specialized and basic buildings typically developed in the city of Liege. Particularly interesting is the confrontation with the building types constructed at first in the Italian peninsula of which we have a sufficient knowledge thanks to the studies made by the School of typologies. The reconstruction of the case of housing types in the Francophone city shows the presence of row house, in the north of Europe called house Mitoyenne, which seems developed in this cultural area since the XII century. The housing complex that appears in the primeval medieval buildings of the city shows two different, principal dimensions which can change essentially in the width of the façade on street. They are recognizable row house with front, tread mt. 3-3, 50 and row house with front mt. 5-5, 50; both with a variable depth around mt. 12-15 and ove...
The research elaborated in final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dIC... more The research elaborated in final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dICAR in the Polytechnic in Bari, re-build the formation different phases of Wallonia’s main town. The analysis carried out at a regional scale has allowed us to reconstruct the dynamics formation of Gaul North cities; during the Roman dominion we find a modular structure of settlements , which are located on the Meuse and in the foothills and hilly interior, showing a more advanced civil level inherited by Merovingian and Carolingian. The original settlement of Liege is located at the intersection of territorial routes related to the axis of the river Meuse. A Roman villa dating back to the 1st century is the core for a new settlement during the Merovingian era. From a first settlement system consisting of scattered houses, especially in the Place Saint Lambert, we notice to a planned structure on the route towards the Publémont, with very large batches due, in all probability, to the typical size of the Roman home courtyard. The 10th century in the whole area of Wallonia and Liege there is a different organization of the settlements undertaken by the bishops, that install great cathedrals and starting an extensive subdivisions of the land extended up to the settled area introducing the type of the row house. The phases of the urban organism were reconstructed correlating together the historical data with the specialized buildings and the reality, detectable through the 19th century cadastral; the urban organism seems to find a progressive and controlled development until the 19th century. After that, there is a substantial transformations of closed canals that change the structure of the place and the organic nature of the urban system.
The research elaborated in the final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department... more The research elaborated in the final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dICAR in the Polytechnic in Bari, deals with study of specialized and basic buildings typically developed in the city of Liege. Particularly interesting is the confrontation with the building types constructed at first in the Italian peninsula of which we have a sufficient knowledge thanks to the studies made by the School of typologies. The reconstruction of the case of housing types in the Francophone city shows the presence of row house, in the north of Europe called house Mitoyenne, which seems developed in this cultural area since the XII century. The housing complex that appears in the primeval medieval buildings of the city shows two different, principal dimensions which can change essentially in the width of the façade on street. They are recognizable row house with front, tread mt. 3-3, 50 and row house with front mt. 5-5, 50; both with a variable depth around mt. 12-15 and over. They function as a clear social divide, typical of Liege’s society. Other character particularly far from the building type existing in the Italian area is, together with very inclined pitched roof that above all in the first construction show the watershed line perpendicular to the front road, the very permeable façade declaring its membership to the elastic-wood cultural area recognisable in the north European boundary. The diachronic transformation processes of the type are more similar to the Italian cities: vertical increase, coinciding with the progressive substitution of trellis with brickwork, multifamily houses, as well as recast in units of higher grade to form the in-line house. In the matter of specialized buildings, is important to note the huge realization of Romanic churches which being classified in the ecclesiastic order as “collegiate”, are not organized related to urban space; they never have the entry axis in the main aisle but mediately the crossing of a narthex that permit the lateral access. The serial types show sometimes an excessive repetition of the bodies organized without never developing important nodal points.
The study aims to analyze the constitutive/formative essence of urban systems and European tissue... more The study aims to analyze the constitutive/formative essence of urban systems and European tissues reviewed with a critical, dialectic vision- that tries to find the different character of the built in his being concrete testimony of a "positive eugenics" produced by different cultures. At the same time, it try to prove the relation link enclosed in the binomial urban aesthetics/architectural identity, as significant character of the individuality of urban bodies, distinguished for geographic-areal fields expressing that complex process of ethnical/cultural/linguistic/social/building osmosis, whose characters set out, in line with the expectations of the civil area, what has been cultural and identity-making brought of the culture that has generated them. Using some samples of the study identifying the variables and indicative contexts of European realities, as interpretation of linguistic forms meaning different urban aisthesis, research will focus on the contradictory outcome which appears highlighted in this first glimpse of centuries. In fact, the undoubted architectural distinctions of the pre-modern age, inherent in Mediterranean and North European realities, testifying a concrete form of cultural Objectivism, find in time, especially with modernity, a gradual homogenization which reduces the differences homologating the characters. With this showing an intentional-critical process that push to the side the collective making towards an increasing and unexpected marginality and elects the result "ego" as a paradigm of the being contemporary; tangible evidence of a systemic thinking that interprets reality not through the mediation of heideggerian being o that relates to the world, but rather as a form of individuality that makes use of dialectical mechanisms typical of so-called "age of the technique", proposing the future of reality with a more subjective vision.
