В. Ф. Выдрин, Н. В. Кузнецова (отв. ред.). СПб.: ИЛИ РАН, Греческий институт Филологического факультета СПбГУ. 486 c., 2014
"From Bikin to Banbaluma, from the Varangians to the Greeks. Field-inspired essays in honour of E... more "From Bikin to Banbaluma, from the Varangians to the Greeks. Field-inspired essays in honour of Elena V. Perekhvalskaya / Ed. by Valentin F. Vydrin and Natalia V. Kuznetsova. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2014, 486 p." A volume in Russian with English abstracts is dedicated to E. Perekhvalskaya’s 60th anniversary and contains papers on Altaic, Greek, Balkan, African, Finnic languages, as well as on language contacts and general theoretical problems.
Немногие из современных языков обладают столь длительной письменной традицией, как греческий. Оди... more Немногие из современных языков обладают столь длительной письменной традицией, как греческий. Один из интереснейших переходных периодов в его истории приходится на так называемое позднее койне (IV–X/XII вв.), когда на смену древнегреческому языку постепенно приходит новогреческий. Особенно ярко изменения заметны на просодическом уровне, проявляясь, в частности, в принципах расстановки местоименных энклитик в предложении. Описанию этих принципов и посвящена эта монография. Материалом для исследования стал один из наиболее знаменитых текстов того времени — патерик «Луг Духовный», написанный в начале VII в. византийским монахом Иоанном Мосхом по рассказам, якобы услышанным автором во время путешествий по монастырям Ближнего Востока, Кипра и Самоса. Вероятно, в связи с тем, что основными читателями (слушателями) историй Мосха должны были стать простые носители языка, по большей части далекие от книжной традиции, автор «Луга Духовного» создает особую языковую модель, во многом соответствующую языку образованного духовенства того времени.
Описание местоименных клитик предпринимается с нескольких сторон, и прежде всего, в контексте изучения общих принципов расстановки словоформ и с точки зрения закона Ваккернагеля. Кроме этого, в книге отмечаются наиболее характерные морфологические особенности «Луга Духовного». Монография рассчитана на неоэллинистов, специалистов-типологов и на читателей, интересующихся историей греческого языка.
Предлагаемая читателям коллективная монография открывает серию изданий, посвященных языку и культ... more Предлагаемая читателям коллективная монография открывает серию изданий, посвященных языку и культуре греков Приазовья. Первый том создан по результатам экспедиций, проводившихся филологическим факультетом СПбГУ с 2001 по 2004 гг. в греческих селах Мариупольской области. Данная книга представляет собой первое посвященное приазовским грекам комплексное русскоязычное исследование, в основу которого положен живой материал. В монографии уделяется значительное внимание современному состоянию субдиалекта с. Малоянисоль, прежде почти не освещавшегося в научной литературе. Помимо собственно лингвистического описания фонетических, морфологических и синтаксических особенностей диалекта, в ней рассматриваются вопросы истории, культуры и самоидентификации греков Приазовья. Книга рассчитана как на специалистов по новогреческой диалектологии, балканистике, сравнительной типологии и этнографии, так и на читателей, интересующихся греческим языком и культурой.
The Greek settlers came to the Azov See region from the Crimea in the late 18th century. They founded the city of Mariupolis and numerous villages, calling them like those in the Crimea. Some kind of the Tatar-Greek diglossia may have existed as early as the Crimean period, Greek was less prestigious, therefore the Rumejs, Greek-speaking Greeks, were considered to be less cultured than the Urums, Tatar-speaking Greeks. Today Rumeíka (Greek dialect) is spoken in some 17 villages in the region of Mariupolis. It consists of five subdialects that vary in phonetics and vocabulary, as well as some morphological features. Most speakers are either elderly people or young men who use Rumeíka as some kind of a secret language within their male company. Though Rumeíka shows a lot of features common with Pontic and Northern Greek dialects, there is no doubt that it should be regarded as a separate idiom among other dialects of Modern Greek. The Language and Ethno-Cultural Situation in Greek Villages of Azov Region, the first volume in the Language and Culture of Mariupolis Greeks series has been prepared by the Hellenic Institute of St. Petersburg. It is based on a field research in Greek villages in Mariupolis region. The expeditions carried out in 2001–2004 were organized by St. Petersburg State University. The goal of this volume is to present an overall description of history, ethnography, culture and language of Azov Rumejs. The volume consists of thirteen chapters and four appendixes. Chapter 1 deals with the history of Greeks in the Azov region from 1771 till 2003. Besides a chronological table, it provides the necessary information on important personalities, such as poets or enlighteners. Chapter 2 is concerned with the traditional culture of the region. Special sections describe cooking and eating, handicraft, needlework and traditional clothes and decorations. The following four chapters (3–6) deal with language contacts, the status of the language of both Urums (Ch. 3) and Rumejs (Ch. 4), their identity, language acquisition by young speakers (Ch. 5), code-switching and grammatical interference with Russian (Ch. 6). Chapter 7 provides a thorough description of the phonological system of the Greek dialect, especially its local idiom spoken in the village Maloyanisol. Chapter 8 gives the information on nouns, articles, declension, models of plural and attributive forms in three main subdialects. Adjectives, degrees of comparison and formation of adverbs are described in Chapter 9. Chapter 10, the largest in the volume presents an attempt to describe the verbal system, verbal stems, paradigms and tenses. The next chapter (11) follows the subject as it focuses on lexical and grammaticalized modality. The last part of the volume deals with syntax. Chapter 12 describes the word-order patterns both within the sentence in general and in NP and VP in particular. One can also find here information on Pro-Drop, pronominal clitics and their positioning, the sententional pa enclitic and focalization. The last chapter (13) describes object doubling in Rumejka and shows the difference from the Standard Modern Greek model. The four appendixes include the list of old and modern names of the villages, a description of handicraft objects brought from the expeditions, samples of dialect texts and the list of adjectives.
Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология, 2024
Последние десятилетия неоэллинистов все более привлекают не только лексические и фонетические осо... more Последние десятилетия неоэллинистов все более привлекают не только лексические и фонетические особенности новогреческих диалектов, но и вопросы (морфо)синтаксиса. В этой статье предпринимается попытка комплексного описания местоименного синтаксиса на материале шести локальных вариантов (= диалектов) новогреческого языка (северно-хиотского, цаконского, кипрского, греческого диалекта Южной Албании (Дропул), диалекта приазовских греков (малоянисольский субдиалект) и понтийского южной России и Абхазии), собранных во время экспедиций и индивидуальной работы с информантами в 2003–2023 гг. В ходе исследования рассматриваются следующие аспекты местоименного синтаксиса: (а) принципы, регулирующие позицию местоименной клитики в рамках глагольной группы; (б) факторы, влияющие на взаимное положение нескольких местоименных клитик внутри глагольной группы; (в) местоименный повтор дополнения. В последнем случае речь идет не только о наличии самого явления, но и о возможных вариантах порядка его составляющих. Проведенный анализ демонстрирует, что каждая из описанных особенностей и в отдельности может быть использована как критерий для классификации новогреческих диалектов. Однако более перспективным представляется сопоставление особенностей местоименного синтаксиса в комплексе с привлечением, например, методов диалектометрического анализа, таких, как подсчет расстояние Хэмминга.
