
  • Vol. 32 No. 1 (2025)

    Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
    Editorial support: Gustavo Zahorcsak Matias Silvano - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil


    With great satisfaction, we present the special edition of the Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada (RITA), dedicated to the 2024 Workshop on Computer Vision (WVC). This special volume celebrates the growing relevance of computer vision, evidenced by the significant increase in publications and the diversity of practical applications in sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, and security.

    The WVC 2024 was held at the Rio Paranaíba Campus of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) in Rio Paranaíba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from November 6th to 9th, 2024. The event gathered over 200 participants, including researchers, students, and industry professionals from all regions of Brazil and abroad. A total of 84 articles were submitted, and 38 articles were selected to compose this special edition. At least three reviewers carefully evaluated each submission, ensuring the high quality of the works presented here.

    The WVC 2024 program featured various activities, including lectures by renowned experts such as Dr. Moacir Ponti (ICMC-USP), Dr. Luiz Marcos Gonçalves (UFRN), Dr. Roger Chen (University of Hawaii), and Dr. André Backes (UFSCar), discussion panels on emerging topics, and a Hackathon promoted by PixForce, challenging participants to develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. In addition, practical workshops offered unique learning opportunities for students and professionals attending the event.

    We are deeply grateful to the organizing committee members, the scientific committee, the invited speakers, and all the authors who entrusted WVC 2024 with disseminating their research. Our appreciation also extends to the sponsors and funding agencies, including Fapemig, PixForce, and Funarbe, whose financial support was essential for the success of this event. We also thank the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)'s support. Special thanks to RITA's Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Márcio Dorn, for enabling the publication of this special edition with the articles from WVC 2024.

    We hope this special volume of RITA inspires new ideas and fosters collaborations, contributing to significant advancements in computer vision.

    João Fernando Mari
    WVC 2024 General Chair

  • Vol. 31 No. 2 (2024)

    Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
    Associate Editor: Prof. Dr. Manuel Villalobos-Cid - University of Santiago de Chile - Chile; Prof. Dr. Bruno Iochins Grisci - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
    Editorial support: Gustavo Zahorcsak Matias Silvano - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

  • Vol. 31 No. 1 (2024)

    Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
    Associate Editor: Prof. Dr. Manuel Villalobos-Cid - University of Santiago de Chile - Chile; Prof. Dr. Bruno Iochins Grisci - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
    Editorial support: Cleiber Gustavo Soares Rodrigues Junior - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

  • Vol. 30 No. 2 (2023)

    Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
    Associate Editor: Prof. Dr. Manuel Villalobos-Cid - University of Santiago de Chile - Chile
    Editorial support: Cleiber Gustavo Soares Rodrigues Junior; Cindy Evelyn Peterson - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

  • Vol. 30 No. 1 (2023)

    Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
    Associate Editor: Prof. Dr. Manuel Villalobos-Cid - University of Santiago de Chile - Chile
    Editorial support: Cindy Evelyn Peterson - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

  • Vol. 29 No. 3 (2022)

    Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
    Associate Editor: Prof. Dr. Manuel Villalobos-Cid - University of Santiago de Chile - Chile
    Editorial support: Cindy Evelyn Peterson - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

  • Vol. 29 No. 2 (2022)

    Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
    Associate Editor: Prof. Dr. Manuel Villalobos-Cid - University of Santiago de Chile - Chile
    Editorial support: Cindy Evelyn Peterson - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

  • Vol. 29 No. 1 (2022)

    Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
    Associate Editor: Prof. Dr. Manuel Villalobos-Cid - University of Santiago de Chile - Chile
    Editorial support: Cindy Evelyn Peterson - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil


  • Vol. 28 No. 2 (2021)

    Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
    Associate Editor: Prof. Dr. Manuel Villalobos-Cid - University of Santiago de Chile - Chile
    Editorial support: Cindy Evelyn Peterson - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

  • Vol. 28 No. 1 (2021)

    Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada


    We live in so-called “exponential times,” where organizations as well society are changing at an ever-increasing pace. In these times, companies are forced to continuously investigate new technologies, techniques and materials to evolve and stay competitive. These enable new products or services; however, they usually come at the cost of their complexity as well as the complexity of underlying processes.  So, mastering the processes of new products or services development, their adaptation to end-users and their management has become one of the key elements in the competitiveness of a modern enterprise.

    The above findings are just some of the many reasons why business process management (BPM) is becoming ubiquitous and important to modern enterprises. BPM represents a disciplined approach to identifying, discovering, analysing, redesigning, implementing, and monitoring of automated and non-automated business processes in order to achieve consistent and targeted results that are aligned with an organization's policy. With these properties, the BPM approach allows organizations to become more effective, more efficient, and more adaptable when compared to the functionally focused, traditional hierarchical management approach.

    The main mission of the RITA journal is to be a forum for debate on topics related to the state of the art and trends in the field of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, with the objective of contributing to the advancement of knowledge in these fields. Given the explained importance of BPM in organizations, with this special issue on BPM we aimed to contribute to this objective by focusing on this significant area in the intersection of business and information technologies. The papers published present different approaches to BPM and theoretical advances in BPM as well practical approaches with the application of different techniques. All of the published papers have in common making companies progress in their management and operations.

    Several high-quality research papers were submitted. The review system has been a double blind system by anonymous reviewers who are experts in the field of the special issue. After revisions, a total of six papers have been accepted due to they are fully compliant with the objectives of this special issue.

    The editors established some general initial topics of interest related to all BPM areas, such as: Business Process Management and Natural Language Processing, Research on BPM-related standards and technologies, Blockchain, Process Mining approaches, Artificial intelligence in Business Process Management, Business Process Visualization, Case studies, literature reviews and empirical studies on BPM research topics, etc.

    The accepted papers cover the follow topics: an operational support approach for mining unstructured business processes; overload control in a token player for a fuzzy workflow management system; an analysis of business process model complexity in the context of predictive process monitoring; integration of exploitative and explorative thinking in business process; co-creation of service-dominant business artifacts with action design research; and finally   an exploratory research related to the explainable business process (XBP).

    Finally, we would like to thank the participants in the special issue, as well as the reviewers. Thank you all for your support.

    Guest Editors:

    Prof. Dra. Lucineia Heloisa Thom - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
    Prof. Dr.Gregor Polančič - Universidade de Maribor - Eslovênia
    Prof. Dra. Encarna Sosa - Universidade de Extremadura - Espanha


    Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn

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