The current study on Gastrointestinal (GI)
Parasitism in stray dogs was carried out for a
period ... more The current study on Gastrointestinal (GI) Parasitism in stray dogs was carried out for a period of one year in Srinagar city of Kashmir Valley. A total of 150 copro samples were examined by standard sedimentation and floatation techniques.
The cases of urolithiasis in caprine and sheep presented for treatment for one year to University... more The cases of urolithiasis in caprine and sheep presented for treatment for one year to University Teaching Veterinary Clinics were managed surgically. A brief history about the clinical cases, their clinical examination, kidney function tests and ultrasonography was studied. The cases were surgically managed by performing different surgical procedures viz, excision of urethral process, urethrotomy perineal urethrotomy, tube cystotomy and cystorrhaphy and modified bladder marsupialisation as demanded by clinical situation. The postoperative management, survival rates and restoration of normal urination, rupture sites and return of normal kidney function tests of the cases has been discussed.
A dog was present with anorexia, dullness, vomition and malena. The abdomen was tender and radiog... more A dog was present with anorexia, dullness, vomition and malena. The abdomen was tender and radiograph revealed radio opaque metalic foreign body in gastrointestinal tract. Surgical treatment was resorted and a safety pin was retrived from the jejunum. Post surgery, animal was normal and fully recovered.
In India, double humped camel is living in Nobra valley of Ladakh region at an altitude of 18,300... more In India, double humped camel is living in Nobra valley of Ladakh region at an altitude of 18,300ft. The animal has been declared critically endangered by IUCN (1998), yet the animal has not been explored in detail. The study was conducted along the breeding tract of the Nobra valley. Thirty out 70 double humped camels having been shifted from their natural habitat, Nobra valley to Government farm chichoot, near the capital city, Leh were also included in the study. Biometric studies were done and the body measurements included measurement of Heart girth, Body Length, Lower jaw, Height up to wither, Tail length, Neck length, Distance between two eyes, Ear length, Face length, Hump 1, Hump 2, Distance between two humps, Length of fore leg, Length of hind leg, Fore foot pad, Hind foot pad and Lower jaw. The animal has relatively shorter legs compared to Mongolian Bactrian. The various biometric characteristics recorded are presented.
Clinical study over a period of seven months at referral University Veterinary Hospital in Kashmi... more Clinical study over a period of seven months at referral University Veterinary Hospital in Kashmir, India, was done on male calves clinically affected with urolithiasis was undertaken to manage them surgically and to study the mineral and haemato biochemical profile in an attempt to find out the probable cause of the malady and to ascertain the possible role of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous shift in urine blood and calculi. During obstructive urolithiasis, alterations in Haematobiochemical profile were of no clinical significance, however, increased BUN (Blood urea nitrogen), Creatinine, Calcium, and Inorganic Phosphorus could form a good index to determine the severity of the disease. Struvite calculi are most common urinary calculi observed in calves with heavy concentrate feeding especially wheat bran. The study revealed that the calculi contain 70 per cent Phosphorous, 20 per cent calcium and 10 per cent oxalate. This was clinically substantiated by the proportionate decrease in blood Ca and urine Ca levels. However levels of creatinine and urea in urine blood and calculi revealed calcium phosphorous and their interrelation during the phase of urolithiasis, it could be conceived that ingestion of a ruminant feed containing high amounts of phosphates by a ruminant, physiologically with a non-functional rumen results in high absorption of the phosphates. This results in depletion of calcium absorption and calcium being excreted through urine.
In a high altitude camp, Eighty nine (89) equines with 21 different dermatological affections wer... more In a high altitude camp, Eighty nine (89) equines with 21 different dermatological affections were diagnosed after application of diagnostic techniques. The dermatological disorders were recorded as poor skin and coat appearance, dandruff, alopecia, ring worm, sweat itch, dry skin, ectoparasitic infestation, bacterial dermatitis, sun burn, frost bite, greasy heals, sit fast, warts, girth itch, proud flesh, ulcerations and lumps. The conditions were treated accordingly
Three jersey cross bred calves aging 3-12 months were clinically diagnosed as cases of urolithias... more Three jersey cross bred calves aging 3-12 months were clinically diagnosed as cases of urolithiasis and the confirmation was made by kidney function tests coupled with ultrasonography. The massive bilateral distension and urine thrill was relieved by abdominal
The experiment was a completely randomized block design with 6 groups awarded different treatment... more The experiment was a completely randomized block design with 6 groups awarded different treatments including 17 rams, 12 bucks and 113 calves. Animals clinically manifesting urolithiasis from field were merely screened as stone and non-stone formers. All replicates were run under different clinical situations with the objectives to screen calves as stone formers and non-stone formers and to ascertain recurrence risk due to residual fragments in future, and estimate urine biochemical analysis to ascertain a diagnostic factor for urolithiasis and prognostic factor for its recurrence that would help to evolve prophylactic protocol. Crystal formation indicated that urine was sufficiently saturated which support the formation and growth of uroliths. The, male calves showing numbers of crystals with a concomitant inflammatory process are at risk for calculi formation. Alterations in Urinary Calcium Phosphorous and Magnesium cannot be fixed as a diagnostic or prognostic value for detection of uroliths forming animals to a fear degree of accuracy. Urinalysis is simple and reliable test to confirm urinary tract disease and identify pathophysiology mechanisms associated with the underlying cause.
Ultrasonography (USG) is not a new technology in veterinary
medicine, since it has been utilized... more Ultrasonography (USG) is not a new technology in veterinary medicine, since it has been utilized in various fields for more than twenty years. USG is a well established, non invasive, diagnostic imaging technique that provides unique information about the structure of soft tissues & enables the evaluation of the motion pattern of certain organs & structures. In veterinary practise it started with detection of ovine pregnancy in 1966. Since then, refinements in equipment quality combined with an increased awareness of the benefits of ultrasound as an imaging technique have led to its widespread use in the veterinary field.
The objectives of study were to screen the calves as stone and non-stone formers, to manage the
c... more The objectives of study were to screen the calves as stone and non-stone formers, to manage the calves with obstructive urolithiasis by diversified surgical approaches based on clinical and sonographic assessment. The study was conducted in bovine calves (n=27), manifesting clinical urolithiasis. All these animals and 52 calves of age group 3 to 18 months presented with any form of ailments were included in screening as normal and stone former. Anamnesis, clinical and physical examinations, ultrasonography, peri operative and post operative observations and, complications were recorded. On the basis of clinical symptoms, ultrasonographic findings of urinary system, duration of obstruction and position of calculi, were divided into five groups of 6 animals each except group T having 3 animals and most suited surgical procedure, that is, in dwelling Normograde catheterization,tube cystostomy, cystostomy and uretotomy,trocarization and Percutaneous catherizati on and abdominocentesis were awarded. The highest occurrence was found in the age group of under one year (60%) followed by 40% above one year. Cross bred calves were most affected (70%). Duration of illness in calves varied from 24 to 120 h. The rectal temperature increased slightly at different postoperative intervals in all the groups. The heart rate and respiration rate showed a gradual decrease at different postoperative intervals and became normal towards end of study. In 90% cases small multiple irregular and smooth concretions were retrieved. The calves suffering from obstructive urolithiasis had the history of feeding on diets containing wheat bran, commercial cattle feed, rice bran and rice straw few days before manifesting symptoms. Trocharization followed by peritoneal catheterization helped to prolong the life of the severely diseased animals and made them more suitable for major surgery subsequently.
