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Links of Interest
Here you can find several web pages links in order to acquire more information about:


Main Software Tools (95)

Main Data Mining Free Tools (20)

WEKA WEKA: Data Mining Software in Java
MLlib MLlib is Apache Spark's scalable machine learning library.
Mahout The Apache Mahout project's: a scalable machine learning library
Wabbit Vowpal Wabbit (Fast Learning): parallel learning for classification, regression, and more.
JMLR JMLR MLOSS: Machine Learning Open Source Software
JMLR Rapid Miner YALE: Yet Another Learning Environment
KNIME KNIME: Konstanz Information Miner
Orange Orange: Data mining fruitful & fun
ADaM ADaM: Algorithm Development and Mining toolkit
Mining Mart TANAGRA: A free data-mining software for teaching and research
Mining Mart MiningMart: End-User Datawarehouse Mining
AlphaMiner AlphaMiner: open source data mining platform
Rattle Gnome R Data Mining
NPI Plataform to help data mining in imperfect enviroments
R Logo The R Project for Statistical Computing
R Logo Databionic ESOM Tools
R Logo MLC++: A library in C++ for Supervised Machine Learning
R Logo FrIDA: Free Intelligent Data Analysis Toolbox
R Logo SDM: StarProbe Data Miner
R Logo C4.5 Release 8: (gzipped tar file)
R Logo MLJ: Machine Learning in Java
R Logo BioWEKA: Knowledge Discovery and Data Analysis in Biology
R Logo jHepWork: Multiplatform data-analysis framework

Main Genetic Algorithm Tools (15)

jclec JCLEC: software system for Evolutionary Computation
illinois Software developed at IlliGAL: Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory
gags GAGS: Genetic Algorithms from Granada, Spain
ecj ECJ 16: A Java-based Evolutionary Computation Research System
beagle Open Beagle: a versatile EC framework
lilgp lil-gp Genetic Programming System
mafra MAFRA – Memetic Algorithms Framework
galib GAlib: A C++ Library of Genetic Algorithm Components
OPEAL Algorithm::Evolutionary: Library for Evolutionary Computation in Perl (formerly called OPEAL)
EO EO Evolutionary Computation Framework: ANSI-C++ Evolutionary Computation library
DREAM DREAM: distributed peer-to-peer environment for running heuristic optimization, modelling, artificial life
EASEA EASEA: High-level language dedicated to the specification of evolutionary algorithms
Java-ML Java-ML: A machine learning library written in Java
SHARK SHARK: C++ library for the design and optimization of adaptive systems (evolutionary and gradient-based algorithms)

Main Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Systems (60)

Main Code (3)


Computational Intelligence research group: This group provides with source codes of several methods for classification


Lin2012: An easy-to-implement fuzzy expert package with applications using existing Java classes.

nf Source code on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems by the Research group NNandFS (Magdeburg).

Main Libraries (22)


BPJ: A software engineering framework for switched fuzzy systems.


DANA-FLSA: Sensitivity analysis in fuzzy systems: Integration of SimLab and DANA.


DotFuzzy: This is an open source stand-alone class library for fuzzy logic builted in C#.


FINK-FLTO: Fuzzy Logic Toolkit for Octave. A mostly MATLAB-compatible fuzzy logic toolkit for Octave. It offers among other functions: evaluation, plotting, clustering, etc.

ffll FFLL: Free Fuzzy Logic Library

FLP: Fuzzy Logic Programming: A C++ Fuzzy Logic Programming Library.


FRBS for R: Fuzzy Rule-based Systems for Classification and Regression Tasks. This R package implements functionality and various algorithms to build and use fuzzy rule-based systems.

L. S. Riza, C. Bergmeir, F. Herrera, and J. M. Benitez. Learning from Data Using the R Package "frbs". In IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 1 - 6, 2014.


FugeR: FUzzy GEnetic. This R package implements an evolutionary machine learning algorithm to construct prediction models based on fuzzy logic.


FUNZY: An implementation of a Fuzzy Logic reasoning engine in Java.


FuzzyEngine: This fuzzy rule-based system is designed to perform fuzzy evaluations in Java programs


Fuzzylite: A Fuzzy Logic Control Library. This is a cross-platform, free and open-source fuzzy logic control library with versions programmed in C++ and Java.


