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Curriculum Vitae

School of Advanced Study, University of London, Ernst Bloch Centre for German Thought, Faculty Member
Dr Johan Siebers j.siebers@mdx.ac.uk   Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Department of Criminology and Sociology, School of Law, Middlesex University London. Director of the Ernst Bloch Centre for German Thought and Associate Fellow in German Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London. Qualifications 1998 Doctorate in Philosophy, University of Leiden. Thesis: The Method of Speculative Philosophy. Supervisor: Professor Wouter Oudemans. 1993 Dutch doctoral diploma (MA, distinction). Philosophy, Radboud University Nijmegen. Additional subject: linguistics; Propedeutic diplomas in philosophy and Dutch language and literature (cum laude) Dissertation: Facts and Events. Supervisor: Professor Pieter Seuren. 1986 VWO Diploma (gymnasium), Elzendaalcollege Boxmeer. Examination subjects: Dutch language and literature; English language and literature; Latin; History; Mathematics; Physics; Economics. References Details available after short-listing. Research projects and grants Awarded: 2015: Erasmus Mobility Grant, Visiting Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tübingen. € 1115. 2014: AHRC Grant to produce an exhibition for the general public of the findings of project AH/K006479/1, Cardiff Festival, July 2014. £6,400. 2014-2016: Connected Communities Artists Legacy Project. AHRC grant AH/L013185/1 exploring and theorising the role of artists in Connected Communities research projects. £100,000. Academic partners: University of Sheffield, University of Leeds, Robert Gordon University, Manchester Metropolitan University. Project partner. 2013-2016: Materialism in the Philosophy of Language: tuition fees and maintenance grant for a PhD student; £50,000. School of Language, Literature and International Studies, Uclan. Director of Studies. 2012- : Bloch Bibliothek: A series of translations with commentaries of the works of Ernst Bloch currently not available in English translation, and monographs on Bloch’s philosophy. General Editor. Contract with Brill Publishers (Historical Materialism Book Series). First 1|Page volume planned for 2014 (Ernst Bloch, Subjekt-Objekt. Erläuterungen zu Hegel, Leverhulme Foundation, £17,000 translation and text research grant for Catherine Moir). Partner institution: Ernst Bloch Study Centre, University of Sheffield; Department of German and Dutch, University of Cambridge. Each translation and book project will be funded separately. General Editor. 2011-2013: Critique of materialist reason. The utopian philosophy of Ernst Bloch. IGRS fellowship project and Uclan Livesey Award (research leave 2012). £12,000; in cooperation with the Research Centre for Classical German Philosophy, University of Bochum. 2013-2014: Communicating wisdom. AHRC grant AH/K006479/1. PI. Partners: Department of English and Department of Education, University of Sheffield. £40,000. 2013-2014: Ways of knowing in collaborative research. AHRC grant AH/K006568/1. CoI. Partners: PI Helen Graham, School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies, University of Leeds; University of Manchester; University of Sheffield. £40,000. 2013-2014: Philosophy and religious practice research project. Member of Steering Committee (University of Liverpool and University of Chester, £40,000). 2013-2014: In conversation with more-than-human communities. AHRC grant AH/K006517/1. Project Partner. Lead: University of Manchester. 7 partner institutions. £40,000. 2012-2013: The time of the clock and the time of encounter: pathfinders for connection. AHRC grant AH/J006637/1. PI. Partners: Prof Anne Douglas, Gray School of Fine Art, Robert Gordon University; Dr Michelle Bastian, CRESC University of Manchester; Dr Chris Speed, University of Edinburgh. £100,000. 2012-2013: Temporal belongings. AHRC grant AH/J006653/1. Co-I. Partners: PI Michelle Bastian, University of Manchester. Co-I Prof Graham Crow, University of Southampton. £40,000. 2011-2012: A philosophical exploration of the relation between the concepts of ‘community’ and ‘future’. AHRC grant AH/I00670X/1. PI. £20,300. 2008-2011: Social dialogue: researcher on work packages 9 and 10 of Science, ethics and technological responsibility in developing and emerging countries, EU 7th Framework Programme, call SiS-2007- 11 partners in EU and Asia. Uclan element: £30,000. 2009-2011: The return of religion. AHRC funded research network. Member. Lead: Ernst Bloch Study Centre, University of Sheffield. 2006-2008: Freud in translation. AHRC funded research network. Member. Lead: IGRS. 1993-1998: Event ontology in 20th century philosophy. Dept. of Philosophy, Leiden University, university-funded doctoral research fellowship. Academic Positions held   Associate Professor of Metaphysics and Religion, Middlesex University London. 