Il problema dell’individualismo soggettivo nell’infuturarsi della città europea del XXI secolo. Sintesi dialettica tra aisthesis urbana e identità linguistico-architettonica Lo studio si propone di analizzare l’essenza costitutiva/formativa dei sistemi urbani e dei tessuti europei riguardati con una visione critico-dialettica che prova a ricercare il diverso carattere del costruito nel suo essere testimonianza concreta di una “eugenetica positiva” prodotta dalle differenti culture. Allo stesso tempo, proverà a dimostrare il nesso di relazione racchiuso nel binomio estetica urbana/identità architettonica, come connotato identificativo dell’individualità degli organismi urbani, distinti per ambiti geografico-areali esprimenti quel complesso processo di osmosi etnica / culturale / linguistica / sociale / edilizia, i cui caratteri enunciano, coerentemente alle aspettative d’area civile, il portato distintivo e identitario della cultura che li ha generati. Ricorrendo ad alcuni campioni di studio che identificano contesti variabili e indicativi delle realtà europee, come interpretazione di forme linguistiche significanti aisthesis urbane differenti, la ricerca si soffermerà sull’esito contraddittorio che appare esaltato in questo primo scorcio di secolo. E infatti, le indubbie distinzioni architettoniche dell’età premoderna, insite nelle realtà mediterranee e in quelle nordeuropee, testimonianti una concreta forma di oggettivismo culturale, trovano nel tempo, specialmente con la modernità, una graduale omogeneizzazione che riduce le differenze omologandone i caratteri. Così mostrando un processo intenzionale-critico che confina il fare collettivo verso una crescente e inaspettata marginalità ed elegge il portato “egoico” come paradigma della contemporaneità; evidenza tangibile di un pensiero sistemico che interpreta la realtà non attraverso la mediazione dell’essere heideggeriano che si rapporta al mondo, ma piuttosto come ricerca di una forma di individualità che si avvale dei meccanismi dialettici propri della cosiddetta “età della tecnica”, proponendo l’infuturarsi della realtà con una visione più che altro soggettiva.
In: AA.VV. (a cura di): D'AMATO C, Research contributions/Contributi di ricerca. vol. C1, p. 377-381, Roma: Gangemi, ISBN: 978-88-492-2966-0, 2014
Tema della riflessione è la città contemporanea esaminata nella sua essenza di ente in costante t... more Tema della riflessione è la città contemporanea esaminata nella sua essenza di ente in costante trasformazione, risultato della multiforme interazione di componenti -materiali ed immateriali- che generano esiti diversi dell’essere urbano. Lo studio proposto intende ricostruire criticamente le cause che hanno originato gli attuali fenomeni urbani rivelati, come noto, dall’inverarsi di spazi e tessuti spesso denotanti una strutturale conflittualità. L’enunciazione delle meccaniche di trasformazione dei sistemi urbani nel loro naturale infuturarsi contribuirà a descrivere, pur sinteticamente, i molteplici e differenziati esiti che, ad una iniziale osservazione, sembrano ricondursi a una diade di principi, coesistenti e non complementari, variabili tra: recupero del valore della storia operante, in cui l’architettura si esprime prevalentemente come portato della coscienza collettiva propria di un luogo (progetto vs proairesis/continuità); azioni selettive, di natura individuale–soggettiva, riconducibili a un’ipotesi di superamento degli orizzonti linguistico-culturali e di relazione verso un’idea di atopia o di eterotopia (progetto vs Entwurf/distacco-discontinuità).
The suggested reproduction that we intend to explicate shows, in short, the results of a project ... more The suggested reproduction that we intend to explicate shows, in short, the results of a project research carried out within the framework of the Architectural Design courses in the Department of the Polytechnic of Bari dICAR, assigned to the writer, based on a theoretical view that is based on the method of “operating history” as a instrument for interpretation of a built and pre-vision of transformation of reality in relation to the cogito projection idea. It is based on the fundamental concepts of the architectural organism and the building type. Such methodological conception refers to a current of thought that studies the architectural and urban events in their essence of organisms made up of interdependent parts and in continuous transformation, processual examined with reference to phenomenal husserlian array that allows you to understand their concrete nature of variable structures not “a priori “existing beyond the experience of the becoming. Only for illustrative purposes and as proof of the usefulness and indivisibility of the concepts in question, some didactic examples are proposed that explain the method used. Each sample shown is intended as a result of a process of "re-design" that considers the present city and, therefore the one which modification is proposed, as provisional terms of ongoing "transformation" processes where, as always in the history of cities, urban trails, housing, specialized construction are linked.
