Ingles Teste Anpad 161018134513
Ingles Teste Anpad 161018134513
Ingles Teste Anpad 161018134513
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Aula 00: Demonstrativa
1 - Apresentao
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
- curso escrito completo (em PDF), formado por 6 aulas onde ser
explicado todo o contedo terico do ltimo edital, alm de serem
apresentadas vrias questes resolvidas, em especial aquelas exigidas em
provas da ANPAD, incluindo a ltima prova de Setembro/2016;
Vale dizer que este curso concebido para ser o seu nico material
de estudos, isto , voc no precisar adquirir livros ou outros materiais
para cobrir os temas de Ingls. A ideia que voc consiga economizar
bastante tempo, pois abordaremos todos os tpicos exigidos no edital da
ANPAD e nada alm disso, e voc poder estudar conforme a sua
disponibilidade de tempo, em qualquer ambiente onde voc tenha acesso
a um computador, tablet ou celular, e evitar a grande perda de tempo
gerada pelo trnsito das grandes cidades. Isso importante para todos
os candidatos, mas especialmente relevante para aqueles que
trabalham e estudam. O nmero de pessoas que tm estudado para
concursos via on-line tem crescido rapidamente, um modo prtico de
estudo no conforto do lar, num horrio mais conveniente. Tenho certeza
que voc ter proveito na disciplina que ministro.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
A disciplina da Lngua Inglesa para este concurso, segundo o edital,
consiste em determinar se o participante possui conhecimentos suficientes
que lhe permitam a leitura e a compreenso de textos escritos nesse
idioma. Dentre outras habilidades, o participante deve ser capaz de:
da lngua e que so mais comuns em estudos para concursos, uma vez que
interpretar textos significa que voc precisa saber tudo: gramtica,
vocabulrio, tcnicas de interpretao, etc.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Nesse curso a princpio - aula 00 - nos concentraremos nas tcnicas de
interpretao, abrangeremos nas aulas seguintes os principais itens
relevantes da gramtica da Lngua Inglesa.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
as opes com apenas 1 ou duas palavras, e nesse tipo de questo que
voc pode at resolver sem ir ao texto, no curso eu explico como. So
abordados temas que involvem o estudo da prpria lngua, o Brasil, o
sistema universitrio e outros assuntos diversos. Procure ler assuntos
atuais, aqueles que esto em manchete e que falam de algo envolvendo o
Brasil. Se no conseguir ainda ler em Ingls v lendo em Portugus mesmo,
pois os cognatos verdadeiros vo te ajudar a entender o texto.
1. Traduo de Textos.
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Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Aula 01 (27/10/2016) Formao de Palavras, Substantivos, Artigos,
Resoluo de Provas da ANPAD
Ingls Instrumental
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
conhecer o vocabulrio. Isso significa no apenas aprender palavras
novas, mas tambm lembrar as que voc j aprendeu. Uma grande ajuda
so os cognatos verdadeiros: quando voc estiver diante de um texto de
Lngua Inglesa, sempre observar que existem palavras similares Lngua
Portuguesa e que realmente so o que parecem ser. Essas so as chamadas
cognatos verdadeiros ou true friends (verdadeiros amigos).
Pretend = Fingir
He pretends to be a doctor.
Ele finge que medico.
Library = Biblioteca
A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life. (Henry Beecher).
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Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Na verdade, todos no nibus tiveram que sair/descer.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Policy (n) Poltica (diretrizes)
Pull (v) - puxar
Push (v) - empurrar
Tax (n) - imposto
Vegetables (n) verduras, legumes
Observe bem nos falsos cognatos acima, ento da prxima vez que a
encontrar no texto voc no se confundir e nem cair nessas cascas de
banana, e assim treine com os citados acima e outros false cognates
(false friends) medida que os for conhecendo, pois visto que so a
minoria, se voc os conhecer, j ficar tranqilo ao encontrar os
verdadeiros cognatos (true friends). Ao elaborar as questes, as bancas
gostam de usar os falsos cognatos como pegadinhas.
I stopped and asked the two officers if there was a problem. (Dallas News)
Parei e perguntei aos dois policiais se havia um problema.
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Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Veja outros exemplos no quadro abaixo:
Cognatos Significados
demonstration demonstrao; manifestao
interest interesse; juros (em contexto
fiscal, econmico, financeiro)
prejudice preconceito; prejuzo (em
contexto jurdico),
union unio, sindicato
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
a palavra solta. Alm do caderno e/ou cartaz, voc tambm pode escrever
em notas adesivas e espalhar pela casa nos lugares onde voc possa
sempre ver. O seu subconsciente vai assimilando as palavras e elas se
fixaro na sua mente. Se no repetir, vai esquecer!
E quando aparecer no texto uma palavra que voc nunca viu? Observe o
contexto e use sua intuio! Isso mesmo, muitas vezes voc deduzir a
traduo de um segmento apenas pelo contexto e/ou pela sua intuio,
aliado ao seu conhecimento acumulado de mundo, de outras provas ou
leituras. A intuio nesse momento ser uma grande aliada, portanto no
desanime quando no meio de uma frase tiver uma palavra que voc no
conhece, pois isso sempre acontecer, afinal at mesmo na nossa lngua
materna no conhecemos todas as palavras do dicionrio, no mesmo?
Siga em frente e use e abuse da sua intuio.
E o passo mais importante, que reune todas as tcnicas e dicas que vimos
aqui: Fazer exerccios! Praticar e praticar resolvendo questes de provas
passadas. Seguem abaixo as tcnicas a serem aplicadas durante os
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Skimming - uma leitura rpida do texto apenas para ter uma noo geral.
Mtodo onde o leitor move rapidamente os olhos sobre o texto com o
objetivo de perceber o pensamento dominante do autor e ter uma viso
completa do assunto.
Ler primeiro as questes - embora nossa tendncia seja ler logo o texto
mas ao ler logo a opo, fica bem mais fcil de encontrar a resposta, pois
ganha-se tempo; Quando voltar para o texto procure as palavras que
foram citadas no enunciado.
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Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
ANPAD Setembro/2016
Kleptocracy Initiative
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Rather than keeping the money at home, they hide their illicit capital
in countries where the rule of law is strong. Ironically, the West is
participating in the kleptocratic system by safeguarding these stolen funds.
Our professional world is full of enablers bankers, lawyers, lobbyists, and
even legislators who profit from these funds, develop a vested interest
in continuing the flow of capital, and facilitate foreign corruption. They
become less supportive of democratic foreign policy objectives because
reforms abroad may impact their financial interests at home.
While we cannot directly control the behavior of other countries, we
can protect our freedom and democracy by denying safe haven to the
money stolen by kleptocratic regimes hostile to our interests. We can
reduce the influence of enablers, standing up to those within our ranks who
profit from these regimes.