2015Director, Ernst Bloch Centre for German Thought, Institute of Modern Languages Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2016- 2|Page             Honorary Reader in Philosophy and Critical Theory, University of Central Lancashire, 2014-2017 Erasmus Visiting Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tübingen. June 2015. Reader in Philosophy and Critical Theory, Division of English Language, Literature and Culture, School of Language, Literature and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire. 2013- ; since 2014 Honorary. Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies, Department of Criminology and Sociology, School of Law, Middlesex University London. 2013-2015. Senior Lecturer, Division of English Language, Literature and Culture, School of Language, Literature and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire. 2006- 2013 Associate Fellow, Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR; previously Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies), School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2006Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Ernst Bloch Studies, Department of German, University of Sheffield. 2013Guest Researcher, Forschungszentrum für klassische deutsche Philosophie, RuhrUniversität Bochum. April-August 2013. Visiting Lecturer in Metaphysics, Department of Philosophy, St. Mary’s University College, London. Academic year 2011-2012. Lecturer, Faculty of Arts, University of Leiden. 2002-2004. Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Memorial University Newfoundland, 1996, 1997, 1998. Research Fellow (Assistant in Opleiding), Faculty of Philosophy, University of Leiden, 1993-1999. Non-Academic Positions held 1999-2006: various roles at Royal Dutch Shell, The Hague, London, Houston in corporate affairs, scenario planning, communication and organisational/leadership development, including: Global Director HR Communication; Issues Manager, Corporate Affairs; HR Manager Shell Hydrogen; Strategic Consultant for internal start-ups in the alternative energy sector; HR consultant; Scenario Planner. Editorial positions Series Editor, Bloch Bibliothek, Brill Publishers (since 2014). Editor-in-Chief, Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, Intellect Publishers (since 2009). Research networks 2014-: Northern Theory School, member. 3|Page 2010- : Vice-President and board member (since 2002) of the Ernst-Bloch-Gesellschaft, Ludwigshafen. 2009- : Founding editor and editor-in-chief, Empedocles: European journal for the philosophy of communication. 2008- : Project reviewer for European Science Foundation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Arts and Humanities Research Council UK, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Economics and Social Science Research Council UK. 2007-2012: Founding vice-chair and chair (2008-2012) of the Section for the Philosophy of Communication, European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Invited lectures and keynotes 2017: ‘Ernst Bloch’s Geist der Utopie after One Century: A Janus-Faced Reading’, Back to the Future: Tradition and Innovation in German Studies, 50th Wisconsin Workshop, Department of German, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 2017: ‘The Windmills of Sustainability: In Search of the Morality of Capitalism’: a public seminar for sustainability managers in the non-profit and profit sectors, Impact Academy, Utrecht 2017: The Spirit of Utopia after One Century: University of Wisconsin/Madison, Department of German 2016: Seminar on Creating Institutional Change, Socialistische Partij, kaderschool Arnhem 2016: Invited lecture on play and the utopian imagination, School of Education, University of Sheffield 2016: Keynote ‘The Utopian Body in Ernst Bloch’s Philosophy’, Study day on Bloch, Foucault and the Body, Department of Philosophy, Université Catholique the Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve. 2014: ‘Imagining the Future’, keynote at the Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield, Connected Communities workshop for researchers and community organisations. 2012: ‘The Rediscovery of Utopia’, keynote speech at the launch of ‘Designing our Future’, Practice as Research Consortium North-West, Manchester Metropolitan University. 2012: Keynote speech at ‘Shifting Cultures of Expertise’, Gray School of Art, Robert Gordon University. 2011: ‘The Future of Communities’, Connected Communities development workshop, Arts and Humanities Research Council and National Endowment for the Humanities, NEH, Washington D.C. Invited lecture. 2010: ‘Institutionalisation and Utopia’, Faculty of Invisibility exposition; Shedhalle, Zürich. Invited lecture. 2010: ‘Wissen und Universitas’, conference Die Zukunft des Sozialen in den europäischen Gesellschaften, Ernst Bloch Archive, Ludwigshafen. Invited plenary. 2009: Opening keynote, Landmarks 2, Philosophy of Communication Conference, Communication and Memory, University of London. 2006: ‘Kommunikationsethik’, Department for the Psychology of Communication, University of Landau/Konstanz. Invited public lecture. 4|Page 2005: ‘Hoe leer je een organisatie denken? Prolegomena voor Bedrijfsfilosofen’, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, invited public lecture. 