Vol. 17, no. 1 (February 2018) by RUDN Journal of Russian History
Аннотация: Рассматриваются вопросы формирования и функционирования трех основных государственно-р... more Аннотация: Рассматриваются вопросы формирования и функционирования трех основных государственно-религиозных институтов, которые обеспечивали религиозную безопасность Рос-сийской империи в XVIII-начале XX в. Показаны исторические особенности административно-правового становления каждого из названных институтов, выявлены их признаки и функцио-нальное предназначение. Дано определение понятия «религиозная безопасность Российской им-перии», основанное на анализе его конкретного исторического содержания. Автор рассматрива-ет отношения, сложившие между институтами «господствующей» Русской церкви, веротерпи-мости «иностранных исповеданий» и дискриминации великорусского «раскола» сквозь призму отношений «свой-иной-чужой». Названный подход позволяет выяснить иерархический ха-рактер отношений и противоречия, существовавшие между институтами, деятельность которых до 1905 г. регламентировала религиозную жизнь всех подданных Российской империи. В статье анализируется зависимость, существовавшая между «господствующим» правовым статусом Рус-ской церкви, имперской веротерпимостью и религиозной дискриминацией. Автор приходит к выводу, что административно-правовое формирование трех государственно-религиозных инсти-тутов, начавшееся в XVIII столетии, завершилось в период правления императора Николая I. С этого времени начинается процесс постепенной эволюции межинститутских отношений «свой-иной-чужой», пик которой, в связи с изданием указов императора Николая II, выпадает на 1904-1906 гг. В статье рассматриваются перемены правительственной политики в отношении великорусского «раскола», которые в конечном итоге сняли оппозицию «свой-чужой» в от-ношениях между Российским государством, Русской церковью и «расколом». Из категории ре-лигиозно и политически «чужих» легализованные старообрядцы и сектанты в соответствии с положениями модернизированного законодательства о веротерпимости перешли в категорию «иных», к которой традиционно принадлежали «иностранные исповедания». В новых правовых и политических условиях нетерпимость и религиозная дискриминация «раскола» перестали быть инструментом обеспечения религиозной безопасности Российского государства. Ключевые слова: «господствующая» Русская церковь, институт веротерпимости, дис-криминация, прозелитизм, «раскол», иностранные исповедания, Российская империя, религиоз-ная безопасность, понятия «свой-иной-чужой» Благодарности и финансирование: Исследовано поддержано грантом БРФФИ-РФФИ № Г20Р-211«Образы "своего", "другого" и "чуждого" в контексте традиции веротерпимости в белорусско-литовских губерниях, центральной и северной России: сравнительный исторический и философско-религиоведческий анализ (конец XIX-начало XX в.)». Для цитирования: Бендин А.Ю. Государственно-религиозные институты Российской империи в XVIII-начале XX в.: эволюция отношений «свой-иной-чужой» // Вестник Россий-ского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История
Abstact: This article studies the fate of World War I veterans in the Russian diaspora. The autho... more Abstact: This article studies the fate of World War I veterans in the Russian diaspora. The author discusses the settlement of former combatants, assistance by émigré organisations, and historical memory. Her research relies on a broad source base, including archival and published documents, as well as émigré periodicals. The article demonstrates that the former combatants were scattered in various countries and included prisoners of war, officials of the Russian Expeditionary Corps, as well as the members of the White movement. She concludes that, in contrast to Soviet Russia, the Russian diaspora sought to commemorate the “bearers of Russian honour” and perpetuate the memory of their exploits with memorials to those died in foreign lands.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article considers the problem of the cultural heritage of the Russian colonization
of the nor... more The article considers the problem of the cultural heritage of the Russian colonization
of the north-eastern part of the Pacific region.The authors examine the influence of
the Russian culture on the life of the indigenous population of Russian America after its sale in 1867. The study demonstrates the borrowings of the traditional elements of everyday life, the customs of the native population, the Russian legacy in the place-names and languages of the indigenous peoples of Alaska, and other problems. One of the key issues of the study is the preservation and prevalence of the Russian language, as well as of the Russian-language periodicals in the region.The article contains newspapers data, eyewitnesses’ recollections, materials of authoritative investigations on this issue, etc. The authors come to conclusions that after 1867 the Russian language remained widespread only in the Russian-Creole population centres: Sitka, Kodiak, Kenai Peninsula. In the rest of Alaska,the language was quickly ousted and replaced with English. The indigenous population adopted several elements of everyday life from the colonists, mostly furniture, tools, clothes. By the early 20th century, the most part of these things had been replaced by more modern American objects. After 1867 the Russian Orthodox Church remained one of the few forces to be able to preserve the Russian culture in the region. In the 1870s and 1890s, there were extensively opened new parishes and Russian-language
schools. However, in the early 20th century the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church considerably decreased due to the policy of accelerated Americanization and the emergence of Catholic and Protestant missions in Alaska.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
In the 20th century there were several emigration fl ows of the Ingush to Europe.
The first mass ... more In the 20th century there were several emigration fl ows of the Ingush to Europe.
The first mass emigration took place in the post-revolutionary period. After 1917,
the centres of the social, political and cultural activities of the Ingush Diaspora were Paris, Berlin, Prague and Warsaw. In that period, most Ingush emigrants belonged to the military, political and scientific-cultural elite, which explains the high level of the social and cultural values created by them in foreign countries. It is the social and political life and the spiritual heritage of the Ingush emigrants, being abroad for certain reasons in different historical periods, which is a very interesting subject for research. The article analyzes the process of the formation of the institutional basis of the Ingush post-revolutionary community in Europe. There is shown the role of public figures, in particular S. Malsagov and the Dzhabagiev brothers, who made a significant contribution to the development of the Ingush spiritual culture and science. The author notes that the most visible in the public and political life of the North Caucasian post-revolutionary community in Europe were the activities of the organizations and movements, which sympathized with the ideas of the Caucasus independence. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion
that the socio-political associations of the North Caucasian emigrants in Western Europe played a significant role in the socio-cultural adaptation of national communities of peoples of the North Caucasus abroad. Although the process of the social and cultural integration was rather difficult and long, the Ingush Diaspora preserved its national identity. The article is based on the memoirs, emigrant periodicals and electronic publications devoted to the problems of the political-legal and socio-cultural adaptation of the Ingush immigrants in Europe. In order to analyze the history of the Ingush emigrants, there are also presented unpublished documents stored in the Russian state archive of literature and art (RGALI).
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article examines the peculiarities of the functioning of the judicial system in
the White Sou... more The article examines the peculiarities of the functioning of the judicial system in
the White South of Russia during the 1920s. This period is characterized by a significant departure from the previously proclaimed principles of the ideology of the “White movement”, which were replaced by the so-called “left-wing policy with the right hands”. The author comes to conclusion that due to the reduction of the territory occupied by the White armies (the borders of the Crimea and North Tavria (Tauride Governorate)), it became possible to more closely monitor the work of the local judicial system. The White leadership proclaimed its policy of combating all violations of law, the absence of legitimate methods of government, the rule of the so-called “machine gun right”, in which it was the decisions of the military which became the major ones, they prevailed over all civilian legislative acts and institutions. General Wrangel and the Government of the South of Russia, led by Alexander Vasilievich Krivoshein, the former tsarist minister, managed to achieve some changes for the better. There increased the role of the Governing Senate and the importance of prosecutor’s supervision; the activities of the magistrate courts began to recover. The work of counterintelligence agencies was put under prosecutor’s supervision. Court martial got legal limitations, the Red Army soldiers were pardoned. However, it was not possible to completely overcome the dominance of military justice over civil one and to achieve significant changes in the political and legal system in the conditions of the ongoing Civil War. This became one of the reasons for the weakness
of the White rear and the failures of the South Russian White movement.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The authors analyze the views of G. Ewers (1871–1830) on the history and the law
of Ancient Rus’.... more The authors analyze the views of G. Ewers (1871–1830) on the history and the law
of Ancient Rus’. Ewers’ main achievement is the criticism of the Norman theory. The article includes the characteristics of the following arguments: the inconsistency of the Swedish etymology of the word «Rus’»; the fallacy of the origination of the ancient Russian law out of the Scandinavian law. The basis of Ewers’ concept is the patrimonial theory. It reveals the natural course of the emergence of a state of Eastern Slavs. The scientist formulated the Khazar theory instead of the Norman theory. Ewers attributed the origin of Rus’ to the Northern Black Sea region. He believed that a large role in the formation of the Pontic Rus’ was played by the Khazar ethnos. Ewers also made a significant contribution to the study of the Russian Chronicles. He denounced Schloezer’s methodology, demonstrated the composite character of the Russian Chronicles. The authors show that Ewers’ ideas were
highly appreciated by his contemporaries. Ewers’ criticism meant the end of the fi rst wave of normanism. His insights remain important for the contemporary historiography against the background of the attempts of the resurgence of normanism.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The author of the article introduces for the fi rst time a large number of facts characterizing t... more The author of the article introduces for the fi rst time a large number of facts characterizing the demographic processes: birth rate, death rate, natural increase of the Russian population in Udmurtia in 1958−1996 (There are no available data only for 1981). The article shows that in the fi rst half of the 1960s there was a sharp decline in the birth rate of the Russian population in the republic. In total, in 1960−1965 it reduced by 1.6 times. Most likely, the reasons for the fall in the birth rate are due to the worsening of the socio-economic situation in the country. In this regard, there enhanced intrafamily birth control, for example, there were more abortions. In 1969−1983, the number of births in the republic was growing. A small decrease in the population occurred only in 1973, 1977, 1979. In the 1980s there were two sharp rises in the birth rate: the fi rst one occurred in 1983, the second − in 1986−1987. From 1988, there began a continuous decline in the birth rate of the Russian population in the republic, due to the transformation of the country. From the mid-1960s the death rate of the Russian population in the republic began to increase, and for two decades there was a steady growth (except 1972 and 1980). In 1985−1986 it declined, particularly in 1986, which was largely due to the anti-alcohol campaign. In 1992 the natural increase virtually stopped. From 1993, the death rate exceeded the birth
rate throughout the republic. In total, in 1958−1996 (except 1981), the natural increase of the Russian population in Udmurtia amounted to 206842 people. According to the census data for 1959−1989, the Russian population of the republic increased by 186446 people. This suggests that in the second half of the 20th century, the Russians were leaving the republic rather than coming there.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article considers the main problems of the history of the Russian emigrants on
the basis of s... more The article considers the main problems of the history of the Russian emigrants on
the basis of studying the Russian and Polish archives in the context of the contemporary Russian and Polish historiography. There are identifi ed and critically comprehended the materials of the key assets in the Polish archives. The article sums up the intermediate results of the study of the history of Russian emigrants in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Poland. The purpose of the article is to identify the weak points of this section of the Russian historiography, as well as the characteristic of the basic directions of the Polish historiography in the section “Emigrantology”. The comparison of the directions of the development of the fi rst-wave émigré history in both countries based on the comparative analysis of
the main researches of the modern Russian and Polish historiography allows outlining a number of underexplored questions. The authors faced the challenge of giving a sampling, but the most representative picture of the comparative studies in this section of the Russian and Polish historiography. The authors’ attention was primarily paid to the historical and historical-cultural works, rather than to the researches on legal issues. As a result of the comparative review, there are a number of conclusions. In particular, it was noted that the Russian historiography is not able to conduct comprehensive studies due to the sheer lack of trained personnel (knowledge of the history of the Republic of Poland, Polish-Soviet relations and the Polish language). At the same time, the Polish historiography has reached a qualitatively new level of research, as evidenced by the establishing of the new educational and scientific specialty (Emigrantology), a part of which is the academic module on the history of the Russian emigrants in Poland.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
This article examines the fate of the well-known chess players of the middle of
the 20th century ... more This article examines the fate of the well-known chess players of the middle of
the 20th century − the “expatriate defector” Alexander Alekhine and the Soviet champion Mikhail Botvinnik − as one of the little-known stories related to the history of the contacts between the representatives of the Russian diaspora and the Soviet state of the Stalin era. The author examines the history of the failed match between these two outstanding chess masters in 1939−1940 and shows why the Alekhine-Botvinnik match, which had been initially approved at the highest party and state level, was not held, and fi nd out what role the Soviet administrative apparatus played in this. The author comes to conclusion that under the conditions of strict authoritarian leadership, with the directives of V.M. Molotov, N.A. Bulganin and A.Ya. Vyshinsky, and possibly Joseph Stalin, the managers had a sufficient set of bureaucratic methods that allowed delaying the process of preparing the match up to a favourable occasion which led to the fi nal breakdown in the negotiations. Such methods include precaution, prolonging pauses in interdepartmental communication, requesting for “instructions”, recalculating estimates, using rumours as arguments, using erroneous addresses and redirecting correspondence. The reason for the officials’ inactivity was the fear of personal responsibility for the defeat of the Soviet champion by the “expatriate defector”, especially in the situation when some leaders of the USSR chess movement were repressed. The author’s analysis provides insight into the problems of the functioning of the executive power in the conditions of the political regime established in the USSR by the beginning of the Second World War.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
This article is devoted to the little-known emigration period of life of Russian political and pu... more This article is devoted to the little-known emigration period of life of Russian political and public fi gure S.V. Vostrotin (1864−1943), who was a businessman, owner of gold mines in Siberia, deputy of the III and IV State Duma. There are many archival documents, evidence of his active work in exile. There is used the anthropological approach which allowed the author to analyze the possibility of the Russian emigrants to infl uence the events in the Soviet Union, to reveal their attitude to the Soviet policy, to reconstruct their ideas of patriotism. Being in exile in Manchuria, and then in France, S.V. Vostrotin was convinced that he should preserve the ties with the Russian people in the Soviet Russia. In his opinion, the mission of his emigration consisted in rising above ideology, personal grievances and in protecting the national