(Morpho)syntactic peculiarities of Modern Greek dialects attract more and more researchers in the last decades. In this contribution, my goal is to perform a complex analysis of the pronominal syntax of 6 local varieties (= dialects) of Modern Greek: Northern Chiotic, Tsakonian, Cypriot, Greek of Southern Albania (Dropull), Azov Greek (the subdialect of Maloyanisol) and Pontic from Southern Russia and Abkhazia. The data used in the research is the result of the fieldwork of 2003–2023. The analysis is focused on three phenomena: (a) regulations of the pronominal clitic position, (b) patterns of linearization of multiple clitic pronouns, (c) Clitic Doubling. The study of Clitic Doubling aims to find out whether the phenomenon exists in the dialect and describe all possible orders of its constituents. I believe that each of the three phenomena could an interesting criterion for dialectal classification. However, it is more to compare pronominal syntax in complex using, for example, the methods of dialectometric analysis, like the calculation of the Hamming distance.
Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология, 2024
Диалектная лексикография является неотъемлемой частью диалектологии. Словари для диалектов новогр... more Диалектная лексикография является неотъемлемой частью диалектологии. Словари для диалектов новогреческого языка начали создаваться в XIX в. Вначале их задачей было показать связь того или иного диалекта с древнегреческим. Однако постепенно, по ходу развития новогреческой диалектологии, начали меняться и диалектные словари, все более ориентируясь на актуальные диалектные данные. В настоящей статье освещаются три аспекта, связанные с новогреческой диалектной лексикографией. Во-первых, прослеживается связь между развитием лингвистических теорий и, соответственно, новогреческой диалектологией и теми изменениями, которые постепенно претерпевали новогреческие диалектные словари. Во-вторых, предлагается обзор словарей цаконского диалекта с точки зрения общей парадигмы развития новогреческой диалектной лексикографии. И, наконец, подробно обсуждаются особенности недавно созданного авторами статьи онлайн-словаря цаконского диалекта и перспективы его развития.
Today, the majority of Modern Greek dialects have a dictionary, sometimes even more than one. This lexicographic boom started in the 19th century. First dictionaries were very unprofessional as most author had no idea of linguistics and lexicography, and the lexicography of that period was in its initial stage. The goal of the most dictionaries was to archaic features and words in Modern Greek dialects. So, the etymological commentary often the central part of the entry. Structuralism and the later linguistic theories motivated the changes in Modern Greek dialectal lexicography. At last, the focus has moved from the history to the current state of the dialect. Despite these positive improvements, dialectal dictionaries are hardly ever used be the speakers of the dialects. Most of them do not have the dictionary close at hand when needed and without a habit of using a dictionary, sometimes it is not easy to find a required word or not to get lost in the information of the entry. Moreover, pretty often the translation is needed not “from” the dialect but “to” the dialect, and such kind of dictionaries are extremely rare. As a result, the existing dictionaries of Modern Greek dialects can hardly be used as a tool of revitalization. In our contribution, we present the online-dictionary of Tsakonian we have recently created. It is built on top of Python and the Django module. The webpage allows to search both from Tsakonian to Greek and, as a novelty, from Greek to Tsakonian, a characteristic not supported by any other materials so far. Entries provide a brief description of the grammatical inflection for a significant proportion of terms. We believe that this dictionary may become the key component of a broader process of preservation and revitalization of Tsakonian as a basis for Tsakonian linguistic corpus and online platform for teaching Tsakonian. Once created, the online Tsakonian dictionary will become a model for other project aimed at the creation of dialectal dictionaries.
Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология, 2024
Статья посвящена специфике «пушкинского мифа» в грекоязычной культуре. В начале описываются резул... more Статья посвящена специфике «пушкинского мифа» в грекоязычной культуре. В начале описываются результаты полевого исследования, посвященного представлениям современных греков о Пушкине. Затем рассматриваются наиболее яркие имена греков-переводчиков Пушкина и история основных этапов формирования греческого «пушкинского мифа», выразившаяся как в биографиях самих переводчиков и присущих им переводческих стратегий, так и в расстановке акцентов в изложении пушкинской биографии. На примере раннего этапа формирования «пушкинского мифа» в грекоязычной культуре подробно описывается история формирования греческой пушкинианы и основные труды по ее изучению. В итоге, ставится проблема специфики формируемого в греческих переводах «пушкинского текста» и предлагается концепция, согласно которой своеобразие «греческого Пушкина» обусловлено спецификой греко-русских отношений второй половины и особенно последней трети XIX в., определивших, с одной стороны, интерес к творчеству Пушкина со стороны греческой диаспоры юга России, с другой, — ее стремление так или иначе соединить «русского Пушкина» с греческой «великой идеей».
This contribution is about the peculiarities of the “myth about Pushkin” in Greek-speaking culture. In the first part, we describe the fieldwork research where we investigate what contemporary Greeks know about Pushkin. Then, we observe the most eminent translators and basic stages of the formation of the Greek “myth about Pushkin”, along with the analysis of the translating strategies and the way of narrating of Pushkin’s biography. We analyze the earliest stage of this process in the Greek-speaking culture as an illustration of Greek Pushkin studies. As a result, we think that the main problem here are the specific features of the “Pushkin’s text” and propose a concept that the uniqueness of Greek Pushkin originates from the unique Greek-Russian relations of the 2nd half (especially the last third) of the 19th century. They raised interest of Greek diaspora in the south of Russia towards Pushkin’s works, on the one hand, and the intention to combine “Russian Pushkin” and Greek “Great Idea”, on the other.
Modern Greek studies as an independent research domain and academic discipline are relatively new... more Modern Greek studies as an independent research domain and academic discipline are relatively new. However, important centers of Modern Greek linguistics and philology can be found not only in Greece or in Cyprus, but in other countries as well. Russia is no exception here. The oldest department of Modern Greek studies was founded in 1984 in Saint Petersburg (Leningrad) State University. The idea of the continuity of the Greek language, partly reflected in the title of our department (the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies), is very important to us, and it has become a starting point for our educational programs and research projects. Thus, our students always start from Ancient Greek and Ancient Greek literature, and only then proceed to Modern Greek and Byzantine studies that are obligatory for all our undergraduates. This ideology together with special educational methods is a key factor that contributes to our positive results in teaching Greek as a foreign languag...
Proceedings of 11th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 2020
Corpus of Modern Greek appeared in 2011. All texts are morphologically annotated. Due to certain ... more Corpus of Modern Greek appeared in 2011. All texts are morphologically annotated. Due to certain peculiarities of Modern Greek morphology, the majority of forms has more than one grammatic interpretation. In this presentation we describe the types of homonyms which are found in the Corpus and discuss possible patterns for automatic disambiguation. At the end, we mention a number of problematic cases that cannot be resolved now or require manual approach.
Azov Greek is a Modern Greek dialect currently spoken in several villages in the area of Mariupol... more Azov Greek is a Modern Greek dialect currently spoken in several villages in the area of Mariupol (Eastern Ukraine). Recent studies in Modern Greek dialectology clearly demonstrate that all Modern Greek dialects (even so specific as Tsakonian) in some period (or periods) of their history were deeply influenced by other dialects or languages and the traces of this influence can be found on various linguistic levels. Azov Greek is no exception here. This contribution intends not only to specify languages involved in language contact with Azov Greek and to analyze the most remarkable features but also to reconstruct a timeline of these contacts. The analysis is based on the field research data collected in Greek speaking villages around Mariupol between 2001 and 2019 and considers folklore and literary texts in Azov Greek.
Онуфриева Е. С. (ред.). VII Международная научная конференция «Традиционная культура Греции». Тезисы конференции. Москва, 3–4 декабря 2021 года., 2021
In the epoch of Modern and Postmodern, the culture strives to produce new forms and new senses. I... more In the epoch of Modern and Postmodern, the culture strives to produce new forms and new senses. In this context, the traditional forms usually are either destroyed or transform into museum artifacts and are deprived of their previous and basic functions. As a result, the borders between local communities become vague and the members of these communities lose their identity. However, Tsakonians from Peloponnese (Greece) demonstrate another pattern where both old traditional holidays and new festivals help to preserve local identity and ancestral ties despite inevitable migrations and increasing pressure of modernity. The data for this research was collected in Tsakonian-speaking villages in 2010–2021.