The main trouble for a big city - as a megalopolis - is the disintegration of the traditional For... more The main trouble for a big city - as a megalopolis - is the disintegration of the traditional Forma Urbis idea and of the urban identity. Even if in the US metropolis is characterized by exasperated serial iteration, made in this way in just 3 centuries, is still possible to recognize the necessary relationship between different territory parts and it’s still clear the dialectic between buildings and countryside, between downtown and periphery, between housing and production area. While in new realities everything is uncontrolled and often reduced to shapeless heap of built up. The concentration of millions of inhabitants, as a result of an extreme process of urbanization producing an amplified confusion of urban spaces, is causing a new and unexpected level of use the area and the downfall of every social equilibrium. This kind of places are ruled by the indifference of the whole hierarchy built and lack an order well-balanced between housing, Tertiary’s sector areas, commercial areas, production areas in all urban space scales possible, as is made in the best tradition of the city (in metropolis too). This space is assuming the paradoxical “a priori shape” aspect and seems in lot of its parts equivalent and homogeneous. New icons of representation, the so-called “containers”, are accidentally put into the city, as effort to ri-polarize it. These are complex urban situations and architectures that seem to evocate today the fast dynamism condition, typical in the new millennium, showing ephemeral dimension and communicate the idea of transparency, lightly and movement.
The courses “Typological and Morphological Characters of Architecture ” and “Architectural Design”, in the Department dICAR, Polytechnic in Bari, left to the writer, are focused on the research on the evolutionary process that recalls, generally, the urban complexity and also to spread the necessary knowledge to understanding urban development. Moreover the ways that urban organism shows itself, with its contradictions, considered in a conceptual "shape", are the beginning of the planning thinking. This attitude, especially reported to the complex urban situations, express our capacity of being able to be active in our epoch, through a critical and not parasitic exercise breaking with the past but in continuity with what has been historically transmitted and inherited.
The city, concrete representation of the civilizations that have been stratified, is an 'organism... more The city, concrete representation of the civilizations that have been stratified, is an 'organism' in its more authentic meaning. It is 'set of parts that are closely connected and collaborating jointly for the same purpose' which show, in their succession, the distinctive characteristics proper of the cultures that have manifested them. Thus interpreted, the city presents itself as an entity in which the transformations are interrelated and dependent on the civil mutations which are concretized and which have tangibly defined the evolution of it. To try to analyze the “evident sign” of the process of progressive change which the city used over time, implies for the interpreters to have the ability to search for (and to employ) appropriate tools for the analysis, making possible to understand the causes that govern the transformation processes on the urban organism; at the same time, this tools have to be applicable in a flexible way to several and different cases of study. These tools of “reading” devices can be diversified in relation both to the diachronic character of the “type of town” examined and the “geographic-cultural area”, that shows these identifying characteristics. The teaching of Typological and Morphological Characters of Architecture and Architectural Design 1D, instituted at the Faculty of Architecture at the Polytechnic of Bari, concern the study of the evolutionary processes of man-made structures at different scales, by postulating the application of an analytical process applicable, evidently, also to the deepening of urban transformation. It is based on the fundamental hypothesis (partial and then integrated with other disciplines) developed with the processual-typological method (projectual) incardinated on the basic notions of organism and building type. So, is based on a theoretical view that "thinks" the city in its essence as a living organism made up of interdependent parts in continuous transformation. The city is a place where the social and typological distinctions, as revealed by the buildings over time, are put in correlation with the human need to have spaces for individual and collective functions; in this sense, its processual study according to the theory of the Husserl's phenomenology, allows to understand the social and typological characteristics in their concrete essence of variable structures and not as an “a priori” structure. Consequently, the transformation processes that reveals each type of examined city (ancient, medieval, renaissance, baroque, eight-ninth century, modern, contemporary / European, Asian, American, etc. ..), observed and subjected to comparative analysis, are critically evaluated to try to reconstruct the "logical rule" that govern them, to extract possible “mechanical control” of the project on the urban scale. In fact, the principal ways in which the urban organism manifest itself (with its many complex contradictions), become the original source of the projectual reasoning. This reflection highlights the dominant characteristic of our age: the ability to be active and proactive in changing the past. Attitude that can be adequately represented by the German word Machenschaft.