2005: ‘Ethical Dimensions of Communication and Issue Management’, Business School of the University of Central Lancashire, invited lecture. 2004: ‘Socrates in de Board Room. Over de tere noodzaak van academische vorming’. University of Twente, invited public lecture. 2003: ‘Niet hoe, maar dat de geschiedenis verder gaat. De metafysica van de mondialisering’, Conference on globalisation and human rights, Department of Philosophy, Tilburg University, invited plenary lecture. 2003: ‘Szenarientechnik als Instrument der Bürgerbeteiligung’; Future Lab conference metropolitan region Mannheim-Ludwigshafen-Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, invited lecture. 2002: ‘Academische vorming – Wat heb je eraan in de praktijk?’ Studium Generale, Universiteit Twente, invited public lecture. 2001: Masterclass on philosophy in organisational development, conference Filosofie en Organsiatie – Ontmoeting of Confrontatie, organised by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Vereniging voor Filosofische Praktijk. Vught. 2001: ‘Business Ethics in Shell’, lecture at the HES, International MBA program, Rotterdam, invited lecture. 2000: ‘The Ethics of Leadership’, Handelshochschule Leipzig, invited lecture. 1996: ‘Inspiratie, Expressie, Oorspronkelijkheid’, Academy for Art and Design, 'sHertogenbosch, The Netherlands, invited lecture. Conference papers 2016: ‘Utopian Frameworks in Comparative Studies’, conference English and European Comparative Studies: Views from the Future, European Network of Comparative Literary Studies and the Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London. 2016: ‘Utopia and the Adventure Playground Movement’, AHRC Connected Communities project day, University of Sheffield. 2015: ‘The Communicability of Being’, ECREA conference Models of Communication: Theoretical and Philosophical Perspectives, Vilnius University. 2015: ‘Utopian laughter’; conference Utopias, Futures and Temporalities: Critical Considerations for Social Change, University of Bristol. 2015: ‘Sub specie redemptionis: Ethics of happiness in Adorno and Spinoza’, 8th International Critical Theory Conference, Loyola University Chicago, Rome Centre 2014: ‘Die Welt gut im Gang: der Friedenstopos in Blochs Philosophie‘, Annual Confernece of the Ernst Bloch Gesellschaft, Ernst Bloch Archive, Ludwigshafen. 2014: ‘Communication and the materialist undercurrent in German philosophy’, European Communication Conference 2014, Lisbon. 2014: ‘Opera, tragedy and the utopian avant-garde in Bloch’s philosophy of music’, European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies, University of Helsinki. 2014: ‘Manifesto for the New Humanities’, conference Beyond Crisis: Visions for the New Humanities, Institute for Advanced Study, University of Durham. 5|Page 2014: ‘The Hegelian Bacillus’, Pragmatism and Communication, University of Helsinki, Nordic Pragmatism Research Network, ECREA. 2014: ‘The Tao of Temporal Design’, Temporal Design Workshop, University of Edinburgh. 2014: ‘The Theory of Perfective Drift’, conference The Cultural Matrix of Communication, Eastern Washington University and International Communicology Institute. 2013: ‘Full Frontal Philosophy’, London Ernst Bloch Symposium, Central St. Martin’s College of Art, London. 2013: ‘The Hermeneutics of Desire’, panel ‘In pursuit of meaning: the theory and philosophy of hermeneutics in the networked age’, International Communication Association conference, London. 2012: ‘Communication and Value: The Theory of Perfective Drift’, European Communication Conference, Istanbul. 2012: Designed and facilitated a workshop on ‘models of impact’ during the AHRC summit on the Connected Communities research program, Manchester. 2011: ‘Ernst Bloch’s reading of Johann-Peter Hebel’, Conference Literature as Communication, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland. 2011: Designed and chaired two workshops on ‘community and temporality’ during the Arts and Humanities Research Council Summit on Connected Communities, Glasgow. 2011: ‘Dialogue and Intercultural Moral Deliberation’, paper delivered at the conference Professional Ethics: Towards a Unified East-West Perspective, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar National Development Fund and Qatar Research Fund, Qatar. 2010: ‘Gratia naturam non tollit: Outline of a Blochian environmental philosophy’; conference The Politics of Utopia: Marx, Myth and Religion, Humanities Research Institute, Sheffield University. 2010: ‘Communication as Event and as Praxis‘, National Communication Association conference, San Francisco. 2010: ‘Parrhesia and Communicative Wisdom’, European Communication Conference, Hamburg. 2009: ‘Hermeneutik der Tiefe: Die Weiterführung, Heimführung der klassischen Metaphysik bei Ernst Bloch’, Conference Themen der Substanz heute, Ernst Bloch Archive, Ludwigshafen. 2009: ‘“Nützliches Maß fürs und durchs Ultimum” – Maß, Grenze und Exterritorialität in Blochs Metaphysik’, conference Ernst Bloch – Metaphysik, Anthropologie, Ethik, Dept. of Philosophy, Leipzig University. 