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A arte da guerra
A arte da guerra
A arte da guerra
E-book59 páginas48 minutos

A arte da guerra

Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas



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Milenar tratado militar de Sun Tzu, A Arte da Guerra é tão compreensível e atual que se tornou um texto clássico. Acredita-se, inclusive, que o livro tenha sido usado ao longo dos tempos por estrategistas militares como Napoleão, Adolf Hitler e Mao Tse Tung. Hoje, o livro migrou das estantes dos estrategistas para a dos economistas, administradores, políticos, vendedores, empresários e todos aqueles cuja meta é a vitória – em todos os níveis.Nesta edição, além dos 13 capítulos completos, o leitor vai se aprofundar no tema com a riquíssima introdução dos professores Antonio J. B. de Menezes Júnior e Chen Tsung Jye, ambos do curso de chinês do Departamento de Letras Orientais da USP. Outro diferencial é o prefácio de Gustavo Cerbasi, autor de best-sellers na área de negócios como Casais Inteligentes Enriquecem Juntos e Investimentos Inteligentes.
Data de lançamento28 de dez. de 2011
A arte da guerra

Sun Tzu

SUN TZU was a Chinese general, military strategist, and philosopher who lived in China in the 6th century BC. Sun Tzu is traditionally credited as the author of The Art of War, a widely influential work of military strategy that has affected both Western and Eastern philosophy. Sun Tzu is revered in China as a legendary historical figure. His birth name was Sun Wu; the name Sun Tzu by which he is best known is an honorific that means "Master Sun."

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Avaliações de A arte da guerra

Nota: 3.8279975512223516 de 5 estrelas

3.436 avaliações40 avaliações

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  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    Vapid martial homilies.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    The oldest military treatise on war. This one is Tops! Translation by Lionel Giles and with original Chinese.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    Meh. Okay I guess but overall I'm not that impressed.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    Very fundamental axioms of strategies put forward by an ancient Chinese general. Influential even today not only in military matters but in the business world as well.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    The Art of War is a wonderful, short, and classic read that looks good on any bookshelf. While it reads in the form of a short choppy manual it is well worth anyone's time. This book has, for good reason, found it's way into the hands of thousands... maybe millions of people since its original writing.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    I read this and let my mind wander a little, but not too much. Invariably whatever I think about mixes with the words, and elegant, clear observations come out. It's like guided meditation.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    A subtle and fascinating philosophy on how to wage war. Knowledge of assured victory is key for Sun Tzu. At once it is esoteric and simple giving the reader the opportunity to find new angles and places to learn with each repeated reading. Intense and interesting. (Shambhala translation)
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    It is a really old book, but still has much application to everyday life in modern times. The book is a little hard to read at times. However, the knowledge you get from reading it worth it. I recommend everyone read this title at least once in their lifetime.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    It's amazing that this advice is still quite relevant 2500 years after the fact. Some of it, of course, isn't, but that'll happen. The historical allusions in Giles' translation/commentary are pretty useful, though occasionally it gets really deep into Chinese history and you forget who you are and what you're reading. What dynasty are we in again?
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    you kind of have to read this, yah. so privately canonized.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Quite possibly the most influential book on military tactics of all time. I was incredibly surprised by its brevity. A must-read for any historian. 
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    During a sermon, the rabbi talked about this book and said that it was really a philosophy on how to live life. When I started reading it, I saw that it really is a book on how to wage war. Definitely not what I expected and definitely not a book I would ever want to read.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    I'm so glad I finally read this historic book. I found it very interesting and understand why it has been adapted to suit other fields -- notably management. And the version of the book I bought is beautiful in itself. Bound in traditional Chinese style, with each page folded in half and only printed on the outside. Hard to rate -- it is what it is as they say -- but I'm rating it highly because it has stood the test of time.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    Defiantly some good tips in here. I can see why other countries armies are so well disciplined if they still use these tactics. Some of them could also work for dealing with people as well. Some handy things in here.