Corpus of Modern Greek appeared in 2011. All texts are morphologically annotated. Due to certain ... more Corpus of Modern Greek appeared in 2011. All texts are morphologically annotated. Due to certain peculiarities of Modern Greek morphology, the majority of forms has more than one grammatic interpretation. In this presentation we describe the types of homonyms which are found in the Corpus and discuss possible patterns for automatic disambiguation. At the end, we mention a number of problematic cases that cannot be resolved now or require manual approach.
. Από — один из основных предлогов на протяжении всей истории греческого языка. В древнегреческом... more . Από — один из основных предлогов на протяжении всей истории греческого языка. В древнегреческом он управлял генитивом, а в Средние века с ним начинает употребляться и аккузатив, который к XX в. практически полностью вытесняет генитив после από. В новогреческом языке к этим конструкциям добавляется еще одна — «από + номинатив». Анализ примеров, взятых преимущественно из Корпуса греческого языка (http://web-corpora.net/GreekCorpus/search/?interface_language=ru), во-первых, позволил сформулировать основные отличия этой конструкции от сочетания από с другими падежами, а с другой стороны, выделить на основании семантических особенностей и синтаксической роли несколько типов конструкции «από + номинатив».
Από is one of the main Greek prepositions which can be used with several cases — genitive since antiquity and accusative from the 11th–12th centuries and onwards. In the 20th century accusative became the main and the most frequent case after από. However, in Modern Greek από can be also used with nominative. This contribution describes different combinations of από with nominative in comparison to the combinations with accusative. Most examples and all quantitative data were taken from the Corpus of Modern Greek (http://web-corpora.net/GreekCorpus/search/?interface_ language=en, its size is approximately 35,7 million tokens) and then some problematic cases were checked with 15 native speakers of Modern Greek. Based on our analysis we claim that there are semantic and formal differnces between “από + nominative” and “από + any other case (primarily accusative). For example, από may be followed by nominative without any article or with an indefinite article while NP with accusative allows a defenite article as well. Combinatines with acxcusative are much more frequent than those with nominative. Sometimes (though quite rarely) the both have the same meaning — probably, από with accusative is more bookish. Research in syntactic peculiarities of “από + nominative” made it possible to regard the usage of nominative as some kind of agreement with the subject. Besides, it became evident that the preposition από in certain combinations with nominative serves as a distinctive marker which enables to distinguish different syntactic ranks in phrases like από γιος έγινε πατέρας ‘[he] became a father from a son’ and thus helps to annihilate any potential ambiguity. Unfortunately, some problems could not be solved in this paper. The origin of the combinationation “από + nominative” is still unclear. There is no doubt that it is a result of reanalysis of an ellyptical construction and probably not just one but several. In future, it would be interesting to look for parallels in other Balkan languages and to undertake a comparative study.
В. Ф. Выдрин, Н. В. Кузнецова (отв. ред.). СПб.: ИЛИ РАН, Греческий институт Филологического факультета СПбГУ. 486 c., 2014
"From Bikin to Banbaluma, from the Varangians to the Greeks. Field-inspired essays in honour of E... more "From Bikin to Banbaluma, from the Varangians to the Greeks. Field-inspired essays in honour of Elena V. Perekhvalskaya / Ed. by Valentin F. Vydrin and Natalia V. Kuznetsova. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2014, 486 p." A volume in Russian with English abstracts is dedicated to E. Perekhvalskaya’s 60th anniversary and contains papers on Altaic, Greek, Balkan, African, Finnic languages, as well as on language contacts and general theoretical problems.
Немногие из современных языков обладают столь длительной письменной традицией, как греческий. Оди... more Немногие из современных языков обладают столь длительной письменной традицией, как греческий. Один из интереснейших переходных периодов в его истории приходится на так называемое позднее койне (IV–X/XII вв.), когда на смену древнегреческому языку постепенно приходит новогреческий. Особенно ярко изменения заметны на просодическом уровне, проявляясь, в частности, в принципах расстановки местоименных энклитик в предложении. Описанию этих принципов и посвящена эта монография. Материалом для исследования стал один из наиболее знаменитых текстов того времени — патерик «Луг Духовный», написанный в начале VII в. византийским монахом Иоанном Мосхом по рассказам, якобы услышанным автором во время путешествий по монастырям Ближнего Востока, Кипра и Самоса. Вероятно, в связи с тем, что основными читателями (слушателями) историй Мосха должны были стать простые носители языка, по большей части далекие от книжной традиции, автор «Луга Духовного» создает особую языковую модель, во многом соответствующую языку образованного духовенства того времени.
Описание местоименных клитик предпринимается с нескольких сторон, и прежде всего, в контексте изучения общих принципов расстановки словоформ и с точки зрения закона Ваккернагеля. Кроме этого, в книге отмечаются наиболее характерные морфологические особенности «Луга Духовного». Монография рассчитана на неоэллинистов, специалистов-типологов и на читателей, интересующихся историей греческого языка.
Предлагаемая читателям коллективная монография открывает серию изданий, посвященных языку и культ... more Предлагаемая читателям коллективная монография открывает серию изданий, посвященных языку и культуре греков Приазовья. Первый том создан по результатам экспедиций, проводившихся филологическим факультетом СПбГУ с 2001 по 2004 гг. в греческих селах Мариупольской области. Данная книга представляет собой первое посвященное приазовским грекам комплексное русскоязычное исследование, в основу которого положен живой материал. В монографии уделяется значительное внимание современному состоянию субдиалекта с. Малоянисоль, прежде почти не освещавшегося в научной литературе. Помимо собственно лингвистического описания фонетических, морфологических и синтаксических особенностей диалекта, в ней рассматриваются вопросы истории, культуры и самоидентификации греков Приазовья. Книга рассчитана как на специалистов по новогреческой диалектологии, балканистике, сравнительной типологии и этнографии, так и на читателей, интересующихся греческим языком и культурой.
The Greek settlers came to the Azov See region from the Crimea in the late 18th century. They founded the city of Mariupolis and numerous villages, calling them like those in the Crimea. Some kind of the Tatar-Greek diglossia may have existed as early as the Crimean period, Greek was less prestigious, therefore the Rumejs, Greek-speaking Greeks, were considered to be less cultured than the Urums, Tatar-speaking Greeks. Today Rumeíka (Greek dialect) is spoken in some 17 villages in the region of Mariupolis. It consists of five subdialects that vary in phonetics and vocabulary, as well as some morphological features. Most speakers are either elderly people or young men who use Rumeíka as some kind of a secret language within their male company. Though Rumeíka shows a lot of features common with Pontic and Northern Greek dialects, there is no doubt that it should be regarded as a separate idiom among other dialects of Modern Greek. The Language and Ethno-Cultural Situation in Greek Villages of Azov Region, the first volume in the Language and Culture of Mariupolis Greeks series has been prepared by the Hellenic Institute of St. Petersburg. It is based on a field research in Greek villages in Mariupolis region. The expeditions carried out in 2001–2004 were organized by St. Petersburg State University. The goal of this volume is to present an overall description of history, ethnography, culture and language of Azov Rumejs. The volume consists of thirteen chapters and four appendixes. Chapter 1 deals with the history of Greeks in the Azov region from 1771 till 2003. Besides a chronological table, it provides the necessary information on important personalities, such as poets or enlighteners. Chapter 2 is concerned with the traditional culture of the region. Special sections describe cooking and eating, handicraft, needlework and traditional clothes and decorations. The following four chapters (3–6) deal with language contacts, the status of the language of both Urums (Ch. 3) and Rumejs (Ch. 4), their identity, language acquisition by young speakers (Ch. 5), code-switching and grammatical interference with Russian (Ch. 6). Chapter 7 provides a thorough description of the phonological system of the Greek dialect, especially its local idiom spoken in the village Maloyanisol. Chapter 8 gives the information on nouns, articles, declension, models of plural and attributive forms in three main subdialects. Adjectives, degrees of comparison and formation of adverbs are described in Chapter 9. Chapter 10, the largest in the volume presents an attempt to describe the verbal system, verbal stems, paradigms and tenses. The next chapter (11) follows the subject as it focuses on lexical and grammaticalized modality. The last part of the volume deals with syntax. Chapter 12 describes the word-order patterns both within the sentence in general and in NP and VP in particular. One can also find here information on Pro-Drop, pronominal clitics and their positioning, the sententional pa enclitic and focalization. The last chapter (13) describes object doubling in Rumejka and shows the difference from the Standard Modern Greek model. The four appendixes include the list of old and modern names of the villages, a description of handicraft objects brought from the expeditions, samples of dialect texts and the list of adjectives.
Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология, 2024
Последние десятилетия неоэллинистов все более привлекают не только лексические и фонетические осо... more Последние десятилетия неоэллинистов все более привлекают не только лексические и фонетические особенности новогреческих диалектов, но и вопросы (морфо)синтаксиса. В этой статье предпринимается попытка комплексного описания местоименного синтаксиса на материале шести локальных вариантов (= диалектов) новогреческого языка (северно-хиотского, цаконского, кипрского, греческого диалекта Южной Албании (Дропул), диалекта приазовских греков (малоянисольский субдиалект) и понтийского южной России и Абхазии), собранных во время экспедиций и индивидуальной работы с информантами в 2003–2023 гг. В ходе исследования рассматриваются следующие аспекты местоименного синтаксиса: (а) принципы, регулирующие позицию местоименной клитики в рамках глагольной группы; (б) факторы, влияющие на взаимное положение нескольких местоименных клитик внутри глагольной группы; (в) местоименный повтор дополнения. В последнем случае речь идет не только о наличии самого явления, но и о возможных вариантах порядка его составляющих. Проведенный анализ демонстрирует, что каждая из описанных особенностей и в отдельности может быть использована как критерий для классификации новогреческих диалектов. Однако более перспективным представляется сопоставление особенностей местоименного синтаксиса в комплексе с привлечением, например, методов диалектометрического анализа, таких, как подсчет расстояние Хэмминга.
(Morpho)syntactic peculiarities of Modern Greek dialects attract more and more researchers in the last decades. In this contribution, my goal is to perform a complex analysis of the pronominal syntax of 6 local varieties (= dialects) of Modern Greek: Northern Chiotic, Tsakonian, Cypriot, Greek of Southern Albania (Dropull), Azov Greek (the subdialect of Maloyanisol) and Pontic from Southern Russia and Abkhazia. The data used in the research is the result of the fieldwork of 2003–2023. The analysis is focused on three phenomena: (a) regulations of the pronominal clitic position, (b) patterns of linearization of multiple clitic pronouns, (c) Clitic Doubling. The study of Clitic Doubling aims to find out whether the phenomenon exists in the dialect and describe all possible orders of its constituents. I believe that each of the three phenomena could an interesting criterion for dialectal classification. However, it is more to compare pronominal syntax in complex using, for example, the methods of dialectometric analysis, like the calculation of the Hamming distance.
Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология, 2024
Диалектная лексикография является неотъемлемой частью диалектологии. Словари для диалектов новогр... more Диалектная лексикография является неотъемлемой частью диалектологии. Словари для диалектов новогреческого языка начали создаваться в XIX в. Вначале их задачей было показать связь того или иного диалекта с древнегреческим. Однако постепенно, по ходу развития новогреческой диалектологии, начали меняться и диалектные словари, все более ориентируясь на актуальные диалектные данные. В настоящей статье освещаются три аспекта, связанные с новогреческой диалектной лексикографией. Во-первых, прослеживается связь между развитием лингвистических теорий и, соответственно, новогреческой диалектологией и теми изменениями, которые постепенно претерпевали новогреческие диалектные словари. Во-вторых, предлагается обзор словарей цаконского диалекта с точки зрения общей парадигмы развития новогреческой диалектной лексикографии. И, наконец, подробно обсуждаются особенности недавно созданного авторами статьи онлайн-словаря цаконского диалекта и перспективы его развития.
Today, the majority of Modern Greek dialects have a dictionary, sometimes even more than one. This lexicographic boom started in the 19th century. First dictionaries were very unprofessional as most author had no idea of linguistics and lexicography, and the lexicography of that period was in its initial stage. The goal of the most dictionaries was to archaic features and words in Modern Greek dialects. So, the etymological commentary often the central part of the entry. Structuralism and the later linguistic theories motivated the changes in Modern Greek dialectal lexicography. At last, the focus has moved from the history to the current state of the dialect. Despite these positive improvements, dialectal dictionaries are hardly ever used be the speakers of the dialects. Most of them do not have the dictionary close at hand when needed and without a habit of using a dictionary, sometimes it is not easy to find a required word or not to get lost in the information of the entry. Moreover, pretty often the translation is needed not “from” the dialect but “to” the dialect, and such kind of dictionaries are extremely rare. As a result, the existing dictionaries of Modern Greek dialects can hardly be used as a tool of revitalization. In our contribution, we present the online-dictionary of Tsakonian we have recently created. It is built on top of Python and the Django module. The webpage allows to search both from Tsakonian to Greek and, as a novelty, from Greek to Tsakonian, a characteristic not supported by any other materials so far. Entries provide a brief description of the grammatical inflection for a significant proportion of terms. We believe that this dictionary may become the key component of a broader process of preservation and revitalization of Tsakonian as a basis for Tsakonian linguistic corpus and online platform for teaching Tsakonian. Once created, the online Tsakonian dictionary will become a model for other project aimed at the creation of dialectal dictionaries.
Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология, 2024
Статья посвящена специфике «пушкинского мифа» в грекоязычной культуре. В начале описываются резул... more Статья посвящена специфике «пушкинского мифа» в грекоязычной культуре. В начале описываются результаты полевого исследования, посвященного представлениям современных греков о Пушкине. Затем рассматриваются наиболее яркие имена греков-переводчиков Пушкина и история основных этапов формирования греческого «пушкинского мифа», выразившаяся как в биографиях самих переводчиков и присущих им переводческих стратегий, так и в расстановке акцентов в изложении пушкинской биографии. На примере раннего этапа формирования «пушкинского мифа» в грекоязычной культуре подробно описывается история формирования греческой пушкинианы и основные труды по ее изучению. В итоге, ставится проблема специфики формируемого в греческих переводах «пушкинского текста» и предлагается концепция, согласно которой своеобразие «греческого Пушкина» обусловлено спецификой греко-русских отношений второй половины и особенно последней трети XIX в., определивших, с одной стороны, интерес к творчеству Пушкина со стороны греческой диаспоры юга России, с другой, — ее стремление так или иначе соединить «русского Пушкина» с греческой «великой идеей».
This contribution is about the peculiarities of the “myth about Pushkin” in Greek-speaking culture. In the first part, we describe the fieldwork research where we investigate what contemporary Greeks know about Pushkin. Then, we observe the most eminent translators and basic stages of the formation of the Greek “myth about Pushkin”, along with the analysis of the translating strategies and the way of narrating of Pushkin’s biography. We analyze the earliest stage of this process in the Greek-speaking culture as an illustration of Greek Pushkin studies. As a result, we think that the main problem here are the specific features of the “Pushkin’s text” and propose a concept that the uniqueness of Greek Pushkin originates from the unique Greek-Russian relations of the 2nd half (especially the last third) of the 19th century. They raised interest of Greek diaspora in the south of Russia towards Pushkin’s works, on the one hand, and the intention to combine “Russian Pushkin” and Greek “Great Idea”, on the other.
