UIN Walisongo Semarang
Ilmu Falak
This research aims to determine the form of foster patterns that parents applied to early childhood in instilling good behavior by the Islamic religion in TK. Pertiwi Songgom village District Brebes of Central Java. The method used in... more
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan tentang sikap mahasiswa di empat perguruan tinggi wilayah Tegal dan Brebes yaitu Universitas Muhadi Setiabudi brebes, STIE Manggalia Brebes, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal dan Politeknik... more
Media pembelajaran pada era revolusi industri 4.0 dituntut untuk berorientasi pada IT. Dosen harus menyadari bahwa penggunaan media pada era sekarang mempengaruhi pencapaian pembelajaran. Salah satu media pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan... more
This research aims to determine the form of foster pattern that parents applied to early childhood in instilling good behavior in accordance with the Islamic religion in TK. Pertiwi Songgom village District Brebes of Central Java. The... more
Determination of the direction of qibla develops all the time, starting from the simple way by using the celestial bodies such as the sun with mathematical formulas, using instrumentation such as compasses, rubu'ul mujayyab, mizwala,... more
Directing to the Qibla is an order from Allah SWT to mankind in election, therefore Muslims are always looking for solutions to determine the direction of the Qibla, this is due to the growing development of Muslims throughout the world... more
The quadrant come as one of the proof of human civilization in the astronomi calculation. It is one of the classical instrument that muslim have. And olso how the developmet from this instrument?of course in the history documentation,... more
Volvelle Inovation adalah instrumen pengembangan dari Volvelle awal buatan Philippe De La Hire (Perancis) pada abad ke-18 yang digunakan untuk perhitungan gerhana Matahari dan gerhana Bulan dan juga bisa digunakan untuk kalender.... more
Hisab and rukyat are two methods used in the determination of the Muslim worship time, such as Ramadan fast, five times prayer, Eid al-Adha sacrifice, and also for the benefit of human in general. observation of the sky made by humans is... more
Bagaimana cara memprediksi / menghitung gerhana bulan 19 Nopember 2021 menggunakan salah satu instrumen astronomi klasik pengembangan? Tentu menarik untuk dikaji terlebih di era modern seperti sekarang yang sudah banyak menikmati produk... more
Gerhana Matahari merupakan salah satu fenomena alam yang terjadi setiap tahun, meski dengan jumlah yang berbeda-beda. Secara teritorial, gerhana bisa terjadi dan teramati sebanyak 1 kali atau dua kali dan secara... more
This is an epoch data for Volvelle Inovasi. You can use it for helping your predicting on eclipse occurence with astronomical instrument named Volvelle Inovasi. This data can be used from 1901 - 2100 AD. This data is very useful for all... more