One of the main objectives of this study is to search for the verification of a hypothesis. It is... more One of the main objectives of this study is to search for the verification of a hypothesis. It is an attempt to understand if it is possible to apply the method developed by the Italian School of Typology to read the planned city of Western Europe to other parts of the world and to investigate if this way of planning can also be extended to other zones that have different geographical and cultural properties. Urfa, in fact, is believed to provide a fertile ground with its multi-cultural structure for such a research. It is a city situated in the southeast Turkey, which displays both the characteristics of Turkish and Syrian cultures. The analysis was conducted in various scales; that is, the territorial organism, the urban organism, the aggregative organism and the building organism. The graphic instruments were preferred to be the historic maps above all, the plan that regulates the city and the cadastral maps showing the actual situation that also indicate the recent developments and the distruction of the urban tissue. These reading instruments have been too limited and heterogeneous with respect to what we usually use. Therefore the releif of the most ancient part of the city has been made by the students.1
The research elaborated in final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dIC... more The research elaborated in final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dICAR in the Polytechnic in Bari, re-build the formation different phases of Wallonia’s main town. The analysis carried out at a regional scale has allowed us to reconstruct the dynamics formation of Gaul North cities; during the Roman dominion we find a modular structure of settlements , which are located on the Meuse and in the foothills and hilly interior, showing a more advanced civil level inherited by Merovingian and Carolingian. The original settlement of Liege is located at the intersection of territorial routes related to the axis of the river Meuse. A Roman villa dating back to the 1st century is the core for a new settlement during the Merovingian era. From a first settlement system consisting of scattered houses, especially in the Place Saint Lambert, we notice to a planned structure on the route towards the Publémont, with very large batches due, in all probability, to the typical size of the Roman home courtyard. The 10th century in the whole area of Wallonia and Liege there is a different organization of the settlements undertaken by the bishops, that install great cathedrals and starting an extensive subdivisions of the land extended up to the settled area introducing the type of the row house. The phases of the urban organism were reconstructed correlating together the historical data with the specialized buildings and the reality, detectable through the 19th century cadastral; the urban organism seems to find a progressive and controlled development until the 19th century. After that, there is a substantial transformations of closed canals that change the structure of the place and the organic nature of the urban system.
How to consider the project intervention in an urban context which is conditioned by the existenc... more How to consider the project intervention in an urban context which is conditioned by the existence of special buildings that express a significant historical character? Against a widespread tendency that considers his own critic operate of living the contemporaneity as an expression of the ‘being’ as a revelation of his own time, a school of thought is outlined, proposing the designer’s critical action through a proactive research field that subordinates authorship in favour of an intentionality conditioned by the constitutive phase of the ‘being’ within which to intervene. It is to this second research line that the project of the in-line building for commerce, offices and apartments in Canosa di Puglia refers to. It reads reality not as a temporal instant, but as a process that has in itself the law of its unfolding. It pursues a perspective of transformation with a critical horizon based on the concept of historical continuity and of an organism made up of parts, congruently connected to each other. The building is on a plot located on the north corner of a small street-block. It attempts to establish a complementary relationship with the surrounding area, especially with the historical ‘emergencies’. The renunciation to an aesthetic readability of exaggerated and useless intentionality is based on a programmatic desire to consider the new intervention as a ‘temporary lacuna’ of the existing urban fabric. Therefore, the recovery of the autochthonous character and the adherence to the models of behaviour of the local constructive tradition have suggested a set of design choices aiming at privileging the ‘environmental value’ and denying an attitude of solipsistic alienation from the context.