Modern Greek studies as an independent research domain and academic discipline are relatively new... more Modern Greek studies as an independent research domain and academic discipline are relatively new. However, important centers of Modern Greek linguistics and philology can be found not only in Greece or in Cyprus, but in other countries as well. Russia is no exception here. The oldest department of Modern Greek studies was founded in 1984 in Saint Petersburg (Leningrad) State University. The idea of the continuity of the Greek language, partly reflected in the title of our department (the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies), is very important to us, and it has become a starting point for our educational programs and research projects. Thus, our students always start from Ancient Greek and Ancient Greek literature, and only then proceed to Modern Greek and Byzantine studies that are obligatory for all our undergraduates. This ideology together with special educational methods is a key factor that contributes to our positive results in teaching Greek as a foreign languag...
Proceedings of 11th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 2020
Corpus of Modern Greek appeared in 2011. All texts are morphologically annotated. Due to certain ... more Corpus of Modern Greek appeared in 2011. All texts are morphologically annotated. Due to certain peculiarities of Modern Greek morphology, the majority of forms has more than one grammatic interpretation. In this presentation we describe the types of homonyms which are found in the Corpus and discuss possible patterns for automatic disambiguation. At the end, we mention a number of problematic cases that cannot be resolved now or require manual approach.
Azov Greek is a Modern Greek dialect currently spoken in several villages in the area of Mariupol... more Azov Greek is a Modern Greek dialect currently spoken in several villages in the area of Mariupol (Eastern Ukraine). Recent studies in Modern Greek dialectology clearly demonstrate that all Modern Greek dialects (even so specific as Tsakonian) in some period (or periods) of their history were deeply influenced by other dialects or languages and the traces of this influence can be found on various linguistic levels. Azov Greek is no exception here. This contribution intends not only to specify languages involved in language contact with Azov Greek and to analyze the most remarkable features but also to reconstruct a timeline of these contacts. The analysis is based on the field research data collected in Greek speaking villages around Mariupol between 2001 and 2019 and considers folklore and literary texts in Azov Greek.
Онуфриева Е. С. (ред.). VII Международная научная конференция «Традиционная культура Греции». Тезисы конференции. Москва, 3–4 декабря 2021 года., 2021
In the epoch of Modern and Postmodern, the culture strives to produce new forms and new senses. I... more In the epoch of Modern and Postmodern, the culture strives to produce new forms and new senses. In this context, the traditional forms usually are either destroyed or transform into museum artifacts and are deprived of their previous and basic functions. As a result, the borders between local communities become vague and the members of these communities lose their identity. However, Tsakonians from Peloponnese (Greece) demonstrate another pattern where both old traditional holidays and new festivals help to preserve local identity and ancestral ties despite inevitable migrations and increasing pressure of modernity. The data for this research was collected in Tsakonian-speaking villages in 2010–2021.
Corpus of Modern Greek appeared in 2011. All texts are morphologically annotated. Due to certain ... more Corpus of Modern Greek appeared in 2011. All texts are morphologically annotated. Due to certain peculiarities of Modern Greek morphology, the majority of forms has more than one grammatic interpretation. In this presentation we describe the types of homonyms which are found in the Corpus and discuss possible patterns for automatic disambiguation. At the end, we mention a number of problematic cases that cannot be resolved now or require manual approach.
. Από — один из основных предлогов на протяжении всей истории греческого языка. В древнегреческом... more . Από — один из основных предлогов на протяжении всей истории греческого языка. В древнегреческом он управлял генитивом, а в Средние века с ним начинает употребляться и аккузатив, который к XX в. практически полностью вытесняет генитив после από. В новогреческом языке к этим конструкциям добавляется еще одна — «από + номинатив». Анализ примеров, взятых преимущественно из Корпуса греческого языка (http://web-corpora.net/GreekCorpus/search/?interface_language=ru), во-первых, позволил сформулировать основные отличия этой конструкции от сочетания από с другими падежами, а с другой стороны, выделить на основании семантических особенностей и синтаксической роли несколько типов конструкции «από + номинатив».
Από is one of the main Greek prepositions which can be used with several cases — genitive since antiquity and accusative from the 11th–12th centuries and onwards. In the 20th century accusative became the main and the most frequent case after από. However, in Modern Greek από can be also used with nominative. This contribution describes different combinations of από with nominative in comparison to the combinations with accusative. Most examples and all quantitative data were taken from the Corpus of Modern Greek (http://web-corpora.net/GreekCorpus/search/?interface_ language=en, its size is approximately 35,7 million tokens) and then some problematic cases were checked with 15 native speakers of Modern Greek. Based on our analysis we claim that there are semantic and formal differnces between “από + nominative” and “από + any other case (primarily accusative). For example, από may be followed by nominative without any article or with an indefinite article while NP with accusative allows a defenite article as well. Combinatines with acxcusative are much more frequent than those with nominative. Sometimes (though quite rarely) the both have the same meaning — probably, από with accusative is more bookish. Research in syntactic peculiarities of “από + nominative” made it possible to regard the usage of nominative as some kind of agreement with the subject. Besides, it became evident that the preposition από in certain combinations with nominative serves as a distinctive marker which enables to distinguish different syntactic ranks in phrases like από γιος έγινε πατέρας ‘[he] became a father from a son’ and thus helps to annihilate any potential ambiguity. Unfortunately, some problems could not be solved in this paper. The origin of the combinationation “από + nominative” is still unclear. There is no doubt that it is a result of reanalysis of an ellyptical construction and probably not just one but several. In future, it would be interesting to look for parallels in other Balkan languages and to undertake a comparative study.
В 1938 г. вышло первое издание «Одиссеи» Никоса Казандзакиса — произведения, которое его автор сч... more В 1938 г. вышло первое издание «Одиссеи» Никоса Казандзакиса — произведения, которое его автор считал важнейшим трудом своей жизни. В «Одиссее» воплотились его главные литературные, философско-религиозные и лингвистические представления. Греческий читатель в основном не воспринял это произведение и не понял языка, на котором оно было написано. Позже Казандзакис частично выразит свои идеи в романах, встреченных намного более благосклонно, а «Одиссея» получит признание только после смерти писателя уже в английском переводе. Поэма Казандзакиса многократно становилась предметом научного исследования и с точки зрения прямых литературных аллюзий, и в плане мифопоэтики, и как уникальнейший лингвистический материал. В настоящей статье рассматриваются связи «Одиссеи» с русской культурой. Имеются в виду не столько прямые тематические пересечения (хотя и их немало), сколько типологические сходства с ключевыми топологическими моделями русской литературы XIX в.: романтическое бегство, «русский путешественник» и «русский европеец», уход как стремление к новому рождению. Предпринятое сопоставление позволяет представить «Одиссею» как мифотворческий проект Казандзакиса по созданию новой греческой культуры.
Nikos Kazantzakis published his “Odyssey” in 1938. He regarded it as the most important work in his life. It presents his main literary, philosophic, religious and linguistic ideas. However, Greek readers in general neither accepted this new epic, nor understood its language. Later, Kazantzakis repeated his ideas in his novels which were a success unlike his poem. Only the English translation of the “Odyssey” will be highly appreciated by European and American critics, philologists and poets and will attract many readers only after Kazantzakis’ death. The “Odyssey” is an extremely friendly text for any kind of analysis. One can look for direct literary and textual parallels with Homer, Erotokritos, Dante, James Joyce, ancient and contemporary philosophy, describe mythopoetics or study its unique language. In this contribution we investigate some connections between the “Odyssey” and the Russian culture. There are a lot of common motifs, but more important and interesting are typological similarities with the basic topoi patterns of Russian literature of the 19th century: romantic escape, “Russian traveler”, the “Russian European”, departure as an aspiration for the new birth. Such kind of comparative analysis makes possible to regard the “Odyssey” as a Kazantzakis’ mythmaking project aimed to create the New Greek culture.
