AULA 04 - EsPCEx 2024
AULA 04 - EsPCEx 2024
AULA 04 - EsPCEx 2024
Pronouns and Prepositions
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Personal pronouns 4
Possessive Pronouns 6
Reflexive Pronouns 11
Demonstrative Pronouns 14
Indefinite Pronouns 15
Relative Pronouns 18
Interrogative Pronouns 20
Prepositions of place 22
In 22
On 23
At 25
To 26
For 26
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
1. Introdução
Vamos, então, à nossa aula sobre outros dois importantes tópicos gramaticais: os
pronomes e suas classes; os determinantes e suas propriedades; as preposições e suas
variedades e, também, as conjunções e suas famosas orações coordenadas e subordinadas,
entre outras.
Na língua inglesa, existem muitas classes gramaticais, as quais estamos estudando no
decorrer das nossas aulas. Mas, a que substitui e determina os substantivos é a classe dos
pronomes (pronouns). Veremos muitos tipos de pronomes nessa aula.
Quantifiers – os determinantes, são expressões usadas para indicar informações a respeito
da quantidade de algo. Veremos muitos tipos deles.
Prepositions – as famosas preposições – as muitas preposições que existem em Inglês são
palavras que ligam termos e estabelecem relação entre eles. Vamos estudar as principais
preposições que podem aparecer na sua prova.
As Conjunctions – conjunções – são palavras que são usadas para fazer a conexão entre
palavras ou frases. Veremos muitas e inúmeros exemplos para que fique claro o uso delas nas
muitas orações em que aparecem.
As línguas, de forma geral, são sistemas que devemos internalizar naturalmente, mas,
como o conhecimento da língua consiste em uma fragmentação de conteúdos em regras (com
muitas exceções), fica complicado aprender e usar bem todos esses tópicos gramaticais, todo esse
conteúdo proposto em nossas aulas, eu sei disso. Até porque uma língua é parte integrante de
uma cultura e de suas relações sociais e, como brasileiro, você estuda a língua estrangeira como
um elemento externo, para capacitar você a conseguir ler e responder as questões no dia da
Vou fornecer ferramentas específicas para simplificar o estudo de pronomes, de
determinantes, de preposições, de conjunções, assim como de todos os assuntos que abrangem
o conteúdo programático, e, uma vez preparado para a prova, o caminho para a aprovação será
mais facilmente percorrido.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
2. Pronouns
Os prounouns – pronomes – são palavras que acompanham os substantivos e podem
substituí-los (direta ou indiretamente), retomá-los ou fazer referência a eles.
Sem os pronomes, as orações ficariam confusas e longas demais, como por exemplo, ao
citar os nomes de 3 pessoas em uma frase, podemos usar o pronome sujeito they (eles/elas),
remetendo àquelas pessoas, veja:
Elizabeth, Lourdes and Alexander play golf together. – They play golf together.
Os pronomes em Inglês, de acordo com a função que exercem, são classificados em:
v pronomes pessoais (personal pronouns: subject e object pronouns)
v pronomes possessivos (possessive pronouns: possessive adjectives and possessive
v pronomes demonstrativos (demonstrative pronouns)
v pronomes reflexivos (reflexive pronouns)
v pronomes indefinidos (indefinite pronouns)
v pronomes relativos (relative pronouns)
v pronomes interrogativos (interrogative pronouns)
Personal pronouns
Os personal pronouns – pronomes pessoais, podem indicar pessoas, lugares e objetos. São
classificados em:
v Subject Pronouns: os pronomes que funcionam como sujeitos, como por exemplo:
Lavinia is beautiful – She is beautiful. (Lavinia é o substantivo da frase, que está sendo
substituído pelo Subject Pronoun She)
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
v Object Pronouns: os pronomes que funcionam como objetos, por exemplo:
I want to go to the park with Lavinia – I want to go to the park with her. (Lavinia é o
substantivo da frase, que está sendo substituído pelo Object Pronoun her)
Os pronomes sujeitos, subject prounouns – vêm no início das frases, na maioria das vezes.
Isso porque, o sujeito de uma frase é a pessoa que realiza a ação, certo? Pode até ser que o subject
pronoun apareça no meio de uma frase, mas têm a função de sujeito, de quem realiza a ação,
como por exemplo:
He works at the office every day – Every day, he works at the office.
(Ele trabalha no escritório todos os dias.) (Todos os dias, ele trabalha no escritório.)
Já os object pronouns, quase sempre aparecem no fim das frases, na função de objeto
mesmo, que seriam os objetos direto e indireto.
O que você precisa saber (e que nenhum livro diz) é que os pronomes sujeitos e objetos
têm o mesmo significado, porém colocados em lugares diferentes da frase.
Se eu falar “Ela estuda” é “She studies” mas, “Eu estudo com ela”, com a palavra ela no
final da frase, ela vira um pronome objeto e fica: “I study with her”, entendeu o bizu?
Como esses pronomes estão correlacionados, fiz uma tabela para você. Veja qual pronome
sujeito se refere a cada pronome objeto abaixo, veja os dois tipos de personal pronouns:
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
We are the people. It’s us. (Nós somos as pessoas. Somos nós).
You are the person. It’s you. (Vocês são as pessoas. São vocês).
They are the people. It’s them. (Eles são as pessoas. São eles).
Possessive Pronouns
Os possessive pronouns são aqueles que indicam que algo pertence a alguém. São
classificados em possessive adjectives e possessive pronouns (pronomes adjetivos e pronomes
Possessive Adjectives: Esses possessivos são sempre são acompanhados por substantivos,
modificando-os. E eles não têm singular e plural, por exemplo: my significa meu, minha, meus e
minhas, assim como your significa seu, sua, seus, suas e assim por diante, veja:
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Whose umbrella is this? It’s mine. And the keys? They are mine.
(De quem é esse guarda-chuva? É meu. E as chaves? São minhas.)
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are mine. (São meus).
Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are yours. (São seus).
Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are his. (São dele).
Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are hers. (São dela).
Whose books are these? De quem...livros? They are its. (São dela - loja/biblioteca).
Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are ours. (São nossos).
Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are yours. (São seus).
Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are theirs. (São meus).
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Nesse texto, da prova IME/2018, sobre os pronomes sublinhados, os dois primeiros são
object pronouns, them e se referem, respectivamente às minhocas – waxworms: elas, pronome
them e às larvas – caterpillars, também elas, pronome them.
O terceiro, her, é um possessive adjective, que se refere à Federica Bertocchini, portanto,
O último sublinhado – their – é outro possessive adjective, que se refere às waxworms,
portanto, delas.
Você não precisa decorar esses nomes para o dia da prova. Porém, precisa saber onde cada
pronome se encaixa, entendê-los e identificar como são usados nas frases. Veja também, por
curiosidade, uma questão ITA/2018:
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Nessa charge, da prova ITA/2018, sobre os pronomes sublinhados, os dois primeiros são
possessive adjectives, your se refere à Helga (your husband – seu marido), em uma frase sobre o
marido ser preguiçoso (lazy). Ela responde que o trabalho dele (his job) é difícil (hard).
Depois, um object pronoun: é dito que todos servem a ele (him), significando ele.
E o último é também um possessive adjective: ... a pilllow for my back (um travesseiro para
minhas costas).
E agora, um quadro só, com os dois tipos de possessive pronouns, para ficar mais fácil ainda
de memorizar e comparar ambos os tipos de possessivos. E, não se esqueça dos bizus de como
memorizá-los com mais facilidade. Vamos lá!
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Reflexive Pronouns
Os reflexive pronouns – pronomes reflexivos são aqueles que praticam a ação sobre si
mesmo (eu mesmo, você mesmo etc). São usados de acordo com o sujeito da oração, sempre.
São palavras que têm os sufixos “-self” (singular) e “-selves” (plural).
Os reflexive pronouns possuem 3 funções:
v Função reflexiva: é quando o pronome concorda com o sujeito e aparece
depois dele:
Lisa was looking herself in the mirror. (Lisa estava se olhando no espelho).
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
v Função idiomática: é quando o pronome vem precedido da preposição by,
para indicar que o sujeito praticou a ação sozinho.
It cut itself with a knife. Ele se cortou com a faca. (um animal, por exemplo)
Vejamos uma tabela dos pronomes que estudamos até agora, com as devidas
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Se analisarmos a própria palavra pronome, “pro” significa “em função de”. Logo, é possível
concluir que “pronome” é sinônimo de algo que está “em função do nome”. Por isso, os pronomes
existem para remeter, retomar ou qualificar outras palavras expressas nos textos.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Demonstrative Pronouns
Os demonstrative pronouns – pronomes demonstrativos, são apenas 4 e são simples de
entender. São usados para situar a posição de algo no espaço em que se encontra. São aqueles
pronomes que mostram, indicam algo que pode estar perto ou longe. Veja uma tabela e uma
ilustração com esses pronomes.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Indefinite Pronouns
Os indefinite pronouns – pronomes indefinidos, recebem esse nome porque substituem ou
acompanham o substantivo, porém, de forma indeterminada. Eles oferecem a ideia, por exemplo,
de algum lugar, alguma coisa, alguém, qualquer lugar, qualquer pessoa, entre outros nomes
imprecisos dentro das orações.
Os pronomes indefinidos começam com as palavras some, any, no e every. E terminam com
os sufixos -body, -one, -thing, -where, entre outros, a depender do contexto.
Em geral, usa-se -some, -every e -no em frases afirmativas, -any em frases negativas e
Aqui, vale lembrar algumas diferenças entre some e any, só para ilustrar: some para frases
afirmativas e any para negativas e interrogativas, ambas as palavras significam algum, alguma,
alguns, algumas e, dependendo do contexto, nas negativas, significam nenhum/nenhuma, ok?
Vejamos alguns exemplos para ilustrar:
São muitos os pronomes indefinidos e, por isso, precisamos analisar diferentes exemplos
que podem estar presentes nos textos de forma geral. Vou mostrar variados exemplos abaixo,
nos quadros que seguem:
I believe someone forgot the book. Eu acredito que alguém esqueceu o livro.
She said something is wrong. Ela disse que alguma coisa está errada.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
I can’t see anybody in the room. Não consigo ver ninguém na sala.
I won’t do anything at the moment. Não consigo fazer nada nesse momento.
She is going home anyway. Ela está indo para casa de qualquer forma/jeito.
She said nobody won the medal. Ela disse que ninguém ganhou a medalha.
None of the exercises are right. Nenhum dos exercícios está certo.
She is going nowhere. Ela não está indo para lugar nenhum.
She is going home anyway. Ela está indo para de qualquer forma/jeito.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Everybody is going to the party. Todos vão para a festa.
She is doing everything she can. Ela está fazendo tudo o que pode.
I’ve been everywhere in this city. Já estive em todos os lugares dessa cidade.
He drove every way at the race. Ele dirigiu em todos os sentidos na corrida.
Uma vez dominadas essas palavras, a compreensão e busca pelas respostas fica mais
acessível, não é mesmo? Por isso, eu sempre gosto de enfatizar a importância de se conhecer os
termos gramaticais, sejam eles pronomes, verbos, preposições, artigos.
Basta estudar! Conte comigo.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Relative Pronouns
Os relative pronouns – pronomes relativos, são palavras que exercem a função de sujeito
ou de objeto nas frases. Quando for sujeito, haverá um substantivo antes desse pronome. Mas,
quando aparecer após um verbo, com ou sem preposição, então, estamos falando de um
pronome relativo com função de objeto.
Em ambas as situações, o que importa é saber a estrutura e entender para que e onde são
usados tais pronomes nos textos, independentemente da função que exercem.
Vejamos um quadro com os nomes dos pronomes e vamos falar dos detalhes de cada um
deles para compreender melhor.
Na função de sujeito, os pronomes relativos são: who (para pessoas), which (para
objetos/animais) e that (para pessoas e objetos: neutro).
She didn’t say who arrived. (Ela não disse quem chegou).
O pronome se refere ao homem que chegou (objeto) e não a ela (sujeito)
The girl who disappeared studied with me. (A garota que desapareceu estudava comigo).
O pronome se refere à garota que desapareceu: o sujeito
They didn’t show who the magician was. (Eles não mostraram quem era o mágico).
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
O pronome se refere ao mágico que chegou: o sujeito
Os pronomes vistos acima, com os respectivos exemplos, também são muito cobrados nas
provas. Independentemente da maneira como esses pronomes aparecerem nos textos, se você
entender o funcionamento de cada um deles dentro do contexto, saberá responder as questões
da prova.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Interrogative Pronouns
Os interrogative pronouns – pronomes interrogativos, também chamados de Question
Words, são aquelas palavras utilizadas para fazer perguntas, termos que representam aquilo que
queremos saber: o lugar, o motivo, a hora, o dia, entre outros. Vejamos alguns exemplos:
o What is your favorite fruit? Grapes. (Qual é a sua fruta favorita?) Uvas.
o Which fruit do you prefer, apple or pear? Pear. (Qual fruta você prefere, maçã
ou pera?) Pera.
o Where do you go on the weekends? To the club. (Onde você vai nos fins de
semana?) Ao clube.
o When is Christmas? It’s on December 24th. (Quando é o Natal? É 24 de
o How do you go to work? By bus. (Como você vai para o trabalho?) De ônibus.
o Who is that boy over there? It’s my brother. (Quem é aquele garoto lá?) É
meu irmão.
o To whom did he give the present? To me. (Para quem ele deu o presente?)
Para mim.
o Whose house is that ? It’s mine. (De quem é aquela casa?) Minha.
o Why do you study English? Because I need. (Por que você estuda alemão?)
Porque eu preciso.
Observação: Você percebeu que usamos dois pronomes interrogativos para fazer
perguntas com a palavra qual – WHAT/WHICH – sendo What para perguntas gerais “O quê/Qual”.
Mas, se for uma escolha – “Qual você prefere, esse ou aquele?”, usamos “Which”.
‘What’ e ‘Which’ têm a mesma tradução, mas o momento em que se usa cada um é
diferente, já que ‘what’ não apresenta restrições como o pronome interrogativo ‘which’ é usado
somente quando há um número limitado de opções. Vejamos o quadro ilustrativo:
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Os pronomes interrogativos, nos textos, são usados quando há perguntas dentro de um
contexto e, na maioria das vezes, a resposta vem logo em seguida.
Ou, às vezes, são leituras mais técnicas, reflexivas, artigos científicos, entre outros, em que
há perguntas sem resposta dentro dos textos. E precisam de respostas mais amplas do que um
“sim” ou um “não”. Por isso aparecem, nas alternativas de resposta, algumas opções como um
lugar ou horário e, se você souber qual é o pronome, acerta a questão.Veremos questões com
esses pronomes adiante para praticar.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
3. Prepositions
As prepositions (preposições) são palavras ou grupos de palavras que ligam e
estabelecem relações dentro das frases. Nessas relações, um termo explica ou completa o
sentido do outro. As preposições mais importantes e mais usadas nas provas são as preposições
de lugar e de tempo.
Prepositions of place
As preposições de lugar são muito importantes, pois elas são responsáveis por fazer com
que o falante possa expressar com precisão a posição exata de alguém ou alguma coisa. Algumas
das mais utilizadas são:
ü On - dependendo do contexto pode significar: sobre a; em cima de; acima de; em; no; na.
A preposição in é utilizada no seguintes casos:
1) Para indicar tempo, seja o ano, o mês, as estações do ano ou uma parte do dia.
• I study in the evening. (Eu estudo a noite.)
• He plays volleyball in the afternoon. (Ele joga vôlei de tarde.)
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
• My birthday is in April. (Meu aniversário dela é em abril.)
• My brother was born in 2012. (Meu irmão nasceu em 2012.)
• We always visit New York in the summer. ( Nós sempre visitamos Nova Iorque no verão).
Nessa regra existe uma exceção em relação ao termo “night”. Nesse caso, a preposição
utilizada é o “at”, por exemplo: at night (à noite – madrugada, após dormir).
2) Para indicar lugar, seja uma cidade, um país ou qualquer local específico.
• She lives in Italy. (Ela mora na Itália.)
• He works in São Paulo. (Ele trabalha em São Paulo.)
• Some people like to have a TV in the bedroom. (Algumas pessoas gostam de ter uma TV no
• They left the dog in the house. (Eles deixaram o cachorro na casa.)
• He is waiting for me in the living room. (Ele está me esperando na sala.)
A preposição on é utilizada nos seguintes casos:
1) Para indicar tempo. No entanto, diferentemente do “in” ela é usada para datas específicas.
• I was born on March 10th. (Eu nasci no em 10 de março.)
• He studies English on Tuesdays and Thursdays .(Ele estuda Inglês às terças e quintas.)
• Joanne bought a new car on November 17th. (Joanne comprou um carro novo dia 17 de
• They always go out on Saturdays. (Eles sempre saem aos sábados.)
• I will travel on December 18th. ( Vou viajar dia 18 de dezembro.)
• She will go to the park on Sunday. (Ela vai ao parque no domingo.)
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
2) Para indicar lugares e objetos. Todavia, diferentemente do “in” ela é usada para locais e objetos
que possuem uma superfície. Nesse caso, ela significa em cima de.
• The book is on the bed. (O livro está em cima da cama).
• The cushion is on the floor. (A almofada está no chão.)
• My dog sleeps on the couch. (Meu cachorro dorme em cima do/no sofá).
• I will put the paper on my desk. (Vou colocar o papel em cima da/na mesinha.)
• She left her blouse on that chair. (Ela deixou a blusa dela em cima daquela/naquela
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
• I live at 300 Karl Street. (Eu moro na rua Karl, nº 300.)
• He wrote a book about a man who lived at 25 Baker Street. (Ele escreveu um livro sobre
um homem que morava na Baker Street, nº 25.)
A preposição at é utilizada nos seguintes casos:
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A preposição to é utilizada nos seguintes casos:
1) Para indicar movimento, posição, destino ou direção.
We are going to Greece. (Nós vamos para a Grécia).
A preposição for é utilizada nos seguintes casos:
1) Para indicar duração de tempo.
I’ve worked at school for six years. (Trabalhei na escola por seis anos).
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
2) Para indicar finalidade. Nesse caso, é seguido de gerúndio.
A tape is used for fixing things. (Uma fita é usada para consertar as coisas).
Vimos que as preposições são palavras curtas, que geralmente vem depois de um
substantivo. As preposições são muito cobradas nas provas. Pelo fato de haver muitas
preposições com vários significados e, como não há uma regra específica de como e quando
devemos usá-las, o melhor jeito para aprender as preposições é lendo muito, fazendo muitos
exercícios de provas anteriores para aprender aos poucos.
Vou mostrar a você um quadro ilustrativo com as preposições que mais apareceram em
exercícios de variados vestibulares e que, são realmente mais comuns de forma geral. Conte
comigo! Vamos lá!
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Como vimos, o termo se refere a feast, banquete, não a Deus, God. ERRADA.
d) the Indians
Como vimos, o termo se refere a feast, banquete, não aos índios, the Indians. ERRADA.
a) for – to – on – in
b) on – in – from – to
c) to – from – in – for
d) since – for – from – to
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
3. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)
In “... and it will be lit every night until 6 January.” (line 11), “6 January”
O “pulo do gato” aqui era perceber que until significa até, indicando que seis de janeiro é até
quando o evento de Natal vai acontecer, ou seja, estabelecendo um prazo final.
a) represents when the action will begin.
representa quando a ação começará- na verdade, representa quando a ação vai terminar.
b) indicates the deadline for the event.
indica a data limite para o evento- CORRETA, conforme explicado acima. A árvore de natal
será acesa até dia 6 de janeiro.
c) refers to a past date.
refere-se a uma data passada- como vimos, refere-se a uma data futura em relação ao
momento em que o texto foi escrito. ERRADA.
d) shows the date the text was written-
mostra a data em que o texto foi escrito- o texto foi escrito antes de 6 de janeiro, pois
projeta nessa data o fim do evento de Natal que notícia. ERRADA.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
4. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016)
Fill in the blank, in the text, with the appropriate reflexive pronoun.
a) yourselves
b) yourself
c) ourselves
d) themselves
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
was an accident, but it’s still working to establish the
exact cause.
Crew - um grupo de pessoas que trabalham na aeronave.
8. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) Choose the alternative that best completes the
dialogue below.
Mary: Whose pencil is that? Is it yours, Paul?