The study was undertaken to evaluate the therapeutic management of respiratory infections in larg... more The study was undertaken to evaluate the therapeutic management of respiratory infections in large and small
ruminants n=96 (48 cattle and 48 sheep and goat), divided into two groups . One group received oral expectorant
20 grams in cattle and 5 grams in sheep and goat thrice daily, while another group received same treatment twice
daily. The animals suffering with lower respiratory tract infections received Amoxycillin and Dicloxacillin for 5 days
in addition. The efficacy of the treatment was monitored based on vital clinical signs and haematological examination
and presence of eggs, ova/oocysts or lung worm larvae. 93% of sheep ad goats and 87% cattle, given thrice a day
expectorant responded within 4 days as compared to 82% of sheep and goat and 74% cattle which received twice
a day expectorant. The study confirmed the clinical efficacy and dose requirement for managing respiratory
infections in large and small ruminants.
Lumbosacral Epidural anesthesia with local anesthetics provides complete anesthesia to the cauda... more Lumbosacral Epidural anesthesia with local anesthetics provides complete anesthesia to the caudal half of the body. Lidocaine is the most frequently used local anesthesia solution for Epidural or subarachnoid anesthesia in small ruminants. Local anesthesia is used clinically as adjuncts to light General Anesthesia in both small and large animals. In our study on thirty dogs using lumbosacral epidural anesthesia for ovariohysterectomy, there was a good analgesia and muscle relaxation in all the dogs. Mean values of rectal temperature, heart rate and pulse showed decreasing trend after anesthesia till 60 minutes after that the values returned to normalcy. Significant difference was observed between systolic and diastolic blood pressure throughout the duration. *SP (O2) showed significant differences before and at 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 minutes after anesthesia. It was concluded that epidural anesthesia provides cheaper and easier choice for Ovariohysterectomy in dogs. Use of lignocaine as epidural anesthesia was found to be safer option for the field veterinarians engaged in Animal Birth Control Programmes.
Echocardiography has become routinely procedure used in the diagnosis, management, and follow-up ... more Echocardiography has become routinely procedure used in the diagnosis, management, and follow-up of patients with any suspected or known heart diseases. It is one of the most widely used diagnostic modality in cardiology. It can provide a wealth of helpful information, including the size and shape of the heart, pumping capacity, and the location and extent of any tissue damage of heart. An Echocardiogram on other hand gives physician’s estimates of heart function such as a calculation of the cardiac output, ejection fraction, and diastolic function. It also helps to evaluate cardiac defects such as, atrial septal defects, AV valve stenoses, coronary artery defects, occult DCM, coronary artery disease, feline heartworm disease, persistent left cranial vena cava, canine hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and feline diastolic dysfunction may be identified. This Review details principle, uses, technique, types and limitations of Echocardiography in equines.
Obstructive urolithiasis is the retention of urine subsequent to lodgment of calculi anywhere in ... more Obstructive urolithiasis is the retention of urine subsequent to lodgment of calculi anywhere in the urinary conduct from up to urethral orifice. The disease results in heavy economic losses to the livestock industry as it is attributed the fifth most prevalent cause of death in feedlot. Obstructive urolithiasis is a serious, potentially fatal condition, most commonly causing symptoms in castrated male animals, but also occurring in breeding males. Many surgical approaches and techniques for the diagnosis and the treatment of the disease have been described with their relative merits and demerits in the literature
The common acid related diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract could be considered as prima... more The common acid related diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract could be considered as primarily due to the defect in
barrier function either of the gastric mucosal or duodenal epithelium leading to the formation of gastric or duodenal ulcers. An
attempt was made in this review to discuss the classification, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of gastric ulcer in dogs.
Early surgical advances in the management of peptic ulcers are emphasized that were then subsequently replaced by
pharmacological treatment (histamine H2-receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors) and considered as the major strategy
against the acid disorders.
Thirty clinical cases of obstructive urolithiasis in cattle calves were managed by three surgical... more Thirty clinical cases of obstructive urolithiasis in cattle calves were managed by three surgical techniques i.e., tube cystostomy with polyvinyl chloride catheter (group AI), tube cystostomy with Foley’s catheter (group AII) and cystostomy with indwelling urethral catheterization (group B). All the animals were given litholytic agents, anti- inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and urine acidifiers postoperatively. These surgical techniques were evaluated on the basis of time taken for each kind of surgery, initiation/free flow of urine, removal of catheters following free flow urination, postoperative complications and overall success rate. Tube cystostomy with Foley’s catheter was found the quickest and easiest technique. The median time of onset of free flow of urine from the external urethral orifice in the animals of group AI and AII was 9 days with the range of 4-12 and 5-13 days respectively. The main post- operative complications recorded include: catheter dislodgement (one animal each in all the groups), catheter loss (one animal each in group AI and B), catheter blockade (one animal each in group AI and B and 3 animals in group AII), and urethral rupture (one animal in group AI and 2 animals in group AII). The survival rate was higher in the animals of group A; however the recovery rate without post-operative complications was higher in the animals of group B.
Intestinal atresia has been reported as a congenital defect in all species of
domestic animals (... more Intestinal atresia has been reported as a congenital defect in all species of domestic animals (Van Der Gass and Tibboel, 1980). The congenital abnormalities of the anus and rectum are common in young ones. (Nixon,1972. Drey fuss and Tulleners. 1989 and Parrah et al., 2004 & 2005). Various surgical techniques have been used to correct atresia ani and ectopic rectum in domestic animals (Singh, 1989 and Jubb et al., 1993). This report communicates a case of atresia ani and ectopic rectum in a male kid, which was treated successfully by surgical intervention.
Two cases with a history of cessation of feces for 2
weeks, depression, lethargy and anorexia in ... more Two cases with a history of cessation of feces for 2 weeks, depression, lethargy and anorexia in two different dogs; a Labrador male and a Doberman female, were presented. On physical examination, abdominal distension along with intense pain was observed. Blood samples were collected from the dogs for hematological and biochemical analyses. The examination revealed an increased percentage of packed cell volume (PCV). By radiological examination, radiopaque material was seen in the large intestinal tract. The condition was suggestive of fecolith. The cases were managed by means of non-surgical management. Through an 11-day long medicinal treatment, the dogs recovered uneventfully
Non-descript goat, weighing 26 kg was presented to the Veterinary
Hospital Dadra and Nagar Haveli... more Non-descript goat, weighing 26 kg was presented to the Veterinary Hospital Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Silvassa with clinical observations of excessive lacrimation, purulent discharge and bulging of the right eye due to some penetration 13 days ago. Extirpation of the eye ball with tarsorrhapy was undertaken after retro bulbar nerve block. The goat showed an eventful recovery with no complications. Clinically animal was dehydrated and there was complete loss of cornea, purulent exudation, bulging of eyeball and oedema
Urinalysis is a remarkable tool that can reveal many of the diseases that could go unnoticed and ... more Urinalysis is a remarkable tool that can reveal many of the diseases that could go unnoticed and undiagnosed because they generally do not produce striking signs or symptoms. Examples include diabetes mellitus, various forms of glomerulonephritis, and chronic urinary tract infections. Observing the colour, transparency, microscopic and chemical characteristics of urine and urinary sediments coupled with microbial culture and sensitivity test is likely to identify majority of the lower urinary tract disorders in domestic animals. Urinalysis though being a readily available and an inexpensive tool for the diagnosis and management of numerous urinary tract abnormalities, it is still a much neglected facet in veterinary medicine. This review is aimed at highlighting the various beneficial aspects of urinalysis which is an indispensable diagnostic tool in veterinary practice.