2009: ‘“Was Metaphysik einmal war” - Metaphysics between Modernity and Religion’. Conference The Crisis of Modernity and the Return of Religion, Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield. 2009: ‘Rhetoric as Democratic Survival and as Resistance’, Political Studies Association annual conference, Manchester (paper accepted but not presented). 2008: ‘“A delightful stillness and amazement in the soul” - The Tragic Sublime and Commoditised Communication’, European Communication Conference 2008, Barcelona. 2008: ‘“Mythos heißt das Sagende Wort/Der Herr will in der Finsternis wohnen” – Rhetoric, Philosophy and Myth in the Phaedrus Interpretations of Heidegger and Grassi’, Heidegger Conference “Heidegger and Religion”, Messkirch, Germany. 6|Page 2008: ‘”Hier ist Flamme und geheimster Uhrenschlag”’ – The Rhetoric and Philosophy of Music in Ernst Bloch’s ‘Geist der Utopie’. School of Advanced Study, University of London. 2008: ‘The Public Intellectual in an Age of Parallaxis’, conference No End of Transition, Media Politics in Post-Communist Eastern Europe, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (paper accepted but not presented). 2008: ‘Desire and Utopia in Ernst Bloch’s The Principle of Hope’. School of Advanced Study, University of London. 2007: ‘Human Dignity in the European Rhetorical Tradition’, paper presented at the European Science Foundation Conference Pathways to Human Dignity, Lynköpping/Vadstena, Sweden. 2007: ‘Psychoanalysis and Rhetoric – The Dialogical Situation’, Research Network Freud in Translation, IGRS, School of Advanced Study, London. 2006: ‘The Category ‘Home’ in the Era of Global Capitalism’, Ernst Bloch Centre, Ludwigshafen, Annual Conference of the Ernst-Bloch-Gesellschaft. 2003: ‘Ernst Bloch und der Substanzbegriff’, Conference of the Ernst-Bloch-Assoziation ‘Dialektik, Materie, Utopie’, Salecina. 2002: ‘Utopie der Arbeit’, Conference on the future of work, Ernst-Bloch-Zentrum, Ludwigshafen, annual conference of the Ernst-Bloch-Gesellschaft. 2000: ‘Blood on the Tracks: Messianism in Bloch’s Spuren’. Conference Literary Canons and Religious Identity, Radboud University Nijmegen. 2000: ‘Surfaces: The Aphoristic Nature of Creative Thought’, conference Whitehead’s Creativity, University of Leuven, Belgium. 1999: ‘Lifeless Nature and Nature Alive: From Alienation to Care’, conference on Quality of Life, Sustainable Development and Environmental Changes, Austrian Research Institute, Seibersdorf. 1999: ‘Self-Consciousness: A Pragmatic Process Approach’, Conference Pragmatic Process Philosophy, University of Nijmegen. 1998 ‘Whitehead and the Question of Being’, Third International Whitehead Conference, Centre for Process Philosophy, Claremont, California (paper accepted but not presented). 1998: ‘Idea and Experience - A Stroll with Alfred Whitehead’, conference Pragmatism and Idealism, Académi du Midi - Institut für Philosophie, Alet-les-Bains, France. 1997: ‘Thinking of the Event: Derrida and Whitehead’, Visiting Lecturer Series, Department of Philosophy, Memorial University Newfoundland, Canada. 1997: ‘Speculative Method and the Ontological Difference’, Annual Convention of the Canadian Philosophical Association. 1997: ‘Science and Magic in Collingwood's Writings’, Annual Convention of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science. 1997: ‘The Superscience Syndrome’, conference The Future of Process Thought in Europe, University of Leuven. 1997: ‘The Philosophical Background of Axel's Castle’, conference International Graduate Student Research in Continental Philosophy, University of Leuven. Departmental and institutional papers 7|Page 2017: Impossible Spaces, Psychoanalysis and Liberation Seminar Series, Middlesex University 2015: ‘Philosophy of Heritage’, Centre for Ideas, Middlesex University 2014: ‘The hermeneutics of desire’, School of Advanced Study, University of London. 2013: ‘Untamed wisdom: the speculative proposition in Bloch and Adorno’, Department of Philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University. 2013: ‘Temporal Belongings’, Director’s Research Seminar, Institute of Modern Languages Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London. 2012: ‘Communication and Value’, IGRS Research Seminar, School of Advanced Study, University of London. 2010: ‘Warrants in The Rhetoric of RHETORIC: A dialogic encounter with W. Booth’s theory of rhetoric’. Language, Ideology, Politics research seminar, Lancaster University. 2010: ‘Parrhesia’, Preston Linguistics Circle, University of Central Lancashire 2010: ‘Argumentation in Rhetoric: Why Antigone is a tragedy’, Argumentation Theory Workshop, Lancaster University. 2009: Book and Screen Seminar on F. Bordewijk, Karakter and the film Karakter by M. Van Diem, IGRS. 2008: ‘A Phenomenology of Question and Answer’, Departmental Philosophy Research Seminar, Uclan. 2007: ‘Why There are 249+ Theories of Communication and How to Make Your Own’, University of Central Lancashire lecture programme in Journalism and Humanities. 2007: ‘Reification from Marx to Honneth’, IGRS, School of Advanced Study, London. 2000: ‘Hermeneutik der Sehnsucht’, Department of Philosophy, University of Leipzig. 1998: ‘Erhellung der Unmittelbarkeit - Philosophie und Alltägliche Erfahrung im Denken Whiteheads’, Bergische Universität Wuppertal. 