(Kleptocracy Initiative. Available at: <>.
Access on: 30 April 2016.)
01. According to the text, Kleptocrats are
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
tornam-se menos favorveis aos objetivos de polticas externas
democrticas porque as reformas para o exterior podem afetar seus
interesses financeiros em casa. Opo errada.
O segmento do texto acima que aparece logo no incio deixa bem claro que
os cleptocratas so parte de uma elite bem-conectada. Essa a opo
correta. 00000000000
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
O que o texto diz sobre isso que os facilitadores dos cleptocratas tornam-
se menos favorveis aos objetivos de polticas externas democrticas
porque as reformas no exterior podem afetar seus interesses financeiros
em casa. Opo errada.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Rather than keeping the money at home, they hide their illicit capital in
countries where the rule of law is strong. Ironically, the West is
participating in the kleptocratic system by safeguarding these stolen funds.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
03. According to the text, the US
A) may have a vested interest in the flow of illicit capital. = pode ter um
grande interesse no fluxo de capitais ilcitos.
seu capital ilcito. A informao que a opo traz est equivocada. Errada.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Os cleptocratas no fiscalizados de hoje esto demonstrando desprezo pelo
direito internacional, resultando em expansionismo territorial que ameaa
a segurana nacional americana.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
1 and your knowledge of word-formation in English. Choose the best
possible word or expression to replace the word (s) in the stated line of
INSTRUES: Nas questes de 04 a 06 voc ser pedido para determinar
o significado de uma palavra ou expresso com base tanto no contexto do
TEXTO 1 como no seu conhecimento de formao de palavras em Ingls.
Escolha a melhor possvel palavra ou expresso para substituir a(s)
palavra(s) na linha estabelecida do TEXTO 1.
A) Instead of.
B) In spite of.
C) In favour of.
D) In exchange for.
E) In pursuance of.
Rather than/Instead of keeping the money at home, they hide their illicit
capital in countries where the rule of law is strong.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
B) In spite of. = Apesar de.
Essa expresso usada para indicar uma troca de algo e no serve para
substituir aquela do texto pois no sinnimo dela. Errada.
A) Since. 00000000000
B) When.
C) Where.
D) Because.
E) Although.
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Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Esse conectivo expressa ideia de tempo ou introduz uma explicao e no
serve para substituir aquele do texto pois no sinnimo dele. Errada.
B) When. = Quando.
C) Where. = Onde.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
conectivo although que indica concesso. Os dois podem substituir um ao
outro sem haver nenhum prejuzo para a interpretao textual. Essa a
opo correta.
A) Ignoring.
B) Protecting.
C) Tolerating.
D) Confronting.
E) Intimidating.
A) Ignoring. = ignorando.
Esse verbo tem significado oposto quele do texto. Pois o texto no diz que
deve ignorar aqueles nas nossas classes sociais que lucram a partir desses
regimes. Portanto, no serve para substitu-lo. Opo errada.
Muito pelo contrrio, o texto no diz que se deve proteger aqueles nas
nossas classes sociais que lucram a partir desses regimes. Portanto, no
serve para substitu-lo. Opo errada.
C) Tolerating. = tolerando.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Muito pelo contrrio, o texto no diz que se deve apenas tolerar aqueles
nas nossas classes sociais que lucram a partir desses regimes. Portanto,
no serve para substitu-lo. Opo errada.
D) Confronting. = confrontando.
E) Intimidating. = intimidando.
Kleptocracy Initiative
Iniciativa Cleoptocracia
00000000000 - DEMO
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Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
threatening individuals and institutions abroad. The Kleptocracy Initiative
confronts threats posed by kleptocratic regimes.
Rather than keeping the money at home, they hide their illicit capital in
countries where the rule of law is strong. Ironically, the West is
participating in the kleptocratic system by safeguarding these stolen funds.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
participando no sistema cleptocrtico pela salvaguarda destes fundos
roubados. Nosso mundo profissional est cheio de facilitadores -
banqueiros, advogados, lobistas e at legisladores - que lucram com esses
fundos, desenvolvem um grande interesse em continuar o fluxo de capital,
e facilitam a corrupo estrangeira. Eles tornam-se menos favorveis aos
objetivos de polticas externas democrticas porque as reformas no
exterior podem afetar seus interesses financeiros em casa.
ANPAD - 2008
Matriculate while-u-wait
Tom Petty had it right: The waiting is the hardest part. Now William &
Maryand Wake Forest B-schools are doing something about that. They have
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
come up with an express service for admissions that reduces the months-
long wait for acceptance notification to a matter of hours by replacing the
lengthy application essay with an hour-long face-to-face interview by
faculty and school administrators. At both schools, about 10% of all
applicants used the fast-track process, which the schools say is more
effective than traditional applications because it requires students to
demonstrate business skills such as preparedness and grace under fire.
Extrado do Business Week, n. 4078, p.92, April, 2008.
07. The title of the text refers to the fact that students
A) are requested to wait outside the interview room before they get a
B) can write their applications while they wait to talk with interviewers.
C) have to show their business skills by filling application forms and writing
D) learn they have been accepted and can enroll shortly after their
E) still have to wait for long periods to get admitted to some business
07. The title of the text refers to the fact that students
A) are requested to wait outside the interview room before they get a
notification. = so convidados a esperar fora da sala de entrevistas antes
de receberem uma notificao
No tem nada a ver com esperar fora da sala. A espera a que o ttulo se
refere o tempo que se espera para fazer a matrcula. Errada.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
B) can write their applications while they wait to talk with interviewers. =
podem fazer suas inscries, enquanto esperam para falar com os
C) have to show their business skills by filling application forms and writing
essays. = tem que mostrar suas habilidades em negcios por preencher
formulrios e fazer redaes.
O texto diz que a longa redao do processo de inscrio foi substituda por
uma entrevista em pessoa. Errada.
D) learn they have been accepted and can enroll shortly after their
interviews. = sabem que foram aceitos e podem se matricular brevemente
aps suas entrevistas.
Matriculate while-u-wait
Matricule-se enquanto espera
They have come up with an express service for admissions that reduces the
00000000000 - DEMO
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Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
O texto deixa bem claro que com esse novo processo, o aluno pode se
matricular ao passo que espera, ou seja, no se exige longos perodos de
espera para poder saber que foi aprovado e ento fazer a matrcula. Essa
a opo correta.
E) still have to wait for long periods to get admitted to some business
colleges = ainda tem que esperar por longos perodos para serem admitidos
em algumas faculdades de negcios
08. According to the text, the new admission process is more effective
08. According to the text, the new admission process is more effective
08. De acordo com o texto, o novo processo de admisso mais efetivo
por que
A) 10% of all applicants at both schools have used it. = 10% de todos os
proponentes em ambas as escolas o tem usado.