interests of Russia, even having no chance of returning to the motherland. Realizing his modest ability and the insignifi cant political weight of emigrants, nevertheless, through his articles, speeches, analysis of the international situation, he sought to draw attention to the problems of Siberia and the Russian Far East.Russian political emigrants were closely watching the events in the Soviet Russia. There was also the reverse process − the Soviet Union invested heavily in the study and control over emigrants. The analytical data of the Soviet intelligence show that the opinions and actions of emigrants were not only under close scrutiny of the secret services, but were also taken into account in making important political decisions, particularly in Manchuria. It was unlikely that Vostrotin believed that his voice would be heard abroad. However, the document from the Stalin archive gives us extra evidence that Russian political emigrants influenced the country of origin much more than it is generally thought.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article considers the relevance of studying the Russian community in Spain in the context of ... more The article considers the relevance of studying the Russian community in Spain in the context of Russia’s foreign policy and the development of globalization processes. The author considers the factors of the increase of the Russian-speaking community of Spain at the turn of the 21st century, highlights the key demographic and social parameters of the Russian community in Spain. The article reveals the positive influence of the expansion of the Russian-Spanish cooperation in the sphere of culture and economy in the 2000s on the process of institutionalization of the movement of the Russian compatriots in Spain for the preservation of their cultural and language identity and on the promotion of the Russian culture in Spain. There are distinguished the most important aspects of the social life of the modern Russian-speaking community of Spain: revitalization of joint cultural work of the Russian diplomats, of the representatives of the Russian business in Spain and fi gures of the foreign Russian community; participation of foreign compatriots in the development of the Russian-Spanish relations at the regional level, including the national republics of the Russian Federation; increase of the share of the Russian-language press, electronic media and social networks in the Spanish information space, etc. The author reveals the role of the Russian compatriots’ community in Spain in the increase of the dialogue of cultures and civilizations, in the international interaction in the educational and economic sphere. There is also analyzed the influence of globalization on the evolution of the socio-cultural image and institutional structure of the Russian diaspora in Spain in the 1990−2000s.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article analyzes the process of the establishment of archival continents of the Russian diasp... more The article analyzes the process of the establishment of archival continents of the Russian diaspora and the causes of the emergence of foreign archival Rossica. The article reveals the influence of migrations on this process. Authors show the diversity of archival materials on the Russian history which are kept outside Russia and often scattered
in different archival collections, private and public archives and libraries. The emergence of communities of the Russian diaspora in several countries of the world led to the formation of extensive archival heritage. The study of this heritage is one the most urgent contemporary problems. The activities related to the discovery, restitution to Russia and use of this heritage have signifi cantly increased in the last decades which is connected with the change of
the political situation, researchers’ gaining access to the archival collections of the Russian diaspora. The relevance of this fundamental research problem is enhanced by the necessity of eliminating the existing information gap at the current stage of the Russian history development – to reveal the information concerning foreign archival Rossica, the documents of the Russian diaspora and their locations in foreign archives and compile them in the unifi ed information data base. The identifi cation of the location of different documents of this
group is aimed at the reconstruction of the integrity of the scattered archival collections by means of both restitution, exchange or copying of the documents and by means of virtual unifi cation, for example, in the form of digital archive. These activities will also contribute
to solving the problems related to the restitution of the archival heritage.
Vol. 17, no. 2 (May 2018) by RUDN Journal of Russian History
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article considers the peculiar features of the Soviet Aliyah as one of the leading
themes of ... more The article considers the peculiar features of the Soviet Aliyah as one of the leading
themes of the Russian-language periodicals in Israel. Special attention is paid to the articles published in the 1970−2000s in the most prominent “thick” literary-political journals − “Vremya i My” and “22” which covered the fate of the Russian and Soviet Jews, as well as the phenomenon of repatriation. The study of the topic makes it possible to resolve several scientific problems. First of all, the analysis of the publications enables the authors to identify the key problems that are reflected in their content: the historical prerequisites for the formation of repatriation ideas in the minds of the Soviet Jewish intelligentsia, the attitude of the Soviet authorities to this phenomenon, and the evolution of the perception of the migration process as such and its various stages by the Israeli society. The studying of the above journals allowed distinguishing the contents specificity of each of them. The “Vremya i Mi “ journal was characterized by demonstrative anti-Sovietism, based on the commitment to the concept of human rights and liberal values. In turn, the “22” journal was aimed at the development of Zionism ideas and strengthening of the position of those Jews who sought deep integration into the Israeli society. However, the both periodicals had similar content features: the articles published in them were of high analytical and artistic level. Both “Vremya i Mi” and “22” were characterized by a common desire to understand the problems of Jews’ repatriation and their adaptation in Israel. The both journals made a significant contribution to the history of Israel periodicals and to the formation of self-consciousness of the Russian-speaking population of this country. The article is presented in the historical context. It reveals the main stages of the emigration of Jews from the USSR and modern Russia and the evolution of the reflection of this process on the pages of the journals.
RUDN Journal of Russian History, 2018
The article deals with the traditional Jewish education in the Russian Empire of the 19th – early... more The article deals with the traditional Jewish education in the Russian Empire of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The author pays great attention to the key Judaic Religious Academy – yeshiva of Volozhin (Belarussia-Lithuania) as it existed from 1802 to 1914. The study is based on the contemporary sources – documents, media articles, memoirs, literary sources, archival materials and the works of foreign historians. The main aim of the article is to present this yeshiva in its social
and cultural context. The author pays particular attention to the founder of yeshiva Volozhin Rabbi Hayim of Volozhin (1740−1821). The fi rst objective of the work is to understand the reasons for the foundation of this yeshiva. In this context the author touches upon the relations with Vilna Gaon, his attitude toward the Jewish Enlightenment (Haskala), the attitude to Hasidism, secular studies etc. It is this yeshiva that was marked by a novel structure – total independence of local
community. In many aspects, it was the model for other Jewish Higher Traditional institutions. The Russian historian pays considerable attention to the Imperial Government policy toward the Jewish traditional education; mutual relations between parents and students of yeshiva, the role of some rectors, teachers and form-masters of yeshiva of Volozhin. The author deals with the every-day life of the yeshivas, traditional holidays, modernization and the reaction to the challenge of the time and especially to the values of traditional Jewish culture in general. The author
considers that the closure of the Volozhin yeshiva in 1892 by the tsarist authorities was formal. In fact, the yeshiva continued working. The last students perished in the Holocaust.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article is devoted to the history of origin and functioning of the national sections
of the I... more The article is devoted to the history of origin and functioning of the national sections
of the International Theosophical Society − the Russian Theosophical Society in emigration. It is shown that this organization ideologically and structurally continued in emigration the work of the Russian Theosophical Society, registered in Russia in 1908, created under the influence of the teachings of H.P.Blavatsky, Annie Besant. The author has reconstructed the general picture of the work of the departments of the organization in Europe, Asia and America in 1920−30 years. The article shows that the Russian National Section was one of 41 national sections. The connection between lodges and prominent representatives of the movement with the International Society is shown through a system of congresses, meetings, joint lectures, sponsorship. The author has shown the organization’s links with international inter-confessional organizations, the role of society in propaganda of theosophical teaching among emigrants and youth. It is proved that, on an ideological basis, it was an occult-mystical organization whose unconventional religiosity was a consequence of the spiritual crisis of the fi rst third of the 20th century. Emigrant sections of the society were also places of meeting with compatriots for Russian emigrants, moral support, performed a compensatory function. It is established that the ideological views of the Theosophists were not Christian, although they positioned themselves as such. Theosophists proposed eclectic knowledge combining occultism, scientological (scientific-like) views and oriental cults, which is the basis of modern non-religious religiousness, the ideological basis for the activity of many new religious movements.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article is devoted to the important scientific problem of Jews’ adaptation in Turkestan. Its ... more The article is devoted to the important scientific problem of Jews’ adaptation in Turkestan. Its comprehension makes it possible to consider a specific example of the interaction of representatives of the two main religions in Russia − the Christian and the Muslim ones. The relevance of this topic is also determined by the persisting confrontation between Israel and the Arab world, Jews and Muslims. Moreover, Jews’ resettlement during the colonization of Central Asia allows understanding the contradictions of the national and migration policy of the tsarist Russia at the turn of the 20th century. Through the use of a wide range of sources, the author reveals the peculiarities of the life of Jews in the Russian Empire, various aspects of which were silenced or distorted in the Soviet historiography for a long time. The article contains data on the localization, number and social composition of the Jewish population on the territory of the Russian Empire. It is noted that the vast majority of the first
European Jews were former military − privates and non-commissioned officers. The Ashkenazi Jews played an important role in the construction of railways in Russia and, above all, the Tashkent-Orenburg railway. The author concludes that the construction of railways in Europe was an important fi eld of activity for Jewish bankers. In this area, it is the personal ties of the Jewish capitalists with the governments which played an important role, since railways were built mostly on the basis of special concessions and under the official control. Over a relatively short historical period, the Jews demonstrated their high social activity and
made a significant contribution to the development of Central Asia territory.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
Global History is one of the phenomena and a consequence of the process of globalization, stimula... more Global History is one of the phenomena and a consequence of the process of globalization, stimulating intercultural dialog as the basis for improved mutual understanding between people. Numerous modern historians recognize that there is a need to abandon the construction ‘the West and the Rest’ that has dominated for a long time in the historiography. Global History should focus on the study of communication and interaction between governments and nations. Modern historiography refers the beginning of a process of globalization to the 15th century. In connection with this chronological milestone this essay considers the initial phase of the process establishing sustainable relationships between Western Europe and Russia. It began in the second half of the 15th century. In the 17th century all the contacts with Western Europe became a constant of Russian socio-cultural devices and one of the phenomena of Russian history. Despite the support provided to aliens by the Russian government, relationship of the foreigners with the Russian society was contradictory. However, by the end of the 17th century, in attitude of Russian society to everyone who had come from the West began to develop two parallel lines. A negative attitude to the innovation and commitment to old, spiritual and household traditions remained by the peasantry and part of the elite of society. The urban population and the other part of the noble elite of society showed tolerance and willingness to accept much of the new that had appeared in Russia thanks to its rapprochement with the West.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article focuses on the formation of cultural and social self-identification of an ethnic mino... more The article focuses on the formation of cultural and social self-identification of an ethnic minority within a multicultural society as well as on the establishment and functioning of a state as a conglomerate of various ethnic constituents. Nowadays this subject is vital, as many European countries have found themselves in a situation under which they have to host numerous migrants and assimilate them. It should be emphasized that minorities, their way of life, language they speak and education their children get always refl ect general trends existing in the society as well as the offi cial policy towards minorities, prejudices or lack of prejudices in the society. In this study, the authors investigate the possibility of integration and assimilation as well as the historical and social conditions necessary for assimilation in a society and for understanding its importance within a community. Integration means acceptance of a new culture, language and traditions, better understanding of a new religion and ethnic characteristics in order to be a part of a hosting society. It is the history of the Jewish community in Russia, which is analyzed in the article. Since the aim of the present study is the understanding of self-identifi cation, i.e. personal self-perception of an individual in the society, of great value are the memoirs as sources of information and their textual analysis. The objectives of the research are to study the main aspects of social life: religion, education, language. Based on the exact results, the conclusion may be regarded as universal and generally applicable when forming ways of integration of minorities into a single public space.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article considers the problems of forming the religious component of the Polish uprising in 1... more The article considers the problems of forming the religious component of the Polish uprising in 1863 in the Northwestern Krai of the Russian Empire. The author analyzes
the peculiarities of the relationship between the Roman Catholic clergy and its laity
in the process of the religious mobilization of the participants in the uprising. The article reveals the methods of influence of the radically-minded clergy on the consciousness and political behavior of the laity. There is shown that the spiritual power of the Roman Catholic clergy was used to achieve the political goals of the liberation of Poland. There is established the relationship between the religious motivation of the participants in the uprising and the brutality towards the law-abiding population in various forms of insurgent terror and violence. The author comes to the conclusion that radically-minded Roman Catholic priests and monks managed to turn the church doctrine into a mobilizing ideology of the armed struggle. Religious legitimization, propaganda and organization of the armed uprising turned a part of the Roman Catholic clergy of the Northwestern Krai into a political enemy of the Russian Empire. The article deals with the retaliatory measures of punishment applied to the rebellious representatives of the clergy on the part of the administration of M.N. Muravyov, which were caused by the conditions of martial law, the necessity to
protect the territorial integrity of the state, to protect the lives and property of law-abiding citizens. In this regard, the Russian government, army, society and the Orthodox population of Lithuania and Belarus perceived the uprising as an attempt on the part of the Polish separatists on the ancestral Russian territory. Therefore, for the Russian side, the goals of the armed struggle were not the return of the Polish land, but the morally justified protection of the Russian land and the Russian people living in the West who had the same faith. In this regard, the author comes to the conclusion that in the process of preparing and carrying out the uprising, some of the Roman Catholic clergy of the Northwestern Kraiacted as a political enemy of the Russian Empire.