Standard Modern Greek (= SMG) has at least three conjunctions for that-clause: ότι, πως and που. ... more Standard Modern Greek (= SMG) has at least three conjunctions for that-clause: ότι, πως and που. Various grammars of SMG provide different descriptions of the differences in use of these conjunctions. For example, Anastasios Christidis (Χριστίδης 1982) believes that που is used very rarely and either only in attributive clauses (1) Ο Γιάννης έφερε το αμάξι που του έδωσε ‘John brought me the car that I gave him’ or after emotive verb (2) Χαίρομαι που το βρήκα ‘I am happy that I found it’ However, according to (Holton et al. 1998: 428–432), there are a lot of examples when all three conjunctions might be used in the same context. In my report, I do not just intend to analyze the semantic and combinatory differences between ότι, πως and που in SMG but to demonstrate how the electronic corpora of SMG may be used for this research. I am going to use at least three corpora: Hellenic National Corpus, The Greek Web Corpus, elTenTen and Corpus of Modern Greek.
В современной лингвистике глоссирование является неизбежным атрибутом оформления примеров в научн... more В современной лингвистике глоссирование является неизбежным атрибутом оформления примеров в научном тексте. Настоящий доклад посвящен рассмотрению проблем, возникающих при глоссировании новогреческих диалектных текстов. Цель доклада — продемонстрировать, что далеко не все проблемы носят технический характер и связаны с оформлением текста, а глоссирование следует считать мощнейшим инструментом для исследования морфонологии и морфосинтаксиса исследуемого языкового материала.
Nowadays glosses have become a very tool for presentation of linguistic examples. In this report I analyze the problems I faced as I supplied Modern Greek dialect texts with glosses. In my opinion these are not just technical problems and glosses should be regarded as a key to morphophonology and morphosyntax
Hellenic Instute of St, Petersburg State University (http://www.hellenicinstitute.ru/) organized ... more Hellenic Instute of St, Petersburg State University (http://www.hellenicinstitute.ru/) organized ten expeditions to Peloponnesos since 2008. The goal of this talk is to share the most important results. For example, it is evident now that there are multiple local versions of the South Peloponnesian that vary not only in phonetics and vocabulary, but in noun and verb morphology as well. Besides, one can be sure that there is no reason to treat Tsakonian as an endangered language
The goal of this report is to show that Rumeika (the dialect of Azov Greeks) is neither Pontic no... more The goal of this report is to show that Rumeika (the dialect of Azov Greeks) is neither Pontic nor Nothern Greek dialect, though many features from the both may be found
The report deals with clitics in Homer's epic. The goal is to show that certain clusters should t... more The report deals with clitics in Homer's epic. The goal is to show that certain clusters should treated as poetic formulas.
Books by Maxim Kisilier
Описание местоименных клитик предпринимается с нескольких сторон, и прежде всего, в контексте изучения общих принципов расстановки словоформ и с точки зрения закона Ваккернагеля. Кроме этого, в книге отмечаются наиболее характерные морфологические особенности «Луга Духовного». Монография рассчитана на неоэллинистов, специалистов-типологов и на читателей, интересующихся историей греческого языка.
The Greek settlers came to the Azov See region from the Crimea in the late 18th century. They founded the city of Mariupolis and numerous villages, calling them like those in the Crimea. Some kind of the Tatar-Greek diglossia may have existed as early as the Crimean period, Greek was less prestigious, therefore the Rumejs, Greek-speaking Greeks, were considered to be less cultured than the Urums, Tatar-speaking Greeks. Today Rumeíka (Greek dialect) is spoken in some 17 villages in the region of Mariupolis. It consists of five subdialects that vary in phonetics and vocabulary, as well as some morphological features. Most speakers are either elderly people or young men who use Rumeíka as some kind of a secret language within their male company. Though Rumeíka shows a lot of features common with Pontic and Northern Greek dialects, there is no doubt that it should be regarded as a separate idiom among other dialects of Modern Greek.
The Language and Ethno-Cultural Situation in Greek Villages of Azov Region, the first volume in the Language and Culture of Mariupolis Greeks series has been prepared by the Hellenic Institute of St. Petersburg. It is based on a field research in Greek villages in Mariupolis region. The expeditions carried out in 2001–2004 were organized by St. Petersburg State University.
The goal of this volume is to present an overall description of history, ethnography, culture and language of Azov Rumejs. The volume consists of thirteen chapters and four appendixes.
Chapter 1 deals with the history of Greeks in the Azov region from 1771 till 2003. Besides a chronological table, it provides the necessary information on important personalities, such as poets or enlighteners. Chapter 2 is concerned with the traditional culture of the region. Special sections describe cooking and eating, handicraft, needlework and traditional clothes and decorations. The following four chapters (3–6) deal with language contacts, the status of the language of both Urums (Ch. 3) and Rumejs (Ch. 4), their identity, language acquisition by young speakers (Ch. 5), code-switching and grammatical interference with Russian (Ch. 6).
Chapter 7 provides a thorough description of the phonological system of the Greek dialect, especially its local idiom spoken in the village Maloyanisol. Chapter 8 gives the information on nouns, articles, declension, models of plural and attributive forms in three main subdialects. Adjectives, degrees of comparison and formation of adverbs are described in Chapter 9. Chapter 10, the largest in the volume presents an attempt to describe the verbal system, verbal stems, paradigms and tenses. The next chapter (11) follows the subject as it focuses on lexical and grammaticalized modality.
The last part of the volume deals with syntax. Chapter 12 describes the word-order patterns both within the sentence in general and in NP and VP in particular. One can also find here information on Pro-Drop, pronominal clitics and their positioning, the sententional pa enclitic and focalization. The last chapter (13) describes object doubling in Rumejka and shows the difference from the Standard Modern Greek model.
The four appendixes include the list of old and modern names of the villages, a description of handicraft objects brought from the expeditions, samples of dialect texts and the list of adjectives.
Papers by Maxim Kisilier
В ходе исследования рассматриваются следующие аспекты местоименного синтаксиса: (а) принципы, регулирующие позицию местоименной клитики в рамках глагольной группы; (б) факторы, влияющие на взаимное положение нескольких местоименных клитик внутри глагольной группы; (в) местоименный повтор дополнения. В последнем случае речь идет не только о наличии самого явления, но и о возможных вариантах порядка его составляющих. Проведенный анализ демонстрирует, что каждая из описанных особенностей и в отдельности может быть использована как критерий для классификации новогреческих диалектов. Однако более перспективным представляется сопоставление особенностей местоименного синтаксиса в комплексе с привлечением, например, методов диалектометрического анализа, таких, как подсчет расстояние Хэмминга.
(Morpho)syntactic peculiarities of Modern Greek dialects attract more and more researchers in the last decades. In this contribution, my goal is to perform a complex analysis of the pronominal syntax of 6 local varieties (= dialects) of Modern Greek: Northern Chiotic, Tsakonian, Cypriot, Greek of Southern Albania (Dropull), Azov Greek (the subdialect of Maloyanisol) and Pontic from Southern Russia and Abkhazia. The data used in the research is the result of the fieldwork of 2003–2023.
The analysis is focused on three phenomena: (a) regulations of the pronominal clitic position, (b) patterns of linearization of multiple clitic pronouns, (c) Clitic Doubling. The study of Clitic Doubling aims to find out whether the phenomenon exists in the dialect and describe all possible orders of its constituents. I believe that each of the three phenomena could an interesting criterion for dialectal classification. However, it is more to compare pronominal syntax in complex using, for example, the methods of dialectometric analysis, like the calculation of the Hamming distance.