00000000000 - DEMO
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Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Realmente a porcentagem em ambas as escolas est correta, mas esse no
o motivo pelo qual o novo processo de admisso mais efetivo. Errada.
At both schools, about 10% of all applicants used the fast-track process,
which the schools say is more effective than traditional applications because
it requires students to demonstrate business skills such as preparedness
and grace under fire.
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Matriculate while-u-wait
Matricule-se enquanto espera
Tom Petty had it right: The waiting is the hardest part. Now William &
Maryand Wake Forest B-schools are doing something about that. They have
come up with an express service for admissions that reduces the months-
long wait for acceptance notification to a matter of hours by replacing the
lengthy application essay with an hour-long face-to-face interview by
faculty and school administrators. At both schools, about 10% of all
applicants used the fast-track process, which the schools say is more
effective than traditional applications because it requires students to
demonstrate business skills such as preparedness and grace under fire.
Extrado de Business Week, n. 4078, p.92, April, 2008.
Tom Petty tinha razo: A espera a parte mais difcil. Agora as escolas
William & Maryand Wake Forest B - esto fazendo algo sobre isso. Elas
inventaram um servio expresso para admisses que reduz os meses do
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
tempo de espera para a notificao de aceitao a uma questo de horas,
substituindo a longa redao do processo de inscrio por uma entrevista
em pessoa, de uma hora de durao, feita pelos administradores e corpo
docente da escola. Em ambas as escolas, cerca de 10% de todos os
candidatos usou o processo acelerado, que as escolas dizem que mais
eficaz do que os procedimentos tradicionais, porque requer que os alunos
demonstrem habilidades de negcios, tais como prontido e permanecer
calmo sob presso.
Extrado de Business Week, n. 4078, p.92, April de 2008.
ANPAD - 2013
A large order of baskets was placed by different participants of the fair, and
200 Baniwa artisans were mobilized to produce hundreds of baskets in a
short period of time. However, problems with the shipping of the products
from the Northwest Brazilian Amazon to the State of So Paulo (SP) and
the lack of any institutional sponsorship at the fair resulted in poor sales
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
and revenues, disappointing the artisans after the hard work. As a result,
many of the participant artisans abandoned the project, suspicious of its
real potential and credibility (Martins & Unterstell, 2009; Unterstell &
Martins, 2004; Wright, 2009).
Although this was an important setback, the search for commercial partners
for the Arte Baniwa project continued and resulted in the identification of
one of the major furniture and home decoration stores in Brazil, called Tok
& Stok, as a potential outlet. With the intermediation of ISA, the store
decided to buy all the Baniwa products that had not been sold at the
ExpoFlora fair in order to minimize the losses.
In addition, Tok & Stok placed an order for more baskets, paying three
times more than the artisans were used to receiving for their work in the
local markets of the Northwest Brazilian Amazon. With these two actions,
Tok & Stok thus became a privileged partner and outlet of the Arte Baniwa
The evolution of the project was followed by contacts with a major Brazilian
retailer possessing the largest network of supermarkets in the country. The
partnership with this chain, the Po de Acar Group, was responsible not
only for giving great visibility to the Baniwa products, but also for
introducing the element of competitive pricing to the project, as the
company had more strict commercial policies than the other buyers and
partners of the project. This partnership with the Po de Acar Group was
only possible because there were long discussions between the company
and the project (Unterstell & Martins, 2004).
00000000000 - DEMO
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Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
organization OIBI, the Baniwa communities affiliated with the project, and
the ISA.
For the ISA as a NGO that defends the indigenous rights, it was important
to demonstrate the feasibility of this type of project by showing that these
initiatives can be sustainable in social, economic and ecological ways. The
Arte Baniwa is recognized as a sustainable development project, thus
materializing its belief in the interdependence between biodiversity and
socio-diversity (Unterstell & Martins, 2004).
09. Why did many of the participating Baniwa artisans withdraw from the
Arte Baniwa project after the ExpoFlora?
a) They did not like the idea of their baskets being used as flower bolders.
b) Being from the Amazon, the artisans did not feel comfortable in So
d) They were not able to produce enough baskets to fill the large order
requested by Expoflora participants.00000000000
09. Why did many of the participating Baniwa artisans withdraw from the
Arte Baniwa project after the ExpoFlora?
09. Por que muitos dos artesos que participaram do projeto Baniwa
desistiram depois da ExpoFlora?
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
a) They did not like the idea of their baskets being used as flower bolders.
= Eles no gostaram da ideia das suas cestas serem usadas como arranjos
de flores.
b) Being from the Amazon, the artisans did not feel comfortable in So
Paulo. = J que vieram do Amazonas, os artesos no se sentiram
vontade em So Paulo
O motivo nada tem a ver com o lugar de procedncia dos artesos. Errada.
00000000000 - DEMO
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Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
d) They were not able to produce enough baskets to fill the large order
requested by Expoflora participants. = Eles no foram capazes de produzir
bastante cestas para suprir a grande encomenda feita pelos participantes
da Expoflora.
O texto diz que houve problemas com o transporte dos produtos vindos do
noroeste da Amaznia brasileira para o Estado de So Paulo (SP), mas no
especifica que problemas so esses. Errada.
10. When did the authors finish collecting data for this research project?
10. Quando os autores terminaram de coletar dados para esse projeto de
a) 1990
b) 2004
c) 2005
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Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Estes marcos importantes foram responsveis por aumentos na produo
de cesta que cobrem o perodo entre o final dos anos 1990 a 2005,
quando o trabalho de campo e coleta de dados para este trabalho foi
d) 2009
e) 2011
11. In lines 13-14 of the text, Tok & Stok is identified as a potential outlet
for Arte Baniwa products. What word could be used as a substitute for
potential in the text?
a) Powerful
b) Commercial
c) Profitable
d) Possible
e) Partner
11. In lines 13-14 of the text, Tok & Stok is identified as a potential outlet
for Arte Baniwa products. What word could be used as a substitute for
potential in the text?
11. Nas linhas 13-14 do texto, a Tok & Stok identificada como um
mercado potencial para os produtos da Arte Baniwa. Que palavra poderia
ser usada como um substituto para potencial no texto?
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
Ambas as palavras no poderiam substituir a palavra do texto pois no tem
o mesmo significado dela. Erradas.
b) Commercial = comercial
d) Possible = possvel
Although this was an important setback, the search for commercial partners
for the Arte Baniwa project continued and resulted in the identification of
one of the major furniture and home decoration stores in Brazil, called Tok
& Stok, as a potential outlet.