Il Laboratorio Trasformazione e riuso dell\u2019edilizia esistente \ue8 stato, come in ogni edizi... more Il Laboratorio Trasformazione e riuso dell\u2019edilizia esistente \ue8 stato, come in ogni edizione del Seminario, luogo per interessanti riflessioni e dibattiti sulle proposte progettuali presentate dai partecipanti, sulle ricerche condotte e sugli argomenti di analisi e d\u2019indagine trattati, sia in relazione al tema specifico del Laboratorio e sia a quello presentato dai relatori invitati al XXIII Seminario di Architettura e Cultura Urbana Nuovi Scenari Urbani. Opere Progetti Utopie. Dalla lettura dei progetti con lo scritto l'autore si \ue8 soffermato sull\u2019esperienza del prof. Matteo Ieva del Politecnico di Bari, avviata all\u2019interno della didattica del \u2018Laboratorio di Progettazione Architettonica\u2019 da lui tenuto, sulla progettazione per un Centro parrocchiale a Bisceglie ed ha tratteggiato un breve commento sull\u2019opera realizzata da Michele Cornieti, Lorenzo Bianchini e Bruno Ruggieri, per il Cantiere dell\u2019antica mulattiera di Corzano nel Comune di Bagno di Romagna (FC), realizzato dall\u2019associazione di promozione sociale \u2018Il Faro di Corzano\u2019, il cui contesto, la morfologia del suolo, i raccordi e le connessioni funzionali fra le parti sono stati alcuni degli elementi che hanno caratterizzano la realizzazione vincitrice del Primo Premio di questa edizione del Seminario Internazionale di Camerino
I partecipanti al Laboratorio Riqualificazione urbana e delle aree dismesse hanno innescato inter... more I partecipanti al Laboratorio Riqualificazione urbana e delle aree dismesse hanno innescato interessanti riflessioni e mirati dibattiti attorno alle soluzioni progettuali esposte, alle ricerche condotte e agli argomenti di analisi e d\u2bcindagine trattati, sia in relazione a quanto il Seminario poneva come momento di confronto per il tema specifico del Laboratorio e sia in relazione a quello che pi\uf9 in generale costituiva l\u2bcargomento del XXII Seminario di Architettura e Cultura Urbana di Camerino: Naturalmente \u2026 Architettura. Il progetto sostenibile
The research elaborated in final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dIC... more The research elaborated in final workshop in the city of Liege, established by the department dICAR in the Polytechnic in Bari, re-build the formation different phases of Wallonia’s main town. The analysis carried out at a regional scale has allowed us to reconstruct the dynamics formation of Gaul North cities; during the Roman dominion we find a modular structure of settlements , which are located on the Meuse and in the foothills and hilly interior, showing a more advanced civil level inherited by Merovingian and Carolingian. The original settlement of Liege is located at the intersection of territorial routes related to the axis of the river Meuse. A Roman villa dating back to the 1st century is the core for a new settlement during the Merovingian era. From a first settlement system consisting of scattered houses, especially in the Place Saint Lambert, we notice to a planned structure on the route towards the Publemont, with very large batches due, in all probability,to the typic...
How to consider the project intervention in an urban context which is conditioned by the existenc... more How to consider the project intervention in an urban context which is conditioned by the existence of special buildings that express a significant historical character? Against a widespread tendency that considers his own critic operate of living the contemporaneity as an expression of the ‘being’ as a revelation of his own time, a school of thought is outlined, proposing the designer’s critical action through a proactive research field that subordinates authorship in favour of an intentionality conditioned by the constitutive phase of the ‘being’ within which to intervene. It is to this second research line that the project of the in-line building for commerce, offices and apartments in Canosa di Puglia refers to. It reads reality not as a temporal instant, but as a process that has in itself the law of its unfolding. It pursues a perspective of transformation with a critical horizon based on the concept of historical continuity and of an organism made up of parts, congruently conn...
10. by Matteo Ieva
At the same time, it try to prove the relation link enclosed in the binomial urban aesthetics/architectural identity, as significant character of the individuality of urban bodies, distinguished for geographic-areal fields expressing that complex process of ethnical/cultural/linguistic/social/building osmosis, whose characters set out, in line with the expectations of the civil area, what has been cultural and identity-making brought of the culture that has generated them.
Using some samples of the study identifying the variables and indicative contexts of European realities, as interpretation of linguistic forms meaning different urban aisthesis, research will focus on the contradictory outcome which appears highlighted in this first glimpse of centuries.
In fact, the undoubted architectural distinctions of the pre-modern age, inherent in Mediterranean and North European realities, testifying a concrete form of cultural Objectivism, find in time, especially with modernity, a gradual homogenization which reduces the differences homologating the characters. With this showing an intentional-critical process that push to the side the collective making towards an increasing and unexpected marginality and elects the result "ego" as a paradigm of the being contemporary; tangible evidence of a systemic thinking that interprets reality not through the mediation of heideggerian being o that relates to the world, but rather as a form of individuality that makes use of dialectical mechanisms typical of so-called "age of the technique", proposing the future of reality with a more subjective vision.
