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WoW's Upcoming 20th Anniversary

This November, World of Warcraft turns twenty years old. There are MMOs that are even older than that, but in general, a game being live and continuing to be developed for such a long time is still a rare thing. I remember when I had just started playing WoW and was absolutely enthralled by it for the first few months, the thought occurred to me how I would feel if it was going to shut down, and I found the idea rather heart-wrenching at the time. Still, I don't think I would've expected to still be here playing and talking about it almost twenty years later. Funny how that goes.

There are always some celebratory activities going on each year, but they usually don't change from one year to the next. I think the first time I did them I was quite impressed and meant to write a post about hunting down the modern version of the green dragons, but I never actually ended up doing that. When I came back in subsequent years and found that it was just the exact same stuff again I became somewhat less impressed.

I remember there were some big nostalgic events going on during the tenth anniversary and that I was vaguely tempted to resub just to check out Molten Core in LFR, but that ultimately didn't end up happening either. During the fifteenth anniversary I was technically subscribed, but Classic had just launched and I had absolutely zero interest in retail at the time.

For this year's 20th anniversary, it looks like Blizzard is pulling out all the stops. They just released a video and accompanying article about everything that will be happening and it's a lot of stuff. Chromie will host an event to commemorate the opening of the AQ gates, there'll be a Blackrock Depths raid, classic dungeons will come back for Timetalking, and there'll be new high-res versions of the old tier two sets available, to name just a few of the items on the list. It sounds really cool and I look forward to checking it all out. Inject that nostalgia right into my veins, baby.

I'm thinking about doing something for the anniversary on this blog as well actually. I've really enjoyed what Wilhelm and Bhagpuss have been doing for Everquest's 25th anniversary this year for example, and I never even played that! Wilhelm wrote a series of posts about the game's many different starting/early zones and how he remembers them, and Bhagpuss is currently working his way through a series remembering all his EQ characters and their adventures in order of their original creation date. I couldn't do that for my WoW characters as WoW doesn't let players see their characters' creation dates, and I feel there's been more than enough talk about WoW's original starting zones already (really enjoyed this recent video by Jediwarlock about the human starting experience for example).

Some readers may remember however that I mentioned in the past that I used to maintain a personal blog for more than a decade. You wouldn't find it via Google because this was during a time when personal blogs like that were "noindex" by default. Imagine people writing with the express intent of not being found by search engines. Those were different times...

Anyway, I'm actually not that keen on looking back on that blog because even though I'm sure it contains some interesting tidbits about my past, on a more general level it mostly covers a period of my life that I don't look back on with too much fondness. However! It also contains some notes about my earliest experiences with World of Warcraft, and those I find quite interesting. I actually wish I'd written more about that so I'd have more written evidence of what I thought about things like new content when it actually came out. What I did write down reads quite strangely two decades later, as it harkens back to a time when I basically knew nothing about MMOs and therefore talked about my experiences in WoW in very different terms.

I think for the anniversary it could be fun to pull some of those old blog posts and reproduce them on here, maybe with some commentary. We'll see how that goes. Oh, and if you are interested in reading more personal ramblings, I did actually start a new personal blog last year that currently has zero readers because I didn't tell anyone about it, even though it's linked from my blogger profile. I only update it about once a month but if you ever were curious about what goes on in my life outside MMOs, feel free to take a peek.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, thanks for the links. I have one more pre-written character post, which may go up tomorrow, but then I have to start writing them again. The odd thing is that there are still several more characters yo go before we get to my most-played characters, the ones that could easily support several posts each. I certainly wouldn't have structured it that way but I didn't have much choice.

    I will definitely read your personal blog. I just followed the link and read the latest post and it reminded me very strongly of a situation where I work, which I am not going to discuss in public, at least until after I retire. Suffice it to say it took two years to get back to something like where things were before it happened so good luck!