Embora este foi um revs importante, a busca de parceiros comerciais para
o projeto Arte Baniwa continuou e resultou na identificao de uma das
maiores lojas de mveis e decorao para casa no Brasil, chamado Tok &
Stok, como um mercado em potencial.
e) Partner = parceiro
00000000000 - DEMO
Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
12. Based upon the text as presented, what seems to be the reasoning
behind the Arte Baniwa project?
c) To integrate the Baniwa people of the Brazilian Amazon into the formal
Brazilian economy.
d) To expose the Brazilian public to Baniwa arts and crafts by selling them
in popular stores, such as Tok & Stok and Po de Aucar.
e) To establish a successful sustainable development project to balance the
social, economic, and ecological needs of a group of indigenous Brazilians.
12. Based upon the text as presented, what seems to be the reasoning
behind the Arte Baniwa project?
12. Baseado no texto como apresentado, o que parece ser a razo por trs
do projeto da Arte Baniwa?
a) To make a profit by selling indigenous arts and crafts. = obter lucro com
a venda de artesanato indgena.
c) To integrate the Baniwa people of the Brazilian Amazon into the formal
Brazilian economy. = integrar o povo Baniwa da Amaznia brasileira na
economia formal brasileira.
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Lngua Inglesa para ANPAD
Teoria e Questes comentadas
Prof. Ena Smith
d) To expose the Brazilian public to Baniwa arts and crafts by selling them
in popular stores, such as Tok & Stok and Po de Aucar. = expor ao pblico
brasileiro s artes e artesanatos Baniwa por vend-los em lojas populares,
como a Tok & Stok e o Po de Acar.
The success of the Arte Baniwa project has obviously benefited the
indigenous organization OIBI, the Baniwa communities affiliated with the
project, and the ISA. For the ISA as a NGO that defends the indigenous
rights, it was important to demonstrate the feasibility of this type of project
by showing that these initiatives can be sustainable in social,
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que estas iniciativas podem ser sustentveis de formas sociais,
econmicas e ecolgicas. A Arte Baniwa reconhecida como um
projeto de desenvolvimento sustentvel, materializando assim a sua
crena na interdependncia entre a biodiversidade e sociodiversidade
(Unterstell & Martins, 2004).
13. How did the Po de Aucar Group become a partner of the Arte Baniwa
13. How did the Po de Aucar Group become a partner of the Arte Baniwa
13. Como o Grupo Po de Aucar se tornou um parceiro do projeto de Arte
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Prof. Ena Smith
This partnership with the Po de Acar Group was only possible because
there were long discussions between the company and the project.
Esta parceria com o Grupo Po de Acar s foi possvel porque houve
longas discusses entre a empresa e o projeto.
c) As a privileged partner, Tok & Stok introduced the Arte Baniwa project
to the Po de Aucar Group. = como um parceiro privilegiado, a Tok & Stok
introduziu o projeto Arte Baniwa ao Grupo Po de Aucar.
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e) Once the Arte Baniwa products gained greater visibility, the Po de
Aucar Group became aware of the Arte Baniwa and wanted to become a
partner. = Uma vez que os produtos Arte Baniwa ganharam maior
visibilidade, o Grupo Po de Aucar ficou sabendo da Arte Baniwa e quis se
tornar um parceiro.
Pelo contrrio, foi a parceria com o Po de Aucar que deu visibilidade aos
produtos Baniwa. Errada.
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A large order of baskets was placed by different participants of the fair, and
200 Baniwa artisans were mobilized to produce hundreds of baskets in a
short period of time. However, problems with the shipping of the products
from the Northwest Brazilian Amazon to the State of So Paulo (SP) and
the lack of any institutional sponsorship at the fair resulted in poor sales
and revenues, disappointing the artisans after the hard work. As a result,
many of the participant artisans abandoned the project, suspicious of its
real potential and credibility (Martins & Unterstell, 2009; Unterstell &
Martins, 2004; Wright, 2009).
Although this was an important setback, the search for commercial partners
for the Arte Baniwa project continued and resulted in the identification of
one of the major furniture and home decoration stores in Brazil, called Tok
& Stok, as a potential outlet. With the intermediation of ISA, the store
decided to buy all the Baniwa products that had not been sold at the
ExpoFlora fair in order to minimize the losses.
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decidiu comprar todos os produtos Baniwa que no tinham sido vendidos
na feira Expoflora, a fim de minimizar as perdas.
In addition, Tok & Stok placed an order for more baskets, paying three
times more than the artisans were used to receiving for their work in the
local markets of the Northwest Brazilian Amazon. With these two actions,
Tok & Stok thus became a privileged partner and outlet of the Arte Baniwa
Alm disso, a Tok & Stok fez uma encomenda de mais cestas, pagando trs
vezes mais do que os artesos costumavam receber pelo seu trabalho nos
mercados locais do noroeste da Amaznia brasileira. Com essas duas
aes, a Tok & Stok tornou-se, assim, um parceiro e mercado privilegiado
do projeto Arte Baniwa.
The evolution of the project was followed by contacts with a major Brazilian
retailer possessing the largest network of supermarkets in the country. The
partnership with this chain, the Po de Acar Group, was responsible not
only for giving great visibility to the Baniwa products, but also for
introducing the element of competitive pricing to the project, as the
company had more strict commercial policies than the other buyers and
partners of the project. This partnership with the Po de Acar Group was
only possible because there were long discussions between the company
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possvel porque houve longas discusses entre a empresa e o projeto.
(Unterstell & Martins, 2004).
For the ISA as a NGO that defends the indigenous rights, it was important
to demonstrate the feasibility of this type of project by showing that these
initiatives can be sustainable in social, economic and ecological ways. The
Arte Baniwa is recognized as a sustainable development project, thus
materializing its belief in the interdependence between biodiversity and
socio-diversity (Unterstell & Martins, 2004).
Para o ISA como uma ONG que defende os direitos indgenas, foi
importante para demonstrar a viabilidade deste tipo de projeto, mostrando
que estas iniciativas podem ser sustentveis de formas sociais, econmicas
e ecolgicas. A Arte Baniwa reconhecida como um projeto de
desenvolvimento sustentvel, materializando assim a sua crena na
interdependncia entre a biodiversidade e sociodiversidade (Unterstell &
Martins, 2004).
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Prof. Ena Smith
Para o Texto acima The commercialization of Baniwa products (A
comercializao de produtos Baniwa) voc tem a opo da aula
tambm em vdeo.
Your answers to questions 14-16 must be based on the text below, which
is entitled Insolvencies/Guaranty Funds:
Insolvencies/Guaranty Funds
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Prof. Ena Smith
14 - According to the text, the regulation of insurance company Solvency
seguros uma funo do estado. Portanto, no tem lgica dizer que deveria
ser. Errada.
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c) teria que ser uma das funes do Estado.
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a) actually happen.
b) are undoubtedly preventable.
c) hardly take place.
d) do not pose a threat.
e) used to be more frequent.
a) actually happen.
a) realmente acontecem.