Il problema dell’individualismo soggettivo nell’infuturarsi della città europea del XXI secolo. Sintesi dialettica tra aisthesis urbana e identità linguistico-architettonica
Lo studio si propone di analizzare l’essenza costitutiva/formativa dei sistemi urbani e dei tessuti europei riguardati con una visione critico-dialettica che prova a ricercare il diverso carattere del costruito nel suo essere testimonianza concreta di una “eugenetica positiva” prodotta dalle differenti culture. Allo stesso tempo, proverà a dimostrare il nesso di relazione racchiuso nel binomio estetica urbana/identità architettonica, come connotato identificativo dell’individualità degli organismi urbani, distinti per ambiti geografico-areali esprimenti quel complesso processo di osmosi etnica / culturale / linguistica / sociale / edilizia, i cui caratteri enunciano, coerentemente alle aspettative d’area civile, il portato distintivo e identitario della cultura che li ha generati.
Ricorrendo ad alcuni campioni di studio che identificano contesti variabili e indicativi delle realtà europee, come interpretazione di forme linguistiche significanti aisthesis urbane differenti, la ricerca si soffermerà sull’esito contraddittorio che appare esaltato in questo primo scorcio di secolo. E infatti, le indubbie distinzioni architettoniche dell’età premoderna, insite nelle realtà mediterranee e in quelle nordeuropee, testimonianti una concreta forma di oggettivismo culturale, trovano nel tempo, specialmente con la modernità, una graduale omogeneizzazione che riduce le differenze omologandone i caratteri. Così mostrando un processo intenzionale-critico che confina il fare collettivo verso una crescente e inaspettata marginalità ed elegge il portato “egoico” come paradigma della contemporaneità; evidenza tangibile di un pensiero sistemico che interpreta la realtà non attraverso la mediazione dell’essere heideggeriano che si rapporta al mondo, ma piuttosto come ricerca di una forma di individualità che si avvale dei meccanismi dialettici propri della cosiddetta “età della tecnica”, proponendo l’infuturarsi della realtà con una visione più che altro soggettiva.
Such methodological conception refers to a current of thought that studies the architectural and urban events in their essence of organisms made up of interdependent parts and in continuous transformation, processual examined with reference to phenomenal husserlian array that allows you to understand their concrete nature of variable structures not “a priori “existing beyond the experience of the becoming.
Only for illustrative purposes and as proof of the usefulness and indivisibility of the concepts in question, some didactic examples are proposed that explain the method used.
Each sample shown is intended as a result of a process of "re-design" that considers the present city and, therefore the one which modification is proposed, as provisional terms of ongoing "transformation" processes where, as always in the history of cities, urban trails, housing, specialized construction are linked.
The concentration of millions of inhabitants, as a result of an extreme process of urbanization producing an amplified confusion of urban spaces, is causing a new and unexpected level of use the area and the downfall of every social equilibrium. This kind of places are ruled by the indifference of the whole hierarchy built and lack an order well-balanced between housing, Tertiary’s sector areas, commercial areas, production areas in all urban space scales possible, as is made in the best tradition of the city (in metropolis too). This space is assuming the paradoxical “a priori shape” aspect and seems in lot of its parts equivalent and homogeneous. New icons of representation, the so-called “containers”, are accidentally put into the city, as effort to ri-polarize it. These are complex urban situations and architectures that seem to evocate today the fast dynamism condition, typical in the new millennium, showing ephemeral dimension and communicate the idea of transparency, lightly and movement.
The courses “Typological and Morphological Characters of Architecture ” and “Architectural Design”, in the Department dICAR, Polytechnic in Bari, left to the writer, are focused on the research on the evolutionary process that recalls, generally, the urban complexity and also to spread the necessary knowledge to understanding urban development.
Moreover the ways that urban organism shows itself, with its contradictions, considered in a conceptual "shape", are the beginning of the planning thinking. This attitude, especially reported to the complex urban situations, express our capacity of being able to be active in our epoch, through a critical and not parasitic exercise breaking with the past but in continuity with what has been historically transmitted and inherited.
Thus interpreted, the city presents itself as an entity in which the transformations are interrelated and dependent on the civil mutations which are concretized and which have tangibly defined the evolution of it.
To try to analyze the “evident sign” of the process of progressive change which the city used over time, implies for the interpreters to have the ability to search for (and to employ) appropriate tools for the analysis, making possible to understand the causes that govern the transformation processes on the urban organism; at the same time, this tools have to be applicable in a flexible way to several and different cases of study. These tools of “reading” devices can be diversified in relation both to the diachronic character of the “type of town” examined and the “geographic-cultural area”, that shows these identifying characteristics.