RUDN Journal of Russian History / Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России, 2018
The article considers the peculiar features of the selfless service in the far regions of the Rus... more The article considers the peculiar features of the selfless service in the far regions of the Russian Empire. The analysis is carried out on the example of the life and ministry of missionary, educator, teacher, preacher, Bishop Jacob (Domsky). His participation in the process of improving spiritual schools, the conditions of teaching and mentoring, developing new and improving old educational programmes contributed to the solution to one of the most important tasks − the training of highly educated Ministers of the Church. These graduates were able to serve the Fatherland in Siberia, the Far East, the Russian mission in
China and Japan, in the vast territory of the Aleutian and Alaska dioceses. The opening of rural parish and parochial schools, the establishment of women’s diocesan schools, public library and translation activities − all these facts are about the life of Jacob (Domsky). As the Bishop of one of the most distant and great foreign dioceses, he did much to establish Orthodoxy and raise the authority of the Orthodox priesthood. Based on the brief analysis of the main theological works, among which is “Russian preaching, historical review
and contemporary perspective on its direction”, the article shows the importance of the heritage of the missionary in the development of the Church historiography. For example, the activities of Bishop of Jacob (Domsky) reveal the role of Russian spiritual warriors in the organization and development of librarianship, education and spiritual enlightenment of the indigenous peoples of Siberia and the Far East.
Vol. 17, no. 1 (February 2018) by RUDN Journal of Russian History
of the north-eastern part of the Pacific region.The authors examine the influence of
the Russian culture on the life of the indigenous population of Russian America after its sale in 1867. The study demonstrates the borrowings of the traditional elements of everyday life, the customs of the native population, the Russian legacy in the place-names and languages of the indigenous peoples of Alaska, and other problems. One of the key issues of the study is the preservation and prevalence of the Russian language, as well as of the Russian-language periodicals in the region.The article contains newspapers data, eyewitnesses’ recollections, materials of authoritative investigations on this issue, etc. The authors come to conclusions that after 1867 the Russian language remained widespread only in the Russian-Creole population centres: Sitka, Kodiak, Kenai Peninsula. In the rest of Alaska,the language was quickly ousted and replaced with English. The indigenous population adopted several elements of everyday life from the colonists, mostly furniture, tools, clothes. By the early 20th century, the most part of these things had been replaced by more modern American objects. After 1867 the Russian Orthodox Church remained one of the few forces to be able to preserve the Russian culture in the region. In the 1870s and 1890s, there were extensively opened new parishes and Russian-language
schools. However, in the early 20th century the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church considerably decreased due to the policy of accelerated Americanization and the emergence of Catholic and Protestant missions in Alaska.
The first mass emigration took place in the post-revolutionary period. After 1917,
the centres of the social, political and cultural activities of the Ingush Diaspora were Paris, Berlin, Prague and Warsaw. In that period, most Ingush emigrants belonged to the military, political and scientific-cultural elite, which explains the high level of the social and cultural values created by them in foreign countries. It is the social and political life and the spiritual heritage of the Ingush emigrants, being abroad for certain reasons in different historical periods, which is a very interesting subject for research. The article analyzes the process of the formation of the institutional basis of the Ingush post-revolutionary community in Europe. There is shown the role of public figures, in particular S. Malsagov and the Dzhabagiev brothers, who made a significant contribution to the development of the Ingush spiritual culture and science. The author notes that the most visible in the public and political life of the North Caucasian post-revolutionary community in Europe were the activities of the organizations and movements, which sympathized with the ideas of the Caucasus independence. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion
that the socio-political associations of the North Caucasian emigrants in Western Europe played a significant role in the socio-cultural adaptation of national communities of peoples of the North Caucasus abroad. Although the process of the social and cultural integration was rather difficult and long, the Ingush Diaspora preserved its national identity. The article is based on the memoirs, emigrant periodicals and electronic publications devoted to the problems of the political-legal and socio-cultural adaptation of the Ingush immigrants in Europe. In order to analyze the history of the Ingush emigrants, there are also presented unpublished documents stored in the Russian state archive of literature and art (RGALI).
the White South of Russia during the 1920s. This period is characterized by a significant departure from the previously proclaimed principles of the ideology of the “White movement”, which were replaced by the so-called “left-wing policy with the right hands”. The author comes to conclusion that due to the reduction of the territory occupied by the White armies (the borders of the Crimea and North Tavria (Tauride Governorate)), it became possible to more closely monitor the work of the local judicial system. The White leadership proclaimed its policy of combating all violations of law, the absence of legitimate methods of government, the rule of the so-called “machine gun right”, in which it was the decisions of the military which became the major ones, they prevailed over all civilian legislative acts and institutions. General Wrangel and the Government of the South of Russia, led by Alexander Vasilievich Krivoshein, the former tsarist minister, managed to achieve some changes for the better. There increased the role of the Governing Senate and the importance of prosecutor’s supervision; the activities of the magistrate courts began to recover. The work of counterintelligence agencies was put under prosecutor’s supervision. Court martial got legal limitations, the Red Army soldiers were pardoned. However, it was not possible to completely overcome the dominance of military justice over civil one and to achieve significant changes in the political and legal system in the conditions of the ongoing Civil War. This became one of the reasons for the weakness
of the White rear and the failures of the South Russian White movement.
of Ancient Rus’. Ewers’ main achievement is the criticism of the Norman theory. The article includes the characteristics of the following arguments: the inconsistency of the Swedish etymology of the word «Rus’»; the fallacy of the origination of the ancient Russian law out of the Scandinavian law. The basis of Ewers’ concept is the patrimonial theory. It reveals the natural course of the emergence of a state of Eastern Slavs. The scientist formulated the Khazar theory instead of the Norman theory. Ewers attributed the origin of Rus’ to the Northern Black Sea region. He believed that a large role in the formation of the Pontic Rus’ was played by the Khazar ethnos. Ewers also made a significant contribution to the study of the Russian Chronicles. He denounced Schloezer’s methodology, demonstrated the composite character of the Russian Chronicles. The authors show that Ewers’ ideas were
highly appreciated by his contemporaries. Ewers’ criticism meant the end of the fi rst wave of normanism. His insights remain important for the contemporary historiography against the background of the attempts of the resurgence of normanism.
rate throughout the republic. In total, in 1958−1996 (except 1981), the natural increase of the Russian population in Udmurtia amounted to 206842 people. According to the census data for 1959−1989, the Russian population of the republic increased by 186446 people. This suggests that in the second half of the 20th century, the Russians were leaving the republic rather than coming there.
the basis of studying the Russian and Polish archives in the context of the contemporary Russian and Polish historiography. There are identifi ed and critically comprehended the materials of the key assets in the Polish archives. The article sums up the intermediate results of the study of the history of Russian emigrants in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Poland. The purpose of the article is to identify the weak points of this section of the Russian historiography, as well as the characteristic of the basic directions of the Polish historiography in the section “Emigrantology”. The comparison of the directions of the development of the fi rst-wave émigré history in both countries based on the comparative analysis of
the main researches of the modern Russian and Polish historiography allows outlining a number of underexplored questions. The authors faced the challenge of giving a sampling, but the most representative picture of the comparative studies in this section of the Russian and Polish historiography. The authors’ attention was primarily paid to the historical and historical-cultural works, rather than to the researches on legal issues. As a result of the comparative review, there are a number of conclusions. In particular, it was noted that the Russian historiography is not able to conduct comprehensive studies due to the sheer lack of trained personnel (knowledge of the history of the Republic of Poland, Polish-Soviet relations and the Polish language). At the same time, the Polish historiography has reached a qualitatively new level of research, as evidenced by the establishing of the new educational and scientific specialty (Emigrantology), a part of which is the academic module on the history of the Russian emigrants in Poland.
the 20th century − the “expatriate defector” Alexander Alekhine and the Soviet champion Mikhail Botvinnik − as one of the little-known stories related to the history of the contacts between the representatives of the Russian diaspora and the Soviet state of the Stalin era. The author examines the history of the failed match between these two outstanding chess masters in 1939−1940 and shows why the Alekhine-Botvinnik match, which had been initially approved at the highest party and state level, was not held, and fi nd out what role the Soviet administrative apparatus played in this. The author comes to conclusion that under the conditions of strict authoritarian leadership, with the directives of V.M. Molotov, N.A. Bulganin and A.Ya. Vyshinsky, and possibly Joseph Stalin, the managers had a sufficient set of bureaucratic methods that allowed delaying the process of preparing the match up to a favourable occasion which led to the fi nal breakdown in the negotiations. Such methods include precaution, prolonging pauses in interdepartmental communication, requesting for “instructions”, recalculating estimates, using rumours as arguments, using erroneous addresses and redirecting correspondence. The reason for the officials’ inactivity was the fear of personal responsibility for the defeat of the Soviet champion by the “expatriate defector”, especially in the situation when some leaders of the USSR chess movement were repressed. The author’s analysis provides insight into the problems of the functioning of the executive power in the conditions of the political regime established in the USSR by the beginning of the Second World War.
interests of Russia, even having no chance of returning to the motherland. Realizing his modest ability and the insignifi cant political weight of emigrants, nevertheless, through his articles, speeches, analysis of the international situation, he sought to draw attention to the problems of Siberia and the Russian Far East.Russian political emigrants were closely watching the events in the Soviet Russia. There was also the reverse process − the Soviet Union invested heavily in the study and control over emigrants. The analytical data of the Soviet intelligence show that the opinions and actions of emigrants were not only under close scrutiny of the secret services, but were also taken into account in making important political decisions, particularly in Manchuria. It was unlikely that Vostrotin believed that his voice would be heard abroad. However, the document from the Stalin archive gives us extra evidence that Russian political emigrants influenced the country of origin much more than it is generally thought.
in different archival collections, private and public archives and libraries. The emergence of communities of the Russian diaspora in several countries of the world led to the formation of extensive archival heritage. The study of this heritage is one the most urgent contemporary problems. The activities related to the discovery, restitution to Russia and use of this heritage have signifi cantly increased in the last decades which is connected with the change of
the political situation, researchers’ gaining access to the archival collections of the Russian diaspora. The relevance of this fundamental research problem is enhanced by the necessity of eliminating the existing information gap at the current stage of the Russian history development – to reveal the information concerning foreign archival Rossica, the documents of the Russian diaspora and their locations in foreign archives and compile them in the unifi ed information data base. The identifi cation of the location of different documents of this
group is aimed at the reconstruction of the integrity of the scattered archival collections by means of both restitution, exchange or copying of the documents and by means of virtual unifi cation, for example, in the form of digital archive. These activities will also contribute
to solving the problems related to the restitution of the archival heritage.