The current study on Gastrointestinal (GI)
Parasitism in stray dogs was carried out for a
period ... more The current study on Gastrointestinal (GI) Parasitism in stray dogs was carried out for a period of one year in Srinagar city of Kashmir Valley. A total of 150 copro samples were examined by standard sedimentation and floatation techniques.
The cases of urolithiasis in caprine and sheep presented for treatment for one year to University... more The cases of urolithiasis in caprine and sheep presented for treatment for one year to University Teaching Veterinary Clinics were managed surgically. A brief history about the clinical cases, their clinical examination, kidney function tests and ultrasonography was studied. The cases were surgically managed by performing different surgical procedures viz, excision of urethral process, urethrotomy perineal urethrotomy, tube cystotomy and cystorrhaphy and modified bladder marsupialisation as demanded by clinical situation. The postoperative management, survival rates and restoration of normal urination, rupture sites and return of normal kidney function tests of the cases has been discussed.
A dog was present with anorexia, dullness, vomition and malena. The abdomen was tender and radiog... more A dog was present with anorexia, dullness, vomition and malena. The abdomen was tender and radiograph revealed radio opaque metalic foreign body in gastrointestinal tract. Surgical treatment was resorted and a safety pin was retrived from the jejunum. Post surgery, animal was normal and fully recovered.
In India, double humped camel is living in Nobra valley of Ladakh region at an altitude of 18,300... more In India, double humped camel is living in Nobra valley of Ladakh region at an altitude of 18,300ft. The animal has been declared critically endangered by IUCN (1998), yet the animal has not been explored in detail. The study was conducted along the breeding tract of the Nobra valley. Thirty out 70 double humped camels having been shifted from their natural habitat, Nobra valley to Government farm chichoot, near the capital city, Leh were also included in the study. Biometric studies were done and the body measurements included measurement of Heart girth, Body Length, Lower jaw, Height up to wither, Tail length, Neck length, Distance between two eyes, Ear length, Face length, Hump 1, Hump 2, Distance between two humps, Length of fore leg, Length of hind leg, Fore foot pad, Hind foot pad and Lower jaw. The animal has relatively shorter legs compared to Mongolian Bactrian. The various biometric characteristics recorded are presented.
Clinical study over a period of seven months at referral University Veterinary Hospital in Kashmi... more Clinical study over a period of seven months at referral University Veterinary Hospital in Kashmir, India, was done on male calves clinically affected with urolithiasis was undertaken to manage them surgically and to study the mineral and haemato biochemical profile in an attempt to find out the probable cause of the malady and to ascertain the possible role of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous shift in urine blood and calculi. During obstructive urolithiasis, alterations in Haematobiochemical profile were of no clinical significance, however, increased BUN (Blood urea nitrogen), Creatinine, Calcium, and Inorganic Phosphorus could form a good index to determine the severity of the disease. Struvite calculi are most common urinary calculi observed in calves with heavy concentrate feeding especially wheat bran. The study revealed that the calculi contain 70 per cent Phosphorous, 20 per cent calcium and 10 per cent oxalate. This was clinically substantiated by the proportionate decrease in blood Ca and urine Ca levels. However levels of creatinine and urea in urine blood and calculi revealed calcium phosphorous and their interrelation during the phase of urolithiasis, it could be conceived that ingestion of a ruminant feed containing high amounts of phosphates by a ruminant, physiologically with a non-functional rumen results in high absorption of the phosphates. This results in depletion of calcium absorption and calcium being excreted through urine.
In a high altitude camp, Eighty nine (89) equines with 21 different dermatological affections wer... more In a high altitude camp, Eighty nine (89) equines with 21 different dermatological affections were diagnosed after application of diagnostic techniques. The dermatological disorders were recorded as poor skin and coat appearance, dandruff, alopecia, ring worm, sweat itch, dry skin, ectoparasitic infestation, bacterial dermatitis, sun burn, frost bite, greasy heals, sit fast, warts, girth itch, proud flesh, ulcerations and lumps. The conditions were treated accordingly
Three jersey cross bred calves aging 3-12 months were clinically diagnosed as cases of urolithias... more Three jersey cross bred calves aging 3-12 months were clinically diagnosed as cases of urolithiasis and the confirmation was made by kidney function tests coupled with ultrasonography. The massive bilateral distension and urine thrill was relieved by abdominal
The experiment was a completely randomized block design with 6 groups awarded different treatment... more The experiment was a completely randomized block design with 6 groups awarded different treatments including 17 rams, 12 bucks and 113 calves. Animals clinically manifesting urolithiasis from field were merely screened as stone and non-stone formers. All replicates were run under different clinical situations with the objectives to screen calves as stone formers and non-stone formers and to ascertain recurrence risk due to residual fragments in future, and estimate urine biochemical analysis to ascertain a diagnostic factor for urolithiasis and prognostic factor for its recurrence that would help to evolve prophylactic protocol. Crystal formation indicated that urine was sufficiently saturated which support the formation and growth of uroliths. The, male calves showing numbers of crystals with a concomitant inflammatory process are at risk for calculi formation. Alterations in Urinary Calcium Phosphorous and Magnesium cannot be fixed as a diagnostic or prognostic value for detection of uroliths forming animals to a fear degree of accuracy. Urinalysis is simple and reliable test to confirm urinary tract disease and identify pathophysiology mechanisms associated with the underlying cause.
Ultrasonography (USG) is not a new technology in veterinary
medicine, since it has been utilized... more Ultrasonography (USG) is not a new technology in veterinary medicine, since it has been utilized in various fields for more than twenty years. USG is a well established, non invasive, diagnostic imaging technique that provides unique information about the structure of soft tissues & enables the evaluation of the motion pattern of certain organs & structures. In veterinary practise it started with detection of ovine pregnancy in 1966. Since then, refinements in equipment quality combined with an increased awareness of the benefits of ultrasound as an imaging technique have led to its widespread use in the veterinary field.
The objectives of study were to screen the calves as stone and non-stone formers, to manage the
c... more The objectives of study were to screen the calves as stone and non-stone formers, to manage the calves with obstructive urolithiasis by diversified surgical approaches based on clinical and sonographic assessment. The study was conducted in bovine calves (n=27), manifesting clinical urolithiasis. All these animals and 52 calves of age group 3 to 18 months presented with any form of ailments were included in screening as normal and stone former. Anamnesis, clinical and physical examinations, ultrasonography, peri operative and post operative observations and, complications were recorded. On the basis of clinical symptoms, ultrasonographic findings of urinary system, duration of obstruction and position of calculi, were divided into five groups of 6 animals each except group T having 3 animals and most suited surgical procedure, that is, in dwelling Normograde catheterization,tube cystostomy, cystostomy and uretotomy,trocarization and Percutaneous catherizati on and abdominocentesis were awarded. The highest occurrence was found in the age group of under one year (60%) followed by 40% above one year. Cross bred calves were most affected (70%). Duration of illness in calves varied from 24 to 120 h. The rectal temperature increased slightly at different postoperative intervals in all the groups. The heart rate and respiration rate showed a gradual decrease at different postoperative intervals and became normal towards end of study. In 90% cases small multiple irregular and smooth concretions were retrieved. The calves suffering from obstructive urolithiasis had the history of feeding on diets containing wheat bran, commercial cattle feed, rice bran and rice straw few days before manifesting symptoms. Trocharization followed by peritoneal catheterization helped to prolong the life of the severely diseased animals and made them more suitable for major surgery subsequently.
