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Haman the Agagite was a person from the Book of Esther. He was known for a plan to kill all the Jews in the Persian Empire but was hanged on the gallows he built to hang Mordechai.

Book of Esther

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Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite was an advisor to King Ahaseurus. Haman wanted everyone to bow down to him but a Jew named Mordechai refused to do that. So Haman convinced King Ahaseurus to give him the power to make his own laws as if he were the king. Haman then started casting lots called Purim to figure out when to kill the Jews. Queen Esther then invited Ahaseurus and Haman to a feast and asked them to go to another one after it. Haman noticed that Mordechai still wouldn’t bow to him and complained about it to his wife Zeresh so Zeresh told Haman to build a gallows to hang Mordechai. Haman built the gallows but then Ahaseurus rewarded Mordechai for saving his life by forcing Haman to lead Mordechai across town on a horse shouting “so shall be done for the man whom the king wishes to honour”. Then Esther told Ahaseurus that she was secretly a Jew and Haman wanted to kill her and all her tribe. So Ahaseurus had Haman hanged on the same gallows Haman had built to hang Mordechai.