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b) are undoubtedly preventable = b) so sem dvida evitveis. e c) hardly
take place = c) dificilmente ocorrem.
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16 - In relation to the monitoring of the financial health of companies
licensed to provide insurance, the state regulators
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assist = ajudar, socorrer, dar apoio ou suporte = try to save = tentar
salvar, ajudar
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que procedimentos usar, e nem algo que decidem por conta prpria.
Ambas opes esto erradas.
Insolvencies/Guaranty Funds
Insolvncias / Fundos de garantia
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demonstraes financeiras anuais pormenorizadas que as seguradoras so
obrigadas a arquivar e exames peridicos no local.
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is redoubling its efforts to enhance the insurability of inner city properties
and to push for changes in auto insurance that would enable drivers to have
more coverage options.
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significados similares. Na definio acima voc tem a explicao do por que
essa prtica ilegal. Esta a opo correta.
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Prof. Ena Smith
18 - According to the text, in urban areas,
18 De acordo com o texto, em reas urbanas
Ambas opes dizem a mesma coisa. E s por isso nenhuma poderia ser o
gabarito, seno daria anulao da questo. Ambas dizem o contrrio do
que diz o texto. Nas reas urbanas a perda maior e no menor. Erradas.
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No entanto, redlining (excluso de clientes potenciais por motivos
discriminatrios), definida como a recusa em emitir ou renovar ou cancelar
uma aplice de seguro com base na localizao geogrfica da estrutura ou
indivduo a ser segurado, ilegal em cada estado.
Because losses tend to be higher in urban areas, rates for auto and home
insurance are often higher than average in inner cities.
J que as perdas tendem a ser maior nas reas urbanas, as taxas para
automveis e seguro de casa so frequentemente mais elevadas do que a
mdia em reas dilapidadas dos centros urbanos.
Inner city = bairro pobre, de baixa renda; rea degradada, dilapidada (em
geral no centro da cidade)
Nos Estados Unidos a rea central das grandes cidades (inner city) muitas
vezes degradada, enquanto os subrbios afastados so bairros
agradveis. Devido essas reas urbanas estarem mais expostas ao dano,
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Respondendo a estas preocupaes, a indstria de seguros est
redobrando seus esforos para melhorar a capacidade de seguro dos
imveis em reas degradadas e para introduzir mudanas no seguro de
automveis que possibilitariam os motoristas ter mais opes de cobertura.
Should = deve, deveria > usado como auxiliar para moldar um verbo
principal, para se dar um conselho, advertncia ou expressar uma
obrigao; sempre vem antes de um verbo. (tpico visto na aula 03)
no tem lgica dizer que ela deveria fazer isso. Opo errada.
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Prof. Ena Smith
O texto no diz isso, no se fala nada nem sobre cancelamento de aplices
e nem sobre previso de perdas. Opes erradas.
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Prof. Ena Smith
However, redlining, defined as refusal to issue or renew, or cancel an
insurance policy based on the geographic location of the structure or
individual to be insured, is illegal in every state.
Because losses tend to be higher in urban areas, rates for auto and home
insurance are often higher than average in inner cities. This has raised
questions about the availability and affordability of insurance in urban
J que as perdas tendem a ser maior nas reas urbanas, as taxas para
automveis e seguro de casa so frequentemente mais elevadas do que a
mdia em reas dilapidadas dos centros urbanos. Isso tem levantado
questes sobre a disponibilidade e acessibilidade de seguro em
comunidades urbanas.
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Prof. Ena Smith
9 Texto 6, Questes Comentadas e Traduo
Insurance Fraud
Those who commit insurance fraud are not easily identifiable. The
National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) says that insurance cheats range
from organized criminals, to unscrupulous doctors, lawyers, vehicle body
shop owners, to ordinary people who buy insurance. Although the
motivation to commit insurance fraud is always monetary, the amount
also varies greatly, from a few extra dollars on an insurance claim, to
thousands or more stolen by organized fraud rings.
The Insurance Information Institute estimates that
property/casualty insurance fraud cost insurers $24 billion in 1999.
According to Conning and 32049200382 Company, fraud cost the entire insurance
industry $96.2 billion in 1999.
Fraud rings have followed the path of technology to the Internet in
search of fraud opportunities. Along with the ease of electronic filing of
medical claims is the greater potential for committing fraud. Connings
2000 study found that 84 percent of respondents to its fraud survey agree
that the use of the Internet will create new classes of insurance fraud.
20 - According to the text, insurance fraud
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e) has been prevented since 1999.
The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) says that insurance cheats
range from organized criminals, to unscrupulous doctors, lawyers, vehicle
body shop owners, to ordinary people who buy insurance.
De acordo com o texto, pessoas comuns esto includas entre aqueles que
cometem fraude de seguros. A opo diz o contrrio. Errada.
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d) has been prevented since 1999.= tem sido evitada desde 1999.
a) is likely to occur.
b) began in 1999.
c) is unlikely to happen.
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d) worries the government.
e) is avoidable.
Fraud rings have followed the path of technology to the Internet in search
of fraud opportunities. Along with the ease of electronic filing of medical
claims is the greater potential for committing fraud. Connings 2000 study
found that 84 percent of respondents to its fraud survey agree that the
use of the Internet will create new classes of insurance fraud.
O ltimo pargrafo do texto deixa bem claro que na poca a previso era
de que era provvel que o uso da Internet aumentaria as fraudes de
seguros. Esta a opo correta. 00000000000
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Insurance Fraud
Fraude em Seguros
Those who commit insurance fraud are not easily identifiable. The National
Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) says that insurance cheats range from
organized criminals, to unscrupulous doctors, lawyers, vehicle body shop
owners, to ordinary people who buy insurance. Although the motivation
to commit insurance fraud is always monetary, the amount also varies
greatly, from a few extra dollars on an insurance claim, to thousands or
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Prof. Ena Smith
O Instituto de Informao de Seguros estima que a fraude de seguros
contra acidentes/propriedade custou s seguradoras 24 bilhes de dlares
em 1999. De acordo com Conning and Company, a fraude custou
indstria de seguros ao todo 96.2 bilhes de dlares em 1999.
Fraud rings have followed the path of technology to the Internet in search
of fraud opportunities. Along with the ease of electronic filing of medical
claims is the greater potential for committing fraud. Connings 2000 study
found that 84 percent of respondents to its fraud survey agree that the
use of the Internet will create new classes of insurance fraud.