Paul: No, it’s not ____. I saw Susan using it. I think it’s ____.
a) mine - him
b) mine - hers
c) my - hers
d) my – her
9. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) The sentence “We have learned nothing”, in the text,
can be replaced by
a) We have learned anything.
b) We haven’t learned anything.
c) We haven’t learned something.
d) We haven’t learned everything.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
10. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) The correct preposition that fills in the blank in the
text is
a) at
b) by
c) for
d) from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
12. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)
Choose the right alternative to have the blanks filled, respectively
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
a) who / who
b) which / that
c) that / which
d) which / who
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
d) a possessive adjective.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Read the text and answer question 17.
Hijacked jets destroy Twin Towers: a creeping horror
The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp
eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of bodies helplessly tumbling out, some
of _____ in flames.
Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of
smoke raced through the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped like
tornadoes on their sides.
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one coming? No, it
was a fighter jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for _____ lives, but _____ didn’t
know where to go. Should people go north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People
hid beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated jumping into the river (…).
Fonte:The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001.
chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora
trembling floors – o tremor dos andares
to scramble – lutar
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
The voice __________ the radio answered, “This is the Control Tower. “Please inform your
The pilot replied, “We are at 30,000 feet”.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
21. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)
The word “yourself”, in bold in the text, is a __________ pronoun.
a) personal
b) reflexive
c) possessive
d) demonstrative
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Mr Evers announced the legislation in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd in the
neighbouring state of Minnesota. His death in May highlighted police brutality and racism in the
US and sparked protests around the world.
What's the latest from Kenosha?
Hundreds of people marched on police headquarters on Sunday night to demonstrate against
the shooting. Vehicles were set on fire and protesters shouted "we won't back down" as officers
used tear gas to try to disperse the crowds. Organisers have called for further demonstrations in
the Wisconsin city on Monday.
Clyde McLemore, a member of a nearby chapter of the Black Lives Matter movement, issued a
call on Facebook for a march through the city starting at midday.
Reports suggest up to 200 members of the National Guard will be deployed on Monday.
Lawmakers "have failed to act" in the two months since he announced the "commonsense
policies", the governor tweeted. "I am urging the Legislature to rise to this occasion and give this
special session the urgent and productive effort this moment demands and that the people of
Wisconsin deserve," he wrote.
Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
If a passenger's next ride goes off without a hitch, they will not have to take a selfie again the
next time they go to request a ride.
The mask verification selfie, for both drivers and riders, uses object detection technology to
determine whether a person is wearing a mask.
Kansal told CNN Business that the company has done "a lot of optimizations" to detect things
like if someone is trying to cover their mouth with their hand, for instance, instead of a mask. "It
has to be a real-time picture of a face wearing a mask." In the instances where a person orders
an Uber for a friend or family member with their account, "the person who is actually requesting
the ride is the person who will have to go through the face verification process."
For both riders and drivers, repeated violations of Uber's policies could lead to deactivation,
but the company declined to go into detail regarding how many violations contribute to a
"We have definitely taken action, including taking people off the platform, both from the rider
and driver side," Kansal said, referring to mask-related violations.
The company said on July 1 that its mask requirement in the US and Canada would be in effect
(Adapted from
24. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The underlined word in the text in paragraph 2, refers
a) Drivers
b) Riders
c) Uber employees
d) Drivers and passengers
25. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “my” in the comic is a ______ pronoun
a) Possessive
b) Reflexive
c) Subject
d) Relative
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
26. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita)
Which sentence is grammatically correct?
a) They want an information.
b) We watch many movies every weekend.
c) Those woman feels attracted by me.
d) I bought an new car last week.
e) This car is faster than mine car.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
molecules bind to olfactory sensory neurons, which then send a signal by way of an axon, a long
tail that threads through the skull and delivers that message to the brain, which registers the
molecules as, say, coffee, leather, or rotting lettuce.
Scientists still don’t fully understand this system, including exactly what happens when it stops
working. And most people don't realize how common smell loss really is, Munger says. “That
lack of public understanding means there’s less attention to try to understand the basic
functions of the system.”
People can lose their sense of smell after suffering a viral infection, like influenza or the
common cold, or after a traumatic brain injury. Some are born without any sense of smell at all
or lose it because of cancer treatments or diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It may also
fade as people age. While smell disorders aren’t as apparent as hearing loss or vision
impairment, data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) show that nearly 25 percent of
Americans over the age of 40 report some kind of change in their sense of smell, and over 13
million people have a measurable disorder like anosmia, the total loss of smell, or hyposmia, a
partial loss. Such conditions can last for years or even be permanent.
It’s not clear if COVID-19 anosmia is different from other instances of smell loss caused by a
virus, but those who experience anosmia due to COVID-19 appear to be unique in a few ways.
First, they notice the loss of the sense immediately because it’s not accompanied by the
congestion or stuffiness that generally characterizes the early stages of virally induced anosmia.
“It’s very dramatic,” says Danielle Reed, associate director of the Monell Chemical Senses
Center in Philadelphia, which studies smell and taste loss. “People just cannot smell anything.”
Another notable difference is that many patients with COVID-19 who report losing their sense
of smell get it back relatively quickly, in just a few weeks, unlike most people who experience
anosmia from other viruses, which can last months or years.
Quagge estimates he’s recovered about 60 percent of his sense of smell so far, but he says in
the early days, without any information about when or if he’d ever get it back, he was scared.
An avid amateur chef, he had to rely on his family to tell him if the milk was bad, and he couldn’t
smell his wife’s perfume. “Stuff that gets to your soul,” he says. “It bummed me out.”
(Adapted from
27. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the option that can replace the word "very" in
the eleventh paragraph without changing its meaning.
a) a lot.
b) really.
c) also.
d) to.
28. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Considering the use of the verb tense, mark the
alternative that completes the sentence below correctly:
At first, Peter
a) has the common symptoms.
b) was having the common symptoms.
c) have the common symptoms.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
d) had the common symptoms.
29. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below.
“___ four years, Trump has been ___ dominant force and inescapable fact not only
___ national politics but also ___ American life.”
(Adapted from
Mark the alternative which completes the blanks respectively.
a) At / the / in / in.
b) For / the / in / on.
c) For / the / of / in.
d) For / the / of / of.
e) At / the / on / of.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
an army of 20 million field workers administering vaccines to over 2.5 billion children at a
cost of $17 billion.
Some countries were a lighter lift than others. In the U.S. the disease was
eradicated in 1979, well before the GPEI even began its work. Other nations followed: In
1994 the Americas were declared polio-free. Europe as a whole got a clean bill of health in
2002, when all 53 countries in the WHO’s designated European region were declared free
of the virus. Massive vaccination efforts began in India in 1997, which eradicated the virus
in 2014.
How Polio Was Eradicated from the African Continent
But Africa, with its vast sprawl of village populations, long distances to urban
hospitals, spotty infrastructure like adequate roads and reliable “cold chains”—
refrigerated transport networks to keep vaccines viable—was always going to present
special challenges. In 1996, when the case count on the continent regularly reached 75,000
victims every year, South African President Nelson Mandela partnered with Rotary to
launch the “Kick Polio Out of Africa” Campaign, and the group scrambled fast—or as fast
as was possible with so many children to vaccinate on so vast a land mass. In 2000, the first
synchronized campaigns began in 17 countries, with 76 million children being vaccinated
by tens of thousands of volunteers. The work fanned out across the continent from there,
including an especially heavy push from 2008 to 2010, when an outbreak in 24 countries in
western and central Africa was met by a large-scale, multi-national vaccination of 85
million children.
Finally, Nigeria stood alone as the only African nation where the disease was still
endemic, in part because of resistance by religious leaders in the northern part of the
country who objected western interference in local affairs and claimed that the vaccine
was unsafe. That opposition broke down, partly thanks to Muhammad Sanusi II, the Emir
of the city of Kano—a hereditary leader descended from a ruling family—who appeared at
a public ceremony before the kick off of a seasonal vaccination campaign in 2016, called
for a vial of polio vaccine to be brought to the stage, and with the audience watching, broke
its seal and drank down its entire contents. That year, the country recorded its last case of
polio, and this year, Nigeria’s WHO certification is the reward for its efforts.
“The polio eradication program in Nigeria has gone through some difficult times,
but I never once doubted that this day would come,” says Dr. Tunji Funsho, a former
cardiologist who is the chair of Rotary International’s Polio-Plus Committee in Nigeria. “Any
time that we’ve experienced a setback, Rotary and our partners have been able to find
solutions and develop new strategies for reaching vulnerable children.”
(Adapted from
30. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “The 32-year initiative has depended on volunteer
workers and charitable donations…” (paragraph 4)
a) The 32-year old initiative counts on paid work and charitable donations
b) The 32-year old initiative depended on donations and volunteer workers
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
c) The 32-year old initiative is built upon charity and volunteer workers
d) The 32-year initiative no longer depends on volunteer workers and charitable
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Health care workers wear protective equipment over their eyes to protect them from droplets
that can fly from coughs and sneezes, as well as aerosolized particles that form when patients
undergo medical procedures, such as intubation. But for the vast majority of people, that extra
level of protection probably isn’t needed if a person is wearing a mask and keeping physical
distance in public spaces. There’s also the possibility of introducing risk by wearing glasses —
some people might touch their faces more when they put on glasses, rather than less, noted Dr.
That said, more study is needed to see if the trend holds up in other study populations, said Dr.
Thomas Steinemann, a spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology and professor
of ophthalmology at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland.
“I think it’s provocative, and it’s extremely interesting,” Dr. Steinemann said.
(Adapted from
31. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Read the extract from the text
“…equipment over their eyes to protect them from droplets that can fly from coughs and
sneezes…” (paragraph 12)
32. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the option that fills in blanks I and II,
a) We / we
b) They / we
c) Us / we
d) They / us
e) Us / us
33. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Read and complete the sentence below
An envelope containing ___ poison ricin was sent to the White House, the New York
Times reported on Saturday. The newspaper said law enforcement believed the
envelope, which was intercepted before reaching ___ White House mail room, was sent
from Canada.
(Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
a) A / the
b) X / the
c) The / X
d) A/X
e) The / the
34. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Match the questions and answers
( ) A few
( ) He’s hers
( ) A little
( ) She is a firefighter
( ) She’s fine
a) III – IV – I – V – II
b) I – IV – III – V – II
c) I – II – IV – V – III
d) III – II – IV – I – V
e) I – IV – II – III – V
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
35. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) It’s correct to say that the
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
The brief argued that the visa restrictions, which were announced in June, will hurt US
The companies said Mr Trump’s proclamation was based on a “false assumption” that it
would protect American jobs as it would mean they may now have to employ people in other
The brief said: “Global competitors in Canada, China, and India, among others, are
pouncing at the opportunity to attract well-trained, innovative individuals.
“And American businesses are scrambling to adjust, hiring needed talent to work in
locations outside our nation’s borders,” it continued.
They also contended that it could do irreparable damage to American businesses,
workers and further hurt the already struggling US economy.
Mr Trump's proclamation suspended the entry of a range of foreign workers until the end
of this year.
Adapted from <>
37. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) Read the extract from the text.
“The companies said Mr Trump’s proclamation was based on a “false assumption”...”
What’s the correct question referring to the underlined information?
a) Who said the proclamation was based on a “false assumption”?
b) What did companies say about Mr. Trump’s proclamation?
c) What was Mr. Trump’s proclamation based on?
d) Who proclamation was based on a “false assumption”?
e) Whose proclamation was based on a “false assumption”?
38. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Read the extract from the text.
“which was filed last month by major US business associations”
The relative pronoun “which” refers to:
a) companies.
b) Microsoft, Netflix, Twitter.
c) lawsuit.
d) US business associations.
e) big technology.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Read the cartoon to do item 39. Adapted.
40. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) Match the questions and answers.
I. How is it going?
II. How do you like your job?
III. How do I go about getting to the meat shop?
IV. How do you like your coffee?
( ) I love it!
( ) just great!
( ) I like really sweet.
( ) You’re just in front of it.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Read the text to do item 42.
Biden's VP pick: Why Kamala Harris embraces her biracial roots
US Senator Kamala Harris - a potential Democratic vice-presidential candidate - is known as a
prominent African-American politician. But she has also embraced her Indian roots.
"My name is pronounced "Comma-la", like the punctuation mark," Kamala Harris writes in her
2018 autobiography, The Truths We Hold.
The California senator, daughter of an Indian-born mother and Jamaican-born father, then
explains the meaning of her Indian name.
"It means 'lotus flower', which is a symbol of significance in Indian culture. A lotus grows
underwater, its flowers rising above the surface while the roots are planted firmly in the river
Early in life, young Kamala and her sister Maya grew up in a house filled with music by black
American artists. Her mother would sing along to Aretha Franklin's early gospel, and her jazz-
loving father, who taught economics at Stanford University, would play Thelonius Monk and
John Coltrane on the turntable.
Shyamala Gopalan and Donald Harris separated when Ms Harris was five. Raised primarily by
her Hindu single mother, a cancer researcher and a civil rights activist, Kamala, Maya and
Shyamala were known as 'Shyamala and the girls'.
Her mother made sure her two daughters were aware of their African-American background.
"My mother understood very well she was raising two black daughters. She knew that her
adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls, and she was determined to make sure
we would grow into confident black women," she wrote.
"Harris grew up embracing her Indian culture, but living a proudly African-American life," wrote
the Washington Post last year.
When she ran for a senate seat in 2015, the Economist magazine described her as the "daughter
of an Indian cancer researcher and a Jamaican economics professor, she is the first woman, first
African-American and first Asian attorney general of California".
The 55-year-old senator says she has not grappled with her identity and describes herself simply
as "an American".
Ms Harris writes her mother kept working right up to the moment of delivery of both her
daughters - "in the first case her water broke when she was at the lab; and the other while she
was making apple strudel". Back in India, Gopalan had been raised in a household of "political
activism and civic leadership".
Her grandmother never attended high school, but was a community organiser taking in victims
of domestic violence and educating women about contraception. Her grandfather, PV Gopalan,
was a senior diplomat in the Indian government who lived in Zambia after it gained
independence, and he helped settle refugees.
In her book, she doesn't say too much about her trips to India. But she writes she is close to her
mother's brother and two sisters, with whom she kept in touch through long distance calls and
letters and periodic trips. Ms Harris's mother died in 2009, at age 70.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
US Democratic Party activists like Shekar Narasimhan says her candidacy would be "seismic" for
the Indian-American community. "She's a woman, she biracial, she will help win the election for
Biden, she appeals to various communities and she's really smart."
"Why should Indian-Americans not be proud of her? It's a signal that we are coming of age."
Adapted from (
42. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita)The word in bold in “with whom she kept in touch
through long distance calls and letters and periodic trips.” (paragraph 13) refers to
a) Ms. Harris’ uncle and two aunts.
b) Ms. Harris.
c) Ms. Harris’s mother.
d) Ms. Harris’ brother and sisters.
e) India.
43. (ESA – 2019) “_________ American?” Complete the space with the correct form of the verb
and the pronoun.
(A) You is
(B) You are
(C) Are you
(D) Is you
(E) Am you
Mr. Harris _______ trains: He is afraid of airplanes and ______ like buses, but ______ trains.
(A) Likes/don’t/love
(B) Likes/doesn’t/loves
(C) Like/do/loves
(D) Like/don’t/love
(E) Like/does/love
46. (CN – 2018) Read the text to do the question below. Complete with a, the or 0 (no article).
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
(A) 0 - the - 0 - a - the - the - 0 - a - the - a
(B) The - the - 0 - a - 0 - the - the - The - 0 - the
(C) 0 - the - 0 - the - the - the - 0 - The - the - the
(D) The - 0 - 0 - a - 0-the- The - 0 - a - 0
(E) The - 0 - the - a - 0 - the - The - a - a - a
47. (CN – 2018) Read the comic strip in order to do the question below. The correct pronoun that
completes the third bubble speech is
(A) they.
(B) it.
(C) theirs.
(D) its.
(E) them.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Forms of modern slavery
Purposes of exploitation2 can range from forced prostitution and forced labour to forced
marriage and forced organ removal. Here are the most common forms of modern slavery.
• Forced labour – any work or services which people are forced to do against their will3 under
the threat of some form of punishment.
• Debt bondage or bonded labour – the world’s most widespread form of slavery, when people
borrow money they cannot repay and are required to work to pay off the debt, then losing
control over the conditions of both their employment and the debt.
• Human trafficking– involves transporting, recruiting or harbouring people for the purpose of
exploitation, using violence, threats or coercion.
• Descent-based slavery – where people are born into slavery because their ancestors were
captured and enslaved; they remain in slavery by descent.
• Child slavery – many people often confuse child slavery with child labour, but it is much worse.
Whilst4 child labour is harmful for children and hinders5 their education and development, child
slavery occurs when a child is exploited for someone else’s gain. It can include child trafficking,
child soldiers, child marriage and child domestic slavery.
• Forced and early marriage – when someone is married against their will and cannot leave the
marriage. Most child marriages can be considered slavery.
Many forms of slavery have more than one element listed above. For example, human
trafficking often involves advance payment for travel and a job abroad, using money often
borrowed from the traffickers. Then, the debt contributes to control of the victims. Once they
arrive, victims cannot leave until they pay off their debt.
Many people think that slavery happens only overseas, in developing countries. In fact, no
country is free from modern slavery, even Britain. The Government estimates that there are
tens of thousands people in modern slavery in the UK.
Modern slavery can affect people of any age, gender or race. However, contrary to a common
misconception6 that everyone can be a victim of slavery, some groups of people are much more
vulnerable to slavery than others.
People who live in poverty7 and have limited opportunities for decent work are more vulnerable
to accepting deceptive job offers that can turn exploitative. People who are discriminated
against on the basis of race, caste, or gender are also more likely to be enslaved. Slavery is also
more likely to occur where the rule of law is weaker and corruption is rife.
Anti-Slavery International believes that we have to tackle8 the root causes of slavery in order to
end slavery for good. That’s why we published our AntiSlavery Charter, listing comprehensive
measures that need to be taken to end slavery across the world.
(Adapted from
1. sweatshop – a factory where workers are paid very little and work many hours in very bad
2. exploitation – abuse, manipulation
3. will – wish, desire
4. whilst – while
5. to hinder – obstruct, stop
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
6. misconception – wrong idea/ impression
7. poverty – the condition of being extremely poor
8. to tackle – attack
48. (EPCAR – 2019) “Slavery continues today and harms people in every country in the world”
(lines 2 and 3). The highlighted words can be substituted for _____.
a) them
b) theirs
c) their
d) they
“In Brazil, countryside youth want to learn about new places, new cultures and people.
However, they think their everyday lives are an obstacle to that, because they imagine that
country life has nothing to do with other parts of the world”, says Rafael Fonseca. Rafael
teaches English in a language school in a cooperative coffee cultivation in Paraguaçu. His
learners are the children of rural workers.
Rafael tells us that the objective of the project being developed in the cooperative is to give the
young people more opportunities of growth in the countryside, and that includes the ability to
communicate with international buyers. “In the future, our project may help overcome the lack
of succession in countryside activities because, nowadays, rural workers’ children become
lawyers, engineers, teachers, and sometimes even doctors, but those children very rarely want
to have a profession related to rural work”, says Rafael.
“That happens”, he adds, “because their parents understand that life in the countryside can be
hard work and they do not want to see their children running the same type of life that they
have. Their children also believe that life in the country does not allow them to have contact
with other parts of the world, meet other people and improve cultural bounds. The program
intends to show them that by means of a second language they can travel, communicate with
new people and learn about new cultures as a means of promoting and selling what they
produce in the country, and that includes receiving visitors in their workplace from abroad.”
Rafael’s strategy is to contextualize the English language and keep learners up-to-date with
what happens in the global market. “Integrating relevant topics about countryside living can be
transformative in the classroom. The local regional and cultural aspects are a great source of
inspiration and learning not only for the young, but for us all.”
Adapted from
49. (EsPCEx – 2019) Choose the alternative with the correct reference for the underlined words
from the text.
[A] they (paragraph 1) = countryside youth
[B] his (paragraph 1) = Paraguaçu
[C] us (paragraph 2) = workers
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
[D] their (paragraph 3) = rural workers’ children
[E] them (paragraph 3) = other parts of the world
Directions: Read the text below and answer question 50 according to it.
TEXT Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are not ‘learning styles’ by Valerie Strauss
The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized 30 years ago when we now
worldrenowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which detailed a new model of human intelligence that went
beyond the traditional view that there was a single kind that could be measured by standardized
Gardner’s theory initially listed seven intelligences which work together: linguistic, logical-
mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal; he later added an
eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a few more. The theory became highly
popular with K-12¹ educators around the world seeking ways to reach students who did not
respond to traditional approaches, but over time, ‘multiple intelligences’ somehow became
synonymous with the concept of ‘learning styles’. In this important post, Gardner explains why
the former is not the latter.
