Wiktionary:BNC spoken freq 03
This is the third of 14 1000-word-family lists from the count of the British National Corpus (BNC) compiled by Paul Nation.
BNC lists (edit) |
Main Lists 1–1000, 1001–2000, 2001–3000, 3001–4000
BNC1 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC2 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC3 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC4 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed |
[change]- abbey
- abroad
- absence
- accelerate
- accordingly
- accountant
- accuse
- ache
- adapt
- addict
- admire
- adventure
- aerial
- aeroplane
- affection
- aggressive
- airline
- album
- alcohol
- alert
- alley
- almighty
- alongside
- aluminium
- ambulance
- amuse
- ancient
- anger
- angry
- anniversary
- anonymous
- apartment
- appal
- appliance
- approximate
- arrears
- arrest
- arrow
- artificial
- articulate
- ashamed
- Asia
- aside
- astonish
- atmosphere
- author
- authorise
- autumn
- avenue
- awake
[change]- backside
- badge
- ban
- banana
- bare
- bargain
- bark
- barn
- barrel
- barrier
- basement
- bash
- basket
- bat
- beach
- beam
- beef
- beforehand
- behave
- belief
- bench
- bible
- bicycle
- bingo
- bishop
- bitter
- blade
- blanket
- blimey
- bog
- bold
- bolt
- bond
- boo
- boom
- boost
- border
- borough
- bounce
- bow
- boxed
- boyfriend
- brake
- brand
- brass
- brave
- breakdown
- breast
- breath
- breathe
- breed
- buck
- bucket
- bug
- bulk
- bull
- bully
- bump
- bunch
- burden
- burgle
- burst
- bury
- bush
- bust
- butcher
- buzz
- bypass
[change]- cable
- calendar
- camel
- Canada
- canal
- cancer
- candle
- cans
- canteen
- cap
- captain
- capture
- cardboard
- carol
- cart
- cassette
- castle
- casual
- casualty
- catalogue
- cater
- cathedral
- catholic
- ceiling
- cement
- certificate
- chamber
- champion
- chapel
- charm
- chart
- cheat
- cheek
- cheerio
- chemist
- chew
- chimney
- choke
- chunk
- cinema
- circuit
- civilise
- clap
- clash
- classic
- click
- cliff
- climate
- clinic
- clip
- cloth
- clutch
- cock
- coin
- coincide
- collapse
- collar
- column
- comedy
- compact
- compile
- compliment
- comprehensive
- compromise
- conceive
- concert
- concrete
- condense
- confess
- confidential
- congratulate
- congregate
- consequent
- contest
- continent
- contrast
- convenience
- convention
- convert
- convey
- coordinate
- cop
- cord
- core
- correspond
- corridor
- cotton
- courage
- cousin
- cracker
- craft
- cramp
- crash
- crawl
- crazy
- creep
- cricket
- cripple
- criticism
- crop
- crown
- crucial
- cruel
- crush
- crystal
- cube
- cure
- curious
- curl
- cushion
- custom
- cylinder
[change]- daft
- damp
- dash
- deaf
- deduct
- deed
- deliberate
- delicate
- Denmark
- derby
- desert
- deserve
- detach
- deteriorate
- devil
- devote
- dial
- dialect
- dictate
- digest
- dimension
- dine
- dinosaur
- dip
- discipline
- discriminate
- disgrace
- disguise
- dispose
- distress
- disturb
- ditch
- dive
- divorce
- dodgy
- dole
- dominate
- donate
- doorstep
- doorway
- dose
- drain
- draught
- dread
- dreadful
- drift
- drill
- drip
- drown
- drum
- dual
- duke
- dull
- dummy
- dutch
- dye
[change]- ease
- eastern
- echo
- Egypt
- elbow
- eldest
- electronic
- embassy
- empire
- enemy
- enthusiasm
- enthusiastic
- envelope
- equivalent
- era
- error
- escort
- essay
- eve
- evil
- exaggerate
- exhaust
- exit
- explode
- export
- expose
- external
- extract
[change]- fade
- failure
- faint
- false
- fare
- fascinate
- fatal
- fax
- feather
- feedback
- felled
- fertile
- fiction
- fiddle
- fierce
- filter
- fined
- fir
- flag
- flame
- flap
- flare
- flash
- flavour
- flight
- flood
- flu
- fold
- folder
- fond
- ford
- forecast
- foresee
- forever
- fork
- format
- foster
- foundation
- founded
- framework
- frequent
- fringe
- frost
- frustrate
- fry
- fume
- funeral
- fur
- furnish
- fuss
[change]- gallery
- gallon
- gamble
- gang
- gee
- generous
- gentle
- genuine
- geography
- gesture
- ghost
- giant
- glance
- glaze
- global
- glory
- glove
- glow
- glue
- gospel
- gracious
- grain
- gram
- grammar
- graphic
- Greece
- greed
- greet
- grief
- grind
- grip
- gross
- guest
- gut
[change]- habit
- hairdresser
- ham
- hammer
- handicap
- handy
- harass
- hardware
- harry
- harvest
- hassle
- hay
- headache
- headline
- headmaster
- heal
- heather
- heck
- hedge
- heel
- height
- helicopter
- hen
- hero
- hesitate
- hint
- hip
- hobby
- hockey
- Holland
- honey
- hood
- hooray
- hop
- horrendous
- horror
- host
- housewife
- humour
- hut
[change]- identical
- idiot
- idle
- illustrate
- immense
- incentive
- incidental
- incline
- incorporate
- index
- indulge
- infect
- inherit
- inject
- inn
- insist
