Andrej Gogora is a senior researcher at Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology and Head of the Research Collections Department and of the Information and Documentation Department. He completed his doctoral studies in the field of systematic philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy SAS. He worked as assistant professor at the Centre of Digital Humanities, Faculty of Arts of the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and as external collaborator of the Slovak National Corpus of Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics SAS. He is engaged in basic research on the issue of thematic research collections and their relationships with field research in ethnology and anthropology as well as on the methodological foundations of digital curation and digital humanities. In the field of applied research, he is involved in building digital textual and image resources in humanities, in particular, digital collections of ethnological research reports. He is the coordinator on behalf of the IESA SAS as a cooperating partner of the European research infrastructure DARIAH-EU. Phone: 02-5296 4707 Address: Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS Klemensova 19 813 64 Bratislava 1
Communications - Scientific letters of the University of Zilina, 2017
Ethical aspects of new technologies have been in focus of scholars for a relatively long time – N... more Ethical aspects of new technologies have been in focus of scholars for a relatively long time – Norbert Wiener, professor of mathematics and engineering, during the 1940s created “cybernetics”, a branch of applied science in which he foreshadowed most of topical issues such as computer and security, digital privacy, ethics of programmer, information networks, virtual communities. Later on in the 1970s Walter Maner coined a new field of applied ethics “computer ethics” which is concerned with ethical problems created and aggravated by computers. After that James Moor [1] offered more profound definition of computer ethics reflecting the fundamental nature and social impact of computer technology. In the 1990s Donald Gotterbarn redefined computer ethics as a professional ethics that deals with codes of conduct for computing professionals; and finally, Floridi [2] based his “information ethics” on metaphysical assumption that world is made of informational objects (humans, animals, art...
In terms of professional ethics (as a part of applied ethics) we are aimed at the issue of profes... more In terms of professional ethics (as a part of applied ethics) we are aimed at the issue of professional performance of the computer system designers, software engineers, computer programmers (and related staff) who are developing affective companion technologies and emotion-aware technologies. From this point of view, we are not primarily interested in ethical concerns related to the consequences of such systems and technologies in potential everyday use, as well as not in some social reflections and expectations on affective companions (both an important questions). Instead, at this stage of research we are focusing on the ethical consideration of individual members of working group (stakeholder, project manager, software engineers, programmers) which play a crucial role in creating the overall design of computer systems intended to be used as affective companion technologies. We are interested to observe and analyse the respective ethical issues of working processes, moral profess...
Myslienky o meste vyvolavaju ohlas nielen v urbanizme, ale aj mimo jeho hranic. Skumaju sa z viac... more Myslienky o meste vyvolavaju ohlas nielen v urbanizme, ale aj mimo jeho hranic. Skumaju sa z viacerých hľadisk a to filozoficke nie je výnimkou. 1 Teoria mestskeho planovania, tak ako každa vedecka disciplina, udržiava zakladne východiska, ktore možno filozoficky interpretovať. Cieľom tohto prispevku je predstaviť dva hlavne prudy urbanizmu 20. storocia a ukazať, na zaklade akých predpokladov boli vytvorene, podľa akej racionality postupuju. Racionalitou sa tu nazýva subor principov, ktore urcuju sposob teoretickej produkcie daneho obdobia, a to nielen filozofickej, ale aj prirodovednej, spolocenskovednej a urbannej. Tieto podmienky možnosti su niekedy formulovane jasne a podrobne, inokedy nie je vobec iste, ci možno hovoriť o specifickej forme racionality. V prvej casti predstavim teoriu Le Corbusiera a modernu racionalitu, ta druha patri teorii Jane Jacobsovej a zatiaľ nie celkom jasne vyjadrenemu sposobu myslenia. Le Corbusier a moderna racionalita. Na prelome 19. a 20. storocia ...
Abstract: The paper tries to shed light on the philosophical consequences of the concept of rhizo... more Abstract: The paper tries to shed light on the philosophical consequences of the concept of rhizome, employed by G. Deleuze and F. Guattari. At the same time it shows that the concept could contribute to the philosophical discussion of the city, architecture and urbanism ...
