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Adversarial attack and defense in reinforcement learning-from AI security view

Tong Chen, Jiqiang Liu, Yingxiao Xiang, Wenjia Niu, Endong Tong, Zhen Han
2019 Cybersecurity  
Reinforcement learning is a core technology for modern artificial intelligence, and it has become a workhorse for AI applications ranging from Atrai Game to Connected and Automated Vehicle System (CAV). Therefore, a reliable RL system is the foundation for the security critical applications in AI, which has attracted a concern that is more critical than ever. However, recent studies discover that the interesting attack mode adversarial attack also be effective when targeting neural network
more » ... ies in the context of reinforcement learning, which has inspired innovative researches in this direction. Hence, in this paper, we give the very first attempt to conduct a comprehensive survey on adversarial attacks in reinforcement learning under AI security. Moreover, we give briefly introduction on the most representative defense technologies against existing adversarial attacks.
doi:10.1186/s42400-019-0027-x fatcat:nlox7arfojaerietjz5ipskucm