It’s been 30 years since I developed the notion of ‘multiple intelligences’. I have been gratified
by the interest shown in this idea and the ways it’s been used in schools, museums, and
business around the world. But one unanticipated consequence has driven me to distraction
and that’s the tendency of many people, including persons whom I cherish, to credit me with
the notion of ‘learning styles’ or to collapse ‘multiple intelligences’ with ‘learning styles’. It’s
high time to relieve my pain and to set the record straight.
First a word about ‘MI theory’. On the basis of research in several disciplines, including the study
of how human capacities are represented in the brain, I developed the idea that each of us has a
number of relatively independent mental faculties, which can be termed our ‘multiple
intelligences’. The basic idea is simplicity itself. A belief in a single intelligence assumes that we
have one central, all-purpose computer, and it determines how well we perform in every sector
of life. In contrast, a belief in multiple intelligences assumes that human beings have 7 to 10
distinct intelligences.
Even before I spoke and wrote about ‘MI’, the term ‘learning styles’ was being bandied about in
educational circles. The idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is that all children (indeed all of
us) have distinctive minds and personalities. Accordingly, it makes sense to find out about
learners and to teach and nurture them in ways that are appropriate, that they value, and above
all, are effective.
Two problems: first, the notion of ‘learning styles’ is itself not coherent. Those who use this
term do not define the criteria for a style, nor where styles come from, how they are
recognized/ assessed/ exploited. Say that Johnny is said to have a learning style that is
‘impulsive’. Does that mean that Johnny is ‘impulsive’ about everything? How do we know this?
What does this imply about teaching? Should we teach ‘impulsively’, or should we compensate
by ‘teaching reflectively’? What of learning style is ‘right-brained’ or visual or tactile? Same
issues apply.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Problem #2: when researchers have tried to identify learning styles, teach consistently with
those styles, and examine outcomes, there is not persuasive evidence that the learning style
analysis produces more effective outcomes than a ‘one size fits all approach’. Of course, the
learning style analysis might have been inadequate. Or even if it is on the mark, the fact that
one intervention did not work does not mean that the concept of learning styles is fatally
imperfect; another intervention might have proved effective. Absence of evidence does not
prove non-existence of a phenomenon; it signals to educational researchers: ‘back to the
drawing boards’.
Here’s my considered judgment about the best way to analyze this lexical terrain: Intelligence:
We all have the multiple intelligences. But we signed out, as a strong intelligence, an area where
the person has considerable computational power. Style or learning style: A hypothesis of how
an individual approaches the range of materials. If an individual has a ‘reflective style’, he/she is
hypothesized to be reflective about the full range of materials. We cannot assume that
reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals reflectiveness in one’s interaction with the others.
Senses: Sometimes people speak about a ‘visual’ learner or an ‘auditory’ learner. The
implication is that some people learn through their eyes, others through their ears. This notion
is incoherent. Both spatial information and reading occur with the eyes, but they make use of
entirely different cognitive faculties. What matters is the power of the mental computer, the
intelligence that acts upon that sensory information once picked up.
These distinctions are consequential. If people want to talk about ‘an impulsive style’ or a ‘visual
learner’, that’s their prerogative. But they should recognize that these labels may be unhelpful,
at best, and ill-conceived at worst.
In contrast, there is strong evidence that human beings have a range of intelligences and that
strength (or weakness) in one intelligence does not predict strength (or weakness) in any other
intelligences. All of us exhibit jagged profiles of intelligences. There are common sense ways of
assessing our own intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate, we can take a more formal
test battery. And then, as teachers, parents, or selfassessors, we can decide how best to make
use of this information.
(Adapted from
1. K-12 educators defend the adoption of an interdisciplinary curriculum and methods for
teaching with objects.
50. (AFA – 2017) In the sentence “there was a single kind that could be measured by
standardized tests”, it is possible to find an option to substitute the pronoun accordingly in
a) when.
b) which
c) how.
d) whom.
51. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “ at the party yesterday?” Complete the
space with the correct form of the verb and the pronoun.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
a) Are you
b) Where you
c) Did you go
d) You went
e) Were you
52. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option has a correct relation of the
underlined terms and their substitutes?
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
signs of what's called heat stress - such as faintness and nausea - and keep on working till they
What is heat stress?
It's when the body is unable to cool down properly so its core temperature keeps rising to
dangerous levels and key organs can shut down. It happens when the main technique for getting
rid of excess heat - the evaporation of sweat on the skin - can't take place because the air is too
humid. And as Dr Lee and other medics have found, the impermeable layers of personal
protection equipment (PPE) - designed to keep the virus out - have the effect of preventing the
sweat from evaporating.
According to Dr Rebecca Lucas, who researches physiology at the University of
Birmingham, the symptoms can escalate from fainting and disorientation to cramps and failure
of the guts and kidneys. "It can become very serious as you overheat, and in all areas of the
How can we spot it?
A system known as the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) measures not only heat but
also humidity and other factors to give a more realistic description of the conditions. Back in the
1950s, the US military used it to work out guidelines for keeping soldiers safe.
When the WBGT reaches 29C, for example, the recommendation is to suspend exercise
for anyone not acclimatised. Yet that's the level Dr Lee and his colleagues are regularly
experiencing at Singapore's Ng Teng Fong General Hospital. And at the top of the scale - when
the WBGT registers 32C - the US says strenuous training should stop because the risk becomes
But levels that high have recently been recorded inside hospitals in Chennai in India by
Prof Vidhya Venugopal of the Sri Ramachandra University. She's also found workers in a salt pan
enduring a WBGT that climbs during the day to 33C - at which point they have to seek shelter.
And in a steel plant, a ferocious level of 41.7C was recorded, the workers being among the most
vulnerable to what she calls "the huge heat".
"If this happens day-in, day-out, people become dehydrated, there are cardiovascular
issues, kidney stones, heat exhaustion," Prof Venugopal says.
What solutions are there?
According to Dr Jimmy Lee, "it's not rocket science". People need to drink plenty of fluid
before they start work, take regular breaks and then drink again when they rest. His hospital has
started laying on "slushie" semi-frozen drinks to help the staff cool down. But he admits that
avoiding heat stress is easier said than done.
For him and his colleagues, going for rests involves the laborious process of changing out
of PPE and then back into a new set of equipment. There's a practical problem as well - "some
people do not want to drink so they can avoid having to go to the toilet," he says. And there's a
professional desire to keep working whatever the difficulties so as not to let colleagues and
patients down at a time of crisis.
People who are highly motivated can actually be at the greatest risk of heat injury, says
Dr Jason Lee, an associate professor in physiology at the National University of Singapore. He's a
leading member of a group specialising in the dangers of excessive heat, the Global Heat Health
Information Network, which has drawn up guidelines to help medics cope with Covid-19.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
It's spearheaded by the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) and the US weather and climate agency Noaa. Dr Lee says that as well as
measures like rest and fluids - and shade for outdoor workers - a key strategy for resisting heat
stress is to be fit. "This climate change will be a bigger monster and we really need a
coordinated effort across nations to prepare for what is to come. "If not," he says, "there'll be a
price to be paid."
(Adapted from
54. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read the extract from the text
a) Indoor workers
b) Dr Jimmy Lee’s colleagues
c) Dr Jimmy and his family
d) Dr Jimmy Lee and his colleagues
e) Outdoor workers
55. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct
a) The mother is responsible for the children
b) My sister are the best in the world
c) I make my bed this weekend
d) The Queen live in London
e) I’ll do a surgery this month
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
57. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below
Donald Trump knew the extent of ___ deadly coronavirus threat ___ February but intentionally
misled the public by deciding ___ “play it down”, according to interviews recorded by one of
America’s most venerated investigative journalists.
(Adapted from
a) X / in / to
b) The / on / for
c) The / on to
d) The / in / to
e) X / in / for
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Robert Trump: brother of president Donald Trump dies aged 71
President confirms his younger brother has died after being taken to hospital in New York
Donald Trump’s younger brother, Robert Trump, died on Saturday night aged 71 after
being hospitalised in New York, the president said in a statement.
Trump on Friday visited his brother in hospital after White House officials said Robert
had become seriously ill. Officials did not immediately release a cause of death.
“It is with heavy heart I share that my wonderful brother, Robert, peacefully passed away
tonight,” Donald Trump said in a statement. “He was not just my brother; he was my best friend.
He will be greatly missed, but we will meet again. His memory will live on in my heart forever.
Robert, I love you. Rest in peace.”
Robert Trump had reportedly been hospitalised in the intensive care unit for several days
that same month. He took blood thinners and had recently experienced brain bleeds after a fall,
according to the New York Times.
Both longtime businessmen, Robert and Donald had strikingly different personalities.
Donald Trump once described his younger brother as “much quieter and easygoing than I am”
and “the only guy in my life whom I ever call ‘honey’”.
Robert Trump began his career on Wall Street working in corporate finance but later
joined the family business, managing real estate holdings as a top executive in the Trump
“When he worked in the Trump Organization he was known as the nice Trump,” Gwenda Blair, a
Trump family biographer, told the Associated Press. “Robert was the one people would try to
get to intervene if there was a problem.”
Robert Trump was born in 1948, the youngest of New York City real estate developer Fred
Trump’s five children.
“I have a wonderful brother,” the president during a news conference at the White House on
Friday, the same day he had visited him in hospital. “We’ve had a great relationship for a long
time, from Day 1,” he said.
But their relationship could be turbulent. The president, more than two years older than
Robert, admitted bullying his brother in their younger years, even as he praised his loyalty and
laid-back demeanour.
“I think it must be hard to have me for a brother but he’s never said anything about it and
we’re very close,” Donald Trump wrote in his 1987 bestseller The Art of the Deal.
“Robert gets along with almost everyone,” he added, “which is great for me since I sometimes
have to be the bad guy.”
In the 1980s Donald Trump tapped Robert to oversee an Atlantic City casino project, calling
him the perfect fit for the job. When it cannibalised his other casinos, though, “he pointed the
finger of blame at Robert”, said Blair, author of The Trumps: Three Generations that Built an
“When the slot machines jammed the opening weekend at the Taj Mahal, he very specifically
and furiously denounced Robert, and Robert walked out and never worked for his brother
again,” Blair said.
A Boston University graduate, Robert later managed the Brooklyn portion of father Fred
Trump’s real estate empire, which was eventually sold.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Once a regular boldface name in Manhattan’s social pages, Robert had kept a lower profile in
recent years. “He was not a newsmaker,” Blair said.
Before divorcing his first wife, Blaine Trump, more than a decade ago, Robert Trump had been
active on Manhattan’s Upper East Side charity circuit.
He avoided the limelight during his elder brother’s presidency, having retired to the Hudson
Valley. Robert and Donald reportedly reconciled at that time, with Robert describing himself as
a big supporter of the White House run in a 2016 interview with the New York Post.
“I support Donald one thousand percent,” Robert Trump said.
In early March of 2020, he married his longtime girlfriend, Ann Marie Pallan.
The eldest Trump sibling and Mary’s father, Fred Trump Jr, struggled with alcoholism and died
in 1981 at the age of 43. The president’s surviving siblings include Elizabeth Trump Grau and
Maryanne Trump Barry, a retired federal appeals judge.
Authors Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher described Robert Trump as soft spoken but cerebral
in Trump Revealed: The Definitive Biography of the 45th President: “He lacked Donald’s
charismatic showmanship, and he was happy to leave the bravado to his brother, but he could
show flashes of Trump temper.”
(Adapted from
58. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read the extract from the text
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
(Adapted from
59. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) The correct use of verb to be to complete the blank
on the strip is
a) Are
b) Aren’t
c) Were
d) Weren’t
e) Is
60. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct
61. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below
Reuters reports that ___ Spanish health ministry on Monday announced 1,833 new
coronavirus infections diagnosed in ___ past 24 hours, below Friday’s post-lockdown record
of 2,987 but more than three times ___ average seen in July.
(Adapted from
a) The / X / the
b) X / the / the
c) X / X / the
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
d) The / the / the
e) X / the / X
62. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read the extract from the text.
"rodent companions for their meals." (paragraph 3)
The word “their” refers to:
a) Meals
b) People
c) Companions
d) Rodent
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
e) Alfresco dining
63. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.
64. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below.
______ minister declared that ______ UK will be on an “irreversible path” to eliminating “high-
risk vendors” such as ______Huawei in 5G by ______ time of ______ next general election in
2024, in attempt to placate some MPs.
Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
But on 15 June Indian troops "once again crossed the Line of Actual Control for deliberate
provocation when the situation in the Galwan Valley was already easing", Mr Zhao said.
"India's front-line troops even violently attacked the Chinese officers and soldiers who went
there for negotiation, thus triggering fierce physical conflicts and causing casualties," he said.
India has been building "roads, bridges and other facilities" at the LAC in Galwan Valley since
April, Mr Zhao said.
What did PM Modi say about it?
In a televised statement on Friday, Mr Modi said there had been no incursion into Indian
"Nobody has intruded into our border, neither is anybody there now, nor have our posts been
captured," he said.
India's armed forces had been "given a free hand to take all necessary steps" to protect Indian
territory, he added.
"The entire country is hurt and angry at the steps taken by China," he said, adding: "India wants
peace and friendship, but upholding sovereignty is foremost."
His government had previously blamed China for the clash, with the foreign ministry releasing a
statement on Wednesday saying it had been sparked after "the Chinese side sought to erect a
structure in Galwan valley on our side of the LAC".
What happened in the Galwan Valley?
Media reports said troops clashed on ridges at a height of nearly 4,300m (14,000 ft) on steep
terrain, with some soldiers falling into the fast-flowing Galwan river in sub-zero temperatures.
At least 76 Indian soldiers were reportedly injured in addition to the 20 dead. China has not
released any information about Chinese casualties.
The fighting took place without any firearms because of a 1996 agreement barring guns and
explosives from the area.
An image that emerged on Thursday purportedly showed some of the crude weapons used in
the fight.
The photograph, which appears to show iron rods studded with nails, was passed to the BBC by
a senior Indian military official on the India-China border, who said the weapons had been used
by the Chinese.
The image was widely shared on Twitter in India, prompting outrage from many social media
users. Neither Chinese or Indian officials have commented on it.
(Adapted from:
65. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read the extract from the text.
"defend its border with military force if necessary." (paragraph 4)
The word “its” refers to:
a) Mr Modi
b) India
c) Border
d) Defend
e) Force
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
66. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the sentence that is not true.
a) People retire when they get too old to work.
b) After high school, you can apply to a university.
c) My fiancee and I will get married next month.
d) If you are late, you will lose the bus to work.
e) Brazilian Navy is responsible for patrolling Brazilian coast.
67. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read the sentence in order to do the question below.
This is my mom’s bed and that one is my bed.
Mark the option which rewrites the sentence using the correct possessive.
a) This bed is theirs and that one is mine.
b) This is theirs beds and that is my bed.
c) This is their bed and that one is my.
d) This bed is them and that one is my.
e) This is theirs bed and that one is mine.
68. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.
a) How many fruit do you eat a day?
b) How much have you paid in taxes to government last year?
c) Rich people forgets the actual value of money.
d) There is people who likes eating junk food.
e) Have you made your homework yet?
69. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below.
On ______ occasion of World Health Day, I want to thank all those working in _____ healthcare
profession for your selfless commitment and diligence as you undertake vitally important roles
to protect and improve ______ health and well-being of people across _____ Commonwealth,
and around ______ world.
Adapted from
70. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020)Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.
a) How many water do you drink a day?
b) Which fees have you paid to enroll at this school?
c) Ignorant people don’t recognize his own ignorance.
d) There are a very beautiful girl in my classroom.
e) Have you gone to London during your vacation?
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
71. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below.
Atop a shaded hill at ______ edge of São Paulo, ______ gravedigger thinks he knows ______
truth. No matter how bad it appears in ______ Brazil, ______ reality is significantly worse.
Adapted from (
Mark the option which best completes the blanks respectively.
a) the / X / the / X / X
b) the / the / the / the / the
c) the/ X / the / X / the
d) X / X / the / X / the
e) the / the / the / X / the
'This is Crazy.' A Record 2 Million Acres of California Have Burned This Year With Heat
Conditions Predicted to Continue
More than 2 million acres ___(1) land have been burned by wildfires in California as of
Monday, according to state fire agency Cal Fire, surpassing the all-time record of 1.9 million set
in 2018. Cal Fire and climate scientists predict that the number of acres burned this year
will continue to grow with upcoming weather conditions, including continued heat and
offshore winds.
“This is crazy. We haven’t even got into the October and November fire season and
we’ve broken the all-time record,” Cal Fire Capt. Richard Cordova told CNN on Sunday.
A Monday statement by Cal Fire said it and fire departments across ___(2) state
remain prepared for potentially more significant wildfires due to critical fire weather.
In a Friday tweet, climate scientist Daniel Swain of the University of California, Los
Angeles, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, predicted Monday’s new
record. He tells TIME the prediction was not very impressive “since we were 95% of the
way there on Friday.”
The state is experiencing another wave of record-breaking heat this weekend, and
offshore winds beginning around this time of year—the Santa Anna winds in the south, and
the Diablo winds in the north—are expected to spread fires further towards the coast of
California, according to Swain, where most people live.
“All indications are that this fire season is going to continue to be worse than
average,” Swain says.
With the large number of fires burning already, stretching firefighting resources,
and the combination of a heat wave and offshore winds, “you don’t even need new
ignitions, new sparks,” Swain adds. “These winds will push those fires in places where we
don’t want them to go, close to where people live.”
(Adapted from
72. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the alternative containing the correct
word to respectively complete gaps (1) and (2)
a) Of, by
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
b) By, the
c) By, it
d) Of, the
e) The, of
73. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the alternative containing the correct
words to complete the gaps (1), (2) and (3) in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 respectively
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
According to the WHO, India reported 94,372 new cases on Sunday, followed by the US with
45,523 and Brazil with 43,718. More than 1,000 new deaths were recorded in the US and India
while Brazil said 874 people had died from Covid-19 related illness in the past 24 hours.
India has the second largest number of confirmed cases in the world, behind the US. Last week
it reported nearly two million Covid-19 cases in August, the highest monthly tally in the world
since the pandemic began.
The country saw an average of 64,000 cases per day - an 84% hike from average daily cases in
July, according to official data. The death toll has topped 1,000 every day since the beginning of
Brazil has recorded more than four million cases, the third highest in the world. It has the
highest number of deaths in Latin America, with about 131,000 so far. The US has recorded
almost a quarter of the world's total number of coronavirus cases - more than six million. It saw
an increase in the number of daily cases in July, but the numbers have fallen since then.
The US has the world's highest recorded death toll from Covid-19, with more than 194,000
Adaptado de
Based on the text below, answer the question that follow it.
Covid babies don't have to be the unlucky generation. But they must be helped
A year into this pandemic, there are babies now learning to walk and talk who have never
known anything but life under the shadow of Covid, and preschoolers who can barely remember
a world before it. Doctors’ children have had to learn not to touch Mummy when she gets in
from work, until she’s had a shower to wash off any last possible trace of danger. Thanks to
popular toddler demand, you can now buy masks for dolls.
It’s perfectly normal for kids to reflect what’s happening around them by playing quarantine
with stuffed animals, but normal too for adults to wonder uncomfortably whether all this leaves
a lasting mark. How much will it matter in years to come that, as the minister for loneliness
Diana Barran recently put it, there are toddlers being raised by shielding parents who have
never had a playdate? Will Covid babies grow up solitary creatures, used to entertaining
themselves, or warier of the strangers they so rarely meet and interact with? Taking a tiny
bundle out in public used to mean an endless succession of random older women cooing over
the pram, or strangers pulling faces to entertain a bored baby in a checkout queue. But now
passersby daren’t get close, and other shoppers are hidden behind masks.
This week MPs were presented with some early findings from a project led by the First 1001
Days Movement, an alliance of early-years charities and professionals, tracking the lives of
under-twos growing up through a pandemic. A survey of children’s service providers it
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
commissioned found 98% thought the babies and toddlers they worked with had been affected
by higher parental stress and anxiety, while 92% had seen fearful families effectively cutting
themselves off from the outside world, skipping routine appointments or not wanting to leave
the house. Nine in 10 had observed children being played with less, or being less active.
Heartbreakingly, more than a quarter said lockdown left the children they worked with more
exposed to domestic conflict, abuse or neglect.