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Prof. Ena Smith
for the centre-right opposition Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB)
was the 342nd member of the 513-seat lower house of Brazils Congress
to say yes to sending impeachment charges against the president, Dilma
Rousseff, to the Senate for trial. The necessary threshold of two-thirds of
deputies had thus been passed; Ms Rousseffs foes in the chamber burst
into song. By the time voting ended, just before midnight, they had notched
up 367 votes. The government, led by Ms Rousseffs Workers Party (PT),
managed 137, plus seven abstentions and two absenteeswell short of the
172 it needed to block the motion.
In their brief speeches during the rowdy six-hour roll-call vote, pro-
impeachment lawmakers railed against Ms Rousseffs economic
mismanagement and PT corruptionthe party and its allies are embroiled
in a vast bribery scandal centred on the state-run oil company, Petrobras.
They were voting for their families, they proclaimed, or their constituents,
or God. One elated pro-impeachment deputy blurted out that he did it for
peace in Jerusalem. Few mentioned the abstruse charge against Ms
Rousseff: that she had fiddled with government accounts to hide the true
size of the budget deficit.
With Mr Arajos vote Brazil entered a tense and uncertain time. In the next
few days the Senates Speaker, Renan Calheiros, will convene a
commission to analyse the lower-house motion. It has ten sessions to
recommend whether to proceed with the trial, which then needs the
approval of a simple majority of the 81 senators to begin. That is likely to
happen by mid-May.
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Prof. Ena Smith
If he does eventually take over, he will face a daunting task. The economy
is in a tailspin. Economic output fell by 3.8% in 2015 and could shrink
by as much again this year, reckons the IMF. Some 10m Brazilians, or one
in ten workers, are jobless. Inflation has eased slightly but remains near
10%, eroding incomes. To restore confidence Mr Temer would first need
to reduce the budget deficit, which has ballooned from 2.4% of GDP to
10.8% since Ms Rousseff first took office in 2011. That would require a
combination of spending cuts and tax rises, neither of which is popular
and some of which need constitutional changes to enact.
Investors will cheer the impeachment vote. Many reckon that anyone is
better than the hapless Ms Rousseff. In November Mr Temer outlined a set
of business-friendly reform proposals at odds with the left-wing programme
of Ms Rousseffs PT. But euphoria will be short-lived if he does not quickly
present a clear reform agenda and a strong economic team. Despite his
pro-reform instincts, neither is assured.
Just because 72% of the house backed impeachment does not mean Mr
Temer will have an easy time putting together simple majorities for reforms
in Congress, let alone the three-fifths of both houses needed to amend the
constitution. He cannot even bank on the full support of his own centrist
Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (PMDB): seven of his party
colleagues backed Ms Rousseff during the impeachment vote, including the
Vocabulrio Traduo
bribery suborno
budget oramento
chamber cmara
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Prof. Ena Smith
enact promulgar
fall cair
house cmara
income salrio
lawmaker legislador
lower house Cmara dos deputados
mismanagement m gesto
office cargo poltico
output produo, rendimento
rail injuriar, protestar
reckon avaliar, estimar, calcular
shrink diminuir, encolher
Speaker Presidente
speech discurso
tailspin despencar, em queda
take office assumir o cargo
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Prof. Ena Smith
AT 11.07pm on April 17th federal deputy Bruno Arajo of Pernambuco state
cast the most momentous vote in his parliamentary career. The lawmaker
for the centre-right opposition Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB)
was the 342nd member of the 513-seat lower house of Brazils Congress to
say yes to sending impeachment charges against the president, Dilma
Rousseff, to the Senate for trial.
In their brief speeches during the rowdy six-hour roll-call vote, pro-
impeachment lawmakers railed against Ms Rousseffs economic
mismanagement and PT corruptionthe party and its allies are embroiled
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Prof. Ena Smith
in a vast bribery scandal centred on the state-run oil company, Petrobras.
They were voting for their families, they proclaimed, or their constituents,
or God. One elated pro-impeachment deputy blurted out that he did it for
peace in Jerusalem. Few mentioned the abstruse charge against Ms
Rousseff: that she had fiddled with government accounts to hide the true
size of the budget deficit.
With Mr Arajos vote Brazil entered a tense and uncertain time. In the next
few days the Senates Speaker, Renan Calheiros, will convene a commission
to analyse the lower-house motion. It has ten sessions to recommend
whether to proceed with the trial, which then needs the approval of a simple
majority of the 81 senators to begin. That is likely to happen by mid-May.
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Prof. Ena Smith
If the senators decide to go ahead, as looks likely, Ms Rousseff must step
aside as president. The vice-president, Michel Temer will take her place for
up to 180 days. Should two-thirds of senators then vote to remove Ms
Rousseff from office, Mr Temer would serve out the rest of her term, which
ends in 2018.
If he does eventually take over, he will face a daunting task. The economy
is in a tailspin. Economic output fell by 3.8% in 2015 and could shrink by
as much again this year, reckons the IMF. Some 10m Brazilians, or one in
ten workers, are jobless. Inflation has eased slightly but remains near 10%,
eroding incomes. To restore confidence Mr Temer would first need to reduce
the budget deficit, which has ballooned from 2.4% of GDP to 10.8% since
Ms Rousseff first took office in 2011. That would require a combination of
spending cuts and tax rises, neither of which is popularand some of which
need constitutional changes to enact.
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Prof. Ena Smith
quais popular e alguns dos quais precisam de mudanas constitucionais
para serem promulgados.
Investors will cheer the impeachment vote. Many reckon that anyone is
better than the hapless Ms Rousseff. In November Mr Temer outlined a set
of business-friendly reform proposals at odds with the left-wing programme
of Ms Rousseffs PT. But euphoria will be short-lived if he does not quickly
present a clear reform agenda and a strong economic team. Despite his
pro-reform instincts, neither is assured.
Just because 72% of the house backed impeachment does not mean Mr
Temer will have an easy time putting together simple majorities for reforms
in Congress, let alone the three-fifths of both houses needed to amend the
constitution. He cannot even bank on the full support of his own centrist
Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (PMDB): seven of his party
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de seu prprio partido centrista do Movimento Democrtico Brasileiro
(PMDB): sete de seus colegas de partido apoiaram Dilma Rousseff durante
a votao do impeachment, incluindo o lder do partido na Cmara,
Leonardo Picciani.
JUST as animals can smell fear in humans, financial markets pounce when
they sniff government paralysis and division. So it was with Brazil in late
September. In a fortnight the real plunged from 3.8 to the dollar to 4.2.
Only when the Central Bank stepped in, offering dollars, was a semblance
of calm restored. The immediate reason for the mayhem was the decision
last month by Standard & Poors, a rating agency, to downgrade Brazils
credit rating from investment grade to junk. That in turn was the inevitable
result of the governments fiscal adjustment coming apart at the
had pushed public debt to 60% of GDP in her first term. So she brought
in Joaquim Levy, a fiscal hawk, as finance minister. He set a target of a
primary surplus (i.e., before interest payments) of 1.2% for this year
(compared with a primary deficit of 0.6% in 2014) and of 2% next year.
