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A Review on Driving Control Issues for Smart Electric Vehicles

Tansu S. Haque, Md. H. Rahman, Md. Robiul Islam, Md. A. Razzak, Faisal R. Badal, Md. H. Ahamed, S. I. Moyeen, Sajal K. Das, Md. F. Ali, Z. Tasneem, D. K. Saha, Ripon K. Chakrabortty (+1 others)
2021 IEEE Access  
Smart electric vehicles (EVs) are attractive because of their clean, zero-emission, low impact on the environment whilst providing a safer and smoother riding experience. To provide the latter, driving control requires appropriate systems and algorithms to optimize smart vehicle performance, maximize vehicle stability and protection, minimize accident probability, heighten driving comfort, and optimize transportation costs. Despite advancements in these areas, the realization of optimal smart
more » ... s still requires considerable effort. This paper reviews driving control systems and algorithms for smart EVs, including the advanced driving assistant system, implementation of sensors, vehicle dynamics, and control algorithms. The major contribution of this review is to identify promising work to assist researchers with the most advanced trends in this area for prospective regulations. INDEX TERMS Smart Electric Vehicles (EVs), Driving Control Systems (DCS), Advanced Driving Assistance System (ADAS), Algorithms.
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3116353 fatcat:prd46jrgsncydbtasfkxia6w3e