The following is an interview with Australian-based Buddhist scholar Vello Vaartnou. It details a... more The following is an interview with Australian-based Buddhist scholar Vello Vaartnou. It details an exciting project he has been working on since 2012 to develop the Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia, an online Wikipedia-style production which seeks to collect and curate knowledge about Buddhism. The emphasis is on Chinese Buddhism, as the name suggests, but the the Encyclopedia sets out to provide a repository of knowledge about Buddhism generally. It therefore promises to be of interest to Buddhists, regardless of tradition. The interview has been reproduced with permission.
PNC 2019 annua conference Digital Humanities ECAI Workshop, 2019
The author, Vello Vaartnou: 'On Buddhist thangkas are represented symbols which are needed for a ... more The author, Vello Vaartnou: 'On Buddhist thangkas are represented symbols which are needed for a ritual of a specific deity. Originally thangkas were meant to pass on terms, symbols and ideas as it was easier to read from picture and because not all people were able to read. Dealing with Buddhism and texts, I saw immediately the relationship between texts and thangkas, it means that texts are based on visuality, and the same principle applies to thangkas as well. It means that all vital processes in a practice, except philosophy and logic, are described visually. Most of the terminology is based on visualisation therefore visual expression is very important in Tibetan art. In meditation, on a more complicated level, everything is based on virtualisation. First time I became involved in thangka painting 40 years ago in Ivolga monastery. Under my supervision were made first thangkas in Estonia, and later I have created them from time to time. My paper discuss about Buddhist thangkas and their connection to psychology.
2019 PNC Annual Conference and Joint Meetings ECAI Workshop, 2019
This paper introduces how Vello Vaartnou, a Buddhist leader from Estonia, came up with a proposal... more This paper introduces how Vello Vaartnou, a Buddhist leader from Estonia, came up with a proposal to create the Estonian National Independence Party, the first opposition party against the communist power in the history of the Soviet Union, which acted as a catalyst for the disintegration of the Soviet empire and spoiled communists perestroika plans to maintain the empire.
Estonian Nyingma unites people interested in the teachings of the Nyingma School and was founded ... more Estonian Nyingma unites people interested in the teachings of the Nyingma School and was founded by Vello Vaartnou in 1982 in Estonia. During its existence, Estonian Nyingma has built stupas, temples, prayer wheels; created hundreds of original thangkas and Buddhist art; translated and distributed texts and books on Buddhism.Today Estonian Nyingma projects include several educational databases and informative sources on Buddhism - two online Buddhist encyclopedias, innovative academic Buddhist conferences, an online Australian Buddhist History etc.
This work casts a brief glance at the activities of Vello Vaartnou, the Nyingmapa Buddhist, who h... more This work casts a brief glance at the activities of Vello Vaartnou, the Nyingmapa Buddhist, who has been active in culture, science, Buddhism, art, architecture, politics and social life for decades. Keywords: Vello Vaartnou; Nyingma; Estonia; Buddhism; Thangkas; Buddhist Brotherhood; Tallinn; Estonian National Independent Party; Stupas; KGB; Buryatia; Temple; Ivolga; Hambo Lama Zhimba Erdineev; Hambo Lama Munko Tsybikov; International Conferences; Sweden; University; Encyclopedia of Buddhism; Estonian Nyingma; Australia; Prayer wheels.
30. jaanuaril1988 toimus Moskvas presskonverents välisajakirjanikele, kus anti maailmale teada Ee... more 30. jaanuaril1988 toimus Moskvas presskonverents välisajakirjanikele, kus anti maailmale teada Eesti Rahvusliku Sõltumatuse Partei, esimese poliitilise opositsiooni partei loomisest Nõukogude Liidu ajaloos, mille eesmärgiks taastada vaba ja iseseisev Eesti. ERSP Ettepaneku ja esmase programmi autoriks oli Eesti Budistliku Vennaskonna juht Vello Väärtnõu, ning Ettepanekule oli alla kirjutanud 14 inimest. Siiani ei ole ERSP Ettepanekust, Moskva pressikonverentsist ning Väärtnõust kui ERSP autorist ja partei programmi koostajast mainitud ühtegi sõna Eesti uue aja ajalooõpikutes. Ka Väärtnõu ise ei ole siiani sõna võtnud sel teemal Eestis, kuid lääne pressis on ilmunud hulk intervjuusid ja artikleid seoses Väärtnõu budismialaste tegevuste ning ERSP algatusega. Käesolev artikkel uurib, kes on Vello Väärtnõu ja miks just tema tuli välja ettepanekuga luua ERSP? Kas Vello Väärtnõu tegevus sel alal oli hästi läbimõeldud või juhuslik? Miks eesti dissidendid, muinsuskaitselased ega ükski teine inimene terves Liidus ei tulnud mõttele nõuda iseseisvust, ja veel sellisel elegantsel viisil? Mis on saanud ERSPst, mida arvavad asjaosalised ning kuidas mõjutas ERSP loomise ettepanek Eestit ning Nõukogude Liitu? Ja kõige olulisem küsmus - Kuidas on eesti riik tunnustanud ERSP idee autorit Vello Väärtnõud ja neid 14 inimest, kes julgesid alla kirjutada sügaval sotsialismi ajal ERSP ettepanekule ? Eessõna kirjutas artkiklile Vello Väärtnöu, kes andis ka intervjuu ERSP alguse ning tegevuse kohta.
