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Curriculum Vitae

Saint-Petersburg State University, Economic Sociology, Faculty Member
Curriculum Vitae. Sinyutin Mikhail Vladimirovich. Doctor of Sociology Professor at the Department of Economic Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, St-Petersburg State University Ul. Smolnogo 1/3, entrance 9, R 202, St-Petersburg State University St-Petersburg 193060 Russia Associate researcher of the Sociological Institute of the Federal research sociological center of the Russian Academy of Sciences St. 7th Krasnoarmeyskaya, d. 25/14, Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences St-Petersburg 190005 Russia Educational and Professional backgrounds - 1984-1991, Leningrad State University, specialist degree (economics; sociology); 1991-1994, St-Petersburg State University, kandidatskaya degree (history of sociology); 1994-1997, St-Petersburg State University, assistant professor (economic sociology); 1997-2003, St-Petersburg State University, senior lecturer (economic sociology); 2003-2005, St-Petersburg State University, docent (economic sociology); 2004, St-Petersburg State University, doctoral degree (economic sociology and demography); since 2005, St-Petersburg State University, professor (economic sociology); 2009-2010, Russian State Pedagogical University, visiting professor (theory and history of sociology); 2008-2009, Journal of Social Problems, editor in chief; 2008-2018, dissertation council member at St-Petersburg State University, and at Russian State Pedagogical University; 2008-2010, dissertation council member at St-Petersburg State University of Economics and Engineering. Membership in professional societies - since 1993 Kovalevsky's Russian Sociological Society (2000-2005 inspection committee; 2005-2018 informational and international affairs vice-president); 1999-2021 International Sociological Association (RC History of Sociology; RC Sociology of Sport); 1999 International Society of New Institutional Economics; 1999 Western Economic Association International; 1999-2004 Association for Evolutionary Economics; since 2003 European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (2004-2007 council member); since 2013 World Economic Association; 2013 World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (Founding Member); 2016-2019, International Sociology of Sport Association; since 2017 Society for Economic Measurement. Professional honors, awards, fellowships, scholarships, grants - 1993-1994, Scholarship of the President of Russian Federation; 1998-1999, Fulbright Freedom Support Act Junior Faculty Development Program; 2005, Honorary Diploma of Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Visiting scholar - 1996, Germany, Bielefeld University, (Project: "History of Sociology"); 1997, Korea, Korea University, (Project: "National Traditions and Forms of Property"); 1998-1999, USA, University of Kansas, (Project: "Institutional Economics"); 2002, Germany, Magdeburg University, (Project: "Trust and Socio-Economic Development in Transforming Societies"), 2013, Finland, University of Jyväskylä (Finnish-Russian student and teacher exchange program. Course on economic sociology). 2016, India, Mumbai University (Project: Institutionalization of shoemaking in modern urban space: the case of St. Petersburg (Russia) and Mumbai (India)). Teaching experience - 1993-1996 History of Sociology and Philosophy; 1995-1998, 2005-2007, 2019 History of Socio-Economic Thought in Russia; 1995-2019, Sociology; 1997-2019 History of Social and Economic Thought; 2000-2001 Transaction Cost Theory; 2000-2002 Social and Economic Institutions; 2000-2005 Urgent Problems of Institutional Theory: Economy and Law; 2000-2007, 2010, 2018 Economic Sociology; 2008-2010, Contemporary Sociological Theories and Schools; 2009, Contemporary Economic Sociology; 2009-2010, Sociological Problems of Cultural-Historical Development; 2009-2011, Introduction to Economic Sociology; 2010-2011, 2013-2018, Social and Economic Functions of Money; 2010-2012, Constitutional Economics; 2011-2013, Demography; 2011-2018, Institutional Economics; 2012-2019, Sociology and Economics of Sport; 2014-2019, Social and economic demography; 2015, Socio-economic groups and structures; 2015, Axiological aspects of economic behavior. Symposia and summer schools - HESP/OSI summer school "New Institutional Economics for Countries in Transition: theoretical debates and policy implementations", July 21 - August 10, 2002, St-Petersburg (teaching assistance in English). First Symposium of European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy “Social and Political Economy of Labor: New Dimensions”, June 29 – July 1, 2006, St-Petersburg. 