Dred Scott v. Sandford

60 US 393, 15 L. Ed. 691, 15 L. Ed. 2d 691 - Supreme Court, 1857 - Google Scholar
60 US 393 (____). 19 How. 393. DRED SCOTT, PLAINTIFF IN ERROR, v. JOHN FA
SANDFORD. Supreme Court of United States. 399 It was now argued …

State ex rel. Diehl v. O'MALLEY

95 SW 3d 82 - Mo: Supreme Court, 2003 - Google Scholar
… apply to his family, which included his wife and two daughters. Lea Vandervelde and
Sandhya Subramanian, Mrs. Dred Scott, 106 YALE LJ 1033 (1997) …

Yedes v. Oberlin College

865 F. Supp. 2d 871 - Dist. Court, ND Ohio, 2012 - Google Scholar
… highly favorable reviews on his progress toward tenure. (Declaration of Sandhya
Subramanian, ECF #18 at Ex. C). In January, 2006, Plaintiff and a junior …

US v. Alaw

180 F. Supp. 2d 197 - Dist. Court, Dist. of Columbia, 2002 - Google Scholar
… United States District Court, District of Columbia. January 17, 2002. 198 Meredith Manning, US
Attorney's Office, Washington, DC, Sandhya Lakshmi Subramanian, US Dept …

Swift v. Tyson

41 US 1, 10 L. Ed. 865, 10 L. Ed. 2d 865 - Supreme Court, 1842 - Google Scholar
41 US 1 (____). 16 Pet. 1. JOHN SWIFT v. GEORGE W. TYSON. Supreme Court of United
States. 3 The case was submitted to the Court on printed arguments …

[CITATION][C] Estate of Dr. James Emerson

15 Mo. 576, 15 Missouri 576 - 1852