FWS: Fuzzy Web Service included with CASSANDRA.


JFCM: JFCM is a Java library that implements Fuzzy Cognitive Maps


Juzzy toolkit : A Java based toolkit for type-1, interval type-2 and general type-2 fuzzy logic and fuzzy logic systems.

C. Wagner. Juzzy – A Java based Toolkit for Type-2 Fuzzy Logic. In IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Singapore, pp. 45–52, 2013.


Lab4Drools: A bridge between the Drools rule engine and the JEFIS fuzzy capabilities

N. Wulff and D. Sottara, Fuzzy reasoning with a Rete-OO rule engine. In International Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications, pp. 337–344, 2009.


libFSQCA: A library of routines related to QCA and fuzzy-set analysis.


mbFuzzIT: A package of Java classes for Fuzzy inference


MODELICA-ANFIS: Object-oriented approach applied to ANFIS modeling and control of a distillation column.


Octave Fuzzy-Logic-Toolkit: A MATLAB-compatible fuzzy logic toolkit for Octave.


pyfuzzy: Python fuzzy package to work with fuzzy sets and process them with operations of fuzzy logic.


SAFD: An R Package for Statistical Analysis of Fuzzy Data.


SETS: Generalized and Customizable Sets in R.

Main Toolboxes (29)


CI-LQD: A software tool for modeling and decision making with Low Quality Data.


DataEngine: This is a software tool for intelligent data analysis which unites statistical methods with neural networks and fuzzy technologies.


E-Fuzz: Developer toolkit for designing embedded fuzzy systems.


FID: Fuzzy decision tree/forest. A program which generates a fuzzy logic-based decision tree, from fuzzy or symbolic data. The tree can then be used to classify data, with unknown classification, using several different methods of inference.

N. Abu-halaweh and R. Harrison. Practical fuzzy decision trees. In IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, 2009, pp. 211–216.


FingramsGenerator: Fuzzy Ingerence-grams Generator. Stand-alone software tool able to generate and visualize fingrams.

D. Pancho, J. Alonso, and J. Alcala-Fdez. A new fingram-based software tool for visual representation and analysis of fuzzy association rules. In IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2013, pp. 1–7.


FIS: Matlab Software Tool For Neuro-Fuzzy Identification And Data Analysis.

fis FisPro: An open source portable software for designing and handling fuzzy inference systems

FUAT: A fuzzy clustering analysis tool.


Fuzzme: Fuzzy Models of Multiple-Criteria Evaluation. A tool for creating fuzzy models of multiple-criteria evaluation and decision making.

P. Holecek and J. Talasova. Designing fuzzy models of multiple-criteria evaluation in FuzzME software. In International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics, 2010, pp. 250–256


FuzzyCalculusCORE: Software package and API in MATLAB for working with fuzzy algebras.


FuzzyProlog: A new approach using soft constraints propagation.


FuzzyToolkitUoN: R Toolkit for working with Type 1 Fuzzy Logic, produced by the University of Nottingham IMA Group.


GUAJE: Generating Understandable and Accurate fuzzy models in a Java Environment.

J. Alonso and L. Magdalena. Generating understandable and accurate fuzzy rule-based systems in a java environment. In International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6857 (Ed. A. Fanelli, W. Pedrycz, and A. Petrosino, Springer), pp. 212–219, 2011.
D. Pancho, J. Alonso and L. Magdalena. Quest for interpretability-accuracy trade-off supported by fingrams into the fuzzy modeling tool GUAJE. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 6:1, pp. 46–60, 2013.


IT2FLS: Computational intelligence software for interval type-2 fuzzy logic.


JuzzyOnline: An Online Toolkit for the Design, Implementation, Execution and Sharing of Type-1 and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems.


Kappalab: Kappalab, which stands for laboratory for capacities, is an S4 tool box for capacity (or non-additive measure, fuzzy measure) and integral manipulation on a finite setting


KIRQ: Contradictions in fsQCA.


Matlab-FLT: Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for analyzing, designing, and simulating systems based on fuzzy logic.


MaxAgr: A new software for aggregating opinions of experts

I. Vrana, J. Vanícek, P. Kovár, J. Brozek, S. Aly. A group agreement-based approach for decision making in environmental issues. Environmental Modelling and Software 36 (2012) 99–110.