2017, International seminar "Shoemaking craft in contemporary urban space: the case study of St. Petersburg and Mumbai", Saint-Petersburg. 2018, Workshop on “Research Methods in the History of Sociology,” co-sponsored by Research Committee 08 of the International Sociological Association, University of Toronto (the History Department, Sociology Department, and Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology), Toronto, Canada. Monographic and manual works - "Methodological role of categories "law" and "power" in Russian positivist sociology at the end of XIX - beginning of XX century", unpublished thesis of candidate dissertation, St-Petersburg: PML SPbSU, 1994, (in Russian). Institutional Approach in Economic Sociology, St-Petersburg: NIIC SPbSU, 2002, (in Russian). "Institutionalism as a sociological approach to economy", unpublished thesis of doctoral dissertation, St-Petersburg: Rivera, 2003, (in Russian). History of social and economic doctrines: Manual, St-Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University publishing house, 2009, (in Russian). History of sociological doctrines: Manual, St-Petersburg: LEMA, 2009, (in Russian). Philosophical foundations of sociological theory. / eds Elmeev V. Y. Co-authored, St-Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University, 2009, (in Russian). Demography: Manual, St-Petersburg: LEMA, 2011, (in Russian). Economic sociology: theory and history. // eds. by J.V. Veselov, A.L. Kashin, Co-authored, St-Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2012, (in Russian). Short course of history of sociological thought. Textbook. Saarbrücken: Palmarium Academic Publishing. 2013, (in Russian). Russian Institutional Paths. Historical Proceedings on Economic Sociology. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013 (in English). Economic sociology. // eds. by J.V. Veselov. Co-authored, Moscow: RG-Press, 2013, (in Russian). Sociology of labor: tutorial and workshop for academic undergraduate. // eds. By R.V. Karapetyan. Co-authored, Moscow: Urait, 2015, (in Russian). Trust, Morality, and Markets. Rethinking Economy and Society via the Russian Case. (with Y.V. Veselov, and E.V. Kapustkina) Peter Lang Academic Publishing, 2016 (in English). The works of V.Y. Elmeev as the legacy of Soviet sociology. To the 90th anniversary. SPb.: Publishing house of Polytechnical University, 2017, (in Russian). Stratification processes and social mobility of St. Petersburg population: reproductive approach. SPb.: POLYTECHNIC PRESS, 2019, (in Russian). Book chapters - "Appraisal of the theory of socio-economic formations" // in Future for Society of Labor, St-Petersburg: SPbSU, 2003, 38-54, (in Russian). "Trust and capitalist globalization: Russian metamorphoses", // in Economics and Sociology of Trust, St-Petersburg, 2004, 135-150, (in Russian). “From the history of sociological doctrines”, // in Philosophical foundations of the sociological theory. Manual, eds. by V.I. Elmeev, St-Petersburg: SPbSU, 2009, 16-69, (in Russian). “Justice and commodity equivalence”, // in Capitalist society: justice problem, eds. by J.V. Veselov, St-Petersburg, 2011, 152-189, (in Russian). Capitalism in Russia: searching the new institutional foundations. // eds. by M.V. Sinyutin, Co-authored, St-Petersburg: Renome, 2013 (in Russian). “Mechanisms for the Control and Alignment of Interests of Corporate Governance Participants in Transitional Economy”, (with A. Borisov, E. Tarando, N. Pruel) // Corporate Governance: Principles, Practices and Challenges, Ed. by E. Klein, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2016 (in English). “Evolution of Justice: morality and practice of commodity equivalence”, // The rules of just society, Ed. by A. Lipatov, St-Petersburg: Renome, 2016 (in Russian). Historical horizon, technical progress and the strategic course of Russia // in the book "Reproduction of