PNC Annual Conference Does Data Construct Reality, 2016
The highest development period for Buryatian Buddhism was from the second half of the 19th centur... more The highest development period for Buryatian Buddhism was from the second half of the 19th century until the 1930s. By the end of the 19th century, Transbaikalia Buddhism which had been a part of the TibetanMongolian Buddhist world since the 17th century, experienced very different conditions compared to other Tibetan Buddhist countries. The development of capitalist relations in Russia influenced also the government policy towards its national minorities, and the period itself demanded strong and extraordinary personalities to advance ahead including those from within the religious circles. My presentation starts from Kumbum and continues via Buryatia to contemporary St-Petersburg; includes Lubsan Sandam Tsydenov and his unusual views and principles; Ilja Dandaron and Vladimir Montlevitsh.
Firstly introduced at Berkeley University at PNC 2012 conference: „Information Technology Connec... more Firstly introduced at Berkeley University at PNC 2012 conference: „Information Technology Connecting Culture, Community, Time, and Place” 7-9.12. 2012
The following is an interview with Australian-based Buddhist scholar Vello Vaartnou. It details a... more The following is an interview with Australian-based Buddhist scholar Vello Vaartnou. It details an exciting project he has been working on since 2012 to develop the Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia, an online Wikipedia-style production which seeks to collect and curate knowledge about Buddhism. The emphasis is on Chinese Buddhism, as the name suggests, but the the Encyclopedia sets out to provide a repository of knowledge about Buddhism generally. It therefore promises to be of interest to Buddhists, regardless of tradition. The interview has been reproduced with permission.
PNC 2019 annua conference Digital Humanities ECAI Workshop, 2019
The author, Vello Vaartnou: 'On Buddhist thangkas are represented symbols which are needed for a ... more The author, Vello Vaartnou: 'On Buddhist thangkas are represented symbols which are needed for a ritual of a specific deity. Originally thangkas were meant to pass on terms, symbols and ideas as it was easier to read from picture and because not all people were able to read. Dealing with Buddhism and texts, I saw immediately the relationship between texts and thangkas, it means that texts are based on visuality, and the same principle applies to thangkas as well. It means that all vital processes in a practice, except philosophy and logic, are described visually. Most of the terminology is based on visualisation therefore visual expression is very important in Tibetan art. In meditation, on a more complicated level, everything is based on virtualisation. First time I became involved in thangka painting 40 years ago in Ivolga monastery. Under my supervision were made first thangkas in Estonia, and later I have created them from time to time. My paper discuss about Buddhist thangkas and their connection to psychology.
2019 PNC Annual Conference and Joint Meetings ECAI Workshop, 2019
This paper introduces how Vello Vaartnou, a Buddhist leader from Estonia, came up with a proposal... more This paper introduces how Vello Vaartnou, a Buddhist leader from Estonia, came up with a proposal to create the Estonian National Independence Party, the first opposition party against the communist power in the history of the Soviet Union, which acted as a catalyst for the disintegration of the Soviet empire and spoiled communists perestroika plans to maintain the empire.
Estonian Nyingma unites people interested in the teachings of the Nyingma School and was founded ... more Estonian Nyingma unites people interested in the teachings of the Nyingma School and was founded by Vello Vaartnou in 1982 in Estonia. During its existence, Estonian Nyingma has built stupas, temples, prayer wheels; created hundreds of original thangkas and Buddhist art; translated and distributed texts and books on Buddhism.Today Estonian Nyingma projects include several educational databases and informative sources on Buddhism - two online Buddhist encyclopedias, innovative academic Buddhist conferences, an online Australian Buddhist History etc.