The study was undertaken to evaluate the therapeutic management of respiratory infections in larg... more The study was undertaken to evaluate the therapeutic management of respiratory infections in large and small
ruminants n=96 (48 cattle and 48 sheep and goat), divided into two groups . One group received oral expectorant
20 grams in cattle and 5 grams in sheep and goat thrice daily, while another group received same treatment twice
daily. The animals suffering with lower respiratory tract infections received Amoxycillin and Dicloxacillin for 5 days
in addition. The efficacy of the treatment was monitored based on vital clinical signs and haematological examination
and presence of eggs, ova/oocysts or lung worm larvae. 93% of sheep ad goats and 87% cattle, given thrice a day
expectorant responded within 4 days as compared to 82% of sheep and goat and 74% cattle which received twice
a day expectorant. The study confirmed the clinical efficacy and dose requirement for managing respiratory
infections in large and small ruminants.
Lumbosacral Epidural anesthesia with local anesthetics provides complete anesthesia to the cauda... more Lumbosacral Epidural anesthesia with local anesthetics provides complete anesthesia to the caudal half of the body. Lidocaine is the most frequently used local anesthesia solution for Epidural or subarachnoid anesthesia in small ruminants. Local anesthesia is used clinically as adjuncts to light General Anesthesia in both small and large animals. In our study on thirty dogs using lumbosacral epidural anesthesia for ovariohysterectomy, there was a good analgesia and muscle relaxation in all the dogs. Mean values of rectal temperature, heart rate and pulse showed decreasing trend after anesthesia till 60 minutes after that the values returned to normalcy. Significant difference was observed between systolic and diastolic blood pressure throughout the duration. *SP (O2) showed significant differences before and at 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 minutes after anesthesia. It was concluded that epidural anesthesia provides cheaper and easier choice for Ovariohysterectomy in dogs. Use of lignocaine as epidural anesthesia was found to be safer option for the field veterinarians engaged in Animal Birth Control Programmes.
Echocardiography has become routinely procedure used in the diagnosis, management, and follow-up ... more Echocardiography has become routinely procedure used in the diagnosis, management, and follow-up of patients with any suspected or known heart diseases. It is one of the most widely used diagnostic modality in cardiology. It can provide a wealth of helpful information, including the size and shape of the heart, pumping capacity, and the location and extent of any tissue damage of heart. An Echocardiogram on other hand gives physician’s estimates of heart function such as a calculation of the cardiac output, ejection fraction, and diastolic function. It also helps to evaluate cardiac defects such as, atrial septal defects, AV valve stenoses, coronary artery defects, occult DCM, coronary artery disease, feline heartworm disease, persistent left cranial vena cava, canine hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and feline diastolic dysfunction may be identified. This Review details principle, uses, technique, types and limitations of Echocardiography in equines.
Obstructive urolithiasis is the retention of urine subsequent to lodgment of calculi anywhere in ... more Obstructive urolithiasis is the retention of urine subsequent to lodgment of calculi anywhere in the urinary conduct from up to urethral orifice. The disease results in heavy economic losses to the livestock industry as it is attributed the fifth most prevalent cause of death in feedlot. Obstructive urolithiasis is a serious, potentially fatal condition, most commonly causing symptoms in castrated male animals, but also occurring in breeding males. Many surgical approaches and techniques for the diagnosis and the treatment of the disease have been described with their relative merits and demerits in the literature
The common acid related diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract could be considered as prima... more The common acid related diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract could be considered as primarily due to the defect in
barrier function either of the gastric mucosal or duodenal epithelium leading to the formation of gastric or duodenal ulcers. An
attempt was made in this review to discuss the classification, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of gastric ulcer in dogs.
Early surgical advances in the management of peptic ulcers are emphasized that were then subsequently replaced by
pharmacological treatment (histamine H2-receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors) and considered as the major strategy
against the acid disorders.
Thirty clinical cases of obstructive urolithiasis in cattle calves were managed by three surgical... more Thirty clinical cases of obstructive urolithiasis in cattle calves were managed by three surgical techniques i.e., tube cystostomy with polyvinyl chloride catheter (group AI), tube cystostomy with Foley’s catheter (group AII) and cystostomy with indwelling urethral catheterization (group B). All the animals were given litholytic agents, anti- inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and urine acidifiers postoperatively. These surgical techniques were evaluated on the basis of time taken for each kind of surgery, initiation/free flow of urine, removal of catheters following free flow urination, postoperative complications and overall success rate. Tube cystostomy with Foley’s catheter was found the quickest and easiest technique. The median time of onset of free flow of urine from the external urethral orifice in the animals of group AI and AII was 9 days with the range of 4-12 and 5-13 days respectively. The main post- operative complications recorded include: catheter dislodgement (one animal each in all the groups), catheter loss (one animal each in group AI and B), catheter blockade (one animal each in group AI and B and 3 animals in group AII), and urethral rupture (one animal in group AI and 2 animals in group AII). The survival rate was higher in the animals of group A; however the recovery rate without post-operative complications was higher in the animals of group B.
Intestinal atresia has been reported as a congenital defect in all species of
domestic animals (... more Intestinal atresia has been reported as a congenital defect in all species of domestic animals (Van Der Gass and Tibboel, 1980). The congenital abnormalities of the anus and rectum are common in young ones. (Nixon,1972. Drey fuss and Tulleners. 1989 and Parrah et al., 2004 & 2005). Various surgical techniques have been used to correct atresia ani and ectopic rectum in domestic animals (Singh, 1989 and Jubb et al., 1993). This report communicates a case of atresia ani and ectopic rectum in a male kid, which was treated successfully by surgical intervention.
Two cases with a history of cessation of feces for 2
weeks, depression, lethargy and anorexia in ... more Two cases with a history of cessation of feces for 2 weeks, depression, lethargy and anorexia in two different dogs; a Labrador male and a Doberman female, were presented. On physical examination, abdominal distension along with intense pain was observed. Blood samples were collected from the dogs for hematological and biochemical analyses. The examination revealed an increased percentage of packed cell volume (PCV). By radiological examination, radiopaque material was seen in the large intestinal tract. The condition was suggestive of fecolith. The cases were managed by means of non-surgical management. Through an 11-day long medicinal treatment, the dogs recovered uneventfully
Non-descript goat, weighing 26 kg was presented to the Veterinary
Hospital Dadra and Nagar Haveli... more Non-descript goat, weighing 26 kg was presented to the Veterinary Hospital Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Silvassa with clinical observations of excessive lacrimation, purulent discharge and bulging of the right eye due to some penetration 13 days ago. Extirpation of the eye ball with tarsorrhapy was undertaken after retro bulbar nerve block. The goat showed an eventful recovery with no complications. Clinically animal was dehydrated and there was complete loss of cornea, purulent exudation, bulging of eyeball and oedema
Urinalysis is a remarkable tool that can reveal many of the diseases that could go unnoticed and ... more Urinalysis is a remarkable tool that can reveal many of the diseases that could go unnoticed and undiagnosed because they generally do not produce striking signs or symptoms. Examples include diabetes mellitus, various forms of glomerulonephritis, and chronic urinary tract infections. Observing the colour, transparency, microscopic and chemical characteristics of urine and urinary sediments coupled with microbial culture and sensitivity test is likely to identify majority of the lower urinary tract disorders in domestic animals. Urinalysis though being a readily available and an inexpensive tool for the diagnosis and management of numerous urinary tract abnormalities, it is still a much neglected facet in veterinary medicine. This review is aimed at highlighting the various beneficial aspects of urinalysis which is an indispensable diagnostic tool in veterinary practice.