Russia in XXI century: the dialectics of controlled development. On the 80th anniversary of the publication of the book of John. M. Keynes "the General theory of employment, interest and money"" Moscow: Financial University, 2016, SS. 257-262 (in Russian). Problems of sociological theory in the postwar works of Nikolai Andreev, // in the volume Problems of theoretical sociology: Interuniversity. Sb., Vol. 12, SPb: Asterion, 2019, SS. 230-249. (in Russian). Dictionary of sociology of physical culture and sport // Ed. – SPb., 2019. - (Articles: Globalization of modern sports; Humanization of modern sports; Demographic groups in sports; History of sociology of physical culture and sports; Commercialization of sports; mega-Events sports; Mediation of sports; Social valence of sports; Professional sports; Social relations in the sphere of physical culture and sports) (in Russian). Sociology of Russia in persons: history and modernity. Encyclopedic edition // Author of the Preface. and PREV. ed. Russian Academy of Sciences M. K. Gorshkov. - Moscow: Publishing House "The Whole World", 2019. - (Articles: Andreev Nikolay Nikolaevich; Galaktionov Anatoly Andrianovich; Gredeskul Nikolay Andreevich; Gurvich Georgy Davidovich; Elmeev Vasily Yakovlevich; Serebryakov Mikhail Vasilyevich; Tugan-Baranovsky Mikhail Ivanovich; Chagin Boris Aleksandrovich) (in Russian). Articles - "Politico-Legal issues in Psychological Positivism of L. Petrazhitzky", // Vestnik SPbSU, ser.6, dep. INION RAN # 48475, 14.09.1993, (in Russian). "The Problem of Power in theory of N. Korkunov", // Vestnik SPbSU, ser.6, 1994, v. 3, 113-115, (in Russian). "Experiment of M. Kovalevsky's study of blood feud institution", // in: Sociology and Social Anthropology, St-Petersburg, 1997, 347-360, (in Russian). "Typological method of N. Kareev", // Vestnik SPbSU, ser.6, 1997, v. 4, 69-75, (in Russian). "August Comte and modern sociology", // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, vol.I, #2, 1998, 149-156, (in Russian). "Conflict and order", (with V. D. Vinogradov), // Vestnik SPbSU, ser.6, 1998, v. 2, 125-127, (in Russian). "Human being as a proprietor", (with V. I. Elmeev), // in: Sociology of economy and management, St-Petersburg, 1998, 51-64, (in Russian). "August Comte and our times", // SocIs, # 1, 1999, 144-145, (in Russian). "On issue of N. Kareev's methodology", // in: Sociology of history of N. Kareev, St-Petersburg, 2000, 277-280, (in Russian). "The Mafia Institution: Private Property on Violence", // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, vol.V, # 1, 2002, 125-150, (in Russian). “Socio-Anthropological researches of M. Kovalevsky: structure of tribal society”, // in: M. Kovalevsky and Russian Social Thought, St-Petersburg, 2003, 107-118, (in Russian). "Evolutionary concept in institutional economics", // in: Problems of theoretical sociology, vol. 4, St-Petersburg, 2003, 295-309, (in Russian). "Economic circumstances of creating new Russian citizenship", // in: Security and National Development (ed. by I. Ostrovska), Daugavpils: Saule, 2004, 58-67, (in English). “Interview with Robert Antonio”, // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 2004 # 4, 5-31, (in Russian). “Economic evolution, property rights and citizenship institution: investigating Russian trajectory”, // in: Social Sciences Bulletin, Daugavpils University, 2005, #1(2), 119-130, (in English). "Historic-comparative method of Russian sociological school", // in: Vestnik SPbSU, ser.6, 2005, v. 2, 69-80, (in Russian). “Anatolyi Andrianovich Galaktionov”, // in: Russian Sociology: Historico-sociological studies, Vol. 3, St-Petersburg: Asterion, 2006, 223-229, (in Russian). “European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy: interests, goals and activities”, // “Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology”, 2006 #2, 30-32, (in Russian). “Some features of G. V. Plekhanov’s approach to the history of Russian sociological thought”, // in: Russian Sociology: History and Current Problems, St-Petersburg, 2007, 60-76, (in Russian). “New advent of critical realism or on the present situation of antipositivist movement in social sciences”, // in: Problems of theoretical sociology, vol. 6, St-Petersburg, 2007, 174-206, (in Russian). “Critics of Economic Sociology”, // in: Political