(Adapted from
75. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – inédita) In paragraph 1, the word “she” refers to
a) Children
b) Doctor
c) Toddler
d) Mummy
e) Babies
76. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which is the correct option to complete the
paragraph below?
“____ current situation with regard to the access and distribution ____ Covid-19 vaccines
vividly illustrates the decades-old contradictions of ____ world order.”
(Adapted from
a) The / of / -
b) The / with / the
c) - / of / the
d) The / of / the
e) The / at / its
77. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the correct option to complete the text
Isabella went for a walk. ___ wanted to stop for cold water, went into the cafeteria and
wiped ___ sweat with ___ towel. Then ___ went back to her walk and went back home.
78. ( 2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the correct option to complete the text
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
In news anyone could have predicted, ___ seems well-off and well-connected people around
the world are finding nefarious ways ___ skip to the front ___ the coronavirus vaccine line.
(Adapted from
a) It / to / -
b) - / to / of
c) It / of / of
d) It / to / of
e) It / of / -
79. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the sentence below
It is important that we welcome ____ people, so that ____ social problem is partially solved.
a) This / these
b) These / this
c) These / those
d) This / those
e) These / these
80. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which is the correct option to complete the
paragraph below?
Gratitude in the Workplace
Researchers Adam M. Grant and Francesco Gino studied the impact of _____ sincere ‘Thank
You’ in the workplace. Their findings show a 50 percent increase in the amount of additional
help being offered as a result of ______ appreciation. Folks, that’s HUGE.
_______ a experiment by the same researchers, the Director of an organization personally
thanked half the staff ______for their contribution to the company. The result? A 50% increase
in sales calls the following week from the half who had been shown gratitude. Talk about
impacting the bottom line at zero net cost.
(Adapted from
81. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
The past few weeks have felt a little like riding a roller coaster _____ a blindfold ______.
Through it all, I keep coming back ______ the same question.” What’s the Right Response
______ the Coronavirus Outbreak?
(Adapted from
82. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which of the options completes the text below
I do not want _____ gun in my house. _____The gun is in his closet. I am afraid of _____ guns.
She sent me _____a postcard from Italy. It's _____the postcard that I have in my office. Getting
_____ postcards makes me want to travel.
(Adapted from
83. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the correct option to complete the text
Peter went for a walk. __________ stopped when he arrived at the café and took off
__________ coat, then __________ sat down in __________ favourite chair. Peter’s friend, Sally
came in. Sally sat down in __________ favourite chair, then __________ put __________
handbag on the floor.
(Adapted from: <
84. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which is the correct option to complete the
paragraph below?
Social Integration
Social integration is ______ actual participation in various social relationships, ranging ______
romantic partnerships to friendships.
This integration involves emotions, intimacy, and a sense of belonging ______ different social
groups, such as being part of a family, a partnership, a social activity, or a religious community.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Experts suggest that ______ integrated into such social relationships confers a protective
benefit against maladaptive behaviors and damaging health consequences.
(Adapted from
85. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below
Latin America's largest country is testing people ______ a rate far lower than any other
nation with at least 40,000 cases. It tests 12 times fewer people ______ Iran, and 32 times
fewer ______ the United States. Hospitalized patients aren't being tested. Some medical
professionals aren't being tested. People are dying ______ their homes without being tested.
(Adapted from
86. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which of the options completes the text below
My brother works for ______ international airline in _______ USA. He didn’t go to ______
Do you work for ______ big company?
No, not yet. I’m still ______ student but I can play ______ piano very well
(A) an / the / - / a / a / the
(B) an / a / - / a / the/ -
(C) the / the / the / a / the / a
(D) a / a / the / - / a / the
(E) an / the / a / the / - / the
87. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the correct option to complete the text
Jane went for a run. __________ stopped when she got to a convenience store and took off
__________ coat, then __________ sat down in __________ favourite chair. Jane’s friend, Joe
came in. Joe sat down in __________ favourite chair, then __________ put __________ suitcase
on the floor.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
(C) she / his / he / her / his / he / her
(D) her / hers / she / him / her / they / him
(E) she / her / she / her / his / he / his
88. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which is the correct option to complete the
paragraph below?
What Is Stress?
First, an answer to ______ question, 'What is stress?' ______ term 'stress' refers ______ the
response you have when facing circumstances that force you ______ act, change, or adjust in
some way to maintain your footing or to keep things balanced. (The circumstances themselves
are known as 'stressors', but we'll have more on them later.)
(Adapted from
89. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below
While quick stress relievers aren't a complete stress management plan in themselves, they are
an excellent first line of defense against the effects of chronic stress. This is because they can
help you turn ______ your body's stress response and respond ______ the stressors you face
from a calm (or calmer), more relaxed place. This helps you to more effectively deal ______
what is stress, and keep yourself healthier ______ the same time. Common strategies for quick
stress relief include breathing exercises or the use of humor.
(Adapted from
(A) of / to / with / at
(B) on/ - / to / in
(C) off / to / with / at
(D) off/ to / to / in
(E) on / - / with / on
90. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which of the options completes the text below
She does voluntary work for ______ international charity organization in _______ UK. She didn’t
go to ______ work last week, though.
Do you work for ______ university?
No, I’m still ______ student.
(A) an / the / - / a / a
(B) an / a / - / a / the
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
(C) the / the / the / a / the
(D) a / a / the / - / a
(E) an / the / a / the / -
91. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the correct option to complete the text
Patricia went for a walk. __________ stopped when she got to a restaurant and took off
__________ coat, then __________ took __________ favourite spot in the place. Patricia’s
friend, John came in. John sat down in __________ favourite chair, then __________ put
__________ wallet on the table.
92. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph
I remember the last time I had ___ choose between optimism and fear, between hope and
the urge to run away. It was right after 9/11. I had babies—one so tiny she was still curled up
like a fern, ___ other toddling around gumming everything she could get her little starfish
hands on. And as their brand-new lungs took ___ the smoke that blew over to Brooklyn ___
the burning towers, I wanted to pack them up and flee to some safer place.
(Adapted from
a) To / the / in / from
b) The / the / on / into
c) To / the / on / from
d) To / the / in / into
e) The / to / on / from
93. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph
The U.S. has tragically surpassed 400,000 COVID-19 deaths, and case numbers and
hospitalizations are likewise spiking to record levels around the world. ___ vaccines now
rolling out, there is reason to hope that there is an end in sight. ___, by most estimates,
widespread vaccinations will not be in place until the middle of the year at the earliest. ___,
we have some ways to go yet with social distancing, mask wearing and other pandemic
mitigation behaviors.
(Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
a) And / however / and
b) With / however / so
c) So / however / even if
d) With / in agreement / and
e) With / in contrast / so
95. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the sentences
96. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph
Those who are non-essential workers (and followed the rules) have been _____ home all day,
every day, save for trips to the grocery store or for socially distant walks. And yet, the number of
new cases of COVID-19 _____ the U.S. continues to go up each day, _____ about 2 to 4 percent.
Adapted from
a) in / on / on
b) on / in / at
c) at / in / by
d) at / on / in
e) in / in / on
97. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the best alternative to complete the excerpt
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Finding _____ effective coronavirus vaccine ______ a global priority in ending the pandemic. US
government leaders have put forward the ambitious timeline ______ have one by the end of
2020. It typically takes several years to develop ______ vaccine.
a) an / has become / to / a
b) a / has become / to / a
c) an / became / to / the
d) an / has become / of / the
e) a / became / of / a
98. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the sentences
I. They thanked us ______ helping them with the dishes.
II. She kept me _______ getting sick.
III. He married______ a beautiful girl.
IV. She has always dreamed______ getting married.
V. He suffers ______ a heart disease.
99. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph
Saving the giant panda is one of the big success stories of conservation.
Decades of efforts to create protected habitat for the iconic mammal has pulled it back from the
brink of extinction. But, according to a new study, while many other animals ______ the same
landscape have benefited from this conservation work, some have lost out.
Leopards, snow leopards, wolves and Asian wild dogs have almost disappeared from the
majority of protected areas. Driven _____ near extinction ______ logging, poaching and disease,
their loss could lead to "major shifts, even collapse, in ecosystems", said researchers in China.
Adapted from
a) in / on / by
b) on / in / at
c) in / to / by
d) at / on / in
e) in / in / on
100. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the best alternative to complete the excerpt
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Finding _____ effective coronavirus vaccine ______ a global priority in ending the pandemic. US
government leaders have put forward the ambitious timeline ______ have one by the end of
2020. It typically takes several years to develop ______ vaccine.
a) an / has become / to / a
b) a / has become / to / a
c) an / became / to / the
d) an / has become / of / the
e) a / became / of / a
101. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the
sentences below.
I. He sat ______ the chair.
II. The cat jumped ______ the counter.
III. They were sitting ______ the tree.
IV. The car went ______ the tunnel.
V. I have liked that song ______ 1999.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Como vimos, o termo se refere a feast, banquete, não aos índios, the Indians. ERRADA.
Gabarito: B
a) for – to – on – in
b) on – in – from – to
c) to – from – in – for
d) since – for – from – to
Gabarito: B
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
3. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)
In “... and it will be lit every night until 6 January.” (line 11), “6 January”
O “pulo do gato” aqui era perceber que until significa até, indicando que seis de janeiro é até
quando o evento de Natal vai acontecer, ou seja, estabelecendo um prazo final.
a) represents when the action will begin.
representa quando a ação começará- na verdade, representa quando a ação vai terminar.
b) indicates the deadline for the event.
indica a data limite para o evento- CORRETA, conforme explicado acima. A árvore de natal
será acesa até dia 6 de janeiro.
c) refers to a past date.
refere-se a uma data passada- como vimos, refere-se a uma data futura em relação ao
momento em que o texto foi escrito. ERRADA.
d) shows the date the text was written-
mostra a data em que o texto foi escrito- o texto foi escrito antes de 6 de janeiro, pois
projeta nessa data o fim do evento de Natal que notícia. ERRADA.
Gabarito: B
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
within ________.”
(Adapted from Agatha Christie, Hallowe’em Party)
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
I’m having a wonderful time in Paris. I didn’t have _____ time to write last week because I took a
tour of some flea markets. I bought ______ beautiful vintage clothes. I also got some interesting
old books for you.
(Adapted from: BONNER, M; FUCHS, M. Grammar Express Basic – For Self-Study and Classroom
Use. 1 ed. New York: Longman, 2001. p. 99).
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
b) from / to
c) of / for
d) at / of
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “from”. O uso da preposição “from” é necessário
porque a lacuna exige uma preposição que indique origem, já que o contexo sugere que o voo em
questão partiu de Barcelona em direção a Dusseldorf.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “to”. O uso da preposição “to” é necessário porque a
lacuna exige uma preposição que indique direção (para onde se vai), já que o contexto sugere que
o voo em questão partiu de Barcelona em direção a Dusseldorf.
Temos a sequência: from / to
8. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) Choose the alternative that best completes the
dialogue below.
Mary: Whose pencil is that? Is it yours, Paul?
Paul: No, it’s not ____. I saw Susan using it. I think it’s ____.
a) mine - him
b) mine - hers
c) my - hers
d) my – her
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “mine”. O fato de a lacuna vir no final da frase e de a
palavra “pencil” não aparecer de forma repetida após a lacuna são os maiores indicativos que nós
temos de que precisamos preencher a lacuna com um pronome possessivo, e não com um
adjetivo possessivo. Portanto, é correto usar “mine” ao invés de “my”.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “hers”. O fato de a lacuna vir no final da frase e de a
palavra “pencil” não aparecer de forma repetida após a lacuna são os maiores indicativos que nós
temos de que precisamos preencher a lacuna com um pronome possessivo, e não com um
adjetivo possessivo. Portanto, é correto usar “hers” ao invés de “her”.
Temos a sequência: mine / hers
9. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) The sentence “We have learned nothing”, in the text,
can be replaced by
a) We have learned anything.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
b) We haven’t learned anything.
c) We haven’t learned something.
d) We haven’t learned everything.
A alternativa A está incorreta. Para que a substituição fosse correta, deveria haver uma negativa,
pois a frase do enunciado está na negativa, e a alternativa está na afirmativa.
A alternativa B está correta. A substituição seria perfeita, pois a frase está na negativa e usa a
palavra “anything”, que é exatamente a palavra usada e mais indicada para esse tipo de situação.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “something” está sendo incorretamente usada, pois ela
não é usada em frases negativas, apenas em afirmativas.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O problema dessa alternativa não está na estrutura, mas sim na
semântica, pois a frase do enunciado diz que eles não aprenderam nada, enquanto a frase da
alternativa diz que eles não aprenderam tudo.
10. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) The correct preposition that fills in the blank in the
text is
a) at
b) by
c) for
d) from
A lacuna deve ser preenchida por “from”. O texto quer dizer que ele retornou de Roma. Portanto,
a lacuna pede uma preposição que indique origem, pois estamos falando de onde ele veio. A
preposição que indica origem é, justamente, a preposição “from”.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
11. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)
The correct prepositions to respectively fill in the blanks in the text are
a) of / to
b) from / too
c) from / to
d) of / in
Quando queremos dizer em Inglês que alguma coisa vai de X até Y, a combinação de
prepositions é sempre from (indicando a “origem”, de onde partimos) e to (indicando o
“destino”, onde chegamos). No texto, o “intervalo” indicado não é em distância ou tempo,
mas refere-se a uma gama de produtos, indo de de tratamentos para resfriados até curas
para o câncer = from treatments for colds to cures for cancer.
c) from / to
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Gabarito: C
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
12. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011)
Choose the right alternative to have the blanks filled, respectively
a) who / who
b) which / that
c) that / which
d) which / who
Observamos que nos dois trechos em que há as lacunas, iremos precisar de pronomes
relativos, para interligar as informações dentro da frase, fazendo referência a algo que já
havíamos mencionado antes. Nos dois casos, esse “algo” são pessoas, logo, o pronome
usado será o who. No caso em que não há separação por vírgulas (o primeiro no texto),
poderíamos usar também that (que é usado para pessoas e coisas), mas nas alternativas
não há a combinação that / who, apenas that / which, que ficaria errada, porque usamos
which apenas para coisas. Assim, nas duas lacunas usaremos who.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
De modo geral, a preposition of place que usamos para bairros, cidades, estados, países e
continentes e IN, guarde isso. Assim, antes de japan, obrigatoriamente temos que usar IN
(In Japan), ficando todas as outras opções trazidas pelas alternativas erradas.
c) In
Gabarito: C
No trecho, his é um possessive adjective (letra D), indicando a quem pertence a digestão:
a ele, digestão dele. Quanto às demais alternativas: possessive adverb estava ali só para te
confundir, não é uma classe existente em Inglês. O caso genitivo se refere ao ’s para indicar
posse. Pronomes reflexivos são os terminados em self / selves.
Gabarito: D
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
15. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2010)
“They”, in bold in the text, is related to
a) people.
b) scientists.
c) some smells.
d) wood and leaves.
Vamos voltar ao trecho para entender que palavra ou expressão they está retomando.
“Scientists are finding that some smells make people feel better. They help us to relax, to
sleep, or to feel happier.”= Os cientistas estão descobrindo que alguns cheiros fazem as
pessoas se sentirem melhor. Eles (os referidos “alguns cheiros”, some smells) nos ajudam
a relaxar, dormir ou nos sentir mais felizes.
c) some smells.
Gabarito: C
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
16. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2010)
In “They are more interesting than lions and tigers ...”, (lines 2 and 3), it means that
a) dolphins, lions and tigers are equal in some way.
b) tigers and lions are less interesting than dolphins.
c) there are no circus animals so interesting as dolphins.
d) dolphins compared with lions and tigers are less interesting.
No trecho trazido pela questão, they se refere a dolphins, os golfinhos. Assim, o que se
afirma é que os golfinhos são mais interessantes do que leões e tigres. Vamos buscar nas
alternativas qual expressa a mesma ideia.
a) golfinhos, leões e tigres são iguais de alguma forma.
Como vimos, o trecho afirma que golfinhos são mais interessantes. ERRADA.
Gabarito: B
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora
trembling floors – o tremor dos andares
to scramble – lutar
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa B está correta. A palavra “anyway” é usada para retomar o raciocínio do que ele
dizia antes de fazer um adendo explicando porque ele odeia o natal, exatamente como diz a
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “anyway” é usada para retomar o raciocínio do que ele
dizia antes de fazer um adendo explicando porque ele odeia o natal. Portanto, não se pode dizer
que a palavra foi usada para apresentar as qualidades boas ou ruins de algo.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “anyway” é usada para retomar o raciocínio do que ele
dizia antes de fazer um adendo explicando porque ele odeia o natal. Portanto, não se pode dizer
que a palavra foi usada para mencionar o momento no qual algo aconteceu.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Choose the alternative that best completes the blank in the text:
a) who
b) which
c) whom
d) whose
A alternativa A está incorreta. “Who” é utilizado para remeter a alguém, e não a alguma coisa. A
lacuna deve ser preenchida por uma palavra que remeta a “increase” para que o trecho tenha
A alternativa B está correta. “Which” é a palavra mais adequada para retomar a palavra
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Whom” é utilizado para remeter a alguém (na função de objeto
na frase, e não na função de sujeito como apresentado no trecho), e não a alguma coisa. A
lacuna deve ser preenchida por uma palavra que remeta a “increase” para que o trecho tenha
A alternativa D está incorreta. “Whose” significa “de quem”, e não “que”. A lacuna deve ser
preenchida por uma palavra que remeta a “increase” para que o trecho tenha sentido.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Read the text and answer question 22.
“Cracolândia” drug addicts have already spread to more than 20 different areas in São Paulo
Five days after a police operation in Cracolândia (Crackland) in the center of São Paulo, drug
have spread to various parts of the region, such as Paulista avenue, as well as the space
underneath the João Goulart overpass, which is also known as the Minhocão.
The officers from the GCM (the Metropolitan Civil Guard) have accompanied the movement of
those who belonged to the “flow” (fluxo) – a term used to describe outdoor areas where people
negotiate and consume drugs.
Fonte: Folha de São Paulo – Internacional – 26/05/2017
overpass = viaduto, elevado
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
"Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First
Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe," he said.
A curfew will also come into effect at 20:00 local time (01:00 GMT) until 07:00 on Tuesday.
The governor also called a special session of the state legislature on 31 August to discuss a
package of laws announced earlier this year on accountability and transparency of the police.
Mr Evers announced the legislation in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd in the
neighbouring state of Minnesota. His death in May highlighted police brutality and racism in the
US and sparked protests around the world.
What's the latest from Kenosha?
Hundreds of people marched on police headquarters on Sunday night to demonstrate against
the shooting. Vehicles were set on fire and protesters shouted "we won't back down" as officers
used tear gas to try to disperse the crowds. Organisers have called for further demonstrations in
the Wisconsin city on Monday.
Clyde McLemore, a member of a nearby chapter of the Black Lives Matter movement, issued a
call on Facebook for a march through the city starting at midday.
Reports suggest up to 200 members of the National Guard will be deployed on Monday.
Lawmakers "have failed to act" in the two months since he announced the "commonsense
policies", the governor tweeted. "I am urging the Legislature to rise to this occasion and give this
special session the urgent and productive effort this moment demands and that the people of
Wisconsin deserve," he wrote.
Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
The passenger mask verification feature is slated to roll out in the US and Canada by the end of
the month, and will expand to Latin America and other countries thereafter, the company said
in a blog post Tuesday.
Enforcement of mask use, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
to help slow the spread of the coronavirus, has proven to be difficult, in both public and private
spaces. In Ubers and Lyfts, riders have had to confirm they are wearing a mask or face covering
before hailing a ride for several months now, but enforcement has come down to being
reported by a driver.
Now, there will be an added layer once a rider violates the policy.
"We firmly believe that accountability is a two-way street," wrote Sachin Kansal, Uber's global
head of safety product, in the blog post.
If a passenger's next ride goes off without a hitch, they will not have to take a selfie again the
next time they go to request a ride.
The mask verification selfie, for both drivers and riders, uses object detection technology to
determine whether a person is wearing a mask.
Kansal told CNN Business that the company has done "a lot of optimizations" to detect things
like if someone is trying to cover their mouth with their hand, for instance, instead of a mask. "It
has to be a real-time picture of a face wearing a mask." In the instances where a person orders
an Uber for a friend or family member with their account, "the person who is actually requesting
the ride is the person who will have to go through the face verification process."
For both riders and drivers, repeated violations of Uber's policies could lead to deactivation,
but the company declined to go into detail regarding how many violations contribute to a
"We have definitely taken action, including taking people off the platform, both from the rider
and driver side," Kansal said, referring to mask-related violations.