The most essential components of the health care are food and drugs. The recovery of ailing patie... more The most essential components of the health care are food and drugs. The recovery of ailing patients from illness is directly related to the quality of drugs consumed. The proliferation of spurious drug in India is a serious problem for the health of the people & there is an urgent need to curb it. India has made a commendable progress in the field of medicine, surgery and the manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations etc. but the menace of spurious drugs is endangering lives. A drug shall be deemed to be spurious if it is manufactured under a name which belongs to another drug, if it is an imitation of another drug or if it has been substituted wholly or partly by another drug or if it wrongly claims to be the product of another manufacturer.
Scientifically, emotions may be described as subjective, conscious experiences characterized pri... more Scientifically, emotions may be described as subjective, conscious experiences characterized primarily by psycho-physiological expressions, biological reactions, & mental states. Emotions observed in animals are of two types Primary & Secondary. First response of an animal to a stimuli or situation is primary emotion, e.g., animal feels fear to any threat. Emotions that appear after primary emotions are secondary. The condition where the fear of a threat turns to anger that fuels the body for fight is secondary emotion. Higher brain centres in the cerebral cortex are usually associated with the control of these emotions.
There can be no division of opinion on the fact that only through activities under Animal Husban... more There can be no division of opinion on the fact that only through activities under Animal Husbandry development have contributed not only to the food basket and draught animal power but also in maintaining ecological balance. It provides an alternative source of income and engages a considerable section of the population which otherwise has to bear the wrath of unemployment. Furthermore, for pastoral societies livestock are also symbols of wealth and prestige. The rural women are directly involved in most of the operations relating to feeding, management and health-care of animals and thus play a significant role in animal husbandry. If we look into current scenario the practise of cattle rearing has slightly declined due to some major constrains via seasonal non-availability of feed and fodders, high cost of feed, shrinkage of space, maintenance, lack of guaranteed price of milk, lack of cooperative network, illiteracy, lack of milk processing technologies, and lack of proper education among farmers, deterioration of natural pastures due to continuous misuse, unscientific methodologies and managemental practices.
Ultrasonography (USG) is not a new technology in veterinary medicine, since it has been utilized ... more Ultrasonography (USG) is not a new technology in veterinary medicine, since it has been utilized in various fields for more than twenty years. USG is a well established, noninvasive, diagnostic imaging technique that provides unique information about the structure of soft tissues & enables the evaluation of the motion pattern of certain organs & structures. In veterinary practise it started with detection of ovine pregnancy in 1966. Since then, refinements in equipment quality combined with an increased awareness of the benefits of ultrasound as an imaging technique have led to its widespread use in the veterinary field.
Since that time man has enjoyed the company of canine and the latter have played a variety of ro... more Since that time man has enjoyed the company of canine and the latter have played a variety of roles in human communities ranging from acting as scavengers of waste, detection and alarm systems against intruders, crucial members of hunting parties, rescue the drowning, lead the blind, hearing for the deaf, help catching culprits, aiding in rescue operations during disaster, sniff out bombs and die for us in war time, protect our homes and have been herders of livestock.
Dogs are considered to be the most useful animals apart from being pets for some sections as well... more Dogs are considered to be the most useful animals apart from being pets for some sections as well. In our comprehensive livestock policy and lives linked economy dogs could have a prized place. The question is do we have the will to make the best use of this readily available resource? As we know they are amazing animals; they love us unconditionally, eat from garbage, leap from helicopters and ships to rescue the drowning, pull wheelchairs and comfort the elderly, help catching culprits, aid in rescue operations during disasters, predict seizures and sniff out cancer cells, protect our homes and livestock. Today I look at possibility of using them for human health research
Rearing of livestock in Kashmir is a traditional practise and matter of concern. There are a numb... more Rearing of livestock in Kashmir is a traditional practise and matter of concern. There are a number of constrains which need to be addressed viz: high cost of feed, seasonal non-availability of feed and fodders, lack of guaranteed price of milk, low yield, lack of milk processing technologies, lack of cooperative network, illiteracy and lack of proper education among farmers, unscientific methodologies and managemental practices. Concept of a joint cattle farm needs to be established. Owners having one unit cow need to join hand and rear at least 6-7 cows at a single place to touch the standards in productivity and economy. Focus should be on feeding, breeding, weeding and heeding of livestock under scientific methodologies.
Rumours are doing rounds to serve some vested interest. A perception linking Swine flu and poultr... more Rumours are doing rounds to serve some vested interest. A perception linking Swine flu and poultry, or mutton, has been created to serve middlemen engaged in poultry business, who use this to purchase poultry at a very cheap price. And tragically enough, our mass mis-education makes us prone to scarecrows and rumours. A great disaster has been manufactured to hit meet industry. A flood from nowhere has overtaken poultry farmers. People don’t differentiate between swine flu and bird flu. They simply don’t care if the rumours, or misperceptions, are costing their fellows, their neighbours, poor people’s livelihood. In terms of loss to economy, swine flu has been dwarfed by fake flu that poultry or mutton doesn’t transmit. I think this grave situation calls for clarifying certain myths in the background.
Disaster is a natural or man-made catastrophe resulting in marked physical damage or loss of life... more Disaster is a natural or man-made catastrophe resulting in marked physical damage or loss of life of human being, animal and environment. Disasters like earthquake, tsunami, floods, cyclones or typhoons, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, storms, landslides etc occur regularly. Disasters appear very often without any adequate warning and destroy everything that comes in way. Natural disasters cannot be prevented, but their impact on human and animals can be reduced to a considerable extent if it could be predicted early.
Easy lifestyle is what we are drawn to now. Very less effort put in; travel by motor, air conditi... more Easy lifestyle is what we are drawn to now. Very less effort put in; travel by motor, air conditioned environment, ready-made food stuff, etc. Earlier people used to hunt for their living, due to which their body would undergo a lot of physical exercise & the intake was more of natural substances, but today the story is different. But don’t feel guilty if you like foods such as potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, & choose other foods to provide a balance. Your food choices can reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, & diabetes, as well as defend against depression. Additionally, learning the habits of healthy eating can boost your energy, sharpen your memory & stabilize your mood.
Urolithiasis is the condition where urinary calculi are formed or located anywhere in the urinar... more Urolithiasis is the condition where urinary calculi are formed or located anywhere in the urinary system - kidney, bladder, urethra. This prevents the animal from passing urine and produces the condition known as obstructive urolithiasis. It affects both sexes, but urinary blockade is a major problem only in males.