Today, the majority of Modern Greek dialects have a dictionary, sometimes even more than one. This lexicographic boom started in the 19th century. First dictionaries were very unprofessional as most author had no idea of linguistics and lexicography, and the lexicography of that period was in its initial stage. The goal of the most dictionaries was to archaic features and words in Modern Greek dialects. So, the etymological commentary often the central part of the entry. Structuralism and the later linguistic theories motivated the changes in Modern Greek dialectal lexicography. At last, the focus has moved from the history to the current state of the dialect. Despite these positive improvements, dialectal dictionaries are hardly ever used be the speakers of the dialects. Most of them do not have the dictionary close at hand when needed and without a habit of using a dictionary, sometimes it is not easy to find a required word or not to get lost in the information of the entry. Moreover, pretty often the translation is needed not “from” the dialect but “to” the dialect, and such kind of dictionaries are extremely rare. As a result, the existing dictionaries of Modern Greek dialects can hardly be used as a tool of revitalization. In our contribution, we present the online-dictionary of Tsakonian we have recently created. It is built on top of Python and the Django module. The webpage allows to search both from Tsakonian to Greek and, as a novelty, from Greek to Tsakonian, a characteristic not supported by any other materials so far. Entries provide a brief description of the grammatical inflection for a significant proportion of terms. We believe that this dictionary may become the key component of a broader process of preservation and revitalization of Tsakonian as a basis for Tsakonian linguistic corpus and online platform for teaching Tsakonian. Once created, the online Tsakonian dictionary will become a model for other project aimed at the creation of dialectal dictionaries.
This contribution is about the peculiarities of the “myth about Pushkin” in Greek-speaking culture. In the first part, we describe the fieldwork research where we investigate what contemporary Greeks know about Pushkin. Then, we observe the most eminent translators and basic stages of the formation of the Greek “myth about Pushkin”, along with the analysis of the translating strategies and the way of narrating of Pushkin’s biography. We analyze the earliest stage of this process in the Greek-speaking culture as an illustration of Greek Pushkin studies. As a result, we think that the main problem here are the specific features of the “Pushkin’s text” and propose a concept that the uniqueness of Greek Pushkin originates from the unique Greek-Russian relations of the 2nd half (especially the last third) of the 19th century. They raised interest of Greek diaspora in the south of Russia towards Pushkin’s works, on the one hand, and the intention to combine “Russian Pushkin” and Greek “Great Idea”, on the other.
Από is one of the main Greek prepositions which can be used with several cases — genitive since antiquity and accusative from the 11th–12th centuries and onwards. In the 20th century accusative became the main and the most frequent case after από. However, in Modern Greek από can be also used with nominative. This contribution describes different combinations of από with nominative in comparison to the combinations with accusative. Most examples and all quantitative data were taken from the Corpus of Modern Greek (http://web-corpora.net/GreekCorpus/search/?interface_ language=en, its size is approximately 35,7 million tokens) and then some problematic cases were checked with 15 native speakers of Modern Greek.
Based on our analysis we claim that there are semantic and formal differnces between “από + nominative” and “από + any other case (primarily accusative). For example, από may be followed by nominative without any article or with an indefinite article while NP with accusative allows a defenite article as well. Combinatines with acxcusative are much more frequent than those with nominative. Sometimes (though quite rarely) the both have the same meaning — probably, από with accusative is more bookish.
Research in syntactic peculiarities of “από + nominative” made it possible to regard the usage of nominative as some kind of agreement with the subject. Besides, it became evident that the preposition από in certain combinations with nominative serves as a distinctive marker which enables to distinguish different syntactic ranks in phrases like από γιος έγινε πατέρας ‘[he] became a father from a son’ and thus helps to annihilate any potential ambiguity.
Unfortunately, some problems could not be solved in this paper. The origin of the combinationation “από + nominative” is still unclear. There is no doubt that it is a result of reanalysis of an ellyptical construction and probably not just one but several. In future, it would be interesting to look for parallels in other Balkan languages and to undertake a comparative study.
Описание местоименных клитик предпринимается с нескольких сторон, и прежде всего, в контексте изучения общих принципов расстановки словоформ и с точки зрения закона Ваккернагеля. Кроме этого, в книге отмечаются наиболее характерные морфологические особенности «Луга Духовного». Монография рассчитана на неоэллинистов, специалистов-типологов и на читателей, интересующихся историей греческого языка.
The Greek settlers came to the Azov See region from the Crimea in the late 18th century. They founded the city of Mariupolis and numerous villages, calling them like those in the Crimea. Some kind of the Tatar-Greek diglossia may have existed as early as the Crimean period, Greek was less prestigious, therefore the Rumejs, Greek-speaking Greeks, were considered to be less cultured than the Urums, Tatar-speaking Greeks. Today Rumeíka (Greek dialect) is spoken in some 17 villages in the region of Mariupolis. It consists of five subdialects that vary in phonetics and vocabulary, as well as some morphological features. Most speakers are either elderly people or young men who use Rumeíka as some kind of a secret language within their male company. Though Rumeíka shows a lot of features common with Pontic and Northern Greek dialects, there is no doubt that it should be regarded as a separate idiom among other dialects of Modern Greek.
The Language and Ethno-Cultural Situation in Greek Villages of Azov Region, the first volume in the Language and Culture of Mariupolis Greeks series has been prepared by the Hellenic Institute of St. Petersburg. It is based on a field research in Greek villages in Mariupolis region. The expeditions carried out in 2001–2004 were organized by St. Petersburg State University.
The goal of this volume is to present an overall description of history, ethnography, culture and language of Azov Rumejs. The volume consists of thirteen chapters and four appendixes.
Chapter 1 deals with the history of Greeks in the Azov region from 1771 till 2003. Besides a chronological table, it provides the necessary information on important personalities, such as poets or enlighteners. Chapter 2 is concerned with the traditional culture of the region. Special sections describe cooking and eating, handicraft, needlework and traditional clothes and decorations. The following four chapters (3–6) deal with language contacts, the status of the language of both Urums (Ch. 3) and Rumejs (Ch. 4), their identity, language acquisition by young speakers (Ch. 5), code-switching and grammatical interference with Russian (Ch. 6).
Chapter 7 provides a thorough description of the phonological system of the Greek dialect, especially its local idiom spoken in the village Maloyanisol. Chapter 8 gives the information on nouns, articles, declension, models of plural and attributive forms in three main subdialects. Adjectives, degrees of comparison and formation of adverbs are described in Chapter 9. Chapter 10, the largest in the volume presents an attempt to describe the verbal system, verbal stems, paradigms and tenses. The next chapter (11) follows the subject as it focuses on lexical and grammaticalized modality.
The last part of the volume deals with syntax. Chapter 12 describes the word-order patterns both within the sentence in general and in NP and VP in particular. One can also find here information on Pro-Drop, pronominal clitics and their positioning, the sententional pa enclitic and focalization. The last chapter (13) describes object doubling in Rumejka and shows the difference from the Standard Modern Greek model.
The four appendixes include the list of old and modern names of the villages, a description of handicraft objects brought from the expeditions, samples of dialect texts and the list of adjectives.
В ходе исследования рассматриваются следующие аспекты местоименного синтаксиса: (а) принципы, регулирующие позицию местоименной клитики в рамках глагольной группы; (б) факторы, влияющие на взаимное положение нескольких местоименных клитик внутри глагольной группы; (в) местоименный повтор дополнения. В последнем случае речь идет не только о наличии самого явления, но и о возможных вариантах порядка его составляющих. Проведенный анализ демонстрирует, что каждая из описанных особенностей и в отдельности может быть использована как критерий для классификации новогреческих диалектов. Однако более перспективным представляется сопоставление особенностей местоименного синтаксиса в комплексе с привлечением, например, методов диалектометрического анализа, таких, как подсчет расстояние Хэмминга.