Abstract: The paper offers a brief outline of the presuppositions and consequences of modern urba... more Abstract: The paper offers a brief outline of the presuppositions and consequences of modern urbanism, as well as of its ontology. The stress is put on the historical transformations of the modern rationality and on depicting its efforts in carrying out its ...
Abstract: The paper gives an analysis of the conceptions of rationality of two influential repres... more Abstract: The paper gives an analysis of the conceptions of rationality of two influential representatives of the 20th century theory of urbanism, and their philosophical grounds. It also outlines the problem of modern rationality, questions its character and points out, that ...
Čitateľom nášho časopisu chceme prostredníctvom nasledujúceho rozhovoru priblížiť možnosti, aké d... more Čitateľom nášho časopisu chceme prostredníctvom nasledujúceho rozhovoru priblížiť možnosti, aké dnes bádateľom z najrôznejších oblastí humanitného výskumu poskytujú tzv. digital humanities. O rozhovor sme požiadali Mgr. Mareka Debnára, PhD., a Mgr. Andreja Gogoru, PhD., z Iniciatívy za Digital Humanities na FF UKF v Nitr
The paper aims at illustrating two different philosophical views on one and the same activity, na... more The paper aims at illustrating two different philosophical views on one and the same activity, namely a waiter’s job performance, in particular a waiter from the famous Parisian Café de Flore. The first view is exemplified by Sartre’s notes about the waiter’s behaviour in Being and nothingness [1943] which he probably wrote down just in that café. The second view offers Bruno Latour in his book Paris: Invisible City [1998] in which he analyzes the operating procedures of a waiter in the same café. These two approaches shed some light on the conditions in this coffee bar.
Urbanism and town-planning are devoted to cities and social life. A variety of “non-professional ... more Urbanism and town-planning are devoted to cities and social life. A variety of “non-professional actors” help in this cause directly on the highways and byways of our towns. Among them belong civic, communal, artistic and volunteer activists. This article is dedicated to them.
This paper says, in connection with the financial crisis, something about what we might call cris... more This paper says, in connection with the financial crisis, something about what we might call crisis of philosophical concepts. It analyzes it in term of the so-called accounting metaphor of Bruno Latour. According to this it shows how are philosophical concepts created and maintained, how much it costs, what are their debts and outstanding credits or revenues. Concepts also don't have anything for free, they have to pay, exchange and purchase. What and how it is accounted is the content of this paper.
Communications - Scientific letters of the University of Zilina, 2017
Ethical aspects of new technologies have been in focus of scholars for a relatively long time – N... more Ethical aspects of new technologies have been in focus of scholars for a relatively long time – Norbert Wiener, professor of mathematics and engineering, during the 1940s created “cybernetics”, a branch of applied science in which he foreshadowed most of topical issues such as computer and security, digital privacy, ethics of programmer, information networks, virtual communities. Later on in the 1970s Walter Maner coined a new field of applied ethics “computer ethics” which is concerned with ethical problems created and aggravated by computers. After that James Moor [1] offered more profound definition of computer ethics reflecting the fundamental nature and social impact of computer technology. In the 1990s Donald Gotterbarn redefined computer ethics as a professional ethics that deals with codes of conduct for computing professionals; and finally, Floridi [2] based his “information ethics” on metaphysical assumption that world is made of informational objects (humans, animals, art...
In terms of professional ethics (as a part of applied ethics) we are aimed at the issue of profes... more In terms of professional ethics (as a part of applied ethics) we are aimed at the issue of professional performance of the computer system designers, software engineers, computer programmers (and related staff) who are developing affective companion technologies and emotion-aware technologies. From this point of view, we are not primarily interested in ethical concerns related to the consequences of such systems and technologies in potential everyday use, as well as not in some social reflections and expectations on affective companions (both an important questions). Instead, at this stage of research we are focusing on the ethical consideration of individual members of working group (stakeholder, project manager, software engineers, programmers) which play a crucial role in creating the overall design of computer systems intended to be used as affective companion technologies. We are interested to observe and analyse the respective ethical issues of working processes, moral profess...