The company said on July 1 that its mask requirement in the US and Canada would be in effect
(Adapted from
24. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The underlined word in the text in paragraph 2, refers
a) Drivers
b) Riders
c) Uber employees
d) Drivers and passengers
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “their” (suas) não se refere aos motoristas (drivers),
mas sim, aos passageiros (riders) que são citados anteriormente no mesmo parágrafo.
A alternativa B está correta. A palavra “their” (suas) se refere aos passageiros (riders) que
são citados anteriormente no mesmo parágrafo, assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “their” (suas) não se refere aos funcionários da Uber
(Uber employees), que não são citados anteriormente, mas sim, aos passageiros (riders) que
são citados anteriormente no mesmo parágrafo.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “their” (suas) não se refere aos motoristas (drivers) e
aos passageiros (passengers), mas sim, apenas aos passageiros (riders) que são citados
anteriormente no mesmo parágrafo.
25. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “my” in the comic is a ______ pronoun
a) Possessive
b) Reflexive
c) Subject
d) Relative
A alternativa A está correta. A palavra “my” (minhas) é classificada como um pronome
possessivo (possessive pronoun), assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “my” (minhas) não é classificada como um pronome
reflexivo (reflexive pronoun), mas sim, como um pronome possessivo (possessive pronoun).
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “my” (minhas) não é classificada como um pronome
subjetivo (subject pronoun), mas sim, como um pronome possessivo (possessive pronoun).
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “my” (minhas) não é classificada como um pronome
relativo (relative pronoun), mas sim, como um pronome possessivo (possessive pronoun).
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa A está incorreta. O problema dessa sentença é o fato de “information” ser um
substantivo incontável e, assim sendo, não podemos usar o artigo indefinido “an”, mas sim
“some information” ou “a piece of information”.
A alternativa B está correta. O trecho fala que nós assistimos a muitos filmes todos os fins de
semana. A frase está corretamente estruturada e sem nenhum erro.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O problema desta sentença está no uso de “those”, que é
utilizado antes de substantivos no plural, já que “woman” está no singular. É como se a frase
estivesse escrita da seguinte forma: “aquelas mulher se sente atraída por mim”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O erro desta alternativa é trazer o artigo indefinido “an” antes
da palavra “new”, pois este artigo somente pode ser usado antes de palavras cujo som inicial
seja de vogal, o que não é o caso de “new”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O erro desta alternativa está no uso do pronome possessivo
“mine” acompanhado do substantivo “car”, pois este pronome é utilizado para substituir
substantivos, e não para acompanhá-los. Seria correto escrever “this car is faster than mine”.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
intimacy. Now scientists are starting to unravel how COVID-19 affects this critical sense, hoping
those discoveries will help thousands of newly anosmic people looking for answers.
What the nose knows
The olfactory system, which allows humans and other animals to smell, is essentially a way of
decoding chemical information. When someone takes a big sniff, molecules travel up the nose
to the olfactory epithelium, a small piece of tissue at the back of the nasal cavity. Those
molecules bind to olfactory sensory neurons, which then send a signal by way of an axon, a long
tail that threads through the skull and delivers that message to the brain, which registers the
molecules as, say, coffee, leather, or rotting lettuce.
Scientists still don’t fully understand this system, including exactly what happens when it stops
working. And most people don't realize how common smell loss really is, Munger says. “That
lack of public understanding means there’s less attention to try to understand the basic
functions of the system.”
People can lose their sense of smell after suffering a viral infection, like influenza or the
common cold, or after a traumatic brain injury. Some are born without any sense of smell at all
or lose it because of cancer treatments or diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It may also
fade as people age. While smell disorders aren’t as apparent as hearing loss or vision
impairment, data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) show that nearly 25 percent of
Americans over the age of 40 report some kind of change in their sense of smell, and over 13
million people have a measurable disorder like anosmia, the total loss of smell, or hyposmia, a
partial loss. Such conditions can last for years or even be permanent.
It’s not clear if COVID-19 anosmia is different from other instances of smell loss caused by a
virus, but those who experience anosmia due to COVID-19 appear to be unique in a few ways.
First, they notice the loss of the sense immediately because it’s not accompanied by the
congestion or stuffiness that generally characterizes the early stages of virally induced anosmia.
“It’s very dramatic,” says Danielle Reed, associate director of the Monell Chemical Senses
Center in Philadelphia, which studies smell and taste loss. “People just cannot smell anything.”
Another notable difference is that many patients with COVID-19 who report losing their sense
of smell get it back relatively quickly, in just a few weeks, unlike most people who experience
anosmia from other viruses, which can last months or years.
Quagge estimates he’s recovered about 60 percent of his sense of smell so far, but he says in
the early days, without any information about when or if he’d ever get it back, he was scared.
An avid amateur chef, he had to rely on his family to tell him if the milk was bad, and he couldn’t
smell his wife’s perfume. “Stuff that gets to your soul,” he says. “It bummed me out.”
(Adapted from
27. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the option that can replace the word "very" in
the eleventh paragraph without changing its meaning.
a) a lot.
b) really.
c) also.
d) to.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa A está incorreta. Essa expressão não substitui corretamente "very" pois indica
quantidade, e não intensidade.
A alternativa B está correta. A expressão "really" é um sinônimo de "very" e ambos indicam
A alternativa C está incorreta. O advérbio "also" indica aditividade, e não intensidade, assim
como “very”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. "To" é uma preposição e tem como uma de suas funções, a
utilização com um verbo para torná-lo infinitivo, e não um advérbio que indica intensidade, que
é o caso de “very”.
28. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Considering the use of the verb tense, mark the
alternative that completes the sentence below correctly:
At first, Peter
a) has the common symptoms.
b) was having the common symptoms.
c) have the common symptoms.
d) had the common symptoms.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O tempo verbal em "has" indica presente, o que não se encaixa
com a frase dada pela questão, que pede um tempo verbal no passado, com a ação finalizada.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O tempo verbal em "was having" indica continuidade no passado,
o que não se encaixa com a frase dada pela questão, que pede um tempo verbal no passado,
com a ação finalizada.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O tempo verbal em "have" indica presente, o que não se encaixa
com a frase dada pela questão, que pede um tempo verbal no passado, com a ação finalizada.
A alternativa D está correta. O tempo verbal em "had" indica uma ação finalizada no passado, o
que se encaixa com a frase dada pela questão.
29. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below.
“___ four years, Trump has been ___ dominant force and inescapable fact not only
___ national politics but also ___ American life.”
(Adapted from
Mark the alternative which completes the blanks respectively.
a) At / the / in / in.
b) For / the / in / on.
c) For / the / of / in.
d) For / the / of / of.
e) At / the / on / of.
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por "for". O uso do present perfect é a dica de que
devemos usar a preposição "for", pois ele foi a força dominante por 4 anos.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. O uso dessa preposição de torna
obrigatória por conta da especificidade, ou seja, estamos especificando que força dominante foi
essa. Ele não uma força dominante, mas sim A força dominante.
As duas últimas lacunas devem ser preenchidas com “of”. Se tornam obrigatórios porque
ele foi a força dominante da política nacional e da vida americana. Como se essa força dominante
pertencesse à política nacional e à vida americana.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
of the virus. Massive vaccination efforts began in India in 1997, which eradicated the virus
in 2014.
How Polio Was Eradicated from the African Continent
But Africa, with its vast sprawl of village populations, long distances to urban
hospitals, spotty infrastructure like adequate roads and reliable “cold chains”—
refrigerated transport networks to keep vaccines viable—was always going to present
special challenges. In 1996, when the case count on the continent regularly reached 75,000
victims every year, South African President Nelson Mandela partnered with Rotary to
launch the “Kick Polio Out of Africa” Campaign, and the group scrambled fast—or as fast
as was possible with so many children to vaccinate on so vast a land mass. In 2000, the first
synchronized campaigns began in 17 countries, with 76 million children being vaccinated
by tens of thousands of volunteers. The work fanned out across the continent from there,
including an especially heavy push from 2008 to 2010, when an outbreak in 24 countries in
western and central Africa was met by a large-scale, multi-national vaccination of 85
million children.
Finally, Nigeria stood alone as the only African nation where the disease was still
endemic, in part because of resistance by religious leaders in the northern part of the
country who objected western interference in local affairs and claimed that the vaccine
was unsafe. That opposition broke down, partly thanks to Muhammad Sanusi II, the Emir
of the city of Kano—a hereditary leader descended from a ruling family—who appeared at
a public ceremony before the kick off of a seasonal vaccination campaign in 2016, called
for a vial of polio vaccine to be brought to the stage, and with the audience watching, broke
its seal and drank down its entire contents. That year, the country recorded its last case of
polio, and this year, Nigeria’s WHO certification is the reward for its efforts.
“The polio eradication program in Nigeria has gone through some difficult times,
but I never once doubted that this day would come,” says Dr. Tunji Funsho, a former
cardiologist who is the chair of Rotary International’s Polio-Plus Committee in Nigeria. “Any
time that we’ve experienced a setback, Rotary and our partners have been able to find
solutions and develop new strategies for reaching vulnerable children.”
(Adapted from
30. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “The 32-year initiative has depended on volunteer
workers and charitable donations…” (paragraph 4)
a) The 32-year old initiative counts on paid work and charitable donations
b) The 32-year old initiative depended on donations and volunteer workers
c) The 32-year old initiative is built upon charity and volunteer workers
d) The 32-year initiative no longer depends on volunteer workers and charitable
A alternativa A está incorreta. A frase dada (a iniciativa de 32 anos depende de
trabalhadores voluntários e doações de caridade) não pode ser substituída pela frase
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
“a iniciativa de 32 anos conta com trabalho remunerado e doações de caridade”, mas
sim, pela frase “a iniciativa de 32 anos é baseada em caridade e trabalhadores
A alternativa B está incorreta. A frase dada (a iniciativa de 32 anos dependia de
trabalhadores voluntários e doações) não pode ser substituída pela frase “a iniciativa
de 32 anos conta com trabalho remunerado e doações de caridade”, mas sim, pela frase
“a iniciativa de 32 anos é baseada em caridade e trabalhadores voluntários”.
A alternativa C está correta. A frase dada (a iniciativa de 32 anos depende de
trabalhadores voluntários e doações de caridade) pode ser substituída pela frase “a
iniciativa de 32 anos é baseada em caridade e trabalhadores voluntários”, assim como
esta opção indica.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A frase dada (a iniciativa de 32 anos depende de
trabalhadores voluntários e doações de caridade) não pode ser substituída pela frase
“a iniciativa de 32 anos não depende mais de doações de caridade e trabalhadores
voluntários”, mas sim, pela frase “a iniciativa de 32 anos é baseada em caridade e
trabalhadores voluntários”.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
The study was small, involving fewer than 300 cases of Covid-19, a tiny fraction of the nearly 30
million reported cases of coronavirus infection around the world. Another concern is that the
data on nearsightedness in the comparison group were gleaned from a study that took place
decades earlier.
And Dr. Maragakis noted that any number of factors could confound the data, and it may be
that wearing glasses is simply associated with another variable that affects risk for Covid-19. For
example, it could be that people who wear glasses tend to be older, and more careful and more
likely to stay home during a viral outbreak, than those who do not wear glasses. Or perhaps
people who can afford glasses are less likely to contract the virus for other reasons, like having
the means to live in less crowded spaces.
“It’s one study,” Dr. Maragakis said. “It does have some biological plausibility, given that in
health care facilities, we use eye protection,” such as face shields or goggles. “But what remains
to be investigated is whether eye protection in a public setting would add any protection over
and above masks and physical distancing. I think it’s still unclear.”
Health care workers wear protective equipment over their eyes to protect them from droplets
that can fly from coughs and sneezes, as well as aerosolized particles that form when patients
undergo medical procedures, such as intubation. But for the vast majority of people, that extra
level of protection probably isn’t needed if a person is wearing a mask and keeping physical
distance in public spaces. There’s also the possibility of introducing risk by wearing glasses —
some people might touch their faces more when they put on glasses, rather than less, noted Dr.
That said, more study is needed to see if the trend holds up in other study populations, said Dr.
Thomas Steinemann, a spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology and professor
of ophthalmology at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland.
“I think it’s provocative, and it’s extremely interesting,” Dr. Steinemann said.
(Adapted from
31. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Read the extract from the text
“…equipment over their eyes to protect them from droplets that can fly from coughs and
sneezes…” (paragraph 12)
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “them” (eles) não se refere aos pacientes de Covid-
19, mas sim, aos profissionais de saúde, que são citados no início da frase.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “them” (eles) não se refere à toda a população, mas
sim, aos profissionais de saúde, que são citados no início da frase.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “them” (eles) não se refere usuários diários de
óculos, mas sim, aos profissionais de saúde, que são citados no início da frase.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A palavra “them” (eles) não se refere a vasta maioria das
pessoas, mas sim, aos profissionais de saúde, que são citados no início da frase.
32. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the option that fills in blanks I and II,
a) We / we
b) They / we
c) Us / we
d) They / us
e) Us / us
A lacuna I deve ser preenchida com “they” (eles) pois a frase está na terceira pessoa e se
refere aos pesquisadores que estavam na China, assim como o início da frase nos indica.
A lacuna II deve ser preenchida com “we” (nós) pois a frase está em primeira pessoa, ou seja,
um dos autores do estudo estava se referindo a ele e aos outros autores, assim como a frase
nos indica.
33. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Read and complete the sentence below
An envelope containing ___ poison ricin was sent to the White House, the New York
Times reported on Saturday. The newspaper said law enforcement believed the
envelope, which was intercepted before reaching ___ White House mail room, was sent
from Canada.
(Adapted from
a) A / the
b) X / the
c) The / X
d) A / X
e) The / the
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “the” (o/a) pois a frase de refere à um veneno
específico, ou seja, requer o artigo definido.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “the” (o/a) pois a frase se refere a Casa Branca,
ou seja, requer o artigo definido.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
34. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Match the questions and answers
( ) A few
( ) He’s hers
( ) A little
( ) She is a firefighter
( ) She’s fine
a) III – IV – I – V – II
b) I – IV – III – V – II
c) I – II – IV – V – III
d) III – II – IV – I – V
e) I – IV – II – III – V
A pergunta I “How many clothes do you have at your closet” (quantas roupas você
tem no seu armário?) só pode ser respondida por “a few” (algumas), pois é a única resposta
compatível com essa pergunta.
A pergunta II “How is Erica?” (Como está a Erica?) só pode ser respondida por “She’s
fine” (ela está bem), pois é a única resposta compatível com esta pergunta.
A pergunta III “How much water do you have in a day?” (quanta água você bebe em
um dia?) só pode ser respondida por “a little” (um pouco), pois é a única resposta
compatível com esta pergunta.
A pergunta IV “Whose son is Daniel?” (o Daniel é filho de quem?) só pode ser
respondida por “Hee’s hers” (ele é dela), pois é a única resposta compatível com esta
A pergunta V “What does Jennifer do?” (o que a Jennifer faz?) só pode ser
respondida por “she is a firefigther” (ela é bombeira), pois é a única resposta compatível
com esta pergunta.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Observe the city map to do item 35
35. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) It’s correct to say that the
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Read text I to do items 36 to 38.
Some of America's biggest tech firms on Monday backed a challenge to President Donald
Trump's restrictions on foreign workers.
Amazon, Apple and Facebook are among the companies arguing that the temporary visa
bans will damage US firms.
Mr Trump imposed restrictions on some foreign workers to safeguard jobs for Americans
during the virus pandemic.
Many of those affected by the measures are technology workers from India.
Microsoft, Netflix, Twitter and other big technology companies also backed the lawsuit,
which was filed last month by major US business associations.
Those industry groups included the National Association of Manufacturers, which
represents 14,000 firms, and America's biggest business association, the US Chamber of
The brief argued that the visa restrictions, which were announced in June, will hurt US
The companies said Mr Trump’s proclamation was based on a “false assumption” that it
would protect American jobs as it would mean they may now have to employ people in other
The brief said: “Global competitors in Canada, China, and India, among others, are
pouncing at the opportunity to attract well-trained, innovative individuals.
“And American businesses are scrambling to adjust, hiring needed talent to work in
locations outside our nation’s borders,” it continued.
They also contended that it could do irreparable damage to American businesses,
workers and further hurt the already struggling US economy.
Mr Trump's proclamation suspended the entry of a range of foreign workers until the end
of this year.
Adapted from <>
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa D está correta. O texto afirma o mesmo que a alternativa, que agora eles precisam
contratar estrangeiros para trabalhar em outros países, já que não podem contratar essas
pessoas para trabalhar nos Estados Unidos.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O texto não fala nada sobre a destruição da imagem do Facebook,
ou de qualquer outra empresa. Portanto, essa alternativa extrapola o entendimento do texto.
37. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) Read the extract from the text.
“The companies said Mr Trump’s proclamation was based on a “false assumption”...”
What’s the correct question referring to the underlined information?
a) Who said the proclamation was based on a “false assumption”?
b) What did companies say about Mr. Trump’s proclamation?
c) What was Mr. Trump’s proclamation based on?
d) Who proclamation was based on a “false assumption”?
e) Whose proclamation was based on a “false assumption”?
A alternativa A está incorreta. O enunciado pede a pergunta que teria como resposta
“Mr.Trump”, mas a pergunta dessa alternativa teria como resposta “the companies”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O enunciado pede a pergunta que teria como resposta
“Mr.Trump”, mas a pergunta dessa alternativa teria como resposta “was based on a false
A alternativa C está incorreta. O enunciado pede a pergunta que teria como resposta
“Mr.Trump”, mas a pergunta dessa alternativa teria como resposta “a false assumption”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O erro dessa alternativa é construir a pergunta com a question
word “who” (quem), quando, na verdade, ela deveria ser construída com “whose” (de quem).
A alternativa E está correta. A pergunta da alternativa teria como resposta exatamente o trecho
sublinhado no enunciado “Mr. Trump”.
38. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Read the extract from the text.
“which was filed last month by major US business associations”
The relative pronoun “which” refers to:
a) companies.
b) Microsoft, Netflix, Twitter.
c) lawsuit.
d) US business associations.
e) big technology.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O pronome relativo “which” está retomando “lawsuit”, que é o
que foi feito no mês passado por grandes associações de empresas. Portanto, não podemos
dizer que o pronome se refere a “companies”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O pronome relativo “which” está retomando “lawsuit”, que é o
que foi feito no mês passado por grandes associações de empresas. Portanto, não podemos
dizer que o pronome se refere a “Microsoft, Netflix, Twitter”.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa C está correta. O pronome relativo “which” está retomando “lawsuit”, que é o que
foi feito no mês passado por grandes associações de empresas.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O pronome relativo “which” está retomando “lawsuit”, que é o
que foi feito no mês passado por grandes associações de empresas. Portanto, não podemos
dizer que o pronome se refere a “US business associations”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O pronome relativo “which” está retomando “lawsuit”, que é o
que foi feito no mês passado por grandes associações de empresas. Portanto, não podemos
dizer que o pronome se refere a “big technology”.
GABARITO: C Adapted.
40. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) Match the questions and answers.
I. How is it going?
II. How do you like your job?
III. How do I go about getting to the meat shop?
IV. How do you like your coffee?
( ) I love it!
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
( ) just great!
( ) I like really sweet.
( ) You’re just in front of it.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
US Democratic Party activists like Shekar Narasimhan says her candidacy would be "seismic" for
the Indian-American community. "She's a woman, she biracial, she will help win the election for
Biden, she appeals to various communities and she's really smart."
"Why should Indian-Americans not be proud of her? It's a signal that we are coming of age."
Adapted from (
42. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita)The word in bold in “with whom she kept in touch
through long distance calls and letters and periodic trips.” (paragraph 13) refers to
a) Ms. Harris’ uncle and two aunts.
b) Ms. Harris.
c) Ms. Harris’s mother.
d) Ms. Harris’ brother and sisters.
e) India.
O trecho no texto diz que ela escreve e é próxima do irmão e duas irmãs de sua mãe, com quem
ela manteve contato. Ao traduzir, torna-se simples perceber que “whom” está retomando o
irmão e irmãs da mãe dela. Portanto, “whom” se refere ao seu tio e tias, resposta que
encontramos na letra A.
43. (ESA – 2019) “_________ American?” Complete the space with the correct form of the verb
and the pronoun.
