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こえのブログでのPWA ~ PWA編 ~ / PWA Night Vol.4

こえのブログでのPWA ~ PWA編 ~ / PWA Night Vol.4

PWA Night vol.4 ~PWAのミライや活用方法をみんなで考えよう~の資料です。

Kazunari Hara

May 15, 2019

More Decks by Kazunari Hara

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  1. Method Path TTL Surrogate Key GET / max-age=2592000 web, web/release

    GET /src/components/voice-app.js max-age=2592000 web, web/release GET /assets/audios/stadard/$USER _ID/$ENTRY_ID.mp3 max-age=2592000 api, entry/$ENTRY_ID, blogger/$USER_ID GET /api/entries/$USER_ID/$ENTR Y_ID/ max-age=2592000 api, entry/$ENTRY_ID, blogger/$USER_ID GET /api/playcounts/$USER_ID/$EN TRY_ID/ max-age=30, stale-while-revali date=120 api, entry/$ENTRY_ID, blogger/$USER_ID
  2. # Surrogate Keyを操作 sub vcl_fetch { declare local var.SurrogateKey STRING;

    If (req.http.x-url ~ "/audios/standard/([a-z0-9-]{3,24})/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)") { set var.SurrogateKey = var.SurrogateKey + " blogger/" + re.group.1 + " entry/" + re.group.2 + " audio/" + re.group.2; // e.g. "blogger/abcde", "entry/12345" } set beresp.http.Surrogate-Key = var.SurrogateKey; }
  3. # ブラウザに配信するHTTPレスポンスヘッダーを追加 sub vcl_deliver { add resp.http.Server-Timing = fastly_info.state {",

    fastly;desc="Edge time";dur="} time.elapsed.msec; set resp.http.Referrer-Policy = "origin-when-cross-origin"; set resp.http.X-Content-Type-Options = "nosniff"; add resp.http.Content-Security-Policy = "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'..." }
  4. class VoiceMic extends LitElement { _handleMicClick() { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mic-click')); }

    render() { const { disabled, recording } = this; const buttonLabel = recording ? '停止' : '開始'; return html` <style></style> <button aria-label=${buttonLabel} aria-live="assertive" ?disabled=${disabled} type="button" @click=${this._handleMicClick} ></button> `; } } customElements.define('voice-mic', VoiceMic);
  5. class VoiceMic extends LitElement { _handleMicClick() { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mic-click')); }

    render() { const { disabled, recording } = this; const buttonLabel = recording ? '停止' : '開始'; return html` <style></style> <button aria-label=${buttonLabel} aria-live="assertive" ?disabled=${disabled} type="button" @click=${this._handleMicClick} ></button> `; } } customElements.define('voice-mic', VoiceMic);
  6. class VoiceMic extends LitElement { _handleMicClick() { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mic-click')); }

    render() { const { disabled, recording } = this; const buttonLabel = recording ? '停止' : '開始'; return html` <style></style> <button aria-label=${buttonLabel} aria-live="assertive" ?disabled=${disabled} type="button" @click=${this._handleMicClick} ></button> `; } } customElements.define('voice-mic', VoiceMic);
  7. class VoiceMic extends LitElement { _handleMicClick() { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mic-click')); }

    render() { const { disabled, recording } = this; const buttonLabel = recording ? '停止' : '開始'; return html` <style></style> <button aria-label=${buttonLabel} aria-live="assertive" ?disabled=${disabled} type="button" @click=${this._handleMicClick} ></button> `; } } customElements.define('voice-mic', VoiceMic);
  8. class VoiceMic extends LitElement { _handleMicClick() { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mic-click')); }

    render() { const { disabled, recording } = this; const buttonLabel = recording ? '停止' : '開始'; return html` <style></style> <button aria-label=${buttonLabel} aria-live="assertive" ?disabled=${disabled} type="button" @click=${this._handleMicClick} ></button> `; } } customElements.define('voice-mic', VoiceMic);
  9. function watchOffline(callback) { window.addEventListener( ’online’, () => callback(false), ); window.addEventListener(

    ‘offline’, () => callback(true), ); callback( navigator.onLine === false ); }
  10. { "short_name": "こえ", "name": "こえのブログ by Ameba", "description": "「こえのブログ」は、...", "lang":

    "ja-JP", "icons": [], "background_color": "#fff", "theme_color": "#fff", "start_url": "/?source=homescreen", "scope": "/", "display": "standalone" } manifest.json
  11. @media screen and (min-width: 1025px) { :root { --app-header-height: 60px;

    --app-page-background-color: var(--clr-whitesmoke); --app-drawer-width: 400px; ... } }
  12. function watchNetwork (callback) { const connection = navigator.connection; if (connection)

    { callback(connection); connection.addEventListener( 'change', () => callback(connection) ); } } watchNetwork(({ effectiveType } => { if (effectiveType.includes('2g')) { // Display notification } });
  13. class LazyloadImage extends LitElement { firstUpdated() { If ('loading' in

    HTMLImageElement.prototype) { this.shadowRoot.querySelector(‘img’).src = this.src; } else { // Use Intersection Observer } } render() { return html` <img alt=${alt} data-src=${src} loading="lazy" height=${height} srcset=${srcset} width=${width} /> `; } }
  14. 端末のマイクに アクセス navigator.mediaDevices .getUserMedia({ audio: { autoGainControl: false, channelCount: 1,

    echoCancellation: true, noiseSuppression: true, }, }) .then((stream) => { // use the stream }) .catch((err) => { // NotAllowedError or // NotFoundError });
  15. 録音した音声を操作 with Blob (Binary Large OBject) // Save to IndexedDB

    const transaction = db.transaction( ['voice'], 'readwrite'); const objectStore = transaction.objectStore('voice'); const objectStoreRequest = objectStore.put({ audio: blob }); // Create URL to play audio URL.createObjectURL(blob); blob:https://voice.ameba.jp/76ee6fef-c126-4 f83-8a46-8fb00db57808
  16. <input type="file" accept="image/jpeg" /> function onFileChange(event) { const el =

    event.target; if (el.files && el.files[0]) { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = e => { const buffer = e.target.result; const type = el.files[0].type; const blob = new Blob([buffer], { type }); const fileName = el.files[0].name; }; } } 端末画像を読み込み with File API
  17. window.loadImage( blob, canvas = > canvas.toBlob( resizedBlob => { //

    Display resized image } ), { canvas: true, maxHeight: 1024px, maxWidth: 1024px, }, ); アップロード前に リサイズ