1.0 までのリリース予定
すっかりこちらに書いておくのを忘れてました。1.0 までのリリース予定です。
We've decided to slip the GA release date a month in order to sync up with the Java 3D 1.5 GA date. Here are the new dates.
- Soft Freeze: After this date only P1 and P2 bugs may be fixed.
- Hard Freeze: After this date only absolute release show-stoppers may be fixed.
Bugs fixed after both soft and hard freezes require review and approval from
Paul or Deron.
- Friday 12/1/06 PST LG Core Soft Freeze - Note: app, script, and packaging changes still permitted.
- Friday 12/8/06 PST LG Non-core Soft Freeze
- (Friday 12/15/06 PST Java 3D 1.5 GA available)
- Friday 12/15/06 PST LG 1.0 GA Hard freeze
- Monday 12/18/06 PST LG 1.0 GA RC1 available
- Wednesday 12/20/06 PST Test feedback for RC1 is due
- Wednesday 12/20/06 PST LG 1.0 Go/NoGo decision
- Thursday 12/21/06 PST LG 1.0 GA Available
GA は Generally Available のことだそうです。
予定通りいけば、クリスマスには 1.0 で遊べることに。わくわくしてきますね。