Vol. 17, no. 2 (May 2018) by RUDN Journal of Russian History
themes of the Russian-language periodicals in Israel. Special attention is paid to the articles published in the 1970−2000s in the most prominent “thick” literary-political journals − “Vremya i My” and “22” which covered the fate of the Russian and Soviet Jews, as well as the phenomenon of repatriation. The study of the topic makes it possible to resolve several scientific problems. First of all, the analysis of the publications enables the authors to identify the key problems that are reflected in their content: the historical prerequisites for the formation of repatriation ideas in the minds of the Soviet Jewish intelligentsia, the attitude of the Soviet authorities to this phenomenon, and the evolution of the perception of the migration process as such and its various stages by the Israeli society. The studying of the above journals allowed distinguishing the contents specificity of each of them. The “Vremya i Mi “ journal was characterized by demonstrative anti-Sovietism, based on the commitment to the concept of human rights and liberal values. In turn, the “22” journal was aimed at the development of Zionism ideas and strengthening of the position of those Jews who sought deep integration into the Israeli society. However, the both periodicals had similar content features: the articles published in them were of high analytical and artistic level. Both “Vremya i Mi” and “22” were characterized by a common desire to understand the problems of Jews’ repatriation and their adaptation in Israel. The both journals made a significant contribution to the history of Israel periodicals and to the formation of self-consciousness of the Russian-speaking population of this country. The article is presented in the historical context. It reveals the main stages of the emigration of Jews from the USSR and modern Russia and the evolution of the reflection of this process on the pages of the journals.
and cultural context. The author pays particular attention to the founder of yeshiva Volozhin Rabbi Hayim of Volozhin (1740−1821). The fi rst objective of the work is to understand the reasons for the foundation of this yeshiva. In this context the author touches upon the relations with Vilna Gaon, his attitude toward the Jewish Enlightenment (Haskala), the attitude to Hasidism, secular studies etc. It is this yeshiva that was marked by a novel structure – total independence of local
community. In many aspects, it was the model for other Jewish Higher Traditional institutions. The Russian historian pays considerable attention to the Imperial Government policy toward the Jewish traditional education; mutual relations between parents and students of yeshiva, the role of some rectors, teachers and form-masters of yeshiva of Volozhin. The author deals with the every-day life of the yeshivas, traditional holidays, modernization and the reaction to the challenge of the time and especially to the values of traditional Jewish culture in general. The author
considers that the closure of the Volozhin yeshiva in 1892 by the tsarist authorities was formal. In fact, the yeshiva continued working. The last students perished in the Holocaust.
of the International Theosophical Society − the Russian Theosophical Society in emigration. It is shown that this organization ideologically and structurally continued in emigration the work of the Russian Theosophical Society, registered in Russia in 1908, created under the influence of the teachings of H.P.Blavatsky, Annie Besant. The author has reconstructed the general picture of the work of the departments of the organization in Europe, Asia and America in 1920−30 years. The article shows that the Russian National Section was one of 41 national sections. The connection between lodges and prominent representatives of the movement with the International Society is shown through a system of congresses, meetings, joint lectures, sponsorship. The author has shown the organization’s links with international inter-confessional organizations, the role of society in propaganda of theosophical teaching among emigrants and youth. It is proved that, on an ideological basis, it was an occult-mystical organization whose unconventional religiosity was a consequence of the spiritual crisis of the fi rst third of the 20th century. Emigrant sections of the society were also places of meeting with compatriots for Russian emigrants, moral support, performed a compensatory function. It is established that the ideological views of the Theosophists were not Christian, although they positioned themselves as such. Theosophists proposed eclectic knowledge combining occultism, scientological (scientific-like) views and oriental cults, which is the basis of modern non-religious religiousness, the ideological basis for the activity of many new religious movements.
European Jews were former military − privates and non-commissioned officers. The Ashkenazi Jews played an important role in the construction of railways in Russia and, above all, the Tashkent-Orenburg railway. The author concludes that the construction of railways in Europe was an important fi eld of activity for Jewish bankers. In this area, it is the personal ties of the Jewish capitalists with the governments which played an important role, since railways were built mostly on the basis of special concessions and under the official control. Over a relatively short historical period, the Jews demonstrated their high social activity and
made a significant contribution to the development of Central Asia territory.
the peculiarities of the relationship between the Roman Catholic clergy and its laity
in the process of the religious mobilization of the participants in the uprising. The article reveals the methods of influence of the radically-minded clergy on the consciousness and political behavior of the laity. There is shown that the spiritual power of the Roman Catholic clergy was used to achieve the political goals of the liberation of Poland. There is established the relationship between the religious motivation of the participants in the uprising and the brutality towards the law-abiding population in various forms of insurgent terror and violence. The author comes to the conclusion that radically-minded Roman Catholic priests and monks managed to turn the church doctrine into a mobilizing ideology of the armed struggle. Religious legitimization, propaganda and organization of the armed uprising turned a part of the Roman Catholic clergy of the Northwestern Krai into a political enemy of the Russian Empire. The article deals with the retaliatory measures of punishment applied to the rebellious representatives of the clergy on the part of the administration of M.N. Muravyov, which were caused by the conditions of martial law, the necessity to
protect the territorial integrity of the state, to protect the lives and property of law-abiding citizens. In this regard, the Russian government, army, society and the Orthodox population of Lithuania and Belarus perceived the uprising as an attempt on the part of the Polish separatists on the ancestral Russian territory. Therefore, for the Russian side, the goals of the armed struggle were not the return of the Polish land, but the morally justified protection of the Russian land and the Russian people living in the West who had the same faith. In this regard, the author comes to the conclusion that in the process of preparing and carrying out the uprising, some of the Roman Catholic clergy of the Northwestern Kraiacted as a political enemy of the Russian Empire.
China and Japan, in the vast territory of the Aleutian and Alaska dioceses. The opening of rural parish and parochial schools, the establishment of women’s diocesan schools, public library and translation activities − all these facts are about the life of Jacob (Domsky). As the Bishop of one of the most distant and great foreign dioceses, he did much to establish Orthodoxy and raise the authority of the Orthodox priesthood. Based on the brief analysis of the main theological works, among which is “Russian preaching, historical review
and contemporary perspective on its direction”, the article shows the importance of the heritage of the missionary in the development of the Church historiography. For example, the activities of Bishop of Jacob (Domsky) reveal the role of Russian spiritual warriors in the organization and development of librarianship, education and spiritual enlightenment of the indigenous peoples of Siberia and the Far East.
of the north-eastern part of the Pacific region.The authors examine the influence of
the Russian culture on the life of the indigenous population of Russian America after its sale in 1867. The study demonstrates the borrowings of the traditional elements of everyday life, the customs of the native population, the Russian legacy in the place-names and languages of the indigenous peoples of Alaska, and other problems. One of the key issues of the study is the preservation and prevalence of the Russian language, as well as of the Russian-language periodicals in the region.The article contains newspapers data, eyewitnesses’ recollections, materials of authoritative investigations on this issue, etc. The authors come to conclusions that after 1867 the Russian language remained widespread only in the Russian-Creole population centres: Sitka, Kodiak, Kenai Peninsula. In the rest of Alaska,the language was quickly ousted and replaced with English. The indigenous population adopted several elements of everyday life from the colonists, mostly furniture, tools, clothes. By the early 20th century, the most part of these things had been replaced by more modern American objects. After 1867 the Russian Orthodox Church remained one of the few forces to be able to preserve the Russian culture in the region. In the 1870s and 1890s, there were extensively opened new parishes and Russian-language
schools. However, in the early 20th century the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church considerably decreased due to the policy of accelerated Americanization and the emergence of Catholic and Protestant missions in Alaska.
The first mass emigration took place in the post-revolutionary period. After 1917,
the centres of the social, political and cultural activities of the Ingush Diaspora were Paris, Berlin, Prague and Warsaw. In that period, most Ingush emigrants belonged to the military, political and scientific-cultural elite, which explains the high level of the social and cultural values created by them in foreign countries. It is the social and political life and the spiritual heritage of the Ingush emigrants, being abroad for certain reasons in different historical periods, which is a very interesting subject for research. The article analyzes the process of the formation of the institutional basis of the Ingush post-revolutionary community in Europe. There is shown the role of public figures, in particular S. Malsagov and the Dzhabagiev brothers, who made a significant contribution to the development of the Ingush spiritual culture and science. The author notes that the most visible in the public and political life of the North Caucasian post-revolutionary community in Europe were the activities of the organizations and movements, which sympathized with the ideas of the Caucasus independence. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion
that the socio-political associations of the North Caucasian emigrants in Western Europe played a significant role in the socio-cultural adaptation of national communities of peoples of the North Caucasus abroad. Although the process of the social and cultural integration was rather difficult and long, the Ingush Diaspora preserved its national identity. The article is based on the memoirs, emigrant periodicals and electronic publications devoted to the problems of the political-legal and socio-cultural adaptation of the Ingush immigrants in Europe. In order to analyze the history of the Ingush emigrants, there are also presented unpublished documents stored in the Russian state archive of literature and art (RGALI).
the White South of Russia during the 1920s. This period is characterized by a significant departure from the previously proclaimed principles of the ideology of the “White movement”, which were replaced by the so-called “left-wing policy with the right hands”. The author comes to conclusion that due to the reduction of the territory occupied by the White armies (the borders of the Crimea and North Tavria (Tauride Governorate)), it became possible to more closely monitor the work of the local judicial system. The White leadership proclaimed its policy of combating all violations of law, the absence of legitimate methods of government, the rule of the so-called “machine gun right”, in which it was the decisions of the military which became the major ones, they prevailed over all civilian legislative acts and institutions. General Wrangel and the Government of the South of Russia, led by Alexander Vasilievich Krivoshein, the former tsarist minister, managed to achieve some changes for the better. There increased the role of the Governing Senate and the importance of prosecutor’s supervision; the activities of the magistrate courts began to recover. The work of counterintelligence agencies was put under prosecutor’s supervision. Court martial got legal limitations, the Red Army soldiers were pardoned. However, it was not possible to completely overcome the dominance of military justice over civil one and to achieve significant changes in the political and legal system in the conditions of the ongoing Civil War. This became one of the reasons for the weakness
of the White rear and the failures of the South Russian White movement.
