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map.grid: Draw a latitude/longitude grid on a projected map

View source: R/mapproj.r

map.gridR Documentation

Draw a latitude/longitude grid on a projected map


Draws a grid on an existing map.


map.grid(lim, nx=9, ny=9, labels=TRUE, pretty=TRUE, cex, col, lty,
  font, ...)



a vector of 4 numbers specifying limits: c(lon.low, lon.high, lat.low, lat.high). lim can also be a list with a component named range, such as the result of map, from which limits are taken.

nx, ny

the desired number of equally-spaced longitude and latitude lines


logical to indicate if grid lines should be labeled with longitude/latitude values.


If TRUE, grid lines will be placed at round numbers.

cex, col, lty, font

passed to arguments to par


additional arguments passed to lines and text, e.g. col to change the color of the grid and lty to change the line type.


Equally-spaced lines of constant longitude and lines of constant latitude are superimposed on the current map, using the current projection. These lines will appear curved under most projections, and give an idea of how the projection works.

See Also



m <- map("usa", plot=FALSE)
map("usa", project="albers", par=c(39, 45))

# get unprojected world limits
m <- map('world', plot=FALSE)

# center on NYC
map('world', proj='azequalarea', orient=c(41, -74, 0))
map.grid(m, col=2)
points(mapproject(list(y=41, x=-74)), col=3, pch="x", cex=2)

map('world', proj='orth', orient=c(41, -74, 0))
map.grid(m, col=2, nx=6, ny=5, label=FALSE, lty=2)
points(mapproject(list(y=41, x=-74)), col=3, pch="x", cex=2)

# center on Auckland
map('world', proj='orth', orient=c(-36.92, 174.6, 0))
map.grid(m, col=2, label=FALSE, lty=2)
points(mapproject(list(y=-36.92, x=174.6)), col=3, pch="x", cex=2)

m <- map('nz')
# center on Auckland
map('nz', proj='azequalarea', orient=c(-36.92, 174.6, 0))
points(mapproject(list(y=-36.92, x=174.6)), col=3, pch="x", cex=2)
map.grid(m, col=2)

mapproj documentation built on Jan. 13, 2023, 1:14 a.m.

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