Destruction of interstellar methyl cyanide (CH3CN) via collisions with He+⋅ ions
Context. CH 3 CN (methyl cyanide) is one of the simplest and most abundant interstellar
complex organic molecules (iCOMs), and has been detected in young solar analogues, …
complex organic molecules (iCOMs), and has been detected in young solar analogues, …
The + Charge-Exchange Reaction: A Combined Semi-empirical and Quantum Chemical Study
The reaction with the He + . \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym}
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Tabulae scalatae: ritratti anamorfici in transizione/Tabulae scalatae: anamorphic portraits in transition
S Menconero, MF Mancini - DISÉGNO-OPEN ACCESS, 2023 -
The paper focuses on the tabula scalata, a type of artwork widespread from the 16th century
onwards, conceived using scientific knowledge in optical and catoptric anamorphosis. It is a …
onwards, conceived using scientific knowledge in optical and catoptric anamorphosis. It is a …
[BOOK][B] Impressioni e ricordi 1856-1864
GP Mancini - 2022 -
Negli otto anni di questo suo diario giovanile–pubblicato inizialmente a puntate su Nuova
Antologia–Grazia Pierantoni Mancini offre il suo originale punto di vista sull’Unità d’Italia, …
Antologia–Grazia Pierantoni Mancini offre il suo originale punto di vista sull’Unità d’Italia, …
Characteristics and Outcomes of Colorectal Cancer Patients Cared for by the Multidisciplinary Team in the Reggio Emilia Province, Italy
L Mangone, F Marinelli, I Bisceglia, MB Braghiroli… - Cancers, 2024 -
Simple Summary Colorectal cancer remains a prevalent neoplasm affecting both genders.
Despite advancements in screening techniques facilitating early detection, effective patient …
Despite advancements in screening techniques facilitating early detection, effective patient …
SARS-CoV-2 has been circulating in northern Italy since December 2019: Evidence from environmental monitoring
G La Rosa, P Mancini, GB Ferraro, C Veneri… - Science of the total …, 2021 - Elsevier
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is responsible for the
coronavirus disease COVID-19, a public health emergency worldwide, and Italy is among the …
coronavirus disease COVID-19, a public health emergency worldwide, and Italy is among the …
Criticità e prospettive della finanza comunale nel Mezzogiorno alla vigilia del Covid-19
AL Mancini, A Bardozzetti, V Mengotto… - Economia pubblica: L …, 2023 -
L’emergenza Covid-19 ha interessato i Comuni del Mezzogiorno in una fase caratterizzata
da condizioni di bilancio critiche, soprattutto per gli enti di maggiori dimensioni. Dal lato delle …
da condizioni di bilancio critiche, soprattutto per gli enti di maggiori dimensioni. Dal lato delle …
Computational Investigation of the N (D)+ CH and N (D)+ CH CHCN Reactions: Benchmark Analysis and Implications for Titan's Atmosphere
In the present contribution we report a theoretical investigation of the reactions of atomic
nitrogen, in its first electronically excited \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \…
nitrogen, in its first electronically excited \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \…
Primary membranous nephropathy in the Italian region of Emilia Romagna: results of a multicenter study with extended follow-up
…, M Mandreoli, D Bonucchi, A Buscaroli, E Mancini… - Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
Background Since primary membranous nephropathy is a heterogeneous disease with variable
outcomes and multiple possible therapeutic approaches, all 13 Nephrology Units of the …
outcomes and multiple possible therapeutic approaches, all 13 Nephrology Units of the …
Towards an Interpretable Functional Image-Based Classifier: Dimensionality Reduction of High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography Data
High-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT) is a wearable neuroimaging method that
demonstrates high temporal and spatial resolution. While this data contains far richer …
demonstrates high temporal and spatial resolution. While this data contains far richer …