- inspire
- install
- instant
- instrument
- insult
- intellectual
- intense
- inter
- interfere
- interrupt
- interval
- intrigue
- invent
- ironed
- irony
- irritate
- isle
[change]- laboratory
- ladder
- lake
- lamb
- lamp
- landscape
- lap
- lawn
- layer
- layout
- lazy
- leaf
- leak
- lean
- leap
- leisure
- lever
- liable
- lid
- likeness
- lip
- liquid
- literature
- litre
- litter
- lodge
- loft
- lone
- loo
- loop
- lounge
- lunchtime
- lung
- luxury
[change]- magic
- magnet
- manner
- manoeuvre
- manor
- manual
- mar
- marched
- mask
- mature
- meantime
- meanwhile
- mechanic
- medium
- melt
- mend
- menu
- merchant
- merit
- merry
- micro
- mild
- military
- millimetre
- mini
- miracle
- miserable
- misery
- mission
- mixture
- moan
- mobile
- mock
- monopoly
- monster
- mood
- moor
- mortal
- motive
- motorbike
- mount
- mouse
- movie
- mud
- mug
- multi
- multiple
- museum
- mystery
[change]- naive
- naked
- nay
- neat
- necessity
- needle
- neglect
- nervous
- nest
- neutral
- niece
- nightmare
- nip
- nod
- nonsense
- norm
- nowt
- nuclear
- nuisance
- numerous
- nut
[change]- oak
- obscure
- occupation
- offend
- onwards
- oral
- orchestra
- organ
- orient
- origin
- outcome
- outrage
- oven
- overcome
- overhead
- overnight
- overtake
- overtime
[change]- pace
- paddy
- pal
- pale
- palm
- pan
- panic
- paperwork
- par
- parade
- parcel
- Paris
- passage
- passenger
- passion
- pathetic
- pause
- pave
- peak
- peculiar
- pier
- penalty
- perception
- personality
- pet
- phase
- phenomenon
- photocopy
- piano
- pigeon
- pilot
- pinch
- pity
- plaster
- platform
- plonk
- plot
- plough
- plumb
- poison
- poke
- pole
- polite
- pollute
- pond
- port
- portion
- pose
- posh
- possess
- postcard
- potter
- powder
- praise
- preach
- precede
- predict
- premise
- prescription
- pride
- prince
- princess
- principal
- privilege
- prominent
- prompt
- pronounce
- proof
- punch
- punish
- purple
- purse
- puzzle
[change]- rabbit
- racist
- rack
- rag
- random
- rank
- rat
- rattle
- raw
- rear
- rebel
- receipt
- reception
- recipe
- referee
- refresh
- regret
- rehearse
- relieve
- remote
- reproduce
- reputation
- rescue
- resign
- resort
- restaurant
- restore
- retail
- reveal
- revolt
- reward
- rhyme
- rhythm
- ribbon
- rip
- rocket
- rope
- roses
- rot
- rotate
- rotten
- routine
- rove
- rubber
- rude
- rugby
- ruin
- rumour
[change]- sacrifice
- saint
- salvation
- satellite
- sausage
- scan
- scope
- scout
- scrap
- scrape
- scratch
- scream
- scribble
- script
- scrub
- seal
- seed
- seldom
- semi
- sensitive
- sergeant
- sew
- shade
- shadow
- shave
- sheer
- shelf
- shell
- shelter
- shield
- shine
- shore
- shove
- shovel
- shy
- signature
- silence
- silk
- silver
- sincere
- sixpence
- skeleton
- sketch
- skip
- slap
- slash
- slave
- sleeve
- slice
- slim
- slot
- smack
- smooth
- snap
- sneak
- sniff
- soak
- socialist
- soil
- soldier
- sole
- somewhat
- sophisticated
- sore
- soul
- soup
- spark
- species
- spectacle
- speculate
- spill
- spin
- spit
- spite
- splash
- splendid
- spoil
- spoon
- spray
- squash
- squeeze
- stab
- stack
- stain
- stake
- stare
- starve
- steady
- steal
- steam
- steep
- steer
- sticky
- stiff
- stink
- stir
- stitch
- stomach
- storm
- straightforward
- strain
- strap
- straw
- stream
- strict
- stride
- string
- stripe
- stroke
- subsidy
- substance
- substitute
- subtle
- suck
- suicide
- suite
- superb
- supermarket
- supervise
- supper
- supplement
- surgeon
- surgery
- surname
- surround
- suspend
- suspicious
- swallow
- swan
- swap
- sweat
- swede
- sweep
- swing
- Switzerland
- symbol
- sympathy
- symptom
[change]- tab
- tack
- tag
- tale
- talent
- taxi
- tease
- teenage
- telecom
- temper
- tempt
- tender
- tennis
- tense
- tent
- terminal
- terminate
- terrace
- terrific
- terrify
- therapy
- thief
- thorough
- thrill
- throat
- thumb
- thunder
- thus
- tide
- tilled
- timber
- timetable
- tissue
- toe
- token
- tone
- tongue
- torch
- toss
- towel
- trace
- tragedy
- tragic
- trail
- transform
- translate
- transmit
- trap
- tread
- triangle
- trigger
- trivial
- trolley
- troop
- trophy
- truck
- tube
- tumble
- tunnel
- turkey
- twin
- twist
- tyre
[change]- vacuum
- vague
- vandal
- vat
- verbal
- versus
- vest
- vet
- via
- vice
- vicious
- Victorian
- victory
- virgin
- virus
- visible
- vision
- visual
- vital
- voucher
[change]- wagon
- wallet
- wallpaper
- wander
- wardrobe
- warehouse
- warrant
- weapon
- weed
- welfare
- whack
- whatsoever
- wheelchair
- whereabouts
- whereby
- whip
- whiskey
- whistle
- whoop
- wicked
- widow
- wig
- wild
- willy
- wobble
- wolf
- wool
- workshop
- worthwhile
- wound
- wreck
- wrestle
- wrist