Free OCR Software: No internet required, easy to use.
crDrid Custom ROM for umi
All the power of the RisingOs ROM for the Xiaomi Mi 10 phone.
Just bring Linux for a better world
Blazing fast, simple and complete solution for micro frontends
Comprehensive analysis of small RNA sequencing data
Out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications
script for variant calling of RNA-Seq
script for variant calling of Exome-Seq
Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Analysis with RRBS
A handsome Himalayan desktop client for Mac, Win and Linux
React and redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework
collapsing technical duplicates via Unique Molecular Identifiers
Links, mails, translate-, to top/bottom-buttons, text andjust and more
This Joomla 2.5 Module is my substitution to Joomulus
A Joomla! 2.5 module. Lets your users change the text of your site.