sociology: theoretical and applied problems, St-Petersburg, 2007, 130-147, (in Russian). “A note on entrepreneurial trust in the Saint-Petersburg region of contemporary Russia” // International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB) Volume 6 - Issue 1 – 2008, 94 – 102, [with Y. V. Veselov, E. V. Kapustkina], (in English). “Leningrad school of historians of Russian sociology (1950-1980s)”; (with A. O. Boronoev), // in: Sociology in Leningrad-St.Petersburg at the second half of XX century, St.Petersburg, 2008, 6-41, (in Russian). “Re-reading Deni Diderot's manuscript about education”. (with Peaucelle Irina) // Social Problems, #3, 2008, 103-112, (in Russian). “The problem of justice in the historical retrospective”, // Social Problems, #1-2, 2009, 37-68, (in Russian). “The qualitative determination of economy: an ontological overture to the dispute of economists on method”, // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, vol.XV, # 1, 2012, 123-139, (in Russian). “If you love Russia… (On 90th anniversary of A.A. Galaktionov)”, // Vestnik RCHA, 2013. Vol 14. Issue 1, 140-149, (in Russian). “Crisis of intellectual basis of capitalism”, (with S.Y. Sergeev) // Izvestia SPbSAU, 2013. № 31, 241-246, (in Russian). “The Puzzling Sociology of Money for the 21st Century”, // Journal of Economic Sociology, 2013, 1 (1), 41-65, (in English). “Creative path of P. F. Nikandrov (To 90th Anniversary)”, // Vestnik RCHA, 2014. Vol 15. Issue 3, 94-106, (in Russian). “Phenomenon of sport in the discourse of economic sociology”, (with R.V. Karapetyan) // Vestnik SPbSU, ser.12, 2015, v. 1, 128-134, (in Russian). “Economic inequality and political struggle: sources of new challenges to Russia”, // in: Development of modern Russia: problems of reproduction and creation, Moscow: Financial University, 2015, (in Russian). “Dialectical contradiction of historical patterns reducing the rate of profit under capitalism”, // in: Actual problems of development of Russia and social philosophy, St-Petersburg: Politechnical University, 2015, 66-78, (in Russian). Corporate Governance: Mechanisms for Control and Alignment of Interests of Participants of Corporate Relations in the Transitive Economy, (with Tarando E. E., Borisov A. F., Chelenkova I. Y., Pruel N. A.) // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. August 2015. Vol 6, No 4, S4, 118-129, (in English). Sociologist number one: To the 140th anniversary of N. N. Andreev // Journal of sociology and social anthropology, №3, 2016, 32-49 (in Russian). Sport and health in lifestyles at St. Petersburg // Social research, No. 4, 2016, 1-16 (in Russian). Sports priorities of the residents of Saint-Petersburg: materials of sociological research // Theory and practice of physical culture, No. 4, 2017, 6-9. (with Tarando E. E., Lebedintseva L. A., Karapetyan R. V., Nikiforova O. A.) (in Russian). Analysis of intercultural communication of youth on the example of Russian and American Internet users, // Concept: philosophy, religion, culture. No. 1 (1), 2017, 154-159. (with Akinina R. D., Ivanova A. O., Hannolainen D. A., Gonashvili A. S.) (in Russian). An analytical model of the study shoemaking crafts in Saint-Petersburg and Mumbai // Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Sociology. 2017. T. 10. Vol. 1. 23-37. (with Veselov Y. V., Karapetyan R. V., Bhosale B. V., Khanderao H. P.) (in Russian). Motives of student youth participation in game models of the UN // Bulletin of the Moscow international higher school of business (MIRBIS). 2018. No. 1 (13). P. 85-90. (with Starovoitova S. S., Gonashvili A. S., Ivanova A. O., Akinina R. D.) (in Russian). The attitude of St. Petersburg residents to doping in sports: materials of sociological research, / / Theory and practice of physical culture, № 6, 2018, SS. 90-91. (with Tewari S., Gonashvili A. S.) (in English). Hand craft in the post-industrial world: comparative study of shoemaking in Russian and Indian cities. Monitoring of Public Opinion:Economic and Social Changes. 2018, No. 4. P. 410—423. (with Veselov Yu.V., Karapetyan R.V.) (in Russian). The attitude of Russians to the use of doping by athletes and to the organization of doping control (based on a sociological survey in St. Petersburg). // Fan-Sportga: ilmiy-Nazariy journal, 2018, No. 4, SS. 56-62. (with A. S. Gonashvili.) (in Russian). Research papers - "Theory of N. Danilevsky: Economy and Cultural-Historical Types", (in Russian). 