RFUZZY: A fuzzy logic programming tool that represents truth values using real numbers from the unit interval.

S. Munoz-Hernandez, V. Pablos-Ceruelo, and H. Strass. RFuzzy: Syntax, semantics and implementation details of a simple and expressive fuzzy tool over Prolog. Information Sciences 181:10 (2011) 1951–1970.


Rfuzzy-toolbox: Type-1 functions - Interval Type-2 and Non-Stationary specific functions.

C. Wagner, S. Miller, and J. Garibaldi. A fuzzy toolbox for the R programming language. In IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (2011) 1185–1192.


SAMT: A new method for semi-automatic fuzzy training and its application in environmental modeling.

WEKA TP-Tool: A free matlab toolbox for polytop or TS fuzzy modeling and control design via LMIs and PDC framework

Type2-FL: Free Fuzzy Logic Software for Matlab for implementing and designing type-1 and type-2 FLSs.


UNFUZZY: A tool for the design, simulation and analysis of Fuzzy Logic Systems


Vignettes: Generalized and customizable sets available for R through the sets package.

Meyer, D.; Hornik, K. Generalized and customizable sets in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 31:2 (2009) 1-27


VisualFCM: A software tool for the development, simulation and analysis of FCM.


VisualFLOPER: A Practical Management of Fuzzy Truth-Degrees Using FLOPER.


XTRIG: Fuzzy qualitative trigonometry.

Main Suites (6)


Fuzzy Systems Software. A Website repository with the most popular Fuzzy Systems Software developed by the scientific community.


FLINSTONES: Fuzzy LINguisTic DeciSion TOols eNhacemEnt Suite. A software tool to solve linguistic decision making problems.

F.J. Estrella, M. Espinilla, F. Herrera, and L. Martinez. FLINTSTONES: A fuzzy linguistic decision tools enhancement suite based on 2-tuple linguistic and extensions. Information Sciences, (2014)


Fuzzy Logic Tools: A C++ framework for storage, analysis and design of fully general multiple-input multiple-output Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy control systems, without constraints in the order of either the inputs or the output vectors.

A.J. Barragan, J.M. Andujar. Fuzzy Logic Tools. Reference Manual v1.0. Universidad de huelva. ISBN 978-84-15147-32-9

jFuzzyLogic jFuzzyLogic: Open Source Fuzzy Logic
fuzzyTECH fuzzyTECH: software development tools for fuzzy logic
xfuzzy3 XFuzzy 3.0: Fuzzy Logic Design Tool

Main Data Set Repositories (10)

Bolita UCI Machine Learning Repository

Bolita UCI Knowledge Discovery in Databases Archive

Bolita Stream Query Repository

Bolita Frequent Itemset Mining Dataset Repository

Bolita Kent Ridge Bio-medical Data Set Repository

Bolita XML Data Repository

Bolita Delve Datasets

Bolita Medical Dataset Repository in ARFF (WEKA)

Bolita Mulan Repository

Bolita The Santa Fe Time Series Competition Data

Main Research Topics Repository (7)

KAGGLE KAGGLE: The Home of Data Science
Tunedit Tunedit: Machine Learning & Data Mining Algorithms: Automated Tests, Repeatable Experiments, Meaningful Results.
Fuzzy Sets Fuzzy Sets and Systems: This page contains some links about Professional Organizations and Networks, Fuzzy Logic Journals and Books and Research groups.
Fuzzy Sets Fuzzy Logic Repository: This page contains software and materials concerning fuzzy logic and related topics.
KDnuggets KDnuggets: In this link you may find some Data Mining, Web Mining, Text Mining, and Knowledge Discovery resources, which includes software, solutions, companies, data-sets, web sites, FAQ and so on.
The-Data-Mine The Data Mine: The Data Mine is a Website that provides information about Knowledge Discovery In Databases (KDD), specifically it contains Data Mining Software, events, people working in Data Mining or Data Mining Companies and Organizations.
GP Genetic Programming : This link includes a source of information about the field of genetic programming and the field of genetic and evolutionary computation.
GA Warehouse Genetic Algorithm Warehouse : In this page you may find a complete source about genetic algorithms, including some books, tutorials, software, applications, papers and so on.


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