of Ancient Rus’. Ewers’ main achievement is the criticism of the Norman theory. The article includes the characteristics of the following arguments: the inconsistency of the Swedish etymology of the word «Rus’»; the fallacy of the origination of the ancient Russian law out of the Scandinavian law. The basis of Ewers’ concept is the patrimonial theory. It reveals the natural course of the emergence of a state of Eastern Slavs. The scientist formulated the Khazar theory instead of the Norman theory. Ewers attributed the origin of Rus’ to the Northern Black Sea region. He believed that a large role in the formation of the Pontic Rus’ was played by the Khazar ethnos. Ewers also made a significant contribution to the study of the Russian Chronicles. He denounced Schloezer’s methodology, demonstrated the composite character of the Russian Chronicles. The authors show that Ewers’ ideas were
highly appreciated by his contemporaries. Ewers’ criticism meant the end of the fi rst wave of normanism. His insights remain important for the contemporary historiography against the background of the attempts of the resurgence of normanism.
rate throughout the republic. In total, in 1958−1996 (except 1981), the natural increase of the Russian population in Udmurtia amounted to 206842 people. According to the census data for 1959−1989, the Russian population of the republic increased by 186446 people. This suggests that in the second half of the 20th century, the Russians were leaving the republic rather than coming there.
the basis of studying the Russian and Polish archives in the context of the contemporary Russian and Polish historiography. There are identifi ed and critically comprehended the materials of the key assets in the Polish archives. The article sums up the intermediate results of the study of the history of Russian emigrants in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Poland. The purpose of the article is to identify the weak points of this section of the Russian historiography, as well as the characteristic of the basic directions of the Polish historiography in the section “Emigrantology”. The comparison of the directions of the development of the fi rst-wave émigré history in both countries based on the comparative analysis of
the main researches of the modern Russian and Polish historiography allows outlining a number of underexplored questions. The authors faced the challenge of giving a sampling, but the most representative picture of the comparative studies in this section of the Russian and Polish historiography. The authors’ attention was primarily paid to the historical and historical-cultural works, rather than to the researches on legal issues. As a result of the comparative review, there are a number of conclusions. In particular, it was noted that the Russian historiography is not able to conduct comprehensive studies due to the sheer lack of trained personnel (knowledge of the history of the Republic of Poland, Polish-Soviet relations and the Polish language). At the same time, the Polish historiography has reached a qualitatively new level of research, as evidenced by the establishing of the new educational and scientific specialty (Emigrantology), a part of which is the academic module on the history of the Russian emigrants in Poland.
the 20th century − the “expatriate defector” Alexander Alekhine and the Soviet champion Mikhail Botvinnik − as one of the little-known stories related to the history of the contacts between the representatives of the Russian diaspora and the Soviet state of the Stalin era. The author examines the history of the failed match between these two outstanding chess masters in 1939−1940 and shows why the Alekhine-Botvinnik match, which had been initially approved at the highest party and state level, was not held, and fi nd out what role the Soviet administrative apparatus played in this. The author comes to conclusion that under the conditions of strict authoritarian leadership, with the directives of V.M. Molotov, N.A. Bulganin and A.Ya. Vyshinsky, and possibly Joseph Stalin, the managers had a sufficient set of bureaucratic methods that allowed delaying the process of preparing the match up to a favourable occasion which led to the fi nal breakdown in the negotiations. Such methods include precaution, prolonging pauses in interdepartmental communication, requesting for “instructions”, recalculating estimates, using rumours as arguments, using erroneous addresses and redirecting correspondence. The reason for the officials’ inactivity was the fear of personal responsibility for the defeat of the Soviet champion by the “expatriate defector”, especially in the situation when some leaders of the USSR chess movement were repressed. The author’s analysis provides insight into the problems of the functioning of the executive power in the conditions of the political regime established in the USSR by the beginning of the Second World War.
interests of Russia, even having no chance of returning to the motherland. Realizing his modest ability and the insignifi cant political weight of emigrants, nevertheless, through his articles, speeches, analysis of the international situation, he sought to draw attention to the problems of Siberia and the Russian Far East.Russian political emigrants were closely watching the events in the Soviet Russia. There was also the reverse process − the Soviet Union invested heavily in the study and control over emigrants. The analytical data of the Soviet intelligence show that the opinions and actions of emigrants were not only under close scrutiny of the secret services, but were also taken into account in making important political decisions, particularly in Manchuria. It was unlikely that Vostrotin believed that his voice would be heard abroad. However, the document from the Stalin archive gives us extra evidence that Russian political emigrants influenced the country of origin much more than it is generally thought.
in different archival collections, private and public archives and libraries. The emergence of communities of the Russian diaspora in several countries of the world led to the formation of extensive archival heritage. The study of this heritage is one the most urgent contemporary problems. The activities related to the discovery, restitution to Russia and use of this heritage have signifi cantly increased in the last decades which is connected with the change of
the political situation, researchers’ gaining access to the archival collections of the Russian diaspora. The relevance of this fundamental research problem is enhanced by the necessity of eliminating the existing information gap at the current stage of the Russian history development – to reveal the information concerning foreign archival Rossica, the documents of the Russian diaspora and their locations in foreign archives and compile them in the unifi ed information data base. The identifi cation of the location of different documents of this
group is aimed at the reconstruction of the integrity of the scattered archival collections by means of both restitution, exchange or copying of the documents and by means of virtual unifi cation, for example, in the form of digital archive. These activities will also contribute
to solving the problems related to the restitution of the archival heritage.
themes of the Russian-language periodicals in Israel. Special attention is paid to the articles published in the 1970−2000s in the most prominent “thick” literary-political journals − “Vremya i My” and “22” which covered the fate of the Russian and Soviet Jews, as well as the phenomenon of repatriation. The study of the topic makes it possible to resolve several scientific problems. First of all, the analysis of the publications enables the authors to identify the key problems that are reflected in their content: the historical prerequisites for the formation of repatriation ideas in the minds of the Soviet Jewish intelligentsia, the attitude of the Soviet authorities to this phenomenon, and the evolution of the perception of the migration process as such and its various stages by the Israeli society. The studying of the above journals allowed distinguishing the contents specificity of each of them. The “Vremya i Mi “ journal was characterized by demonstrative anti-Sovietism, based on the commitment to the concept of human rights and liberal values. In turn, the “22” journal was aimed at the development of Zionism ideas and strengthening of the position of those Jews who sought deep integration into the Israeli society. However, the both periodicals had similar content features: the articles published in them were of high analytical and artistic level. Both “Vremya i Mi” and “22” were characterized by a common desire to understand the problems of Jews’ repatriation and their adaptation in Israel. The both journals made a significant contribution to the history of Israel periodicals and to the formation of self-consciousness of the Russian-speaking population of this country. The article is presented in the historical context. It reveals the main stages of the emigration of Jews from the USSR and modern Russia and the evolution of the reflection of this process on the pages of the journals.
and cultural context. The author pays particular attention to the founder of yeshiva Volozhin Rabbi Hayim of Volozhin (1740−1821). The fi rst objective of the work is to understand the reasons for the foundation of this yeshiva. In this context the author touches upon the relations with Vilna Gaon, his attitude toward the Jewish Enlightenment (Haskala), the attitude to Hasidism, secular studies etc. It is this yeshiva that was marked by a novel structure – total independence of local
community. In many aspects, it was the model for other Jewish Higher Traditional institutions. The Russian historian pays considerable attention to the Imperial Government policy toward the Jewish traditional education; mutual relations between parents and students of yeshiva, the role of some rectors, teachers and form-masters of yeshiva of Volozhin. The author deals with the every-day life of the yeshivas, traditional holidays, modernization and the reaction to the challenge of the time and especially to the values of traditional Jewish culture in general. The author
considers that the closure of the Volozhin yeshiva in 1892 by the tsarist authorities was formal. In fact, the yeshiva continued working. The last students perished in the Holocaust.
of the International Theosophical Society − the Russian Theosophical Society in emigration. It is shown that this organization ideologically and structurally continued in emigration the work of the Russian Theosophical Society, registered in Russia in 1908, created under the influence of the teachings of H.P.Blavatsky, Annie Besant. The author has reconstructed the general picture of the work of the departments of the organization in Europe, Asia and America in 1920−30 years. The article shows that the Russian National Section was one of 41 national sections. The connection between lodges and prominent representatives of the movement with the International Society is shown through a system of congresses, meetings, joint lectures, sponsorship. The author has shown the organization’s links with international inter-confessional organizations, the role of society in propaganda of theosophical teaching among emigrants and youth. It is proved that, on an ideological basis, it was an occult-mystical organization whose unconventional religiosity was a consequence of the spiritual crisis of the fi rst third of the 20th century. Emigrant sections of the society were also places of meeting with compatriots for Russian emigrants, moral support, performed a compensatory function. It is established that the ideological views of the Theosophists were not Christian, although they positioned themselves as such. Theosophists proposed eclectic knowledge combining occultism, scientological (scientific-like) views and oriental cults, which is the basis of modern non-religious religiousness, the ideological basis for the activity of many new religious movements.
European Jews were former military − privates and non-commissioned officers. The Ashkenazi Jews played an important role in the construction of railways in Russia and, above all, the Tashkent-Orenburg railway. The author concludes that the construction of railways in Europe was an important fi eld of activity for Jewish bankers. In this area, it is the personal ties of the Jewish capitalists with the governments which played an important role, since railways were built mostly on the basis of special concessions and under the official control. Over a relatively short historical period, the Jews demonstrated their high social activity and
made a significant contribution to the development of Central Asia territory.
the peculiarities of the relationship between the Roman Catholic clergy and its laity
in the process of the religious mobilization of the participants in the uprising. The article reveals the methods of influence of the radically-minded clergy on the consciousness and political behavior of the laity. There is shown that the spiritual power of the Roman Catholic clergy was used to achieve the political goals of the liberation of Poland. There is established the relationship between the religious motivation of the participants in the uprising and the brutality towards the law-abiding population in various forms of insurgent terror and violence. The author comes to the conclusion that radically-minded Roman Catholic priests and monks managed to turn the church doctrine into a mobilizing ideology of the armed struggle. Religious legitimization, propaganda and organization of the armed uprising turned a part of the Roman Catholic clergy of the Northwestern Krai into a political enemy of the Russian Empire. The article deals with the retaliatory measures of punishment applied to the rebellious representatives of the clergy on the part of the administration of M.N. Muravyov, which were caused by the conditions of martial law, the necessity to
protect the territorial integrity of the state, to protect the lives and property of law-abiding citizens. In this regard, the Russian government, army, society and the Orthodox population of Lithuania and Belarus perceived the uprising as an attempt on the part of the Polish separatists on the ancestral Russian territory. Therefore, for the Russian side, the goals of the armed struggle were not the return of the Polish land, but the morally justified protection of the Russian land and the Russian people living in the West who had the same faith. In this regard, the author comes to the conclusion that in the process of preparing and carrying out the uprising, some of the Roman Catholic clergy of the Northwestern Kraiacted as a political enemy of the Russian Empire.