(Morpho)syntactic peculiarities of Modern Greek dialects attract more and more researchers in the last decades. In this contribution, my goal is to perform a complex analysis of the pronominal syntax of 6 local varieties (= dialects) of Modern Greek: Northern Chiotic, Tsakonian, Cypriot, Greek of Southern Albania (Dropull), Azov Greek (the subdialect of Maloyanisol) and Pontic from Southern Russia and Abkhazia. The data used in the research is the result of the fieldwork of 2003–2023.
The analysis is focused on three phenomena: (a) regulations of the pronominal clitic position, (b) patterns of linearization of multiple clitic pronouns, (c) Clitic Doubling. The study of Clitic Doubling aims to find out whether the phenomenon exists in the dialect and describe all possible orders of its constituents. I believe that each of the three phenomena could an interesting criterion for dialectal classification. However, it is more to compare pronominal syntax in complex using, for example, the methods of dialectometric analysis, like the calculation of the Hamming distance.
Today, the majority of Modern Greek dialects have a dictionary, sometimes even more than one. This lexicographic boom started in the 19th century. First dictionaries were very unprofessional as most author had no idea of linguistics and lexicography, and the lexicography of that period was in its initial stage. The goal of the most dictionaries was to archaic features and words in Modern Greek dialects. So, the etymological commentary often the central part of the entry. Structuralism and the later linguistic theories motivated the changes in Modern Greek dialectal lexicography. At last, the focus has moved from the history to the current state of the dialect. Despite these positive improvements, dialectal dictionaries are hardly ever used be the speakers of the dialects. Most of them do not have the dictionary close at hand when needed and without a habit of using a dictionary, sometimes it is not easy to find a required word or not to get lost in the information of the entry. Moreover, pretty often the translation is needed not “from” the dialect but “to” the dialect, and such kind of dictionaries are extremely rare. As a result, the existing dictionaries of Modern Greek dialects can hardly be used as a tool of revitalization. In our contribution, we present the online-dictionary of Tsakonian we have recently created. It is built on top of Python and the Django module. The webpage allows to search both from Tsakonian to Greek and, as a novelty, from Greek to Tsakonian, a characteristic not supported by any other materials so far. Entries provide a brief description of the grammatical inflection for a significant proportion of terms. We believe that this dictionary may become the key component of a broader process of preservation and revitalization of Tsakonian as a basis for Tsakonian linguistic corpus and online platform for teaching Tsakonian. Once created, the online Tsakonian dictionary will become a model for other project aimed at the creation of dialectal dictionaries.
This contribution is about the peculiarities of the “myth about Pushkin” in Greek-speaking culture. In the first part, we describe the fieldwork research where we investigate what contemporary Greeks know about Pushkin. Then, we observe the most eminent translators and basic stages of the formation of the Greek “myth about Pushkin”, along with the analysis of the translating strategies and the way of narrating of Pushkin’s biography. We analyze the earliest stage of this process in the Greek-speaking culture as an illustration of Greek Pushkin studies. As a result, we think that the main problem here are the specific features of the “Pushkin’s text” and propose a concept that the uniqueness of Greek Pushkin originates from the unique Greek-Russian relations of the 2nd half (especially the last third) of the 19th century. They raised interest of Greek diaspora in the south of Russia towards Pushkin’s works, on the one hand, and the intention to combine “Russian Pushkin” and Greek “Great Idea”, on the other.
Από is one of the main Greek prepositions which can be used with several cases — genitive since antiquity and accusative from the 11th–12th centuries and onwards. In the 20th century accusative became the main and the most frequent case after από. However, in Modern Greek από can be also used with nominative. This contribution describes different combinations of από with nominative in comparison to the combinations with accusative. Most examples and all quantitative data were taken from the Corpus of Modern Greek (http://web-corpora.net/GreekCorpus/search/?interface_ language=en, its size is approximately 35,7 million tokens) and then some problematic cases were checked with 15 native speakers of Modern Greek.
Based on our analysis we claim that there are semantic and formal differnces between “από + nominative” and “από + any other case (primarily accusative). For example, από may be followed by nominative without any article or with an indefinite article while NP with accusative allows a defenite article as well. Combinatines with acxcusative are much more frequent than those with nominative. Sometimes (though quite rarely) the both have the same meaning — probably, από with accusative is more bookish.
Research in syntactic peculiarities of “από + nominative” made it possible to regard the usage of nominative as some kind of agreement with the subject. Besides, it became evident that the preposition από in certain combinations with nominative serves as a distinctive marker which enables to distinguish different syntactic ranks in phrases like από γιος έγινε πατέρας ‘[he] became a father from a son’ and thus helps to annihilate any potential ambiguity.
Unfortunately, some problems could not be solved in this paper. The origin of the combinationation “από + nominative” is still unclear. There is no doubt that it is a result of reanalysis of an ellyptical construction and probably not just one but several. In future, it would be interesting to look for parallels in other Balkan languages and to undertake a comparative study.
Поэма Казандзакиса многократно становилась предметом научного исследования и с точки зрения прямых литературных аллюзий, и в плане мифопоэтики, и как уникальнейший лингвистический материал. В настоящей статье рассматриваются связи «Одиссеи» с русской культурой. Имеются в виду не столько прямые тематические пересечения (хотя и их немало), сколько типологические сходства с ключевыми топологическими моделями русской литературы XIX в.: романтическое бегство, «русский путешественник» и «русский европеец», уход как стремление к новому рождению. Предпринятое сопоставление позволяет представить «Одиссею» как мифотворческий проект Казандзакиса по созданию новой греческой культуры.
Nikos Kazantzakis published his “Odyssey” in 1938. He regarded it as the most important work in his life. It presents his main literary, philosophic, religious and linguistic ideas. However, Greek readers in general neither accepted this new epic, nor understood its language. Later, Kazantzakis repeated his ideas in his novels which were a success unlike his poem. Only the English translation of the “Odyssey” will be highly appreciated by European and American critics, philologists and poets and will attract many readers only after Kazantzakis’ death.
The “Odyssey” is an extremely friendly text for any kind of analysis. One can look for direct literary and textual parallels with Homer, Erotokritos, Dante, James Joyce, ancient and contemporary philosophy, describe mythopoetics or study its unique language. In this contribution we investigate some connections between the “Odyssey” and the Russian culture. There are a lot of common motifs, but more important and interesting are typological similarities with the basic topoi patterns of Russian literature of the 19th century: romantic escape, “Russian traveler”, the “Russian European”, departure as an aspiration for the new birth. Such kind of comparative analysis makes possible to regard the “Odyssey” as a Kazantzakis’ mythmaking project aimed to create the New Greek culture.
(1) Ο Γιάννης έφερε το αμάξι που του έδωσε
‘John brought me the car that I gave him’
or after emotive verb
(2) Χαίρομαι που το βρήκα
‘I am happy that I found it’
However, according to (Holton et al. 1998: 428–432), there are a lot of examples when all three conjunctions might be used in the same context.
In my report, I do not just intend to analyze the semantic and combinatory differences between ότι, πως and που in SMG but to demonstrate how the electronic corpora of SMG may be used for this research. I am going to use at least three corpora: Hellenic National Corpus, The Greek Web Corpus, elTenTen and Corpus of Modern Greek.
Nowadays glosses have become a very tool for presentation of linguistic examples. In this report I analyze the problems I faced as I supplied Modern Greek dialect texts with glosses. In my opinion these are not just technical problems and glosses should be regarded as a key to morphophonology and morphosyntax