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recessionthe economy is set to contract by 3% this yearand the
consequent fall in tax revenues. Fatally, instead of announcing stiffer
spending cuts, Mr Levy loosened his targets. The economic team made a
complete mess of next years budget, saying at first that it would involve
a deficit and backtracking only after the downgrade.
Vocabulrio Traduo
rating agency agncia de classificao de
budget oramento
come apart at the seams arrebentar pelas costuras
(expresso idiomtica) (literal); descontrolar-se,
desmoronar, entrar em colapso
fiscal adjustment ajuste fiscal
fortnight quinzena
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) PIB (Produto Interno Bruto)
interest juros
plunge cair, despencar
spending cut corte de gastos
tax break 00000000000
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Prof. Ena Smith
JUST as animals can smell fear in humans, financial markets pounce when
they sniff government paralysis and division. So it was with Brazil in late
September. In a fortnight the real plunged from 3.8 to the dollar to 4.2.
Only when the Central Bank stepped in, offering dollars, was a semblance
of calm restored.
The immediate reason for the mayhem was the decision last month by
Standard & Poors, a rating agency, to downgrade Brazils credit rating from
investment grade to junk. That in turn was the inevitable result of the
governments fiscal adjustment coming apart at the seams.
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Isso por sua vez causou o resultado inevitvel do colapso do ajuste fiscal
do governo.
Segundo Levy, a meta seria atingida com cortes nos gastos discricionrios
(em itens como financiamento estudantil e habitacional) do governo
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federal e com a eliminao de algumas desoneraes fiscais. Mas ele
subestimou a gravidade da recesso, a economia do Brasil deve sofrer
retrao de 3% este ano, e a consequente queda das receitas fiscais.
Fatalmente, ao invs de aprofundar os cortes de gastos, Levy relaxou as
metas. A equipe econmica fez uma baguna completa no oramento do
prximo ano, anunciando num primeiro momento um oramento
deficitrio, para voltar atrs quando a nota de crdito do pas foi rebaixada.
old scheme, recently extended for another two years, to fast-track their
visa applications. These are filed in countries that border Syria. Brazil has
issued visas to 8,000 Syrians so far and granted asylum to 2,100. That
puts it ahead of Italy and Spain (though these are smaller countries).
Brazils tiny Muslim population of 35,000 is about to grow. In all, 18,000
asylum-seekers are awaiting decisions.
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Most refugees prefer work to handouts. But with the economy expected
to shrink by 3% this year, jobs are increasingly hard to find. Everything
here is wonderfulexcept for jobs, says Mobkaf Altawil, a Syrian architect
who fled to Brazil a year ago with his wife, who is a lawyer. He bakes
pizzas for a living; many others arent so lucky. Until the economy returns
to growth, Brazil is unlikely to become a popular destinationno matter
how warm the welcome.
Vocabulrio Traduo
agreement acordo
border fronteira
for a living como meio de vida
grant conceder
growth crescimento
handout doao, donativo, esmola
increasingly crescentemente
issue emitir; questo, assunto
lawyer advogado(a)
shrink encolher, diminuir
strengthen fortalecer, reforar
UN High Commissioner for Alto Comissariado das Naes
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Prof. Ena Smith
BRAZILIANS pride themselves on their embraceoften literal, given their
fondness for hugsof strangers. Nearly all 204m of them are descendants
of immigrants or of African slaves. Nativist sentiment is practically non-
existent; foreigners easily blend into Brazils multi-hued society. Brazil is
a land of welcome, President Dilma Rousseff wrote recently in an article
on the global migration crisis.
These are filed in countries that border Syria. Brazil has issued visas to
8,000 Syrians so far and granted asylum to 2,100. That puts it ahead of
Italy and Spain (though these are smaller countries). Brazils tiny Muslim
population of 35,000 is about to grow. In all, 18,000 asylum-seekers are
awaiting decisions.
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Most refugees prefer work to handouts. But with the economy expected to
shrink by 3% this year, jobs are increasingly hard to find. Everything here
is wonderfulexcept for jobs, says Mobkaf Altawil, a Syrian architect who
fled to Brazil a year ago with his wife, who is a lawyer. He bakes pizzas for
a living; many others arent so lucky. Until the economy returns to growth,
Brazil is unlikely to become a popular destinationno matter how warm the
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13 Texto 10, Vocabulrio e Traduo
Dwindling dollars
At the same time, demand for dollars is rising. Egypt has run annual trade
deficits for over a decade. Lately they have grown. Although the bill for oil
has come down along with the price, Egypt still imported $12.3 billion-
worth last year. It also spent $48.5 billion on other imports, including
wheat, cars and metals. This is where the pressure comes from, says
Allen Sandeep of Naeem Holdings, an investment firm. The countrys
exports, totaling $22 billion last year, dont match up.
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Vocabulrio Traduo
advisable recomendvel, aconselhvel
come down baixar, diminuir
dwindle diminuir, definhar
Fiscal year ano Fiscal, exerccio, o perodo
de tempo em que h a execuo
grow crescer, aumentar, desenvolver
IMF ( International Monetary FMI (Fundo Monetrio
Fund) Internacional)
rate taxa
rise crescer, aumentar
shortage escassez, falta
supply fornecer, abastecer, oferta
wishful thinking (espresso iluso, auto-engano, auto-
idiomtica) sugesto, fantasia, sonho,
utopia, excesso de otimismo
Dwindling dollars
Dlares encolhendo
to fall
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out the illicit trade. But demand for greenbacks is outpacing supply once
more, leaving the government short of cash and putting the traders back
in business.
At the same time, demand for dollars is rising. Egypt has run annual trade
deficits for over a decade. Lately they have grown. Although the bill for oil
has come down along with the price, Egypt still imported $12.3 billion-
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worth last year. It also spent $48.5 billion on other imports, including
wheat, cars and metals. This is where the pressure comes from, says
Allen Sandeep of Naeem Holdings, an investment firm. The countrys
exports, totaling $22 billion last year, dont match up.
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14 - Vocabulrios
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sponsorship patrocnio
statement declarao, comunicado
steal roubar
threaten ameaar
turmoil instabilidade, tumulto
Sinnimos (Synonyms):
applicant claimant, petitioner
burden load, onus, encumbrance
burdensome - onerous
buy - purchase
citizenry people, citizens
cope with meet, conform to, gather
costly expensive, pricey
dealing transaction, relations
enabler somebody who facilitates something
essay - composition
insurance financial hedge
lawyer attorney 00000000000
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sponsorship - patronage
statement declaration
steal thieve, rob
threaten - menace
turmoil disturbances, instability
Kleptocracy Initiative
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kleptocrats use political power not only to govern but also to brazenly steal
from their own citizenry. Kleptocrats also export corruption.