The teaching of Typological and Morphological Characters of Architecture and Architectural Design 1D, instituted at the Faculty of Architecture at the Polytechnic of Bari, concern the study of the evolutionary processes of man-made structures at different scales, by postulating the application of an analytical process applicable, evidently, also to the deepening of urban transformation. It is based on the fundamental hypothesis (partial and then integrated with other disciplines) developed with the processual-typological method (projectual) incardinated on the basic notions of organism and building type.
So, is based on a theoretical view that "thinks" the city in its essence as a living organism made up of interdependent parts in continuous transformation. The city is a place where the social and typological distinctions, as revealed by the buildings over time, are put in correlation with the human need to have spaces for individual and collective functions; in this sense, its processual study according to the theory of the Husserl's phenomenology, allows to understand the social and typological characteristics in their concrete essence of variable structures and not as an “a priori” structure.
Consequently, the transformation processes that reveals each type of examined city (ancient, medieval, renaissance, baroque, eight-ninth century, modern, contemporary / European, Asian, American, etc. ..), observed and subjected to comparative analysis, are critically evaluated to try to reconstruct the "logical rule" that govern them, to extract possible “mechanical control” of the project on the urban scale.
In fact, the principal ways in which the urban organism manifest itself (with its many complex contradictions), become the original source of the projectual reasoning.
This reflection highlights the dominant characteristic of our age: the ability to be active and proactive in changing the past. Attitude that can be adequately represented by the German word Machenschaft.
Book Reviews by Matteo Ieva
Papers by Matteo Ieva
At the same time, it try to prove the relation link enclosed in the binomial urban aesthetics/architectural identity, as significant character of the individuality of urban bodies, distinguished for geographic-areal fields expressing that complex process of ethnical/cultural/linguistic/social/building osmosis, whose characters set out, in line with the expectations of the civil area, what has been cultural and identity-making brought of the culture that has generated them.
Using some samples of the study identifying the variables and indicative contexts of European realities, as interpretation of linguistic forms meaning different urban aisthesis, research will focus on the contradictory outcome which appears highlighted in this first glimpse of centuries.
In fact, the undoubted architectural distinctions of the pre-modern age, inherent in Mediterranean and North European realities, testifying a concrete form of cultural Objectivism, find in time, especially with modernity, a gradual homogenization which reduces the differences homologating the characters. With this showing an intentional-critical process that push to the side the collective making towards an increasing and unexpected marginality and elects the result "ego" as a paradigm of the being contemporary; tangible evidence of a systemic thinking that interprets reality not through the mediation of heideggerian being o that relates to the world, but rather as a form of individuality that makes use of dialectical mechanisms typical of so-called "age of the technique", proposing the future of reality with a more subjective vision.
Il problema dell’individualismo soggettivo nell’infuturarsi della città europea del XXI secolo. Sintesi dialettica tra aisthesis urbana e identità linguistico-architettonica
Lo studio si propone di analizzare l’essenza costitutiva/formativa dei sistemi urbani e dei tessuti europei riguardati con una visione critico-dialettica che prova a ricercare il diverso carattere del costruito nel suo essere testimonianza concreta di una “eugenetica positiva” prodotta dalle differenti culture. Allo stesso tempo, proverà a dimostrare il nesso di relazione racchiuso nel binomio estetica urbana/identità architettonica, come connotato identificativo dell’individualità degli organismi urbani, distinti per ambiti geografico-areali esprimenti quel complesso processo di osmosi etnica / culturale / linguistica / sociale / edilizia, i cui caratteri enunciano, coerentemente alle aspettative d’area civile, il portato distintivo e identitario della cultura che li ha generati.
Ricorrendo ad alcuni campioni di studio che identificano contesti variabili e indicativi delle realtà europee, come interpretazione di forme linguistiche significanti aisthesis urbane differenti, la ricerca si soffermerà sull’esito contraddittorio che appare esaltato in questo primo scorcio di secolo. E infatti, le indubbie distinzioni architettoniche dell’età premoderna, insite nelle realtà mediterranee e in quelle nordeuropee, testimonianti una concreta forma di oggettivismo culturale, trovano nel tempo, specialmente con la modernità, una graduale omogeneizzazione che riduce le differenze omologandone i caratteri. Così mostrando un processo intenzionale-critico che confina il fare collettivo verso una crescente e inaspettata marginalità ed elegge il portato “egoico” come paradigma della contemporaneità; evidenza tangibile di un pensiero sistemico che interpreta la realtà non attraverso la mediazione dell’essere heideggeriano che si rapporta al mondo, ma piuttosto come ricerca di una forma di individualità che si avvale dei meccanismi dialettici propri della cosiddetta “età della tecnica”, proponendo l’infuturarsi della realtà con una visione più che altro soggettiva.