It is a potentially fatal contagious disease that can affect almost any part of the body though m... more It is a potentially fatal contagious disease that can affect almost any part of the body though mainly an infection of the lungs. It is caused by a bacterial microorganism, the tubercle bacillus or Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs. But, TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, & brain. TB is spread through the air from one person to another. The bacteria are put into the air when a person with active TB disease of the lungs or throat coughs or sneezes. People nearby may breathe in these bacteria & become infected.
Bovine tuberculosis is an important infectious disease worldwide that threatens the lives and liv... more Bovine tuberculosis is an important infectious disease worldwide that threatens the lives and livelihood of those Division of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, FVSc and AH, SKUAST-K U people associated with the cattle industry. Many countries, including the United States, are trying to identify and prevent the spread of this disease through testing and eradication programs. Bovine tuberculosis is a zoonotic disease that causes respiratory disease in both cattle and humans. The organism can be transmitted to humans through infected unpasteurized milk or the inhalation of bacteria at the time of slaughter. Bovine tuberculosis is spread through aerosolized droplets or ingestion once it is established in a herd of cattle.
Mastitis is the inflammation of the mammary gland and udder tissue, and is a major endemic diseas... more Mastitis is the inflammation of the mammary gland and udder tissue, and is a major endemic disease of dairy cattle. It usually occurs as an immune response to bacterial invasion of the teat canal by variety of bacterial sources present on the farm, and can also occur as a result of chemical, mechanical, or thermal injury to the cow's udder. Mastitis occurs when white blood cells (leucocytes), are released into the mammary gland, usually in response to an invasion of bacteria of the teat canal. Milk-secreting tissue, and various ducts throughout the mammary gland are damaged due to toxins by the bacteria. Mastitis can also occur as a result of chemical, mechanical, or thermal injury. Mastitis is most often transmitted by contact with the milking machine, and through contaminated hands or materials.
Kashmir’s bio-environment includes horses and they are fast disappearing from cultural scene thou... more Kashmir’s bio-environment includes horses and they are fast disappearing from cultural scene though they stay in other arenas. But do we care about horses and do we have in tourism department any comprehensive policy on equines? Horses as alternative transport in certain areas, not just hills, are what one can propose for consideration.
Most of us would describe a dog bite as an incident where a dog deliberately inflicts an injury t... more Most of us would describe a dog bite as an incident where a dog deliberately inflicts an injury to a person. Animal control and public health departments, however, considers below mentioned animal exposures as dog bites: Scratches from a dog’s nail Scrapes from a dog’s tooth Accidental bites by dogs Nips from playful puppies Good Samaritans bitten trying to assist injured dogs. Bites by working canine dogs in the performance of police duties Bites to canine professionals during examination.
Dog bites can be prevented! Most of them, if not all. This requires knowledge of dog behavior. Do... more Dog bites can be prevented! Most of them, if not all. This requires knowledge of dog behavior. Dogs are not engineered for biting you and me, but to defend themselves and their territory. Given our faulty dog menace management program we invite more bites. Yes, many bites are invited! While walking on the roads children stare at the dog having eye to eye contact which is not a good thing as far canine behavior goes because the dog feels apprehensive by continuous staring and makes an attempt to overpower the child. The dynamics of dog bites is not well understood by the public. More than two-thirds of dog bites happen to people who are acquainted with the dog. More than half the dog bites occur to the very young and the very old and almost half of all bites to children are on areas of the face.
Mankind has always been under the threat of a new, more dangerous virus emerging and causing mass... more Mankind has always been under the threat of a new, more dangerous virus emerging and causing massive epidemics. Our modern transportation systems make it all the easier for such a virus to spread quickly throughout the world. Man's constant exploration and encroachment in previously inaccessible parts of the world make it more likely that something nasty might emerge. However, it is worth noting that viruses have always been with us, evolving ways to reproduce and spread. Viruses, like humans, are just playing the evolution game.
Dogs are prolific by nature. A healthy female dog can give birth many times during its life, brin... more Dogs are prolific by nature. A healthy female dog can give birth many times during its life, bringing into the world half a dozen puppies each time. However, the possibilities to find a good home are a lot more limited, so it is necessary to reduce the number of potential breeder dogs. Though the dog killing of the past fashion is stopped subsequent to imposition of ban is still a requirement particularly in the current horrible scenario, yet to be on the safer side sterilization as is discussed nowadays is the best alternative available to curb the menace. One cannot dare to hear daily about the harm human life is put to by increasing number of dogs particularly from the time a student of 10 years age in my neighborhood became victim of this menace. One shivers to recall the episode he had to face. So in the situation where administratively it has become difficult to curb the menace in old fashion, the best is to take advantage of the scheme of sterilization as it is permissible under all the cannons of law.
The key is a balanced diet. Carbohydrates impact blood sugar levels more than fats and proteins b... more The key is a balanced diet. Carbohydrates impact blood sugar levels more than fats and proteins but you don’t have to avoid them. You just need to be smart about what types of carbs you eat.
Non-descript goat, weighing 26 kg was presented to the Veterinary Hospital Dadra and Nagar Haveli... more Non-descript goat, weighing 26 kg was presented to the Veterinary Hospital Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Silvassa with clin ical observations of excessive lacrimation, purulent discharge and bulgi ng of the right eye due to some penetration 13 days ago. Extirpation of the eye ball with tarsorrhapy was undertaken after retro bulbar nerve block. The goat showed an eventful recovery with no complications. Clinica lly animal was dehydrated and there was complete loss of cornea, p urulent exudation, bulging of eyeball and oedema
Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research, 2014
Two cases with a history of cessation of feces for 2 weeks, depression, lethargy and anorexia in ... more Two cases with a history of cessation of feces for 2 weeks, depression, lethargy and anorexia in two different dogs; a Labrador male and a Doberman female, were presented. On physical examination, abdominal distension along with intense pain was observed. Blood samples were collected from the dogs for hematological and biochemical analyses. The examination revealed an increased percentage of packed cell volume (PCV). By radiological examination, radiopaque material was seen in the large intestinal tract. The condition was suggestive of fecolith. The cases were managed by means of non-surgical management. Through an 11-day long medicinal treatment, the dogs recovered uneventfully.
Aim: To identify the prevalence of Hydatidosis in buffaloe-calves, heifers and adults slaughtered... more Aim: To identify the prevalence of Hydatidosis in buffaloe-calves, heifers and adults slaughtered in slaughter house of Mirha Exports Pvt. Ltd. between March 2010 to Feb. 2011. Materials and Methods: 2,09,615 buffaloes slaughtered were included in this study and were categorized into three groups (A, B and C) based on their age at the time of ante-mortem examination. Group A consisted of calves (>1 year), accounting for 5100 out of the total number of animals. Group B consisted of heifers (2-3 years) accounting for 7840. Group C consisted of adult buffaloes (3-7 years) accounting for 1, 96675. Results: Our study revealed an overall prevalence of hydatidosis as 50.96%. Furthermore, the group wise analysis showed the prevalence as 3.52%, 5.58% and 54% in calves, heifers and adult buffaloes, respectively. Conclusion: Based on the factors considered, we conclude that the higher prevalence of infections in buffaloes slaughtered in the Mirha Exports is likely due to an overpopulation of stray dogs in the areas from which the plant gets its supply of animals.