China and Japan, in the vast territory of the Aleutian and Alaska dioceses. The opening of rural parish and parochial schools, the establishment of women’s diocesan schools, public library and translation activities − all these facts are about the life of Jacob (Domsky). As the Bishop of one of the most distant and great foreign dioceses, he did much to establish Orthodoxy and raise the authority of the Orthodox priesthood. Based on the brief analysis of the main theological works, among which is “Russian preaching, historical review
and contemporary perspective on its direction”, the article shows the importance of the heritage of the missionary in the development of the Church historiography. For example, the activities of Bishop of Jacob (Domsky) reveal the role of Russian spiritual warriors in the organization and development of librarianship, education and spiritual enlightenment of the indigenous peoples of Siberia and the Far East.
in the zemstvo, volost (parish) and city self-government of the Vyatka province of
the Russian Empire in 1860−1916. The study of the situation in the Vyatka province shows the legal status of Muslims in those Russian territories where Islam was spread. The main materials of the study were the documents of the State archive of the Kirov Region and local periodicals. Muslims in the region were Tatars and Bashkirs. Their number varied in different districts of the province. The author makes a comparative analysis of the participation of Muslims in the volost, zemstvo and city self-government. The researcher claims that in the Muslim districts of the province their representatives participated in the self-government of different levels. However, there was no direct correlation between the number of the Muslim population and the number of Muslim representatives in city councils, zemstvo and volost
boards. Various factors influenced the election of Tatars and Bashkirs to self-government bodies. Legislative acts established legal norms for the formation of a representative office. The maximum proportion of non-Christians was only in city assemblies. The fi nal result was also influenced by the number of Muslims among voters of different categories, the authority of candidates, the position of the electoral assemblies and the local administration. To a greater extent, the composition of the population reflected the zemstvo and volost self-government. It was a small number of Muslim citizens among owners of the property which became the reason for their weak participation in the city municipal Duma.
and included ethical and moral codes, such as generosity, honesty and modesty. In the Crimea, there also was a hierarchy of guild craftsmen; it included three main levels of the craftsmen (the student “shekird”, apprentice “kalfa”, master “usta”) as well as administration headed by the supreme spiritual mentor of the guild “nakib” and the main masters “usta-bashi.”
of the tradition of Russian Muslims on the issues of the attitude to the religious-legal schools on the example of the views of Galimjan Barudi, the outstanding religious fi gure of the 19th − early 20th centuries. The article touches upon his views on the important issues for Muslims of the Russian Empire, his reformist views on the attitude of Muslims towards the traditional religious-legal schools, in particular his view of the Hanafi religious-legal school, which is the most widespread among Russian Muslims. There are examined his achievements in the fi eld of improving the Muslim education. The article demonstrates the scientist’s contribution to the formation of a new system of education of the Muslim peoples of the Russian Empire of the late 19th − early 20th centuries, based on the principles of reformation, “Jadidism”. Galimjan Barudi, the creator of the famous madrassah “Muhammadiya”, took an active part in these processes; he was the author of many scientifi c works devoted to reforming not only the educational system of Muslims of Russia, but
the entire way of life of the Muslim peoples, especially the peoples of the Volga-Ural region of the country. The article reflects Galimjan Baroudi’s point of view on one of the most burning theological and legal issues − the possibility of ijtihad in the contemporary Muslim society, the “closing of the ijtihad gates”, since this issue was crucial in the theological disputes between the reformist direction of “Jadidism” and the traditionalist direction of “kadimism”. In addition to purely scientific research, these issues affected broad strata of the Muslim population, which was reflected
in the publishing and educational activities of Galimjan Barudi. There is considered the issue of the possibility of changing the provisions of religious-legal schools in the spirit of the new time, in accordance with the circumstances of the changing socio-political and economic relations. The article provides Galimjana Barudi’s fatwas on various issues and analyzes their compliance with the traditional Hanafi law. There is reflected Galimjan Barudi’s general attitude to the Hanafi madhhab,
as well as his attitude to reformation among Muslims of Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
between Shihabetdin Marjani and his opponents. The debate is viewed as a mechanism for the search and approval of truth. Being one of the possible answers of the Tatar Muslims to the imperial challenge, the religious debate is analyzed in the light of the changed political, economic and social conditions of the new era, when through theological discussions about the kalam and divine attributes, there were outlined new boundaries of the religious tradition. Within the framework of this problem the following issues are discussed: 1) the polemical genre in the Islamic world; Majlis as a forum for discussions and debates of Muslims in solving topical issues of the intellectual, religious and social character; the types of disputes
are jadal and munazara; 2) the reformation of Islam in the late 19th century among Muslims of the Russian Empire; 3) the discussion of the image of the “true” creed (‘aqidah) through dogmatic discussions about the kalam, mutakallims, the doctrine of the divine attributes and the connection of the attributes with Allah; 4) the sources of the creed (‘aqidah), the boundaries of the sources authority; forbidden innovations (bidaat); 5) the accusation of unbelief (takfi r) and the boundaries of unbelief (kufr); 6) the return to the “uprightness” through a renewal (tajdid), which supposed, on the one hand, the introduction into the tradition of “necessary” and “true” conceptions, and on the other hand, the rejection of “irrelevant”, that is, allegedly, “untrue” views; 7) the criticism of Marjani as a legitimate participant in the dispute, the innovator of Islam (mujaddid) and a theologian and jurist capable of ijtihad (mujtahid). The study of the polemic as a reaction of Muslims to the imperial challenge in the new era conditions made it possible to trace the way Muslim scholars outlined the new boundaries of the religious doctrine and thanks to this adapted the religious tradition to the social realities of the Russian Empire in the last third of the 19th century, and simultaneously they reviewed the environment in the light of the sources.
in the fi rst decade after the Russian Revolution of 1917. The Bukharans played an important role in the history of Western Siberia for several centuries. But the significance of the Bukhara community in the economic life of Siberia decreased steadily; there took place rapprochement in the form of assimilation with Siberian Tatars. In the early twentieth century, the reforms, revolutionary changes and war became an ordeal for Siberian Bukharans. As a result of the state policy, both imperial and Soviet, the most important factor in preserving the Bukhara identity − the Bukhara volost − was destroyed. After the end of the civil war in Siberia, the Bukharans in the bulk were in opposition to the Soviet power. In many areas of Siberia in the early twentieth century there was a drop in the population of Bukharans. The largest and most organized community of the Siberian Bukharans in Soviet Russia was preserved in the Tarsky district of the Siberian territory − more than 11 thousand people. In the focus of the research there are problems of the economic, political and cultural development of the Bukharans in the Tarsky district in the mid-1920s. The documents found by the author indicate the degradation of the Siberian Bukharans’ economy. It was caused by the fact that after the victory of the Soviet government, a significant part of them did not connect their future with Siberia anymore, the Bukharans expected permission to leave the USSR, mainly to Turkey. The article introduces new scientific archival documents which reflect the policy of the state in connection with the desire of the Bukharans to leave the USSR. The central Soviet government did not allow this, but ordered to improve the work with this group of the population. Despite the fact that the Soviet leaders in Siberia tried to improve the economic and cultural situation of the Bukharans, they failed to completely eliminate the “resettlement sentiments”. From 1927, the Soviet government ceased to recognize the Bukharans as a separate ethno-social group, including them in the number of Siberian Tatars or for some time using the name “Tatar-Bukharans.”
in the Turkestan region in the context of acculturation. It is noted that the resettlement of Russian peasants in Turkestan was regulated by the generally accepted Russian legislation, but it had its own local features. The peculiarity of the Russian colonization consisted in the following: fi rstly, in the region there lived foreign-speaking population with a different mentality and a different religion; secondly, in the most areas Turkestan was conquered by force of arms, and this fact did not add local population’s confidence in the Russian authorities. Nevertheless, according to the author, the grounds for acculturation were at the beginning of the resettlement process, when there began to establish economic relations
between Russian settlers and local residents. The analysis of the further resettlement policy of the Russian Empire leads to the conclusion that both objective and subjective reasons were the obstacle to further acculturation. The latter ones consisted in the incorrect decision of the Russian authorities on the isolation of the Russian-speaking population from the indigenous population, the withdrawal of “surplus” land from the local population, the excesses in the work of the Resettlement Department, whose members often abused their power. The negative role was also played by the commitment to the Russian authority, the Turkestan administration, and even Russian settlers’ adherence to the “civilizing mission of Russia”, explaining the necessity of introducing “wild” peoples to the European civilization, which served as an argument for justifying the need to bear the “good” to “unenlightened peoples”. The author makes the conclusion about the imperfection of the resettlement
policy of the Russian administration, which consisted in the absence of the legal framework and clear plan of resettlement.
Аннотация: В статье рассматривается отношение жителей кубанских станиц к аграрным преобразованиям советской власти в послереволюционный период. На основе анализа архивных источников анализируется отношение жителей станиц к земельной и налоговой политике Советского государства, влиявшее на настроения сельских жителей, характер взаимоотношения казаков и иногородних в ходе проведения землеустроительной кампании. Исторический регион Кубань задавал автору один из общих алгоритмов научного поиска в изучении отношения земледельцев к советской модернизации, формируя предмет и проблему для исторического анализа. Исторические реалии жизни кубанских станиц 1920-х гг. интересуют многих исследователей, краеведов. Несмотря на возрастающий интерес к истории региона, на-строения и отношение местного населения к аграрным преобразованиям советской власти не получили широкого освещения, тогда как эти мероприятия правительства большевиков не только вели к искоренению традиционной казачьей культуры, но и коренным образом влияли на социально-экономический и культурный облик кубанских станиц, на утрату самобытности казачьего социума. В статье анализируется роль органов советской власти в установлении социалистических порядков в 1920-е гг., целью которых было формирование просоветских настроений среди кубанских земледельцев-хлеборобов. В этих целях партийно-советскими структурами использовались различные средства и способы воздействий. Поэтому изучение настроений и отношения к мероприятиям советской власти местного населения являлось важным каналом получения информации. Одновременно в 1920-е гг. органы советской власти развернули масштабную идеологическую работу для формирования советских ориентиров и архетипов ментальности в сознании населения Кубани. Социальной опорой выступали беднота и иногороднее население. Автор приходит к выводу, что механизмы изучения настроений, контроля и принуждения кубанских хлеборобов позволяли властям проводить достаточно успешную кампанию по советизации кубанских ста-ниц и привлечению новых прозелитов на свою сторону.
В статье исследуются мобилизации трудовых ресурсов в Чечено-Ингушской АССР в годы Великой Отечественной войны, связанные с эвакуацией про-мышленных предприятий и последующим их восстановлением, а также созданием сложной системы оборонительных рубежей. Предметом изучения стали сущностные характеристики осуществлявшихся мобилизационных мероприятий, общие законо-мерности и местные специфические особенности их протекания. В статье показано, что трудовые мобилизации в Чечено-Ингушской АССР периода Великой Отечествен-ной войны проводились с целью максимально эффективного использования имев-шихся людских ресурсов по осуществлению важных для государства видов работ, прежде всего по демонтажу эвакуируемых промышленных предприятий, который проводился дважды-осенью 1941 г. и летом-осенью 1942 г. Завершение каждой эва-куации сопровождалось новыми мобилизационными мероприятиями с целью обеспечения рабочей силой восстановительных работ. Автор приходит к выводу, что в целом трудовые мобилизации затронули все слои населения, проживавшего в тот период на территории Чечено-Ингушской АССР, независимо от национальной принадлежности. При этом коренное население предоставляло наибольшую по численности часть неквалифицированной рабочей силы. В республике не наблюдалось и сколько-нибудь массового уклонения от трудовых мобилизаций. Отмеченное в 1944 г. заметное сокращение масштабов мобилизационных мероприятий объясняется в первую очередь депортацией чеченцев и ингушей (в общей сложности это около 500 тыс. человек), что привело к необходимости завозить дополнительную рабочую силу во вновь образованную Грозненскую область. Ключевые слова: Чечено-Ингушская АССР, Великая Отечественная война, трудовые мобилизации, трудовая армия, строительство оборонительных рубежей Для цитирования: Осмаев М.К. Организация трудовой мобилизации в Чечено-Ингушской АССР в годы Великой Отечественной войны // Вестник Российского уни-верситета дружбы народов. Серия: История России. 2018. Том 17. № 4. С. 812-833.
Аннотация: В постсоветские годы Северный Кавказ обрел стойкую репутацию политически нестабильного региона со своими специфическими проблемами, многие из которых уходят корнями в далекое прошлое. Чтобы лучше понимать суть сегодняшних проблем, крайне важно исследовать сложные перипетии северокавказской региональной истории в ее кризисные, переломные моменты. Данная статья посвящена выявлению роли этнического фактора на начальном этапе Гражданской вой-ны на Северном Кавказе (1917-1918 гг.). В ней рассматривается динамика межэтнического противостояния в полиэтничном и мультиконфессиональном северокавказском регионе и влияние этого процесса на борьбу противоборствующих политических сил. Также предпринимается попытка прояснить, каким образом большевики и их против-ники использовали этническую карту в своих интересах. Эта тема актуальна вслед-ствие важности постижения феномена этничности в его связке с конфликтностью. Исследование позволяет понять, в каких случаях этническая матрица становится объединяющей основой для трансформации неразрешенных социальных проблем в непримиримые межгрупповые противоречия. Анализ событий революционной эпохи осуществляется на основе новых архивных данных, извлеченных из фондов Российского государственного архива социально-политической истории.