1998: ‘Het ervaringsbegrip in de filosofie van Whitehead’, Leiden University, Department of Philosophy. 1996: ‘Process and Actuality’, Departmental Research Colloquium, Department of Philosophy, Memorial University Newfoundland, Canada. Conference organisation 2017: 2nd International Conference on Anticipation, University of London (in cooperation with Bristol University, Imperial College London, Victoria and Albert Museum, Oslo Academy of Design, UNESCO, University of Trento, Lincoln University) 200+ participants. 2015: Models of Communication: Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives, Vilnius University, Department of Philosophy and ECREA Philosophy of Communication Section. 2015: Utopias, Futures and Temporalities: Critical Considerations for Social Change, Bristol University and Arts and Humanities Research Council, Connected Communities and Care for the Future research programmes. 40 participants. 2013: London Ernst Bloch Symposium, Ernst Bloch Study Centre, University of Sheffield and London Graduate School, Kingston University. Co-organiser. 2013: Power, time and agency, University of Manchester. Co-organiser. Approx. 40 participants. 8|Page 2012: Philosophy of communication section conference at the European Communication Conference (ECC) 2012, ‘Social Media and Global Voices’, Istanbul. Lead organiser. Approx. 150 participants (1500 ECC participants). 2012: Temporal conflicts, University of Manchester. Co-organiser. Approx. 40 participants. 2012: Mobilising community futures: or can/should/must we do away with hope? Birkbeck College, University of London. Lead organiser. Approx. 30 participants. 2011: Literature as communication; conference organised in cooperation with Donner Chair for English Literature, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland. Lead organiser. Approx. 45 participants. 2010: Translating Ernst Bloch, three workshops on English translations of Ernst Bloch, IGRS, University of London, in cooperation with the Ernst-Bloch-Gesellschaft and the Ernst Bloch Study Centre, University of Sheffield. Lead organiser. Approx. 15 participants. 2010: Philosophy of communication section conference at the European Communication Conference (ECC) 2010, University of Hamburg. Lead organiser. Approx. 150 participants (1500 ECC participants). 2009: Landmarks 2, ECREA Philosophy of Communication Conference. Topic: communication and memory. University of London. Lead organiser. Approx. 50 participants. 2009: Symposium on hospitality, privacy, place, ‘Out of the Blue’, community and urban development project ‘The Blue House’, Amsterdam. Lead organiser. Approx. 180 participants. 2009: ECREA workshop on communication and uncertainty, University of Padova. Coorganiser. Approx. 12 participants. 2008: Philosophy of Communication section conference at the European Communication Conference (ECC) 2008, University of Barcelona. Lead organiser. Approx. 150 participants (1500 ECC participants). 2007: Landmarks 1, ECREA Philosophy of Communication Conference. Topic: 25 Years of Universal Pragmatics. University of Surrey. Co-organiser. Approx. 45 participants. 2007: Inaugural workshop, ECREA Section for the Philosophy of Communication, University of Central Lancashire. Lead organiser. Approx. 10 participants. Annually since 2002: Annual conference of the Ernst-Bloch-Gesellschaft. Co-organiser. Participation between 20-100. Postdoctoral supervision 2011-2012: Gianluigi Sassu, project ‘Virtue’ in the thought of Machiavelli. 2011: Catherine Moir, project Ernst Bloch and the Philosophy of Translation (Sylvia Naish Fellowship). Ph.D. supervision 2017: Nicola Sayers, The Utopian Impulse in Contemporary Literature. First supervisor. Completed. 2017: Nathaniel Barron, Materialism in the Philosophy of Language. First supervisor. Completion 2017 2016-: Shelley Homeyer, Trauma Healing and Refugees – Ethical Perspectives, First Supervisor 9|Page 2015- : Chairman Ihuaduenyi, Natural Law and the Legitimacy of Resource Control Militancy in the Niger Delta. First supervisor. Past supervision 2010-2013 : Steve Walker, The prehistoric idyll: aesthetics of prehistoric cave paintings. First supervisor. 2009-2012: June Mong, Space, memory and the engagement of everyday practices in Paris: a study of Walter Benjamin’s Passagen-Werk. First supervisor. 2009-2011 : Sibhaji Panda, The sign language and deaf people of Alipur: oral history of a ‘deaf village’ in India. Second supervisor. Ph.D. and M.Res. examinations 2013: Suzanne Lacy, The Oakland projects: a case study of social relational art practice (Ph.D., Visual Arts, Robert Gordon University, external). 2012: Marilina Tzoanou, Values and ethical decisions at work: an Aristotelian study of Greek managers (Ph.D., Philosophy, Uclan, internal). 2011: Natalie Banner, Conceptions of rationality in mental health practice (Ph.D., Philosophy, Uclan, internal). 2011: Jennifer Nutter, The novels of Philip K. Dick – a Badiouian reading (M.Res., English Literature, Uclan, internal). 