    It's easy to read, but he repeats things a lot, and some of the sentence are worded strangely. And then, some lines are written like poetry.

    It was a something different, and I'm glad I picked it up.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    Fascinating. My particular copy (an audiobook) included modern comparisons between each chapter which was horribly annoying. The observations in the book maintain their usefulness to the present.
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    An interesting book, written with just short quips of information but it still seemed to flow rather seamlessly. A decent book with some good info, some of it could be still used today some of it would obviously not apply anymore to today's wars. A good read, enjoyable, and really quick.
  • Nota: 2 de 5 estrelas
    Don't like this edition. The history is boring and confusing (chi, Ch'i, ch'i all mean different things) 1 star for the edition and history part.

    The actual Art of War is good. 3 stars.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    An enduring classic, an absolute must-read for every business person and military mind the world over.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    The version I have also has a second section for commentaries on all the passages. It's an incredibly useful and insightful book, and not necessarily just for literal war.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    Art of War itself is pretty cool - aside from the fact that I feel like a dork reading it because most of the people who read Art of War are nineteen-year-old fantasy roleplayers who collect nunchuks - but the version I read, Lionel Giles' 1910 translation, is chock full of typos. That kinda gets on my nerves.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    one of the best books I've ever read; just be careful of the translator. There are some really horrendous editions out there. ALWAYS buy the one translated by "CLEARLY" he is very profound in eastern philosophy and tradition
  • Nota: 1 de 5 estrelas
    This book counts as classic even for modern warfare and strategy games. My experience has been unsatisfying and boring - perhaps I didn't delve into deep implications of obvious sounding tactics.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Awesome for anyone looking for a good strategy book. helps with any type of war situation, I recommend reading it if you choose to go into the military.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    I'm sure I'm not the only person that James Clavell, who wrote the foreward to this edition, introduced to Sun Tzu. I appreciate him for that as much as for his own books. Although ostensibly a book about military strategy, The principles in The Art of War can be applied to any kind of strategic situation. Thanks to centuries of commentary, it now functions as something like a cross between the Torah and the I Ching.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    I have read this several times in a variety of translations. This version is formatted like a poem and is a quick read. Interesting that Sun Tzu echoes many of the issues raised by Thucydides. I remember an Instructor Gunnery during my Regimental Officers Basic Course from the United States artillery beginning every lesson with: "Sun Tzu says...". And, "If a 155 round lands on a tank, the tank is toast". So much in such a short book and it was quite possibly written before Thucydides was born.
  • Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
    New to Sun-Tzu, I found invaluable Ames' commentary on the historical times and the 1970s/1980s discovery of a hitherto unknown version of the classic text and related texts.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    Everyone should read this.

    It tells you as much about motivation and human compunction than any other book Ive ever read. This should be required reading for teachers, businessmen, cops, everyone that every has to deal with a group of people in a possibly hostile setting.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    All the guff about it being the greatest management text in history is of course utter nonsense, but it's an interesting read. I preferred and would recommend the Hagakure if you're after samurai warrior philosophy.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    The original book was interesting but the commentary portion of the book was insightful. I liked hearing perspective on Master Sun's work from other ancient military leaders.
  • Nota: 5 de 5 estrelas
    I give it a 5 because it's a classic that you can read in under an hour. One of the best books I have read. Simple, basic, and a great strategy foundation. I refer to it all the time. Great book from a historical standpoint, but certainly is a great asset in business.

Pré-visualização do livro

A arte da guerra - Sun Tzu


Sun Tzu

A arte da guerra


Elvira Vigna

Prefácio e depoimento pessoal de Gustavo Cerbasi

powered by www.gatosabido.com.br

© 2009 by Ediouro Publicações Ltda.

Direitos de tradução reservados à Ediouro Publicações Ltda.

