In the Robot Skies is the world's first narrative shot entirely through autonomous drones. In collaboration with the Embedded and Artificially intelligent Vision Lab in Belgium the film has evolved in relation to their experiments with ...See moreIn the Robot Skies is the world's first narrative shot entirely through autonomous drones. In collaboration with the Embedded and Artificially intelligent Vision Lab in Belgium the film has evolved in relation to their experiments with specially developed camera drones each programmed with their own cinematic rules and behaviors. Above a council estate tower block in London a network of surveillance drones monitor the residents below. Through the eyes of the drones two teenagers are kept apart, each held by police order within the digital confines of their own tower. Jazmin is a drone hacker and has hijacked and decorated one of the aerial cameras, scrawling messages on it with her marker, passing notes to her boyfriend Tamir in the tower opposite. In this near future city drones form both agents of state surveillance but also become co-opted as the aerial vehicles through which two teens fall in love.
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