2011: Paul Smith, Authenticity in the Novel (M.Res., Philosophy, Uclan, internal) 2010: Stella Pulaj, Corporate environmental policy and the ethical values of managers (Ph.D., Business Ethics, Uclan, internal). 2010: Harm Boukema, Russell’s second paradox – a dialectical analysis of ‘On Denoting’ (Ph.D., Philosophy, Radboud University Nijmegen, external). 2008: Elena Fell, Time and subjectivity in the philosophy of Bergson (Ph.D., Philosophy, Uclan, internal). Teaching  2008- : IMLR, School of Advanced Study, University of London: German philosophy seminar. Themes including the question of being, intellect and will, aesthetics, philosophy of music, comparative philosophy, materialism; philosophers taught include: Eckhart, Boehme, Leibniz, Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Bloch, Benjamin, Adorno, Habermas, Honneth, Sloterdijk, Puntel. Podcasts on http://www.sas.ac.uk/support-research/events/videos-and-podcasts/cat/philosophy; blog on http://germanphilosophy.wordpress.com/.  2009- : PORT Research methodology in modern languages programme for postgraduate students. Annual workshops. Topics taught: hermeneutics; doing archive research. IMLR, School of Advanced Study, University of London.  Undergraduate modules taught: Metaphysics; Introduction to epistemology; History of modern philosophy; Contemporary Social Theory; Philosophy of education; Language, life and thought; English grammar; English in education; Introduction to communication theory; Philosophy of language and 10 | P a g e     communication; Introduction to rhetoric; Research methods in cultural studies; Advanced undergraduate seminar in communication theory. Social and political aspects of globalisation. University of Central Lancashire, St. Mary’s University College London, Leiden University, Middlesex University. Postgraduate modules taught: German philosophy seminar; Research methods for the humanities; History of ideas: communication and technology; Philosophy of public deliberation; Introduction to rhetoric; History and theory of rhetoric 1 & 2; Convener, Postgraduate research seminar, Division of English Language, Literature and Culture and Department of Philosophy, University of Central Lancashire; IMLR, School of Advanced Study, University of London. 2006- : Dissertation coordinator for MA Rhetoric, MA Strategic Communication, MA International Applied Communication, University of Central Lancashire. 2006- : Undergraduate and Postgraduate dissertation supervision, BA Philosophy, BA English Language and Literature, MA Environmental Philosophy, MA Rhetoric, MA Strategic Communication, MA International Applied Communication, BA Sociology and Law, BA Religious Studies. University of Central Lancashire, Middlesex University Since 2013 I am a philosophy tutor for the Workers’ Education Association, teaching two courses Power, Empowerment and the City, Acton Housing Estate, and Introduction to Classical Philosophy, Ickenham WEA branch. Academic management and administration 2016-: Departmental Lead for Research Excellence Framework and Coaching, Department of Criminology and Sociology, Middlesex University 2015: Doctoral Program Coordinator, Department of Criminology and Sociology, Middlesex University. 2013- : Research Ethics Committee, School of Health and Education, Middlesex University. Member. 2013- : Validation and Accreditation Committee, School of Health and Education, Middlesex University, Member. 2013- : Academic Link Tutor for Middlesex partner institutions in religious studies in Basel, Marburg, Bad Liebenzell, Birmingham, London, Oxford (655 UG, PG and PhD students). 2010- : Research Degree Tutor, School of Journalism, Media and Communication and School of Language, Literature and International Studies, Uclan. Selection and admission, progress advice, pastoral care for postgraduate research students (M.Res. and Ph.D.). 2011- : Research Cluster Philosophy and Research Unit for Speech and Language, Uclan. Member. 2010-2013: Advisory Board of the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London. Member. 2010-2012: University Research Degree Sub-Committee for Business, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Uclan, Member. 2011-2012: Course designer and Course leader, BA Communication and Popular Culture. Uclan. 11 | P a g e 2011: Departmental disability coordinator. Uclan. 2009- : Course designer and Course leader, MA Rhetoric. Uclan. Professional memberships British Philosophical Association; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie; Ernst-BlochGesellschaft; European Communication Research and Education Association; Rhetoric Society of Europe; Higher Education Academy (UK professional qualification body for teaching in higher education). 12 | P a g e List of Publications Books 1. J. Siebers, The Metaphysics of Desire: Ernst Bloch and the End of Classical German Philosophy, Brill 2018 (under contract) 2. J. Siebers and C. Moir, Hope Matters: A Bloch Reader, Brill 2018, Historical Materialism Book Series (under contract) 3. M. Bergman, K. Kirtiklis, J. Siebers (eds.), Models of Communication: Theoretical and Philosophical Approaches, Routledge 2018 (in press) 4. F.Vidal and J. Siebers (eds.), Träume gegen Mauern. Ernst Bloch Jahrbuch 2009, Talheimer Verlag, 2009 (German-English). 