Este livro foi cotejado com o original em chinês de A arte da guerra pelos

professores Antonio J.B. de Menezes Jr. e Chen Tsung Jye, ambos do Curso

de chinês do Departamento de Letras Orientais da USP.

Texto revisto pelo novo Acordo Ortográfico


Ana Dobón

Imagens de miolo



Janaína Salgueiro


Clara Vidal

Produção editorial

Daniele Cajueiro

João Ferreira

PocketOuro é um selo da Ediouro Publicações Ltda.

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O verdadeiro objetivo da guerra é a paz.
Sun Tzu


por Gustavo Cerbasi

Li A arte da guerra pela primeira vez em 2004, quando estava em um momento simbólico de minha vida: acabara de completar trinta anos. Naquele ano, eu voltava ao Brasil após viver alguns meses no exterior, objetivando reordenar minhas escolhas de vida. Foi um sabático precoce, necessário a um profissional que vinha colhendo sucesso em sua carreira, mas que vinha carregando consigo um excesso de funções e sobrecarga de trabalho. Esse desequilíbrio ameaçava minha capacidade criativa e não me permitia refletir adequadamente sobre importantes escolhas. Parar foi necessário para reorganizar as ideias, zerar a agenda, fazer planos e voltar a estudar assuntos fora de minha área de atuação. A obra de Sunzi foi um desses assuntos.

Como era um momento de reflexão, planos e grandes escolhas, a leitura me influenciou bastante. Mudei a maneira de tomar decisões, de decidir os passos que daria adiante na carreira e de negociar as condições contratuais para cada novo trabalho. Mudei também a maneira de conduzir minhas atividades profissionais, ouvindo menos as pessoas que teriam a ganhar com minha fragilidade e dando mais atenção a quem teria a ganhar com minha força.

Nunca me considerei uma pessoa agressiva, tampouco bom negociador. Continuo assim. Sempre que preciso tomar uma grande decisão de consumo, levo meu exército comigo – meu pai e minha amada Adriana, esses sim bons negociadores. Mas, após a leitura de A arte da guerra, passei a encarar de outro modo as situações potencialmente estressantes. Isso contribuiu até para diminuir meu estresse. Certamente, outras leituras que fiz após essa contribuíram bastante para meu planejamento pessoal e de negócios, mas poucas me apresentaram uma filosofia tão direta e simples quanto os ensinamentos de Sunzi. A cada batalha que enfrento, não tenho como não me lembrar de alguns ensinamentos aqui aprendidos.

Será a vida uma guerra? Talvez você compartilhe dessa ideia, mas eu não consigo ter uma interpretação tão dramática da vida moderna. A vida já foi permeada por verdadeiras guerras, com suas sangrentas batalhas por terras, riquezas e vidas para aumentar tanto exércitos de guerreiros quanto de escravos. Mas o mundo evoluiu, e com ele a tecnologia que nos traz conforto e produtividade. As relações de trabalho se tornaram menos desiguais, e hoje trabalhadores negociam suas condições com empregadores. Não precisamos mais plantar nosso alimento nos fundos de casa. Compramos o que precisamos para alimentar nossos filhos com o dinheiro que ganhamos trabalhando em confortáveis escritórios.

Antes de sermos lançados à guerra do mercado de trabalho, somos preparados durante cerca de dezoito anos, sob o amparo de cuidados pedagógicos, metodologias que respeitam as limitações da infância e os processos químicos da evolução cerebral, merendas preparadas sob a tutela de cientistas nutricionais. Sem contar que somos ainda mimados por nossos pais, o que faz com que nossa educação nos insira em uma redoma invisível, que nos ilude para a realidade. Enfim, nosso preparo para a guerra é bem diferente do antigo autoritarismo, muitas vezes imposto pelo chicote ou, como prega Sunzi, pela decapitação.

A consequência é paradoxal. Apesar da guerra de hoje ser muito mais amena e tranquila do que as guerras

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