Research Papers by Dr.MOHSIN GAZI
Parasitism in stray dogs was carried out for a
period of one year in Srinagar city of Kashmir
Valley. A total of 150 copro samples were
examined by standard sedimentation and floatation
application of diagnostic techniques. The dermatological disorders were recorded as poor skin and coat appearance,
dandruff, alopecia, ring worm, sweat itch, dry skin, ectoparasitic infestation, bacterial dermatitis, sun burn, frost bite,
greasy heals, sit fast, warts, girth itch, proud flesh, ulcerations and lumps. The conditions were treated accordingly
17 rams, 12 bucks and 113 calves. Animals clinically manifesting urolithiasis from field were merely screened as
stone and non-stone formers. All replicates were run under different clinical situations with the objectives to screen
calves as stone formers and non-stone formers and to ascertain recurrence risk due to residual fragments in future,
and estimate urine biochemical analysis to ascertain a diagnostic factor for urolithiasis and prognostic factor for its
recurrence that would help to evolve prophylactic protocol. Crystal formation indicated that urine was sufficiently
saturated which support the formation and growth of uroliths. The, male calves showing numbers of crystals with a
concomitant inflammatory process are at risk for calculi formation. Alterations in Urinary Calcium Phosphorous and
Magnesium cannot be fixed as a diagnostic or prognostic value for detection of uroliths forming animals to a fear
degree of accuracy. Urinalysis is simple and reliable test to confirm urinary tract disease and identify pathophysiology
mechanisms associated with the underlying cause.
medicine, since it has been utilized in various fields for more than
twenty years. USG is a well established, non invasive, diagnostic
imaging technique that provides unique information about the
structure of soft tissues & enables the evaluation of the motion
pattern of certain organs & structures. In veterinary practise it
started with detection of ovine pregnancy in 1966. Since then,
refinements in equipment quality combined with an increased
awareness of the benefits of ultrasound as an imaging technique
have led to its widespread use in the veterinary field.
calves with obstructive urolithiasis by diversified surgical approaches based on clinical and
sonographic assessment. The study was conducted in bovine calves (n=27), manifesting clinical
urolithiasis. All these animals and 52 calves of age group 3 to 18 months presented with any form of
ailments were included in screening as normal and stone former. Anamnesis, clinical and physical
examinations, ultrasonography, peri operative and post operative observations and, complications were
recorded. On the basis of clinical symptoms, ultrasonographic findings of urinary system, duration of
obstruction and position of calculi, were divided into five groups of 6 animals each except
group T having 3 animals and most suited surgical procedure, that is, in dwelling Normograde
catheterization,tube cystostomy, cystostomy and uretotomy,trocarization and Percutaneous catherizati
on and abdominocentesis were awarded. The highest occurrence was found in the age group of under
one year (60%) followed by 40% above one year. Cross bred calves were most affected (70%). Duration
of illness in calves varied from 24 to 120 h. The rectal temperature increased slightly at different
postoperative intervals in all the groups. The heart rate and respiration rate showed a gradual decrease
at different postoperative intervals and became normal towards end of study. In 90% cases small
multiple irregular and smooth concretions were retrieved. The calves suffering from obstructive
urolithiasis had the history of feeding on diets containing wheat bran, commercial cattle feed, rice bran
and rice straw few days before manifesting symptoms. Trocharization followed by peritoneal
catheterization helped to prolong the life of the severely diseased animals and made them more
suitable for major surgery subsequently.
ruminants n=96 (48 cattle and 48 sheep and goat), divided into two groups . One group received oral expectorant
20 grams in cattle and 5 grams in sheep and goat thrice daily, while another group received same treatment twice
daily. The animals suffering with lower respiratory tract infections received Amoxycillin and Dicloxacillin for 5 days
in addition. The efficacy of the treatment was monitored based on vital clinical signs and haematological examination
and presence of eggs, ova/oocysts or lung worm larvae. 93% of sheep ad goats and 87% cattle, given thrice a day
expectorant responded within 4 days as compared to 82% of sheep and goat and 74% cattle which received twice
a day expectorant. The study confirmed the clinical efficacy and dose requirement for managing respiratory
infections in large and small ruminants.
urethral orifice. The disease results in heavy economic losses to the livestock industry as it is attributed the fifth most prevalent
cause of death in feedlot. Obstructive urolithiasis is a serious, potentially fatal condition, most commonly causing symptoms
in castrated male animals, but also occurring in breeding males. Many surgical approaches and techniques for the diagnosis
and the treatment of the disease have been described with their relative merits and demerits in the literature
barrier function either of the gastric mucosal or duodenal epithelium leading to the formation of gastric or duodenal ulcers. An
attempt was made in this review to discuss the classification, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of gastric ulcer in dogs.
Early surgical advances in the management of peptic ulcers are emphasized that were then subsequently replaced by
pharmacological treatment (histamine H2-receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors) and considered as the major strategy
against the acid disorders.
domestic animals (Van Der Gass and Tibboel, 1980). The congenital abnormalities of the anus
and rectum are common in young ones. (Nixon,1972. Drey fuss and Tulleners. 1989 and Parrah
et al., 2004 & 2005). Various surgical techniques have been used to correct atresia ani and
ectopic rectum in domestic animals (Singh, 1989 and Jubb et al., 1993). This report communicates a case of atresia ani and ectopic rectum in a male kid, which was treated
successfully by surgical intervention.
weeks, depression, lethargy and anorexia in two
different dogs; a Labrador male and a Doberman
female, were presented. On physical examination,
abdominal distension along with intense pain was
observed. Blood samples were collected from the
dogs for hematological and biochemical analyses. The
examination revealed an increased percentage of
packed cell volume (PCV). By radiological examination,
radiopaque material was seen in the large intestinal
tract. The condition was suggestive of fecolith.
The cases were managed by means of non-surgical
management. Through an 11-day long medicinal
treatment, the dogs recovered uneventfully
Hospital Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Silvassa with clinical observations of
excessive lacrimation, purulent discharge and bulging of the right eye due
to some penetration 13 days ago. Extirpation of the eye ball with
tarsorrhapy was undertaken after retro bulbar nerve block. The goat showed an eventful recovery with no complications. Clinically animal was dehydrated and there was complete loss of cornea, purulent exudation, bulging of eyeball and oedema
generally do not produce striking signs or symptoms. Examples include diabetes mellitus, various forms of glomerulonephritis,
and chronic urinary tract infections. Observing the colour, transparency, microscopic and chemical characteristics
of urine and urinary sediments coupled with microbial culture and sensitivity test is likely to identify majority of the lower
urinary tract disorders in domestic animals. Urinalysis though being a readily available and an inexpensive tool for the
diagnosis and management of numerous urinary tract abnormalities, it is still a much neglected facet in veterinary medicine.
This review is aimed at highlighting the various beneficial aspects of urinalysis which is an indispensable diagnostic tool in
veterinary practice.