This work casts a brief glance at the activities of Vello Vaartnou, the Nyingmapa Buddhist, who h... more This work casts a brief glance at the activities of Vello Vaartnou, the Nyingmapa Buddhist, who has been active in culture, science, Buddhism, art, architecture, politics and social life for decades. Keywords: Vello Vaartnou; Nyingma; Estonia; Buddhism; Thangkas; Buddhist Brotherhood; Tallinn; Estonian National Independent Party; Stupas; KGB; Buryatia; Temple; Ivolga; Hambo Lama Zhimba Erdineev; Hambo Lama Munko Tsybikov; International Conferences; Sweden; University; Encyclopedia of Buddhism; Estonian Nyingma; Australia; Prayer wheels.
30. jaanuaril1988 toimus Moskvas presskonverents välisajakirjanikele, kus anti maailmale teada Ee... more 30. jaanuaril1988 toimus Moskvas presskonverents välisajakirjanikele, kus anti maailmale teada Eesti Rahvusliku Sõltumatuse Partei, esimese poliitilise opositsiooni partei loomisest Nõukogude Liidu ajaloos, mille eesmärgiks taastada vaba ja iseseisev Eesti. ERSP Ettepaneku ja esmase programmi autoriks oli Eesti Budistliku Vennaskonna juht Vello Väärtnõu, ning Ettepanekule oli alla kirjutanud 14 inimest. Siiani ei ole ERSP Ettepanekust, Moskva pressikonverentsist ning Väärtnõust kui ERSP autorist ja partei programmi koostajast mainitud ühtegi sõna Eesti uue aja ajalooõpikutes. Ka Väärtnõu ise ei ole siiani sõna võtnud sel teemal Eestis, kuid lääne pressis on ilmunud hulk intervjuusid ja artikleid seoses Väärtnõu budismialaste tegevuste ning ERSP algatusega. Käesolev artikkel uurib, kes on Vello Väärtnõu ja miks just tema tuli välja ettepanekuga luua ERSP? Kas Vello Väärtnõu tegevus sel alal oli hästi läbimõeldud või juhuslik? Miks eesti dissidendid, muinsuskaitselased ega ükski teine inimene terves Liidus ei tulnud mõttele nõuda iseseisvust, ja veel sellisel elegantsel viisil? Mis on saanud ERSPst, mida arvavad asjaosalised ning kuidas mõjutas ERSP loomise ettepanek Eestit ning Nõukogude Liitu? Ja kõige olulisem küsmus - Kuidas on eesti riik tunnustanud ERSP idee autorit Vello Väärtnõud ja neid 14 inimest, kes julgesid alla kirjutada sügaval sotsialismi ajal ERSP ettepanekule ? Eessõna kirjutas artkiklile Vello Väärtnöu, kes andis ka intervjuu ERSP alguse ning tegevuse kohta.
PNC Annual Conference Does Data Construct Reality, 2016
The highest development period for Buryatian Buddhism was from the second half of the 19th centur... more The highest development period for Buryatian Buddhism was from the second half of the 19th century until the 1930s. By the end of the 19th century, Transbaikalia Buddhism which had been a part of the TibetanMongolian Buddhist world since the 17th century, experienced very different conditions compared to other Tibetan Buddhist countries. The development of capitalist relations in Russia influenced also the government policy towards its national minorities, and the period itself demanded strong and extraordinary personalities to advance ahead including those from within the religious circles. My presentation starts from Kumbum and continues via Buryatia to contemporary St-Petersburg; includes Lubsan Sandam Tsydenov and his unusual views and principles; Ilja Dandaron and Vladimir Montlevitsh.
Firstly introduced at Berkeley University at PNC 2012 conference: „Information Technology Connec... more Firstly introduced at Berkeley University at PNC 2012 conference: „Information Technology Connecting Culture, Community, Time, and Place” 7-9.12. 2012
Papers by Marju Broder
First time I became involved in thangka painting 40 years ago in Ivolga monastery. Under my supervision were made first thangkas in Estonia, and later I have created them from time to time. My paper discuss about Buddhist thangkas and their connection to psychology.
Keywords: Vello Vaartnou; Nyingma; Estonia; Buddhism; Thangkas; Buddhist Brotherhood; Tallinn; Estonian National Independent Party; Stupas; KGB; Buryatia; Temple; Ivolga; Hambo Lama Zhimba Erdineev; Hambo Lama Munko Tsybikov; International Conferences;
Sweden; University; Encyclopedia of Buddhism; Estonian Nyingma; Australia; Prayer wheels.