16-18 April 1992, Conference: Traditions of Russian Sociology, St-Petersburg, Russia. "Some aspects of Kareev's methodology", (in Russian). 24-25 February 1994, Conference: Synthesis of history and sociology by N. Kareev, St-Petersburg, Russia. "Kovalevsky: sociological analysis of blood revenge", (in Russian). 8-9 December 1994, Conference: Kovalevsky in history of Russian social thought, St-Petersburg, Russia. "Historical and social roots of utilitarianism in Russia", (in Russian). 23-24 May 1996, Conference: Sociology of knowledge: problems and prospects. St-Petersburg, Russia. "The past and the present of sociology in Russia", (in English). 22 September 1997, Roundtable at College of Liberal Arts, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. "Leo Tolstoy vs August Comte", (in Russian). 16 January 1998, Conference: A. Comte and modern sociology, St-Petersburg, Russia. "Bureaucratization of Russian Market Reforms", (in English). 14 March 1999, Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society and Economic Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. "Historical Institutions and Contemporary Problems in Transition Economies"; (in English). 23 April 1999, Annual Conference of the Western Social Science Association, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. "Institutionalization of Mutual Responsibility without Market Regulations"; (in English). 9 July 1999, Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International, San Diego, California, USA. "Institutional vision of economic development", (in Russian). 29 September 2000, First Russian Sociological Congress: Society and sociology: new realities and new ideas, St-Petersburg, Russia. "Kovalevsky about tribal system", (in Russian). 10 September 2001, Conference on 150th anniversary of M. M. Kovalevsky, St-Petersburg, Russia. "Anthropology of Kovalevsky", (in Russian). 21 September 2001, Conference: M. M. Kovalevsky and Russian Social Thought, St-Petersburg, Russia. "Sociological aspects of Kondratiev's theory", (in Russian). 22 March 2002, Annual Kondratiev's Conference, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Economic Imperatives of Creating New Russian Citizenship”; (in English). ISA World Congress, July 8-13 2002, Brisbane, Australia. "Changing Trust in Modern Russian Society: Social and Economic Roots of the Problem", (in English). 16 December 2002, Conference and Workshop: Trust: Theoretical Approaches and Perspectives of Analysis, St-Petersburg, Russia. "Politico-economic meaning of globalization", (in Russian). 30 January 2003, Annual conference: Globalizm and globalistics, St-Petersburg, Russia. "Morals and Markets: The Problem of Trust in Modern Russia", (in English). 28 February 2003, Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, USA, [with E. Kapoustkina, V. Veselov]. "Marxism and Sociology at the XXIst century", (in Russian). 19 May 2003, Monthly Sociological Seminar at St-Petersburg State University, St-Petersburg, Russia. “A turn to Marxism in Petrograd-Leningrad University. Studies in institutional history of socio-economic thought”; (in English). 8 November 2003, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference: Economy, History and Development, Maastricht, The Netherlands. "Economic circumstances of creating new Russian citizenship", (in English). 2 June 2004, International Scientific Conference: Security and National Development, Daugavpils, Latvia. "The evolution of serf labor in metal industry during the XVIII-XIX centuries: the case of Ural region in Russia", (in English). 30 October 2004, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference: Economy, History and Development, Rethymno, Greece. "Democracy and economic interests of Russian power: the problem of compatibility", (in Russian). 12 November 2004, Conference: Russian society and power: problems of interaction, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Prohibition of private transactions and its social circumstances: one institutional process in the soviet economy”, (in English). 