Enciu-Orasul Si Judetul Balti Pana La Marea Unire
Enciu-Orasul Si Judetul Balti Pana La Marea Unire
Enciu-Orasul Si Judetul Balti Pana La Marea Unire
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3332722
Balti city and Balti country from beginning to the Great Union
Abstract: As a preamble to a thorough approach, at the County and local level, and the results of the
application of the skill in the agrarian reform of 1918–1940 in the Bălți County, this approach offers readers
a panoramic history of the capital, the earliest documented mentions of the documentary and the Great
Union. Given that the transition to a democratic, liberal and plural society implies with objective necessity
the revision of the perspectives of historical research, considering itself to be of interest, including local and
regional histories, our article is meant to be a contribution tot he local and regional history of Inter-war Bes-
sarabia, aiming, in particular, to reconstruct an important chapter of agrarian history and retro logy.
Keywords: foundation, Bălţi City, Bălţi County, agrarian retrography, agrarian reform, the Great Union.
O stradă din Bălți, secolul XX Primăria orașului Bălți în anii `30, secolul XX