Such methodological conception refers to a current of thought that studies the architectural and urban events in their essence of organisms made up of interdependent parts and in continuous transformation, processual examined with reference to phenomenal husserlian array that allows you to understand their concrete nature of variable structures not “a priori “existing beyond the experience of the becoming.
Only for illustrative purposes and as proof of the usefulness and indivisibility of the concepts in question, some didactic examples are proposed that explain the method used.
Each sample shown is intended as a result of a process of "re-design" that considers the present city and, therefore the one which modification is proposed, as provisional terms of ongoing "transformation" processes where, as always in the history of cities, urban trails, housing, specialized construction are linked.
The concentration of millions of inhabitants, as a result of an extreme process of urbanization producing an amplified confusion of urban spaces, is causing a new and unexpected level of use the area and the downfall of every social equilibrium. This kind of places are ruled by the indifference of the whole hierarchy built and lack an order well-balanced between housing, Tertiary’s sector areas, commercial areas, production areas in all urban space scales possible, as is made in the best tradition of the city (in metropolis too). This space is assuming the paradoxical “a priori shape” aspect and seems in lot of its parts equivalent and homogeneous. New icons of representation, the so-called “containers”, are accidentally put into the city, as effort to ri-polarize it. These are complex urban situations and architectures that seem to evocate today the fast dynamism condition, typical in the new millennium, showing ephemeral dimension and communicate the idea of transparency, lightly and movement.
The courses “Typological and Morphological Characters of Architecture ” and “Architectural Design”, in the Department dICAR, Polytechnic in Bari, left to the writer, are focused on the research on the evolutionary process that recalls, generally, the urban complexity and also to spread the necessary knowledge to understanding urban development.
Moreover the ways that urban organism shows itself, with its contradictions, considered in a conceptual "shape", are the beginning of the planning thinking. This attitude, especially reported to the complex urban situations, express our capacity of being able to be active in our epoch, through a critical and not parasitic exercise breaking with the past but in continuity with what has been historically transmitted and inherited.
Thus interpreted, the city presents itself as an entity in which the transformations are interrelated and dependent on the civil mutations which are concretized and which have tangibly defined the evolution of it.
To try to analyze the “evident sign” of the process of progressive change which the city used over time, implies for the interpreters to have the ability to search for (and to employ) appropriate tools for the analysis, making possible to understand the causes that govern the transformation processes on the urban organism; at the same time, this tools have to be applicable in a flexible way to several and different cases of study. These tools of “reading” devices can be diversified in relation both to the diachronic character of the “type of town” examined and the “geographic-cultural area”, that shows these identifying characteristics.
The teaching of Typological and Morphological Characters of Architecture and Architectural Design 1D, instituted at the Faculty of Architecture at the Polytechnic of Bari, concern the study of the evolutionary processes of man-made structures at different scales, by postulating the application of an analytical process applicable, evidently, also to the deepening of urban transformation. It is based on the fundamental hypothesis (partial and then integrated with other disciplines) developed with the processual-typological method (projectual) incardinated on the basic notions of organism and building type.
So, is based on a theoretical view that "thinks" the city in its essence as a living organism made up of interdependent parts in continuous transformation. The city is a place where the social and typological distinctions, as revealed by the buildings over time, are put in correlation with the human need to have spaces for individual and collective functions; in this sense, its processual study according to the theory of the Husserl's phenomenology, allows to understand the social and typological characteristics in their concrete essence of variable structures and not as an “a priori” structure.
Consequently, the transformation processes that reveals each type of examined city (ancient, medieval, renaissance, baroque, eight-ninth century, modern, contemporary / European, Asian, American, etc. ..), observed and subjected to comparative analysis, are critically evaluated to try to reconstruct the "logical rule" that govern them, to extract possible “mechanical control” of the project on the urban scale.
In fact, the principal ways in which the urban organism manifest itself (with its many complex contradictions), become the original source of the projectual reasoning.
This reflection highlights the dominant characteristic of our age: the ability to be active and proactive in changing the past. Attitude that can be adequately represented by the German word Machenschaft.