Myslienky o meste vyvolavaju ohlas nielen v urbanizme, ale aj mimo jeho hranic. Skumaju sa z viac... more Myslienky o meste vyvolavaju ohlas nielen v urbanizme, ale aj mimo jeho hranic. Skumaju sa z viacerých hľadisk a to filozoficke nie je výnimkou. 1 Teoria mestskeho planovania, tak ako každa vedecka disciplina, udržiava zakladne východiska, ktore možno filozoficky interpretovať. Cieľom tohto prispevku je predstaviť dva hlavne prudy urbanizmu 20. storocia a ukazať, na zaklade akých predpokladov boli vytvorene, podľa akej racionality postupuju. Racionalitou sa tu nazýva subor principov, ktore urcuju sposob teoretickej produkcie daneho obdobia, a to nielen filozofickej, ale aj prirodovednej, spolocenskovednej a urbannej. Tieto podmienky možnosti su niekedy formulovane jasne a podrobne, inokedy nie je vobec iste, ci možno hovoriť o specifickej forme racionality. V prvej casti predstavim teoriu Le Corbusiera a modernu racionalitu, ta druha patri teorii Jane Jacobsovej a zatiaľ nie celkom jasne vyjadrenemu sposobu myslenia. Le Corbusier a moderna racionalita. Na prelome 19. a 20. storocia ...
Abstract: The paper tries to shed light on the philosophical consequences of the concept of rhizo... more Abstract: The paper tries to shed light on the philosophical consequences of the concept of rhizome, employed by G. Deleuze and F. Guattari. At the same time it shows that the concept could contribute to the philosophical discussion of the city, architecture and urbanism ...
Abstract: The paper offers a brief outline of the presuppositions and consequences of modern urba... more Abstract: The paper offers a brief outline of the presuppositions and consequences of modern urbanism, as well as of its ontology. The stress is put on the historical transformations of the modern rationality and on depicting its efforts in carrying out its ...
Abstract: The paper gives an analysis of the conceptions of rationality of two influential repres... more Abstract: The paper gives an analysis of the conceptions of rationality of two influential representatives of the 20th century theory of urbanism, and their philosophical grounds. It also outlines the problem of modern rationality, questions its character and points out, that ...
Čitateľom nášho časopisu chceme prostredníctvom nasledujúceho rozhovoru priblížiť možnosti, aké d... more Čitateľom nášho časopisu chceme prostredníctvom nasledujúceho rozhovoru priblížiť možnosti, aké dnes bádateľom z najrôznejších oblastí humanitného výskumu poskytujú tzv. digital humanities. O rozhovor sme požiadali Mgr. Mareka Debnára, PhD., a Mgr. Andreja Gogoru, PhD., z Iniciatívy za Digital Humanities na FF UKF v Nitr
The paper aims at illustrating two different philosophical views on one and the same activity, na... more The paper aims at illustrating two different philosophical views on one and the same activity, namely a waiter’s job performance, in particular a waiter from the famous Parisian Café de Flore. The first view is exemplified by Sartre’s notes about the waiter’s behaviour in Being and nothingness [1943] which he probably wrote down just in that café. The second view offers Bruno Latour in his book Paris: Invisible City [1998] in which he analyzes the operating procedures of a waiter in the same café. These two approaches shed some light on the conditions in this coffee bar.
Urbanism and town-planning are devoted to cities and social life. A variety of “non-professional ... more Urbanism and town-planning are devoted to cities and social life. A variety of “non-professional actors” help in this cause directly on the highways and byways of our towns. Among them belong civic, communal, artistic and volunteer activists. This article is dedicated to them.
This paper says, in connection with the financial crisis, something about what we might call cris... more This paper says, in connection with the financial crisis, something about what we might call crisis of philosophical concepts. It analyzes it in term of the so-called accounting metaphor of Bruno Latour. According to this it shows how are philosophical concepts created and maintained, how much it costs, what are their debts and outstanding credits or revenues. Concepts also don't have anything for free, they have to pay, exchange and purchase. What and how it is accounted is the content of this paper.
Papers by Andrej Gogora