(A) You is
(B) You are
(C) Are you
(D) Is you
(E) Am you
A alternativa A está incorreta. “You” nunca deve ser seguido de “is”, e sim “are”. O verbo deve
estar antes do pronome “you”, pois trata-se de uma pergunta.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A ordem de pronome (you) e verbo (are) deveria estar invertida
por se tratar de uma pergunta.
A alternativa C está correta. Numa frase interrogativa, deve-se inverter a ordem de pronome e
verbo. Portanto, “Are you American?” é gramaticalmente correto.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “You” nunca é acompanhado de “is”, sempre de “are”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “You” nunca é acompanhado de “am”, sempre de “are”.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa A está incorreta. Não se utiliza “more” junto com “earlier”, pois “earlier” já é
comparativo. Utiliza-se apenas “earlier”, pois essa palavra, apenas, já oferece o sentido
comparativo que a sentença busca.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O modo comparativo de “old” é “older”, não “more old”. Só se usa
“more” antes de adjetivo quando este adjetivo tiver pelo menos três sílabas, ou seja, quando for
uma palavra longa.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A mesma explicação da alternativa anterior se aplica no caso de
“fast” o correto seria “faster”, não “more fast”. Só se usa “more” antes de adjetivo quando este
adjetivo tiver pelo menos três sílabas, ou seja, quando for uma palavra longa.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “expensive” é uma palavra de, pelo menos, três sílabas.
Portanto, é correto dizer “more expensive” ao invés de “expensiver”.
A alternativa E está correta. “Cheaper” é a forma correta de fazer o comparativo de “cheap”.
45. (ESA – 2019) Complete the sentence below using the appropriate words:
Mr. Harris _______ trains: He is afraid of airplanes and ______ like buses, but ______ trains.
(A) Likes/don’t/love
(B) Likes/doesn’t/loves
(C) Like/do/loves
(D) Like/don’t/love
(E) Like/does/love
Mr. Harris ___likes____ trains: He is afraid of airplanes and ___doesn’t___ like buses, but
___loves___ trains.
“Mr. Harris” pode ser substituído por “he”. Sempre que se conjuga verbo na terceira pessoa do
singular (he/she/it), acrescenta-se “S” ao final do verbo.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “doesn’t”, pois o sujeito está na terceira pessoa do
singular e exige “doesn’t” ao invés de “don’t”.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “loves”, pois quem ama os trens é ele (he). Portanto,
temos mais uma vez o sujeito na terceira pessoa do singular, que exige o acréscimo da letra “S”
no final do verbo.
Temos então a sequência: likes / doesn’t / loves
A alternativa correta é a letra B.
46. (CN – 2018) Read the text to do the question below. Complete with a, the or 0 (no article).
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
(B) The - the - 0 - a - 0 - the - the - The - 0 - the
(C) 0 - the - 0 - the - the - the - 0 - The - the - the
(D) The - 0 - 0 - a - 0-the- The - 0 - a - 0
(E) The - 0 - the - a - 0 - the - The - a - a - a
Na primeira lacuna, não necessitamos de artigo antes de “Brazil”.
A segunda lacuna fala “no norte” e não “em um norte”. Portanto, “the” (artigo definido) completa
corretamente a lacuna.
A terceira lacuna não é preenchida por nenhum artigo.
A quarta lacuna fala “O rio mais longo”. “the” é o artigo definido a ser usado.
A quinta lacuna fala “no sul” e não “em um sul”. Portanto, “the” (artigo definido) completa
corretamente a lacuna.
A sexta lacuna fala “O clima”. “the” é o artigo definido a ser usado.
A sétima lacuna não pede pronome algum antes de “Brazil”.
A oitava lacuna diz “os ricos”. “the” é a opção correta para esta lacuna.
A nona lacuna diz “a maior parte da riqueza do país”. Mais uma vez, “the” é o pronome adequado
a ser utilizado aqui.
A décima lacuna diz “os pobres”. O pronome “the” é o mais adeuqado aqui.
47. (CN – 2018) Read the comic strip in order to do the question below. The correct pronoun that
completes the third bubble speech is
(A) they.
(B) it.
(C) theirs.
(D) its.
(E) them.
A alternativa A está incorreta. O pronome a preencher a lacuna deverá retomar “eyes”. They é
um subject pronoun (exerce função de sujeito na frase). A lacuna exerce função de complemento.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O pronome a preencher a lacuna deverá retomar “eyes”. “It” é um
pronome da terceira pessoa do singular. Por isso não pode retomar um termo no plural.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Theirs” é pronome possessivo. Portanto, não pode ser usado para
preencher a lacuna.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “Its” também é um pronome possessivo e, potanto, não pode
preencher a lacuna.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa E está correta. “Them” é um pronome que preenche adequadamente a lacuna por
se tratar de um “object pronoun” da terceira pessoa do plural.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
• Forced and early marriage – when someone is married against their will and cannot leave the
marriage. Most child marriages can be considered slavery.
Many forms of slavery have more than one element listed above. For example, human
trafficking often involves advance payment for travel and a job abroad, using money often
borrowed from the traffickers. Then, the debt contributes to control of the victims. Once they
arrive, victims cannot leave until they pay off their debt.
Many people think that slavery happens only overseas, in developing countries. In fact, no
country is free from modern slavery, even Britain. The Government estimates that there are
tens of thousands people in modern slavery in the UK.
Modern slavery can affect people of any age, gender or race. However, contrary to a common
misconception6 that everyone can be a victim of slavery, some groups of people are much more
vulnerable to slavery than others.
People who live in poverty7 and have limited opportunities for decent work are more vulnerable
to accepting deceptive job offers that can turn exploitative. People who are discriminated
against on the basis of race, caste, or gender are also more likely to be enslaved. Slavery is also
more likely to occur where the rule of law is weaker and corruption is rife.
Anti-Slavery International believes that we have to tackle8 the root causes of slavery in order to
end slavery for good. That’s why we published our AntiSlavery Charter, listing comprehensive
measures that need to be taken to end slavery across the world.
(Adapted from
1. sweatshop – a factory where workers are paid very little and work many hours in very bad
2. exploitation – abuse, manipulation
3. will – wish, desire
4. whilst – while
5. to hinder – obstruct, stop
6. misconception – wrong idea/ impression
7. poverty – the condition of being extremely poor
8. to tackle – attack
48. (EPCAR – 2019) “Slavery continues today and harms people in every country in the world”
(lines 2 and 3). The highlighted words can be substituted for _____.
a) them
b) theirs
c) their
d) they
“Slavery continues today and harms people in every country in the world”. A escravidão
continua hoje e afeta pessoas em todos os países do mundo.
Ao analisar a sentença traduzida, podemos observar que o trecho sublinhado atua como objeto
direto. A questão pede para substituirmos o trecho sublinhado por um pronome
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa A está correta. “Them” é o pronome adequado para a substituição proposta pela
questão. “Them” é um pronome pessoal que é usado na função sintática de objeto da oração,
enquanto “They” é um pronome pessoal usado na função sintática de sujeito da oração.
A alternativa B está incorreta. “Theirs” é um pronome possessivo utilizado no final das frases.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Their” é um pronome possessivo utilizado antes do substantivo
ao qual ele se relaciona.
A afirmativa D está incorreta. “They” é um pronome pessoal usado na função sintática de sujeito
da oração. Nesse caso, o trecho sublinhado atua como objeto, e não sujeito. Por isso, o
pronome “them” é o mais adequado para substituir o trecho.
“In Brazil, countryside youth want to learn about new places, new cultures and people.
However, they think their everyday lives are an obstacle to that, because they imagine that
country life has nothing to do with other parts of the world”, says Rafael Fonseca. Rafael
teaches English in a language school in a cooperative coffee cultivation in Paraguaçu. His
learners are the children of rural workers.
Rafael tells us that the objective of the project being developed in the cooperative is to give the
young people more opportunities of growth in the countryside, and that includes the ability to
communicate with international buyers. “In the future, our project may help overcome the lack
of succession in countryside activities because, nowadays, rural workers’ children become
lawyers, engineers, teachers, and sometimes even doctors, but those children very rarely want
to have a profession related to rural work”, says Rafael.
“That happens”, he adds, “because their parents understand that life in the countryside can be
hard work and they do not want to see their children running the same type of life that they
have. Their children also believe that life in the country does not allow them to have contact
with other parts of the world, meet other people and improve cultural bounds. The program
intends to show them that by means of a second language they can travel, communicate with
new people and learn about new cultures as a means of promoting and selling what they
produce in the country, and that includes receiving visitors in their workplace from abroad.”
Rafael’s strategy is to contextualize the English language and keep learners up-to-date with
what happens in the global market. “Integrating relevant topics about countryside living can be
transformative in the classroom. The local regional and cultural aspects are a great source of
inspiration and learning not only for the young, but for us all.”
Adapted from
49. (EsPCEx – 2019) Choose the alternative with the correct reference for the underlined words
from the text.
[A] they (paragraph 1) = countryside youth
[B] his (paragraph 1) = Paraguaçu
[C] us (paragraph 2) = workers
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
[D] their (paragraph 3) = rural workers’ children
[E] them (paragraph 3) = other parts of the world
A alternativa A está correta. “In Brazil, countryside youth want to learn about new places, new
cultures and people. However, they think their everyday lives are an obstacle to that”. O trecho
diz que a juventude rural (countryside youth) quer aprender sobre novos lugares, novas culturas
e pessoas. Mas que, entretanto, eles (they) pensam que a vida cotidiana deles é um obstáculo
para isso. Como podemos observar no trecho traduzido, “they” retoma “countryside youth” a
fim de continuar explicando seus anseios.
A alternativa B está incorreta. “Rafael teaches English in a language school in a cooperative
coffee cultivation in Paraguaçu. His learners are the children of rural workers”. Rafael ensina
Inglês numa escola de idiomas em um cultivo de café cooperativo em Paraguaçu. Os alunos dele
são os filhos dos trabalhadores rurais. Nesta tradução do trecho, é possível observar que a
palavra “dele” se refere a “Rafael”, e não a “Paraguaçu”. “His” nunca remeterá a um lugar,
sempre a uma pessoa do sexo masculino ou, em alguns casos, a animais de estimação machos.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Workers” aparece num momento do texto que cita uma fala de
Rafael. “Us” aparece no início do parágrafo quando o narrador diz: Rafael nos disse... Nesse
caso, “us” (nos) refere-se ao narrador (entrevistador/equipe de reportagem).
A alternativa D está incorreta. “because their parents understand that life in the countryside can
be hard work and they do not want to see their children running the same type of life that they
have.” Observa-se neste trecho que “their” refere-se aos trabalhadores rurais (rural workers), e
não aos filhos dos trabalhadores rurais (rural workers’ children).
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Their children also believe that life in the country does not allow
them to have contact with other parts of the world”. Os filhos deles (their children) também
acreditam que a vida no campo não permite que eles (them) tenham contato com outras partes
do mundo (other parts of the world). Percebe-se claramente que “eles” refere-se a “Os filhos
deles”, e não a “outras partes do mundo”.
Directions: Read the text below and answer question 50 according to it.
TEXT Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are not ‘learning styles’ by Valerie Strauss
The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized 30 years ago when we now
worldrenowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which detailed a new model of human intelligence that went
beyond the traditional view that there was a single kind that could be measured by standardized
Gardner’s theory initially listed seven intelligences which work together: linguistic, logical-
mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal; he later added an
eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a few more. The theory became highly
popular with K-12¹ educators around the world seeking ways to reach students who did not
respond to traditional approaches, but over time, ‘multiple intelligences’ somehow became
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
synonymous with the concept of ‘learning styles’. In this important post, Gardner explains why
the former is not the latter.
It’s been 30 years since I developed the notion of ‘multiple intelligences’. I have been gratified
by the interest shown in this idea and the ways it’s been used in schools, museums, and
business around the world. But one unanticipated consequence has driven me to distraction
and that’s the tendency of many people, including persons whom I cherish, to credit me with
the notion of ‘learning styles’ or to collapse ‘multiple intelligences’ with ‘learning styles’. It’s
high time to relieve my pain and to set the record straight.
First a word about ‘MI theory’. On the basis of research in several disciplines, including the study
of how human capacities are represented in the brain, I developed the idea that each of us has a
number of relatively independent mental faculties, which can be termed our ‘multiple
intelligences’. The basic idea is simplicity itself. A belief in a single intelligence assumes that we
have one central, all-purpose computer, and it determines how well we perform in every sector
of life. In contrast, a belief in multiple intelligences assumes that human beings have 7 to 10
distinct intelligences.
Even before I spoke and wrote about ‘MI’, the term ‘learning styles’ was being bandied about in
educational circles. The idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is that all children (indeed all of
us) have distinctive minds and personalities. Accordingly, it makes sense to find out about
learners and to teach and nurture them in ways that are appropriate, that they value, and above
all, are effective.
Two problems: first, the notion of ‘learning styles’ is itself not coherent. Those who use this
term do not define the criteria for a style, nor where styles come from, how they are
recognized/ assessed/ exploited. Say that Johnny is said to have a learning style that is
‘impulsive’. Does that mean that Johnny is ‘impulsive’ about everything? How do we know this?
What does this imply about teaching? Should we teach ‘impulsively’, or should we compensate
by ‘teaching reflectively’? What of learning style is ‘right-brained’ or visual or tactile? Same
issues apply.
Problem #2: when researchers have tried to identify learning styles, teach consistently with
those styles, and examine outcomes, there is not persuasive evidence that the learning style
analysis produces more effective outcomes than a ‘one size fits all approach’. Of course, the
learning style analysis might have been inadequate. Or even if it is on the mark, the fact that
one intervention did not work does not mean that the concept of learning styles is fatally
imperfect; another intervention might have proved effective. Absence of evidence does not
prove non-existence of a phenomenon; it signals to educational researchers: ‘back to the
drawing boards’.
Here’s my considered judgment about the best way to analyze this lexical terrain: Intelligence:
We all have the multiple intelligences. But we signed out, as a strong intelligence, an area where
the person has considerable computational power. Style or learning style: A hypothesis of how
an individual approaches the range of materials. If an individual has a ‘reflective style’, he/she is
hypothesized to be reflective about the full range of materials. We cannot assume that
reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals reflectiveness in one’s interaction with the others.
Senses: Sometimes people speak about a ‘visual’ learner or an ‘auditory’ learner. The
implication is that some people learn through their eyes, others through their ears. This notion
is incoherent. Both spatial information and reading occur with the eyes, but they make use of
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
entirely different cognitive faculties. What matters is the power of the mental computer, the
intelligence that acts upon that sensory information once picked up.
These distinctions are consequential. If people want to talk about ‘an impulsive style’ or a ‘visual
learner’, that’s their prerogative. But they should recognize that these labels may be unhelpful,
at best, and ill-conceived at worst.
In contrast, there is strong evidence that human beings have a range of intelligences and that
strength (or weakness) in one intelligence does not predict strength (or weakness) in any other
intelligences. All of us exhibit jagged profiles of intelligences. There are common sense ways of
assessing our own intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate, we can take a more formal
test battery. And then, as teachers, parents, or selfassessors, we can decide how best to make
use of this information.
(Adapted from
1. K-12 educators defend the adoption of an interdisciplinary curriculum and methods for
teaching with objects.
50. (AFA – 2017) In the sentence “there was a single kind that could be measured by
standardized tests”, it is possible to find an option to substitute the pronoun accordingly in
a) when.
b) which
c) how.
d) whom.
O pronome em questão é that.
A alternativa A está incorreta pois when é usado para designar lugar.
A alternativa B está correta porque a palavra which é um pronome que substitui perfeitamente
o pronome that nessa situação. Pode ser traduzido como “o/a qual”.
A alternativa C está incorreta pois how é usado para designar “como” ou “de que forma”.
A alternativa D está incorreta pois whom é usado como objeto na frase, e não como pronome
OBS.: no trecho, encontramos os verbos no tempo passado simples (simple past). There was,
could e measured. É interessante perceber que there was é o passado de there is, could é
passado de can e measured é passado de measure. Dessa forma, vamos trabalhando o assunto
da aula e nos familiarizando com os diferentes tempos verbais.
51. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “ at the party yesterday?” Complete the
space with the correct form of the verb and the pronoun.
a) Are you
b) Where you
c) Did you go
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
d) You went
e) Were you
A lacuna deve ser preenchida com “were you” (você estava?) pois é a forma correta de se
começar uma pergunta que indica passado, ou seja, “você estava na festa ontem?”.
52. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option has a correct relation of the
underlined terms and their substitutes?
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa D está incorreta. Neste caso, o correto seria “I have a new sofa” (eu tenho um
sofá novo), a ordem está errada.
A alternativa E está incorreta. Neste caso, o verbo “to need” deveria estar no simple present,
ou seja, “he needs” (ele precisa). Ou seja, “ele precisa ser amado”.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
When the WBGT reaches 29C, for example, the recommendation is to suspend exercise
for anyone not acclimatised. Yet that's the level Dr Lee and his colleagues are regularly
experiencing at Singapore's Ng Teng Fong General Hospital. And at the top of the scale - when
the WBGT registers 32C - the US says strenuous training should stop because the risk becomes
But levels that high have recently been recorded inside hospitals in Chennai in India by
Prof Vidhya Venugopal of the Sri Ramachandra University. She's also found workers in a salt pan
enduring a WBGT that climbs during the day to 33C - at which point they have to seek shelter.
And in a steel plant, a ferocious level of 41.7C was recorded, the workers being among the most
vulnerable to what she calls "the huge heat".
"If this happens day-in, day-out, people become dehydrated, there are cardiovascular
issues, kidney stones, heat exhaustion," Prof Venugopal says.
What solutions are there?
According to Dr Jimmy Lee, "it's not rocket science". People need to drink plenty of fluid
before they start work, take regular breaks and then drink again when they rest. His hospital has
started laying on "slushie" semi-frozen drinks to help the staff cool down. But he admits that
avoiding heat stress is easier said than done.
For him and his colleagues, going for rests involves the laborious process of changing out
of PPE and then back into a new set of equipment. There's a practical problem as well - "some
people do not want to drink so they can avoid having to go to the toilet," he says. And there's a
professional desire to keep working whatever the difficulties so as not to let colleagues and
patients down at a time of crisis.
People who are highly motivated can actually be at the greatest risk of heat injury, says
Dr Jason Lee, an associate professor in physiology at the National University of Singapore. He's a
leading member of a group specialising in the dangers of excessive heat, the Global Heat Health
Information Network, which has drawn up guidelines to help medics cope with Covid-19.
It's spearheaded by the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) and the US weather and climate agency Noaa. Dr Lee says that as well as
measures like rest and fluids - and shade for outdoor workers - a key strategy for resisting heat
stress is to be fit. "This climate change will be a bigger monster and we really need a
coordinated effort across nations to prepare for what is to come. "If not," he says, "there'll be a
price to be paid."
(Adapted from
54. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read the extract from the text
a) Indoor workers
b) Dr Jimmy Lee’s colleagues
c) Dr Jimmy and his family
d) Dr Jimmy Lee and his colleagues
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
e) Outdoor workers
A palavra “they” (eles) se refere ao Dr Jimmy Lee e seus colegas (Dr Jimmy Lee and his
colleagues), que são citados nos parágrafos anteriores. Isso pode ser confirmado com o
trecho “…and he notices that he and his colleagues become…”.
55. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct
a) The mother is responsible for the children
b) My sister are the best in the world
c) I make my bed this weekend
d) The Queen live in London
e) I’ll do a surgery this month
A alternativa A está correta. Essa é a estrutura correta para se dizer que a mãe é responsável
pelos filhos
A alternativa B está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na conjugação do verbo to be, que
deveria estar no singular “is” para se referir a apenas uma irmã.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na falta do “will” depois do eu (I), há
um erro de conjugação.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na conjugação do verbo live, que
deveria ser “lives” para o presente do indicativo.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está na expressão “I will do a surgery”.
Em inglês se diz que você irá sofrer uma cirurgia, e não fazer uma cirurgia, ou seja, deveria
ser “I will have a surgery”.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
57. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below
Donald Trump knew the extent of ___ deadly coronavirus threat ___ February but intentionally
misled the public by deciding ___ “play it down”, according to interviews recorded by one of
America’s most venerated investigative journalists.
(Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Mark the option which best completes the blanks correctly
a) X / in / to
b) The / on / for
c) The / on to
d) The / in / to
e) X / in / for
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “the” (o), pois a frase se refere a ameaça do
corona vírus, especificamente, ou seja, necessita do artigo definido.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “in” (em), pois a frase se refere a algo que
aconteceu em fevereiro, ou seja, pede a preposição in.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “to”, pois a frase se refere ao Trump ter decidido
à alguma coisa, ou seja, pede a preposição “to”, como por exemplo “decidec to play the
piano” (decidiu tocar piano).