5. J. Siebers, The Method of Speculative Philosophy, Leiden University 1998; second edition Kassel University Press 2002. Articles in Journals and Chapters in Books 6. J. Siebers, “Being as Communication: An Exploratory Model”, in M. Bergman, K. Kirtiklis, J. Siebers (eds.), Models of Communication: Theoretical and Philosophical Approaches, Routledge 2018 (in press) 7. J. Siebers, ‘Das “Merke” des Lesens: Blochs Randbemerkungen zu Hegels Phaenomenologie des Geistes, in Bloch Almanach 2017, Aisthesis, pp. 163-174. 8. J. Siebers, ‘Die Welt Gut im Gang: Der Friedenstopos in Ernst Bloch’s Philosohie’, in Jahrbuch der Ernst Bloch Gesellschaft 2016/2017, Koenig & Neumann, pp. 129-144. 9. J. Siebers, ‘The Theory of Perfective Drift’, in A. Smith and I. Klyukanov (eds.), Festschrift for Richard Lanigan, Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 169-190. 10. J. Siebers, ‘Bloch’s Materialist Logic’, in Henk de Berg and Catherine Moir (eds.), Bloch Between Hegel and Marx, Brill 2016 (under contract). 11. J. Siebers, A. Douglas, A. Ravetz, K. Genever, ‘Why Drawing, Now?’, in Journal of Art and Communities (2015), vol. 6.2/3, pp. 119-131. 12. J. Siebers, ‘The Destiny of Metaphysics in Russia: An Investigation of Being and Communicative Behaviour’, in Russian Journal of Communication (2015), vol. 7.1, pp. 1-9. 13. J. Siebers, ‘The Use of the Pen: A Philosophical Improvisation’, in Critical Muslim (2014), vol. 12, pp. 141-149. 13 | P a g e 14. J. Siebers, ‘Authentic Passivity’, in D. Zeilinger (ed.), Unvernunftige Vernunft oder vernünftige Unvernunft?, Antogo Verlag 2014, pp. 161-174 (expanded version of 7) 15. J. Siebers, ‘The Utopian Function of Film Music’, in: E. Mazierska and L. Kristensen (eds.), Marx at the Movies, Palgrave Macmillan 2014, pp. 46-61. 16. J. Siebers, ‘The Fiery Truth of Matter’, in Critical Muslim (2014), vol. 10, pp. 143154. 17. J. Siebers, ‘Authentic Passivity’, in Nyx (2014), 9, pp. 74-87. 18. J. Siebers, ‘Ernst Bloch’s Dialectical Anthropology’, in P. Thompson and S. Žižek (eds.), The Privatisation of Hope, Duke University Press 2013, pp. 61-81. 19. J. Siebers, ‘The Utopian Horizon of Communication: Ernst Bloch’s Traces and Johann-Peter Hebel’s Treasure Chest’, in R. Sell, Literature as Communication, Amsterdam and New York: John Benjamins, 2013, p. 189-212. 20. J. Siebers, ‘Quietude and Identity – The Silent Core of Language’, in Empedocles, European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication (2012), vol. 4.1, pp. 3-14. 21. R. Craig, L. Garcia, J. Siebers, P. Simonson, ‘Foundational Conceptions of Communication: a Cross-national Map of Core Ideas and Traditions of Thought’, in Empedocles, European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication (2012), vol. 4.1, pp. 73-92. 22. J. Siebers, ‘Ernst Blochs Hebel-Lektüren 1926-1965’, in Bloch-Almanach, Periodikum des Ernst-Bloch-Archivs (2012), vol. 31, pp. 89-108. 23. J. Siebers, ‘Community and Future in the Thought of Ernst Bloch’ in F. Vidal (ed.), Einblicke in Blochsche Philosophie, Mössingen: Talheimer Verlag 2012, pp. 171-185. 24. J. Siebers, ‘The Measure of the Ultimate’, in H. Tegtmeyer and S. Herrmann-Sinai (eds.), Metaphysik der Hoffnung. Ernst Bloch als Denker des Humanen, Leipzig: Leipzig University Press 2012, pp. 27-41. 25. J. Siebers, ‘Front’; ‘Grund’; ‘Logos/Logikon’; ‘Noch-Nicht’; ‘Novum’; ‘Ultimum’ in D. Zeilinger et al. (eds.), Ernst Bloch Wörterbuch, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2012, 31pp. 26. J. Siebers, ‘Communication and Value’, in S. Klyagin and O. Shipunova (eds.), Values and Communication in Modern Societies, St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University Press 2012, pp. 5-11 (in Russian). 27. C. Moir and J. Siebers, ‘Übersetzung als Utopie bei Bloch: Über die Schwierigkeit des Überschreitens’, in F. Vidal (ed.), Utopien von Zivilgesellschaft, Mössingen: Talheimer Verlag 2011, pp. 171-188. 28. J. Siebers, ‘“Aufenthalt im Unerhörten”. Ernst Bloch’s Reading of Johann-Peter Hebel (1926-1965)’, in Oxford German Studies 40.1, 2011, pp. 62-72. 14 | P a g e 29. J. Siebers, ‘Communication as Event and as Praxis’ in S. Klyagin (ed.), Metadiscourses of Communication and Problems of Social Dialogue, St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University Press 2011, pp. 7-18 (in Russian). 30. J. Siebers, ‘“Myth means: the saying word” / “The Lord said that he would dwell in thick darkness”’ in L. Hemming, B. Costea, K. Amiridis (eds.), The Movement of Nihilism: Heidegger’s Thinking after Nietzsche, London: Continuum 2011, pp, 144155. 31. J. Siebers, ‘Exploring new Ideas to Conceptualize the Philosophy of Communication’ in S. Klyagin (ed.), Communication: Metaphysics and Discourse, St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University Press 2010, pp. 9-13 (in Russian). 32. J. Siebers, ‘Substance as Depth’, in D. Zeilinger (ed.), Fragen der Substanz heute. Ernst Bloch zum 125. Geburtstag, Nürnberg: Antogo Verlag 2010, pp. 93-105. 33. J. Siebers, ‘What Cannot be Said: Speech and Violence’, in Journal of Global Ethics (7.2), 2010, pp. 89-102. 