12 November 2005, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference: A New Deal for the New Economy? Global and Local Developments, and New Institutional Arrangements, Bremen, Germany. “An impact of surplus value theory on the concept of justice: statement of an issue”, (in Russian). 17 November 2005, Conference: Economy and Society: problem of social justice, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Materialist approach in home historic-sociological researches of Russia: evolution and prospects”, (in Russian). 17 March 2006, Second Readings on history of Russian sociology: Transforming Russian society in historic-sociological outlook, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Image of homo laborantis in social sciences”, (in English). 30 June 2006, First Symposium of European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, St-Petersburg, Russia [with Melnik D.]. “Apropos of critical realism in modern sociology”, (in Russian). 17 November 2006, First Kovalevsky Readings: Sociological epistemology and methodology at the XXI century, St-Petersburg, Russia. “The pros and cons of socialist justice. Lessons from controversy within the Soviet Marxism”, (in English). 3 November 2006, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference: Developing Economies; Multiple Trajectories, Multiple Developments, Istanbul, Turkey. "Concept of Capitalism in Economic Sociology", (in Russian). 27 March 2008, Sociological Seminar of Economic Sociology Department at St-Petersburg State University, St-Petersburg, Russia. “On American Capitalism”, (in Russian). 13 November 2008, Third Kovalevsky Readings, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Discussions about development of capitalism in Russia: 100 years later”. (in Russian). 12 November 2009, Fourth Kovalevsky Readings, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Transformations in social ontology”, (in Russian). 12 November 2010, Fifth Kovalevsky Readings, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Capitalism, monetary mentality and Russian sport”, (in Russian). 11 November 2011, Sixth Kovalevsky Readings, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Social enforcement in nourishment”, (in Russian). 16 November 2012, Seventh Kovalevsky Readings, St-Petersburg, Russia. “The magic of performativity: analyzing historical Russian discourses of capitalism”, (in English). January 31, 2013, YFI-forum at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. “Bourgeois leisure and “sportsmen” of capitalism”, (in Russian). Mai 31, 2013, Interdisciplinary SPAS seminar, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Sociological ideas of F. Prokopovich and ideology of Peter’s I reforms”, (in Russian). Mai 31, 2013, Conference “Church, State and Society in history of Russian thought”, St-Petersburg, Russia. “The endless knot of human-social evolution: ethics and/or genetics”, (in English). 17-18 October, 2013, 2nd Congress of Ukrainian Sociological Association, Kharkov, Ukraine, [with G. Sandstorm]. “Ecological dead ends of capitalism”, (in Russian). 16 November 2013, Eighth Kovalevsky Readings, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Concept of socialism in Russian sociology”, (in Russian).17 January 2014, Conference in honour of V.Elmeev “Sociology and socialism: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, St-Petersburg, Russia. “New Frontiers of sociology of money”, (in Russian).4 March, 2014 International Scientific Conference "Modern problems of the global economy: the triumph of the ideas of liberalism to the new" old "economic science", Moscow, Russia. “Realization of copyright in Russia from the point of applied sociological analysis: problems and peculiarities”, (in English). 21 April 2014, 6th International Scientific Conference “Applied Sciences and technologies in the United States and Europe: common challenges and scientific findings”, New York, USA. (with Tarando E. E., Rubtsova M. V., Nikiforova O. A.) “Lenin’s principle of partisanship and Science”, (in Russian).April 22, 2014, VIII Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "V. Lenin in the modern world ", Sestroretzk, Russia. "Sociology of property as a new direction in sociological science", (in Russian). 27 August 2014, XXIV international conference devoted to the problems of social sciences, Moscow, Russia. (with Tarando E. E., Pruel N.A., Malinina T.B.) "Social relations of contemporary professional sport", (in Russian). 