Аннотация: В представленной статье на историческом интервале в триста лет прослеживается доля представительства русского этноса в этнодемографической структуре населения юга России. Проводится соотношение удельного веса русских и представителей титульных народов соответствующих административных единиц по историческим периодам. Географические рамки исследования охватывают регион Северного Кавказа и ряда пограничных с ним территорий в соответствии с изменяемым исторически административным делением России. Источниковой базой работы послужили материалы ревизий, переписей населения в Российской империи (. Методологическим основанием исследования явилось соотнесение теории цивилизационного подхода с эмпирикой этнодемографических процессов. Согласно выдвигаемой авторской гипотезе цивилизационные подъемы и упадки коррелируют с век-торами миграционной динамики цивилизационнообразующего народа, освоения им этнической периферии. Доля русского народа как цивилизационнообразующего рассматривается в статье в качестве индикатора включенности исследуемого региона в российскую цивилизационную систему. Прослеживается соотносимый с нисходящей фазой советского проекта тренд сокращения удельного веса представителей русско-го этноса в национально-административных образованиях региона. Авторы приходят к важному выводу о необходимости дальнейшего укрепления российской государственности в связи с тем, что Россия веками развивалась как многонациональное го-сударство-как государство-цивилизация, в центре которой находился русский народ, который всех объединяет. Ключевые слова: русские, титульные нации, Северный Кавказ; этнодемография, переписи населения; цивилизационный подход; цивилизационнообразующий народ, миграции, этническая структура населения
В данной статье рассматриваются актуальные для отечественной и зарубежной историографии вопросы реализации государственной образовательной стратегии после Великой Отечественной войны на материалах южноуральского региона. Привлекаемые новые архивные материалы позволяют осветить особенности обе-спечения школ РСФСР и конкретно − Южного Урала учительскими кадрами в период позднего сталинизма и начала хрущевской «оттепели». Автором раскрываются основ-ные мероприятия, проводимые управленческим аппаратом региона, по восстановлению сети высших и средне-специальных педагогических учебных заведений, преодолению дефицита учителей. В статье доказывается, что в результате комплексных мер, осущест-вляемых в течение первого десятилетия после Великой Отечественной войны на Юж-ном Урале, благодаря выпускам педагогических учебных заведений удается изменить к лучшему качественный состав учительства, освободить от работы значительную часть преподавателей, не имевших соответствующего образования и не желавших повышать свою квалификацию. Кроме того, анализируются причины большой сменяемости учи-тельских кадров в поствоенный период. В статье показаны преобразования в развитии педагогических и учительских институтов, педагогических училищ Башкирской АССР, Курганской, Оренбургской, Челябинской областей в изменяющихся общественно-поли-тических и экономических условиях. Автором выявляются основные факторы, повли-явшие на реорганизацию учительских институтов и оптимизацию педагогических учи-лищ в регионе. В статье реконструируется механизм функционирования партийно-госу-дарственного управленческого аппарата, курировавшего образовательные учреждения России, показана степень его эффективности. Специальное внимание в связи с этим уделяется анализу демографических процессов в стране, которые привели к частичной или полной незанятости части учителей в 1950-е гг., именуемой скрытой безработицей. Делается вывод о том, что в условиях ожидаемого демографического спада высшие ор-ганы государственной власти и образования СССР оказались не в состоянии рациональ-но распределить резерв учительских кадров. Ключевые слова: общеобразовательная школа, учительство, педагогическое об-разование, скрытая безработица, Южный Урал, Министерство просвещения РСФСР
Быстрова Н.Е. «Русский вопрос» в 1917 - начале 1920 г.: Советская Россия и великие державы. М.: Институт российской истории РАН, Центр гуманитарных инициатив, 2016. 368 с
В статье рассматривается политика русско-румынских взаимоотношений в бессарабском вопросе после октябрьского переворота 1917 г. и последующей демобилизации русских армий Румынского фронта. Отмечается, что судьба Бессарабии, на чью территорию в январе 1918 г. вступили румынские войска, зависела от соглашений между разнообразными внешними участниками событий, чьи действия в конце концов привели к оккупации Румынией этой части Российского государства. Следовательно, еще до Версальского мира Бессарабия фактически оказалась под властью румынского правительства и вошла в состав Румынского королевства по итогам Первой мировой войны. В обстановке развала фронта и демобилизации русской армии русский штаб Румынского фронта попытался сохранить для своей страны российское военное имущество, расположенное в приграничных районах Молдавии. Автор приходит к выводу, что русское военное командование приложило все усилия по стабилизации ситуации в юго-западном крае, однако взаимные соглашения между интервентами не позволили России сохранить де-факто ни имущество, ни Бессарабскую губернию.
Статья посвящена формированию и судьбам личных коллекций и собраний общественных музеев по истории Первой мировой войны, сложившихся в России в 1914-1918 гг. и в Российском зарубежье в 1920-1980-е гг. В центре внимания автора собирательская деятельность коллекционеров, организаций и военно-корпоративных музеев дореволюционной России и Российского зарубежья. В 1914-1915 гг. в мире частного собирательства и музейного дела в России возникает массовое движение по увековечению текущих событий в форме создания тематических историкокультурных вещевых и документальных коллекций. После революции 1917 г. публичные музеи Первой мировой войны и наиболее значительные частные коллекции влились в общественные музейные фонды. Среди русской эмиграции в 1920-1980-е гг. собирались и сохранялись военные реликвии (награды, оружие, знамена), а также фотографии, документы, рукописи периода Первой мировой войны. Данные собрания на рубеже XX-XXI вв. стали важной частью единого научно-культурного и мемориального пространства России и международного Русского мира.
Статья посвящена проблемам экономического взаимодействия представителей Чехословацкой республики с существовавшими на территории Урала в годы Гражданской войны белыми правительствами. С января по июль 1919 г. в Екатеринбурге работала Русско-Чехословацкая торгово-промышленная палата Уральского края, географически деятельность которой распространялась на весь Уральский край. Статья основана на широком массиве ранее не публиковавшихся документов, выявленных главным образом в Архиве министерства иностранных дел Чешской республики (AMZV ČR). Автор приходит к выводу о том, что Русско-Чехословацкая торгово-промышленная палата заложила основы для реализации плана будущего государственного сотрудничества Чехословацкой республики и освобожденной России, и даже последовавший отказ чехословаков от военного взаимодействия с правительством А.В. Колчака после прихода его к власти не означал прекращения начавшегося экономического сотрудничества.
Статья посвящена жизненному пути, политическим взглядам и деятельности публициста, корреспондента крупнейшей французской газеты «Фигаро» Рене Маршана (1888-1962), который стал широко известен в Советской Республике благодаря опубликованному в 1918 г. открытому письму Президенту Франции Раймону Пуанкаре. В нем он проводил мысль об ошибочной ориентации французской внешней политики в отношении России, раскрывал диверсионные планы бывших союзников по Антанте. В современной французской, а также отечественной историографии, опирающейся на советские исследования и воспоминания самого Рене Маршана, считается, что в 1918 г. французский журналист совершил идейную эволюцию в сторону социализма и большевизма и являлся искренним представителем французских левых. Автор рассматривает данную проблему на материалах Дипломатического архива Франции, источниках личного происхождения, а также благодаря анализу широкого массива русской и зарубежной историографии и приходит к выводу о противоречивом характере отношения Рене Маршана к большевикам и несоответствии его образу левоориентированного политика.
Статья посвящена анализу преобразований в российской армии конца XIX - начала XX в. и их влиянию на боеспособность войск и поведение нижних чинов в ходе боевых действий. Российский опыт освещается на фоне изменений в военной сфере, которые проводились в странах - участницах Первой мировой войны в ее преддверии. В статье анализируются две модели реорганизации армии: английская (при которой реализация закона о всеобщей воинской повинности 1916 г. и эффективная мобилизация становились возможными благодаря высокому уровню общественной поддержки государства и всей системы национальных ценностей) и германская (которая строилась на основе идентификации нации со своей армией). Автор приходит к выводу о том, что Россия, избравшая германскую модель, не смогла последовательно воплотить ее в жизнь прежде всего из-за низкого уровня грамотности социальных низов. Это сказалось на качественном составе призывников в царскую армию, и как следствие - их нелояльном отношении к воинской службе и царским властям.
Аннотация: В статье на основе преимущественно неопубликованных ранее документов, хранящихся в Российском государственном архиве Военно-Морского флота, и материалов периодической печати исследованы вопросы, связанные с изменениями в отношении использования женского труда на государственной службе на рубеже ХIХ-начала ХХ в. на примере Морского министерства. Следствием борьбы общественности были отдельные уступки со стороны власти, связанные с расширением прав женщин в деле устройства на работу в ряде сфер, которые испы-тывали в условиях интенсивного буржуазного развития недостаток в кадрах определенной ква-лификации, включая государственную службу. Возможности женского труда были ограничены как отсутствием законодательного регулирования, так и сложившимися традициями, в частности это касалось предпринимательства, политики и государственной службы. В статье проанализи-рованы правовые акты, регламентирующие труд женщин, прежде всего в сфере государственной службы. Показано, как изменения, происходившие в социальной политике Российской империи, повлияли на трансформацию социально-экономического положения женщин. Практика Морско-го министерства является весьма показательной для характеристики процесса привлечения жен-щин на государственную службу. В статье выявлено отношение руководителей подразделений министерства на поступление женщин на государственную службу, а также их мнение относи-тельно степени необходимости для самой службы в привлечении лиц женского пола. Рассмо-трены аргументы противников приема женщин на работу, в частности, мужчин-руководителей подразделений Морского министерства, связанные с опасениями негативного влияния трудовой деятельности женщин на их семейную жизнь, воспитание детей и проч. Ключевые слова: женский труд, женский вопрос, государственная служба, женское равноправие, Морское министерство Для цитирования: Синова И.В. Использование женского труда Морским министер-ством Российской империи на рубеже XIX-XX вв. // Вестник Российского университета друж-бы народов. Серия: История Abstract: The article deals with the issues related to the evolution of the use of women in the civil service at the turn of the 19 th-20 th centuries on the example of the Maritime Ministry on the basis of previously unpublished documents stored in the Russian state archive of the Navy and periodical press materials. The study of gender issues can be of scientifi c interest on the basis of its documents,
В статье представлены результаты обзора исследований по гендерной проблематике, опубликованных за последние тридцать лет. Авторами поставлена задача обоб-щить и проанализировать историографию вопроса о предпосылках и характере взаимосвязей исторической науки и гендерных исследований. В работе обосновывается идея формирования обновленной концепции гендера на разных исторических этапах страны, уточняются подходы к изложению современной истории становления и развития гендерных исследований и гендер-ного дискурса. Результаты исследования показывают неравномерную динамику роста числа дескриптивных и эмпирических исследований гендера и связь этого научного направления с социально-экономическими и политическими изменениями на всем историческом пути Рос-сии. Корреляция отношений динамической эволюции гендера с особенностями историческо-го пути страны еще недостаточно изучена, но ее рассмотрение может дать возможность и в исторических исследованиях описать и объяснить уникальные модели феномена мужского/ женского и его эволюции. В гендерных исследованиях пока мало деталей для того, чтобы вы-явить, описать и объяснить его национальную специфику, соотнесенную со спецификой наци-ональной истории в хронологических и пространственно-территориальных масштабах. Авто-ры ставят проблему разработки методологического инструментария и языка взаимодействия в рамках исторического, постструктуралистского и феминистского подходов. Это потребует перехода в исторических исследованиях к изучению новых аспектов данной проблемы, в том числе через изучение истории жизни этносов и народов России на разных этапах их развития, тематические исследования гендера и анализ дискурса. Ключевые слова: гендер, феминизм, российская история, гендерные исследования Благодарности: Авторы выражают благодарность внешним рецензентам и редакции журнала «Вестник РУДН. Серия: История России», без критических замечаний и поддержки которых эта работа не была бы опубликована. Для цитирования: Реснянский С.И., Амиантова И.С. Гендер в российской истории: обзор новейших исследований // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия:
В статье рассматриваются качественные изменения в исследованиях автобиографий в исторических трудах. Автор фокусируется на значимости гендерных исследований в области сложных взаимосвязей между различными подходами, в том числе на философском, психолого-лингвистическом пути анализа жизненных историй вообще и женских автобиографий в частности (в том числе с применением теории женского письма, созданной французскими феминистскими философами), анализирует старую и новейшую литературу в области автобиографических исследований. Гендерный подход к анализу эгодокументов позволяет сделать вывод о том, что мужчины меньше сообщают о своей семейной и частной жизни и склонны придавать этой жизни иной смысл и место в системе ценностных иерархий. Второй вывод при сопоставлении мужских и женских автобиографий - индивидуализированность и независимость репрезентации своего ego в рассказах о жизни. Аналитики подчеркивают, что при сборе материала о мужских жизнях имеет значение и пол самого собирателя рассказов. При рассказе интервьюеру-женщине рассказчик излагает те же самые жизненные события по-другому, нежели интервьюеру-мужчине. У мужчины-аналитика при чтении эготекстов немедленно возникает мужская общность и, одновременно, типичные для отношений мужчин иерархии.
Аннотация: В данной статье предлагается анализ реализации советского гендерного проекта на локальном уровне, что позволяет исследовать отношения властей и рабочих в про-цессе организации социалистического соревнования на конкретной фабрике, показать взаимо-связь их интересов. Источниковую базу статьи составляют периодическая печать, документа-ция центральных и местных органов власти. В статье показано, что интенсификация произ-водства в начале первой пятилетки потребовала мобилизации рабочих рук, стимулирования энтузиазма рабочих. В рамках капании по повышению производительности труда стали прово-диться профессиональные конкурсы. Однако сырьевой и технический кризисы, которые совпа-ли с кризисом продовольственным начала 1930-х гг., не позволяли текстильной промышлен-ности Ивановской области «выйти из прорыва» и вызвали протесты рабочих. К началу второй пятилетки среди персонала фабрик сохранялись противники повышения производительности труда с помощью «уплотнения», то есть обслуживания большего количества станков одной ткачихой. Статья о рекорде ткачихи Евдокии Виноградовой в «Легкой индустрии» продвигала новые профессиональные стандарты, согласно которым юная девушка могла быть техниче-ским экспертом, а повышение производительности труда возможно было достичь с помощью «уплотнения». Образ молодой ударницы был призван доказать превосходство советской систе-мы образования и социалистической организации труда. Биографические данные основных участников рекорда свидетельствуют о том, что это были представители первого поколения советских людей, чьи интересы тесно переплетались с интересами партии. Ключевые слова: индустриализация, стахановское движение, социалистическое со-ревнование, советский гендерный порядок, Дуся Виноградова Для цитирования: Наволоцкая Д.И. Создание героини: трудовой рекорд Дуси Вино-градовой // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История России. 2019. Abstract: The objective of this article is to study the social and economic mechanisms that enabled the emergence of a female heroism at the beginning of the Second Five-Year Plan. The article analyzes its realization of the Soviet gender project at the local level. This approach allows to investigate the relations of the authorities and workers at a particular factory and show the interdependence of their interests. The article's primary sources include periodicals, documentation of central and local authorities, as well as the works of a journalist and historian T. Leshukov. Intensifi cation of production at the beginning of the First Five-Year Plan required mobilization of labor forces, stimulation of workers' enthusiasm and modernization of factories' looms. Professional competitions, designed to
Аннотация: В данной статье авторы ставят целью показать процесс оформления типа рос-сийской работающей женщины, занятой в сферах, требующих умственного квалифицированного труда в период со второй половины XIX в. до 30-х гг. ХХ века. В России образованные женщины вошли в сферу общественно значимого труда во время Великих реформ. Пройденный с тех пор путь во многом объясняет положение работающей женщины в современной России, что актуализи-рует избранную авторами проблему исследования. Источниками для написания статьи стали дело-производственные документы учреждений царского и советского времени, статистические сведе-ния, материалы печати, мемуары. Среди факторов, повлиявших на формирование класса работаю-щей россиянки в дореволюционный период, авторы выделяют общественное движение за развитие женского образования, появление специальных женских учебных заведений профессионального образования, земскую реформу, промышленную индустриализацию и, наконец, Первую мировую войну. В статье показаны изменения в характере занятости советской женщины после революции 1917 г. При этом авторы приходят к выводу о том, в 1920-е гг. не произошло коренных изменений в условиях быта, и в результате советская женщина-интеллигентка оказалась «бойцом двух фрон-тов»-трудового и бытового. В 1930-е гг. авторы фиксируют бурный рост женского участия во всех сферах народного хозяйства СССР, среди которых лидирующими стали здравоохранение, обра-зование и работа в аппарате советских, партийных и хозяйственных органов. В результате в этот
Аннотация: Статья посвящена изучению новой социальной группы татарской свет-ской интеллигенции-учительниц национальных школ (мугаллима), сформировавшейся на рубеже XIX−XX вв., когда в татарском обществе особую актуальность приобретало женское образование. Исследование проведено на основе документов личного происхождения. В статье рассмотрена трансформация роли остазбика (супруги имама, учительницы мусульманского прихода), проведен анализ первых татарских женских школ, установлены источники формиро-вания учительниц-мугаллима. Кроме того, специальное внимание уделено вопросам повыше-ния квалификации мугаллима, юридической регламентации деятельности татарских учитель-ниц, их должностным обязанностям и материальным условиям жизни. С учетом гендерной роли среднестатистической женщины проанализировано положение татарской учительницы в мусульманском обществе, ее повседневное поведение, образ мугаллимы в татарской лите-ратуре и восприятие этой профессии разными социальными группами. Автор делает вывод о том, что профессиональный статус мугаллимы в татарском обществе был легализован только в годы Первой мировой войны, а социальное восприятие мугаллимы было амбивалентным. Традиционное общество относилось негативно к независимой женщине, в то время как наци-ональная интеллигенция поддерживала положительный образ мугаллимы. Но вопрос совме-щения женщиной педагогической работы и семьи оставался открытым. Татарские феминистки эпохи Первой русской революции видели в работе мугаллимы альтернативу семье и служение общенациональным интересам ставили выше своей частной жизни. Ключевые слова: история повседневности, татарские женские школы, мусульманская община, феминизм, учительница Для цитирования: Габдрафикова Л.Р. Мугаллима: новая социально-профессиональ-ная роль татарской женщины начала ХХ в. // Вестник Российского университета дружбы на-родов. Серия: История Abstract: In this article, the author discusses a new social group within the Tatar secular intelligentsia-the female teachers (mugallimas) of the national primary schools. The study is based on personal documents, in particular memories and autobiographies. At the turn of the 20 th century, the issue of female education became particularly important in Tatar society. The author shows the transformation of the role of the ostazbika-the imam's wife who traditionally used to teach the girls of the Muslim
Аннотация: В представленной статье на основе ранее неизвестных архивных докумен-тов раскрывается многоаспектная деятельность, которую проводило руководство страны, руко-водители Средневолжской (Самарской) области и Ульяновского округа (с 1943 г.-Ульяновской области), по мобилизации кадров для военной промышленности Ульяновской области. Пока-зано, что в кратчайшие сроки в условиях нехватки жилья, производственных площадей, сырья, квалифицированных кадров удалось не только перевести на военные рельсы практически все промышленные предприятия, которые имелись на территории г. Ульяновска и Ульяновского округа, но и принять несколько десятков эвакуированных предприятий, предоставить для этого производственные площади, обеспечить жильем тысячи сотрудников и членов их семей. В ре-зультате к лету 1942 г. все эти предприятия заработали на полную мощность, значительно уве-личили поставки всего необходимого фронту и внесли значительный вклад в обеспечение ко-ренного перелома в войне в 1943 г. Авторы приходят к выводу о том, что подобный успех был обусловлен эффективной работой центральных и местных органов власти, а также дирекций оборонных предприятий по подготовке высококвалифицированных кадров. Была налажена ра-бота вновь созданных ремесленных училищ, техникумов, производственных классов в обще-образовательных школах, успешно организована мотивация молодежи на производительный труд. Отмечается, что усилиями руководителей предприятий было организовано эффективное производственное обучение непосредственно на рабочих местах. Работа с производственными кадрами сопровождалась в целом неплохо организованной идейно-воспитательной работой на предприятиях, что позволяло своевременно пресекать провокации с целью дезорганизовать
Аннотация: В статье в контексте истории миграционных процессов у кочевых народов выявляются особенности трансграничного кочевья между СССР и сопредельными странами в 1920-е гг., анализируется политика Советского государства в отношении данных процессов на территории СССР и сопредельных стран. Статья написана с опорой на широкую источниковую базу, которая включает в себя как опубликованные, так и неопубликованные документы, обна-руженные автором в Российском государственном военном архиве, Российском государствен-ном архиве социально-политической истории и Агинском филиале Государственного архива Забайкальского края. В статье показано, какую важную стратегическую роль в рассматривае-мый период играли приграничные кочевые регионы, в частности территории Бурятии, Казах-стана, Киргизии, Туркмении. После революционных событий в России 1917 г. откочевки с этих территорий помимо экономических носили также политические причины и в результате стали формой бегства кочевников из государства с последующим их участием в военном противо-стоянии в ходе антисоветских восстаний и басмаческого движения. Автор приходит к выводу, что советское руководство, желая добиться статуса-кво на своих границах, к 1930-м гг. устано-вило полный контроль за миграционными процессами, решая задачу минимизации или полной ликвидации трансграничного кочевья. При этом речь шла не только о безопасности границ государства в условиях капиталистического окружения, но и о недопущении проникновения враждебной идеологии из-за рубежа. Ключевые слова: кочевые народы, трансграничная миграция, пограничные террито-рии, национальные регионы Для цитирования: Синицын Ф.Л. Трансграничное кочевье в СССР в 1920-е годы // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История
Аннотация: В статье на основе широкой источниковой базы, которая включает в себя как опубликованные, так и неопубликованные документы, выявленные автором в Архиве внеш-ней политики Российской империи, изучается политика царского правительства в отношении торгового мореплавания на Каспийском море, определяется ее эффективность с точки зрения ин-тенсификации российско-персидского торгового обмена во второй половине XIX-начале ХХ в. В статье показан процесс обсуждения в обществе во второй половине ХIХ в. проблем, связанных с заимствованием западноевропейской модели развития морского судоходства, анализируются условия судоходства в каспийской акватории в соответствии с природными характеристиками, состоянием ее портовой инфраструктуры. Подробно останавливаясь на вопросе об объеме това-рооборота между Россией и Персией, автор рассматривает деятельность российских судоходных предприятий, характер их взаимодействия между собой, участие в этом процессе государства и приходит к выводу о неоднозначности достигнутых результатов. Взяв курс на развитие срочного пароходства на Каспийском море, царское правительство избрало при этом путь поддержки лишь одного транспортного общества-«Кавказ и Меркурий». Выбранная властями инвестиционная стратегия привела в конечном итоге к установлению монопольного господства последней в ре-зультате поглощения ею родственных компаний, что сыграло отрицательную роль в деле разви-тия экономической конкуренции в области торгового судоходства на Каспии. Ключевые слова: Каспийский регион, пароходные компании, морское судоходство, российско-персидская торговля, частно-государственное партнерство Для цитирования: Корноухова Г.Г. Роль российского правительства в развитии ка-спийской морской торговли с Персией во второй половине XIX-начале ХХ в. // Вестник Рос-сийского университета дружбы народов. Серия: История