Rather than keeping the money at home, they hide their illicit capital
in countries where the rule of law is strong. Ironically, the West is
participating in the kleptocratic system by safeguarding these stolen funds.
Our professional world is full of enablers bankers, lawyers, lobbyists, and
even legislators who profit from these funds, develop a vested interest
in continuing the flow of capital, and facilitate foreign corruption. They
become less supportive of democratic foreign policy objectives because
reforms abroad may impact their financial interests at home.
While we cannot directly control the behavior of other countries, we
can protect our freedom and democracy by denying safe haven to the
money stolen by kleptocratic regimes hostile to our interests. We can
reduce the influence of enablers, standing up to those within our ranks who
profit from these regimes.
(Kleptocracy Initiative. Available at: <>.
Access on: 30 April 2016.)
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Prof. Ena Smith
E) the US are less supportive of democratic foreign policy.
A) Instead of.
B) In spite of.
C) In favour of.
D) In exchange for.
E) In pursuance of. 00000000000
A) Since.
B) When.
C) Where.
D) Because.
E) Although.
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Prof. Ena Smith
06. STANDING UP TO (line 17)
A) Ignoring.
B) Protecting.
C) Tolerating.
D) Confronting.
E) Intimidating.
Matriculate while-u-wait
Tom Petty had it right: The waiting is the hardest part. Now William &
Maryand Wake Forest B-schools are doing something about that. They have
come up with an express service for admissions that reduces the months-
long wait for acceptance notification to a matter of hours by replacing the
lengthy application essay with an hour-long face-to-face interview by
faculty and school administrators. At both schools, about 10% of all
applicants used the fast-track process, which the schools say is more
effective than traditional applications because it requires students to
demonstrate business skills such as preparedness and grace under fire.
Extrado de Business Week, n. 4078, p.92, April, 2008.
07. The title of the text refers to the fact that students
A) are requested to wait outside the interview room before they get a
B) can write their applications while they wait to talk with interviewers.
C) have to show their business skills by filling application forms and writing
D) learn they have been accepted and can enroll shortly after their
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E) still have to wait for long periods to get admitted to some business
08. According to the text, the new admission process is more effective
A large order of baskets was placed by different participants of the fair, and
200 Baniwa artisans were mobilized to produce hundreds of baskets in a
short period of time. However, problems with the shipping of the products
from the Northwest Brazilian Amazon to the State of So Paulo (SP) and
the lack of any institutional sponsorship at the fair resulted in poor sales
and revenues, disappointing the artisans after the hard work. As a result,
many of the participant artisans abandoned the project, suspicious of its
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real potential and credibility (Martins & Unterstell, 2009; Unterstell &
Martins, 2004; Wright, 2009).
Although this was an important setback, the search for commercial partners
for the Arte Baniwa project continued and resulted in the identification of
one of the major furniture and home decoration stores in Brazil, called Tok
14 & Stok, as a potential outlet. With the intermediation of ISA, the store
decided to buy all the Baniwa products that had not been sold at the
ExpoFlora fair in order to minimize the losses.
In addition, Tok & Stok placed an order for more baskets, paying three
times more than the artisans were used to receiving for their work in the
local markets of the Northwest Brazilian Amazon. With these two actions,
Tok & Stok thus became a privileged partner and outlet of the Arte Baniwa
The evolution of the project was followed by contacts with a major Brazilian
retailer possessing the largest network of supermarkets in the country. The
partnership with this chain, the Po de Acar Group, was responsible not
only for giving great visibility to the Baniwa products, but also for
introducing the element of competitive pricing to the project, as the
company had more strict commercial policies than the other buyers and
partners of the project. This partnership with the Po de Acar Group was
only possible because there were long discussions between the company
and the project (Unterstell & Martins, 2004).
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For the ISA as a NGO that defends the indigenous rights, it was important
to demonstrate the feasibility of this type of project by showing that these
initiatives can be sustainable in social, economic and ecological ways. The
Arte Baniwa is recognized as a sustainable development project, thus
materializing its belief in the interdependence between biodiversity and
socio-diversity (Unterstell & Martins, 2004).
09. Why did many of the participating Baniwa artisans withdraw from the
Arte Baniwa project after the ExpoFlora?
a) They did not like the idea of their baskets being used as flower bolders.
b) Being from the Amazon, the artisans did not feel comfortable in So
d) They were not able to produce enough baskets to fill the large order
requested by Expoflora participants.
10. When did the authors finish collecting data for this research project?
a) 1990
b) 2004
c) 2005
d) 2009
e) 2011
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Prof. Ena Smith
11. In lines 13-14 of the text, Tok & Stok is identified as a potential outlet
for Arte Baniwa products. What word could be used as a substitute for
potential in the text?
a) Powerful
b) Commercial
c) Profitable
d) Possible
e) Partner
12. Based upon the text as presented, what seems to be the reasoning
behind the Arte Baniwa project?
c) To integrate the Baniwa people of the Brazilian Amazon into the formal
Brazilian economy.
d) To expose the Brazilian public to Baniwa arts and crafts by selling them
in popular stores, such as Tok & Stok and Po de Aucar.
13. How did the Po de Aucar Group become a partner of the Arte Baniwa
c) As a privileged partner, Tok & Stok introduced the Arte Baniwa project
to the Po de Aucar Group.
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d) The Po de Aucar Group decided to become a partner after buying
Baniwa baskets at the ExpoFlora in So Paulo.
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a) actually happen.
b) are undoubtedly preventable.
c) hardly take place.
d) do not pose a threat.
e) used to be more frequent.
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Prof. Ena Smith
and to push for changes in auto insurance that would enable drivers to have
more coverage options.
Those who commit insurance fraud are not easily identifiable. The
National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) says that insurance cheats range
from organized criminals, to unscrupulous doctors, lawyers, vehicle body
shop owners, to ordinary people who buy insurance. Although the
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Prof. Ena Smith
motivation to commit insurance fraud is always monetary, the amount
also varies greatly, from a few extra dollars on an insurance claim, to
thousands or more stolen by organized fraud rings.
The Insurance Information Institute estimates that
property/casualty insurance fraud cost insurers $24 billion in 1999.
According to Conning and Company, fraud cost the entire insurance
industry $96.2 billion in 1999.
Fraud rings have followed the path of technology to the Internet in
search of fraud opportunities. Along with the ease of electronic filing of
medical claims is the greater potential for committing fraud. Connings
2000 study found that 84 percent of respondents to its fraud survey agree
that the use of the Internet will create new classes of insurance fraud.
a) is likely to occur.
b) began in 1999.
c) is unlikely to happen.
d) worries the government.
e) is avoidable.
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Prof. Ena Smith
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