Parasitism in stray dogs was carried out for a
period of one year in Srinagar city of Kashmir
Valley. A total of 150 copro samples were
examined by standard sedimentation and floatation
application of diagnostic techniques. The dermatological disorders were recorded as poor skin and coat appearance,
dandruff, alopecia, ring worm, sweat itch, dry skin, ectoparasitic infestation, bacterial dermatitis, sun burn, frost bite,
greasy heals, sit fast, warts, girth itch, proud flesh, ulcerations and lumps. The conditions were treated accordingly
17 rams, 12 bucks and 113 calves. Animals clinically manifesting urolithiasis from field were merely screened as
stone and non-stone formers. All replicates were run under different clinical situations with the objectives to screen
calves as stone formers and non-stone formers and to ascertain recurrence risk due to residual fragments in future,
and estimate urine biochemical analysis to ascertain a diagnostic factor for urolithiasis and prognostic factor for its
recurrence that would help to evolve prophylactic protocol. Crystal formation indicated that urine was sufficiently
saturated which support the formation and growth of uroliths. The, male calves showing numbers of crystals with a
concomitant inflammatory process are at risk for calculi formation. Alterations in Urinary Calcium Phosphorous and
Magnesium cannot be fixed as a diagnostic or prognostic value for detection of uroliths forming animals to a fear
degree of accuracy. Urinalysis is simple and reliable test to confirm urinary tract disease and identify pathophysiology
mechanisms associated with the underlying cause.
medicine, since it has been utilized in various fields for more than
twenty years. USG is a well established, non invasive, diagnostic
imaging technique that provides unique information about the
structure of soft tissues & enables the evaluation of the motion
pattern of certain organs & structures. In veterinary practise it
started with detection of ovine pregnancy in 1966. Since then,
refinements in equipment quality combined with an increased
awareness of the benefits of ultrasound as an imaging technique
have led to its widespread use in the veterinary field.
calves with obstructive urolithiasis by diversified surgical approaches based on clinical and
sonographic assessment. The study was conducted in bovine calves (n=27), manifesting clinical
urolithiasis. All these animals and 52 calves of age group 3 to 18 months presented with any form of
ailments were included in screening as normal and stone former. Anamnesis, clinical and physical
examinations, ultrasonography, peri operative and post operative observations and, complications were
recorded. On the basis of clinical symptoms, ultrasonographic findings of urinary system, duration of
obstruction and position of calculi, were divided into five groups of 6 animals each except
group T having 3 animals and most suited surgical procedure, that is, in dwelling Normograde
catheterization,tube cystostomy, cystostomy and uretotomy,trocarization and Percutaneous catherizati
on and abdominocentesis were awarded. The highest occurrence was found in the age group of under
one year (60%) followed by 40% above one year. Cross bred calves were most affected (70%). Duration
of illness in calves varied from 24 to 120 h. The rectal temperature increased slightly at different
postoperative intervals in all the groups. The heart rate and respiration rate showed a gradual decrease
at different postoperative intervals and became normal towards end of study. In 90% cases small
multiple irregular and smooth concretions were retrieved. The calves suffering from obstructive
urolithiasis had the history of feeding on diets containing wheat bran, commercial cattle feed, rice bran
and rice straw few days before manifesting symptoms. Trocharization followed by peritoneal
catheterization helped to prolong the life of the severely diseased animals and made them more
suitable for major surgery subsequently.
ruminants n=96 (48 cattle and 48 sheep and goat), divided into two groups . One group received oral expectorant
20 grams in cattle and 5 grams in sheep and goat thrice daily, while another group received same treatment twice
daily. The animals suffering with lower respiratory tract infections received Amoxycillin and Dicloxacillin for 5 days
in addition. The efficacy of the treatment was monitored based on vital clinical signs and haematological examination
and presence of eggs, ova/oocysts or lung worm larvae. 93% of sheep ad goats and 87% cattle, given thrice a day
expectorant responded within 4 days as compared to 82% of sheep and goat and 74% cattle which received twice
a day expectorant. The study confirmed the clinical efficacy and dose requirement for managing respiratory
infections in large and small ruminants.
urethral orifice. The disease results in heavy economic losses to the livestock industry as it is attributed the fifth most prevalent
cause of death in feedlot. Obstructive urolithiasis is a serious, potentially fatal condition, most commonly causing symptoms
in castrated male animals, but also occurring in breeding males. Many surgical approaches and techniques for the diagnosis
and the treatment of the disease have been described with their relative merits and demerits in the literature
barrier function either of the gastric mucosal or duodenal epithelium leading to the formation of gastric or duodenal ulcers. An
attempt was made in this review to discuss the classification, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of gastric ulcer in dogs.
Early surgical advances in the management of peptic ulcers are emphasized that were then subsequently replaced by
pharmacological treatment (histamine H2-receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors) and considered as the major strategy
against the acid disorders.
domestic animals (Van Der Gass and Tibboel, 1980). The congenital abnormalities of the anus
and rectum are common in young ones. (Nixon,1972. Drey fuss and Tulleners. 1989 and Parrah
et al., 2004 & 2005). Various surgical techniques have been used to correct atresia ani and
ectopic rectum in domestic animals (Singh, 1989 and Jubb et al., 1993). This report communicates a case of atresia ani and ectopic rectum in a male kid, which was treated
successfully by surgical intervention.
weeks, depression, lethargy and anorexia in two
different dogs; a Labrador male and a Doberman
female, were presented. On physical examination,
abdominal distension along with intense pain was
observed. Blood samples were collected from the
dogs for hematological and biochemical analyses. The
examination revealed an increased percentage of
packed cell volume (PCV). By radiological examination,
radiopaque material was seen in the large intestinal
tract. The condition was suggestive of fecolith.
The cases were managed by means of non-surgical
management. Through an 11-day long medicinal
treatment, the dogs recovered uneventfully
Hospital Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Silvassa with clinical observations of
excessive lacrimation, purulent discharge and bulging of the right eye due
to some penetration 13 days ago. Extirpation of the eye ball with
tarsorrhapy was undertaken after retro bulbar nerve block. The goat showed an eventful recovery with no complications. Clinically animal was dehydrated and there was complete loss of cornea, purulent exudation, bulging of eyeball and oedema
generally do not produce striking signs or symptoms. Examples include diabetes mellitus, various forms of glomerulonephritis,
and chronic urinary tract infections. Observing the colour, transparency, microscopic and chemical characteristics
of urine and urinary sediments coupled with microbial culture and sensitivity test is likely to identify majority of the lower
urinary tract disorders in domestic animals. Urinalysis though being a readily available and an inexpensive tool for the
diagnosis and management of numerous urinary tract abnormalities, it is still a much neglected facet in veterinary medicine.
This review is aimed at highlighting the various beneficial aspects of urinalysis which is an indispensable diagnostic tool in
veterinary practice.
Scratches from a dog’s nail
Scrapes from a dog’s tooth
Accidental bites by dogs
Nips from playful puppies
Good Samaritans bitten trying to assist injured dogs.
Bites by working canine dogs in the performance of police duties
Bites to canine professionals during examination.
While walking on the roads children stare at the dog having eye to eye contact which is not a good thing as far canine behavior goes because the dog feels apprehensive by continuous staring and makes an attempt to overpower the child. The dynamics of dog bites is not well understood by the public. More than two-thirds of dog bites happen to people who are acquainted with the dog. More than half the dog bites occur to the very young and the very old and almost half of all bites to children are on areas of the face.
Though the dog killing of the past fashion is stopped subsequent to imposition of ban is still a requirement particularly in the current horrible scenario, yet to be on the safer side sterilization as is discussed nowadays is the best alternative available to curb the menace. One cannot dare to hear daily about the harm human life is put to by increasing number of dogs particularly from the time a student of 10 years age in my neighborhood became victim of this menace. One shivers to recall the episode he had to face. So in the situation where administratively it has become difficult to curb the menace in old fashion, the best is to take advantage of the scheme of sterilization as it is permissible under all the cannons of law.