34. J. Siebers, ‘Editorial’, in Empedocles. European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, (1.1.), 2009, pp. 5-7. 35. J. Siebers, ‘Dialectic as Mental Health’, in Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 16(2), 2009, 129-131. 36. J. Siebers, ‘Categorial Intelligibility’, in F. Vidal and J. Siebers (eds.), Tagträume gegen Mauern, Mössingen: Talheimer Verlag 2009, pp. 83-95. 37. J. Siebers, ‘The Sublation of Architecture’, in F. Vidal (ed.), Ernst Bloch und das Bauhaus gestern und heute, Mössingen, Talheimer Verlag 2008. 38. J. Siebers, ‘Thoughts on Ernst Bloch – “Goethe’s Zeichnung Ideallandschaft”’, in: D. Zeilinger (ed.), Raumkonstruktion und Raumerfahurng. Ernst Bloch zum 30. Todestag, Nürnberg: Antogo 2007, pp. 187-195. 39. J. Siebers, ‘The Category Home in the Era of Global Capitalism’, in: F. Vidal (ed.), Heimat in Vernetzten Welten, Mössingen, Talheimer Verlag 2007. 40. J. Siebers, ‘Socrates in de Board Room. Over de tere noodzaak van academische vorming’, in P.A. Van Gennip, R. Munnik (eds.), Academie en Agora, Best: Damon 2005, pp. 63-81. 41. J. Siebers, ‘Self-Consciousness. A Pragmatic Process Approach’, in: G. Debrock (ed.), Process Pragmatism - Essays on a Quiet Philosophical Revolution, Amsterdam/Boston: Rodopi 2003, pp. 51-69. 15 | P a g e 42. J. Siebers, ‘Das Utopische in der Arbeit. Die ontologische Struktur und Aufgabe der Arbeit’, in F. Vidal (ed.), Philosophie und Arbeitswelt, Mössingen: Talheimer Verlag 2003, pp. 182-198. 43. J. Siebers, ‘Being and Time in the Philosophy of A.N. Whitehead’, in Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (61.3), 1999, pp. 608-611. 44. J. Siebers and M. Engelen, ‘Het gesprek van de ziel: Plato’s vriendschapsfilosofie’, in Wijsgerig Perspectief op Maatschappij en Wetenschap (34.4), 1993, pp. 117-122. Other publications, research reports, reviews 45. J. Siebers, ‘Hovelingencultuur’, in S. Akkerman, Het Klopt Wel Maar Het Deugt Niet: De Maatschappelijke Moraal in het Nauw, Rotterdam: Lemniscaat, 2016, pp. 82-89. 46. J. Siebers, ‘Bij Shell werd ik de Marxist die ik nu ben’, interview in Dutch broadsheet newspaper Trouw, 16 February 2016. 47. J. Siebers, Review article of John McCumber, Understanding Hegel’s Mature Critique of Kant, in Hegel-Studien 48 (2015), pp. 217-222. 48. J. Siebers. M. Bastian, C. Speed, A. Douglas, The Time of the Clock and the Time of Encounter, AHRC research report 2012. 49. J. Siebers, ‘Hospitality, Privacy, Place’, in J. van Heeswijk, The Blue House, Berlin: The Green Box Publishers, 2013. 50. J. Siebers and E. Fell, An Exploration of the Relation between the Concepts of ‘Community’ and ‘Future’ in Philosophy, AHRC research report 2011, <web link>. 51. J. Siebers, review of R. Sell, Communicational Criticism –Studies in Literature as Dialogue, in Language and Dialogue 2 (2012), pp. 299-305. 52. J. Siebers, ‘Preface’ in E. Stubbs, The Life and Institutions of the Aramaic People – A Social History, Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press 2010. 53. J. Siebers, review of: R. Sembera, Rephrasing Heidegger – A Companion to Being and Time, in Critical Discourse Studies 7 (2010), pp. 221-222. 54. J. Siebers, ‘Establishing a Communication Utopia’, in Communication Director 3/2008, pp. 26-30. 55. P. Hurley and J. Siebers, ‘Companies Without Trust Will Fail to Thrive’, in Strategic Communication Management, 11.4, Melcrum 2007. 16 | P a g e 56. J. Siebers, ‘Recent Communication Theory and its Practical Implications’, in Communicating Effectively with Global and Hard-to-Reach Audiences, Melcrum Strategic Communication Research Forum Report 2007, pp. 35-39. 57. J. Siebers, ‘Reflections on Health and Sustainability in Shell’, in F. Barten and J. Van der Gulden (eds.), Health and Sustainable Development, Report of the National Network Sustainable Development in Higher Education, Nijmegen: Nijmegen University Press 2002, pp. 101-107 58. J. Siebers, ‘Wat beweegt de ondernemer?’ in Cross-Cultural Management Magazine, 4:2003, pp. 16-23. 59. J. Siebers and D. Golz, ‘Wir treffen uns am dem Kunstwerk vor der LZB’, in F. Matzner (ed.), Public Art – Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Schriften der Akademie der bildenden Künste, München: Hatje Cantz, 2001, pp. 176-197. Websites and open access 60. J. Siebers, M. Bastian (2011), Temporal Belongings website: www.temporalbelongings.org 61. J. Siebers, L. Pschetz (2012), The Time of the Clock and the Time of Encounter website: www.timeofencounter.org 62. S. Pool (2014), R. Steadman-Jones, K. Pahl, H. Escott, J. Siebers, Communication Wisdom research project website: http://spsheff.wix.com/fishingaswisdom A selection of articles is available in the research repository of Middlesex University (http://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/); the open access space of the School of Advanced Study, University of London (http://sas-space.sas.ac.uk/dspace/) and on http://sas.academia.edu/JohanSiebers. Personal profile pages at http://research.sas.ac.uk/search/fellow/479/dr-johan-siebers/ and http://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/our-people/staff-directory/profile/siebers-johan. 17 | P a g e