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
“I have a wonderful brother,” the president during a news conference at the White House on
Friday, the same day he had visited him in hospital. “We’ve had a great relationship for a long
time, from Day 1,” he said.
But their relationship could be turbulent. The president, more than two years older than
Robert, admitted bullying his brother in their younger years, even as he praised his loyalty and
laid-back demeanour.
“I think it must be hard to have me for a brother but he’s never said anything about it and
we’re very close,” Donald Trump wrote in his 1987 bestseller The Art of the Deal.
“Robert gets along with almost everyone,” he added, “which is great for me since I sometimes
have to be the bad guy.”
In the 1980s Donald Trump tapped Robert to oversee an Atlantic City casino project, calling
him the perfect fit for the job. When it cannibalised his other casinos, though, “he pointed the
finger of blame at Robert”, said Blair, author of The Trumps: Three Generations that Built an
“When the slot machines jammed the opening weekend at the Taj Mahal, he very specifically
and furiously denounced Robert, and Robert walked out and never worked for his brother
again,” Blair said.
A Boston University graduate, Robert later managed the Brooklyn portion of father Fred
Trump’s real estate empire, which was eventually sold.
Once a regular boldface name in Manhattan’s social pages, Robert had kept a lower profile in
recent years. “He was not a newsmaker,” Blair said.
Before divorcing his first wife, Blaine Trump, more than a decade ago, Robert Trump had been
active on Manhattan’s Upper East Side charity circuit.
He avoided the limelight during his elder brother’s presidency, having retired to the Hudson
Valley. Robert and Donald reportedly reconciled at that time, with Robert describing himself as
a big supporter of the White House run in a 2016 interview with the New York Post.
“I support Donald one thousand percent,” Robert Trump said.
In early March of 2020, he married his longtime girlfriend, Ann Marie Pallan.
The eldest Trump sibling and Mary’s father, Fred Trump Jr, struggled with alcoholism and died
in 1981 at the age of 43. The president’s surviving siblings include Elizabeth Trump Grau and
Maryanne Trump Barry, a retired federal appeals judge.
Authors Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher described Robert Trump as soft spoken but cerebral
in Trump Revealed: The Definitive Biography of the 45th President: “He lacked Donald’s
charismatic showmanship, and he was happy to leave the bravado to his brother, but he could
show flashes of Trump temper.”
(Adapted from
58. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read the extract from the text
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
b) Donald and Robert Trump
c) Robert and his 4 siblings
d) Fred and his 5 children
e) Robert Trump and his ex-wife Blaine Trump
A palavra “their” (deles) se refere a Donald e Robert Trump. É possível afirmar isso pois o
parágrafo anterior ao décimo fazia menção a Robert e Donald, ou seja, a palavra “deles” no
início do parágrafo seguinte só poderia se referir a eles.
59. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) The correct use of verb to be to complete the blank
on the strip is
a) Are
b) Aren’t
c) Were
d) Weren’t
e) Is
A alternativa A está incorreta. “Are” é a forma plural, afirmativa e no presente do verb to be,
porém a questão requisitava uma forma plural, interrogativa e no presente.
A alternativa B está correta. “Aren’t” é o uso correto do verb to be para este caso. Um uso
plural, interrogativo e no presente.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Were” é a forma plural do verb to be, porém, se encontra no
passado e na forma afirmativa, enquanto a questão requisitava uma forma plural,
interrogativa e no presente.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “Weren’t” é a forma plural e interrogativa do verb to be,
porém, se encontra no passado, enquanto a questão requisitava uma forma plural,
interrogativa e no presente.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Is” é a forma singular do verb to be e se encontra no
presente, porém a questão requisitava uma forma plural, interrogativa e no presente.
60. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct
61. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below
Reuters reports that ___ Spanish health ministry on Monday announced 1,833 new
coronavirus infections diagnosed in ___ past 24 hours, below Friday’s post-lockdown record
of 2,987 but more than three times ___ average seen in July.
(Adapted from
a) The / X / the
b) X / the / the
c) X / X / the
d) The / the / the
e) X / the / X
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “the” (artigo definido) por conta da especificação
de qual ministério da saúde está em questão.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “the” (artigo definido) por conta de uma
especificação de um tempo exato, no passado.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida com o “the” (artigo definido) por conta da
especificação de uma média específica.
62. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read the extract from the text.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
"rodent companions for their meals." (paragraph 3)
The word “their” refers to:
a) Meals
b) People
c) Companions
d) Rodent
e) Alfresco dining
A alternativa A está incorreta. “Meals” está relacionada à palavra “their” no texto, mas a
palavra “their” não se refere a “meals”.
A alternativa B está correta. A palavra “their” retoma exatamente a palavra “people”, pois o
texto fala sobre as refeições das pessoas “Their meals”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Their” não se refere a “companions”, mas sim a “people”.
“Companions” se refere à “rodent”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O pronome “their” não está sendo usado para retomar
“rodent”, mas sim “people”, pois “their meals” significa refeições delas (das pessoas).
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Their” não poderia se referir a “alfresco dining”, pois “alfresco
dining” significa refeição ao ar livre e não poderia ser retomado por “their”.
63. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.
64. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
______ minister declared that ______ UK will be on an “irreversible path” to eliminating “high-
risk vendors” such as ______Huawei in 5G by ______ time of ______ next general election in
2024, in attempt to placate some MPs.
Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
In a series of tweets, Mr Zhao said the Galwan Valley was on the Chinese side of the Line of
Actual Control (LAC), the poorly demarcated border between the two nuclear-armed powers.
He said the clash occurred at a time when tension had been easing after India demolished
infrastructure it had built on the Chinese side of the LAC in May and withdrew personnel,
following an agreement between Chinese and Indian officers.
But on 15 June Indian troops "once again crossed the Line of Actual Control for deliberate
provocation when the situation in the Galwan Valley was already easing", Mr Zhao said.
"India's front-line troops even violently attacked the Chinese officers and soldiers who went
there for negotiation, thus triggering fierce physical conflicts and causing casualties," he said.
India has been building "roads, bridges and other facilities" at the LAC in Galwan Valley since
April, Mr Zhao said.
What did PM Modi say about it?
In a televised statement on Friday, Mr Modi said there had been no incursion into Indian
"Nobody has intruded into our border, neither is anybody there now, nor have our posts been
captured," he said.
India's armed forces had been "given a free hand to take all necessary steps" to protect Indian
territory, he added.
"The entire country is hurt and angry at the steps taken by China," he said, adding: "India wants
peace and friendship, but upholding sovereignty is foremost."
His government had previously blamed China for the clash, with the foreign ministry releasing a
statement on Wednesday saying it had been sparked after "the Chinese side sought to erect a
structure in Galwan valley on our side of the LAC".
What happened in the Galwan Valley?
Media reports said troops clashed on ridges at a height of nearly 4,300m (14,000 ft) on steep
terrain, with some soldiers falling into the fast-flowing Galwan river in sub-zero temperatures.
At least 76 Indian soldiers were reportedly injured in addition to the 20 dead. China has not
released any information about Chinese casualties.
The fighting took place without any firearms because of a 1996 agreement barring guns and
explosives from the area.
An image that emerged on Thursday purportedly showed some of the crude weapons used in
the fight.
The photograph, which appears to show iron rods studded with nails, was passed to the BBC by
a senior Indian military official on the India-China border, who said the weapons had been used
by the Chinese.
The image was widely shared on Twitter in India, prompting outrage from many social media
users. Neither Chinese or Indian officials have commented on it.
(Adapted from:
65. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read the extract from the text.
"defend its border with military force if necessary." (paragraph 4)
The word “its” refers to:
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
a) Mr Modi
b) India
c) Border
d) Defend
e) Force
A alternativa A está incorreta. “Mr Modi” está relacionada à palavra “vowed” no texto, e não
tem relação com “its”.
A alternativa B está correta. A palavra “its” retoma exatamente a palavra “India”, pois o texto
fala em defesa de sua fronteira, defesa da fronteira da Índia.
A alternativa C está incorreta. Não é a fronetrira que possui outra fronteira, mas sim a Índia.
Por isso, não se pode dizer que “its” se refere a “border”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O pronome “its” não pode ser usado para retomar um verbo,
mas sempre um substantivo, pois trata-se de um pronome possessivo.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Its” não poderia se referir a “force”, pois “force” está vinculado
à palavra “military”, e não a “its”.
66. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the sentence that is not true.
a) People retire when they get too old to work.
b) After high school, you can apply to a university.
c) My fiancee and I will get married next month.
d) If you are late, you will lose the bus to work.
e) Brazilian Navy is responsible for patrolling Brazilian coast.
A alternativa A está incorreta. As pessoas se aposentam quando se tornam velhas demais para
trabalhar. A sentença é verdadeira e está gramaticalmente correta.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Depois do ensino médio, você pode se candidatar a uma
universidade. A sentença é verdadeira e está gramaticalmente correta. Observe que é correto o
uso do artigo indefinido “a” antes de “university”, ainda que essa palavra comece com uma
vogal, pois se enquadra na regra das palavras que começam com o som de “iu”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. Eu e minha noiva iremos nos casar no próximo mês. A sentença é
verdadeira e está gramaticalmente correta.
A alternativa D está correta. Essa é a sentença que apresenta uma informação falsa. O erro está
no uso da palavra “lose”, já que ela não pode ser usada no contexto apresentado. Quando
queremos dizer “perder o ônibus”, usamos a expressão “miss the bus” ao invés de “lose the
A alternativa E está incorreta. A Marinha do Brasil é responsável por patrulhar a costa brasileira.
A sentença é verdadeira e está gramaticalmente correta.
67. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read the sentence in order to do the question below.
This is my mom’s bed and that one is my bed.
Mark the option which rewrites the sentence using the correct possessive.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
a) This bed is theirs and that one is mine.
b) This is theirs beds and that is my bed.
c) This is their bed and that one is my.
d) This bed is them and that one is my.
e) This is theirs bed and that one is mine.
A alternativa A está correta. Quando o pronome é posicionado depois do objeto cuja posse é
determinada pelo pronome, usamos os “Possessive Pronouns”, e não os “Possessive adjectives”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O pronome “theirs” deveria ser posicionado após o substantivo
“beds”. O uso do “my” está correto na segunda parte da sentença.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O uso de “their” na primeira parte da sentença está correto, mas
o “my” no fim da frase deveria ser substituído por “mine” para que a sentença ficasse correta.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Os dois possessivos da sentença estão sendo usados de maneira
incorreta. O primeiro (them) deveria ser substituído por “theirs”, pois “them” é um “objective
pronoun”, não um “possessive pronoun”. O segundo (my) deveria ser substituído por “mine”,
por conta do posicionamento do substantivo antes do pronome.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O pronome “theirs” deveria estar posicionado após o substantivo
“bed” para que a estrutura fique correta. O pronome “mine” está sendo corretamente utilizado
na sentença.
68. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.
a) How many fruit do you eat a day?
b) How much have you paid in taxes to government last year?
c) Rich people forgets the actual value of money.
d) There is people who likes eating junk food.
e) Have you made your homework yet?
A alternativa A está incorreta. “fruit” é um substantivo incontável e, por isso, não podemos usar
“How many fruit” para perguntar sobre a quantidade de frutas. Nessa situação, devemos usar
“how much fruit”.
A alternativa B está correta. Essa é a estrutura correta para se perguntar o quanto você pagou
em impostos para o governo no ano passado.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “People” é uma palavra que está no plural e, portanto, exige que
o verbo seja conjugado de acordo. Portanto, deveríamos ter o verbo conjugado como “forget”
ao invés de “forgets”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O erro desta alternativa está no uso de “there is”, pois a frase traz
a palavra “people” que remete ao plural, sendo correto o uso de “there are” ao invés de “there
A alternativa E está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está no uso do verbo “made” que não se usa
para perguntar se alguém fez o trabalho de casa. O correto seria substituir o verbo por “done”,
que é a forma mais adequada de fazer a pergunta.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
69. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below.
On ______ occasion of World Health Day, I want to thank all those working in _____ healthcare
profession for your selfless commitment and diligence as you undertake vitally important roles
to protect and improve ______ health and well-being of people across _____ Commonwealth,
and around ______ world.
Adapted from
70. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020)Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.
a) How many water do you drink a day?
b) Which fees have you paid to enroll at this school?
c) Ignorant people don’t recognize his own ignorance.
d) There are a very beautiful girl in my classroom.
e) Have you gone to London during your vacation?
A alternativa A está incorreta. “Water” é um substantivo incontável e, por isso, não podemos
usar “How many water” para perguntar sobre a quantidade de água. Nessa situação, devemos
usar “how much water”.
A alternativa B está correta. Essa é a estrutura correta para se perguntar quais taxas você pagou
para se matricular nessa escola.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “People” é uma palavra que está no plural e, portanto, exige que
o verbo seja conjugado de acordo. “His” é usado apenas no singular masculino, devendo ser
substituído por “their” quando no plural.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa D está incorreta. O erro desta alternativa está no uso de “there are”, pois a frase
está no singular, sendo correto o uso de “there is” ao invés de “there are”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O erro da alternativa está no uso do verbo “gone” que não se usa
para perguntar se alguém foi a algum lugar. O correto seria substituir o verbo por “been”, que é
a forma mais adequada de fazer a pergunta.
71. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below.
Atop a shaded hill at ______ edge of São Paulo, ______ gravedigger thinks he knows ______
truth. No matter how bad it appears in ______ Brazil, ______ reality is significantly worse.
Adapted from (
Mark the option which best completes the blanks respectively.
a) the / X / the / X / X
b) the / the / the / the / the
c) the/ X / the / X / the
d) X / X / the / X / the
e) the / the / the / X / the
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. É obrigatório o uso do artigo definido “the”
porque ele define o substantivo “edge” como O limite de São Paulo.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. Há a necessidade do uso do artigo definido na
segunda lacuna pelo fato de que o texto trata de um coveiro específico, e a função do artigo é
especificar o coveiro.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. É necessário o uso do artigo definido “the”
nessa lacuna, pois o texto fala da verdade, e a verdade é uma só e específica.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “X”. O uso do artigo é proibido nesta lacuna pelo fato
de que não se usa artigo antes de nome de país, exceto por aqueles que se escrevem como
siglas, como USA, UK, UAE.
A quinta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. O artigo é necessário pelo fato de se tratar de
uma realidade específica e única.
Temos a sequência: the / the / the / X / the
'This is Crazy.' A Record 2 Million Acres of California Have Burned This Year With Heat
Conditions Predicted to Continue
More than 2 million acres ___(1) land have been burned by wildfires in California as of
Monday, according to state fire agency Cal Fire, surpassing the all-time record of 1.9 million set
in 2018. Cal Fire and climate scientists predict that the number of acres burned this year
will continue to grow with upcoming weather conditions, including continued heat and
offshore winds.
“This is crazy. We haven’t even got into the October and November fire season and
we’ve broken the all-time record,” Cal Fire Capt. Richard Cordova told CNN on Sunday.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A Monday statement by Cal Fire said it and fire departments across ___(2) state
remain prepared for potentially more significant wildfires due to critical fire weather.
In a Friday tweet, climate scientist Daniel Swain of the University of California, Los
Angeles, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, predicted Monday’s new
record. He tells TIME the prediction was not very impressive “since we were 95% of the
way there on Friday.”
The state is experiencing another wave of record-breaking heat this weekend, and
offshore winds beginning around this time of year—the Santa Anna winds in the south, and
the Diablo winds in the north—are expected to spread fires further towards the coast of
California, according to Swain, where most people live.
“All indications are that this fire season is going to continue to be worse than
average,” Swain says.
With the large number of fires burning already, stretching firefighting resources,
and the combination of a heat wave and offshore winds, “you don’t even need new
ignitions, new sparks,” Swain adds. “These winds will push those fires in places where we
don’t want them to go, close to where people live.”
(Adapted from
72. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the alternative containing the correct
word to respectively complete gaps (1) and (2)
a) Of, by
b) By, the
c) By, it
d) Of, the
e) The, of
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “of”, pois, a frase se refere à de terra,
ou seja, a preposição “of” é necessária.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “the”, pois, a frase se refere ao estado
da Califórnia, ou seja, à um estado específico que foi anteriormente citado, então a
preposição “the” é necessária.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
The world’s second-most populous country with 1.4 billion people, India has been
recording the world’s largest daily increases in coronavirus cases for almost a month.
Despite over 2 million new cases in the past month and the virus spreading through the
country’s smaller towns and villages, ___(3) Indian government has continued relaxing
restrictions to try and resuscitate the economy.
(Adapted from
73. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the alternative containing the correct
words to complete the gaps (1), (2) and (3) in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 respectively
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Brazil has recorded more than four million cases, the third highest in the world. It has the
highest number of deaths in Latin America, with about 131,000 so far. The US has recorded
almost a quarter of the world's total number of coronavirus cases - more than six million. It saw
an increase in the number of daily cases in July, but the numbers have fallen since then.
The US has the world's highest recorded death toll from Covid-19, with more than 194,000
Adaptado de
Based on the text below, answer the question that follow it.
Covid babies don't have to be the unlucky generation. But they must be helped
A year into this pandemic, there are babies now learning to walk and talk who have never
known anything but life under the shadow of Covid, and preschoolers who can barely remember
a world before it. Doctors’ children have had to learn not to touch Mummy when she gets in
from work, until she’s had a shower to wash off any last possible trace of danger. Thanks to
popular toddler demand, you can now buy masks for dolls.
It’s perfectly normal for kids to reflect what’s happening around them by playing quarantine
with stuffed animals, but normal too for adults to wonder uncomfortably whether all this leaves
a lasting mark. How much will it matter in years to come that, as the minister for loneliness
Diana Barran recently put it, there are toddlers being raised by shielding parents who have
never had a playdate? Will Covid babies grow up solitary creatures, used to entertaining
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
themselves, or warier of the strangers they so rarely meet and interact with? Taking a tiny
bundle out in public used to mean an endless succession of random older women cooing over
the pram, or strangers pulling faces to entertain a bored baby in a checkout queue. But now
passersby daren’t get close, and other shoppers are hidden behind masks.
This week MPs were presented with some early findings from a project led by the First 1001
Days Movement, an alliance of early-years charities and professionals, tracking the lives of
under-twos growing up through a pandemic. A survey of children’s service providers it
commissioned found 98% thought the babies and toddlers they worked with had been affected
by higher parental stress and anxiety, while 92% had seen fearful families effectively cutting
themselves off from the outside world, skipping routine appointments or not wanting to leave
the house. Nine in 10 had observed children being played with less, or being less active.
Heartbreakingly, more than a quarter said lockdown left the children they worked with more
exposed to domestic conflict, abuse or neglect.
(Adapted from
75. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – inédita) In paragraph 1, the word “she” refers to
a) Children
b) Doctor
c) Toddler
d) Mummy
e) Babies
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “she” (ela) não se refere às crianças, mas sim, a
mamãe (mummy). Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Doctors’ children have had to
learn not to touch Mummy when she gets in from work…”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “she” (ela) não se refere a doutora, mas sim, a
mamãe (mummy). Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Doctors’ children have had to
learn not to touch Mummy when she gets in from work…”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “she” (ela) não se refere às crianças, mas sim, a
mamãe (mummy). Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Doctors’ children have had to
learn not to touch Mummy when she gets in from work…”.
A alternativa D está correta. A palavra “she” (ela) se refere a mamãe (mummy), assim como
esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Doctors’ children have had to
learn not to touch Mummy when she gets in from work…”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A palavra “she” (ela) não se refere aos bebês, mas sim, a
mamãe (mummy). Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Doctors’ children have had to
learn not to touch Mummy when she gets in from work…”.
76. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which is the correct option to complete the
paragraph below?
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
“____ current situation with regard to the access and distribution ____ Covid-19 vaccines
vividly illustrates the decades-old contradictions of ____ world order.”
(Adapted from
a) The / of / -
b) The / with / the
c) - / of / the
d) The / of / the
e) The / at / its
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “the” (a/o) pois especifica a uma situação, ou
seja, “the current situation...” (a situação atual...).
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “of” (da/do/de) pois a frase se refere a
distribuição da vacina da Covid-19, ou seja, “... distribution of Covid-19 vaccines...”
(distribuição da vacina da Covid-19).
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “the” (a/o) pois especifica uma ordem, ou seja,
“...the world order” (a ordem mundial).
77. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the correct option to complete the text
Isabella went for a walk. ___ wanted to stop for cold water, went into the cafeteria and
wiped ___ sweat with ___ towel. Then ___ went back to her walk and went back home.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
78. ( 2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the correct option to complete the text
In news anyone could have predicted, ___ seems well-off and well-connected people around
the world are finding nefarious ways ___ skip to the front ___ the coronavirus vaccine line.
(Adapted from
a) It / to / -
b) - / to / of
c) It / of / of
d) It / to / of
e) It / of / -
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “it”, pois é a melhor preposição que se encaixa
nesse contexto, ou seja, “...parece que pessoas abastadas e bem conectadas...”.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “to” (para), pois é a melhor preposição que se
encaixa nesse contexto, ou seja, “...formas nefastas de pular para a frente da linha de
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “of” (do/da), pois é a melhor preposição que se
encaixa nesse contexto, ou seja, “...frente da linha de vacinas contra o coronavírus”.
79. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the sentence below
It is important that we welcome ____ people, so that ____ social problem is partially solved.
a) This / these
b) These / this
c) These / those
d) This / those
e) These / these
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “these” (essas/esses) pois a frase se refere a
algumas pessoas específicas, ou seja, “é importante que nós acolhemos essas pessoas...”.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “this” (essa/esse) pois a frase se refere a um
problema social específico, ou seja, “...para que este problema social seja parcialmente
80. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which is the correct option to complete the
paragraph below?
Gratitude in the Workplace
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Researchers Adam M. Grant and Francesco Gino studied the impact of _____ sincere ‘Thank
You’ in the workplace. Their findings show a 50 percent increase in the amount of additional
help being offered as a result of ______ appreciation. Folks, that’s HUGE.
_______ a experiment by the same researchers, the Director of an organization personally
thanked half the staff ______for their contribution to the company. The result? A 50% increase
in sales calls the following week from the half who had been shown gratitude. Talk about
impacting the bottom line at zero net cost.
(Adapted from
81. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below
The past few weeks have felt a little like riding a roller coaster _____ a blindfold ______.
Through it all, I keep coming back ______ the same question.” What’s the Right Response
______ the Coronavirus Outbreak?
(Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
(C) with / on / to / to
(D) at/ on / to / with
(E) with / for / with / of
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “with”. Não se pode usar “at” porque blindfold não é
um lugar, mas sim um acessório que se veste. Traduzindo: ... é como andar de montanha russa
COM uma venda...
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “on”. Faz sentido usar “on” para dizer que está
usando uma venda nos olhos, pois “on” é usado para dizer que se está vestindo algo, ou que
algo está sobre sua pele, corpo, olhos... Traduzindo: ...é como andar de montanhas russa com
uma venda SOBRE seus olhos.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “to”. Essa preposição é exigida pela regência do verbo
“to come”. Who comes back, comes back to somewhere.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “to”. Trata-se de regência nominal. A regência de
“response” é “to”. Quem tem uma reação, tem uma reação A algo. Who has a response, has a
response TO something.
Temos a sequência: with / on / to / to.
82. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which of the options completes the text below
I do not want _____ gun in my house. _____The gun is in his closet. I am afraid of _____ guns.
She sent me _____a postcard from Italy. It's _____the postcard that I have in my office. Getting
_____ postcards makes me want to travel.
(Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A sexta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “-”. Mais uma vez temos o uso do substantivo
“postcards” no plural como um indicativo de que a pessoa está falando de cartões postais em
geral. Nessa situação não utilizamos nenhum artigo antes do substantivo.
Temos a sequência: a / the / - / a / the / -
83. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the correct option to complete the text
Peter went for a walk. __________ stopped when he arrived at the café and took off
__________ coat, then __________ sat down in __________ favourite chair. Peter’s friend, Sally
came in. Sally sat down in __________ favourite chair, then __________ put __________
handbag on the floor.
(Adapted from: <
84. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which is the correct option to complete the
paragraph below?
Social Integration
Social integration is ______ actual participation in various social relationships, ranging ______
romantic partnerships to friendships.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
This integration involves emotions, intimacy, and a sense of belonging ______ different social
groups, such as being part of a family, a partnership, a social activity, or a religious community.
Experts suggest that ______ integrated into such social relationships confers a protective
benefit against maladaptive behaviors and damaging health consequences.
(Adapted from
85. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below
Latin America's largest country is testing people ______ a rate far lower than any other
nation with at least 40,000 cases. It tests 12 times fewer people ______ Iran, and 32 times
fewer ______ the United States. Hospitalized patients aren't being tested. Some medical
professionals aren't being tested. People are dying ______ their homes without being tested.
(Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “than”. A palavra “than” faz parte da estrutura do
comparativo que está sebdo usado na frase, dizendo que o país testa 32 vezes menos pessoas
que os Estados Unidos.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “in”. Trata-se de uma regra. Não se fala “on their
homes”, mas sim “in their homes”, pois a preposição “in” dá a ideia de interior da casa.
Temos a sequência: at / than / than / in.
86. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which of the options completes the text below
My brother works for ______ international airline in _______ USA. He didn’t go to ______
Do you work for ______ big company?
No, not yet. I’m still ______ student but I can play ______ piano very well
(A) an / the / - / a / a / the
(B) an / a / - / a / the/ -
(C) the / the / the / a / the / a
(D) a / a / the / - / a / the
(E) an / the / a / the / - / the
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “an”. O artigo indefinido é utilizado porque a pessoa
está falando de uma empresa, mas não a especifica.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. Sempre se deve usar o artigo definido “the”
antes de países representados por siglas como USA, UK, UAE.
A terceira lacuna deverá ser preenchida por “-”. Quando a pessoa diz que não foi à universidade,
ela diz de forma generalista, já que não se está falando de uma universidade específica, mas sim
de qualquer uma, já que ele não foi a nenhuma.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “a”. o texto fala da empresa sem especificar qual é a
empresa, por isso, usa-se o artigo indefinido nessa situação.
A quinta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “a”. Faz-se necessário o uso artigo indefinido porque a
pessoa especifica que é um estudante, ou seja, um entre vários outros. Ele não é o único
A sexta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. Antes de instrumentos musicais como “piano”,
“guitar”, “drums”, “violin”, etc, deve-se sempre usar o artigo definido. Isso é uma regra.
Temos a sequência: a / the / - / a / a / the
87. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the correct option to complete the text
Jane went for a run. __________ stopped when she got to a convenience store and took off
__________ coat, then __________ sat down in __________ favourite chair. Jane’s friend, Joe
came in. Joe sat down in __________ favourite chair, then __________ put __________ suitcase
on the floor.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
(A) her / hers / she / her / her / she / her
(B) she / her / she / him / him / he / his
(C) she / his / he / her / his / he / her
(D) her / hers / she / him / her / they / him
(E) she / her / she / her / his / he / his
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “she”. A lacuna retoma Jane, e por isso devemos usar
o pronome “she”.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “her”. O texto tem a intenção de dizer que a Jane
tirou seu próprio casaco. Usamos o possessivo “her” para indicar a posse do casaco por parte de
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “she”. Mais uma vez, devemos usar o pronome “she”
porque esse pronome tem a função de retomar o substantivo Jane.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “her”. Usamos o possessivo para indicar que aquela
era a cadeira preferida DELA.
A quinta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “his”. Agora usamos o possessivo “his” para indicar que
Joe sentou na cadeira que era a preferida DELE.
A sexta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “he”. O pronome usado tem a função de retomar o
substantivo Joe.
A sétima lacuna deve ser preenchida por “his”. O possessivo “his” é usado para indicar que a
bolsa é DELE.
88. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which is the correct option to complete the
paragraph below?
What Is Stress?
First, an answer to ______ question, 'What is stress?' ______ term 'stress' refers ______ the
response you have when facing circumstances that force you ______ act, change, or adjust in
some way to maintain your footing or to keep things balanced. (The circumstances themselves
are known as 'stressors', but we'll have more on them later.)
(Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. O texto está falando de uma pergunta
específica, que é: “O que é estresse?”. Portanto, o artigo definido é o mais adequado nesse
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. O artigo definido é necessário por estarmos
falando de um termo específico, e não de um termo qualquer.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “to”. Temos uma lacuna que trata da regência do
verbo “refer”. “Who refers, refers to...”. Por isso, a necessidade do uso da preposição “to”.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “to”. Temos uma lacuna que trata da regência do
verbo “force”. “Who force, force someone/something to...”. Por isso, a necessidade do uso da
preposição “to”..
Temos a sequência: the / the / to / to.
89. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below
While quick stress relievers aren't a complete stress management plan in themselves, they are
an excellent first line of defense against the effects of chronic stress. This is because they can
help you turn ______ your body's stress response and respond ______ the stressors you face
from a calm (or calmer), more relaxed place. This helps you to more effectively deal ______
what is stress, and keep yourself healthier ______ the same time. Common strategies for quick
stress relief include breathing exercises or the use of humor.
(Adapted from
(A) of / to / with / at
(B) on/ - / to / in
(C) off / to / with / at
(D) off/ to / to / in
(E) on / - / with / on
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “off”. Trata-se de uma expressão fixa, um phrasal
verb. O própeio contexto nos ajuda a perceber que a ajuda consiste em desligar a resposta do
corpo ao estresse.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “to”. A palavra “respond” exige que usemos a
preposição “to” por uma questão de regência do verbo.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “with”. A palavra “deal” exige que usemos a
preposição “with” por uma questão de regência do verbo.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “at”. Trata-se de uma expressão fixa. “At the same
time” significa ao mesmo tempo.
Temos a sequência: off / to / with / at.
90. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which of the options completes the text below
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
She does voluntary work for ______ international charity organization in _______ UK. She didn’t
go to ______ work last week, though.
Do you work for ______ university?
No, I’m still ______ student.
(A) an / the / - / a / a
(B) an / a / - / a / the
(C) the / the / the / a / the
(D) a / a / the / - / a
(E) an / the / a / the / -
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “an”. O artigo indefinido é utilizado porque a pessoa
está falando de uma organização, mas não a especifica.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “the”. Sempre se deve usar o artigo definido “the”
antes de países representados por siglas como USA, UK, UAE.
A terceira lacuna deverá ser preenchida por “-”. Quando a pessoa diz que não foi ao trabalho,
ela diz de forma generalista, isso faz com que não seja usado o artigo definido “the”.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “a”. Apesar de iniciar com vogal, “university” é uma
palavra que inicia com som de “iu”, e todas as palavras que começam com esse som são
precedidas do artigo indefinido “a”, e não “an”.
A quinta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “a”. Faz-se necessário o uso artigo indefinido porque a
pessoa especifica que é um estudante, ou seja, um entre vários outros. Ele não é o único
Temos a sequência: a / the / - / a / a
91. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the correct option to complete the text
Patricia went for a walk. __________ stopped when she got to a restaurant and took off
__________ coat, then __________ took __________ favourite spot in the place. Patricia’s
friend, John came in. John sat down in __________ favourite chair, then __________ put
__________ wallet on the table.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “she”. Mais uma vez, devemos usar o pronome “she”
porque esse pronome tem a função de retomar o substantivo Patricia.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “her”. Usamos o possessivo para indicar que aquela
era o lugar preferido DELA.
A quinta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “his”. Agora usamos o possessivo “his” para indicar que
John sentou na cadeira que era a preferida DELE.
A sexta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “he”. O pronome usado tem a função de retomar o
substantivo Joe.
A sétima lacuna deve ser preenchida por “his”. O possessivo “his” é usado para indicar que a
carteira é DELE.
92. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph
I remember the last time I had ___ choose between optimism and fear, between hope and
the urge to run away. It was right after 9/11. I had babies—one so tiny she was still curled up
like a fern, ___ other toddling around gumming everything she could get her little starfish
hands on. And as their brand-new lungs took ___ the smoke that blew over to Brooklyn ___
the burning towers, I wanted to pack them up and flee to some safer place.
(Adapted from
a) To / the / in / from
b) The / the / on / into
c) To / the / on / from
d) To / the / in / into
e) The / to / on / from
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “to”, pois a frase nos infere que ele deveria
escolher entre o medo e o otimismo. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Lembro-me da
última vez que tive de escolher entre otimismo e medo”.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “the”, pois a frase se refere especificamente às
segunda filha, ou seja, artigo definido. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “a outra
engatinhando e engolindo tudo o que podia em suas mãos de estrela do mar”.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “in”, pois a frase se refere aos pulmões
inspirando a fumaça. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “E enquanto seus pulmões
novos absorviam a fumaça...”.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida com “from”, pois a frase se refere À fumaça que
chegava ao Brooklyn das torres em chamas. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“...chamas para o Brooklyn, eu queria embalá-los e fugir para um lugar mais seguro”.
93. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
The U.S. has tragically surpassed 400,000 COVID-19 deaths, and case numbers and
hospitalizations are likewise spiking to record levels around the world. ___ vaccines now
rolling out, there is reason to hope that there is an end in sight. ___, by most estimates,
widespread vaccinations will not be in place until the middle of the year at the earliest. ___,
we have some ways to go yet with social distancing, mask wearing and other pandemic
mitigation behaviors.
(Adapted from
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A alternativa D está incorreta. A frase “eu quero terminar a escola” está totalmente correta.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A frase “onde estão aquelas calças que te emprestei?” está
totalmente correta.
95. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the sentences
96. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph
Those who are non-essential workers (and followed the rules) have been _____ home all day,
every day, save for trips to the grocery store or for socially distant walks. And yet, the number of
new cases of COVID-19 _____ the U.S. continues to go up each day, _____ about 2 to 4 percent.
Adapted from
a) in / on / on
b) on / in / at
c) at / in / by
d) at / on / in
e) in / in / on
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “at”. Da mesma forma que, em português, dizemos
que estamos EM casa, em inglês, dizemos que estamos “AT home”. “At” é a preposição
adequada para acompanhar a palavra “home”.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “in”. Quando falamos que algo acontece em
determinado país, ou que nós ou outra pessoa está em um determinado país, usamos a
preposição “in”. In the US; in Brazil; in the UK; in Canada; in France etc.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida pela preposição “by”. Essa preposição é ideal aqui
porque ela ajuda a expressar a variação que a palavra “about” propõe, já que não estamos
falando de um número exato.
Temos a sequência: at / in / by
97. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the best alternative to complete the excerpt
Finding _____ effective coronavirus vaccine ______ a global priority in ending the pandemic. US
government leaders have put forward the ambitious timeline ______ have one by the end of
2020. It typically takes several years to develop ______ vaccine.
a) an / has become / to / a
b) a / has become / to / a
c) an / became / to / the
d) an / has become / of / the
e) a / became / of / a
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por um artigo, como sugerem as alternativas. Nesse
caso, o artigo correto a completar a lacuna é “an”, pois “effective” inicia com uma vogal. Isso já
elimina as alternativas B e E.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “has become”. O present perfect é necessário por
se tratar de uma situação que se inicia no passado e ocorre até o presente. Assim, continuamos
com as alternativas A e D como possíveis respostas.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida pela preposição “to”. A outra opção de preenchimento
apresentada pela questão é a preposição “of”, mas para usarmos “of” nessa situação, o verbo
“have” deveria estar no gerúndio (having). Dessa forma, já temos a alternativa A como resposta,
mas vamos analisar a última lacuna para nos certificar.
A quarta lacuna pode ser preenchida pelo artigo indefinido “a”. A frase se inicia deixando claro
que não se está falando de nenhuma vacina específica, mas sim de vacinas de forma geral.
Dessa forma, não se pode usar o artigo definido para falar de vacinas de forma geral.
Temos a alternativa A como correta.
98. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the sentences
I. They thanked us ______ helping them with the dishes.
II. She kept me _______ getting sick.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
III. He married______ a beautiful girl.
IV. She has always dreamed______ getting married.
V. He suffers ______ a heart disease.
99. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph
Saving the giant panda is one of the big success stories of conservation.
Decades of efforts to create protected habitat for the iconic mammal has pulled it back from the
brink of extinction. But, according to a new study, while many other animals ______ the same
landscape have benefited from this conservation work, some have lost out.
Leopards, snow leopards, wolves and Asian wild dogs have almost disappeared from the
majority of protected areas. Driven _____ near extinction ______ logging, poaching and disease,
their loss could lead to "major shifts, even collapse, in ecosystems", said researchers in China.
Adapted from
a) in / on / by
b) on / in / at
c) in / to / by
d) at / on / in
e) in / in / on
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “in”. A preposição “in” é usada porque o texto está
falando sobre animais que estão dentro do mesmo ambiente (in the same landscape).
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “to”. A preposição “to” precisa ser usada nesse
contexto porque o verbo no particípio “driven” pede essa preposição. É uma questão de
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida pela preposição “by”. Essa preposição é ideal aqui
porque ela expressa a causa, equivalendo à preposição “por” em português.
Temos a sequência: in / to / by
100. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the best alternative to complete the excerpt
Finding _____ effective coronavirus vaccine ______ a global priority in ending the pandemic. US
government leaders have put forward the ambitious timeline ______ have one by the end of
2020. It typically takes several years to develop ______ vaccine.
a) an / has become / to / a
b) a / has become / to / a
c) an / became / to / the
d) an / has become / of / the
e) a / became / of / a
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por um artigo, como sugerem as alternativas. Nesse
caso, o artigo correto a completar a lacuna é “an”, pois “effective” inicia com uma vogal. Isso já
elimina as alternativas B e E.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “has become”. O present perfect é necessário por
se tratar de uma situação que se inicia no passado e ocorre até o presente. Assim, continuamos
com as alternativas A e D como possíveis respostas.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida pela preposição “to”. A outra opção de preenchimento
apresentada pela questão é a preposição “of”, mas para usarmos “of” nessa situação, o verbo
“have” deveria estar no gerúndio (having). Dessa forma, já temos a alternativa A como resposta,
mas vamos analisar a última lacuna para nos certificar.
A quarta lacuna pode ser preenchida pelo artigo indefinido “a”. A frase se inicia deixando claro
que não se está falando de nenhuma vacina específica, mas sim de vacinas de forma geral.
Dessa forma, não se pode usar o artigo definido para falar de vacinas de forma geral.
Temos a alternativa A como correta.
101. (2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the correct option to complete the
sentences below.
I. He sat ______ the chair.
II. The cat jumped ______ the counter.
III. They were sitting ______ the tree.
IV. The car went ______ the tunnel.
V. I have liked that song ______ 1999.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
a) on / off / by /through / since
b) in / in / by / on / since
c) on / of / in / in / in
d) over / to / at / in / in
e) in / under / in / through / on
A sentença I deve ser preenchida por “on”. Trata-se da regência do verbo sentar (sit). Quem
senta, senta “em” algum lugar. Em Inglês, essa preposição é “on”.
A sentença II deve ser preenchida por “off”. “Jump off” significa pular saindo de algum lugar. O
gato pulou saindo do balcão.
A sentença III deve ser preenchida por “by“. Eles estavam sentados perto da árvore. O uso da
preposição “by” é ideal porque eles não estavam sentados em cima da árvore, mas sim na área
da árvore, sob a árvore.
A sentença IV deve ser preenchida por “through”. O uso da preposição “through” é ideal porque
o carro atravessa o túnel, o carro passa através do túnel, por dentro dele.
A sentença V deve ser preenchida por “since”. O uso do present perfect no início da frase indica
que a pessoa gosta da música desde 1999. Para usar a preposição “in”, o verbo deveria estar
conjugado no past simple.
Temos a sequência: on / off / by / through / since
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Caro aluno! Para garantir que o curso esteja atualizado, sempre que alguma mudança no
conteúdo for necessária, uma nova versão da aula será disponibilizada.
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions
Caro(a) aluno(a),
Parabéns pela nossa terceira aula concluída, você está um passo mais próximo da sua
Uma vez concluída esta aula, é importante que você tenha em mente que revisões são
necessárias em intervalos regulares para garantir a melhor assimiliação. Grife as partes que
você julgar mais relevantes de cada aula. Dessa forma, você facilitará muito seu processo de
revisão e assimilará a matéria de forma otimizada.
A dinâmica que você observou nesta aula será utilizada em todas as demais do nosso curso.
Assim, você terá sempre uma explicação clara, objetiva e direto ao ponto de todos os assuntos
abordados, além de muitos, muitos exercícios para que você possa praticar e evoluir em sua
Daremos sempre muitos bizus de prova para facilitar seu caminho até a aprovação!
Espero que você tenha gostado da aula e, acima de tudo, que esta aula tenha enriquecido seus
Descanse e se prepare para o nosso próximo encontro!
Forte abraço,
Leonardo Pontes
Leonardo Pontes
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions