Prof. Dr. Ramazan BICER (Full Prof. Lecturer) Was born in Turkey, Biçer graduated from Erciyes University, Faculty of Theology. He completed his master's and doctorate degrees at Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences in Istanbul and started to work at Sakarya University, Faculty of Theology. Bicer, who is still working at the Sakarya University, focuses on Quantum Physics and religion science relationship. Bicer, who is fluent in English, French and Arabic, has many international books, articles and papers. Address: Sakarya University Theology Faculty. Sakarya-Turkey
Diyanet is a Turkish government-affiliated religious authority. Although it was
established to m... more Diyanet is a Turkish government-affiliated religious authority. Although it was
established to manage the religious-social life of Turkish Muslims in the early
republican period, it has been argued that it was a tool for the Islamization of
Turkish society during the twenty-year AK Party rule. It has also been claimed
that Diyanet is used as a theo-diploma tool for cultural diplomacy and soft
power institutions abroad. In line with the theses in favor and against, there has
been an increase in academic studies recently on the functions of the Diyanet at
home and abroad. This study aims to explore the essence and types of research
on Diyanet in the last fourteen years. The study implemented a bibliometric of Science database. According to the study, the majority of Diyanet’s research
has been published in Turkey. France, Australia, the Netherlands and Germany
also conducted significant research on Diyanet. Along with the religious issues,
the other central research theme were politics, democracy, Erdogan, Germany,
etc. Research on Diyanet reveals six themes by thematic analysis. The major
themes are that Diyanet is Turkey’s soft power tool abroad, a promoter of the
pious generation, empowers scarf-wearing women, and an alternative educational
institute social change-maker. However, some research articles have been critical
of the Diyanet and focus on the theme that the Diyanet is used to legitimize R. T.
Erdogan’s authoritarian political rule. The study concludes that academic interest
in Diyanet has increased in recent years. Moreover, the paper found that after
the 15 July failed coup, a number of several were conducted to defame Diyanet
One of the Turkish-Islamic classics, Süleyman Çelebi (d. 825/1422) Mevlid-i Muhammediye (Vesîletü... more One of the Turkish-Islamic classics, Süleyman Çelebi (d. 825/1422) Mevlid-i Muhammediye (Vesîletü'n-necât), Yazıcıoğlu Mehmed Efendi's (d. 855/1451) Muhammediye and Eşrefoğlu Rumi (d. 874) /1469) The works of Müzekin'n-nufus, Cevdet Pasha's (1823-1895) Kısas-ı enbiya and Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı's (d. 1194/1780) Marifetname have attracted great attention from all layers of Turkish society for centuries. The main feature of these works, which have taken their places on the bookshelves in the most remote corners of Anatolia, is that they touch all the religious, social, cultural and political connections of the society. These studies, which were prepared in line with the socio-cultural accumulations of their periods, were re-evaluated with a new perspective and associating them with current data.
Türk-İslam klasiklerinden olan Süleyman Çelebi’nin (ö. 825/1422) Mevlid-i Muhammediye (Vesîletü’n-necât), Yazıcıoğlu Mehmed Efendi’nin (ö. 855/1451) Muhammediye ve Eşrefoğlu Rumi’nin (ö. 874/1469) Müzekin’n-nüfus, Cevdet Paşa’nın (1823-1895) Kısas-ı enbiya ve Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı’nın (ö. 1194/1780) Marifetname adlı eserleri, asırlar boyu Türk toplumunun tüm katmanlarında yoğun ilgi görmüştür. Anadolu’nun en ücra köşelerindeki kitap raflarında yerini almış bu çalışmaların ana özelliği toplumun dini, sosyal, kültürel ve siyasi alandaki tüm bağlantılarına dokunmasıdır. Dönemlerinin sosyo-kültürel birikimleri doğrultusunda hazırlanan bu çalışmalar, yeni bir bakış açısıyla ve güncel verilerle ilişkilendirilerek yeniden değerlendirilmiştir.
İslâm îtikâdının öncü yorumcularından olan İmam Mâtürîdî’nin ibadetlerin hikmetleriyle ilgili bu ... more İslâm îtikâdının öncü yorumcularından olan İmam Mâtürîdî’nin ibadetlerin hikmetleriyle ilgili bu çalışması onun bir asırlık birikimini ortaya koymaktadır. Hz. Ali, Hz. Ömer, İbn-i Abbas, İbn-i Mesud gibi sahâbîlerin oluşturduğu dirâyet; yani Kur’ân’ın aklî verilerle yorumlanması, değerlendirilmesi ve anlaşılması şeklinde oluşan geleneğin devam ettiricilerinden olan İmam Mâtürîdî Allah’ın emirlerini yapmak ve yasaklarından kaçınmak biçiminde şekillenen buyruklarını oluşturan ibadetlerin kendilerine özgü hikmetleri ile bireysel ve toplumsal yararları üzerinde durmuştur. Ona göre; herbir ilâhî buyruğun insanlara yönelik birden fazla faydaları bulunmaktadır. Tamamen İmam Mâtürîdî’nin görüşleri merkezli olan bu çalışma; ibadetlerin insanların bireysel ve toplumsal yaşamına yönelik değerlendirilmeleri ve tevilleri üzerine odaklanmıştır.
11th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations (KLiISC 11), 2020
Abrahamic religions are complementary to each other. Each of the three religions confirmed the pr... more Abrahamic religions are complementary to each other. Each of the three religions confirmed the previous one and followed it on many issues. According to Islamic theology, all the prophets told the principles of the same faith in the historical process. Each subsequent prophet contributed to some beliefs before him. In line with this understanding, each religion searched for references from the teachings of the previous religion regarding the justification of its faith. Indeed, Christians accepted that Jesus was the messiah mentioned in the Torah. Muslims also argued that Muhammad was the Paraklit described in the Bible. However, Jews interpreted the word Christ in a different way than Christians. Christians also considered the term Paraklit outside the interpretation of Muslims. According to Islamic theologians, there are the attributes of Muhammad in equally the Old Testament and the New Testament. However, some scholars oppose it. In this study, we focus on the theologians discussing the subject.
Political and Economic Relations in Ayyubis / Eyyubiler'de Siyasi ve Ekonomik İlişkiler, 2020
Assasins is among the first of the strongest organizations of the past period. Before them there ... more Assasins is among the first of the strongest organizations of the past period. Before them there were Sicaris. Both had a strong intelligence network and sacrifices. Intelligence is the main reason why Assasin did not succeed Eyyubis. The Ayyubid intelligence system was more successful than Assassin. The loyalty, sincerity and dedication of the Ayyubid intelligence were stronger than Assassin. Besides political, military and economic reasons, this was an intelligence war and the Ayyubids won it.
ولد العالم أبو بكر ابن العربي في اشبيلية بالأندلس وأخذ تربيته العلمية من أكابر علماء وقته. وبكتاب... more ولد العالم أبو بكر ابن العربي في اشبيلية بالأندلس وأخذ تربيته العلمية من أكابر علماء وقته. وبكتابته في أغلب العلوم الإسلامية أظهر ذكائه اللامع وكان أحد علماء الشافعية والمالكية في منطقته .ورغم أنه عُرف بين علماء زمانه بالفقه والتفسير والحديث والتعليم إلا أن براعته في علم الكلام كان لها مكانة علمية أخرى. ولهذا ذهب بسياحة علمية طويلة من الأندلس إلى بغداد للتعرف على علماء العصر آنذاك وبها التقى مع الإمام أبي حامد الغزالي وأنصت لدروسه لأيام عدة وجرت بينهما مناقشات علمية .ولم يكن لابن العربي تعصب لأي مذهب وببعض الأماكن انتقد علماء مذهبه. وبذلك بعد ما أتمه من علوم الحديث والتفسير والفقه والكلام كتب هذا الأثر وأصبح أهم الكتب الإسلامية المعاصرة إلى وقتنا الحاضر وهذا الذي بين يديكم هو مظهر لتلك العلوم .والمؤلف بهذا الكتاب قد تحدث عن آراء علماء المسلمين ومنقاقشاتهم وأتبعه بآرائهم الأساسية.
Sarajevo is a city with many civilizations. The region, predominantly dominated by Turkish-Islami... more Sarajevo is a city with many civilizations. The region, predominantly dominated by Turkish-Islamic culture, became the center of civilization of the Bosniak nation. Sarajevo, an environment in which the cultural accumulation of Bosnians with their unique history, philosophy of life and ethnicity is manifested, is one of the most powerful places that reveal the Islamic existence in the Balkans. Sarajevo is a center of civilization in terms of basic character, although it takes place in the memory of the city where more pain, hope, resistance, devotion, struggle for existence and self-values are defended.
Timbuktu civilization began as a seasonal settlement for trade caravans in the early 11th century... more Timbuktu civilization began as a seasonal settlement for trade caravans in the early 11th century. It later flourished in trade and as one of the early African centres of Islamic culture. This book reviews the trend of Timbuktu civilization from prehistoric period up to the current state of its political impact of the region. The book further focuses on the role Timbuktu played in African history by serving as academic and commercial centre. The significant of this book is to reveal the fact that Africa has a long Islamic civilization. The paper provides evidences from reliable sources of the symbolic representation of the impact and influence of the early schools and universities between 11th and 15th century that existed in West Africa. The manuscript of Timbuktu serves as a living testimony of the highly advanced and refined civilization in Africa during the middle ages. The history of monuments, artefacts as well as architectural land marks that signifies the historical origin of this ancient city is presented. The early heroes that stood firm towards the development and civilisation of Timbuktu are outlined. Analysis of the development as well as the factors that led to the civilization is presented in this book.
Silk Road was a bridge of the cultural chance between Asia and Europe, There are beliefs, culture... more Silk Road was a bridge of the cultural chance between Asia and Europe, There are beliefs, cultures, fashion and music been transported between the East and West. At the same time the silk roads are the Roads of faith through the discovery of a common heritage and shared values. Buddhism and Islam are the most significant religion along the Silk Road. Silk roads, historically and contemporary are the roads of religious pluralism and dialogue. Religious pluralism, dialogue and tolerance are one of the basic foundations of a civil society in the World. Religious pluralism establishes the possibility of tolerance and coexistence of followers of different religions and cultures. It may be correct to suggest that Muslims are at the side of dialogue. They certainly know that the only alternative available to mankind is dialogue in a framework of contact, communication and the free exchange of ideas. Islam does not look for the heart or the private behavior of any person: the prophet of Islam even recommended that individuals who deviate from religious norms-even when they commit adultery-should keep their sins to themselves and ask God for forgiveness. The most significant religion along the Silk Road is Islam. Islam has a dialogue and tolerance. As a matter of fact, historically and contemporary, Muslims Turkish people who have been living on the Silk Roads adopt dialogue and tolerance. According to Islam cultural diversity is a necessary part of human life.
Bin yılı aşkın bir geçmişi bulunan Maturidiliğin temelini atan İmam Maturidi (ö. h. 333/m. 944), ... more Bin yılı aşkın bir geçmişi bulunan Maturidiliğin temelini atan İmam Maturidi (ö. h. 333/m. 944), İslam inanç esaslarını, Kur’an ve sahih hadisler ekseninde şekillendiren ve bunu da aklî verilerle destekleyen bir bilgindir. Dinî, sosyal ve psikolojik sorunlara İslamî bir tedavi yöntemiyle uygulanabilir çözümler sunan Maturidîlik, Kur’an ve sahih hadis merkezli, aklı da dini anlamada ön plana çeken bir metoda sahiptir. Erkek ve kadın olarak bireyin, İslam’ın özünden sapmamak kaydıyla, dinî anlayış ve yaşayış özgürlüğünü, “irade” teziyle ön plana çıkarması nedeniyle, “girişimci ve yenilikçi” bir yapıda olan Maturidîlik, evrensel niteliktedir. Maturidîlik aynı zamanda dini istismar eden terör örgütlerinin düşünce ve alt yapısının benimsenmesi ve yaygınlık kazanmasının önünü tıkayacak İslamî bir yoldur. Bu kitap; kader, irade, cebriye, büyük günah işleyenlerin durumu, Şia ve Ehl-i sünnetin neden çatıştığı, Fırka-i Naciye, Haricilik, mezhep savaşları, din ve ahlâk arasındaki bağlantı gibi günümüz insanının zihninde hâlâ oturtamadığı konulara Maturidîliğin önerdiği cevapları sunmaktadır.
Ortacag İslam kulturunde kadin anlayışı ile ilgili başta Kelam bilginleri olmak üzere İslam aliml... more Ortacag İslam kulturunde kadin anlayışı ile ilgili başta Kelam bilginleri olmak üzere İslam alimlerinin görüş ve yaklaşımlarını ele alan bu çalışmada, daha çok tefsirlere başvurulmuştur.
Balkanlar, Asya ile Avrupa arasında bir köprüdür. Aynı zamanda Balkanlar, kültür, din, etnik ve j... more Balkanlar, Asya ile Avrupa arasında bir köprüdür. Aynı zamanda Balkanlar, kültür, din, etnik ve jeo-politik açıdan büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Bölge, komşuluk yanında, dünyadaki en büyük Müslüman-Türk azınlığa sahip olması açısından da Türkiye için ayrı bir değerdedir. Bulgaristan merkezli, “Balkanlarda Dini Aşırılıklar ve Etnik Barış” adlı elinizdeki çalışma, TÜBİTAK destekli üç yıla yayılmış kapsamlı bir araştırmanın ürünüdür. Eser, ’Etnik Barış’ ve ’Dini Aşırılıklar’ olmak üzere iki ana temaya sahiptir. Her iki tema, tüm dünya halkları için ciddi bir sorun teşkil etmesi nedeniyle çalışma, bu problemin çözümüne yönelik katkı sağlayacak, yerinde ve güncel verilere sahiptir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Balkanlar politikasına ışık tutacak nitelikte olan eser, aynı zamanda Balkanlara yönelik sosyal alan çalışmaları bağlamında, alanında ilk olma özelliğine sahiptir.
Diyanet is a Turkish government-affiliated religious authority. Although it was
established to m... more Diyanet is a Turkish government-affiliated religious authority. Although it was
established to manage the religious-social life of Turkish Muslims in the early
republican period, it has been argued that it was a tool for the Islamization of
Turkish society during the twenty-year AK Party rule. It has also been claimed
that Diyanet is used as a theo-diploma tool for cultural diplomacy and soft
power institutions abroad. In line with the theses in favor and against, there has
been an increase in academic studies recently on the functions of the Diyanet at
home and abroad. This study aims to explore the essence and types of research
on Diyanet in the last fourteen years. The study implemented a bibliometric of Science database. According to the study, the majority of Diyanet’s research
has been published in Turkey. France, Australia, the Netherlands and Germany
also conducted significant research on Diyanet. Along with the religious issues,
the other central research theme were politics, democracy, Erdogan, Germany,
etc. Research on Diyanet reveals six themes by thematic analysis. The major
themes are that Diyanet is Turkey’s soft power tool abroad, a promoter of the
pious generation, empowers scarf-wearing women, and an alternative educational
institute social change-maker. However, some research articles have been critical
of the Diyanet and focus on the theme that the Diyanet is used to legitimize R. T.
Erdogan’s authoritarian political rule. The study concludes that academic interest
in Diyanet has increased in recent years. Moreover, the paper found that after
the 15 July failed coup, a number of several were conducted to defame Diyanet
One of the Turkish-Islamic classics, Süleyman Çelebi (d. 825/1422) Mevlid-i Muhammediye (Vesîletü... more One of the Turkish-Islamic classics, Süleyman Çelebi (d. 825/1422) Mevlid-i Muhammediye (Vesîletü'n-necât), Yazıcıoğlu Mehmed Efendi's (d. 855/1451) Muhammediye and Eşrefoğlu Rumi (d. 874) /1469) The works of Müzekin'n-nufus, Cevdet Pasha's (1823-1895) Kısas-ı enbiya and Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı's (d. 1194/1780) Marifetname have attracted great attention from all layers of Turkish society for centuries. The main feature of these works, which have taken their places on the bookshelves in the most remote corners of Anatolia, is that they touch all the religious, social, cultural and political connections of the society. These studies, which were prepared in line with the socio-cultural accumulations of their periods, were re-evaluated with a new perspective and associating them with current data.
Türk-İslam klasiklerinden olan Süleyman Çelebi’nin (ö. 825/1422) Mevlid-i Muhammediye (Vesîletü’n-necât), Yazıcıoğlu Mehmed Efendi’nin (ö. 855/1451) Muhammediye ve Eşrefoğlu Rumi’nin (ö. 874/1469) Müzekin’n-nüfus, Cevdet Paşa’nın (1823-1895) Kısas-ı enbiya ve Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı’nın (ö. 1194/1780) Marifetname adlı eserleri, asırlar boyu Türk toplumunun tüm katmanlarında yoğun ilgi görmüştür. Anadolu’nun en ücra köşelerindeki kitap raflarında yerini almış bu çalışmaların ana özelliği toplumun dini, sosyal, kültürel ve siyasi alandaki tüm bağlantılarına dokunmasıdır. Dönemlerinin sosyo-kültürel birikimleri doğrultusunda hazırlanan bu çalışmalar, yeni bir bakış açısıyla ve güncel verilerle ilişkilendirilerek yeniden değerlendirilmiştir.
İslâm îtikâdının öncü yorumcularından olan İmam Mâtürîdî’nin ibadetlerin hikmetleriyle ilgili bu ... more İslâm îtikâdının öncü yorumcularından olan İmam Mâtürîdî’nin ibadetlerin hikmetleriyle ilgili bu çalışması onun bir asırlık birikimini ortaya koymaktadır. Hz. Ali, Hz. Ömer, İbn-i Abbas, İbn-i Mesud gibi sahâbîlerin oluşturduğu dirâyet; yani Kur’ân’ın aklî verilerle yorumlanması, değerlendirilmesi ve anlaşılması şeklinde oluşan geleneğin devam ettiricilerinden olan İmam Mâtürîdî Allah’ın emirlerini yapmak ve yasaklarından kaçınmak biçiminde şekillenen buyruklarını oluşturan ibadetlerin kendilerine özgü hikmetleri ile bireysel ve toplumsal yararları üzerinde durmuştur. Ona göre; herbir ilâhî buyruğun insanlara yönelik birden fazla faydaları bulunmaktadır. Tamamen İmam Mâtürîdî’nin görüşleri merkezli olan bu çalışma; ibadetlerin insanların bireysel ve toplumsal yaşamına yönelik değerlendirilmeleri ve tevilleri üzerine odaklanmıştır.
11th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations (KLiISC 11), 2020
Abrahamic religions are complementary to each other. Each of the three religions confirmed the pr... more Abrahamic religions are complementary to each other. Each of the three religions confirmed the previous one and followed it on many issues. According to Islamic theology, all the prophets told the principles of the same faith in the historical process. Each subsequent prophet contributed to some beliefs before him. In line with this understanding, each religion searched for references from the teachings of the previous religion regarding the justification of its faith. Indeed, Christians accepted that Jesus was the messiah mentioned in the Torah. Muslims also argued that Muhammad was the Paraklit described in the Bible. However, Jews interpreted the word Christ in a different way than Christians. Christians also considered the term Paraklit outside the interpretation of Muslims. According to Islamic theologians, there are the attributes of Muhammad in equally the Old Testament and the New Testament. However, some scholars oppose it. In this study, we focus on the theologians discussing the subject.
Political and Economic Relations in Ayyubis / Eyyubiler'de Siyasi ve Ekonomik İlişkiler, 2020
Assasins is among the first of the strongest organizations of the past period. Before them there ... more Assasins is among the first of the strongest organizations of the past period. Before them there were Sicaris. Both had a strong intelligence network and sacrifices. Intelligence is the main reason why Assasin did not succeed Eyyubis. The Ayyubid intelligence system was more successful than Assassin. The loyalty, sincerity and dedication of the Ayyubid intelligence were stronger than Assassin. Besides political, military and economic reasons, this was an intelligence war and the Ayyubids won it.
ولد العالم أبو بكر ابن العربي في اشبيلية بالأندلس وأخذ تربيته العلمية من أكابر علماء وقته. وبكتاب... more ولد العالم أبو بكر ابن العربي في اشبيلية بالأندلس وأخذ تربيته العلمية من أكابر علماء وقته. وبكتابته في أغلب العلوم الإسلامية أظهر ذكائه اللامع وكان أحد علماء الشافعية والمالكية في منطقته .ورغم أنه عُرف بين علماء زمانه بالفقه والتفسير والحديث والتعليم إلا أن براعته في علم الكلام كان لها مكانة علمية أخرى. ولهذا ذهب بسياحة علمية طويلة من الأندلس إلى بغداد للتعرف على علماء العصر آنذاك وبها التقى مع الإمام أبي حامد الغزالي وأنصت لدروسه لأيام عدة وجرت بينهما مناقشات علمية .ولم يكن لابن العربي تعصب لأي مذهب وببعض الأماكن انتقد علماء مذهبه. وبذلك بعد ما أتمه من علوم الحديث والتفسير والفقه والكلام كتب هذا الأثر وأصبح أهم الكتب الإسلامية المعاصرة إلى وقتنا الحاضر وهذا الذي بين يديكم هو مظهر لتلك العلوم .والمؤلف بهذا الكتاب قد تحدث عن آراء علماء المسلمين ومنقاقشاتهم وأتبعه بآرائهم الأساسية.
Sarajevo is a city with many civilizations. The region, predominantly dominated by Turkish-Islami... more Sarajevo is a city with many civilizations. The region, predominantly dominated by Turkish-Islamic culture, became the center of civilization of the Bosniak nation. Sarajevo, an environment in which the cultural accumulation of Bosnians with their unique history, philosophy of life and ethnicity is manifested, is one of the most powerful places that reveal the Islamic existence in the Balkans. Sarajevo is a center of civilization in terms of basic character, although it takes place in the memory of the city where more pain, hope, resistance, devotion, struggle for existence and self-values are defended.
Timbuktu civilization began as a seasonal settlement for trade caravans in the early 11th century... more Timbuktu civilization began as a seasonal settlement for trade caravans in the early 11th century. It later flourished in trade and as one of the early African centres of Islamic culture. This book reviews the trend of Timbuktu civilization from prehistoric period up to the current state of its political impact of the region. The book further focuses on the role Timbuktu played in African history by serving as academic and commercial centre. The significant of this book is to reveal the fact that Africa has a long Islamic civilization. The paper provides evidences from reliable sources of the symbolic representation of the impact and influence of the early schools and universities between 11th and 15th century that existed in West Africa. The manuscript of Timbuktu serves as a living testimony of the highly advanced and refined civilization in Africa during the middle ages. The history of monuments, artefacts as well as architectural land marks that signifies the historical origin of this ancient city is presented. The early heroes that stood firm towards the development and civilisation of Timbuktu are outlined. Analysis of the development as well as the factors that led to the civilization is presented in this book.
Silk Road was a bridge of the cultural chance between Asia and Europe, There are beliefs, culture... more Silk Road was a bridge of the cultural chance between Asia and Europe, There are beliefs, cultures, fashion and music been transported between the East and West. At the same time the silk roads are the Roads of faith through the discovery of a common heritage and shared values. Buddhism and Islam are the most significant religion along the Silk Road. Silk roads, historically and contemporary are the roads of religious pluralism and dialogue. Religious pluralism, dialogue and tolerance are one of the basic foundations of a civil society in the World. Religious pluralism establishes the possibility of tolerance and coexistence of followers of different religions and cultures. It may be correct to suggest that Muslims are at the side of dialogue. They certainly know that the only alternative available to mankind is dialogue in a framework of contact, communication and the free exchange of ideas. Islam does not look for the heart or the private behavior of any person: the prophet of Islam even recommended that individuals who deviate from religious norms-even when they commit adultery-should keep their sins to themselves and ask God for forgiveness. The most significant religion along the Silk Road is Islam. Islam has a dialogue and tolerance. As a matter of fact, historically and contemporary, Muslims Turkish people who have been living on the Silk Roads adopt dialogue and tolerance. According to Islam cultural diversity is a necessary part of human life.
Bin yılı aşkın bir geçmişi bulunan Maturidiliğin temelini atan İmam Maturidi (ö. h. 333/m. 944), ... more Bin yılı aşkın bir geçmişi bulunan Maturidiliğin temelini atan İmam Maturidi (ö. h. 333/m. 944), İslam inanç esaslarını, Kur’an ve sahih hadisler ekseninde şekillendiren ve bunu da aklî verilerle destekleyen bir bilgindir. Dinî, sosyal ve psikolojik sorunlara İslamî bir tedavi yöntemiyle uygulanabilir çözümler sunan Maturidîlik, Kur’an ve sahih hadis merkezli, aklı da dini anlamada ön plana çeken bir metoda sahiptir. Erkek ve kadın olarak bireyin, İslam’ın özünden sapmamak kaydıyla, dinî anlayış ve yaşayış özgürlüğünü, “irade” teziyle ön plana çıkarması nedeniyle, “girişimci ve yenilikçi” bir yapıda olan Maturidîlik, evrensel niteliktedir. Maturidîlik aynı zamanda dini istismar eden terör örgütlerinin düşünce ve alt yapısının benimsenmesi ve yaygınlık kazanmasının önünü tıkayacak İslamî bir yoldur. Bu kitap; kader, irade, cebriye, büyük günah işleyenlerin durumu, Şia ve Ehl-i sünnetin neden çatıştığı, Fırka-i Naciye, Haricilik, mezhep savaşları, din ve ahlâk arasındaki bağlantı gibi günümüz insanının zihninde hâlâ oturtamadığı konulara Maturidîliğin önerdiği cevapları sunmaktadır.
Ortacag İslam kulturunde kadin anlayışı ile ilgili başta Kelam bilginleri olmak üzere İslam aliml... more Ortacag İslam kulturunde kadin anlayışı ile ilgili başta Kelam bilginleri olmak üzere İslam alimlerinin görüş ve yaklaşımlarını ele alan bu çalışmada, daha çok tefsirlere başvurulmuştur.
Balkanlar, Asya ile Avrupa arasında bir köprüdür. Aynı zamanda Balkanlar, kültür, din, etnik ve j... more Balkanlar, Asya ile Avrupa arasında bir köprüdür. Aynı zamanda Balkanlar, kültür, din, etnik ve jeo-politik açıdan büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Bölge, komşuluk yanında, dünyadaki en büyük Müslüman-Türk azınlığa sahip olması açısından da Türkiye için ayrı bir değerdedir. Bulgaristan merkezli, “Balkanlarda Dini Aşırılıklar ve Etnik Barış” adlı elinizdeki çalışma, TÜBİTAK destekli üç yıla yayılmış kapsamlı bir araştırmanın ürünüdür. Eser, ’Etnik Barış’ ve ’Dini Aşırılıklar’ olmak üzere iki ana temaya sahiptir. Her iki tema, tüm dünya halkları için ciddi bir sorun teşkil etmesi nedeniyle çalışma, bu problemin çözümüne yönelik katkı sağlayacak, yerinde ve güncel verilere sahiptir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Balkanlar politikasına ışık tutacak nitelikte olan eser, aynı zamanda Balkanlara yönelik sosyal alan çalışmaları bağlamında, alanında ilk olma özelliğine sahiptir.
Anadolu Hilafet Devleti ve Hilafet Ordusu (Kaplancılar) Anadolu Federe İslam Devleti (AFİD) Cemal... more Anadolu Hilafet Devleti ve Hilafet Ordusu (Kaplancılar) Anadolu Federe İslam Devleti (AFİD) Cemalettin Kaplan Kaplancılar
David Rapoport 2004 yılında yazdığı makalesinde, uluslararası terör hareketlerinin tarihsel süreç... more David Rapoport 2004 yılında yazdığı makalesinde, uluslararası terör hareketlerinin tarihsel süreç içerisinde dalgalar halindeki gelişimini incelemiş, teorik ve kavramsal olarak terörizmin uluslararası ilişkiler açısından ne anlama geldiğini açıklamıştır. Günümüzde uluslararası terörizmin geldiği noktada yeni bir terörizm dalgası, uluslararası ilişkiler alanının anarşik yapısında devletlerin ulusal çıkarları uğruna terörizmi kullandığı, terörist örgütler ve gruplarla iş birliğini savaşın farklı bir uygulama biçimi olarak meşrulaştırma gayretine girdiği bir süreci ifade etmektedir. Bu makalede, hibrit savaş yöntemleri ile başlayan, terör örgütlerinin devletler tarafından ortaklar olarak adlandırılarak açıkça desteklendiği hatta silahlandırıldığı sürecin sebep ve muhtemel sonuçları incelenecektir. Modern terörizmin dört dalgasından sonra beşinci bir dalga olarak devletlerin ulusal çıkarları uğruna terör örgütleri ve teröristlerle açık olarak iş birliği yapmaları ve terörü genel savaş d...
Endülüste doğup büyüyen Ebû Bekir İbnül-Arabî (ö. 543/1148), tefsir, hadis, fıkıh usulü ve kelam ... more Endülüste doğup büyüyen Ebû Bekir İbnül-Arabî (ö. 543/1148), tefsir, hadis, fıkıh usulü ve kelam alanlarında eğitim görmüş bir velud âlimidir. İsbiliyyede kadılık yapan İbnül-Arabi, Gazali ile sırf görüşmek için Endülüsten Bağdata gitmiş ve günlerce onunla aynı yerde kalmış ve ilmî tartışmalarda bulunmuştur. İbnül-Arabi, başta eğitim ve kelam olmak üzere diğer dini ilimlerin her alanında Gazâlî ile tartışmıştır. On yıllık bir yolculuğun ardından memleketi Endülüse dönen İbnül-Arabi, Doğuya yaptığı bu yolculukta karşılaştığı durumları aktarırken aynı zamanda Doğu Müslümanları ile Batı İslam geleneği arasında eleştirel değerlendirmelerde bulunmuştur. İbnül-Arabi, zamanının Endülüslü ve Kuzey Afrikalı Müslümanlarının mezhepçi bağnazlığı, analitik olmayan düşünce tarzını ve taklit yöntemlerini de eleştirdi. Yazar bir yandan Gazaliyi eleştirirken diğer yandan yaşadığı ülkede ulemanın boykot edilmesine şiddetle karşı çıkmış, yönetimin Gazalinin kitaplarını yasaklama emrini ciddi biçimde eleştirmiştir. Endülüste mezhepçi bağnazlığın kırılmasına ve Gazaliye karşı boykotun kaldırılmasına bile önemli katkılarda bulundu. Bu çalışmada klasik dönem doğu ve batı Müslüman aydınlarının analitik düşünceye yaklaşımları, Ebu Bekir İbnül-Arabi ve Gazali örnekleri üzerinde durulmuştur.
Turkish Great National Assembly has adopted a new law for recovery of certain assets to the natio... more Turkish Great National Assembly has adopted a new law for recovery of certain assets to the national economy. This article considers a part of financial stimulus package in Turkey from the side of taxation. The focus is on declaration of certain assets both abroad and in Turkey. This article evaluates the implementation principles of the law for the assets located abroad and in Turkey and owned by income or cooperation taxpayers. Common principles employed for the assets abroad or in Turkey are also clarified.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2004
... The great scholar of Muslim Orthodoxy (ahl al-sunnah), al-Imam al-Maturidi, comments on these... more ... The great scholar of Muslim Orthodoxy (ahl al-sunnah), al-Imam al-Maturidi, comments on these obstacles sensitively in ... Kalbin hidâyete engel olan eylemleri anlatılırken, genellikle bu tavrın arkasında kibir ve ön yargı olduğu, âyetler bağlamında rahatlıkla gözlemlenmektedir. ...
THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF INDONESIAN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2021: Enhancing Innovations and Applications of Chemical Engineering for Accelerating Sustainable Development Goals
Türklerin Bulgaristan topraklarındaki varlığı, eski çağlara dayanmaktadır. Osmanlıların Balkanlar... more Türklerin Bulgaristan topraklarındaki varlığı, eski çağlara dayanmaktadır. Osmanlıların Balkanlara ulaşmasıyla birlikte, Bulgaristan’da ciddi bir Türk varlığı ve egemenliği oluşmuştur. Türkler, Bulgaristan’da birçok medeniyet izleri ve kültür eserleri bırakmıştır. Beş yüz yıl yönetiminde tuttuğu Balkanlar’dan çekilmesiyle birlikte, orada kalan Türkler, büyük bir zulme maruz kalmış ve ciddi bir asimilasyona uğramış olmakla birlikte, var olma mücadelesi vermişler ve öz benliklerini korumuşlardır. Son zamanlarda Bulgaristan yönetimindeki değişimler ve gelişimler doğrultusunda, Türklere çok önceleri verilen ama hiç yürürlükte olmayan haklar, 2012 yılı itibarıyla yeniden gündeme gelmiş ve Bulgaristan Parlamentosu tarafından Komünist dönemdeki baskılar kınanmıştır. Siyasi gelişmelerin ötesinde Ehl-i Sünnet ve Bektaşi/Alevi grupların oluşturduğu Müslüman Türk toplumu, uzun yıllar Bulgar kökenlilerde birlikte yaşamış, sosyal hayatta birliktelik yürümüş, arkadaşlık ve evlilikler yapmıştır. B...
Endülüste doğup büyüyen Ebû Bekir İbnül-Arabî (ö. 543/1148), tefsir, hadis, fıkıh usulü ve kelam ... more Endülüste doğup büyüyen Ebû Bekir İbnül-Arabî (ö. 543/1148), tefsir, hadis, fıkıh usulü ve kelam alanlarında eğitim görmüş bir velud âlimidir. İsbiliyyede kadılık yapan İbnül-Arabi, Gazali ile sırf görüşmek için Endülüsten Bağdata gitmiş ve günlerce onunla aynı yerde kalmış ve ilmî tartışmalarda bulunmuştur. İbnül-Arabi, başta eğitim ve kelam olmak üzere diğer dini ilimlerin her alanında Gazâlî ile tartışmıştır. On yıllık bir yolculuğun ardından memleketi Endülüse dönen İbnül-Arabi, Doğuya yaptığı bu yolculukta karşılaştığı durumları aktarırken aynı zamanda Doğu Müslümanları ile Batı İslam geleneği arasında eleştirel değerlendirmelerde bulunmuştur. İbnül-Arabi, zamanının Endülüslü ve Kuzey Afrikalı Müslümanlarının mezhepçi bağnazlığı, analitik olmayan düşünce tarzını ve taklit yöntemlerini de eleştirdi. Yazar bir yandan Gazaliyi eleştirirken diğer yandan yaşadığı ülkede ulemanın boykot edilmesine şiddetle karşı çıkmış, yönetimin Gazalinin kitaplarını yasaklama emrini ciddi biçimde e...
ABSTRACTIn this study, which is entitled "Abu Bekir Ibn Al-Arabi and his work al-Amad al-aqs... more ABSTRACTIn this study, which is entitled "Abu Bekir Ibn Al-Arabi and his work al-Amad al-aqsa" first of all we established the author's views on the names and attributes of God. The study cosists of one introduction and two main sections. In the introduuction of the thesis we analysed the political and cultural conditions of the age in which the authour lived. Then we turned to examine his theological views.In the first section of the thesis we analysed the author's views on the attributes of God in a comparative way. In the second section in uhich the names of God and the related problems were dealt, we examined the author's views on the subjcet in relation to the views of his contemporaries and predecessors. A part from making an ausessement at the end of every section, we also made a general ausessment at the end of thecis under the name of "coclusion".We are of the opinion that Ibn al-Arabi who pret great emphasis on intelligence and freedom of th...
Sakarya Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 2011
Endulus’te yetisen cok yonlu ve onemli bir bilgin olan Ebu Bekir Ibnu’l-Arabi, Endulus ve Kuzey A... more Endulus’te yetisen cok yonlu ve onemli bir bilgin olan Ebu Bekir Ibnu’l-Arabi, Endulus ve Kuzey Afrika medreselerinde egitim ve ogretim gormustur. O, ayni zamanda Bagdat’a kadar uzanacak sekilde Dogu Islam dunyasina on yili asan bir yolculuk yapmistir. Bu yolculugunda basta Gazzali olmak uzere onemli bilim insanlariyla gorusmus, medrese hocalariyla tanismis, onlarla fikir alisverisinde ve tartismalarda bulunmus, okullarin egitim ve ogretim sistemiyle ilgili bilgiler edinmistir. Ulkesi ile Dogu Islam dunyasindaki egitim metotlarini karsilastirmis ve konuyla ilgili ozel bir risale de kaleme almistir. Yazara gore Dogu ulkelerindeki egitim metodu, Batidakinden daha basarilidir. Bu baglamda kendisi Dogu-Bati egitim metotlarindan olusan farkli bir egitim sistemi onermistir.
Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Arabi (d. 543/1148), who was born and raised in Andalusia, is a velud scholar who... more Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Arabi (d. 543/1148), who was born and raised in Andalusia, is a velud scholar who was educated in the fields of tafsir, hadith, fiqh method and kalam. Ibn Al-Arabi, who was a judge in Isbiliyye, went to Baghdad from Andalusia just to meet with Ghazali and stayed in the same place with him for days and had scientific discussions. Ibn Al-Arabi had arguments with al-Ghazali in every field of other religious sciences, especially education and kalam. Returning to his hometown of Andalusia after a ten-year journey, Ibn al-Arabi conveyed the situations he encountered during this journey to the East, and at the same time made critical evaluations between Eastern Muslims and Western Islamic tradition. Ibn Al-Arabi also criticized the sectarian bigotry, non-analytic way of thinking and imitation methods of the Andalusian and North African Muslims of his time. While criticizing Ghazali on the one hand, the author, on the other hand, strongly opposed the boycott of the ulama in the country where he lived, and seriously criticized the administration's order to ban al-Ghazali's books. He even made an important contribution to breaking the sectarian bigotry throughout Andalusia and the abolition of the boycott against Ghazali. In this study, the approaches of the classical period eastern and western Muslim intellectuals towards analytical thinking, the examples of Abu Bakr Ibn al-Arabi and Ghazali are emphasized. Keywords: East, Abu Bakr Ibn al-Arabi, Ghazali, Scientific Discussion, Analytical Thinking
There are verses describing the qualities of women as well as a surah called "Nisa / Women" in th... more There are verses describing the qualities of women as well as a surah called "Nisa / Women" in the Quran. There are many verses in the divine commandments where the expression "men and women" is included. The Quran does not discriminate between people in terms of being male or female and recognizes the same rights and obligations to both genders. Negative traits peculiar to humans are valid for both sexes. For this reason, the phrase "people" is used in the Quran in general. Such verses contain universal rules that concern all people. In some verses of the Qur'an, there is only the phrase "believers". Here, a believing Muslim was addressed. In another verse, there are sentences such as "believing men" and "believing women". Such a classification is an indication that there is a discrimination between them in terms of their functions in society. On the other hand, he does not mention women in general in the Quran. However, it is among the subjects of verse. These are mostly in the context of fiqh issues. The perception of women in Islamic thought mostly originated from local cultures and the approaches were shaped in this direction. In this direction, while the subject of women is being discussed in the commentaries, either Israelite was sought, or traditions prevailed. For example, while Adam is mentioned in the Quran, it is not mentioned in Eve. Commentators who wanted to explain the subject of Eve mostly benefited from the Torah texts. The commentators made statements about Eve's status that were sometimes inconsistent and incompatible with the Islamic understanding. Such interpretations, interpretations and evaluations are not based on Islamic sources such as the Quran and hadith. Keywords: Quran, Tafsir, Israiliyyat, Woman, Kalam. GİRİŞ Kur’an-
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020
Funeral rituals are an ancient issue that concerns all people. As each era and race are a constan... more Funeral rituals are an ancient issue that concerns all people. As each era and race are a constant phenomenon, rituals related to death have been formed. The Turkish society also has its death ceremonies. This is different from the death ceremonies of other Muslims. However, it varies according to the region’s celebration in Turkey. Again, death ceremonies in Turkey also vary according to different faiths and cultures. However, the dominant character in every culture has been the ancient Turkish culture. Death ceremonies are practices that will contribute to moral teaching for spouses, friends and relatives. Keywords: Death, Turkish culture, funerals, moral teaching. *
Migration takes place with the imperative of natural conditions bases, and sometimes its ... more Purpose Migration takes place with the imperative of natural conditions bases, and sometimes its imperative. Although the central theme of immigration throughout history is political and climatic reasons, some immigration has also been caused by religious motives. This is called "Hijra/emigration" in Islamic literature. In the historical process, migration took place in two ways. The first is the absence or restriction of religious practice to which it belongs. As a matter of fact, with the first migration in the period of the prophet, the most effective factor, religious and national values in the Balkan movements experienced recently, are the obstacles and prohibitions. The second is political. Design / Methodology / Approach The first emigration, religious and national culture incompatible had been in Ethiopia for the last period has been the Balkan migration to Turkey where religious and national values of the partnership. Just the immigration of Muslims in Myanmar to other Muslim countries, especially Malaysia and Indonesia, has religious reasons. On the other hand, another reason for religious migration that occurs today is the gathering of radical organizations in certain regions. They call this mobility "Hijra". Among the main reasons why groups with religious discourses which have been promoting acts of violence and terrorism come from different regions and meet in certain areas are the discourses of "hijra” as a religious imperative and “good piety in wajib status". Accordingly, these religious migrations to countries such as Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia-Herzegovina recently; Later, it was directed to Iraq, Syria, and the Philippines (Mora). Findings When we look at the event on a global basis, it is seen that there are severe migrations with religious justification. The most determining factor of these migrations was the restriction or prohibition of religious freedom. Also, religious terrorist organizations migrate for their purposes. On the other hand, the argument that radical religious organizations use to find supporters has been the concept of "migration", a sacred value. Originality/value In this paper, it is seen that the immigration that occurred in religious reasons, the problematic causes, and the consequences it constitutes are religious. However, it is understood that the migrations of radical organizations with the same purpose are political rather than religious. Keywords: Migration, Religious cause, Hijra, Radicalism, Muslim peoples.
Abu Mansur Al Maturidi is one of the fundamental believers of Muslims. He is Turkish and lived in... more Abu Mansur Al Maturidi is one of the fundamental believers of Muslims. He is Turkish and lived in Transoxiana (Mawarau Nahr). Abu Mansur Al Maturidi is one of the greatest scholars of the Muslims and one of the most apparent Islamic profiles who have a significant role in explaining the Muslim concept and clarifying it by transportation and reason. All of the Muslims in Turkey, Turkic republics, East Turkestan (Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region), and Korean Muslims depend on Maturidite religious understanding. Human freedom" and "freedom of his will" constitute the domain of research and discussion in the humanities and everything that deals with the human subject of studies, such as philosophy and psychology, and in this direction, these issues constitute a mysterious node waiting for the solution of all religions. Therefore, the will - as a humanitarian issue - was first the focus of philosophers and then of theologians and psychologists who have been conducting their research and studies in this area throughout the ages. The central question in this topic is the area of freedom towards the responsibility of the ego, or the will expressed, in the divine sense, as giving the creator of man and the universe the "great trust" of man—this understanding distanced man from his thought and responsibilities towards God and people in his thoughts and actions. And another group by giving man absolute freedom, they tried to cut the link of the human creator and the formation of a secular perception. This realization is God's deity and prepared the ground for the idea of secularism and individuality in the present day. Imam al-Maturidi claimed that man is not like a "mechanic" programmed or like a paper in the wind; he has free will and his own, and the responsibility of his will has significant consequences. The human being was not able to live independently of his Lord, which is based on the struggle of being alone; he emphasized the need of man to his Lord, before the secular and individual perception would not be consistent. Keywords: Al-Maturidi, Psychology, God, Human Freedom, Freedom of will.
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity preach the worship of God of Abraham. Jewish and Christian faith... more Islam, Judaism, and Christianity preach the worship of God of Abraham. Jewish and Christian faiths were intertwined with the Islamic faith in its initial days. The Qur'an calls Jews and Christians as believers of God (Ahl al-Kitab). Islamic faith is not complete unless believing in Moses and Christ as the messengers/prophets of God. It also affirms Torah, Prophetical literature, and Gospels as the sacred books. At the beginning of the Islamic faith, Christians and Muslims lived in the same country. This closeness in both location and theology undoubtedly led to the extensive theological discussions. As a result of such studies, many subjects emerged as controversial issues. One such theme is the question of alteration/tahrif of the Bible. This paper attempts to delineate how this question is dealt with by the famous Muslim theologians. Muslim theologians have many discussions with Christian theologians on some theological problems, including the issue of tahrif in the Bible. They deal with this question with a reconciliatory approach. According to them, the meaning of tahrif is not clear both in the Old and in the New Testament. It means Muslim theologians have not been in unity on Sacred Books corruption. However, according to significant part of them, corruption (tahrif) is a change of meaning.
Model insan olmada davranış ve tutumlara yansıyan psikolojik faktörlerin etkisi genel bir kabuldü... more Model insan olmada davranış ve tutumlara yansıyan psikolojik faktörlerin etkisi genel bir kabuldür. Kur'an’da bu etkenler belirtilirken, model insan olmayaya engel olan sapmalar da, önemle vurgulanmıştır. Ehl-i Sünnet imamlarından Mâtüridî, bu manileri kelâm verileri çerçevesinde özenle yorumlamıştır. Daha çok beşerî bağlamda değerlendirilen bu engeller, imanın mahalli olan kalbin fonksiyonlarıyla bağlantılıdır. Kur'an ifadeleri ve Mâtüridî’nin yorumları çerçevesinde ele alınan, model insan mâni olan beşerî-aklî sapmaların direkt kalbe yansıması, bir anlamda inanç konularındaki akıl-kalp ilişkisine göndermede bulunmaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler: Kur’an, Matürîdî, Model insan, insanî zaaflar, akıl.
Ahmad Yasawi (d. 562/1166), in the book “Divan al-Hikmah”, included the Sufis issues as well as t... more Ahmad Yasawi (d. 562/1166), in the book “Divan al-Hikmah”, included the Sufis issues as well as theological topics. Yasawi has developed his own theological-mysticism. It can be seen that the subjects of faith in Yasawi's Divan Council are shaped mainly in the axis of Ahl al-Sunnah especially reviews of Mâtürîdî (d. 333/944). In this way, Yasawi, in accordance with the conditions of his time in the religious understanding, has given priority to the beliefs, and the mystical orientation of the mature approach in line with the Mâtürîdî thought has demonstrated a unique method. Both Mâtürîdî and Yasawi aim to be the main target of al-Ma’rifa in the mystical method. Mâtürîdî and Yasawi's main source were Imam Abu Hanifa (d.150/767). In line with the Ahl al-Sunnah, they have the right belief and a practical religious understanding in different lanes. Key Words: Mâtürîdî, Yasawi, Tasavvuf, Aqaid, Diwan al-Hikma
In the Qur'an there is a surah called “Nisâ / Women” and
there are verses about the characteristi... more In the Qur'an there is a surah called “Nisâ / Women” and there are verses about the characteristics of women. Generally, there are many verses in the divine commandments with the expression of "men and women". However, the verse of the twenty eight of Yusuf surah, which speaks about the fraud of women, is extended to all women as a negative quality by some commentators and groups, and a negative perception was tried to be shaped. The Qur’an does not make any distinction between men and women, and recognizes the same rights and obligations to both genders.
EUROASIA Congress on Scientific Researches and Recent Trends, 2020
The existence of the Turks in the Balkans dates back to ancient times. However, with the arrival ... more The existence of the Turks in the Balkans dates back to ancient times. However, with the arrival of the Ottomans in the Balkans, a serious Turkish presence and domination occurred in Bulgaria. Turks left many traces of civilization and cultural artifacts in the Balkans. With the withdrawal from the Balkans, which he ruled for nearly five hundred years, the Turks who remained in the Balkans were subjected to great persecution and serious assimilation attempts, but they struggled to exist and keep their identity alive and preserved their true selves. The most obvious example regarding the issue in the Balkans was experienced in Bulgaria. It has been exposed to a large part of the assimilation of Muslims in Bulgaria and has been forced to migrate to Turkey. In line with the changes and developments in the Bulgarian administration in recent years, the rights that were given to the Turks long ago but were not in effect again came to the agenda in 2012 and the pressure exerted on the Turks during the communist period was condemned by the Bulgarian Parliament. Beyond political developments, the Muslim Turkish community, formed by Ahl-i Sunnah and Bektashi / Alevi groups, lived with people of Bulgarian origin for many years, had social life together, and made friendships and marriages. In our presentation, after the great migration cannot come to Turkey and social life of the association between the remaining Muslim Turks and Bulgarians in Bulgaria, friendship and marriage, Bulgaria will focus on how we have done regarding the evaluation survey and field research by Turkish and will evaluate the results. Keynotes: Bulgaria, Ethnical Peace, Turks, Bulgars, Social relations.
This study is related to Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Arabi's life, works, religious and philosophical views a... more This study is related to Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Arabi's life, works, religious and philosophical views and the edition critique of his book al-Amad al-Aqsa fi sharh Asma Allah al-husna.
This study includes the presentation and evaluation of manuscript books at the Atıf Efendi Librar... more This study includes the presentation and evaluation of manuscript books at the Atıf Efendi Library-Istanbul-Turkey.
Books by Ramazan BICER. Prof. Dr.
established to manage the religious-social life of Turkish Muslims in the early
republican period, it has been argued that it was a tool for the Islamization of
Turkish society during the twenty-year AK Party rule. It has also been claimed
that Diyanet is used as a theo-diploma tool for cultural diplomacy and soft
power institutions abroad. In line with the theses in favor and against, there has
been an increase in academic studies recently on the functions of the Diyanet at
home and abroad. This study aims to explore the essence and types of research
on Diyanet in the last fourteen years. The study implemented a bibliometric of Science database. According to the study, the majority of Diyanet’s research
has been published in Turkey. France, Australia, the Netherlands and Germany
also conducted significant research on Diyanet. Along with the religious issues,
the other central research theme were politics, democracy, Erdogan, Germany,
etc. Research on Diyanet reveals six themes by thematic analysis. The major
themes are that Diyanet is Turkey’s soft power tool abroad, a promoter of the
pious generation, empowers scarf-wearing women, and an alternative educational
institute social change-maker. However, some research articles have been critical
of the Diyanet and focus on the theme that the Diyanet is used to legitimize R. T.
Erdogan’s authoritarian political rule. The study concludes that academic interest
in Diyanet has increased in recent years. Moreover, the paper found that after
the 15 July failed coup, a number of several were conducted to defame Diyanet
Türk-İslam klasiklerinden olan Süleyman Çelebi’nin (ö. 825/1422) Mevlid-i Muhammediye (Vesîletü’n-necât), Yazıcıoğlu Mehmed Efendi’nin (ö. 855/1451) Muhammediye ve Eşrefoğlu Rumi’nin (ö. 874/1469) Müzekin’n-nüfus, Cevdet Paşa’nın (1823-1895) Kısas-ı enbiya ve Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı’nın (ö. 1194/1780) Marifetname adlı eserleri, asırlar boyu Türk toplumunun tüm katmanlarında yoğun ilgi görmüştür. Anadolu’nun en ücra köşelerindeki kitap raflarında yerini almış bu çalışmaların ana özelliği toplumun dini, sosyal, kültürel ve siyasi alandaki tüm bağlantılarına dokunmasıdır. Dönemlerinin sosyo-kültürel birikimleri doğrultusunda hazırlanan bu çalışmalar, yeni bir bakış açısıyla ve güncel verilerle ilişkilendirilerek yeniden değerlendirilmiştir.
Bulgaristan merkezli, “Balkanlarda Dini Aşırılıklar ve Etnik Barış” adlı elinizdeki çalışma, TÜBİTAK destekli üç yıla yayılmış kapsamlı bir araştırmanın ürünüdür. Eser, ’Etnik Barış’ ve ’Dini Aşırılıklar’ olmak üzere iki ana temaya sahiptir. Her iki tema, tüm dünya halkları için ciddi bir sorun teşkil etmesi nedeniyle çalışma, bu problemin çözümüne yönelik katkı sağlayacak, yerinde ve güncel verilere sahiptir.
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Balkanlar politikasına ışık tutacak nitelikte olan eser, aynı zamanda Balkanlara yönelik sosyal alan çalışmaları bağlamında, alanında ilk olma özelliğine sahiptir.
established to manage the religious-social life of Turkish Muslims in the early
republican period, it has been argued that it was a tool for the Islamization of
Turkish society during the twenty-year AK Party rule. It has also been claimed
that Diyanet is used as a theo-diploma tool for cultural diplomacy and soft
power institutions abroad. In line with the theses in favor and against, there has
been an increase in academic studies recently on the functions of the Diyanet at
home and abroad. This study aims to explore the essence and types of research
on Diyanet in the last fourteen years. The study implemented a bibliometric of Science database. According to the study, the majority of Diyanet’s research
has been published in Turkey. France, Australia, the Netherlands and Germany
also conducted significant research on Diyanet. Along with the religious issues,
the other central research theme were politics, democracy, Erdogan, Germany,
etc. Research on Diyanet reveals six themes by thematic analysis. The major
themes are that Diyanet is Turkey’s soft power tool abroad, a promoter of the
pious generation, empowers scarf-wearing women, and an alternative educational
institute social change-maker. However, some research articles have been critical
of the Diyanet and focus on the theme that the Diyanet is used to legitimize R. T.
Erdogan’s authoritarian political rule. The study concludes that academic interest
in Diyanet has increased in recent years. Moreover, the paper found that after
the 15 July failed coup, a number of several were conducted to defame Diyanet
Türk-İslam klasiklerinden olan Süleyman Çelebi’nin (ö. 825/1422) Mevlid-i Muhammediye (Vesîletü’n-necât), Yazıcıoğlu Mehmed Efendi’nin (ö. 855/1451) Muhammediye ve Eşrefoğlu Rumi’nin (ö. 874/1469) Müzekin’n-nüfus, Cevdet Paşa’nın (1823-1895) Kısas-ı enbiya ve Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı’nın (ö. 1194/1780) Marifetname adlı eserleri, asırlar boyu Türk toplumunun tüm katmanlarında yoğun ilgi görmüştür. Anadolu’nun en ücra köşelerindeki kitap raflarında yerini almış bu çalışmaların ana özelliği toplumun dini, sosyal, kültürel ve siyasi alandaki tüm bağlantılarına dokunmasıdır. Dönemlerinin sosyo-kültürel birikimleri doğrultusunda hazırlanan bu çalışmalar, yeni bir bakış açısıyla ve güncel verilerle ilişkilendirilerek yeniden değerlendirilmiştir.
Bulgaristan merkezli, “Balkanlarda Dini Aşırılıklar ve Etnik Barış” adlı elinizdeki çalışma, TÜBİTAK destekli üç yıla yayılmış kapsamlı bir araştırmanın ürünüdür. Eser, ’Etnik Barış’ ve ’Dini Aşırılıklar’ olmak üzere iki ana temaya sahiptir. Her iki tema, tüm dünya halkları için ciddi bir sorun teşkil etmesi nedeniyle çalışma, bu problemin çözümüne yönelik katkı sağlayacak, yerinde ve güncel verilere sahiptir.
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Balkanlar politikasına ışık tutacak nitelikte olan eser, aynı zamanda Balkanlara yönelik sosyal alan çalışmaları bağlamında, alanında ilk olma özelliğine sahiptir.
was educated in the fields of tafsir, hadith, fiqh method and kalam. Ibn Al-Arabi, who was a judge in
Isbiliyye, went to Baghdad from Andalusia just to meet with Ghazali and stayed in the same place with
him for days and had scientific discussions. Ibn Al-Arabi had arguments with al-Ghazali in every field
of other religious sciences, especially education and kalam. Returning to his hometown of Andalusia
after a ten-year journey, Ibn al-Arabi conveyed the situations he encountered during this journey to the
East, and at the same time made critical evaluations between Eastern Muslims and Western Islamic
tradition. Ibn Al-Arabi also criticized the sectarian bigotry, non-analytic way of thinking and imitation
methods of the Andalusian and North African Muslims of his time. While criticizing Ghazali on the one
hand, the author, on the other hand, strongly opposed the boycott of the ulama in the country where he
lived, and seriously criticized the administration's order to ban al-Ghazali's books. He even made an
important contribution to breaking the sectarian bigotry throughout Andalusia and the abolition of the
boycott against Ghazali. In this study, the approaches of the classical period eastern and western Muslim
intellectuals towards analytical thinking, the examples of Abu Bakr Ibn al-Arabi and Ghazali are
Keywords: East, Abu Bakr Ibn al-Arabi, Ghazali, Scientific Discussion, Analytical Thinking
Keywords: Quran, Tafsir, Israiliyyat, Woman, Kalam.
Keywords: Death, Turkish culture, funerals, moral teaching.
Migration takes place with the imperative of natural conditions bases, and sometimes its imperative. Although the central theme of immigration throughout history is political and climatic reasons, some
immigration has also been caused by religious motives. This is called "Hijra/emigration" in Islamic literature. In the historical process, migration took place in two ways. The first is the absence or restriction
of religious practice to which it belongs. As a matter of fact, with the first migration in the period of the prophet, the most effective factor, religious and national values in the Balkan movements experienced
recently, are the obstacles and prohibitions. The second is political.
Design / Methodology / Approach The first emigration, religious and national culture incompatible had been in Ethiopia for the last period has
been the Balkan migration to Turkey where religious and national values of the partnership. Just the immigration of Muslims in Myanmar to other Muslim countries, especially Malaysia and Indonesia, has
religious reasons. On the other hand, another reason for religious migration that occurs today is the gathering of radical organizations in certain regions. They call this mobility "Hijra". Among the main reasons why groups with religious discourses which have been promoting acts of violence and terrorism come from different regions and meet in certain areas are the discourses of "hijra” as a religious imperative and “good
piety in wajib status". Accordingly, these religious migrations to countries such as Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia-Herzegovina recently; Later, it was directed to Iraq, Syria, and the Philippines (Mora).
Findings When we look at the event on a global basis, it is seen that there are severe migrations with religious justification. The most determining factor of these migrations was the restriction or prohibition of religious freedom. Also, religious terrorist organizations migrate for their purposes. On the other hand, the argument that radical religious organizations use to find supporters has been the concept of "migration", a sacred value. Originality/value In this paper, it is seen that the immigration that occurred in religious reasons, the problematic causes, and the consequences it constitutes are religious. However, it is understood that the migrations of radical organizations with the same purpose are political rather than religious.
Keywords: Migration, Religious cause, Hijra, Radicalism, Muslim peoples.
Human freedom" and "freedom of his will" constitute the domain of research and discussion in the humanities and everything that deals with the human subject of studies, such as philosophy and psychology, and in this direction, these issues constitute a mysterious node waiting for the solution of all religions. Therefore, the will - as a humanitarian issue - was first the focus of philosophers and then of theologians and psychologists who have been conducting their research and
studies in this area throughout the ages. The central question in this topic is the area of freedom towards the responsibility of the ego, or the will expressed, in the divine sense, as giving the creator of man
and the universe the "great trust" of man—this understanding distanced man from his thought and responsibilities towards God and people in his thoughts and actions.
And another group by giving man absolute freedom, they tried to cut the link of the human creator and the formation of a secular perception. This realization is God's deity and prepared the ground for the idea of secularism and individuality in the present day.
Imam al-Maturidi claimed that man is not like a "mechanic" programmed or like a paper in the wind; he has free will and his own, and the responsibility of his will has significant consequences. The human being was not able to live independently of his Lord, which is based on the struggle of being alone; he emphasized the need of man to his Lord, before the secular and individual perception would not be
Keywords: Al-Maturidi, Psychology, God, Human Freedom, Freedom of will.
Ehl-i Sünnet imamlarından Mâtüridî, bu manileri kelâm verileri çerçevesinde özenle yorumlamıştır. Daha çok beşerî bağlamda değerlendirilen bu engeller, imanın mahalli olan kalbin fonksiyonlarıyla bağlantılıdır. Kur'an ifadeleri ve Mâtüridî’nin yorumları çerçevesinde ele alınan, model insan mâni olan beşerî-aklî sapmaların direkt kalbe yansıması, bir anlamda inanç konularındaki akıl-kalp ilişkisine göndermede bulunmaktadır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Kur’an, Matürîdî, Model insan, insanî zaaflar, akıl.
there are verses about the characteristics of women. Generally, there
are many verses in the divine commandments with the expression of
"men and women". However, the verse of the twenty eight of Yusuf
surah, which speaks about the fraud of women, is extended to all
women as a negative quality by some commentators and groups, and
a negative perception was tried to be shaped.
The Qur’an does not make any distinction between men and
women, and recognizes the same rights and obligations to both
traces of civilization and cultural artifacts in the Balkans. With the withdrawal from the Balkans, which he ruled for nearly five hundred years, the Turks who remained in the Balkans were subjected to great persecution and serious assimilation attempts, but they struggled to exist and keep their identity alive and preserved their true selves. The most obvious example regarding the issue in the Balkans was experienced in Bulgaria. It has been exposed to a large part of the assimilation of Muslims in Bulgaria and has been forced to migrate to
Turkey. In line with the changes and developments in the Bulgarian administration in recent years, the rights that were given to the Turks long ago but were not in effect again came to the agenda in 2012 and the pressure exerted on the Turks during the communist period was condemned by the Bulgarian Parliament. Beyond political developments, the Muslim Turkish community, formed by Ahl-i Sunnah and Bektashi / Alevi groups, lived with people of Bulgarian origin for many years, had social life together, and made friendships and marriages. In our presentation, after the great migration cannot come to Turkey and social life of the association between the remaining Muslim Turks and Bulgarians in Bulgaria, friendship and marriage, Bulgaria will focus
on how we have done regarding the evaluation survey and field research by Turkish and will evaluate the results.
Keynotes: Bulgaria, Ethnical Peace, Turks, Bulgars, Social relations.