Conference Presentations by Marju Broder
Siiani ei ole ERSP Ettepanekust, Moskva pressikonverentsist ning Väärtnõust kui ERSP autorist ja partei programmi koostajast mainitud ühtegi sõna Eesti uue aja ajalooõpikutes. Ka Väärtnõu ise ei ole siiani sõna võtnud sel teemal Eestis, kuid lääne pressis on ilmunud hulk intervjuusid ja artikleid seoses Väärtnõu budismialaste tegevuste ning ERSP algatusega.
Käesolev artikkel uurib, kes on Vello Väärtnõu ja miks just tema tuli välja ettepanekuga luua ERSP? Kas Vello Väärtnõu tegevus sel alal oli hästi läbimõeldud või juhuslik? Miks eesti dissidendid, muinsuskaitselased ega ükski teine inimene terves Liidus ei tulnud mõttele nõuda iseseisvust, ja veel sellisel elegantsel viisil? Mis on saanud ERSPst, mida arvavad asjaosalised ning kuidas mõjutas ERSP loomise ettepanek Eestit ning Nõukogude Liitu? Ja kõige olulisem küsmus - Kuidas on eesti riik tunnustanud ERSP idee autorit Vello Väärtnõud ja neid 14 inimest, kes julgesid alla kirjutada sügaval sotsialismi ajal ERSP ettepanekule ?
Eessõna kirjutas artkiklile Vello Väärtnöu, kes andis ka intervjuu ERSP alguse ning tegevuse kohta.
The development of capitalist relations in Russia influenced also the government policy towards
its national minorities, and the period itself demanded strong and extraordinary personalities to
advance ahead including those from within the religious circles.
My presentation starts from Kumbum and continues via Buryatia to contemporary St-Petersburg; includes Lubsan Sandam Tsydenov and his unusual views and principles; Ilja Dandaron and Vladimir Montlevitsh.
Talks by Marju Broder
First time I became involved in thangka painting 40 years ago in Ivolga monastery. Under my supervision were made first thangkas in Estonia, and later I have created them from time to time. My paper discuss about Buddhist thangkas and their connection to psychology.
Keywords: Vello Vaartnou; Nyingma; Estonia; Buddhism; Thangkas; Buddhist Brotherhood; Tallinn; Estonian National Independent Party; Stupas; KGB; Buryatia; Temple; Ivolga; Hambo Lama Zhimba Erdineev; Hambo Lama Munko Tsybikov; International Conferences;
Sweden; University; Encyclopedia of Buddhism; Estonian Nyingma; Australia; Prayer wheels.
Siiani ei ole ERSP Ettepanekust, Moskva pressikonverentsist ning Väärtnõust kui ERSP autorist ja partei programmi koostajast mainitud ühtegi sõna Eesti uue aja ajalooõpikutes. Ka Väärtnõu ise ei ole siiani sõna võtnud sel teemal Eestis, kuid lääne pressis on ilmunud hulk intervjuusid ja artikleid seoses Väärtnõu budismialaste tegevuste ning ERSP algatusega.
Käesolev artikkel uurib, kes on Vello Väärtnõu ja miks just tema tuli välja ettepanekuga luua ERSP? Kas Vello Väärtnõu tegevus sel alal oli hästi läbimõeldud või juhuslik? Miks eesti dissidendid, muinsuskaitselased ega ükski teine inimene terves Liidus ei tulnud mõttele nõuda iseseisvust, ja veel sellisel elegantsel viisil? Mis on saanud ERSPst, mida arvavad asjaosalised ning kuidas mõjutas ERSP loomise ettepanek Eestit ning Nõukogude Liitu? Ja kõige olulisem küsmus - Kuidas on eesti riik tunnustanud ERSP idee autorit Vello Väärtnõud ja neid 14 inimest, kes julgesid alla kirjutada sügaval sotsialismi ajal ERSP ettepanekule ?
Eessõna kirjutas artkiklile Vello Väärtnöu, kes andis ka intervjuu ERSP alguse ning tegevuse kohta.
The development of capitalist relations in Russia influenced also the government policy towards
its national minorities, and the period itself demanded strong and extraordinary personalities to
advance ahead including those from within the religious circles.
My presentation starts from Kumbum and continues via Buryatia to contemporary St-Petersburg; includes Lubsan Sandam Tsydenov and his unusual views and principles; Ilja Dandaron and Vladimir Montlevitsh.