Memory models: A case for rethinking parallel languages and hardware
Memory models Page 1 90 communicaTionS of The acm | AUgUST 2010 | VOl. 53 | NO. 8
review articles Il lu s r a t Io n b y G W e n Va n H e e most pARALLeL pRogRAms today are
written using threads and shared variables. Although there is no consensus on parallel
programming models, there are a number of reasons why threads remain popular. Threads
were already widely supported by mainstream operating systems well before the dominance of
multicore, largely because they are also useful for other purposes. Direct hardware support for …
review articles Il lu s r a t Io n b y G W e n Va n H e e most pARALLeL pRogRAms today are
written using threads and shared variables. Although there is no consensus on parallel
programming models, there are a number of reasons why threads remain popular. Threads
were already widely supported by mainstream operating systems well before the dominance of
multicore, largely because they are also useful for other purposes. Direct hardware support for …
Solving the memory model problem will require an ambitious and cross-disciplinary research direction.
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