16 November 2014, Ninth Kovalevsky Readings, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Some notes on the sociological views of L.I. Petrazhitsky”, (in Russian). December 12, 2014, Fourth Kareev’s Readings: History and Theory of Sociology, St-Petersburg, Russia. “Regularities of population’s reproduction at Russia and China in the early twenty-first century: contradictory identity of demographic and economic processes”, (in Russian). 23 October 2015, XIII Russian-Chinese sociological conference "Demographic changes and family policy in Russia and China", St. Petersburg, Russia. “Social structure of sport and overcoming the inequality of leisure practices in modern Russia”, (in Russian). 28 October 2015, VII International Scientific Congress "Sport, People and Health", St. Petersburg, Russia. (with Gonashvili A.) "Dialectics of crisis and problems of Russia" (in Russian). 14 November 2015, Tenth Kovalevsky Readings, St-Petersburg, Russia. “The contradictions of social practices of modern sport: the experience of sociological analysis”, (in Russian). December 3-5, 2015, All-Russian scientific-practical conference devoted to the 90th anniversary of the magazine "Theory and practice of physical culture" "Sports science: state and development prospects", Moscow, Russia. “Scientific credo of Paul A. Baran”, (in Russian). December 18, 2015, Fifth Kareev’s Readings: History and Theory of Sociology, St-Petersburg, Russia. Lenin’s polemics with Andreev, (in Russian).April 22, 2016, X Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "V. Lenin in the modern world ", Sestroretzk, Russia. Sport and Physical Activities in Life-Styles of Russian Students, (in English), June 8-12, 2016, 51st World Congress of Sociology of Sport “Sports, Global Development, and Social Change”, Budapest, Hungary (with Gonashvili A. S.). Declared and Latent Truth: To the Problem of Measuring Socialist Trends Within the Soviet Economy, (in English), July 26-28 2017, 4th SEM Annual Conference, The Society for Economic Measurement, Samberg Conference Center, MIT, Boston, Massachussets, USA (with Mohamed El-Hodiri). Capitalism after Socialism: the Dazzle Camouflage of Russian Economic Performativity, August 25, 2017, Russian-Chinese Sociological Seminar “Social Transition and Social Changes in Contemporary Russia and China”, St-Petersburg, Russia. Shoe-making practices in urban space of St-Petersburg and Mumbai: comparative study of craft labour. October 21, 2017, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference: The role of the State in Economic Development State Capacity, State Autonomy and Economic Development, Budapest, Hungary (with Bhosale Balkrishna, Khanderao Prasenjeet, Veselov Yury, Karapetyan Ruben). New frontiers of the sociology of sport. October 26, 2017, City sociology workshop, SPSU, Saint Petersburg. Physical culture, sport lifestyle and socialization of personality in modern Russia. November 9, 2017, all-Russian scientific-practical conference "Physical culture and sport in the education system of Russia: innovations and perspectives", Saint Petersburg. Three Russian revolutions in the fate and views of Nikolai Andreev. November 11, 2017, all-Russian scientific conference XI Kovalevsky readings "Global social transformations of XX – beginning of XXI century (the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution)", Saint-Petersburg. Sport in the Megacity: an example of St-Petersburg, Russia. November 30, 2017. The Inauguration BRICS Conference of Exercise and Sports Science (BRICSCESS 2017) "Sports Mega Events and Health Promotion: Policies and Legacies in Exercise and Sports Science", Santos, Brazil. Russian perceptions of doping-scandal: examining sociological data, June 5-8, 2018, 53st World Congress of Sociology of Sport «Sports Organizations and Organizing Sports: Critical Reflections». Lausanne, Switzerland. Sociology and Power: Analyzing the Destiny of Nikolay Andreev, Who Bridges Pre-Revolutionary and Soviet Traditions, July 15-21, 2018, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology “Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses, and Responsibilities”, Toronto, Canada. Russian World Cup-2018 and Corporate Power, July 15-21, 2018, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology “Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses, and Responsibilities”, Toronto, Canada. Designing Sport Sociology of BRICS: Ad-hoc testing on doping perceptions, December 27-29 2018, Indian Sociological Society - 44th All India Sociological Conference on «Reconstructing Sociological Discourse in India: Perspective from the Margins», Mysuru, Karnataka, India. Russian perceptions of doping-scandal: examining sociological data, June 5-8, 2018, 53st World Congress of Sociology of Sport «Sports Organizations and Organizing Sports: Critical Reflections». Lausanne, Switzerland. Sociology and Power: Analyzing the Destiny of Nikolay Andreev, Who Bridges Pre-Revolutionary and Soviet Traditions, July 15-21, 2018, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology “Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses, and Responsibilities”, Toronto, Canada. Russian World Cup-2018 and Corporate Power, July 15-21, 2018, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology “Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses, and Responsibilities”, Toronto, Canada. Designing Sport Sociology of BRICS: Ad-hoc testing on doping perceptions, December 27-29 2018, Indian Sociological Society - 44th All India Sociological Conference on «Reconstructing Sociological Discourse in India: Perspective from the Margins», Mysuru, Karnataka, India. Public Insight of Sport Mega-Events: the 2018 FIFA World Cup. June 3-6 2019, 16th European Association for the Sociology of Sport Conference “Sports and the Environment – Policies, Values and Sustainability”, Bo, Norway. (with Gonashvili A., Tavrovskiy A.). 公众视野下的大型体育赛事影响力研究 - 基于南京居民对大型体育赛事态度的问卷调查分析. 论文摘要汇编: 体育发展的科技力量, 第十一届全国体育科学大会, 2019年11月 1-3日 中国·南京 (Study on the influence of large-scale sports events in public view. Abstracts: Scientific and Technological Strengths in Sport Development, The 11th National Convention on Sport Science of China, Nov.1-3, 2019 Nanjing, China), pp. 4166-4168. (with 方丛蕙, 葛见珠,明华). Reviews – "Sisyphuses in sociology: on M. Water's book", [Waters M. Modern sociological theory. London: Sage Publication. 1994], // Rubezh, # 10-11, 1997, 16-22, (in Russian). “Recent Russian heterodox economic literature”, [Zdravomyslov A. Yadov V. Man and his work in the USSR and after. 2nd edition. Moscow: Aspect Press. 2003; L’vov D. Return rent to people. 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Palgrave Macmillan. — 396 p. // Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, 2019, 22(1): 225–241. Translations - Waters M. "Conclusion: the past and the future of sociological theory", in Modern sociological theory. London: Sage Publication. 1994, 344-354, - translated in Russian at "Rubezh", 1997 # 10-11, 5-15. Brenninkmeijer O. "Conflict prevention and the OSCE high commissioner on national minorities: What are inter-ethnic disputes? Can their degeneration into violence be averted?", draft paper for presentation at the XVIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association, 17-21 August 1997, Seoul, Korea, - translated in Russian at "Mirovaya Ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya", 2000 # 3, 38-46. Antonio R. “After Postmodernism: Reactionary Tribalism”, American Journal of Sociology, 106, June 2000, , – translated with A. Tavrovsky in Russian at “Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology”, 2004 # 4, 32-62. Dannreuther Ch. “Collective Memory and the Centralisation of the British State”, draft paper for presentation at the EAEPE Conference, 28-31 October 2004, Rethymno, Greece, - translated with A. Tavrovsky in Russian at “Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology”, 2006 #2, 343-58. Finch J. “Three narratives on industrial markets as networks and as social systems”, draft paper for presentation at the EAEPE Conference, 28-31 October 2004, Rethymno, Greece, - translated in Russian at «Social Problems», 2008 № 4, 95-116. Sandstrom, Gregory «Growth, Development and Change: A Post-Neo-Classical Approach to Evolutionary and Institutional Economics», - translated with P. I. Litvinova in Russian at “Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Thought: disputes, methods and applications”. // eds. А. Y. Аrkhipova, S. G. Kirdina, E. M. Martyshina. St-Petersburg: Аleteya, 2012, pp. 101-117 1 1